WinterbornChapter 3 free porn video

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I think I'll take a couple of days rest in Albuquerque, Dillon thought as he rode into the town. It was pushing two weeks since he left Amarillo; he, Buck, and Buddy the pack horse had covered a better than 20 miles a day. Dillon hadn't pushed the animals too hard; he wasn't in a hurry. About every third day, he'd ride Buddy and let Buck take it 'easy' carrying the pack saddle and gear.

One reason he had been able to make 20 miles a day, day after day, was that he'd followed the Santa Fe Trail most of the way from Amarillo. The Trail wasn't like a road but was easy going because of the number of wagons, settlers, and freighters that used it. Almost like the roads back in Richmond, Dillon thought with a smile. Where the Trail turned northwest to Santa Fe, he continued west.

Albuquerque isn't a small place, Dillon observed as he rode through the town; the sign on the outskirts said there were six thousand people living there. He found a livery stable on the west side and gave instructions that both horses be bathed, brushed, and fed a grain mash in addition to the sweet hay. They had ridden through some dusty alkaline areas and the horses hadn't really had a chance to take dust baths to clean themselves.

Dillon found a small boarding house nearby and arranged to stay for two nights. If the horses deserve to be pampered, so do I he thought. He'd checked in just in time for supper and joined the other guests after stowing his gear in his room. As he sat at the table looking around he hung his head, smiled and chuckled.

"Something amuse you Mr. Gallagher?" Mr. Jenkins, the owner of the house asked. He was curious about Dillon's smile.

"Just remembering the last boarding house I stayed at," Dillon replied still smiling. "I enjoyed that house very much."

"I hope our place can give you the same service."

Don't hardly think so, Dillon said to himself but responded, "I'm sure you will Mr. Jenkins." Turning to Mrs. Jenkins he said, "This is a fine meal, ma'am. Thank you." After supper, Dillon went to his room. In spite of not riding hard, two weeks on the trail had worn him down some.

The next morning after breakfast he decided to walk around the west side of Albuquerque and explore. He found a general mercantile and replenished some trail supplies and bought a pair of heavy whip cord work pants. Some his fancier clothes from Wichita Falls were showing some wear.

That evening he decided a visit to a saloon was in order. Although he didn't drink much, a beer or two sounded like a good idea. He had to smile when he walked into the saloon; it was doing a good business and a lot of the customers had the look of cowhands letting off steam. It was a familiar sight to Dillon.

He was standing at the end of the bar with his back to a wall; putting his back to the wall was a habit he'd developed when visiting the saloons as a deputy marshal. There was a cowboy standing to the side of Dillon looking at him intently. Dillon ignored the man's stare and continued drinking his beer and watching the big room.

"Ain't you Deputy Gallagher from over to Wichita Falls?" The cowhand asked with slurred speech that showed that he'd had more than enough to drink that night.

"I'm Gallagher, but I'm not a deputy anymore," Dillon replied without looking at the man.

"My name's Jake Summers. You arrested me and my two brothers one time."

For the first time Dillon turned and faced Summers. "Don't remember you; I arrested a lot of cowboys when they got out of hand. If I did arrest you, you needed to be arrested," Dillon said in a cold flat voice.

"Getting arrested put us on the wrong side of our range boss. He made our life hell all the way to Abilene he did. The high and mighty Mr. Carl Jones fired us when we got to the railhead," the man complained.

"I remember Mr. Jones. You must be one of those boys that gave Pastor Jennings a bad time." Dillon couldn't help but smile thinking about the incident and the aftermath.

"You ought not to have arrested us Deputy. We were just havin a little fun with the reverend," Summers whined. "Maybe it's payback time."

Dillon started to explain the difference between fun and bodily assault but decided it would be a waste of time. Summers' was drunk and angry; the facts weren't going to change his mind.

"You men were lucky to just go to jail; I almost shot all three of you that night. Don't push me too far Mister." Dillon stared at the man with cold dead looking eyes. He pulled the oilskin duster he wore back away from the pistol at his hip. "Walk away and let me be."

"You're gonna pay for that night," Summers shouted. He started to pull his gun. Before he could clear the holster Dillon drew his own pistol and shot; hitting him high in the shoulder.

The bar room became deathly quiet with everyone there staring at the man on the floor and the big man standing over him with a smoking pistol.

Dillon walked to Summers and picked up his pistol. Turning to the bartender and giving him the pistol he said, "Better have someone send for a doctor and the law."

The bartender ordered his swamper to fetch the doctor first and then find the marshal. "It was self defense Mister. That man," the bartender pointed toward the wounded Summers on the floor, "kept pushin you. He tried to kill you."

"Be obliged if you tell the marshal that when he gets here," Dillon said.

