[K]&[T], LLCChapter 4: Clean Foyer √ Polish Brass √... free porn video

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Interlude: 25th Anniversary


"All these things are self evident, except the Merger. You can clearly hear the capital letters, in the vocal inflections, when Mom or Dad talk about the Merger, but there are two things with one name.

I think it can be easy to overlook what Mom needed to do. She was a middle class girl, with aspirations to art, not money. Dad dropped her in the middle of the zoo he called home. They make movies about situations like that."


Meeting Gerald had been a genuine pleasure. We understood each other on a very basic level, much like Sean and I did, but without the fireworks. Gerald was someone I could feel safe around, which is one of my highest compliments. His comparing me to a senior line officer was of similar weight. Gerald would have my back as long as I had anything to say about it.

That warm feeling lasted about two minutes. Then I was introduced to the Brothers. Mitchell and Michael were not twins, but they acted like it sometimes. Mostly, it was by ganging up on an unsuspecting person and playing tag team. Though Mitchell was House and Michael was Grounds, they were happy to trade off in each other's demesne, at least if there was an edge to be gained. Expecting such things does not make them ineffective.

That morning they were set to impress me with their knowledge of my plans, the house and grounds, and the extent they could be of assistance, or not, given the regrettable schedule. They walked me through the house, back down to the lake and back to the entrance. To hear them tell it, the house was a palatial estate, in premium condition. There were, unfortunately, some minor difficulties, which would seriously impair the utility. Their efforts would be herculean, of course, but the possibilities were limited to a couple of dozen people on the grounds, and the house not at all. Regrettably.

The longer this went on, the more I was convinced that neither should be allowed much discretion. They reminded me of a librarian, whose ideal had every book in its place, and no students to mess things up. I was about to detail some specifics, which they could undertake immediately, when I saw Sean walking up behind them.

I winked at Sean, and gave them some rope. "Gentlemen, we seem to have a lack of communication here. Major revisions of the house and grounds are not needed to handle as many as a couple of hundred guests, for the wedding, and sixty, or so, for the gala in the ballroom." Then, I looked over their shoulders, tagging Sean. He did not let me down.

Sean said, "Gentlemen, I see you have met your new boss. How are things going?" I could kiss him. However, the iron was hot and Sean had tagged me into the ring.

I said, "There you have it. First, you need to contact everyone on each of your staffs. Personally inform them of the nuptials and the party. Anyone that is not already out of town is expected to be here at 5:00 PM. Anyone that can get here earlier will be put to cleaning, at premium rates. Sean will handle payment, as always, but I have creative and artistic control. All issues, other than payroll, come to me." Sean backed me up again.

"Gerald says she can deliver a thirty minute briefing in fifteen seconds. What do you think? Get busy. This lovely lady and I have some necking to do." The brothers were, literally, standing with their mouths open when Sean spun me into an embrace. Then, he gave me a nice dip for the kiss. My Teddy Bear.

As we left, I threw one more thing over my shoulder. "By the way, expect Miss Siobhan tomorrow, with a dozen Dartmouth students. I may have creative control, but she will have hands on responsibility." Let them try blowing off a family member, especially one like Siobhan. Sean chuckled his understanding. "You should torture people for a living. Oh, wait..." I punched him, then kissed him.

Sean then gave me the tour that I had not gotten earlier. The room, where we had met the Brothers Gilbert, was the Formal Salon. Across the hallway was the Library, which was in much better repair. Sean explained that he had a reading room, for convenience, but the main Library had never fallen into disuse. I expect that Siobhan had had something to say about that. In any event, it would stand public scrutiny. The biggest issue was likely going to be Siobhan's grad students.

Down the hall was the powder room, which was dusty, but perfect for my Bride's Room. Off the entrance foyer was a cloak room and an open area, which was called the Smoking Lounge. This room had a huge fireplace and tile floors. I suspected it was a mud room. Even this far from the coast, New Jersey weather could get quite nasty. In colonial times, a place to shake off the snow and remove the boots was essential. I saw it as the barroom.

On the other side of the foyer was the Parlor. This room had french doors and several windows. I suspected the real name was Smoking Parlor. There was a massive leather sofa, which probably could not be removed without unframing windows. Amazingly, the leather was intact. Outside the french doors was a small banistered porch, surrounded by evergreen shrubbery. Smoking indeed, but cigars and pipes only.

Next was the grand staircase, which I put off. I did not plan to use the second floor, so the upstairs area was unimportant. Across from the staircase was the other entrance to the ballroom, the first being opposite the foyer. Further down was a door, probably leading to the service areas: kitchen, linen, pantry, etc. This was enough, though the lack of bathrooms would have to be addressed.

My plan was to stage a turn of the century wedding gala. Parking would be off site. We would engage a small fleet of horse drawn carriages, to bring the guests to the main entrance. They would be greeted and ushered through the ballroom, to the hill above the gazebo. After the ceremony, the flat area near the house would be used to seat the guests. On the nearby porch would be a live ensemble. Inside would be dancing.

We went back into the entrance foyer. Sean led me to the cloak room. There was nothing to see. I turned questioningly to him—and saw him pulling down his pants. I did not know where this was going, but my pussy was suddenly very moist. Lifting my skirt, I pushed down my panties and stepped out of them. Sean held out his hand and said one word, "Foot."

I placed my foot in his hand. Sean pushed it up til my ankle sat on his shoulder. Doing this cold made me glad of my workout that morning. I was about to ask a question, when Sean put his hands behind my ass and entered me. Then all thoughts of questions disappeared.

Sean's first plunge was a short one. He took a moment to reset his feet, which allowed me to reach his shoulders for leverage. When Sean started his thrust, I pulled myself toward him, leaning into the split. This doubled the force of the thrust. Sean's slammed in, all the way to the hilt, the tip of his cock reaching the end of my cunt, with a now familiar surge of sensation. I saw stars.

Sean did two more thrusts, developing his timing, then another deep thrust. More stars. My pussy grabbed Sean's cock and tried to pull it out, with the root. Sean gasped and shot his seed.

