Help Me…I Love You… Ch. 01 free porn video

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((Author’s note: This is a story of a romance that takes a while to bloom. Although there is sexual relations in nearly every chapter, that isn’t the main goal of this story. I hope you enjoy the ride.))

Will Raskin and I had known each other for years. We met at work. If you can call the Agency work. I’ve heard it called everything from ‘hell’ to ‘the most exciting job I’ve ever had.’ The Young People’s Investigation Agency, called ‘the Agency’ by most who worked there, is a new branch of the FBI. In the last few years, scientists began to research the neurological development that happens during and after puberty. They found that talents, such as investigation skills, hand-eye coordination, analytic understanding and the like, manifested between 16 and 18 years of age. They decided to use these especially talented children to their advantage before their brilliance faded.

I was brought in a year after Will had been there. He was 17 at the time. I was 16. He had a photographic memory and I had the ability to read people like a book. Still do. The two of us got along right away and we were partnered together. We were sent on countless missions together, going everywhere from Paris to Istanbul. Each time I went undercover, though, I felt like I was losing myself a little more.

When I was 23, I decided to leave the Agency. They made me sign an Official Secrets Act, then let me go. Ever since then, I’ve been making up for lost time, getting a boyfriend, finishing my college degree that I had started, and even getting a job as a psychology teacher at the local high school. Things were going wonderfully until I came back to the apartment Jacob and I shared and I found him in bed with Jade, my best friend. I forced them out, told Jacob never to come back, and locked the door behind them.

That was nearly a week ago now. I replay the scenario again in my mind as I consult my directions from the piece of paper on the passenger seat of my Camry. I remember the way they had looked when I walked into the bedroom. The way that his hand was in her hair, the way he used to do with me. The way she was pressed against him, naked.

I take a left turn onto Golden Palace Drive and see my destination, an apartment complex made out of red brick with a green roof, on my right. I pull into the parking lot, slam my door shut, and buzz apartment number 23. After a pause the doors unlock and I walk into a black and white tiled main area. I go up the stairs and take a right at the top, following the signs to room 23.

I make an attempt to fix my hair as I stand outside his door. Tucking my brilliantly red hair behind my ears, I wonder if he’ll recognize me. It was almost two years since I last saw him. I had lost a little muscle since then, but was still pretty fit. My breasts and ass are okay, I guess, but nothing special. My skin was really pale and no matter how hard I worked, I couldn’t tan, only burn. Will used to tease me about that. His brown hair would always get blonder in the summer, his skin tanning easily.

I raise my hand and take a deep breath, then knock. It was late. I knew that. But I also knew he liked to stay up late. ‘Will?’ I ask. ‘It’s me…’ I look up and down the hall, still not used to his apartment building yet. The florescent lamps overhead flicker with a harsh white light, banishing shadows to the corners.

He opens the door and stood in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe. ‘Hey Tanya,’ he says by way of greeting. His brown hair was a little disheveled, more so than usual. Dressed in a loose-fitting grey shirt and plaid pajama bottoms, I wondered if I had woken him. ‘What are you doing here? It’s past midnight.’ He looked much older than his 25 years. He didn’t seem surprised to see me at his door, although it had been a long time.

I look at the floor between my teal high heels peeping out from underneath my grey wool pants. ‘I couldn’t sleep. Been having a hard week.’

‘Do you want to talk about it?’

‘It’s a long story.’

‘I have time.’ I nod and he ushers me into the apartment. He takes my coat and throws it over the arm of a brown armchair in the living room. The apartment is small but neat. Shades of brown and tan furniture. A decent sized television with an Xbox. Generic painting on the wall. The apartment could belong to any man between the ages of 20 and 28.

The kitchen, too, had the same non-personal look. It was connected to the living room by an archway, and the small table was situated against a half-wall that separated the two. I could see two doorways off of the living room that led to what I assumed were his bedroom and bathroom.

Will motions for me to sit in one of the white, curved-back kitchen chairs and I do. He looks through his cabinets, mostly bare. He pulls out a small box and hands it to me. ‘Here. Some tea. Pick out which you want. I think there are a few different kinds in there. I’ll heat some water.’

He places a mug of water in the microwave and I look up at him. ‘I thought you didn’t like tea.’

‘I don’t.’

‘Then why do you have it?’

He smiles. ‘Because other people do.’ His grey eyes meet mine and I quickly look back down at the box of tea, unable to hold his gaze.

