Retribution free porn video

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It took Jon nearly a year to arrange it, but now his careful planning and meticulous timing was coming into fruition. Having past the wrought iron gates and driven down the gravel drive with tufts of grass growing through it, the end game was now in full swing, like a run away juggernaut, it was unstoppable.

He could picture when it all started, the re-run going through his minds eye as he drove towards destiny.

It seemed that it had been one of those days; one of those occasional days, when anything and everything that could go wrong, would go very wrong. The car had stopped for some inexplicable reason, probably electrical. He had managed to drive for just over a mile from his home towards the office, before it broke down.

His Mobile cell phone was on the blink. He was waiting, almost patiently, for a replacement handset. Chances were it was sitting on his desk at that very moment. Equally, the chances were it was still in a warehouse someplace.

So, he walked back home to call the breakdown people and let them know at work, that he would possibly not make it in today and to cancel his appointments.

To add to the electrical component conspiracy, it rained. An all to frequent April shower that had more than a touch of December about the icy coldness of the giant raindrops that pounded his hatless head.

So it was that, some hour and fifteen minutes after leaving his house for the office, a very bedraggled and unhappy Jon, turned the key to the front entrance door.

It was the noises coming from the day room that first aroused his curiosity. A sort of moan and grunt, mixed together, told him that someone was in the room, behind the closed door. It wasn’t a sound he expected. Alice was supposed to be playing Golf at the country club today with her band of friends.

Slowly and quietly, he turned the polished brass doorknob and pushed the door open. The scene that greeted him took his breath away and left him temporarily bereft of comprehension.

April was laying face up, half on and half off of one of the Chesterfield leather settees. She was totally naked; her pert breasts pointing at the ceiling, bathed in sweat and grunting, like a pig around its food trough. Her trembling legs were parted with her feet flat on the floor. Between her knees was a chocolate spotted Springer. His rear was firmly pressed into her groin while he stood, motionless.

They were obviously tied. Locked in a primeval impregnation although, Jon couldn’t quite work out just how they had managed to lock in this particular position.

It was the dog that first noticed him. It spied at Jon and whimpered a little as it looked at him piteously. Jon was shocked at the sight, but he almost laughed out loud when April noticed him and in her shock, shoved her self backwards, expelling the dogs cock and fluids with a loud pop and gush that missed the prepared towel, laid on the floor.

The dog, now free of the woman, scuttled away to hide behind another settee on the opposite side of the room, his paws skittering over the polished beech flooring in an effort to gain traction. April instinctively, tried to cover her mons with one hand and her breasts with the other. A frozen moment passed between them. Frightened eyes looked into confused eyes, communication lost and all the shared history, crashed to the bottom of a widening ravine that separated them.

“The car broke down.” It was the only thing he could think of to say. It came out apologetically and feeling as if he had intruded, Jon left April to clean up while he changed from his wet clothes and called in. His working day was a ruin now, so the couple of hours delay before the auto rescue people could recover his car wasn’t the major catastrophe it would normally have been.

An hour had passed since his return to the house to find April in her compromising position, before he saw her again. She had dressed in slacks and a loose blouse. It wasn’t her golf attire Jon noticed.

Want some lunch? She yelled from the kitchen. Got some very nice turkey ham in the fridge, bit of salad with it?

He answered in the negative, but accepted a glass of white wine which he sipped as his wife of twenty years gabbled on about any subject that she could think of to fill the silent void.

At last, when he could stand no more of her prattle, he asked the first question of a series that might help him understand what he had witnessed.

“Who’s dog?” He asked quietly.

“Dog; Oh you mean Cadbury; he belongs to Tom and Francine. They are away in Toulouse for the weekend. I always look after him when they go off.” She answered lightly, flipping her hair over her shoulder in a casual action that belied her nervousness.

“I’ve never seen him before?”

“He usually stays in the barn at night, so you wouldn’t have I suppose.”

“I see.” Jon was trying to be careful and control his anger.

“Cadbury is a champion.” April was desperately trying to fill the cold void again, with useless information.

“A champion what?”

She wasn’t sure if he was being ironic or sarcastic but decided to ignore it.

“He got a first at Crufts. Best in breed no less. He’s worth a fortune at stud.”

It was Jon’s turn to ignore the obvious entr?into a barbed reply.

“Is he better than a man?” The question slipped out before he really thought; he dreaded the response and waited for the axe to fall. It didn’t, or if it did, it didn’t come down with any cutting force.