Then, as we stood gasping, Sean asked me, "Do you want to join the Mile High club? Francine says that is the perfect position for doing it in a lavatory." That brought a wealth of images. One of them was Francine trying to do it with some one Sean's height. It was so funny I cracked up. Sean must have been following my train of thought, because he snickered. "Francine did say that she was too short for it. It's perfect for you, though. It's called the Ballerina." Oh my.

As Sean pulled up his pants, he also snagged my panties. He stuffed them in his pocket with a definite look of satisfaction. I was certainly willing to cede the point. Like my wake up call the day before, I would use the cloakroom as the standard for quickies. Entry to exit could not have been five minutes, but I had come twice and Sean had come once. I could barely wait to see what Sean could do with some time to tease me a little. Suddenly I was moist again. Sean must have smelled it.

"Down girl. If you keep that up I will have no choice but to take you to the parlor, so Gerald can record it." I blushed all the way down.

However, what he said gave me an idea. I had Sean take me to Security Central, which, unsurprisingly, was in the same wing as the Master Bedroom. We passed through a door and moved from the old house to the new wing. The visual impact was stunning. We left 200 year old hardwood floors and paneling for tile floors and painted dry wall. It felt like a time machine. At the top of a wide concrete staircase was Gerald's domain.

On one side of the hall was a ready room. On the other was the monitoring room. I was pleased to see that Gerald was waiting when we arrived. His gaze flicked between us and his nostrils flared, but all he said was, "This way, ma'am."

Gerald introduced us to Albert, the tech on duty. Albert showed us all the visual feed for the new wing. A couple surprised me: inside Sean's closet and the sink area of the master bath. I endured the details of how things were recorded and stored. Eventually Albert ran out of things to show us, that he thought relevant. I asked about the old house.

Security in the residential wing was oriented toward personal protection. In the old house, theft was the primary issue, and the feeds showed it. However, the placement of cameras was surprisingly thorough. I asked Albert about the quality of the feed lines and the recording equipment. The first was very good quality, which made sense, since they were difficult to replace. Using the best available made good sense for the long haul. The cameras and recording equipment were not only dated, but were second rate from the start.

I stood up and looked at Sean. Sean looked back, then we both looked at Gerald. Gerald looked at both of us, then sighed. Albert looked confused. Gerald patted Albert on the shoulder and said, "Cheer up Albert. You will be getting new toys to play with." Then he looked at me. I held up four fingers. Gerald held out his hand. I fished out my office keys.

Then Gerald looked at Sean, who had been watching this interplay. Sean said, "Colonel Harrison?" Gerald nodded. Sean looked impressed. Gerald had already made a comment, but still...

Fortunately, Albert's confusion saved me some embarrassment. Gerald explained that a crew would be going to my studio, removing my precious video cameras, with the recorders, then mounting them in the old house. This raised the question of where, exactly, we could get the best results. In turn, this led to a discussion of placement, exterior cameras and recording bandwidth. I think Sean was bored before we finished.

Once that was done, I dropped the big news. "Gerald, plan to vacate this hallway in the next nine months. Also Christine has been hired as the nanny. She will need a room next to the nursery." Albert's mouth dropped open. Gerald put his face in his hand and shook his head. Then he asked Sean, "She's getting the big ring, isn't she?" Sean only smirked. Gerald sighed again.

I had to throw one thing out, as Sean and I left the room. "Gerald, I expect the renovation of the old house will fall under Siobhan's purview." Sean snickered and rushed me down the stairs. Once we were safely in the bedroom, I asked Sean about the reference to Colonel Harrison. Sean thought for a moment, then told me of William the Silent. My mouth was not open, but only because I was paying close attention to it.

Sean was not finished. "He likes you a great deal. Gerald is hard to impress and careful with complements. I don't know if you caught it, but Gerald's name took the wind right out of Michael and Mitchell's sails. He scares then shitless. Gerald was a good place to start conquering the house. By the way, that shot about Jo was perfect. My sister terrorizes everyone, even Gerald. I hope you two get along." My smile was just to myself. Gerald was not the only one a bit afraid of Siobhan.

Then Sean showed me his Walgreen's bag. How sweet. Sean is such a teddy bear.


Sheila was not impressed with Michael and Mitchell's protestations. Clearly, she could have handled them easily, but my weight quickly closed the deal. So. We had a five o'clock briefing for the staff. That left much of the afternoon to do other things. We started by walking the house.

I do not think Sheila was aware of her hands as she moved. When we reached the entrance, she waved the doors open, then gestured the people in. Her hand movements were subtle, but you could read a great deal if you paid attention. Her ideas for the wedding quickly took shape. I had to tip my hat to her. Sheila thought big, even though our invitation list would be short. Perhaps she thought, as I did, that everyone and their in-laws would choose to attend.

I particularly liked her idea of having the bar in the house, rather than outside. That would keep it away from the children. Making the Parlor into a smoking lounge also had appeal. It would give the crotchety businessmen someplace to meet and talk shop. It was close to the bar, but away from the music. The big sofa had to stay, but a great deal of seating was in various rooms under cloths.

Once we finished with the basic plan, our steps drifted back to the entrance. Once there, my eyes fell on the cloak room door. Something Francine had said came to mind. It would not be the Mile High Club, but a cloak room is a great place for a quickie.

I led Sheila inside and deliberately left the door open. Sheila looked puzzled, until she saw me fumbling with my pants. Then, she hiked up her skirt and took off her panties. They were utilitarian cotton panties, but that meant she was planning to work. Grabbing some nookie at work would get you fired, but I knew the owner. With a grin I asked for her foot.

Sheila gave me her foot without comment. In passing, I noted a lovely black open toed pump. I put it on my shoulder, then grabbed Sheila by the ass. In her heels, we were almost exactly the same height, which was important. I was able to enter her on the first attempt. The thrust was awkward and did not penetrate far. I corrected that on my second attempt, which went all the way back. Sheila shivered all over.