It was a few minutes before the doctor came into the saloon. Seeing the man on the floor he began to tend to his wound. After a few minutes he asked a couple of men to get Summers over to his office. The doctor stepped over to Dillon. "You the one that shot him?"

The bartender spoke up and said, "It was self defense Doc. That cowboy was yelling at this man and then pulled his gun."

"I'm Doctor Reynolds. Your .44 sure tore up his shoulder. He won't have use of that arm for a while, Mister... ?"

"Dillon Gallagher, Doctor. The .44 usually makes a mess of whatever it hits. But he got off lucky."

"How so Mr. Gallagher?"

"I missed my shot; I meant to hit him in the chest," Dillon answered with a grim smile.

"Well from my point of view, I'm glad you missed your intended target. If you'd hit him in the chest, we'd be calling the undertaker."

As the doctor finished speaking, a large man wearing a marshal's badge on his vest entered the saloon. Spotting Doctor Reynolds he came to join him.

"I heard there was a shooting here, Doc."

"There was. I had the wounded man taken to my office," the doctor said. "Marshal Taylor, this is Mr. Gallagher; he's the man that did the shooting."

The Marshal turned to Dillon and asked, "That right Mr. Gallagher?"

"Yes sir, that man's name is Summers and he tried to kill me. I got him instead."

Again the bartender stepped in. "It was self defense Marshal. That Summers feller kept pushin and proddin at Gallagher here. Then he started for his gun; he never cleared leather."

"Why'd he have it in for you Mr. Gallagher?"

"I arrested Summers and his two brothers while I was the deputy marshal for Tom Ryan in Wichita Falls," Dillon said. He told Marshal Taylor the story of the Summers' brothers and Pastor Jennings. "I thought I was doing them a favor keeping them out of jail; I guess he didn't see it the same way."

"You worked with Tom Ryan?"

"Yes sir, Tom and I are good friends," Dillon answered with a smile.

"You looking for work around here Mr. Gallagher?"

"No I'm not looking for a job. I'm on my way to Arizona."

Marshal Taylor looked at Dillon for ten seconds or so. "If you see or write to Tom, tell him Bill Taylor said hello please. Tom and I rode in the war together. Take care of yourself Gallagher and good luck on your journey."

Dillon nodded and left. As he walked back to the boarding house he thought about the events in the saloon trying to think if there was any way he could have avoid the fight. Short of letting Summers shoot me, I don't think I could have done anything different he decided. I'm getting too good at shooting people; it's not a talent I want to cultivate.

At daybreak Dillon packed his gear on Buddy and saddled Buck. Time to ride on he thought; before I have to shoot any more people.

The previous trek from Amarillo to Albuquerque hadn't been like a Sunday afternoon ride. It had been almost two weeks of riding from sunup to sun down. Possibly for someone, like Dillon, it was the isolation that was the most difficult part of the journey.

To make the trip easier and pass the time, Dillon fell back on a habit he'd picked up during the war; he talked to his horses. During his service with the First Virginian he would often talk to his horse before a battle. It wasn't that Dillon was crazy, it just helped calm his nerves so he could focus; it seemed to help calm his horse too.

So several times during the ride Dillon would talk to Buck and Buddy. Sometimes he quoted poetry to the animals and had one sided discussions about what the poems meant. Sometimes it was the politics of the War Between the States and how the war could have been avoided. Sometimes he would talk about what he wanted to find. And sometimes he told Buddy of his travels and adventures since leaving Richmond; Buddy hadn't been with he and Buck during that time. Neither horse were very good conversationalists but they were both excellent listeners.

As boring and as tiring as the trip to Albuquerque had been, the ride to Arizona was more difficult. The distance from Albuquerque to Prescott meant another week on the trail. A lot of the trip was across desert and high chaparral with fewer water holes; more than one night he made a dry camp. He carried three large canteens on the pack saddle plus his personal one hung on his saddle.

Every water hole he found he made sure all the canteens were full before leaving. His packs contained food for the horses, a mixture of dried oats and corn. Dillon would add a little water to the feed; it helped the horse get some moisture as well feeding them.

Buddy was a big surprise; he was very good at smelling water. Four times he found water holes that Dillon and Buck would have bypassed. The troop wouldn't have died without Buddy's help but his discoveries made the hard journey a lot easier.

As he got closer to Prescott the elevation change, mountains, wooded hills, and grasslands became the normal landscape. Pretty country Dillon said to himself; it looks like a good place to raise cattle and horses. Three weeks after leaving Albuquerque, Dillon rode into Prescott, Arizona. Riding into town he saw large holding pens for cattle close to the railroad tracks; Prescott's another cow town he thought.