I pick out a chamomile, one that should relax me, and drop it in the mug of hot water when he places it on the table. Wrapping my hands around the warm mug, I stare into my tea.

‘So,’ he says, sliding into the chair across from me, ‘what is it that has your sleep schedule so off?’

I shake my head. ‘Will, it’s complicated…’

‘Isn’t everything?’

‘No, like, really complicated.’ I take a sip of the tea and swallow quickly so it won’t scald my tongue. I sigh and begin my story. ‘My boyfriend and I were living together…’

I tell the story of the past week over the tea, often glancing down into the blackish-brown liquid as I search for the words to describe what happened. By the time I finish, it’s almost 2 AM. I sigh and run my fingers along the porcelain handle of the cup, then lift it to my lips, finishing the last few drops of the now-cold tea. ‘So now I feel guilty and foolish and betrayed. I haven’t been sleeping well lately. Or much.’

Will nods. Throughout my story he never said much, only nodded or asked the occasional question for clarification. ‘I can see how that would wreak havoc on someone’s mind,’ he says finally. ‘It seems you’ve learned from it though.’ He looks at the clock. ‘It’s really late.’

I look up, surprised by the time. ‘Should I go? If you want to sleep…’

‘How about this: you can sleep here tonight.’ At the semi-shocked look, he smiles. ‘The couch is pretty comfortable. We can get some blankets and things. Driving home this late at night could be bad. Especially if you’re sleepy.’

I look at the clock again, watching the time tick from 2:04 to 2:05, then nod. ‘I’d like that…thank you…’

I stand up to put the cup in the sink and he takes it from me. ‘Let me do that. You can go get comfortable on the couch. There are some blankets in the cabinet next to the television.’

Walking back into the living room, I take out three blankets from the cabinet and hear the faucet turn on as Will washes the cup. I turn and see him standing at the sink, his back to me. He reaches up and pushes a bit of hair out of his face with the back of his wrist, trying not to get the soap from his hands in his hair. I turn back to the couch and lay a blanket down, tucking it in. I sit on that and pull the other two around me.

Will walks out of the kitchen and sees me sitting, wrapped in two blankets. ‘Is it too cold? I can turn up the heat, if you’d like.’

‘No. I’m fine.’

He pauses for a moment, then walks over and sits next to me. I offer him part of the blankets and he accepts, sliding underneath. I feel his shoulder pressed against mine, warm and somehow safe feeling. The two of us sit like that for a long time, each r
elishing the presence of the other.

‘I’m leaving in a week,’ he says out of the blue.


He nods and shifts under the blankets. ‘Mr. Walsh is sending me on another assignment,’ he says, referring to our old boss, Gregory Walsh.

‘How long?’

‘Two weeks. Maybe three.’

‘Be careful,’ I say softly.

‘I always am,’ he says equally softly. ‘You know that.’ His eyes look on me with gentle fondness, looking into mine as if trying to say something.

‘I just worry. I don’t want to lose a best friend out there.’

‘I always come home,’ he says in a monotone voice. Gone is the emotion from his face and his eyes seem to darken.

‘Will? Did I say something?’

‘No. I’m just a fool.’ He stands and begins to head to his room.

‘Will, what’s wrong?’


I stand up, the blankets sliding from my shoulders. ‘Will Raskin that is a lie.’ He stops in his tracks, his hand on the handle to his room. ‘I can sense when people are lying,’ I continue. ‘Did you forget that was my talent? That the Agency picked me in the first place because I can read people?’ I walk to him and place a hand on his shoulder. ‘What’s wrong?’ I ask again. ‘Did I say something?’


‘But Will…’ To my surprise, I feel tears forming in the corners of my eyes. ‘You do this so often. You just close up and won’t tell anyone why. I just want to help you. I just…’ I trail off as the first tears fall. My hand slips from his shoulder and slides down his back to my side.

He turns around, bending his head and suddenly his lips are against mine. They’re warm and a little rough, but not pushing or demanding. Just…comforting, somehow. I kiss him back as he slides his arm around behind me, placing his hand on the small of my back and drawing my body to his. I wrap my arms around him as well, resting them on the backs of his shoulder blades as his other hand runs through my hair.

Eventually he pulls back and I open my eyes. We are still close enough for me to feel his warm breath on my lips. ‘I’ve waited to do that for so long now,’ he whispers. His hand cups my cheek, the pad of his thumb wiping away the tears. ‘From the first moment I saw you, I thought: ‘This girl is a handful. I like that. I’d like to kiss her someday…”

‘Why didn’t you?’ I whisper back, unwilling to break the close embrace.

