AssassinChapter 2 free porn video

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Pete, my school friend with the car, asked me what I had planned for the evening. I told him "Nothing" and was promptly included as part of a group meeting together. A group which included Mark and Kyra -- the Pringle twins who just happened to be two of my favourite people.

I shared Gym with Mark on Monday afternoons so we hadn't met yet. Kyra was in my Pol. Sci. class but so far she only knew me as "the new guy". I'd seen her looking with the rest though so she didn't object to me.

They both knew Phil, the boyfriend of Anna's semi-friend Stacey, so I wouldn't be a total outsider and I knew enough of the likes and dislikes of at least four or five to be able to fit in.

That didn't include Anna though and when I told Ma I had been asked out and sought confirmation of my curfew Anna headed to her room and "studied" until I was gone.

Elsie reacted as I intended. I hadn't asked if I could go out -- I wasn't giving her that much power over my social life -- but I had asked for a clear statement of the "house rules".

She checked who I would be with and saw no problem but made the point about alcohol or weed or worse. I said the right reassuring things which I'm sure she didn't quite believe. She might have been surprised how I could handle my beer. I could sit on a glass for ages before swapping it for someone else's. If they were particularly careless they would be taking alternate sips out of both glasses until they had consumed two to my none.

Alcohol dulled the reflexes and spoilt your aim. Drugs could be as bad or worse. I enjoyed adrenalin instead.

I had dinner with the others (except Anna who ate in her room) and Pete picked me up. Simon and Graham were already in the car and I had to squeeze in next to an attractive young lady I hadn't yet met; Graham's girlfriend Eleanor. He was rather protective of her and that was the only time I got that close to her. If he could have done so without looking ridiculous I think he would have gotten Pete to stop while he took the middle seat.

I couldn't see Eleanor putting up with Graham's jealousy for long though and made a point not to give Graham cause to consider me as a "problem" -- but other than that you couldn't find a nicer guy than him.

We went to a pool hall where we waited outside in the car for the others to arrive. A second car turned up; it turned out to be Phil and Stacey together with another couple, Ron and Donna. I was going to struggle with names by the end of the evening -- deliberately. Ron had a large bottle of cola which he passed around. I "took" a swig with lips pressed securely together and asked afterwards, "What is it?"

"JB," was the reply and from the smell I got the feeling there was probably half a bottle mixed in with the cola.

Car Three : Jim driving with Mark beside him while Kyra sat in the back with Jim's girlfriend Marnie.

Car Four : Trev and Kev, sans dates. Perhaps they just preferred hanging out with the guys -- and their dates.

We finished off the plastic bottle, quickly now the numbers had increased, and went inside together. It was nothing like the dimly lit, smoke-filled dens of iniquity our fathers might have frequented in their youth. Instead it was well lit and aimed to get the sector of the population with the most to spend -- its youth -- to see it as a desirable gathering place and to present itself to their parents as a safe form of entertainment.

Thus it had no liquor licence and kept any suggestion of drugs well outside even the parking lot. If kids had a cola though, well, no-one looked too closely provided they didn't show more signs of inebriation than could be put down to the foibles and hijinks of youth.

The girls weren't just eye candy or arm ornaments. They played too and they played well. I could hold my own, though I wasn't the best there by any means. James Bond might excel in everything he did but I was no super-spy.

Some tables would finish before the others and so we stood by talking and watching until we could swap partners; during the evening we all got to play with or against each other at least once. I found myself standing with Kyra watching Mark. It was purely accidental. Okay, don't believe me.

"I'm surprised you both came alone. Mark's certainly got the physique to attract the girls and you, well if I may say so without causing offence, you are simply stunning."

Kyra looked at me. I had complimented her -- possibly trying to pick her up -- but no-one had ever fed her a line before that starting with how great her brother looked. She ended up eventually saying a simple "Thank you".

It must have been a further puzzle since it was doubtful any but she and I knew Mark had not sought out the ladies because he preferred the guys and had not made any moves in that direction since he was still of an age and in a community where homosexuality was still an issue -- often a physically painful one for some. Kyra had also put her love-life on hold since she was sure someone getting close to her would find out her brother's secret. It actually made them easier to approach since I could work my way closer to Mark while using Kyra as cover that would be more acceptable to our peers and her family.

"So where did you come from?" Kyra decided to open a civil conversation between us rather than effectively giving me a cold shoulder by simply smiling and moving off. I responded but kept my eyes on the game before us. Kyra can't have helped but notice.

The game finished and I turned to her. "Shall we challenge the winners?"

That would be Mark and Trev.

I was home on time and my foster parents found nothing in my appearance to criticise. They made polite query about my evening and then we all went to our beds.

I let the house grow quiet and made my way out again. I peeked into Anna's room as I went past -- the gap was wider this time but there was no light and I saw no movement.

Once more though, she spotted my shadow when she should have been asleep. Jumping out of bed, she was too slow; by the time she had rushed to the window, I had already dropped to the ground and was at the front of the house before she opened the window.

Suspicious, she silently made her way to my room. The door was locked but she knew where to find the emergency release tool -- a long nail-like spike -- and tiptoed downstairs to collect it.

I was two blocks away -- loping silently through the streets and avoiding cars and people -- when she proved my room was empty, and I, some sort of Houdini. Anna went back to her room, determined to wait all night to catch me this time.

To catch me and find out exactly what I was up to.

Four blocks away the neighbourhood would definitely be classed as commercial, if mainly up-market retail. There were also hotels, motels and apartments. I had contacts, none of whom would stay more than four to five days at a time, or in the same place. I avoided the surveillance cameras, made my report and picked up the "supplies" I wanted.

Then came the more dangerous trip home.

Anna heard a dog barking in the neighbourhood and that woke her where she was sitting by the window. She pushed it open so she could hear any further sounds more clearly.