He found a livery and stabled his horses, making sure the animals got a bath and special feed. The stable owner told Dillon about two good boarding houses nearby; Dillon preferred boarding houses to hotels. At the hotels all you received was the room; sometimes with noisy drunks in adjoining rooms. At the boarding house the cost included two meals a day, breakfast and supper. Usually the guests were more interested in resting than raising hell.

Dillon walked to the nearest boarding house and paid for a week's stay. As he stowed his gear he thought about his money situation. He had about four hundred dollars in gold coins with him and a bank draft from the Wichita Falls bank. Dillon's expenses since leaving Richmond hadn't amounted to much.

When he worked for Creed Taylor in Texas back in '65, in addition to his wages he got room and board. Dillon wasn't one to go to town and raise hell every month when he got paid so he saved most of his wages. He spent even less while in Mexico. It was an inexpensive place to live and he made very good money as a payroll guard. He'd gained a reputation of getting the payrolls through and was offered a lot of jobs by different mine managers.

In Wichita Falls his room and board was a work benefit as the deputy marshal so again he had few expenses. Even his ammunition and a shotgun were provided. His only real expense was his more elegant way of dressing. As he remembered Mrs. Boudreaux's boarding house and the 'special benefits' he and Emma shared, Dillon laughed knowing he'd never have something like that again. It had been a wonderful part of his life.

Marshall Tom Ryan, his friend and boss, convinced Dillon to open an account at the bank. Tom said one of the few good things about Northern Reconstruction was that the banks were more solid and you could do business from town to town and bank to bank. That's why Dillon had a bank draft for his account instead of carrying gold coins. People were still skittish about paper money but everyone trusted and accepted gold.

I've got a little over three thousand dollars, Dillon thought. That's enough for about three years, even staying in a boarding house. He decided he'd take a little time to see what opportunities were available in Prescott. Dillon wasn't the type to sit around; he needed to put his hand to something. Maybe I'll become a poker dealer in one of the saloons, he thought. No I don't guess so; it'd turn something I like as a past time into a job. I wouldn't get the same enjoyment out of it.

Dillon had learned to play poker while at VMI and he'd become very good at it. He'd honed his skills while working for Creed Taylor and later in Wichita Falls. Several times on his nights off, at least before Emma came into his life, you could find him at a poker table in one of the saloons. He developed a system in Wichita Falls that kept him from losing his shirt during a bad run of cards.

On payday Dillon would take $10 from his wages as a poker stake for the month. At the end of the month anything over the $10 was put into his bank account. He would take $10 and start over again. If he lost his stake he quit playing until the next payday. Dillon usually added money to his account every month. Of course when he and Emma started keeping company the number of evenings spent at the poker tables were drastically reduced.

Dillon's first day in Prescott he went to the barber shop and got a shave, haircut, and a bath. When he was on the trail he usually didn't bother shaving; the water was needed to stay alive. When he did find a good water hole if he had the time he would bath and shave but those times were scarce. He came out of the barbers completely clean and groomed for the first time in almost three weeks. I smell as sweet as lilies of the valley, he said to himself.

His second day he spent exploring Prescott and surrounding country. He wanted to get a feel for the area before he decided if he wanted to stay and what he kind of work he wanted to do. Dillon found out that he could get a job as a stage coach guard or ride guard on freight wagons. He wasn't really interested because it meant a lot of traveling; he was tired of traveling, at least for a while.

His third evening in town he visited one of the saloons. Dillon didn't drink a lot but he wanted a beer and a saloon was a good place to gather information about Prescott. Truth be known he wanted a little company and thought he would try his hand at playing some poker.

Dillon walked into the West Branch saloon and immediately felt at home; it reminded him of the saloons in Wichita Falls. There were several cowhands celebrating the end of a cattle drive and a few of the locals having a week ending drink. He got a beer and walked over to watch one of the poker games.

He'd been watching for about a quarter of an hour when one of the men at the table spoke to him. "Either sit down and play with the men or go away. You bother me standing there like a vulture."

Dillon returned the man's look for a few seconds and then took an empty chair. When sat down the other four men at the table welcomed him and introduced themselves. The loud mouth said, "Good, another chicken for me to pluck."

"My name's Gallagher," he said to the four men, ignoring the man that'd been making the insulting comments. Dillon had heard the others call the man Jim Knox. He looked at Knox, thinking I've seen your kind before. The man was tall at 6' 3; Dillon guessed he weighed over 225 pounds. He was drinking hard, refilling his glass from a bottle on the table. Jim Knox had a red face and a belligerent attitude, probably from the whiskey Dillon thought.

The game was five card stud or draw poker and it didn't take many hands for Dillon to realize that Jim wasn't a very good poker player. He chased hands in spite of bad odds, called when he should fold, and raised when he should have called at best. Jim won a few hands but Dillon won more. During the whole game Jim continued making remarks about Dillon and the other players. Dillon had gained a small profit and decided that this would be his last hand. Jim had just made an insulting remark about drifters, looking at Dillon as he said it.