‘Because. We had to work together. Inter-agent relationships aren’t allowed. What if one of us was in danger? It would cloud the other’s judgment.’ He says these words as if he’s heard them repeated them over and over. He probably had. ‘But now that you’re not in the Agency, I thought…’ His embrace loosens as he steps back. ‘But maybe I was wrong. Maybe you don’t—’

Before he can finish his sentence, I kiss him again, smothering his words with my lips. He pulls me back against him again, and this time I’m the one to break the kiss.

‘I’ve been waiting too…’ I whisper, looking up into those beautiful grey eyes of his. I slide my hands down his back, then walk away, sitting on the couch. Looking at him over my shoulder, I watch him as he looks at me, walks over, then sits beside me. His right hand wraps around me, resting on my right hip. I look up at him one more time, then I’m swept away as he begins to kiss me again.

I run my hands up his back as he pulls me even closer, almost into his lap, as we kiss. I open my mouth and feel his tongue push past my lips. He cradles the back of my head with his hand as he kisses me deeper and deeper. I lie back and he lies on top of me, not once breaking the kiss. The heat and passion from him warm me, his hands around me like I had always secretly wished. Our tongues intertwine, then break apart as he pulls back, then begins to kiss my neck, his hand still in my hair. I moan softly, lifting my chin. I close my eyes and let him trail kisses along my neck and up my jawline to my ear.

‘Do you trust me?’ he whispers, his lips so close to my ear I can feel them move.

I nod. ‘With my life…’ I whisper back, tracing the curve of his ear with my finger.

He looks down into my eyes before sitting back up, pulling me with him. He pulls me into his lap and begins to rub my back with both hands. I lean forward and kiss him again, then feel his hands slide underneath my teal button up shirt and rest against my bare skin. I moan softly into his mouth, loving the feel of his hands, those strong, hard-working, loyal hands, caressing the skin of my back. I kiss him all the harder and deeper as he pushes my shirt higher and higher until it rests just below my bra line. His hands play along my skin, making me moan.

I slide my hands under his shirt as he begins to lay me back onto the couch, placing my hands on the strong muscles of his stomach. I lay back against the blankets as he sets me down, then takes his shirt by the bottom hem and pulls it over his head. In the light from the lamp beside the couch, I can see all the scars on his body from when he was on past missions. Bullet wounds, one in one shoulder, one on his side. A stab wound in his belly. A long scar up his arm from where, on my account, a knife was slid. I place my fingertips on that scar and run them along it, then place them against the bullet wound on his shoulder, a star-shaped patch of scar tissue just under his collarbone.

‘You’re lucky. This could’ve killed you.’

He nods. ‘I know. I thought I was dead for a while…’ He places his fingers against one of my scars as well, a jagged line just above my belly button. ‘I remember this one,’ he says softly. ‘This was our first mission, wasn’t it?’

‘When we were in the laboratory. Yeah.’

Will looks into my eyes, then slowly lowers his lips to the scar, kissing it gently. When I don’t stop him, he kisses it again and again, sliding his hands under me. He lifts my back slightly, arching it. He showers my stomach with kisses, his lips touching every inch of my skin between the shirt, still pushed up below my breasts, to my navel. I close my eyes and tilt my head back, relishing the feeling of his lips against my skin, closer than any man had been. I moan softly as he slides his hands up my sides, pushing my shirt even higher.

Sitting up a little, I allow him to pull my shirt over my head, exposing my white lace bra. I sit up even further, letting him look.

‘God…’ he whispers. ‘You’re so gorgeous…’

‘You’re the gorgeous one,’ I say, then gasp as I feel him caress my right breast through my bra.

He stops and pulls back. ‘Is that alright?’ he asks worriedly.

‘Yes…oh God yes…I’ve just…never been touched like that before…’

‘Never?’ he asks. When I shake my head, he caresses it again. I moan and he smiles. ‘I’ll give you the pleasure you deserve.’ He begins to run his fingertips along the line of the bra, tracing a pattern along the skin. He kisses my lips and neck again, running his fingertips lightly along as much of my breasts as he can. My heart flutters in my chest as his tender hands touch me. He kisses from my neck down to my right shoulder. Sliding my bra strap down, he kisses my shoulder, dragging his lips along the skin. He kisses along my collarbone to the other side, where he does the same thing. I moan a little louder and place my hands in his hair, wanting a taste of those lips again. He complies and kisses me again.