As before, Sheila's cunt was extremely tight. I sawed a couple of misses, which led Sheila to help adjust our positions. My next thrust nailed her to the wall. The sensation of my head meeting Sheila's womb jolted me, but it had Sheila in near collapse. I held her for a moment, then started to pull back. Her pussy grabbed my cock and jerked. My load came shooting out and I came close to collapsing myself.

Then we were putting our clothes back in order. I grabbed Sheila's panties, but she did not seem to mind. I mentioned the possibility of repeating in an airplane lavatory. That got me a wink. I threatened to do it again in a monitored area, which earned me a nice blush. Then, it was back to business.

I had shown Sheila all she wanted to see of the old house, so we went through the door into the new wing. I had found it amusing that Sheila had a rabbit hole. It was her secret path between studio and gym. As a kid, "rabbit hole" was my name for this door. The change of centuries is pretty abrupt. Sheila took it in step as I led her into the center of surveillance and Gerald.

During the week, Sheila had made a good first impression on Gerald. That impression was reinforced through their subsequent interaction. This was my first chance to see them together. I was not disappointed. Gerald introduced us to one of his geek squad, Albert. Sheila was all business, as Albert showed his system. The first words she spoke were to ask about the old house. Since we had just come from that area, Gerald would have guessed at our interest, but Albert had not.

Though we both knew Sheila was capable of ripping Albert a new orifice, she did not. Instead she followed his pace and explored the system's potential, or the lack of it. Only when she had run things to the ground did she look up. I was more lucky. I could see the smile twitching at Gerald's cheek.

When she did look up, it was to look at me. The question was obvious. Should we use her fancy equipment to upgrade the house system for the wedding. Hell yes. We both looked at Gerald. He nodded and looked at Sheila. By this point Albert was waking up to the unspoken conversation. That was OK. Gerald took pity and informed Albert that he would be receiving some new equipment. There was a sense of deja vu as Sheila held up four fingers.

I asked, "Colonel Harrison?" Joseph Harrison was the company commander when Gerald and I met, Fort Sill, Oklahoma. As a major, he already had a reputation for pulling more out of visual-only tape, than anyone else could see. After the fact, we could sometimes reconstruct the clues he had seen, but often it seemed like magic. The reverse was true. He expected you to draw information from him, without verbiage. His interrogations were usually full of raised eyebrows, skeptical looks and one or two word questions. It was unnerving to watch. From a spook, like Gerald, a reference to Colonel Harrison represented the highest possible praise.

Then the conversation got technical. That was again like Colonel Harrison. He could talk when he wanted to and it was usually in detail. Long and tedious detail. Tech speak is not one of my skills. Sheila is fluent. It is one of many reasons I treasure her.

They finally ran down. I dragged Sheila away before they could think of something else to talk about. Sheila was not quite finished, and her Parthian shot was beauty. Even Gerald treads lightly around little sister. I took her back to my room, though we did not have time to do much more than we had already done in the cloak room. Instead, I explained the reference to Colonel Harrison, in terms Sheila could google.

"William the Silent, Prince of Orange and King of the Netherlands, was known to give military briefings with just a map and his finger. Technically, we would call them "oral" orders, since they were not written, but no word was spoken. William would point to a man, or men, and then at a map. They were to go to the place on the map and do what needed to be done. Colonel Harrison was often compared to William the Silent. In case you were wondering, the Prince is remembered as one of histories great generals."

Sheila was visibly trying to restrain disbelief, which was not inappropriate, so I told her my impressions of Gerald's reactions. I had particularly liked her parting shot, since even Gerald is a bit afraid of Jo and her wit. Hell, I was too. Why did I feel Sheila was laughing at me?

To change the subject, I pulled out the bag of shampoo's and such that I had purchased for my bath. As I expected, Sheila was not prepared to move in yet. When she was, there would be a truck to unload. For the next few days, hopefully, this would have us covered. It seemed like a small thing to me, but my Kitten was very touched. I needed to remember how many things she had had to do for herself.

I checked the clock. It was 3:12 PM. We told the bothers Gilbert to assemble the staff at 5:00. That gave Sheila and I only about 90 minutes to flesh out the plan. Even in bare bones it was daunting.

Clean and dust the Ballroom, Parlor, Small Parlor, Smoking Lounge, Library, Powder Room, Foyer and Main Entrance.

Check the house and storage for suitable furnishings.

Prepare the ballroom for music, probably from the porch off the Small Parlor.

Upgrade lighting where needed.

Prepare a dining plaza outside the ballroom.

Arrange for food service, possibly from the Kitchen, but more likely outside.

Paint the Gazebo and Boathouse.

Clean the boathouse interior, float the houseboat if feasible, do something with the yacht.

Arrange outdoor entertainment.

Bathrooms and more bathrooms.

Arrange carriages.

Arrange music.

Sheila had a different attitude. Delegate and deal with it. As a CEO, delegation is a way of life. Somehow this was different. Sheila broke things down this way.

Costuming and sets – Francine

Catering and sideshow – Special Events

Technical assistance – Jo

Manpower – TempWorks (Richards Enterprises' temporary labor company)

In short, Sheila wanted Jo and Francine to run things and my companies to supply most of the materials. That worked for me. The bottom line was that Sheila was the one getting married. I was just the groom.

Then we turned to other things. It was a relief to get back to business. Sheila and I had discussed the idea of a real estate group, centered on her gym/studio property. She had just told my security to come pick up the video equipment, so that we could have some good pictures of the wedding. That meant she was planning on moving very soon, and I had an idea where she would land.

Sheila wanted to buy the Parker Heights school. This would allow a lot of good things to happen. Notably, the studio half of the old warehouse could be converted to rental use, with XTreme Fitness ready to take over a chunk of it. There was room for several offices as well. I had feelers out for several properties nearby, plus some contacts for wither development or working capital. We just needed to get off the ground.