Dillon didn't get angry, he seldom got angry. It's only hurts your chances in bad situations, he believed. He'd learned during war that anger clouded your vision and slowed your reflexes. Even during the gun battles he'd been in since the war, he wasn't angry. Dillon became a cold, calculating man during those times of stress.

The hand was draw poker and Dillon had an inside straight draw. No one had raised the opening bet so Dillon stayed in; it wasn't something he'd normally do but it didn't cost much more than his ante to call. When he saw the card he drew he thought, my luck's good tonight; the card was a seven and filled out his straight.

Up to this point the game had been mostly small stakes, with $30 dollars considered a large pot. The first two men checked and Knox made a large bet of $20. Knox had drawn three cards and Dillon figured he had at best three of a kind so he raised the bet to $40. Two men dropped out and it was up to Knox; he raised another $20. The last two men dropped leaving just Dillon and Knox in the hand.

Dillon had $40 in front of him, "Here's your bet and I raise my last $20."

Knox smiled and said, "Here's you $20 and I raise $50."

One of the men that had dropped out complained, "It's table stakes Jim, you can only call his last $20."

"Shut up Clancy. I say I can raise," Knox said with his hand on his pistol butt. Turning to Dillon he ordered, "Dig for the money or fold your hand drifter."

Dillon felt a cold, calculating calm come over him. It wasn't the money that concerned him; it was the insults and direct challenge from a boisterous drunk like Knox. Maybe I should just walk away Dillon thought, but then again I've never walked away from trouble. Why start now?

He pulled a draw string bag out of the inside pocket of his oilskin duster and asked, "How much you got in front of you Knox?"

Knox looked at Dillon suspiciously, counted his money and answered, "$200 and some change. Why?"

Looking Knox straight in the eye, Dillon said, "Here's you $50 and I raise $300." He counted out the gold double eagles and pushed them into the pot.

"But I don't have $300," Knox said.

Dillon replied, "Dig for it or fold your hand."

Knox was shocked when Dillon threw his own words back in his face. He looked at the other players but they were laughing at him. He finally slumped in his chair, knowing that he had to fold his hand.

"Tell you what Knox, I want to be fair. Call for what you have in front of you," Dillon said. He'd made his point.

Knox looked at Dillon for a few seconds and pushed all his money into the pot. "Three kings drifter," he said turning over his card and gloating.

"Good hand," Dillon said and when Knox reached for the money he added, "But not good enough. I've got a straight to the nine." He showed his cards and smiled at the look on Knox's face.

With a look of disbelief, the big drunk moved his hand toward his gun. "You damn chea..." Knox started but Dillon interrupted.

"KNOX," Dillon said with a loud strong voice. "You're about to make a big mistake. Stop and think about your next move." Dillon pulled his duster away from his holster pistol staring at Knox with ice cold blue eyes.

"That's enough boys. Just stand easy," a voice from behind Dillon said. He didn't turn his head, keeping his attention on Knox.

"Jim slowly pull your gun and put it on the table," the voice ordered. When Knox complied the voice added, "Now you Mister, put yours on the table too."

Dillon hesitated, knowing that the man behind him probably had a gun trained on him. "I'd like to know who's giving the orders before I comply," Dillon said without emotion.

The man walked to the side where Dillon could see him and the badge on his vest; he also saw the double barrel shotgun the man was carrying. "I'm Charley Jackson, the Sheriff in these parts."

Dillon nodded and slowly laid his pistol on the table. He smiled to himself at the shotgun; guess a lot of lawmen use one, he said to himself.

Sheriff Jackson picked up both pistols. "Jim go home, you're drunk and about to get yourself in trouble. You're damn lucky you didn't get yourself killed. You can pick up your gun tomorrow when you sober up."

Knox looked at Jackson, then at Dillon, and then at the money on the table. Finally he turned and left the saloon, stomping out in anger.

"Now who are you and what are you doing here?" Jackson asked Dillon.

"Name's Dillon Gallagher. I just rode in a couple of days ago. Plan on finding a job and staying for awhile."

"Why did you warn Knox instead of drawing on him? You give the impression that you know how to use this hog leg," the Sheriff said hoisting Dillon's .44.

"Well I'll tell you Sheriff. Even since I left Wichita Falls seems like one person or another has tried to draw down on me. To be honest I'm getting real tired of shooting people."

Sheriff Jackson looked at Dillon in surprised disbelief. "You don't impress me as someone that'd turn the other cheek Gallagher."

"Didn't say I was. I'll defend myself and not lose a minute's sleep over it but it don't mean I have to like killing. If I had my way I'd never pull that .44 again," Dillon answered. He exchanged looks with Jackson and then added.

