Nail Polish Fetish free porn video

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Nail Polish Fetish By Margaret Jeanette Jenny Wright was in a quandry. She was having lunch with her best girlfriend, Julie, and Julie could see something was bothering her. Julie asked what it was. "I hate to say this but after four years of marriage somethng has gone out of it. Robert is attentive but when we make love he comes right away before I am even getting warm, not hot. Also, he isn't as attentive around me as he was when we first got married. I just would like to get him to pay attention to me more is all." "I had that trouble with my Hal and I took control. What you have to find is their weakness and exploit it. My Hal's is lipstick. I saw how he always watched me putting on lipstick so one night I put it on him. He melted and we had the best sex in years. Now, if I want a quickie I leave him like he is but if I want a longer session I put lipstick on him. I have even taken him shopping while wearing lipstick that couldn't help but be noticed. Hal is completely under my control when wearing lipstick. You ought to try it. Find Robert's weakness and use it." "I think I will. I don't have any idea what it is but I definitely will be watching to see what turns him on." "I even made Hal wear a bra and panties a couple of times. You would be surprised at how they change when you make adjustments in their lives." "I can't imagine Robert in panties and a bra. I can't picture it at all. He is a little wimpish but not that much." When she got home all she could think about was what was Robert's weakness and how could she exploit it. He arrived home. She put on lipstick but he didn't pay any attention. At bedtime she slowly undressed and put a sexy nightgown on but he wasn't payig any attention to her at all. Julie didn't tell her it was going to be this tough to find his weakness, she thought. The next morning being Saturday they both were home. Robert was sitting in the easy chair, barefoot and in his pajamas yet. Jenny was sitting on the couch preparing to do her nails. She saw Robert looking at her as she removed the old polish. He was still watching her as she applied the pink polish to her fingernails. She wondered if nail polish was his weakness. She finished and let them dry. Robert was watching her the whole time. He wasn't reading the newspaper he held in his hands. Her nails were dry and she asked him to come sit by her. He went and sat next to her. She grabbed one of his legs and before he could say anythng she was putting polish on his toenails. She saw his shoulders sag a bit and knew she had him now. His eyes were almost glazed as she applied the polish. The other leg followed and soon he had ten painted toes. "Now let me do your fingernails!" He obediently held his hands out fingers extended. She applied the pink polish to his fingernails. It was like he was in a trance. She wondered how far she could take this. She got a tube of bright pink lipstick and soon he had colored lips. The she took him into the bedroom and had him put on a pair of her lacy panties and a matching bra. She told him to get dressed the rest of the way and watched as he finished dressing. She told him to come, that they were going to do some shopping. She stopped at the credit union and told him to go inside to get some cash. He said he couldn't do it wearing lipstick, and she told him not to be so silly, get in there and get the cash! He did as she commanded. She sat in the car smiling to herself. He went in, and when the girl finished counting out the cash she said, "Pretty lipstick." He blushed and left. She took him to a store that had a cosmetic advisor to find out what colors he should be wearing. The advisor didn't bat an eyelash as she told Jenny that his lipstick was all wrong. She recommended a bright red lipstick, blue eye shadow, black eyeliner and rose blush over light suntan foundation. Jenny told the woman to get everything they needed, then asked the woman if she could apply the first coat so they could see how it is done. The woman laughed and did as requested. Robert was now fully made-up and feeling foolish. He was also feeling very strange. Jenny was thinking about what was happening. On the one hand she wondered how far she could take this, and on the other hand she was disgusted that Robert would allow this to be done to him. She thought it would be good punishment to make him wear a dress and everything that goes with it. They passed a wig shop and Jenny saw a wig in the window she thought would be perfect for Robert. They went in and when they walked out he was wearing a blond up-do wig. With his unisex sandals and pink toes he looked like a woman wearing a man's shirt and slacks. She led him into a dress shop and when she held a dress against him she saw his shoulders sag some more. So, dresses were also a weakness. She bought two dresses and a full satin slip for him. Next it was a shoe store where the salesgirl giggled as she put peds on his feet to try on some heels. They ended up getting three pair of heels and he ended up wearing one pair out of the store. Then they stopped in the food court for lunch. Jenny saw several people staring at Robert but just smiled at them. She tried to think about what else they could do. She couldn't think of anything, so they only walked the length of the mall concourse. There wasn't anything that caught her eye so they headed home. At home Jenny felt hot for sex. She got Robert in the bedroom and they got ready for action. They made love really slow and Jennny thought it was delightful. She loved how he slowly moved from one part of her body to another. After they were done and the afterglow was dying down she suggested he try on the pink silk dress they'd gotten. He got up and soon was standing there wearing a slip and the dress. Jenny liked the way he looked and told him he looked really sweet. He was still wondering what was happening to him, but couldn't quite put a finger on it. Two hours later Jenny removed the polish from his fingers. It was like he was waking up. He realized that he was wearing a dress and started to cry. Jenny asked him what was wrong. "When