Sheila proposed an LLC (Limited Liability Company). She would contribute the building, but retain ownership of the XTreme Fitness franchise. Her franchise would then bid on the interior of the building, allowing development of the outer portion as office or retail space. Across the street was a vacant lot, which she had purchased a few years earlier. This would be converted into fenced and monitored parking. There were two other warehouses nearby. These would be suitable for loft apartments. Sheila lacked the capital to develop them, but I could raise the necessary funds.

What Sheila proposed was a company to buy, renovate and manage the properties. I was willing, but suggested that we should first organize the real estate group. We went back and forth for a while, then decided to arrange a meeting of the principals. I sent emails to the others I had contacted. Sheila had one other suggestion. She wanted to call our new company K&T Properties.

I laughed so hard Sheila punched me. In penance, I gave her a foot massage.


Once Sean had given me his impromptu bathroom shower, we got down to business. I knew things would be difficult, but I needed some stability and soon. We went back and forth for a while. I suggested a partnership, then shifted to an LLC. That would give us a lot of flexibility going forward. Sean liked the idea, but wanted to arrange a meeting with some other interested parties. He sent some emails. We had a tentative meeting set up for Monday afternoon. Then I suggested a name.

K&T Properties is exactly the type of name you see everywhere in real estate. I had reason to know. Sean picked up the reference immediately, which was nice, but he almost fell over laughing, which was annoying. I punched him in the chest to calm him down. He was contrite, though.

"I'm sorry, but that is too rich. No one will get it. Well, maybe Gerald and Francine, and Jo. Nothing gets past Jo. But, that's close friends and family. No one we do business with will get the joke. We'll need a good false answer." Tell me something I do not already know.

Sean got up and stretched. I checked the time. It was startling to realize we had been haggling for over an hour. I was about to get up myself, when Sean dropped to his knees. Without a word, he picked up my foot and slipped off the pump. What followed was fifteen minutes of bliss. I made a mental note to have Christine study massage.

At 4:55 PM, I reluctantly put my shoes back on. Sean and I went down to a room off the kitchen. There were a number of unfamiliar faces, many of them looking hostile. We waited til 5:00 sharp, then Sean cut to the chase.

"Good evening and thank you for coming. Some of you will have heard rumors. Most likely they are mostly true. Let me introduce my fiancé, Sheila Schwartz, soon to be my wife. More to the point, she is now your boss. Listen up." Gee. Thanks. I feel so warm and fuzzy.

I took Sean's example and laid it out bare. "My name, as you heard, is Sheila Schwartz. I do not like being called Miss Schwartz, so you may call me Sheila, or Miss Sheila if it makes you feel better. Next week you can call me Mrs. Richards." You could have heard a pin drop.

I went on to explain the basics of the plan. People were starting to look very nervous, until I promised them a wave of temporary help. Then I mentioned Siobhan and her dozen grad students. That brought a different silence. Then, all sorts of questions started coming forward. Sean stepped up.

"I know there are a lot of questions. Right now we do not have a lot of answers. This much I know. We have six rooms and an entrance, in the old house, that need to be presentable in six days. That is where we start. Overtime is authorized. Bring in your spouses and teenagers. On Saturday, there will be some sort of fair set up outside. Your families will be allowed to visit it on Sunday. Now, get busy."

Once that was done, Sean took me down to the boat house. As a child, my family was not into water sports, but I had always loved the idea of boats. That did not prepare me for Sean's boats. There were a dozen at least, but two of them dwarfed the rest. One was an outright yacht. Sean proposed beginning renovations, as a cover for not being able to float the craft. I was good with that, provided he also finished renovations. The yacht was a beauty.

The other boat was what Sean called a houseboat. Silly boy. It was a party barge. It consisted of two pontoons supporting a covered dance area. House boats have rooms and a kitchen. This was much more basic, except that it was paneled in genuine wood instead of faux-ply sheets. Suddenly the gazebo seemed to be less than the perfect place for the vows.

I said, "Sean, could we do the ceremony on the boat? We could get so much more seating set up. We could anchor it about ten feet from shore and used a microphone. Even if we need to tow it around, it would be a real asset to the reception. I would work perfectly with the period theme. Siobhan will love it. Justin will go crazy." I was starting to babble. Sean touched his finger to my lips. He is such a teddy bear.

After that Sean and I walked hand in hand along the shore. Sean told me some of the history of the lake. It was fascinating. Between this ancestor and that, the Richards' water rights were older than the USA and worth more than the land. Presently we came to the edge of the property and turned back. It was one of the most tranquil times I had had in months.

On the stroll back, Sean told me about the carnival sideshow that he had found in storage. He started pointing out places where events could be staged. I could easily see how a small fair would fit along the water front. Add the party barge, some small boats, and this could become a memorable afternoon, especially if we enforced costume requirements. Siobhan would have a field day.

We went back up to the house to observe the progress. I have to hand it to Mitchell Gilbert. He had a ton of activity going. All the windows and French Doors were open. The lighting was 80 years old, but it still worked. All of the furniture from the foyer, the two parlors, the lounge and the library was assembled in the Ballroom. Beside them were rolled rugs.

Moving into the hallway, preparations were underway for a wax and buff of all the floors. Ladders were up and people were dusting the crown molding and cleaning the light fixtures. Seeing Sean and I, Mitchell came over and asked about raiding the house for additional furnishings. Sean thought that was an excellent idea, but to wait for Siobhan. Cleaning the rooms and waxing the floors would take a full day in any event. On the other hand, Sean wanted every available rug rounded up. Those would need to be cleaned, so time was critical.

While they talked, I was able to watch the staff work. One of the great assets I enjoyed at the gym was the ability to watch people work, when they were unaware of the scrutiny. Sean had as much as said that these were now my people. I wanted to know who worked, who talked and who made trouble. Sean and I had talked for an hour about merging our real estate assets, but merging me into his household was looking much more challenging.


Sheila did very well at her debut. While I knew she had never supervised a large staff, her sense of theater was perfect. She kept it short and easy to understand. We had the Gilberts for detail assignments. I did my best to back her up.