My feet made no noise but the straps of my small backpack scraped over the side of the roof as I hoisted myself up. It was enough.

As I eased under her window Anna was looking down at me. "Do you want me to scream now?"

She was lucky I wasn't armed or she might not have had an opportunity to scream. I had spun around, my "Fight-or-Fight" reflexes coming to the fore. There was no attempt at flight, merely a decision to make my blow fatal or not.

I had almost wet myself and looking up I could now see where Anna had slid the pane of glass up so the mesh, normally hidden in the wall below, replaced it.


Anna's quiet comment defused the situation. She would never know how lucky she was. I was certainly happy I didn't have to burn down this house or worse to cover up her death.

"I think we should both happen to need a midnight snack downstairs, don't you? You want coffee?"

I just nodded.

"See you there then."

Anna closed her window again and the curtains and left me to seek my own room. I ignored the telltales -- they were meaningless now -- and hurriedly began to pad out one of the explanations I had ready if I was caught.

I hadn't expected Anna to do the catching and I dreaded including that in my next report. I might be assigned her next just to cover my tracks if my target was deemed to be a serious enough problem.



"You want a sandwich or something."

"Yeah, ta."

"Ham, cheese and tomato okay?"


I looked at Anna as she put the makings together. Light silk PJs -- boxer shorts and button-up top with loose kimono-style robe. I found myself stirring within my own boxer shorts. (I also wore a loose t-shirt as a top and a towelling robe.)

"You go out often? Tuesday and tonight at least. Is it only my window you peer into?"

That was how I found out about her nightly vigils.

"I get restless."

"Restless buying? or selling?"

"Neither. I don't get involved with drugs."

"So what then?"

I had to consider how best to respond. Anna didn't seem to mind me being a "bad boy" -- just how bad I was to be was the question.

"Just looking around the neighbourhood. You know."

"No, actually. I do my looking around when it is light."

"Just seeing how people live, what they are driving. Seen some nice cars around the place but they are all garaged at night."

"So you like nice cars?"

"You might say that."

"Faster the better?"


Anna must have thought she had my measure.

"Same with your women?"

"How do you mean?"

"Faster the better!"

I grinned. "Oh, I don't mind taking time with some things."

We had kept our voices down so we couldn't be heard with any clarity and so we could hear anyone coming downstairs. We sat opposite each other at the table -- quite innocently apart if anyone should look why the light was on.

Anna leaned back.

"What were you hoping to see in my window then?"

She slid a hand inside her gown and, though I couldn't actually see her grip her breast, the back of her hand moved under the fabric in an appropriate manner to pique my interest.

"I was curious I guess. I figured you were asleep so I didn't really expect anything."

"You weren't expecting me to speak to you, that's for sure."

Another grin. "Agreed."

"So how did you get out?"

"The flyscreen comes loose."

"How easily?"

"Fairly. Why?" I didn't really need to ask.

Anna's bare foot slid up my leg, a toenail scraping gently along my calf.

"Perhaps you could fix my screen and you wouldn't have to go as far when you were feeling restless."

"Mmm. What did you have in mind? I'm not supposed to go into your room."

"I'm kind of sure that you're not supposed to leave yours by your window during the night either." Her foot moved past my knee and she played with the hem of my boxer shorts.

"I don't see there is much difference, do you?"

I couldn't argue with her. "Not a lot, no."

"We can't get involved as far as my family is concerned but there is nothing to say that we can't have some quiet fun on our own, surely?"

Wasn't it the guys who were supposed to get the girls to fool around?

I made an attempt to keep matters platonic.

"Er, actually there was someone I am kinda interested in. Sorry."

"You've only been here a couple of days; it can't be that serious yet. Let's see what we can arrange -- you might decide you don't need her."

I considered announcing it was a him but I was sure Anna would try to play the "Gays only need to experience a real woman" card.

I gave in. "Why not. It sounds an attractive suggestion."

"So you do like me!"

"You arranged all this while seriously doubting that? Of course I like you! Move your foot a little higher and you'll see what sitting across from you has done. It's been like that since you were making the sandwiches."

Her foot found the hardness and she gently rubbed her sole along it.

"Is it often like that?"

"Well, let's say I might have been looking in your window for a memory to keep me company while I softened it up again."

Anna took a couple of seconds.

"You jerk off thinking of me!?"


We were silent for a second, listening for the least sign of movement.

Safe, Anna released her breast and slowly, seductively, undid her buttons one by one. She spread the top as she went, an ever-widening V until her navel was mostly visible, the view obscured by the edge of the table every time she leaned a little forward.

Watching me the whole time to make sure my attention was focussed, Anna then moved her top completely out of the way. She was most gratified when the object under her foot twitched in response.

"Will this tide you over until tomorrow night? If you come and visit me then you can refresh your memory."

"Deal," I said. She really was worth the distraction, I only hoped she didn't jeopardise the mission.

Anna re-buttoned her top, far more quickly than she had unbuttoned it. Flashing had seemed like a good way of spurring on my interest; being discovered with her breasts exposed seemed like an even better way of ruining her chances of taking advantage of me now that she had me in her clutches.

Since she was inviting me into her room, Anna considered she would be safe enough. If I tried to take things further than she intended a scream would bring reinforcements and she could successfully protest her blameless status.

I helped her rinse and dry our plates and cups. We could have left them on the sink but there would be less questions if there was also no proof that we had been up.

Anna checked the staircase and then turned quickly back to me in the kitchen. With an arm thrown hastily around my neck we had our first kiss. It was violent, sensual and I was taken back by Anna's fervour. When I responded in kind she moaned into my mouth and pressed her breasts hard against my chest.

I moved my lips beside her ear, took a hand and moved it to my prick. "A little memory for you to take to your bed," I whispered.