“A dog is very different from a man. It isn’t a question of whether he is better or not, just completely different. You only have to compare the anatomy to see that it is never going to be the same.” Perhaps by giving Jon as much information as she could, she might forestall the inevitable reaction of her husband.

“Somehow, I missed the anatomical differences in Biology. I must have been away that day.” His body language signified his true feelings. Drooped shoulders with his head bowed transmitted just how much his wife’s dalliance had hit him.

His hurt was plainly evident to her now, but she carried on blithely, trying in so way to patch the rift and explain her actions. It was a forlorn hope, but she had to try.

“I have been looking after Cadbury for a couple of years now. We never had a dog and he is so friendly.”

“So I saw.” Jon’s answer came clipped.

“We haven’t been doing that for all that time, only a couple of months I guess, perhaps since last summer when they went to the Algarve.”

“About the same time as we stopped having sex I guess” He looked at her, and remembered the young woman she once was, with auburn hair in flowing tresses and a cheery smile constantly plastered across her face. Where did the time go? Where Did that young vibrant girl disappear to, only to be replaced with the current version standing in front of him?

“Has it been that long?” She tried to remember when they had last been intimate and failed.

“I think so.” He changed the subject slightly to avoid the pain that waited for him along that particular road. “Do you and he do this often?”

“Hmm yes, well every time he is over. Jon, it makes no difference to us. I love you just the same as I always have.”

Jon stayed quiet for a moment and thought about her statement. Did she love him? Or was she used to the comforts his success brought? The jury was out on that one.

“But not in a sexual way really do you?”

She had no answer to that, thinking that perhaps she had replaced Jon as a lover with Cadbury, excusing her indulgence with platitudes and his lack of affection.

They sat silently for a while, each contemplating the state of affairs now that it was out in the open and what the future would be as a result.

Jon broke the silence.

“I would like to video the two of you, just for myself you understand. It might help me to come to terms with it.”

“You what; Are you serious?” His change of tack threw her into a complete turmoil. “I…you don’t seem to mind too much.” She didn’t answer his suggestion, wanting to think about performing in front of a viewfinder for a moment or two.

They finished lunch, or rather, she finished her lunch and Jon drained his glass. The Automobile Rescue called to say his car would be in the shop for a couple of days. Jon arranged for a courtesy car to cover the period and that afternoon, April and Cadbury were the starring couple in a video.

Jon, tight lipped operated the camera as April took the dog in her mouth, sucking on the huge red and purple veined shaft and getting as much as she could into her before gagging. As an introduction to the anatomy of a canine, it was a lesson like no other for Jon.

She made sucking noises, pulling in air around the rim of the dogs cock; it vibrated and sent the hound wild. He humped her face, but she controlled his depth with a free hand, preventing him from stabbing her throat too deeply.

When the dogs climax was obviously imminent, she stopped sucking and pushed him away. It was the first time Jon got to see the dog fully exposed, his knot unsheathed. Fascinated, he zoomed in on the throbbing and dripping weapon.

April lay on the edge of the Chesterfield with her legs spread and feet on the floor as Jon had found her earlier.

“I get better control this way.” She explained and patted her stomach to attract Cadbury’s attention.

He jumped up and with a practiced ease, placed a paw on either side of her waist. He started to hump air while adjusting his position, ever getting closer to her waiting sex. Eventually, they coupled, his sharp tip penetrating her with her guidance. Cadbury shifted and scrabbled until her was deep inside her and furiously fucking her cunt in a blur of motion. Jon lay on the floor and pointed the camera up so that he could get to see the depth of this dogs cock in her pussy. He was rewarded very quickly when Cadbury’s knot passed April’s outer lips and disappeared into her body.

His humping slowed and cum leaked from around the side of his cock. April raised her knees and crossed her ankles, locking the dog and pulling him further into her. She could hardly breathe quickly enough; the demand for oxygen was so great, causing her to gasp in ragged sobs of ecstasy. Jon got up from his vantage point and panned out, capturing both his wife and her deep-seated lover, as they finalised the act with Cadbury unloading deep inside April.

Cadbury, tried to disengage, but all he succeeded in doing was turning and, once again, Jon was privy to how they came to be in the position he had found them earlier.

After a while, they separated and went to their respective places to clean up. April to a shower, Cadbury to the barn where he had a bed laid out for him. Jon, in the meantime, carefully copied the film and put the original in the safe.

He and April watched the copy later that evening and then fucked each other’s brains out like they hadn’t done since college days. She even sucked him to completion, holding his cum in her mouth before making a show of swallowing it all. It occurred to Jon, even as his semen slid into her stomach that April had turned into something of a slut. Her propensity for sexual digression was nothing like he had ever found in her before. She was up for anything, no holes were barred.