I was eight and my sister was ten she put nail polish on me and then had me wear her old dresses. She did that about a dozen times that summer. We had to play having tea. She laughed when my mother saw me and said I had to stay in dresses until she decided I had had enough. I wore a dress for a week straight and Mother made me go outside to play. The neighbor kids teased me something terrible. I never got over it. So every time I see a woman wearing nail polish I think of how sexy she looks and ... get to feeling strange. Did you have me in nail polish?" "Yes, I did, and I enjoyed it. You were fabulous and looked great. Go take a look in a mirror at your face." He went and couldn't believe what he saw. He felt sick and wanted to sink through the floor. He went back and asked Jenny if he could go change into his regular clothes. "No, I think you are dressed fine. You will wear a dress until your make-up wears off. That should be in three or four days! Until then you look so feminine and sweet we'll just leave you that way. Come here and let me put some new polish on those nails. Your polish should match your lipstick." Jenny then laughed. She was feeling so self-assured, so in charge. Soon he was sporting bright red fingernails and was again in a kind of trance. Jenny wondered what else she could have him do. She was really beginning to love the power she had over him. She was matching his toenails to his fingernails and wondered if she could get him to go out to eat. "Go change into that pretty red velvet dress and put the red heels on that we got and we'll go out to eat." She was pleased at how fast he moved to do as she bid. She was getting wet just thinking about how she controlled him. Jenny wanted even more but couldn't think of anything else. It frustrated her a bit that she couldn't come up with anything. At the supper club they got a secluded corner booth. Jenny ordered for both -- a steak for her and a big salad for Robert. "We can't call you Robert when you are wearing a dress. What would you like to be called?" "I don't know. I never thought about it. Anything is fine with me." "I know what we will call you. You shall be Alice. That's a nice feminine name. Now, what is your name?" "I don't know anymore!" "It's Alice, now don't forget that Alice." Then Jenny thought of something. She wondered if she could get him out of his trance to embaress him. "Robert-come out! ROBERT-COME OUT!!" She saw he shake his head and saw his expression change, She knew he was fully aware he was Robert. She decided to have some fun with him. "You look really nice in that dress with your face all made up. Doesn't that velvet dress feel nice on you? Why don't you go to the little girl's room and redo your lipstick. It is a bit smeared from your licking your lips." "You can believe I am going to use the women's rest room, can you?" "Oh but you will. Wearing a dress and full make-up you had better use the ladies or someone will call the police and you will be in big trouble. Now, go do your lipstick! Do it now!" The way she said 'do it now,' he knew he'd better do as she said. He saw a purse lying beside his arm and saw her purse next to her, so he knew he had to take it. He went to the ladies room and soon returned wearing fresh lipstick. Jenny smiled and asked how it felt, walking in heels. He said it felt like hell and asked why was she doing this to him. "Because I can and I want to. It started just so you would pay more attention to me, but now I like being in control of you. You will do as I say from now on. Now get under the table and kiss my feet!" Not knowing why, he did as she commanded. He sat back down wondering what was next. He was very worried about things she seemed able to do to him. Their food arrived and they ate in silence. He was fully aware that he was Robert, and felt as if everyone was watching him as they left the supper club. Jenny got in and drove. He was surprised when she stopped at a nail parlor that was open. They went in and Jenny talked to the girl, who came and told him to take his shoes and nylons off. The girl, who introduced herself as Pam, started to give him a pedicure. He was enjoying the attention, especially the lower leg rub-down, though his eyes got wide when he saw the bright red nail polish being applied. It looked like it glowed and just screamed out sissy. Then the girl took him by one of the tables and started to do his fingernails, explaining that would give his toenails a chance to dry completely. When she finished preparing his nails she started putting a light pink polish on them. He thought it looked too feminine but she told him that was what his wife ordered. She gave him three coats and then started to do something he couldn't figure out. When she finished he looked at his nails and saw 'SISSY ALICE' spelled out on his fingernails. He blushed a deep red. A letter on each nail stood out in deep red so it couldn't be missed. When they were driving away from the nail parlor Robert asked, "Why did you do that? Why do I have my nails done that way?" "It just tells the truth. You are a sissy, aren't you? You are a man wearing a dress and heels. You are wearing make-up. Is that a sissy or not?" "I am not a sissy. A sissy does that of his own free will. You tricked me into this. You took advantage of me." "You are still a sissy. You will never convince me of anything else. I am having a problem seeing you as a man when you are wearing such a pretty dress and heels." "The heels aren't that tall. They are what -- two inches or two and a half." Jenny made a fast U-turn and he wondered where they were headed now. She pulled into a parking lot of Cleo's Adult Store. Inside she had him try on a pair of six-ionch heels. They fit and she tore the tag off and told him he would wear them until he admitted he was a sissy. Then she spotted a white blouse trimmed with lace and big red letters that said 'SISSY'. She bought that for him to wear. He was having trouble walking in the heels and couldn't keep up with her as she left the store. He got outside only to see her driving off. He knew it was a mile and a half to get home. He started walking. Soon he had to rest as his legs wouldn't