She squeezed affectionately. "I'll think of you thinking of me, shall I?"

My hand found her breast. It was an uninvited contact; each time she had touched my penis had been due to me. Anna did not object, in fact she gave me another kiss that was almost enough to get me to unfasten her window then and there.

We sensibly retired to our own rooms instead though she led me up the stairs in a manner that would have been sure to cause parental disapproval.

Day 6, Saturday

"You coming to soccer? Hurry up if you are!"

I felt like I'd barely closed my eyes. Yes, I had heard Anna played soccer. No, I hadn't associated that with Saturday mornings. No, I hadn't contemplated rising quite this early.

I am a night person; even a creature of the night if you prefer. I could however function at the other end of the clock -- once I was vertical -- and a quick shower and some of Ma's excellent coffee kept me awake.

We had to pick up a couple of other girls and Ma positioned Anna up front -- I think in an effort to introduce me to more females. Anna didn't appreciate it but couldn't very well sit back there with me and let one of the others have the front seat.

She would have much preferred I had it though than to have to see me shift into the middle so I was surrounded by two young athletic ladies in silky tops and shorts. Realistically, except for the buttons, there was little difference between their uniforms and Anna's PJs.

The morning was cool and the other parents and various family members as enthusiastic as Ma. It was a closely contested match until late in the second half when Anna centred a corner kick perfectly and her team-mate sunk what was to be the only goal of the match.

They came off excited and happy and though I'm not sure I deserved to be part of the group hug I certainly participated equally when dragged into it. Ma couldn't complain; she'd swung me in a circle when the goal had been acknowledged by the ref.

The ride home was noisier, and smellier, and seemed to involve hands in contact with thighs. Their hands -- my thighs! What was with all these girls!?

When Hailey left I returned the favour with a final congratulatory pat. Those legs were well-muscled yet smooth to the touch. It was really a shame I wasn't going to be here for more than a month or so.

Though left with room to spread out, I simply kept my seatbelt buckled and that was that.

Rosalee took it as a positive sign and snuggled closer, her hand making a more obvious move up along my leg. I leaned forward to cover us from the front and, while talking to Ma and Anna, let my finger run along Rosalee's bicep.

Since she was almost as far north as she could go without finding Santa's workshop and wasn't squawking as my fingers "accidentally" moved closer to her breast I openly closed the distance and found a hard nipple barricaded behind her sports bra. She retaliated and I could have used a jelly mould to keep my sensitive parts safe.

Luckily that was all there was time for before it was her turn to be dropped off. She took my hand and squeezed my fingers as she said, "It was nice to meet you Roger. I hope you will come to our other games. You seem to have brought us luck."

"Well I seem to be the lucky one, spending my morning with four lovely girls."

Rosalee got her fingers squeezed in turn. Let her think I intended the compliment for her alone.

Ma snorted and called me "silver-tongued" then said goodbye in recognition of Rosalee's thanks.

Anna turned to me as we drove into our street.

"You've got a screwdriver in your toolbox haven't you?"

"Yes, though I don't know if whether it's any good for what you want."

"I've got a shelf that's a little loose in my room. Would you mind tightening it for me please?"

I looked at Ma. "If that's okay."

"You can do it while I go through the shower," Anna jumped in ahead of any decision.

"Yes, that would be good of you Roger if you wouldn't mind."

There was nothing wrong with the shelves and Anna's screen soon matched mine, easily sliding back into the wall cavity when detached from the bottom of the window frame when the pane of glass was lifted up. I wondered if I should make Brent's window and even those in the other rooms the same so I could deny responsibility but decided it was too much work if I wasn't staying.

As I closed Anna's bedroom door I heard the bathroom door open. It was just a small gap but I could see a strip up Anna's body that went from the left side of her pubes to above her right nipple and the centre of a tilted but broad smile.

"You be sure to come back later." Anna closed the door quietly and finished drying herself.

I went downstairs. "Anything else while I'm on a roll?"

Elsie suddenly looked like her daughter and I had a vision of the beautiful woman Anna would likely grow into. Not a stunner but certainly someone granted a MILF rating by her children's male friends.

Maybe Anna's provocation had made me horny but it was more fun to think of the woman sitting in front of me as Elsie rather than Ma or Mrs. Jamieson.

Elsie's face looked puzzled and I guess some of my thoughts must have shown on my dial. I'm normally more discreet. Honesty was likely to be the safest policy -- a little honesty anyway.

"You know, I can see the resemblance between you and Anna. Brent looks more like Doug. I was right earlier about being in the car with four lovely ladies. Actually, it's almost like being in Venice Beach in L.A. -- everywhere you look, gorgeous women. I didn't think that happened this side of the Rockies."

Elsie snorted again but not so convincingly this time. Any woman likes to be appreciated and most can tell a sincere compliment from bullshit. In the car I could have been spouting pure fluff since I was making a general comment to Rosalee that had included Elsie as a matter of politeness. This time was different.

"No," I said to contradict her expression of disbelief (how ever small), "look at the two teams today. Now I'll grant you there are a few who don't qualify for model thinness but I suspect they were mainly muscle. They were all fit and most were easy on the eye. I don't consider that all to look for in a girl but if you are male and standing on the sideline it's not a punishment."

"Why do you think I send Doug into work," Elsie laughed. "Anna is going to be hungry. Fancy some flapjacks for brunch?"

With a simple, unconscious gesture, Elsie suddenly became Ma. It was a trick I would find useful and I closed my eyes to try to visualise the before and after expressions while I answered.

Ma must have thought it was blissful anticipation. "I hope the pancakes live up to your expectations."

Anna asked me if I wanted to go with her to the Mall. I did have some purchases to make so I agreed.

"Do you have a licence? asked Ma.