Then, I took her for some quality time. I took Sheila to the Boat House. I had loved it as a child, but my grandfather had still been alive to run children off. I moved over to the garage, where things were more in keeping with young attitudes. Sheila immediately saw the potential for the reception. She loved the old yacht and houseboat. Then, she floored me again. She suggested that we use the house boat as a floating stage. Even working around the gazebo, we could seat far more people. I made a note to get someone on it in the morning.

Same as [K]&[T], LLC
Chapter 4: Clean Foyer √ Polish Brass √... Videos

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Polish Au Pair Takes Control by Kristina Katyn.  Copyright 2005. (F/F, lesbian, humiliation, domestic, spanking, BDSM, non-consensual?) Humbly, I knelt down on the kitchen floor and scrubbed at the stains with the stiff-bristled wooden brush.? My knees hurt already, but what I was not prepared for was the intimate tingle inside my most private part as I saw out of the corner of my eye that Aniela, our Polish au pair, was sitting (sitting!), watching me scrub.? Her skirt did not reach past her...

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The Brass Ring

One spring evening, Clark was sitting by the fireplace with his twin five year old daughters, Sarah and Amy. His wife, Marie, was just coming into the room. She sat next to him and put Amy in her lap. Clark did the same with Sarah. Sarah said ‘Tell us the story again, Daddy.’ ‘Alright. Do you girls know what it means when someone grabs the brass ring?’ ‘Yes, it means they get a really special prize,’ Amy added. ‘OK. Once upon a time, there was a very pretty princess named Marie. She was...

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The Small Brass Key

It was almost 6 p.m. when Patrick Dunn finally got home on Wednesday night. He had worked an extra hour and a half to finish the wiring job he had been assigned that morning by Wayne Faulk, his supervisor. By staying the extra time, he'd been able to complete the job almost half a day earlier than the estimate had allowed. Mind you, he'd worked like hell all day, and he could feel it in his sore muscles. It was almost good that his wife Glenda had left that morning for three days of seminars...

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The Brass StatuettesChapter 6 Lets Get the Party Started

Frank had just hung up the phone after a conversation with Paul Riley at Citicorp. His bank had some preliminary interest in funding the bridge financing for the R&D projects, but they wanted to see the 10-Q before committing to anything. Frank was hearing that message over and over from each bank he contacted. That suited him fine because the 10-Q report would be in the hands of the SEC by the end of the week, and therefore in the public domain. Frank knew what the report said, so he was...

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The Brass RingChapter 7 Now What

I spent quite a bit of time over the next few days beating myself up over Joanna. How could I be so easily fooled? What was it about me that made me a sucker for a pretty face? You would think by now I'd have figured it out ... but no. I had my life all planned out. She and I would get married, adopt the boys, build a nice house, and live happily ever after. I wondered more than a few times what it was going to take to find the right woman. Maybe I was one of those guys who never...

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The Brass RingChapter 9 Catching the Brass Ring

When Gerry and Paulette came home that afternoon, they found Merilee and me lying on the sofa, watching TV, my arm around her shoulder, holding her close. Paulette broke out in a big smile, followed by Gerry. Having their approval meant a lot to me. Gerry wasn't just a customer, but a man I respected. Paulette was a fine lady with a classy way about her. Even if their "perfect family" wasn't perfect, they were good people. Merilee and I started dating again, and I was glad I was able to...

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In the Foyer

I was waiting in the foyer, like always. He was a couple of minutes late, like always. His eyes found me sitting and he sensed the change. No urgent pace, no wet kiss. He sensed it was ‘the talk’. ‘I told him about us,’ I said, ‘but it’s good with him.’ ‘So why are you sitting here?’ ‘I need to know if it’s good with you too.’ I continued on. ‘You haven’t told your wife yet, and we are having an affair’, with the emphasis on ‘are’. ‘You know, at first I was thrilled by the naughtiness, but...

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An executive8217s attractive wife is trained by another man to please men on her nylon covered knees while her husband waits across the foyer

Rob Connors sat alone in the small anteroom just off the foyer. He could hear, but not see what was happening in the larger room across. The doors to both rooms remained open and the hard tile surface of the entry way served to make the sound carry with surprising clarity. He had listened intently as the sharp click of high-heeled pumps sounded on the hard surface and then softened slightly as they reached the hardwood flooring in the larger room. It was his wife who was now standing in the...

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Knob Polisher

When I arrived at college, I shared a room in the residence with Tully. Our dorm was at the end of the passage and in the room across from us, Abel and Seb were accommodated. Tully, Seb, and Abel instantly hit it off as they were all on scholarships to achieve physical education degrees. They had been recruited to the university, because of the disciplines they excelled at in track and field events.Tully was a javelin expert, Seb was an excellent discus thrower, and Abel was a brilliant...

Gay Male
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A Bit of Polish and Tickle

A BIT OF POLISH AND TICKLEPart Two of the Little Standing ChroniclesI’d left myself, at the end of part one, sexually satisfied in an English field. I’d met Tanya not long after I’d left my new home to stroll down to the local village and generally scout out the locale. I’d heard her curses coming from behind a hedge and so had popped my head over the nearby five-bar gate. Tanya had nipped over the gate herself so that she could relieve her full bladder. Unfortunately, as she squatted down, her...

3 years ago
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The Knob Polisher

This is just a story, okay? Nobody is advocating you to enjoy sex with under-age people and most cross-dressers probably aren't gay. Yea, and most females who choose to hang around gay dudes aren't evil, either. Most 'fag-hags' seem to be actually be nice people and some may even resent that term of endearment. And it never was my intention to slander the Vegan lifestyle, Wicca, Druids, the rest of the occult and all the other great religions of the world. This is just a story, okay?...

2 years ago
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The Knob Polisher 2

This is only a story, okay? Nobody here is in favour of having sex with underage people and most cross-dressers probably aren't gay. It goes without saying that most 'fag-hags' aren't evil either. Ladies that enjoy the company of gay men seem to be nice people and some may even resent the term of endearment. And it's never been my intention to slander the Vegan lifestyle, Wicca, Druids, the rest of the occult and all the other great religions of the world. This is just a story, okay?...