go any further. Forty minutes later he arrived home. He had to ring the front doorbell to be let in. "Are you ready to admit you are a sissy now or do you want me to take you for a ride so you can walk some more in your new heels?" "I am not a sissy! Get that through your head!" "Come on, we are going for a ride." "Where are we going?" "Maybe to visit your sister. I'll bet she will love to see you this way!" "I am not going there! With this between us is one thing but let's not get anyone else involved." He knew his sister lived a little less than a mile away, but he didn't want to go there. He knew she would tease him something terrible. Jenny grabbed him by the arm and he had no choice but to go with her. She got him into the garage and into the front seat of the car, telling him to stay there. He was shaking he was so angry. She pulled into his sister's driveway and made him get out. They rang the front doorbell but no one answered. Jenny said they must be gone, and allowed him to get into the car before taking off. He was sure she was going to hurry and drive off, but she didn't. She turned the wrong way going out if the driveway. He asked where they were going and she said he would find out. She drove for about ten blocks and suddenly pulled into another driveway. He had no idea where they were. They went to the front door and rang the doorbell. The door opened and his jaw dropped. Wendy Neuman answered the door. She was one of Jenny's best friends, and he had sometimes daydreamed about her, about how sexy she was. Jenny told her that he was now her sissy. She had him lift his skirt to show his nylon lacy panties. Wendy laughed and said she might have a dress he could have. She left and soon came back carrying a lavender dress. "I wore this when I was a bridesmaid. It is a mermaid style that I hated. I will never wear it again so he can have it. It should fit him, but he can try it on if you like to see how it fits." "That's a great idea. Alice, go try on your new gown." He didn't get up out of his chair. Jenny stood up and took a step toward him. He jumped up and grabbed the dress and went into the bedroom Wendy pointed out. The girls exchanged chit-chat and giggles while he was changing. Jenny told her all about what she had done to him. Wendy laughed and told her she doesn't have any problem with her husband, Ross, paying attention to her. Alice came out wearing the dress. He could take only short steps in the dress. He was blushing deeply as Wendy rubbed his rear in order to feelhow tight it was on him. She said it was like it was made for him. He wasn't impressed at all. He was starting to feel sick. Jenny said, "You can keep that dress on. It looks so sweet on you. I know you just love it, don't you?" "It is hard to walk in. Also, it feels tight on top." Wendy said, "That's how it's supposed to feel. It felt tight on top on me also. You'll get used to it." She was openly laughing now at him. He gave her a disgusted look and she laughed all the harder. It was time to leave and Jenny scooted out the door and was out of the driveway before he was to the door. Now he had no idea which way to go to get home. He realized he should have paid more attention to how they'd gotten there. He walked five blocks before he got to a street name he recognized. He couldn't take long steps because of the skirt. An hour and a half later he finally arrived home. "Are you ready to admit you are a sissy now?" "I told you I am not a sissy!" It was time for bed. He couldn't get the heels off. He asked Jenny how they came off. She laughed evilly and looked at them. "I don't really know. I never had a pair like that. You are wearing them, so you can get them off. I'll help you if you admit you are a sissy." "I keep telling you I am NOT a sissy!" "Then sleep in the heels. I'll help you when you admit you are a sissy." "I have to work tomorrow. I can't wear these clothes to work. What if someone comes in to order something?" He had a workshop four blocks from their house where he made speciality cabinets. He was known for making only the best out of exotic woods. He got paid a hefty sum for each one he made. "You can work in what you wore today or you can pick any of your other dresses. I may change my mind if you admit you are a sissy, but don't count on it." The next morning he seriously thought about admitting he was a sissy but decided against it. It was against his principles. "Are you ready to admit you are a sissy yet?" "NO!" "Then I can wait and you can continue the way you are. Now, I want you to admit you are a sissy and tell me you want me to keep you that way. If you keep refusing it will get worse, I promise." He was starting to feel sick again. He knew she meant it and he knew she could make it worse. She left for work and he finished another cup of coffee. When he went out in the garage he was shocked to see she had taken his truck and left him the little Ford. It had no pick-up, the kind he liked, being only a four cylinder car. He got in and went to his shop. It was near impossible for him to get anything done. The dress was bad enough but the heels made it almost impossible for him to move around. He did manage to get some work done but quit early because his legs were killing him. He went home and sat in the recliner in the living room. Jenny got home and found him sleeping in the recliner. She smiled, knowing he was home early. She imagined he that he had a rough day. She couldn't help but smile to herself. She woke him for supper and he still looked tired. She laughed when he complained about how his legs had hurt just about all day. She told him that was part of being a woman. "Are you ready to admit you are a sissy and want me to keep you that way?" "I am not a sissy but if you want me to admit it, I will. But I don't think I will really mean it." "You better think again. Now you better admit you are a sissy and mean it and that you want me to keep you that way and that you will go to a beauty parlor and get your hair done up feminine. Keep refusing and it is going to get worse." He knew it was going to get worse but he couldn't think how. Finally in desperation he said, "I am a sissy and I want you