"An interstate one. Oregon."

"When Doug gets home he can see how well you manage and maybe you will be able to use the car from time to time."

I could drive anything from a single cylinder scooter up to a bus or heavy duty rig with tandem trailer. I had learned to cope with rally driving and off road and could also spin on little more than my own car's length if I needed to go back where I came from. I doubted any of that was likely to make Doug part willingly with the keys to his family sedan.

Training had begun as soon as I was picked up. If you've seen the movie with Bridget Fonda you can imagine part of the picture. Take away the hostility and psychopathic beginnings; add in a willingness to learn; combine with an organisation that is ten shades darker than midnight, with the money and staff to support a group of people dedicated to the principal of justice rather than just law -- or more frequently un-just law.

My real classmates were much like me though most were several years older. We went where the law couldn't or sometimes wouldn't go for reasons of graft, politics or PR. We applied a justice that solved certain problems and in doing so we might cause some collateral damage, even some friendly fire damage. I preferred not to have too many extras but I knew that the cases I dealt with would, if left unattended, result in a much higher body count of more or less innocent people.

How many? I didn't keep count of either the principals or the others. I have been trained, not to forget them, but rather to remember the whys and the people who wouldn't suffer. I sleep at night and so will possibly hundreds who might not have if I hadn't been chosen.

It was a half block to the bus stop and then a short ride but Anna just looked at me when I suggested we walk. I resolved to try and convince her to try it on the way home. She was fit -- I'd seen her run around the pitch that morning -- but apparently physical exercise didn't include shopping trips, at least until one had to walk around the actual mall.

Arriving, Anna led me straight away to her father's store where the staff greeted her. "Hi. This is Roger -- he lives with us now." I got checked out -- one eye contact and approving appraisal suggested Mark Pringle wasn't alone in town -- and we were asked for our orders.

Anna insisted on ordering for me -- "You'll love it," she assured me.

When it came it was vanilla-flavoured coffee with caramel instead of sugar and a hint of chilli which unexpectedly enhanced the other flavours. It was delicious and I said so. We sat in a booth by the window and watched the passing crowd.

"Dad's at the other store today. He might drop in before he goes home so we might be able to get a ride home with him."

That meant I would need to be careful in case he saw us and checked on my behaviour. I might not give him any concerns about Anna but I didn't want any other activities closely scrutinised either.

"So where do you want to go, or are you just generally window shopping?"

Anna named a couple of clothing stores she wanted to check out. The new lines were due in and she could see what she wanted to convince her mother she just had to have. Then, as well, she might just find a few things that her mother would not consent to buy but which would fit within Anna's own budget.

"What about you?"

"Well I need to get some money out of a hole in the wall and I see there's an electronics shop here that might have some kits." I also needed to get some condoms but I didn't say that. I had left those behind when I made my report the previous evening. It might seem silly, even boy scouts are supposed to "be prepared" but while a flick-knife might get you a stern lecture, being found with a condom by a teenage girl's father is likely to lead to a situation where you want the flick-knife.

However, circumstances had changed and being found in the girl's bedroom without a condom was likely to lead to more trouble than having one to hand (if not actually on).

Which raised a problem. I had no idea who knew Doug and Ma, people who would likely pass on a bit of information about a young man -- perhaps resembling me -- in the company of their only, and highly nubile, daughter who was purchasing condoms by the wheelbarrow load.

Okay the last is an exaggeration -- a slight exaggeration.

I could try to go back to my contact (also dodgy during daylight) or try to get there tonight and still meet Anna. Timing would be difficult.

That left a drop at the mall. Spy-craft at its simplest and yet highly awkward.

"Can I meet you at the shoe shop? I just need to find the bathrooms for a minute."

"I'll wait here, there's no hurry and the shop is slow enough that they won't need the table."

"Okay. Won't be long."

I found the mall directory and both telephones and restrooms. I made a quick call from the public phone; my mobile was more for show.

"East Mall. Need two dozen rubbers and lube in Electronics store bag with assorted resistors and size 5 project box. One hour." I named the stores Anna was interested in and got a terse okay. They would do it though they tried to avoid security cameras -- especially in the presence of a primary. They probably wouldn't work with me again for a year of two. I hoped that didn't piss them off though there was nothing I could do about it.

I grabbed some more money -- I was a teenager, I was expected to fritter it away. This account would be closed when the job was done and the couple of thousands it still contained would go back to whichever silent fund it had come from. It certainly wasn't my money; that was in a numbered account in Switzerland where I could draw on it in my retirement in maybe five or ten or, if I remained with my employers in some other role, perhaps even twenty years.

I already had more than Doug and Ma even if they sold the franchised stores at full market value. I sat on a retainer of $180G a year (tax free since even the revenuer's couldn't be told about my earnings) with a further $250G per project. This one required infiltration and would take four, five, six weeks tops; another might require three days. I would quite easily retire to the identity that was being carefully crafted for me as I worked. When the time came I would have a fully documented history of who I was and how I had made the money that I would then delight in spending.

I returned to the coffee shop.

"Can we go to the electronics shop first? Please. It's only over there and I'll follow you around as you want then."

"Oh, okay."

I picked out a packet of resistors I didn't need and the plastic box that I had specified. That might come in handy. I also picked out a remote controlled car -- one which resembled a car crushing monster truck with big wheels and high suspension. When you're only 40cm long you need the clearance to get up kerbs and over rocks.

Anna just shook her head. "Boys and their toys!"

I could have made some snide remark about girls and shopping with little difficulty as I waited while she tried on yet another outfit.

I was glad Anna had agreed to go to the electronics store first. There would have been hell to pay if I'd called my contact in and hadn't even had time to get my own matching bag. An hour wouldn't have been enough.