"As far as Knox, he wasn't much of a threat. He was drunk and I don't think he's as good with a gun as he thinks he is. So I thought I might shock him out of doing something both stupid and deadly."

Jackson smiled a little and nodded. "Yeah, Jim thinks he's John Wesley Hardin and Wild Bill Hickok all rolled into one. Truth be told, he's lucky he hasn't shot off his foot."

Dillon laughed and paused for a few seconds. "Sheriff, could I have my gun back now. I don't plan on using it tonight but I feel sort of undressed without it."

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This story is now translated in English..... this was my first try..... the story " la vie de Suzie " is where you should go to read it in is much longer in French I intend to translate the whole story ... but you have to be very patient Thank you This is the story of Suzie, from her young age (18), until now. You will be able to navigate through the different episodes of her life (and also able to write some chapters of it) It's an ongoing story, there will be a lot of chapters...

4 years ago
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CivilityChapter 5

Janet and Lila were waiting for me at the office. Janet was nervous but Lila was humming away while updating her MySpace page. I pulled Janet out of Lila's earshot. "Things will be under control by Sunday," I said. "I would still like for you two to spend the weekend at my house." I could tell Janet was about to object. "If you're uncomfortable with me there, I will stay elsewhere," I said. "I met with man who held Leo's marker. It is gone. You won't be bothered — at least on...

2 years ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Avi Love Second Appearance

“Any woman that says she doesn’t like BBC is a liar…” Avi Love is a true black cock hound. When she sniffs out a good one in a sea of small, unsatisfying white dicks, she’s on the trail. While out, she spies a group of six sexy black men at the market. Keen with stealth, she follows them back to their house. She throws on a white coat she found in her car (so many questions around this) grabs some cleaning stuff and knocks on their door. She offers her “cleaning services” to Louie and not...

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The Cabin

"Mom, I think that truck is following us." Said the young blonde with curly hair "What truck?" Replied the older blonde woman. "The one that has been behind us since our last gas stop." "Maybe it's a coincidence?" "The map says this road leads one way and that way is the cabin." Said the daughter checking the map on her phone. "It could be that they're lost." "Well we'll know shortly, we're here." "Finally, I need to pee!" Announced the petite brunette. "I told you to go when we stopped last...

3 years ago
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Call Center Merry Christmas

This happened after last year's Christmas Party. I once worked for as customer service representative in a call center for a big telecommunications company. Like all work places, there are always rumors about casual sex being a past time here for those who worked in the grave yard shift. I was still a trainee so one of the HR rep, Elaine, would often come in the training room and talk to us. She was particularly fond of me, it’s not one of those things guys brag about, I mean she’s hot but at...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 179

Connie, Troy and the rest of my staff had been in the outer offices taking phone calls and making notes. When Frank and the generals left they came in with handfuls of notes and a fresh mug of coffee. It’s going to be that kind of morning, I thought. Connie grabbed all the notes from everyone and began to put them into their order of importance. On the top - needing immediate attention - was our UN ambassador; he was between a rock and a hard spot wanting guidance. Iranian aligned countries...

4 years ago
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A Birthday Treat

I strolled into the hotel lobby and looked around. John was no where to be seen. “Hmmm, now where is he?” I muttered to myself. It was my forty sixth birthday that day, and I wasn’t feeling too great about it. I was sure I detected more lines on my face that morning. To help lift my spirits, my husband had suggested that he take me out for lunch, so we had arranged to meet in the lobby of the Tiffany Hotel, before going into their excellent restaurant. As I stood there, John was sat in the far...

Group Sex
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MOM WANTS TO BE MY CUM BUCKET! – CHAPTER 5If you haven’t read the previous chapters I suggest you do, as this will explain how my journey into depravity started. If you want to read this chapter now and then go back if you like it, then a brief update goes something like this. My name is Rick and I’m a normal, constantly horny 15 year old male who lives with his hot Mom Tanya, and sweet 13 year old sister Rebecca. Dad is not around since Mom caught him fucking a neighbor and gave him his...

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Her Unusual Prom

She sat back, the night of the prom and felt like the only one she knew of who didn’t get herself a date that night. Now 19 and one of the prettiest girls in her class she never could figure out why she hadn’t gotten a date for it. Still she went anyway. For some reason, she told herself, maybe there’d be a guy who’d come up, and ask her to dance. Was that lame or was it lame she wondered? It was 1982 and yes that’s right, it was the school’s senior prom. Sullen about not being asked to it, she...