Suddenly, I feel my bra loosen and his hands pull it away, tossing it aside. My bare breasts now press against his chest and I can feel him breathing, his chest pressing against mine as he inhales. Will pauses for a moment, then cups my breast in his hand. I groan, feeling pleasure stirring in the pit of my stomach, as he begins to play with it. As he touches the nipple, I gasp and arch forward toward him. ‘Tender there…’ he murmurs, then pushes me gently down to the couch.

He moves down my body, kissing a line from my lips down my neck, past my collarbone and between my breasts. ‘You
r skin is so sweet,’ he whispers before kissing up my left breast to the tender nipple. He places a single kiss on top of it and I feel it get hard under his lips. He gently takes it into his mouth and begins to suck, sending waves of pleasure crashing over me as he massages the other breast with his hand. I place my hands in his hair, running them through it as my legs twine with his in pleasure. ‘Ohhhh…’ I moan. ‘Please don’t stop…’

He keeps going, pleasing me with his tongue and hand, then switches once the first nipple is rock hard. He twists it gently between his thumb and forefinger, bringing a cry of pleasure from me. He does it again, eliciting the same result. Using his tongue, he brings the other nipple to the same rock-hard point as the other.

‘Where did…you learn…all this?’ I ask, panting.

‘I’m not a virgin…’ he moans. ‘I’ve been with a woman before…’

I lay back against the couch cushions, feeling suddenly exhausted by all the adrenaline coursing through my veins. ‘Maybe…we should stop…for the night…’ I pant, looking into his eyes.

Will nods. ‘However much I want to continue, it’s your choice,’ he says, then sits back, caressing my breast one last time. ‘Do you want to sleep in my bed tonight?’ he asks, after pausing a bit. ‘You don’t have to, but you can if you want.’

‘I’d like that.’

He gets up and helps me sit up, then stand. I can’t help but notice the erection he tries to hide from me as we walk together, hand in hand, back to his room. I stare a little bit as I sit on the unmade bed. ‘Here,’ he says, handing me one of his shirts. ‘This’ll be more comfortable for you to sleep in.’

I quickly look away from his cock and pull the blue tee over my head. I lay down, snuggling under the covers. He turns off the lamp and lies beside me, drawing me in. I lay on my side, knees bent, with him spooning me from behind. I can still feel the hardness of his cock as he wraps one arm around my side, resting with his palm on my stomach. I feel safe and warm in his arms and eventually fall asleep, his thumb rubbing my stomach gently, right over my scar.

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Pati Ke Ghar Mei Hote Huye Choda 8211 Part 1

Dosto, mera naam Ankit hai aur mai Gurgaon mei rehta hun. Meri friend ka naam Sapna hai aur woh mere office mei hi kaam karti hai. Hum ek CA firm mei employee hai aur 3 mahine pehle hum ek dusre ke kaafi karee baa gaye. Office me hum usual colleague jaisa hi behave karte the lekin kabhi-kabhi movie dekhne chale gaye toh smooch-kiss ho chukka tha. Hum dono hi married hain aur meri wife ko delivery hone wali thi toh wo apne parents ke ghar gayi hui thi last 2 months ke liye. Mujhe sex kiye huye...

4 years ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 20

Much appreciation to my trio of friends: Vanessa Nelson, GTDaytona and Mr. Fox for their guidance and edits. Remaining mistakes are all mine. ***** At five Karla texted Philip the address of the chain restaurant that was to be the setting for the execution of her plan. She was going to confess to her boyfriend that she had had ‘unintentional’ sex with Mei Chun, have her join them and manipulate him into agreeing to let her continue to see her. She could have kept their affair a secret,...

2 years ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 13

It was Friday night and Mei was still recovering from her ride on Philip’s fuck machine. Its strong motors, the leather straps and his well-timed strikes thrust her to a level of ecstasy so intense she was yet again transported out of her body. She had had no idea that sex like that was even possible. No one had treated her that way, no one had broken her before and no one loved her as much as her Philip did. So much of her new life with him was a revelation. Before meeting him she had felt,...