He had eyeballed me as I signalled Anna had about 15 minutes left in here and went off to grab a coffee of his own while I prepared my shoelace. The last thing we needed was a security guard chatting to my contact about why he found the one store window so interesting.

I confess that shopping is one of the most boring experiences I can think of -- including the time I spent thirty-six hours on a roof top with stale sandwiches and a plastic spring water bottle to pee in while waiting for an opportunity to close a little relay that would accidentally result in a car running a red light that appeared green. The car struck a truck and he arrived at hospital with such severe internal bleeding that he was pronounced DOA except he really went to a small sanatorium with only cuts and bruises where he spilled a lot more than beans.

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Around 4 p.m., the brunette cautiously got up from her lounge chair and wrapped herself in a large towel. I had been alert for the entire process. The unladylike spreading of her legs as she rose from her place, the lovely moment when her right leg swung out over the chair and took its place alongside her left, so that she could rise and stand up, facing away from me and showing me her fantastic ass. The divine moment when, still naked as the day she was born (but with, presumably, a whole...

3 years ago
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Drunk wife used by stranger

I had raised the idea of "others" a couple of times, but Elaine's shocked reaction soon stopped those idea's. It wasn't that she didnt like sex, or that she failed to find other men attractive. When Elaine had alcohol, another personality was waiting to get out. She did not drink often, but when she did, it was really "let your hair down time". If music came on, she was up and dancing. If men were around, she was flirting. One time I had to rescue a shocked priest from a corner after a...

1 year ago
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Part 6 8211 Slutty Secretary

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Year 1993 took me out of my comfort zone and basically shook me out. It was an eventful year for me. On one side I had to terminate my sexual relationship with Falguni and on the other hand, fate kept me away from her. My job took me to a temporary posting to West Bengal (Midnapore, now a hot bed of Maoist activity). It also opened up a new opportunity to flirt and bed women from the East. I had always known them to be as Bhaudis (Sister-in-law in...

2 years ago
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Pain and Pleasure

Heya,This post is not really something important. I just wanted to share a story with you that happened to me recently which was kinda hot and also kinky af.It starts off with a girl I just got to know. We write occassionaly with each other but also like to sext and exchange pictures. Two days ago she asked me to get naked and tell her one of my most loved fantasies. I told her that I would love to be dominated by a girl and forced to lick her pussy. She then turned herself into a mistress and...

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Shobha Ki Chudai Khet ki Zopadi Me

Hai dosto kaise hai aap ? Dosto a meri pehali story hai. Maine ISS ki bahut story padhi hai lekin 90% story zhut lagati hai q ki koi bi indian nari ya ladaki lund mum me nahi leti kitani bi randi q na ho such hai ya zhut muze mail zarur karana mera mail id hai par i m waiting for your comment .Ha to dosto story pe dhyan dete hai story us samay ki hai jab meri B.A. final ki exam ho chuki thi aur dhup ka mousam tha aur kheto me jawar ki fasal thi . Mai jis gaion me rehata tha us gaion me ek...

2 years ago
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Male Male cum on face

As I walked out of the hot Arizona sun into the darkened sex shop, I gave a little shedder at the chill in the air and the smells assaulting my senses. My cock, already stirring in my shorts, was rapidly getting harder as I made my way down the hallway; past the booth for the full movie viewing, and into the rental area. I glanced at the few patrons in the area – it was normally slow in the middle of the afternoon. I walked back into the rear of the store, where the quarter booths were....

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Teases and Touches FMLong

If there was one thing Eric and Clara had in common it was their ability to play with fire without getting burned. In every other possible regard they differed, positioned firmly on opposing sides of their social circle and often enough on opposite sides of the room. It was a gap love could not bridge, and neither of them fell victim to any illusion in that regard.But the bridge they had found was much more powerful, dangerous even in that they shared their love for destructive relationships....

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Lilly Ford Cum Covered Step Sister

Lilly Ford and her stepbrother Alex D. are playing board games with Lilly’s mom. Lilly’s mom is disturbed by the sexual flirting between her daughter and stepson, but she sets up pie face with them. Even before they start Lilly has her hand stroking Alex’s dick. When Lilly’s mom gets pied, the two teens convince her she has to leave it on for five minutes. While she waits, Lilly takes the opportunity to suck Alex off at the table. They even have fun with the whipped...

2 years ago
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My boy Olly

Introduction: This is my first story. I think its quite long but please bare with me, i plan on continuing in a few more storys and developing! Please leave a post and let me know. Remeber, more to CUM! My name is Charlie. Since the age of 13, I have been helping out in my local boys youth group. Im now 17 and have made loads of friends, both young and old, in particular one boy called Olly. Olly, who was 11 going on 12. Was pretty special to me. I really did care for him and out of all the...

2 years ago
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Caught in A Good Romance 7 of 10

© Copyright 2013, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved. [email protected] Caught in A Good Romance, 7 of 10 By Leslie Lowe Chapter 7 The next morning was Saturday, and I was really excited to have a day off to do a few chores around my apartment, which had been woefully neglected in the frantic run-up to our Harem Fundraiser. I was scrubbing the filthy kitchen floor when my cellphone rang. It was nine o'clock. The call was from Lance's driver, Ralph, asking what...

3 years ago
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‘Get out of bed and get into the tub NOW!’ I awake in a cold sweat. My heart is racing. My head is pounding. I freeze, squeezing my eyes shut. I wait. I listen. I know he’s coming. From the moment I heard him shout in the room down the hall, Jenn’s room, I’ve been sure that this is the night I will die. Maybe his gun will kill me. Maybe a heart attack. I watch the clock. 2:36 2:37 2:38 Nothing but silence as I stare at the red numbers on the digital clock. Shouldn’t I hear screaming by...