First Time
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Family PortraitChapter 9

Karen had asked me to take Melanie to see a movie at the local Drive-In with her and Danny, and while I did agree I wasn't looking forward to our little double-date at all. Of course we still had to get permission to go in the first place. "No!" "Ah, come on Christine!" "I said no!" "But Mom and Dad would say yes." "I seriously doubt that Karen, and besides they're not here. They left me in charge for the night, in case you weren't sure." "Well, I'll tell you something...

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Hunger Hunger Sister Anne

One rainy Tuesday, Anne cruised the library stacks, looking for something saleable. Finding herself at a stack of plain-cover reference books, she turned away to find better pickings. Something behind her buzzed, then flashed pale blue. The glare was bright enough to cast her fleeting shadow on the opposite wall. Looking back, she saw a fading brightest near the floor. Then it was gone. Anne squatted, feeling among the books on the bottom shelf until she found one oddly warm. Tan hardcover,...

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I guess I should start by telling you something about my Mom.From what I’ve been able to piece together, Mom’s always been kind of a free spirit. My aunt Jenny, who’s a few years older than my mom, told me that they’d [Her, my mom, and my uncle Ronni] had a “less than happy” c***dhood. “You’re lucky you weren’t raised by your grandfather…” I’d heard a thousand times growing up; from both my mom and my aunt. I didn’t see my grandparents very often, but it was relatively easy to see what Aunt...

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Wife and husband visiting doctor WettingPissing

Sue and her husband Steve have a visit to the doctor. Sue had been feeling poorly with this bug. It affected her throat and chest and she had a bit of cough. She decided after a few days she could not shift it so she went to the doctors for an examination. As they were a lot of patients with the same symptoms the doctors office was inundated,so a late afternoon appointment was the only one available. She booked in and asked if you would drive her to the doctors as she was so unwell to drive...

3 years ago
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Speaking With Your Demons19 Unwanted Assistance

“This is an emergency news broadcast, interrupting your normal programming. As strange as this sounds; there’s an otherworldly ‘aerial conflict’ unfolding along Seattle’s streets. After repeated attacks on Phil Walker—the man championing the idea that invisible demons cause mental illnesses—he’s apparently declared all-out war. Give me a second to read this, as it’s quite a doozy: there are now several dragons and an ... allied Viking Berserker ... searching the city for a renegade band of...

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AmberChapter 3

Leon slept well for the first time in quite a while. His dreams were filled with images of his daughter and her sweet body rubbing against his. And they must have been better than he thinks because he wakes up with his prick stiff as a board and his boxers plastered with cum. So he drags himself off the bed and into the bathroom. After stripping off his clothes, he steps into the shower. Then cranking up the hot water to nearly max, Leon leans against the wall to let the water beat off him....

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My incest love

I am a real incest lover. I am a regular visitor of this site for last 4 years. I am very sorry to say now there are no real stories in this site. 95% of the stories are fake. I have never narrated my relation in this site but this situation force me to write a real story. The real incest lover please come forward and helps to keep alive this site and post some real stories. I am Gola, 23 years from Orissa. Now my sis is 20. She is fair, 5.3″, round face, a real Oriya beauty with a well shaped...

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Cousin sisters Lucisious Butt

This is Tron, just a bit of info on myself. Iam male 23 from Mississauga, ON having 5'8 ft height with handsome personality so if any unsatisfied wife's, gals and/ or aunt wanted to satisfy their sexual urge then contact me on [email protected] this is my real experience hope u like it. Now I’m going to share my experience with you which happened when I was in my home country around 2 years back. First let me tell you about my cousin sister. Her name is Masrat (name changed) and we...

3 years ago
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Officer Mercer

There I was sitting in my favorite hole in the wall coffee shop scanning the sports section. I was not on duty today but I visited this place daily. I was as much a fixture here as the worn table that I was sitting at. I see Mindy walking over and am sure that she has some quick witted comment ready for me. She always seems to know when my guard is down and catches me totally in a defenseless position, always springing it on me at a total random moment. “Why hello officer Mercer will it be your...

Straight Sex
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Nai Shaadi Shuda Biwi Ki Seal Pack Toda

Hi … Mai rehan apni dusri story lekar aya hua pahli story aplogone padha hoga “train me do bacho ki maa ko chadar ke andar chudai”  uski kafi mail mili mujhe uske liye thankx all ab mai dusri story pe ata hu..Lekin usse pahle mai rqst karta hu ke aap logo ko meri story kaisi lagi jarur bataye mera eml addrs ha “ jaisa ki aap jante hai mai kolkata me rahta hu aur akele rahta hu ye karib 3 ya 4 mnth pahle ki baat hai mai office wapas ghar Thoda jaldi agaya meri tabyat kuch thik nhi thi mai jaise...