1 year ago
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Polishing Daphne

Polishing Daphnea story in the realm of Extreme Toylandby DolorDelectatioSynopsis: Lisa, headmistress at Extreme Toyland is on her way back home from a visit to her friend Lady Victoria (see the previous story "The Party at House Victoria"). She's bringing a new girl to work for her. But when she gets back home, she is in for a couple of surprises. Rick, her partner and co-owner of Extreme Toyland, is having some unauthorized fun with Lisa's protege. On top of that, she gets a surprise visit...

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Lucyna Polish Boardroom Bang

A few years ago, I got into an extra curricular relationship with a Polish girl at work. We were both seeing other people at the time, so everything that was wrong about it was very wrong, but we couldn’t leave each other alone and the lack of opportunities was making us both hornier by the day. We would steal kisses in the lift, or spend 10 minutes in a bathroom, but in a fairly small building, it wasn’t easy to be alone or find time when either of us wouldn’t be missed. We’d nip out for...

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Acting as a Cleaning Lady Chapter 2 My Sisters Cleaner

Acting as a Cleaning Lady An Unfinished Story by Susannah Donim Circumstances force Dave to take up a humiliating new career, but it turns out to suit him better than he expected. Chapter 2 - My Sister's Cleaner On the whole my work at the bank had been going well for the last few months since we had returned from Spain. The team in Madrid had been quite small and mostly responsible for migrating the latest software to the Spanish networks. I often had to visit regional...

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Polishing Mr Cleans pole

It was Sunday afternoon almost dark out. I was sitting in a Starbucks enjoying a coffee and thinking about what to do that night. I had not sucked a cock in a while and had a need for seed. I pulled out my iphone and opened my Craigslist app. I had had some luck looking through the personals before maybe this time something would come up.I saw an ad for someone wanting a full body massage. He said he was 27,single and living alone up in the nearby mountain area. I responded back I would give...

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My Polish Neighbour Chapter 2

Chapter 2 To my relief I got home before my parents. I went and had a shower to remove any traces of my time with Maria. I need not have worried except that my pants were stained with semen from my first cum with her. In the shower I soaped myself and remembered the effect of the lubricant on my prick and how sensitive it was compared with my dry hand. I decided I had to get some but how to hide it from Mum was uppermost in my mind. I heard the door and dried myself and went out to find...

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My Polish Neighbour

I was just 13 and aware that I was having exciting preoccupations with women, and to a lesser extent, girls. Girls made me uncertain as I did not know how to approach them in a sexual way. If I did I usually made a complete mess of it, not knowing how to make advances showing that I was interested in them. The only chance I ever had was with other boys who usually knew how to get away with saying something which got the interest of the girl. My first ever feel was at a little used park near...

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For a sexy Polish princess XxX

Hello again 'Anna'... Well, I just wanted to write you something nice and horny to let you know how much you've captivated me with your raunchy little profile!After seeing your deliciously horny pics for the first time, I just couldn't stop daydreaming about all the naughty, sensual pleasures I'd love to share with you girl........you look so jaw droppingly sexy, just the kind of sultry little goddess I've always enjoyed fantasising about, ever since I was a horny young teenager! And yeah, I...

4 years ago
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The Polish Pecker and his Girlfriend

Finally – a recount of what happened at the encounter with the Polish Pecker and his girlfriend. Things have been a little hectic of late and with the disruption to normal life in August, I have not been able to get around to this. In fact I have not been screwing around for the last four months and it is really only with my trip to New York a couple of weeks ago that I got my va va voom back and am now firmly in the saddle again.So, the PP and I had been messing around for a couple of weeks...

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Aprils Radical Mental Therapy

Author’s Note: Hi folks, firing another one out here. If it hasn’t been said before, I am saving what I think is my better work for later submissions. This one is kind of all over the place, something I poked at here and there over the years. I finally managed to salvage it together into something presentable. I wasn’t even sure which category to put this, though. NonConsent? Exhibitionism? Mind Control? I chose the latter, please forgive if you disagree after reading the story. Again, I...

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Dr Imeldas Radical Approach

Case Report 48392/15 Sep 2013 Patient Name: Peter Garner Crime: Convicted of nine counts of rape and three counts of anal sodomy Family History: Unknown Legal Status: Incarcerated. Currently serving 30 years to life in Welden Penitentiary IQ: 137 Dr. Imelda Lopez clinched her fist into her palm as she read the file of Peter Garner. She had treated a lot of men with similar records, but Garner was different. She closed the folder, got up from her desk and went to the window for some fresh...

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Radical Empathy Part 1

Radical Empathy By Akira Marx Part 1: Send them to The Hague. Find whatever part of the Geneva Conventions this violates, and if it's not in there we need to add it. I'm against capital punishment but bring back the electric chair for the knob who scheduled this conference call for a Friday afternoon, which, by the way, had managed to drag into its fourth hour. Fine, OK, maybe that's a tad severe. But if I wasn't still working from home then I definitely would've been writing a...

2 years ago
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Radical Empathy Part 2

Radical Empathy By Akira Marx Part 2: It's trite to say it, and I really hate these cliches, but it was love at first sight. Of course it was, I was an eighteen year old guy away from home for the first time. I had one thing on my mind and it wasn't the physics lab I had in a half hour. Maybe lust at first sight would be more appropriate, but that makes this sound tawdry. Let's just settle on an overwrought reveal instead: Cue the spotlight. Hit the fan. Give me the soft focus,...

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Sheila Mclean

Sheila McLean was a name that brought my member to quivering attention. "Did you ever hear of a doxy called Irish Sheila, Mistress Sheila McLean perhaps?" one of my tavern mates asked, deep in his cups. I held my peace having already sucked him dry of information and not wishing to buy him any more of what the tavern was selling as gin. "She's as fine a piece of ass as the lord god ever made, that she is," he evered making wavy motions with both hands to show the shape of the woman. I...