to keep me this way." "Do you really mean that?" "Y-y-yes." "Do you also agree to go to a beauty parlor and get your hair done up feminine?" "Yes, but I don't know why I have to do that." "Just because I said so. If you hadn't been so stubborn you wouldn't have to go but now you see what your stubborness got you. Have them do your nails and get false nails, the ultra ones." After supper Jenny was on the phone and when she hung up she told him he had an appointment at Lovely Lady salon tomorrow morning at nine. He glared at her but didn't say anything. He didn't want to upset her. At bedtime Jenny said in a amusing voice,"Look at what I found. I'll bet it is the key to your shoes. Do you want to get them off or keep them on?" It was a no-brainer for her to ask that. He breathed a sigh of relief when they were off. The next morning Jenny told him to wear his pink dress with the pink heels. He put everything on and she told him to redo his lipstick. Not wanting to anger her he did just that. He arrived at the salon right at nine. A woman who introduced herself as Gloria asked him if he was Alice. She took him to her chair. She told him she already had her instructions for his hair. She also told him he had the wrong color lipstick for his coloring. She asked if he wanted her to make him up in the right colors and he agreed. He didn't know why he agreed but he did. When she was done he had a very feminine hair-do that was all curls and his face looked great with the right colors on his eyes, cheeks and lips. Gloria gave him a pink pouch containing the right cosmetics for him to use. At the nail station a girl who introduced herself as Traci told him she knew just what he needed. She laughed out loud when she read 'SISSY ALICE on his nails, and asked if he wanted that on his new nails. He assured her he didn't want that on them. She removed the old polish and went to work on his nails. When she was done he had nails that extended three quarters of an inch past his fingertips. He knew it was going to take some getting used to the longer nails. He took another look in the mirror and marveled at how his hair framed his face. When he got home Jenny was already there. She told him he looked just darling in his new hair-do. She told him his nails looked very sweet but like dangerous weapons. It was Wednesday and he wore the white blouse with the ruffles and the straight denim skirt with black flats. Jenny told him he would look better in his white sandals, so he put them on. She liked looking at his painted toes. He got a lot done at work and was feeling pretty good about how well the cabinet was coming. He was ready to start the varnishing, and figured it should be ready by Monday to be delivered. When he got home Jenny wasn't home yet so he started supper. He peeled potatoes and breaded the pork chops and got the petite peas ready to cook. He had the pork chops just about done when Jenny walked in exclaiming how nice the supper smelled. Supper was on the table and they sat down to eat. Jenny thanked him for making supper. She seemed in a good mood tonight. "So how did your day go today? Better than yesterday?" "Yes, I didn't have to put up with those awful shoes." "Now tell me the truth, not some horseshit answer -- how do you really feel wearing a dress?" "That is hard to answer. Sometimes it is a bitch. l don't like wearing that dress Wendy gave me. They should gather all those dresses and burn them. The full skirted ones aren't bad to wear and sometimes I get a sexy feeling wearing one. All in all it isn't as bad as I thought it would be. But I still would like to get back in my own clothes." "What do you mean -- you are in your own clothes right now!" "I mean my men's clothes. You know what I mean." "Yes but with your pretty permanent you would look funny in your men's clothes." "How long does a permanent last?" "Oh three to four months on the lean side. Some can go six months before neediing a new perm." "Six months! That's like a death sentence! Why can't I just get my head shaved?" "You want your head shaved? I can call the salon and they probably can shave it tomorrow but then I will have them glue a wig on your head. How would you like to be a blond with hair down to the middle of your back?" Jenny laughed at the thought. "Forget it! What is it you really want?" "What I really want, I am getting now. So I think I made the right decision when I put you in dresses. I never thought I would go that far but it just happened so easily. It fell in place like one domino after another. Now, it really isn't so bad after all, is it?" "Like I said, it's not a bad thing actually. I sometimes really like the feel of the clothes on the backs of my legs and I have had enough men giving me a second look with lust in their eyes. You know that's somethng I can't figure out. I like it when a man gives me that second look." "That's the feminine side of you. Don't worry, all men have a feminine side. It just doesn't always show, but every man has it in one form or another." "So now when I like wearing a dress, that's my feminine side coming out, but when I feel odd wearing a dress it's my masculine side showing through?" "That's about it. I do hope you don't hate me for putting you in dresses. I honestly never, never thought it would go this far. Do you hate me?" "No, I love you or I would have been gone long ago. I still can't see why you put me in dresses but I know you must have had good reasons for doing it. I don't think I could ever hate you." With tears in her eyes Jenny said, "Thank you very much. I am glad to hear that. I love you very much and really don't want to hurt you. You went along with everything so nicely I couldn't help myself. I feel a lot better now knowing you aren't angry over this." He felt a little sorry for her but didn't want to say much more to get her depressed or upset. They finished supper and she washed and he dried the dishes. The next day he wore the bright yellow sundress with the ruffled shoulder straps. He was working in his shop giving the finishing touches to his latest cabinet when a woman customer entered his shop. It was someone he recognized. "Hello, I would like to order a special cabinet. I have an idea in mind but am wondering if you could maybe improve on it." "Sure, I'll give it a try. What do you have in mind?" "I have a collection of collector's plates scattered around the house and I was wondering if I could get them all in one place. They are all about the same size-11 1/2 inches in diameter." "Do you have some that you want to highlight or not?" "Yes, six of them are very valuable. Do you have anything in mind?" "I think I can make a quick sketch of what I am thinking about. Gimme a minute and I will show you." He quickly did a rough sketch of a cabinet he had in mind. He returned and asked her if it would fit what she wanted. 