4 years ago
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Rise of the Roxo Girl

CHAPTER 1 Out of work actress Beau Brooke (24) learned what it was like being a battered woman. The guy she’d been living with arrived home drunk late just after 10:00 and reacted angrily when he found his dinner in the trash bin. He pulled Beau out of bed and mauled her. Responding to her screams two men in the next apartment rushed in through the open door and their intervention saved the young woman from possibly severe injury. Beau was taken to A&E by ambulance and the police were called...

3 years ago
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Sex With Shinora

I was to visit my famed and sexy Aunt Shinora Risan at her palace in Fantasia Prime, a world in which she created using her arcane magick. I have to admit. I didn’t know much about Shinora. I only saw her one time and I was quite young at that. I couldn’t even remember what she looked like. I arrived at her place around noon on Saturday. She was a hot and voluptuous woman wearing pink and purple linens and decorated with pearls and golden bracelets. She also carried around a long metal staff...

2 years ago
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Seven Days of Lust Ch 08

As they showered and caressed one another in amongst the soap suds Dan and Kay knew that this would be the a wonderful anniversary yet again. They had shared many of their fantasies throughout the week and tonight would be the last one of their week long shared presents to each other. Dan had arranged everything prior to this evening and now he was about to surprise his wife with not more than just dinner and a night out. He had a surprise that would surpass everything else she had expected....

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Vegas Show Guy Part 4

Vegas Show Guy - Part 4 Susan was having quite a good time. Her former dominating husband Dan was now her wife and she was now the husband. While she was eager to put her shapely and petite husband through more female scenarios she just had to learn more about how Hal had gained these amazing powers, why he had used them to do this to Dan and how he had used the powers to make dramatic changes to the power...

3 years ago
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Barrack Room Betty Chapter Ten

Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Ten - Sea Daddies and Sea Mommies Seaman Michael Nyland graduated from Recruit School in March 1974 and was immediately posted to HMS Raleigh to commence training as a Writer; a sailor specialising in pay, personnel matters and administration. He was glad to see the back of HMS Chelmsford; Spike and the three other Leading Recruits had passed out at the end of January and had posted off to other establishments to undertake their...

3 years ago
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Dead Stick 8

I'd finished my exercises going up now 6 3/4 more than when I started a few days ago. Now at least I could stop him a bit maybe even hurt him enough for him to have to lay low and heal but I needed to go higher if I even wanted a slim chance to survive. Sighing I knew that I'd have to put more on the shield again. Maybe gain a few more days but I couldn't keep it going up or he'd catch on, break free sooner, then, I was dead for sure as most of the world was. The hard thing right now was...

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Willing slavefrom her point of view

For the first part of this story, see Willing Slave, by dj_oh.My bedroom was ready for him. It's his playground. I always lay all the toys out on the end of my bed. Rope, wrist and ankle cuffs, clothespins, nipple clamps, a couple of dildos, anal plug, wooden spoon, a plastic plumbing tool he likes using on my ass. There's always a red candle lit. I never know what he is going to use or how. He has me lie down across the bed, face down. I'm wearing only a garter belt and thigh highs. ...

1 year ago
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BrendaChapter 4

Tomorrow went on to become a string of new days. Brenda moved into her new apartment on the Saturday following her discovery of her husband’s infidelity. Her daughter and her son-in-law and I helped with the moving. What didn’t conveniently fit into the little one-bedroom apartment went into storage. Son-in-law and I struggled with the King-sized mattress for her bed. “Mom, I can’t believe you took the BED,” Ellie said. “Damned straight I did, baby,” Brenda replied. “I’m not leaving it for...

1 year ago
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She needed the money Chapter 3

Rhonda drives Ann first to the hairdressers. “Hello Rhonda” says the manager “can we help you or this young lady?” Rhonda smiles as she sees the female manager starting at Ann’s unrestrained breasts. “My friend here needs the works Beth” Rhonda replies. “It will be my pleasure” replies Beth and takes on the task in person. Rhonda watches as Beth tries to concentrate. “I knew you would like peeving on her” Rhonda thinks “you enjoy it when I don’t wear a bra don’t you”. Ann sits quietly as Beth...

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Stepping out

Carol raced about the Marriot, clad in little more than a slip and stockings, glancing in the mirror then down at the small army of bras she had packed.  The peach one was thin and went so well with skin.  The black one was more daring, the tan had a thickly padded cup to emphasize her bosom while the red one pushed up her breasts into a little shelf. Sadly, it didn’t really work well with the lacy blue thong she had bought for this weekend. She picked them up, knowing she had time. Thomas had...

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I Love My Sister

Chapter 1: Kids I grew up in a small town in upstate Vermont with my parents and my little sister. My name is Greg and I am two years older than my sister Sarah which early on was a formula for friction. We had more than our share of sibling rivalry which caused no end of grief to my parents. I was under the impression that she was their little angel and could do no wrong in their eyes which irritated me continously. We would fight over some of the silliest things most of which I would lose. I...

2 years ago
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Shower first time

Shower, first time!At the time I was 19 years old nice build, so I say so my self! Flat stomach nice arms, legs muscled from football and rugby. By cock had been in females I liked it a lot, but something was Missing from it all I found out what it was after a long shift, working as waiters I got on with all the staff but one was different he was funny and good looking we liked to tease some of the guests by acting like we where gay and together, I think he did this a lot to maybe get to know...

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One Great Halloween Chapter 1

It was Halloween 2004, a night of frights and scares, along with fantasies that came true. Our friend, Janine, decided to join us for the fun that weekend. J-Nine, short for her name as we called her. Halloween is M's favorite holiday of the year. We decorate heavily with the cemetery, the burning flames leading to the house, and both garages decorated out in full Halloween spook. Needless to say, we overdo it a bit. Bloody Mary's on dry ice, and fog machines for effect, etc. J-Nine showed...