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George Isolde and the Brass Ring Polka Band

Dedication This dedication is long and necessarily so. The book has taken me three decades to write, mostly because I didn’t start actually putting pen to paper, so to speak, until I had all my background ducks in a row. Putting ducks in a row is like herding cats, patience becomes the primary virtue. This book is Tom Woolfolk’s fault. Well, actually, Tom’s and Sheila’s jointly. We three commuted to work together for a few years in the early eighties, and during those long and boring rides,...

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George ISolde and the Brass Ring Polka Band Ch V

Chapter V Isolde woke up drenched in sweat. The sun was beating down on her and her hair was plastered to her forehead. Her hip ached and she had a crick in her neck from lying on it wrong. She looked at her watch. 9:00 it said. “Damn,” she thought. And then, “I really have to pee.” She sat up and looked around. She was in a field that had recently been mowed. The stubble was about four inches high. There was a woods line about 100 yards to her left. To her right, she could see houses in the...

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George Isolde and the Brass Ring Pola Band Ch IV

Chapter IV When they got to the gig, Will, the drummer, was just setting up. He nodded to George and Isolde as he fiddled with his equipment. The bass player hadn’t arrived yet, but that was no surprise. He had told George three months ago that he was playing a wedding in Ocean City “on a Friday afternoon, for God sakes! Doesn’t anyone get married on a Saturday anymore?” he had rhetorically asked. “Maybe they got a three-day weekend special,” was George’s laconic reply. “Yeah. So now they...

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George Isolde and the Brass Ring Polka Band Ch VI

Chapter VI Making hay was satisfying but monotonous work. It was nice to see the cut hay come off the end of the rake, like a green waterfall, cascading into a long even wave. And it was satisfying to look back and see row after row of mounded hay stretched out across the flat field. At first, Terry had paid close attention to the tractor and rake, worried that something might break, and listening for the telltale rattle of things amiss. But the steady thump-thump of the old two-cylinder Deere...

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George Isolde and the Brass Ring Polka Band Ch VI

Chapter VI Making hay was satisfying but monotonous work. It was nice to see the cut hay come off the end of the rake, like a green waterfall, cascading into a long even wave. And it was satisfying to look back and see row after row of mounded hay stretched out across the flat field. At first, Terry had paid close attention to the tractor and rake, worried that something might break, and listening for the telltale rattle of things amiss. But the steady thump-thump of the old two-cylinder...

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George ISolde and the Brass Ring Polka Band Ch V

Chapter V Isolde woke up drenched in sweat. The sun was beating down on her and her hair was plastered to her forehead. Her hip ached and she had a crick in her neck from lying on it wrong. She looked at her watch. 9:00 it said. “Damn,” she thought. And then, “I really have to pee.” She sat up and looked around. She was in a field that had recently been mowed. The stubble was about four inches high. There was a woods line about 100 yards to her left. To her right, she could see houses in the...

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George Isolde and the Brass Ring Pola Band Ch IV

Chapter IV When they got to the gig, Will, the drummer, was just setting up. He nodded to George and Isolde as he fiddled with his equipment. The bass player hadn’t arrived yet, but that was no surprise. He had told George three months ago that he was playing a wedding in Ocean City “on a Friday afternoon, for God sakes! Doesn’t anyone get married on a Saturday anymore?” he had rhetorically asked. “Maybe they got a three-day weekend special,” was George’s laconic reply. “Yeah. So now they are...

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George Isolde and the Brass Ring Polka Band

Dedication This dedication is long and necessarily so. The book has taken me three decades to write, mostly because I didn’t start actually putting pen to paper, so to speak, until I had all my background ducks in a row. Putting ducks in a row is like herding cats; patience becomes the primary virtue. This book is Tom Woolfolk’s fault. Well, actually, Tom’s and Sheila’s jointly. We three commuted to work together for a few years in the early eighties, and during those long and boring rides,...

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The Brass Ring

It is a cold and blustery morning in early March as I sit at the kitchen table reading the help wanted ads in the local week end paper. Wrapped in my warmest pajamas, slippers and bathrobe I am still chilled to the very center of my bones. The furnace is out, again. Thank God the girls are away for the weekend, one at an all weekend sleep over, and the other on a school-debating trip, at least they are warm. Another bill to face, but it can't be avoided. The Service Company has been called...

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Georgia Goes to UniversityChapter 10 The Spanking Society and the Top Brass See Me Naked

The Friday after my public humiliation (that I loved every seconds of) was the meeting of the Spanking Society. Riley had agreed to come along with me, and to get spanked. Wearing just very short dresses and a warm jacket, we got a taxi to the pub, got ourselves a drink then asked where the function room was. As with the Orgasm Club there was a huge bouncer outside the door who opened it when I said that we were there to see Tommy. The room was bigger than the Red Lion function room but the...

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The Brass StatuettesChapter 5 Different Points of View

On Saturday morning Trudy rose early to eat breakfast with Frank. She decided not to wake the girls; they would have been grouchy for having been rousted at that hour. She wanted to talk with Frank, anyway. "Frank, before you leave to play golf, I thought that I'd let you know—Gloria Warner called me up yesterday." "No kidding," he answered, "it must have been about the charity foundation." "How did you know?" "Don't you remember? We talked about it a few days ago." "Well, I...

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The Brass StatuettesChapter 7 Changing the Rules of the Game

Gloria lay prone on the massage table; Raul worked over the backs of her thighs with the rolling pin. After her nighttime workout with her husband the exercise session exhausted her even more than usual, so the massage felt extra good. After a minute or so she felt him shifting the pressure upward, toward her private zone and she knew what he was leading up to "Would you like the Deluxe Workout today, Señora Warner?" he asked as his hand accidentally grazed over her buttocks and he bent...