'Yes, that's exactly what I had in mind, only a little better. It is nice to see it in actuality." "This is just a rough sketch. The finished product will look a lot better. Now, if I could come to your house and see where you want it I will know what kind of woods to use for it." "Sure, I live at six Oak Court. Do you know where that is?" "I sure do! I played golf with your father before he died. How are things going at the bank?" "Well, for the most part things are going pretty good right now. I do have one problem bugging me, but it isn't something I can't handle. May I ask why are you wearing a dress?" "My wife was unhappy with something about me so she put me in dresses. I really don't know why but she sure seems to like me in dresses so I go along with it. It isn't so bad, actually. Is there a problem with me in dresses?" "Absolutly not! I was just thinking that might be the answer to my problem. I don't mind telling you my problem. My husband is fooling around with his secretary. I wonder how she would like to see him in a dress, all dressed up. What do you think?" (Read upcoming, The Banker's Husband.) "I think you have to make that decision yourself. I know your husband and I know he likes the girls. You have to decide what you want to do about it. I can only tell you at first I thought it was the end of the world but I now don't really mind wearing most dresses." "Thank you and how long before I can get my cabinet?" "After I see where it's going to go, probably about two weeks. I do exacting work." "I know, that's why I'm here. I'll see you at my house at six-thirty tonight. Okay!" "Okay, Mrs. Woodward." At six-thirty he was at Mrs. Woodward's house and looking at where she thought she wanted it. He looked the room over and suggested another spot and explained why. She loved his suggestion and told him that was where it was going to go. At home he was so happy to have another cabinet to make so soon after the one he'd finished today. It would be delivered Monday. He called Carl, who helped him deliver cabinets, and set it up for delivery. Then he sat and thought about what woods he was going to use on the new cabinet. The week-end came and on Saturday they went shopping and he got a new purse and three new dresses. One was a creme colored cocktail dress he thought looked sexy. Jenny told him to get it if he liked it that much. She smiled as he tried it on in the dressing room. Monday he got the woods he was going to need for the new cabinet. He unloaded the wood and finished just as Carl got there. "What's with wearing a dress? Are you turning queer or what?" "It's my wife's idea. Actually in a way, I am starting to enjoy it. I would never admit that to my wife but it isn't bad." "Whatever turns your cart. You can do what you want but you will never see me in a dress." Wednesday at supper Jenny said, "Tonight I am going to a Special Girl party. You can come along. I think you might enjoy it." "I don't think I am going to enjoy it. A bunch of women chatting doesn't turn me on." "Come on, it will be fun, I guarantee it!" "Okay, but just because you want me to go is the only reason I am going. Those woman only parties aren't my thing, you know." "I know but just wait, you may find yourself getting into the spirit of the party." They arrived at the home the party was at and everyone welcomed him just like they would any woman. The party started and he quickly found out it was a cosmetics party. By the time the party was over he had ordered two new lipstick colors, a light lavender eye shadow -- a shade he just loved -- and three perfumes, one that was kind of expensive but he wanted it. He ordered just over ninety dollars worth, and for being the big orderer he got a small bottle of a new line of perfumes that was going to be available next month. On the way home Jenny said, "You really got into that party, didn't you? I am surprised that you ordered so much." "I don't know what happened. I just wanted everything I ordered. I can't really say why but I wanted it." "Well, I am wondering if you aren't getting into this thing too much." "What do you mean?" "Forget it! I was just wondering is all." The next night at supper Jenny said, "I have been thinking all day about you. You are becoming too feminine for me. Tomorrow you can go back to your men's clothes." "What about my perm and all those cosmetics I ordered. I don't have a single dress that is worn out yet. Not even out of style. What happened to you wanting to keep me in dresses? Why are you changing right now?" "I just want my husband back is all. You are more like a sister or best girlfriend now. I need that husband I had before. I really miss him." "How about you let me stay this way until I get to try the new cosmetics and get to wear those three dresses I haven't worn yet." "Are you telling me you want to stay in dresses? I can't believe it!" "Being in dresses isn't anything like I thought it was. Yes, I do enjoy wearing a dress most of the time." "Well, do what you want, but know you can go back to your man clothes anytime." "That's good to know, but I also know I am going to miss the softness of the clothes." "You can continue to wear the panties and understuff -- you know, the pantyhose and camisole. How does that sound?" "That sounds great. When I do go back to my man clothes I may just do what you suggested." With that understanding they had advanced their marriage into a future promising more love and devotion. They were more in love than ever before. (c) 2009 by Margaret Jeanette 