3 years ago
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Pati Ke Ghar Mei Hote Huye Choda Part 2

Main around 45 mins tak wait karta raha. Raat ke 12.30 baj rahe the aur sapna ab tak nahi aayi. Mere se aur wait nahi ho raha tha, main himmat karke room se bahar nikla aur sapna ke bedroom ke gate pe gaya. Andar se kuch awaz nahi aa rahi thi. Maine darte huye bohot dheere se gate khola, gate unlocked tha. Ab main aur bhi pagal ho gaya, sapna apne husband ke sath bed pe so rahi thi, sapna ne nighty pehni hui thi jo ki uski gaand tak upar thi aur uski milky thighs saaf dikh rahi thi. Sapna ne...

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From Jenny to Mei Ch 24

Philip liked good food and didn’t want to eat at a burger joint. Lately his favorite restaurant was The French Laundry but since it was an hour north of Oakland his meeting with Tim would have to be at Atelier Crenn on Fillmore or Benu on Hawthorne Street. Since Tim was staying at the hotel with Karla, presumably, he’d chosen Benu, which was only ten blocks from the Mandarin. The restaurant was pretentious but the chefs took food seriously. He dropped Ai off at the gym and gave Mei a kiss...

4 years ago
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Mei Ling and Me

MEI LING AND ME! By ANNE GRAY It was not planned so I suppose you could call it accidental. In any eventit was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I had just seated myselfat one of the conference dinner tables. As usual at these events there wereten chairs squashed around the table and only the chair next to mine was stillvacant. After the usual introductions the nine of us settled back down and I glancedaround to notice her standing at the entrance to the meeting room looking...

1 year ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 11

Thanks to KD for the awesome editing!! Please start with Chapter 1 if you want to know the whole story. ***** Five rolled around before Mei Chun was ready for it and she prepared to bid her work friends farewell. As she grabbed her purse Dr. K emerge from his office looking pensive, bleak and distracted. She surmised that his son’s test results had come in and been bad news. She sensed that now was not the time to speak with him and on the way out the door vowed to offer her sympathy...

2 years ago
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Train Mei Dolarko Ke Saath

Hi dosto , mera naam hei kritika singh, mei 22 saal ki hu aur bangalore mei kaam karti hu. Aap mere photos instagram pe dekh sakte hei , id hei me.Kritika.Singh.88 or gmail pe bhi Ye kahaani hei meri bangalore se delhi sampark kranti train mei ghatti hui. Ye kahani kaafi hadd tak sacchhi hei par kuch extra bhi jor rhi hu thora aur interesting banane ke liye. Ye ghatna ghatti thi mere , train ke stranger aur mere cousin bhai ke beech. Ye train bangalore se raat ko chalti hei aur delhi agle se...

3 years ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 08

Please start with Chapter 1 or you won’t know what’s going on. My most heartfelt thanks to John who’s editing prevented me from looking stupid! ***** Fresh from her first waxing and lesbian encounter, Mei was flush with a guilty satisfaction. At quarter past nine she got in the taxi, same driver, and texted: ‘On my way… you’re going to like the new me!’ ‘Can’t wait to see it. Hungry?’ ‘Starving.’ She knew that she’d have to come clean to him at some point, accept the punishment and hope...

2 years ago
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Shruti Ki Haveli Mei Pighla Sakht Launda

Hi all, Mera naam rohul hai, 26 saal ka hu aur ahmedabad se hu. Aap meri story ka feedback pe de sakte hai. Waise to mei bohut hi sakht launda hu. But iss kahani ki heroine ne mujhe pighla dia. Mei iss kaafi time se padh raha hu. Aise hi padhte padhte ek kahani maine padhi jiski writer ka naam tha shruti. Waha usne apni email id deke rakhi thi. Maine usse turant message kiya. 2-3 din tak koi reply na aaya to mai bhi bhool gaya. Fir 4th day reply aaya. Hum dono ne casual chat chalu ki. Wo...

3 years ago
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Mam Ki School Ke Tour Mei Chudai Ki

Hi everyone I am a Rngineer and my mail Mei story directly start kar ra hu without wasting your time so please apna hath apne sex organ p rakh lo it’s my school life incident not any man made story. I am Ashok 21 years old with height 5’6” and healthy body brown eyes and my dick has great urge for sex since I was in 6th class ye kahani meri 12th class ki h hmare school ka ek tour gaya tha jb mei 12th mei th mere mom bi teacher th school mei to vo b tour par gai thi and mei bhi in Bangalore in...

2 years ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 09

I hope you enjoy this chapter but you might wish to start from chapter 1. Please remember to vote, comment and send me some feedback. Thanks ‘John’ & ‘Jim’ for the editing! ***** Philip had a script running on his computer that identified a change in pixels from her camera and beeped if the image altered. So when Mei Chun entered her bedroom, he was alerted by his computer. He got a drink, opened a window to watch her and opened her TextEdit program. ‘Good evening, Mei. Have fun with...