That had been a year ago.

Now they sat in the Daimler, travelling to his surprise for her. The grass covered track twisted and turned until it opened out into a wide semi-circular drive in front of a shambling, run down, mock Tudor house.

David Grey, the owner of the property, came out of the front entrance immediately, as if he had been waiting for them to arrive with the door on the latch. Jon parked to one side of the drive and got out to shake hands.

“You found it then?” His clothing matched the condition of the house and it was obvious he hadn’t seen a razor for a few days. Perfect, thought Jon.

April also exited the car, her flower print cotton dress, fluttered in the breeze and ruffled her hair. She brushed it back and offered her hand to David. They shook and he then took her to the surprise Jon had set up.

Around the side of the house and to the rear was an enclosed space with an ivy covered wall surrounding wire mesh enclosures. The pens were homes to an unfamiliar breed of dog.

“African Ridgebacks they are. All pure bred; they are used to run down buffalo or lions in I think. They can be mean bastards, but these are all right. Why not make your acquaintance?”

April walked up to the first pen and put the back of her hand against the rigid mesh for the occupant to sniff and then lick. The dog had a tan brownish coloured shorthaired coat. The dog came up to waist height with a large head and a darker coloured streak down his back where the fur ran in an opposite direction to the rest of the body. The name was an obvious conclusion.

She turned to Jon looking quizzical, wondering if he was going to relent and buy her a dog after all these years.

Go ahead April make your choice. Jon encouraged her to go from cage to cage, checking out the dogs that all looked identical. Little nuances of temperament helped her make a choice and the cage door of her chosen was opened.

April entered the dog’s home gingerly, not wanting to appear threatening until the dog had accepted her into it’s domain. She needn’t have worried; he was pleased to meet her and showered her with licks from a huge, rasping tongue.

The gate clanged shut and an audible click announced that she was locked in. Apprehension dawned on April and in panic, she turned to see what Jon and David were doing. They stood nonchalantly, watching her, no discernable expression on their faces. She calmed immediately and returned her attention to the dog.

We will leave you two to get friendly, be back in a minute or two. Jon’s voice sounded reasonable and didn’t arouse any suspicion in April. Her new companion was getting a little boisterous, a little too much so, but she thought she would be able to handle him okay and probably would have done, but suddenly, through an interconnecting gate, another of the ridgebacks entered the cage and then another.

April became frightened and backed away from the three dogs. Soundlessly, they approached her in a pincer movement, almost indifferently, ripped her dress off of her between sets of sharp teeth, then her panties joined the shredded clothing on the floor.

Her cries for help went unheeded, she tried to crawl to the gate, but one of the powerful dogs grasped her neck in a firm insistent bite. It was just hard enough to let her know that her neck could be snapped very easily. She froze and then incredulity overcame her as the first dog mounted her. His initial thrusts missing her cunt, but a shift in position had him filling her with more dog cock than she had ever felt before. His knot smashed against her labia several times, before being forced into her body in a merciless shove. She couldn’t move, didn’t dare to move. These dogs were working together she realised and meant to fuck her in turn. The dog shot his seed deep into her belly in a scalding torrent that seemed to burn her from the inside out.

They were only tied for a short while and separated, his sperm leaking from her bruised lips. The respite was short lived though. Another of the brutes clambered onto her back and shoved his cock straight into her wide-open cunt. There was nothing gentle about the violent thrusting of his member as it passed her lubricated lips and his knot thumped into her.

But April’s body began to betray her and her hips thrust backwards, burying him deeper into her and accepting his sharp cock end into her womb.

Her neck was released. To her amazement, the dog holding her in place, then mounted her from the opposite end, presenting his cock to her mouth. She sucked on him while being shafted from the other end.

It was at this point that Jon and David returned to observe the proceedings. They watched in silence until both dogs had satisfied themselves, coming simultaneously, one filling her stomach while the other filled her throat, forcing her to swallow his seed.

April, this is for you. Jon waved a piece of folded paper. I shall leave it here for you to read when you are done with the dogs.

What is it? She had a feeling she already knew though.

Divorce proceedings he answered. I divorce thee. I divorce thee. I divorce thee. It was an ancient custom where saying the phrase three times was a final cut of the marital tie. I trust you will not be contesting it. I am citing unreasonable behaviour; the evidence is on videotape and I am sure you won’t want it publicised.