3 years ago
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My Babys Secret

Introduction: Okay, so having decided that my last story was faaaar to controversial to actually appeal to many people at all, Ive gone down a completely different road. Hope you enjoy, love reading comments xx Sarah beams at me as I take her hand. Blue light bathes her pale skin as we enter the upscale private quarters of downtown Houstons aquarium dining. The waiter, dressed in a sharp midnight blue suit, quickly shows us to our table, circled by the magnificent tropical tank. We sit down...

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Getting My ExHusbands Promotion For Him

Introduction: Well, my ex was a Lt in the Air Force and he could just never make Capt. Well, my ex-husband was an Lt in the Air Force and he just never could make Capt. He tried his best but his evals and scores were just not at the top plus his recommendations from his Commander, Col. Young were not as good as they could have been and as I understand it, he signed off on the final paperwork. Well, we were in the Base Exchange one day after being at the pool and I had on a cover blouse over my...

1 year ago
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Love Romance Sex Cute Rajkot Male 8211 Part III

Hi how are you my all good and cute friends …ab me apka time west nai karunga par ak bat kahu meri sabhi story padne ke liye last me likha hoga (Read more stories submitted by: your_raj ) your_raj par click karna meri sabhi pahele se lekar akhir tak ki storys ayegi or meri dosto dhyan se padna isme love or romance bharpur he bor hoye bina pls or apna 3 akhri part likhta hu or pls koi sidhe ye story pad rahe he to use requst he pahele iska 1st 2nd part zarur padle kyu ke to apko really baut maza...

3 years ago
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Milfy Battle Ch 2

As soon as his aunt, Laura left, Ben's mom made him sit on the couch to give the promised massage on the shoulder she had accidentally injured working him out.After retrieving massage oil from her room, she emerged from the hall to the right to see him in only boxers. “This isn’t a strip club, Ben.”“I figured you could give me a full massage.”“I’m not in the mood right now, and wrestling is coming on soon.” Marie walked over to stand a few feet away. “I’ll give you one tomorrow or...

4 years ago
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Taking Camryn Again

Camryn hurried into work the next day. She sat in her cubicle hoping to discover the next contact from the mystery man that had taken her the day before in the locker room. He told her to expect to be contacted the next day, and yet, after searching her station frantically, there was no note to be found.She had begun to wonder if she had disappointed him somehow. Maybe he had decided to move on. She was surprised how empty that thought made her feel inside. She realized that she loved the way...

2 years ago
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Emma and the Master Part 6

Before doing anything, Ranulph strips off his shirt to expose a muscular chest and arms. His chest is smooth and hairless, and he has a tight rippling tummy. To my surprise he then removes his shoes and socks before taking off his jeans, and for the first time I see him clad only in black leather briefs, his very apparent bulge contained by a studded cod piece which I find very sexy. He grins at me and I melt, knowing I will now do anything he asks. “Ok, Emma, my darling, you have done...

1 year ago
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arab girl frist time sex

hello every body my story about my Arab girlsfirst time I'm meet here at yahoo chat roomshe is very beautifuland sexyi told here i need to see ur pic see say nobecause she first time chat with meshe ask me about see my cam and I'm on my cam for here as respect man she ask me for see my toll (short or toll) so I'm stand up for show for her my high after that she told me take of ur clothes i said noooooooas respect man she say to me bye and closed her mailand next day i found her online i said...

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Magic FinaleA touch of Magic

I see this image of you knocking on my door, pulling me into your arms. We kiss as your fingers caress every inch of me. We soon become a frenzy of discarded clothing and end up on the bed. Later that day I see you online. We chat and I type,” Are we still meeting Sunday?” You than type, “I do not know, according to your email you need a down to earth fucking now, how’s about me coming over tonight instead? By the way, I attached a picture of me in my latest email to you, that...

3 years ago
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Life Lessons 3

This is part 3 of this story, you may want to start with part 1We were caught!Our passion had swept aside any caution and we were caught! With slowly dawning horror Katie and I recognised the face pressed up to the window. The face was almost as familiar to me as my own. My mother was clearly shell shocked, the sight of her young son on the floor, pants around ankles and cock buried in her niece's still pulsing pussy.My mother was round eyed and her face flushed.After what felt like an eternity...

2 years ago
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Sylvia ist eine Arbeitskollegin von mir. Max mochte sie schon immer sehr. Und seine Zuneigung zu ihr erhielt nur kurzzeitig einen Dämpfer, als ich ihn aufklärte, dass sie eher auf Frauen steht. Mit ca. 170cm und nur knapp über 55kg ist sie nicht weit weg von mir, außer, dass sie dunkle Locken hatte und ihre Haut auch dunkler ist als meine, und dabei hat sie wunderschöne, rehbraune Augen. Mit dieser hyper-schlanken Figur, und den Proportionen genau an der richtigen Stelle passt sie einfach zu...

2 years ago
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Further adventures into Exhibitionism

Following my exhibitionist awakening, hubby and I continued with the indoor erotic photography for several months.  Hubby switched from film to a digital camera, and I was quietly disappointed as it no longer meant having to get the pictures processed. Shortly after getting his first digital camera, we spent a weekend away in the countryside which was to become my first experience of outdoor nakedness and photography.On the first day of our little break we took a walk across country, heading...

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My Voyeur

TRUE STORY!It's been really hot this summer in Dallas. Sometimes the only way to bare it is to, well, bare it all! My aunt and uncle took off for a vacation in Europe a few weeks ago and asked if I wanted to house-sit. They live in a really nice neighborhood in Carrollton, just north of Dallas. They offered a fully stocked fridge, bar, and a pool. Who would say no to that?I love to be tanned, and I hate tan lines. My boobies and butt are bright white without some color. Usually I tan in a salon...