4 years ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 23

Mei awoke first. She had slept a dreamless sleep yet didn’t feel particularly refreshed while she lie looking at the ceiling and thinking. She watched the warm rose-cream light of morning make the wallpaper and textured ceiling glow. It was nice. It was calming as was the breathing of those next to her and the human warmth against her thigh. The quiet moment let her think and feel the discrete emotions which floated inside her like gilings in the pink wedge of sunlight. The feelings were indeed...

3 years ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 26

At 3:30 Mei was on her knees with an old man’s cock in her mouth. After the lunch break, Mei brought back a Chinese boy with a cough who exuberantly hopped up on the exam room table and was flanked by his father and Mei Chun. Eager for his attention, she leant forward and arched her back a bit, giving Dr. K, who sat on a stool in front of the patient, a look at her tits. They hung in her soft bra, and at the angle she was presenting to him, was meant to raise his blood pressure. The effect...

2 years ago
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Sardi Mei Garam Bhabhi Ko Thanda Kiya

Hello!! Indian sex stories readers mera naam ricky hai mai iss ka regular reader hu bhot saare logo ki stories padh kr maine socha ki mai bhi apni story likhu toh yeh meri pehli story hai agar koi galti hot toh maaf karna. Mai agra ka rehne wala hu or mai 6ft lamba or athletic body hai, toh aap logo ko zyada bore na krte huye mai aap ko apni story btata hu. Yeh baat december 2015 ki hai jub meri winter vacation shuru hui thi, mere mon-dad ko 1 week ke liye delhi jana tha per mai jana nai...

4 years ago
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Mei and Hugh

"Hey Mei!" Hugh said as he came running up to her. Hugh had grown taller over those four years and his hair was a little longer but not much. He wore a black tee-shirt and jeans and looked so handsome that her heart always skipped a beat when she saw him. Leaning down Hugh kissed her lightly on the lips. "Hey Hugh, how are you today?" Mei ask blushing lightly. They had just started dating within the past year and Mei was still getting used to his kisses. Picking her up he swung...

2 years ago
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Didi k bistar mei ghus kar chudai

Kahani kuch din purani hai mere ghar relatives aaye the jisme se ek meri cousin didi bhi thi, unki umar 29 saal hai magar unka diavorce ho gaya hai jiske kaaran wo apne parents ke saath rehti hai, wo dikhne me sundar hai aur unki figure bhi mast hai ek dam patakha, jisko dekh kar kisi ka bhi dil oh i mean lund dhadhak jaye ;) unka naam hai kavita. Jese ki mene batay wo log humare ghar rukne aaye to humne din ke samay kaafi masti kari aur khoob baaten kari unhone mujhse meri girl friend ke baare...

2 years ago
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Neha Ko Choda Car Mei

Hi friends this is sameer from chandigarh, well basically i am form punjab but due to my job i stay here. I am a single man of age 25. I moved to chandigarh about a year back as transfer by my company. I am very sex loving person. If u like my stories plz do comment at .Koi bhi chandigarh ki ladki ya bhabhi mujhse contact kar sakti meri email id par aur mujhe pata kuch bhabhiya krna chahti hogi par darti hogi ke kisi ko pata na chal jaye par yeh puri tarah secret hi rahega. Ok so let me start...

1 year ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 12

Thanks to KD for the fantastic help with editing and suggestions! Please start with Chapter 1. ***** At the loft, Philip was exceedingly anxious. Sending Mei back to her place, he now felt, had been a mistake. One or two days would have been ok but five was too risky. He was worried that she may have slid back into her old thinking, assumed some of her old habits, and then of course he missed her. He wouldn’t do it again. Atop that concern was the new dynamic of this Karla woman and what...

4 years ago
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Holi Mei Indian Aunty K Mazee

Hi I’m luv age 26 size 5.6 . This story is really true one This story is all about the day of holi . Holi k din bhang pilakar maya aunty ki kadak chudai ki . Maya aunty humari family friend hai. Unki age 36 hai aur gori hai . Unka figure 34-32-34 hai . She is damn hot . Holi k din ka wait saal bhr hota hai. Aap uss din kuch bhi karo koi bura nahi manta. Baat iss holi ki hai jab hum sab ikhata hue holi khelne ko.Mere ghr ki chat per hum holi khel rahe the mai mom dad relatives maza aa raha tha...