3 years ago
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Mouth part 3

--- Mouth part 3 (mFF, bi, blackmail, creampie, inc, nc, oral, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- Leslie watched as Jay crumbled up some pills and dropped the resulting powder into the teacup. "So that's what you did to me the other night?" she asked. "Yep," he answered as he started to spoon honey on top of the dissolving medicine. "I don't want to do this," she reminded her brother. "I know," he replied, "But you have no choice, right?" She really...

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Sister Surprise1

My older sister thought that she had the house to herself for the weekend. This was an entirely reasonable assumption: our parents were away on a 10-day cruise in the Caribbean, celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary, which left only me – and I was supposed to be spending the weekend at a Girl Scouts camp in the mountains. It was a three-hour drive to get to this, and we were more than halfway there when news came through that because of a forest fire in the area the camp site was...

4 years ago
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The Other Woman

The Other WomanBy Miss Irene ClearmontA fantasy that came true.Copyright ? 2011 (November)Preamble.----------------I suppose that there is a point in every marriage where one of the partners ?goes astray?. Well, OK then, not every marriage, but I have to admit that it happened to me, that moment when you say to yourself, ?There is someone else in this marriage, someone that I have not yet met, someone who is intruding.?This is the story of an intrusion that became an invasion.A woman opened the...

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Finding Masturbation

I believe that I was only 12 when I first discovered masturbation, hares how…. I was the average 12-year-old boy I swam on the school team and was in decent shape not in shape because I never lifted weights just swam and rode my bike everywhere. So I was thin with a sleight build. I would always read before I went to bed, which would occur late at night when everyone was asleep. Well one night I was bout to go to bed and I had a hard on. Now usually when I got hard I just let it...

3 years ago
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MOM chapter 21

"well i got a taste of you yesterday when i licked all the cum off my panties for you but, those were tainted with all my juices, lets see what you taste like fresh baby" my mom said as she swiped some jizz off her tit with her finger. She slowly inserted her whole finger into her mouth "mmm" and then took my unerect cock and licked the cum from the tip "delicious" she said as she took one more swipe of cum off her tits and began to rub her pussy with it. "how about you get a...

2 years ago
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Cousins Farmyard FunChapter 2

"Uhhhhh... God, God, it's so... good, so good," Barbara moaned, pushing her fingers into the pillow behind her head. It was the same lush, swampy feeling she had experienced years ago when Joe had first touched her with his fingers, rubbing them over her cuntal mound while undressing her. Now it was a dog. Barbara had only managed to scoot her panties down halfway. The dog was nosing up hotly between her white shivering thighs now, rubbing his snout against the juice- soaked crotch...

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The Bikers Party

Mal had been arranging a few parties in the doctors’ mess and various escapades had occurred since the first Toga Mazola do. He had a hard core of friends who were open to fun of any kind and they either planned parties or had multiple sex spontaneously on many occasions, usually after heavy nights out. Apart from work, sex and drinking he also liked to have other fun. He liked to live life to the full, he played rugby, cricket and when possible also went rock climbing. When he went back to the...

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Scales Like StarsChapter 2

Merton felt like he was wearing the most heavily armed wedding cake in the universe. His arms were thrust outwards and his legs were spread, and he simply stood perfectly still as intersecting layers of highly complex nanomachines and magical circuitry flowed around his limbs like thick, taffyesque water. He looked down at the billowy, white material, then over at the bald elf and the four armed scantily clad purple dominatrix slash science person who seemed to handle all the fancy gizmos on...

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Getting Pussy On Prom Night

Barbie wasn't my first choice to take to the prom that night -- but after the fact, I don't think I could have had a sexier evening with any other girl I could have asked. I didn't know much about Barbie but I thought she was totally hot and I knew she sure wasn't a virgin. I wanted some action that night and I wasn't disappointed with my date. I'd asked two other girls but after being turned down, I decided to ask Barbie and she readily said she'd go with me. Barbie looked more awesome...

3 years ago
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I Am His Slave

By : Ritus2361 In my last story I shared with you that how I become a slave of a stranger man in my honeymoon. Now in this story I will tell u some more experiences. After returning from Goa I was very eager to meet Sharmajee and was really missing him badly. He was a real sex guru for all women. Sometime we talk on phone or sometime used to video chat on skype. Sharmajee used to order me to strip and dance. Couple of times he even ordered me to suck my hubby’s cock so he could watch it live....

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BurrChapter 55 Spending a Splendid Summer

Orville showed up early on Saturday morning. He apologized for missing our Friday workout, saying that he had skipped work because of the rain. I told him about Mr. Sterling's visit, and he was very impressed that the school would send a coach to visit players during the summer. We went to the local high school field and practiced teaming up to stop the run. I told him that I was looking forward to playing behind Russell again. Josh listened to us talk, nodding his head like he understood...