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Incest FamilyChapter 3

"Don't you think that Margaret should know?" Alice asked. The third beer had made her a little woozy. She wasn't used to drinking. Not in a bar. Mitch was sipping some kind of drink he'd ordered. The place was full of people and was pretty noisy. She'd thought that Betty and Lee would meet them there too but so far there'd been no sign of them. Mitch had taken off his glasses and was leaning close to her. She couldn't hear what he was saying for the noise. The band had started up...

1 year ago
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six young girls with next to nothing on and all of them flirting with me just so they could get into the club free the price for being a boucer . dad (my nick name )cant we at least get some free drink tokens ,then my wife voice rang out tell you wot girls show me your tits or ass and i will make sure you get afree drink ,they all new shell as my lady it was the black girl flicked her skirt to show her thong ,even shell could not help but pat it. off they went shot tokens waving and my wife...

3 years ago
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The Company Cruise Slut

My husband Ed works for a large public relations firm headquartered in Boston, and he has recently been promoted to director of communications. This was quite an accomplishment considering that he is only 38 years old and has only been with the company for five years, and the competition was really stiff for that position. He is 6’1” tall and weighs 190 pounds and his good looks and boyish charm no doubt helped him move up quickly in the company. My name is Beth, and at 35 years old and after...

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Sisters Love HorsesChapter 5

Twenty miles away, in her apartment in the city, Claire Harper put the telephone down after talking to her mother. She sighed. Claire felt it was her duty to spend the occasional weekend with her family, but she wasn't looking forward to it. There were so many exciting things to do in the city and Claire expected to be bored stiff on the farm. Claire, like her mother and sister, was blonde, but her hair was not as sunstreaked, it was a shade or two darker. She was every bit as pretty and...

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The Minister

Like most of the ministers, he was also there for the big conference set way back last year, but what he didn’t know was who was going to be there that weekend. Several people from his home town were attending and this included one specific individual who was known by all to be a very devout woman with a rigid plan of events she’d scheduled that weekend for herself. His name is Keith. He had directed a number of programs administered at the church. When he walked into the one convention hall...

Straight Sex
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Photoshop Helped Me To Fuck A Village Girl 8211 Part 1

Hey, its me Rajaa back with my new horny story. Directly onto story, i was comming back to my village after 3 years. I was in Mumbai for the past 3 years doing my degree in Photography. I had just completed my degree and was looking for a job. Due to some family issues i had to return to my village. My village was a backward area but because my father was rich, i didn’t face any problem with my studies and my finances. So i am a good looking , well built, rich handsome photographer…. thats what...

3 years ago
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A Feel For The Ice Ch 02

Anna tried not to think about Hayden and that amazing kiss in the days that followed. She tried to sleep, eat and go to work without wondering how far she would have let him go. Then of course, she tried to convince herself that she would have had enough presence of mind to tell him to stop. So far, none of it was working. Hayden was being the perfect guy, calling when he said he would and spending a lot of those phone calls talking to Riley, not Anna. She couldn’t fault him for that, not...

3 years ago
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Soccer Coachs Wife

Karen Johnson had a problem!Karen was now in her late thirties and her body had developed a serious need for sex! All the worse was the fact that her husband seemed to be moving the opposite direction. They still had sex but it seemed to be by rote.This left Karen to spend a significant amount of time doing self-service with her vibrator. It was during these little sessions that her mind would wander to whom she would like to have sex with. In the last week she found herself coming back to one...

3 years ago
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first time swinger mmff

We had a pussy good friend, i wanted to fuck. My girlfriend really wanted to do a mff, shes the one she wanted to do it with too. downside was she had a boyfriend. A real douche, tall, skinny.My girlfriend texted her about a mff. She said yes, her boyfriend saw the text though she replied out loud."I want to, he wants to fuck Laura (my ex fiance) too though." Replied kelly. I thought about it. The last time i let other makes fuck her i knew them well. But i wanted to fuck kelly. Laura told...

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Groped fingered throated and butt fucked

I was going late to my office and the elevator was really crowded that morning. I was being squished among a lot of people. A wonderful start to that long day, I thought to myself. Suddenly, I felt it. There, again… definitely more than just a quick accidental contact. A pair of hands was stroking my firm buttocks through my tight skirt. That soft contact felt so good… It was not an aggressive groping. Those hands were exploring the contours of my firm butt as though it was a masterpiece of...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 61

“I just sent her this,” said Kelly, holding up her phone for Ms. Valentine to see. The lighting was not good but it was clearly a picture of the teacher naked and bound, her mouth agape and her legs slightly parted. “Though I like this one too.” She brushed her finger across the phone and the picture changed to one taken from Kelly’s point of view. The top of Ms. Valentine’s head was visible but the rest was buried in red pubic hair.Sara Valentine groaned. Not only had she been fooled and used,...

1 year ago
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My first fucking in Sasural

Hello ISS readers, this is Saroj Sharma again, sharing my chudai experience after my recent marriage. I have submitted my two real sex stories to this site, and received very encouraging feedback. So I am again submitting here my another new real sex story. Those who are new to this site, or could not read my previous stories, for them I am telling again that I am from Rajasthan, 25 years old, Post graduate girl, doing govt. Service(gazetted status). I got married recently and my hubby is a...

1 year ago
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CD Maid Fantasy

Nervously, I knelt on the ground, and wait for Mistress to return. The whole day, I had spent cleaning her house, wearing my maid outfit, always making sure that everything on it was in order. It was difficult to keep the white stockings and gloves clean, but I had managed to do so, all while in 5" black heels, a lace-like maid outfit, and of course, a plug, collar, and cage to keep me from playing early. So I had finished my tasks, re applied my make-up, combed my short black, hair and had...

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