4 years ago
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Mei Ling One Year Later part 2

Mei Ling, One Year Later - part 2 by B. Pink I arrived home from the club clutching the piece of paper with the hotel address written on it. I had wished and prayed over the last twelve months for Mei Ling to return and that she would take pity on me. What she had said to me earlier that night had confirmed that she still intended to humiliate me further, pity as far as I was concerned did not exist. I sat on my bed and unzipped my boots and slid them off. The small clock...

3 years ago
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Bhabi Ki Seel Todi Unke Hi Ghar Mei

HelloISS ke readers myself Sumit 4m Jalandhar maine yaha se bahut si stories padi hai sp aaj maine socha k kyo na aaj apni bhi kahani likhi jaye. yeh baat un dina ki hai jab mai +2 mei padta tha Mere mama g k bete ki nayi nayi shadi hui thi woh Canada mei rehta hai uska waha apna business hai toh baat yeh hui k woh shadi karva kar jaldi hi canada chala gaya usko bahut bda project mil gaya tha. Mai uski shadi par na ja saka kyoki mere toh exam chal rahe the1 din mai mama g k ghar gaya sab log...

3 years ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 25

It was well after one when Philip, feeling surprisingly spry and alert, returned from his evening with Tim. As the night had progressed and the alcohol accumulated in his bloodstream, he felt a developing sympathy for the younger man. It wasn’t difficult to understand his predicament, some rich guy was swooping in to dazzle his girlfriend and spirit her off to live in his castle. Yet, the reality was different. Firstly, it was Mei doing the dazzling. Secondly, Karla wanted to be swept away and...

1 year ago
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Mei Ling part 6

Mei Ling - part 6 by B Pink I spent most of that afternoon under the asses of the three girls, the sounds of their laughing and mocking me increasing the humiliation that I was suffering. ?Did Lucy used to be a big strong man? said Suzi as she watched me trapped under the bottom of her sister. ?She?s a pathetic little girl now smelling the asses of her betters?. I was allowed up to make their dinner. They ate it whilst I had to stand in front of them my tights and...

4 years ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 19

A great many thanks to Vanessa Nelson, GTDaytona and Mr. Fox for their guidance and editing! ***** The room had a name — the Couple’s Harmony Spa Suite — and it was beautiful, with just the kind of classy touches Karla loved. The two massage rooms she worked in on a daily basis were nice, with soft lighting and big enough for the purpose, but this space was an immersion in luxury. The room was large, the walls wainscotted in dark wood, the heavy massage tables had custom fitted sheets with...

2 years ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 07

Thank you for the feedback and your encouragement. Thanks to ‘John,’ ‘Pierre’ and ‘Andrew’ who helped proof read. There are still errors, I’m sure, but they are all mine. Please start with Chapter 1 or you won’t know what’s going on. ***** She floated up again from a pleasant calm depth and repeated most of yesterday morning’s routine. His alarm sounded just as she slid the coffee onto the side table and herself into bed with him. She began to gently stroke his belly and thighs, waiting for...

3 years ago
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Mei Ling Part 5

Mei Ling - part 5 by B Pink Her voice and giggly laughter echoed in my brain as I left the kitchen and walked into the hallway. I removed the jacket and hung it in the cupboard under the stairs. This was not normally where I would have placed a coat, but I had noticed that my cleaning lady had always used this space to store her things and my brain said that I must do likewise. I spent the morning making the bed that was once mine, but had last been slept in by my new...

2 years ago
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Mei Ling part 7

Mei Ling - part 7 by B Pink They returned to the flat about 3.00pm. My mind had been again controlled by Mei Ling since midday and there was no thoughts of rebellion when they released the straps holding me and removed the gag. I stood naked except for my boots before their evil smiles. ?Did you pay Mr Smith his rent money? said Mei Ling. I nodded. ?I can see you did, the change is running down your leg? said Suzi giggling. ?Go and have a shower you slut, and be...

3 years ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 14

After lunch Mei kept reviewing how the first meeting between Philip and Karla went. It was very important to her, she had so much invested in this plan. Of course she wanted to keep her relationship and the great sex with Karla but she wanted it for Philip too. She’d planned on introducing her in a much more dramatic way, in a leather getup and on her knees, arms tied behind her back and that ring gag in her mouth. She wanted her ready for him, kneeling at the door or something like that. But...