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Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
1 year ago
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PornHub Fetish

Today's Top Rated Fetish Porn Videos - On your mark, get set, go! Welcome to the Fetish section of Pornhub! You know Pornhub and Pornhub knows you! That's why you get so many special and awesome things on the pages of this porn tube. Cause Pornhub knows very well what you want, when you want it and how to satisfy the needs of a porn fan! So, as I was saying, this is the place where you need to come if you want BDSM, bondage, slapping, leather shit, gagging, rough sex and so on. Another...

Fetish Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Millie found the perfect partner to fulfil her handcuff fetish

Millie is a plain girl-next-door you would not notice twice. Though she had a petite and attractive body, she hardly ever found a guy to her taste. Most thought she is a too shy and introverted. But in reality, Millie had fetishes including handcuff fetish that often threw regular guys off-track. So, every time she started dating a guy, eventually they would run away as soon as she disclosed her kinky side. It was getting frustrating for her so she decided to look for guys specifically based on...

4 years ago
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Indian CrushFoot Fetish

I was part of a normal family and I was the only child. and both my parents worked so it didn't make much difference during school days but when it came to vacation time, I proved to be a real havoc to my parent's concern. luckily we had a neighbouring family. there were two people, the mother who was in her 40's (widow) and her daughter nithya (23 at that point). nithya chechi was working as a receptionist in a firm so being well groomed was no problem. she was attractive by any standards...