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Meri Behan Poonam Ki Chudai 8211 Part I

Mera Name Amit Hai Aur meri Behan Ka Name Poonam Hai. Hamare Family Mai Me Meri Maa Our Meri Behan Hai. Mere Papa Ki Death Ho Gayi Thi. Meri Umar 21 Saal Hai Aur Me Collage Me Padta Hu. Meri Behan Ki Umar 25 Saal Hai Aur Who EK Primary School Me Padati Thi. Meri behan Poonam Bahot Hi Sexy Hai Uska Fig, 34*32*37 Hai. Rang Gora Nahi Hai Par Kali Bhi Nahi Hai Who Ek Creamish Colour Ki Ladki Hai Jisko Dekh Ke Kisi Ka bhi Lund Khada Ho Jata Hoga. Uske Hair Black Hai Aur Lambe Bhi Hai. Ab me Story...

4 years ago
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German Soccer Whores An Adult Story

I'm not sure how this happens to me but here another true story in my life.I love playing and watching soccer (as it called in America)Every where else in the world its called FootballEvery four years they have the World Cup.Were the best 32 teams in the world compete.I was born and used to live in Germany.I know a little German but not much.I always cheer for the German Football team and Team USA.The German team (Deutschland) as its better known is very good in FootballI watched all most all...

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My Little Cousin

Chloe was three years my junior. She was that little annoying cousin you have who seem to always bug you. I guess she hung around my sister a lot so would always be around when we were teenagers. I think I started to realise I was attracted to her when I was 19 and she was 16. She had started to develop a fine pair of legs and her breasts were beginning to grow as evidenced by the tight t-shirts she chose to wear on summer days. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She had started to take an...

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My Super Hot Mami

Hi everyone…. I am Rajveer from Patna… This my first story on ISS.. I m 23 years now… And my dick size 7 inch….. Ya story 2011 ki hai jab mai matric exam k baad chutiyo me apne gaao gaya tha.. Mere gaao me.. Mere nana ji (grand father) naani (grand mom) or mere maama maami rahti hai. Wo bohot hi hot hai… Unki figure maashallah kya jabrdast hai.. Kisi bhi aadmi ka lund khada kar da. 36-28-38. Meri maami hamesha ghar me sharee hi pahenti hai… Meri kabhi bhi galat najar unpar nahi gai.. Meri...

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Ghost Girlfriend

(Hey there! In honor of Halloween coming up soon (and also because I love supernatural shenanigans anyway), I present to you a new story! It has themes of "death" and may be a little dark at times. However, if you came into a story called "Ghost Girlfriend," you probably already know what to expect. This chapter is pretty much a downer and has nothing even remotely titillating in it yet. But relax, we're just getting started. Enjoy!) You stand over the gravestone of your girlfriend... You sigh...

5 years ago
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Chat Doom Part 3

After we got to his house, Master Ivan prepared me a room in his basement, He told me it's mine to live in. One of the walls had shackles attached it to. And there were fake penises of all sizes and colors. But the weirdest of all was her bed, it seems it had wrists and feet bands, as if it was used for restraint. In front of the bed was a huge machine, with a stick attached to it, What was she to expect in here? She can’t go back to her parents and allow him to send the pictures to dad’s...

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A trip to the park with my new friend

So today i had a meeting with a new friend. I was so nervous, as I am with all meeting. I was sitting in my car in my normal work clothes, black shoes with bkack trousers and a blue shirt with a maroon jumper. Nothing out of the ordinary. Until you notice my socks....or lack of socks. Instead i am wearing opaque stockings which go all the way up my legs and are attached to a black basque. Over them is a pair of satin red panties. I am a crossdresser and so is my new friend that i am meeting for...

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Showering in Lisbon with Hailee Stinfeld

Walking off the outdoor stage at Rock in Rio in Lisbon, Portugal. We all felt pumped as it was another great show to end the European Tour we had been on. I had been working as a backup dancer for Hailee Steinfeld on her Witness tour. Though it was a lot of shows in a short amount of time, it was still an awesome experience. The group of us dancers had all become close and we were all going to go out and celebrate the end of the tour later tonight, but first we needed to take a shower and get...

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Ishta praanswari jm

Orikkaal JJ viyarthukulichu yenta nenjhil kidannu visramikkumbhol JM nte pratheaka aavashyam sadhichu kondukku monn aaraanjhu… chevikale viswaasikkaan kazhinjirunnilla, kaaranam onnamath avar kombhathe kumbhakkar, yittu moodaan mathram bhooswathokkal, 4 aan makkalil onninu poalum oru kujundayittilla (yivanmarkk pennughalude pooriladichu kayattunna koal undo yennararinjhu..), avar aarude kaariyathilum yidapedilla, aareyum orividhathilum sahayikkayumilla, avarkk aarudeyum auodhaaryam ottu veandaa...

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