“What is to become of me?” She wailed.

“David has been paid to feed you, you bitch. You’re where you belong. In with the dogs, it’s your level and serves you right. See you around.” He spun on his heels and stalked off, with the parting shot. Be happy.

Strangely enough, April was happy and stayed that way for several months until David relented and set her free.

Jon moved to the Seychelles and never returned to England.

David’s dogs were even happier, having a regular bitch to fuck and not having to wait until she was in season.


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Hotel fuck

I travel a lot for work and have boring hotel stays. One recently was more eventful. It was a national chain hotel which I had stayed in before. I got to my room finished my work and began having a look at this site on the internet. All these stories about other people getting laid made me very jealous and very horny. I went to the bar and had a drink, not many people there. I had hoped the receptionist was available, she was pretty, but she wasn't around. "you look as bored as I do" said a...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 171

Thanks to J & B for the following. The Conference At a conference on the supernatural, one of the speakers asked, “Who here has ever seen a ghost?” Most of the hands go up. “And how many of you have had some form of interaction with a ghost?” About half the hands stay up. “OK, now how many of you have had physical contact with a ghost?” Three hands stay up; there’s a slight murmur in the crowd. “Gosh, that’s pretty good. OK, have any of you ever, uh, been intimate with a...

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MariellaChapter 4

The part that Jack Campbell had played in saving Sir Richard Moresby's life, which had resulted in a firm friendship and Jack being given both a job and a home by the Earl, had been fairly common knowledge on the Moresby Estate. And it also soon became known that the Earl was in fact on his way to see Jack Campbell when he was tragically killed. So, it was perfectly natural to most folks that the Dowager Duchess would maintain her husband's friendship, and that Jack would have an interest...

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Helen Story 01

“It is the right place. Have I ever got it wrong ?” She looked over her shoulder at the huge black man-mountain standing behind her. Julius was six foot seven and, apart from what he called ‘a spot of bad luck’ with being found positive for steroids on a random drug test he would almost certainly have been the World Champion in weightlifting. He looked like he could, and would, tear a man’s limbs off with very little effort and although Helen knew him to be in reality a gentle giant, he...

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My Sweet Wife And Roshni 8211 Part 3

Hi friends.I am back.This is continuation of my story which started two years back and still continuing .It’s third story in the saga.Due to my work I could not update my wife’s slutty activities. Links of my previous 2 stories Now to story. A quick recap.I am kumar working in mnc  and my wife is bindu,housewife.I was 24 when this happened and bindu is 22.Her stats are 32-26-36.We have a maid roshni.She is dusky and we do threesome quite often which actually started as homosexual relation...

2 years ago
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Bed Time

It is time for bed my love. It has been a long day. You undo your robe and toss it the chair, not taking your eyes off me as you do. You walk towards me and undo my robe and toss it with yours. Your lips move to my shoulder, kissing and moving down the arm taking the strap of my nightie with you. You take my hand and place my fingers in your mouth, suckling them, not taking your eyes off my face. You move over to the other shoulder and kiss down my arm again taking the strap with you. As you do...

2 years ago
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Susies Broken Laptop

Susie was bored, her laptop had broken and she really wanted to go online to chat with her friends. She’d called the company a couple of days ago and they said that an engineer would be out today to have a look at it for her.She went into the kitchen to make herself a cuppa, just as she switched the kettle on she heard a knock at the front door. At last she thought, the engineers here. Susie walked to the door and opened it, standing in front of her was a guy in motorbike leathers, she was...

1 year ago
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A moms metamorphosis

Note : This story is completely fictional! Part 1 - The Fetish Prologue Everything had gone fine for Caroline save those 2 sad years, when her husband John, 42 years old, had been pulled overseas on Oil business, leaving her alone to take care of Billy and Emily, their twins, both kids at the time. Caroline was only 29 then and felt really alone; not that her children didn't show affection and unusual understanding for their age, but she missed physical and sexual contact a lot more than she...

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Star Wars The Violation of Rey

(Warning: this will contain various forms of rape/sexual assault.) The Star Wars universe can be a scary place. Especially for a hot scavenger/wannabe Jedi. I've pictured plenty of scenarios over the course of the Sequel Trilogy where Rey's bitchy attitude, and foolish decisions could've gotten her raped. Now it's your turn! This will span The Force Awakens, and The Last Jedi. Thought that Rey's victories came to easy for her? Turn them into messy defeats. This isn't limited to bad guys either....