2 years ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 04

If you are reading this tale for the first time I would urge you to start at Chapter 1. Please provide feedback and vote, it makes me happy. ***** The alarm on his phone went off at 7:30 and his eyes opened to a profound blackness that matched his mood. He pondered for a moment, wondering where his anger originated. After all, things were going his way. Last night’s breakthrough was breathtaking. She had admitted that she wanted to transform, wanted love for the first time in her life. She...

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Mei Ling Part 4

Mei Ling - part 4 by B. Pink I stood with my back to the front door with the sound of Mei Lings heels disappearing up the basement steps. I heard the distinctive sound of my car start, and then she was gone. My sobs subsided and I looked down the short hallway of my tormentor's old home, my new home. Through teary eyes for the first time I really took in the reality of my position and surroundings. The dingy basement flat was the lowest level of an old victorian house that...

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Overwatch Mei and Soldier 76

Overwatch: Breeding Future Heroes-p1 Mei and Soldier 76 Story By Maria (Fan of Overwatch)Soldier 76 had just returned to Arctic base from an intense training exercise out in the freezing weather. He quickly ran through the base entrance in order to get somewhere warm. "What the hell am I doing in this damn wasteland," he thought to himself in a frustrated manner. "I should have been sent to the Bahamas." He pulled off his winter mask, loathing his research/training assignment he was sent on....

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From Jenny to Mei Ch 06

She dreamt of the ocean: impossibly wide, warm and placid. She floated along its surface — sea, sky and sun were the whole world. The gentle susurrations of the swells calmed her, rocked her, rejuvenated her. The elements were her dream’s symbols for the peace and contentment that filled her. Consciousness found her at 7:05. She woke, slid silently out of bed, took the collar from the nightstand and showered quickly. Naked, she made coffee, struggling to think how to make breakfast. She...

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Mei Ling One Year Later part 3

Mei Ling - One Year Later - part 3 by B. Pink The plane journey, including a stop over took what seemed days but was probably about 24 hours. The only time that I saw light during that time was when Suzi used the toilet. She sat on the bowl with me draped around her ankles in the tiny airplane cubicle, looking down at the sweaty white rubber that was me. ?Enjoying the flight? she asked me, enjoying her dominance, looking forward to the future, relishing the fun that she...

4 years ago
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Mei Ling One Year Later

Mei Ling - One year later by B Pink To understand this it would be advisable to read the other Mei Ling chapters before reading After Mei Ling and her sisters returned to Japan I lived in the basement apartment that was all she left me with. She had taken and sold my own home, my business and had cleared all my bank accounts. In fact my previous life seemed to have vanished, it was as if Paul Parkins had never existed. I was now Lucy Parkins, a teenage girl with a limited...

3 years ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 05

It’s a long story so I would urge you to start at Chapter 1. Please provide feedback and vote, it makes me happy. ***** Mei Chun was still recovering from the assault on her rectum. Philip’s two thick fingers jamming inside of her produced an orgasm of unique sensation and ferocity but it also hurt a hell of a lot. Oddly, she felt a quiet gratitude for the soreness in her ass. Something like a sense of obligation drifted in the back of her mind. The last few days had brought to the surface...

4 years ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 15

She woke before Philip and turned on her side to gaze at his sleeping form. His room, having no windows, would have been totally black if it were not for a Minnie Mouse nightlight low on the wall on her side of the bed. It emitted a lazy light that was just enough to brush his face and shoulders in a soft, golden glow. She thought him perhaps the most handsome man yet born to woman. Not that there wasn’t room for improvement. Mei was a woman and for women the prospect of a man that could not...

2 years ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 18

Philip and Ai woke at about nine. They showered together with nothing more than light hearted laughs, soft kisses and gentle groping. Towelled off and happy, Ai was back to her bouncy, effervescent self as if the run in with Hector, her erstwhile manager, hadn’t happened the night before. She took out a black bra, thong and a black day dress from one of the suitcases she’d hastily packed at her apartment. The garment was cotton lace with sleeves three quarters to her wrists and hugged her...

1 year ago
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Mei Ling Part Two

Mei Ling: Part Two By B. Pink I drove home and fell onto my bed. My head was full of Mei Ling, she was in control of me even when I was alone. I needed to pee and walked to the bathroom and unzipped my jeans. My eyes filled with tears as instead of my pride and joy all I could feel was the rubber encasing it. I lowered my jeans and the panties that I was wearing and sat on the toilet. The pee dribbled from me through a hole in the tube that held my penis. I finished and then...

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