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The Brass StatuettesChapter 9 Tourniquet

Brenda arrived at Gloria's house just in time for lunch. Ashley and Darlene weren't due for at least an hour. She found Juana humming a song to herself. She gulped down some of her iced tea. Without the vodka, the taste of the mint and fresh lemon were somehow stronger. "I saw Raul walking away looking kind of glum," Brenda said. "He's disappointed, I suppose," Gloria answered. "It was the second week in a row I turned him down for the Deluxe Workout." "Gloria, that's not like...

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The Brass StatuettesChapter 10 Laughing of the Children

When Frank walked into the office the next day the New York financial markets were just opening. In his eagerness to start his workday he'd been a little brusque with Floyd, and that made him feel bad. The older man looked confused with the break in their daily routine. Frank clicked on the internet and breathed a sigh of relief. Western's stock price had started trading unchanged and that meant that Murray Shoreham had stalled on passing a big block of shares at the opening. His brief...

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The Brass StatuettesChapter 11 Fall from Grace

"Buenos dias, Señora Warner," Juana chanted, "Chu are a-wake airlee dees morning." She placed a coffee cup and saucer on the table where Gloria always sat and poured it full of the magic black elixir. She resumed humming her song and hurried to the refrigerator to get the cream; the sugar was already on the table. "What can I make for chu dees morning, Señora?" "Don't go to any trouble for me," Gloria answered. "Eet would be a plai-sure, Señora." Gloria stole a glance and Juana...

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The Brass StatuettesChapter 12 Pressure

Frank was careful not to hurt Floyd's feelings when he arrived at the office early on Monday morning, as he had done a few days before. Sometimes Frank got busy and forgot that it was easy to give a person the feeling he was getting the brush-off without intending to do so. "Good morning, Floyd," Frank said, forcing out a little more enthusiasm than usual. "How are you doing this morning?" Floyd looked up at Frank from his desk; his face brightened. "I'm doin' very well, Mr....

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The Brass StatuettesChapter 13 Expendable

Frank hung up the telephone. He'd been discussing his plan for putting together the new financing package with the Company's investment banker in New York. The intercom buzzed. "Agent Henderson would like to see you," Jeannette announced over the speaker. Henderson walked into Frank's office with the employee roster in hand. "Do you have a guy named Fishberg working here? I don't see him on the printout." "It's Fishman," Frank answered. "He's a Financial Analyst; he works on...

2 years ago
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The Brass StatuettesChapter 14 Discovery

Brenda sat in a chair at the round table on Gloria's veranda. Juana had just cleared their lunch dishes. Although the weather was quite pleasant, no one wore their swimsuit under cropped pants and blouses; no expectation of margaritas poolside in the après-lunch. To Brenda, Gloria's appearance appeared grim even though she had good news to tell the group—at least, it was good in Brenda's estimation. Gloria had briefed Brenda in advance. Knowledge of the paradox made Brenda feel even more...

4 years ago
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The Brass StatuettesChapter 15 Promises Kept

Darlene stayed overnight with Jim after they had sex. At Jim's age one erection per night was his limit. It didn't bother him. He took a little nap and Darlene cleaned herself up and then used the neglected hot tub while he dozed. When she climbed back onto the bed he woke. He fondled her for awhile and she let him. She thought he was trying to arouse himself for another round, but he pulled her on top of him—seated her on his face and brought her to climax again. "He's such a really...

1 year ago
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The Brass StatuettesChapter 16 Doubt and Certainty

Frank ran into Aaron the morning in the lobby while he was waiting for the elevator. "Thanks for coming in early, Aaron." His protégé shrugged. "You're a real lifesaver. I'd like to take my daughter to Austin on Thursday and help her get her things into her dorm. It's a big deal—first time living away from home, and all. You'll see someday." "Don't worry about it," Aaron mumbled. "Glad I could help you." The bell rang and the elevator door slid open. The two men stepped...

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The Brass StatuettesChapter 19 Success and Failure

Floyd greeted Frank bright and early, as usual. He brought in the complimentary coffee. Frank took a sip from the steaming cup. "The first sip is always the best," Frank said with relish and drank some more. "Not too strong?" Floyd asked. "You know better than to ask that, Floyd." "I'd bet you've got a lot of hair on your chest," Floyd laughed. Frank laughed, too; and then he turned serious. "You noticed that Aaron is working in the Controller's office again?" "The young...

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The Brass StatuettesChapter 20 The Frying Pan and the Fire

It was just after ten when Frank pulled into his driveway. He'd been thinking about his encounter with Gloria all the while he drove home. It was hard to put it out of his mind. "Trudy was right. I sure didn't see that coming." The downstairs was dark, but he'd seen the bedroom light on from the street. He wondered if Trudy was still burned up. If the light was out by the time he got upstairs, he would know the answer. Margaret's light was on, too; so, he knew she was in her room. The...

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The Brass StatuettesChapter 22 End and Beginning

Frank arrived home at eight the next evening. The conference with the new investors was successful, even though they had to go through it without Alvin. He'd received Blake's phone call as they were getting ready to go to dinner. Brenda had called him and explained about Gloria. Jim Sweeney filled in for Alvin at the meeting the next day and the investors were gracious and understood. Alvin used the corporate jet to get back to Houston. Frank, Jim and Tyler booked seats on a commercial...

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The Brass RingChapter 2 Out of My League

A couple of years later, I was still single, but the business was now really big. We had just finished moving to a new warehouse and office building on the edge of town. We employed thirty people, give or take, and the money was really rolling in. I was still the finder and idea guy, while Pop looked after running the whole show. That's what presidents did. We'd sold the house and bought a new one not far from the new warehouse. It wasn't huge, but it was new and it was nice. Marla nearly...

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The Brass RingChapter 3 Getting to Know Her

It was a great afternoon. We headed out into the surrounding countryside and just cruised for while before stopping at an old auction barn on a whim. It was long past the auction time, but people were still there paying for their purchases and picking up their prizes. We wandered around, looking at the various items that hadn't been sold or weren't picked up yet. I always like auctions, especially these country kind. All sorts of old stuff turns up, and you never know from week to week just...

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