2 years ago
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CovenChapter 1

I pulled the cord open, lifted the robe self-consciously from my shoulders, and stood in the circle with the others, facing the fire, with the darkness to our backs. But perhaps I should explain... Despite the best of intentions I had fallen asleep waiting for Michael to arrive, and the rhythmic pounding on the door confused me further. By the time I reached the front of the house to shut the noise down I remembered what was going on, and I opened the door and dragged him in. Michael and I...

4 years ago
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I Love My Job

I work as a medical assistant at a surgeon's office in a small town in the Midwest and I have worked there for a little over a year. I could not love it more. The people I work with, the patients I deal with, and my work environment are all amazing. Oh, and my boss, Dr. Galton, is pretty great too. I first noticed how attractive Dr. Galton was when I assisted him with a patient during my first week of work. He was examining a patient and all I could focus on were his hands. He had just gotten...

2 years ago
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It was already dark when we got there that night. Some friends were having a small but intimate party with just four or five couples. It was to be a masked party and we were asked to make sure our hair was not visible and our faces atleast partially covered when we arrived. We had met most of the couples before and I thought most of them very attractive, the ones that were not, were atleast doable. After all the others had arrived the hostess came into the living room carrying a silver tray...

3 years ago
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Caught Panty Handed

Caught Panty Handed!bykebbyman©There I stood, like I had on countless other occasions, hovering over my mother-in-law's open hamper, digging for the silken dirty treasures I knew where hidden among her worn clothes. I spied a hint of bright orange and reached in with trembling fingers to pull out an incredibly sexy pair of full cut briefs that I knew had been snuggled against her sweet mound. As I lifted the stained gusset to my nose and took a long inhale of her sweet aroma, they did not...

3 years ago
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First Wave

He was tired. Really tired. His day in the hospital has been long and tiring. All he wanted now is a glass of whiskey and a bed and fine, a woman to warm his bed. Dan Wildreese, a surgeon in his mid-thirties is currently contemplating whether to sleep in his car or actually find energy to crawl to his bed to sleep. “It’s not like I’ll get a good sleep here in my car, might as well drag my ass to my bed. Hopefully I’ll make it.” He thought. Out of the car he went. Sighing deeply he walked up...

3 years ago
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Sexual Healing

I recall the evening like it was yesterday, even though it's been over ten years. I stared down at the table and mindlessly picked at my food while my wife sat silently across from me. Nancy and I had been married almost 25 years at the time. We had been through so much together in those years, good times and bad. Of all that we had been through together, nothing was as tough as this. I just stared down at my plate. I really didn't want Nancy to see the tears that were forming in my eyes."What...

Love Stories
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NuruMassage Liv Revamped Neighbor8217s Noisy Nuru

Seth angrily bangs on the new neighbor’s door but is then shocked when Liv Revamped, a beautiful woman in a robe, answers. Seth tries to keep his cool as he introduces himself as her downstairs neighbor, then downplays how noisy she’s been. Liv is mortified, apologizing as she invites Seth in to explain everything. Once they’re inside, Liv explains that she runs an in-home nuru massage parlor, which is where some of the noise comes from, though she tries her hardest to keep it...

4 years ago
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Lawyers Are Hamsters Running On A Wheel

LAWYERS ARE HAMSTERS RUNNING ON A WHEEL By Pirategrrl (c) 2000 1. YOU DON'T BELIEVE THAT MAGIC IS POSSIBLE IN LIVES LIVED WITHIN TRADITIONAL BOUNDARIES. "This is American Airlines flight 201 from New York's Kennedy Airport to Los Angeles International Airport" the flight attendant said as the passengers shuffled on to the 7:00 am flight. Thirty years earlier, Robert Levy gave conscious thought to the meaning of every movement. Every gesture was a carefully thought out method...

1 year ago
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Cheating Wives

Reddit Cheating Wives, aka r/CheatingWives! Alright, guys, there are two ways that you can look at /r/cheatingwives. Either you can see it as a subreddit where you’re the guy who would fuck all these cheating wives, or you would be the guy whose wife would be cheating on them. Whatever the case may be, /r/cheatingwives has the perfect content for you. The reason I say this is because I would definitely and firmly be on the side that fucks all these hot wives. In all honesty, fucking married...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Pregnant Pauses Pt 4

Another in my continuing series of short-short stories about breeding and impregnation[/b]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ART PROJECTI decided that my lady and I would do an “Art Project” together. I painted various images on her and photographed her. We both became so aroused that hot, mad sex soon followed… I continued to take photos as we fucked like savages, somehow though we had managed to forget the condoms. Too bad as it was NOT a safe week for her! Now...