3 years ago
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The Evolution Of My Sex Life And Latex Fetish

This is the story of the development of my fetish and my sex life.One of my very earliest memories, probably around the age of four, involved rubber gloves. My Mom had a pair of household latex gloves she kept in a drawer in the bathroom. Now, these gloves were not the regular colored ones with the rough surface and flock lining. Naturally, they didn't fit my little hands that way but, they were fairly tight fitting, natural transparent latex and smooth and shiny inside and out. Although...

4 years ago
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Indian CrushFoot Fetish

hello to all readers.. my name is kuttan and im from south india. this story i write is a true incident and not a narrative. this incident is a collation of many small ones and all adds up to make me one hell of a lucky bastard.i was part of a normal family and i was the only c***d. and both my parents worked so it didnt make much difference during school days but when it came to vacation time, i proved to be a real havoc to my parent's concern. luckily we had a neighbouring family. there were...

1 year ago
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Bimbo Fetish

Reddit Bimbo Fetish, aka r/BimboFetish! Bimbos, the hottest thing in the world that no man can resist. If you say you can resist seeing a bimbo and drooling over her, then you’re probably lying. What constitutes a bimbo anyway? It’s pretty simple, really. Bimbos are women who have gone to great lengths in order to present themselves as nothing more than sexual objects. Now, when it comes to showing off what they have to offer, bimbos have always been there with their huge tits, faces with a lot...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Smoking Fetish

First off, let me preface by saying that I am not a smoker (Not in “Real life” anyway). I do, however try to indulge a man's fantasies when we're together. I have, of course, turned down some of the more bizarre requests, but smoking for fetish purposes, is pretty benign. I have been surprised by how many men have this fetish. I don't know if it adds to the air of sluttiness that men who are into CD's prefer (Men don't want us dressed and acting like church ladies), but a lot of men love to...

2 years ago
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Birth of a pantyhose fetish

Part of what I find erotic is the pursuit of the feeling you got in your belly those very first times you were sexually turned on. What was turning you on and how intense and erotic it was as your hands were shaking and you were all nervous and aroused. Probably similar to d**g addicts always trying to get that first buzz feeling. For me it was, and always has been, pantyhose. Not stockings and that, but nude or suntan pantyhose. Probably a symptom of growing up in the 70's. I don't even...

3 years ago
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The Polish Girl Part 3

I get BUSTED.... I just kept thinking about that great blow job as I was driving home that evening. The way Mariel had taken it all the way down her throat was just amazing to me, and how she had found my prostate thing with her finger!!! No one had ever done THAT to me before! I guess I wasn't really paying much attention to myself as I parked the car and scooped up my "Girlie Cumm" soaked clothes and made my way into the house. " Hi Honey ! My you are certainly home late from...

4 years ago
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Polish Police Officers Sucks o

I was visiting two girlfriends in a city in poland. The booze over there is cheap and strong, so we were partying for the third day in a row. They were going to this hooker and pimp party. So I wanted to go shopping for some pimp outfit ... They didn't agree?!? Seemed they knew I was a crossdresser :o I tried to deny it, but then they showed me some pics I'd posted online. I blushed and stuttered. They laughed and told me not to worry. My heart dropped when they had layed down my outfit on the...

3 years ago
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Polish Au Pair Takes Control

Polish Au Pair Takes Control by Kristina Katyn.  Copyright 2005. (F/F, lesbian, humiliation, domestic, spanking, BDSM, non-consensual?) Humbly, I knelt down on the kitchen floor and scrubbed at the stains with the stiff-bristled wooden brush.? My knees hurt already, but what I was not prepared for was the intimate tingle inside my most private part as I saw out of the corner of my eye that Aniela, our Polish au pair, was sitting (sitting!), watching me scrub.? Her skirt did not reach past her...

2 years ago
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A School Girl Fetish

A School Girl Fetish By Kachakali Read this and other stuff on my hobby site I have a schoolgirl fetish. I'm not afraid to admit it. I love their long hair and girly uniforms. I was very jealous of my sister. She got to go to a private school and I just went to public school. I would have loved to see all those cute girls in their uniforms. For me, it went from lusting over them to actually wanting to try on their clothes. But I can't...

3 years ago
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How I got my cum fetish

So guys always ask me about my cum fetish, why I love cum so much. When I first started being sexual, cum sort of grossed me out. It wasn’t until I graduated high school, started dancing and explored my sexuality more to learn what I really loved. It started when I met a black man named Deshaun at the club, I remember the night we met like it was yesterday. I just turned 18 a few months ago, I remember because that’s when I went through my fishnet phase. I was up on second stage in a black...