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Candys beginnings

Candy’s beginnings.I’ve been asked a few times when and how I started dressing and what turns me on about it, so here is the story of Candy’s beginnings.I went to a boys only boarding school many years ago. I suppose I would have been 13 when the adolescent rush of hormones became so overpowering that I began to have sexual desires and, as there were only boys there, there was only one way to go. There were many boys at the school who had relationships with other pupils. One in particular who...

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Well This is Interesting

Please review. I usually get criticized for not completing my stories, which honestly I do on purpose, because the goal is to fire up your imagine. But I will give in to critics this time and add several more parts to this if you would like. Well This Is Interesting I confess that my life became easier and more fun, not to mention interesting, after we discovered my husband got aroused by my panties. We found out by accident one evening after some rather passionate love making. We...

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Careful 2 Steves Story

Careful 2 (Steve's Story) Please note this is the second part of the story Careful by Miss_Anyonamiss. If you have not already done so, please read Careful first. Meanwhile Jennifer's side of this story is being wonderfully told by another author, Mrs_Anyonamrs. It is recommended that the reader also read her side of this tale. Comments are appreciated. The next day I went to work, but I hardly accomplished anything. The images just kept running through my mind,...

2 years ago
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My Friend8217s Mom Rachna

Hi, guys, this is Raj with yet another sex story. I have always had a thing for older women as you all know. I used to stay with my family in Mumbai. But recently I had to shift to Pune for my post-graduation. To start with I am a 23-year-old guy. I am an average looking guy but quite friendly with people. I started with my course and I used to stay in a rented flat in Pune. I had a classmate named Udit who used to leave just near my home in Pune. So we both used to spend time mostly together....

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FamilySwap Macey Jade MJ Fresh Rate My Swap Family

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, there’s lots of tension between the four family members. Swap daughter MJ Fresh is working on a career in fashion, so she convinces her swap dad and swap brother, Dan Ferrari and Tyler Nixon, to do some modeling for her. The show is just getting started when swap mom Macey Jade comes in. Macey wants to help judge, and MJ is down with it. When Dan and Tyler come out, MJ...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Alexis Malone Wild And Hot Alexis Malone Returns And Wants To Fuck LIVE

Alexis Malone is ready to come back and she comes back with a bang! Fucking Chad Alva and getting nice and sloppy sucking down his hard dick! Alexis can’t wait to fuck and knows how to please you and whoever is in the room with her. How do you like when she fucks herself hard with her dildo while waiting for Chad to come back? Alexis just wants her pussy filled with cock! Chad comes back and that toy is thrown to the side so she can truly fuck and feel a real cock. She rides Chad in all...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 2Chapter 38

I jogged over to go for a swim, but at the last minute, I decided to go for a run. As I got to the running area, I saw several groups of runners out training. So, I started running along with one group, and asked one of the guys why there were so many people out running today. He said, "There're many people out doing their long weekend run building up for the Marine Corps Marathon." "When is that being run?" "It's always at the end of October. Are you planning to run?" "I think it...

3 years ago
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toyboy and naughty milf

mmm hes a younger guy and we were both very nervous...he made me a drink and we sat in his lounge chatting, me on the sofa, he was opposite in his armchair, we had a little kiss when i got there but things had got pretty intense with us so i guess we were both really not sure how things were gonna go, i had my legs crossed and my dress had ridden up, i knew he could see my stockings..that turned me on because i knew he kept looking when he thought i he went upstairs and when he...

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Bare Bottom

Mrs. Larson glanced at her assignment book and announced to the class, ‘Everyone open up your texts to page 135 and read chapter six, I have to go to the office for a few minutes, but I shouldn’t be too long!’ She entered the Principal Solon’s office and said to his secretary, ‘Hi Georgia, I just received a note form Mr. Solon and he wants to see me right away, is he available!?!’ A slight smirk spread over the secretary’s face as she replied, ‘Just a second, Mrs. Larson, and I’ll find out!!!’...

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10 May 2008Chapter 1

Dan smiled as he escorted Karen, Wendy, and Tina into the Go Go Club. They were followed by Scott and Vicky Kendall, plus Dan’s daughter, Cathy. The women wore their usual sensual attire of very low tops and short skirts or an equally revealing dress. “I’m surprised you didn’t you want to celebrate your birthday at the Hen House?” he mentioned, eyeing her very deep cleavage. “I thought of it but here at the Go Go Club, people aren’t exactly allowed to fuck so it has a higher level of...

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