3 years ago
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Nail School Dropin

Nail School Drop-in Today, I did 4 sets of acrylic nails, 4 manicures, and 3 pedicures. This would be no big deal---except that I am a 37 year-old male, former bank manager, and formerly considered a man's man. I was Jerry Kelly, macho man, skirt chaser. Now, I am Jeri, a girly-girl, wearing a cute skirt. Here is the story of my transformation? Because of the poor economy, my position as bank manager was being downsized by our home office. In order to keep my job, I would have...

4 years ago
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My first fetish

I don’t know exactly when this strange fetish of mine began but it’s been a haunting of mine ever since. It’s more then just a sneaker fetish. I have had the urge to be with a woman who would wear my sneakers. I haven’t found any info on the web about this so I must be unique. So here’s the my story of my first time ever with a woman and the end of that darn fetish. When I was in my early teens I saw my best friend’s older sister wearing his...

2 years ago
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A business woman becomes obsessed with dirty sex and goes out on a limb for her fetish

I know that this story is going to sound really strange to you but I couldn’t help myself. From the very beginning I was lost to the sensations that controlled my actions. It all began one day when I was on the road as a sales rep for my company up in the Seattle area. I have to pay my own expenses so I’ve learned to trade quality for price. Even though most women won’t stay at cheap hotels because of the safety issue I do because I need to save money. Anyway, I stayed at a...

3 years ago
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My smell fetish

Hi everyone! My name is Juliana, I'm eighteen, bissexual and decided to share with you something that happened to me when I was sixteen! I haven't changed much since that time, I'm shorty, white, thin, brown hair (like to make ponytail). I don't have big boobs, but I kinda like my ass. Sorry about my english, I know it's not perfect. I've always been very interested in the smell of things and sex wasn't different. A few years ago I found out that I liked my own smell. I used to smell my panties...

2 years ago
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Its Not a Fetish

I tried to look away, I really tried, but my eyes kept sneaking between my best friend’s legs. She had slumped back in the comfy chair, her legs pulled up, her knees slightly splayed, and beneath the hem of the white nightie I could glimpse the neon green yumminess of her thong crying out at me. I took another glance while she told me something about one of our classmates. Yes, it was a unicorn, small and cute and done in orange stitching, that sat right in the middle of Alice’s crotch. They...

4 years ago
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Marys Furtive Fetish

Mary was feeling a little worried. She was due to go to college in a couple weeks, which meant she had to move into the dorms. "Can't I still commute from home?" Mary asked her parents."Oh no!" They said, "You wouldn't be getting the full college experience." They explained. "Well," Mary tried, "Can I at least have a single dorm? How will I have any privacy if I share room with someone?""That's more expensive," They said, "And unnecessary, you'll make more friends and socialize more if you...

5 years ago
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Michelles Fetish

This is a pee fetish story so if you're not into that you probably won't like this. If you do however I hope you enjoy my first attempt at writing!My name is Michelle I'm 19 and just started college. I'm not exactly sure how to start my story. I could start with the experience that made me into what I am today but I figure that can wait for now. Maybe it'd be better to give you an idea of what I look like.So lets start with the basics. I'm short... very short. Its the first thing people notice...

2 years ago
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Ok so I've got this little fetish burning inside me. My wife is a sexy cute BBW. She wears thick rimmed stylish glasses and resembles the "sexy liabrarian" type. She's about 5'7" long brunette hair flowing to about the middle of her back. She's thick in the thighs and ass with 38D breasts. She is sexually verbal. Honestly she could qualify as a screamer in the right situation. She's not a dead fuck by any means she really works her hips and ass with the motion. She has a freaky side that she...

4 years ago
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my gf first time feet fetish

She discovers my foot feish with her sexy red painI'm dating this gorgeous 21 yr old, we'll call her Sarah, who has really indulged my foot fetish. Particularly, she loves it when I cum on her feet after fucking. I thought I would Commit to writing the story of how she discovered my fetish and how well it turned out for me.It was just a few weeks from when we began dating. We had been out drinking and dancing and came back to my place, late at 2am. As we were through the front door we were...

3 years ago
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Vampire fetish

Vampire fetish is huge for me too. That scene in the cave for the lost boys has to be one of the most passionate and sensual scenes in vampire movie history. Went to the peir in Santa Cruz where the lost boys was filmed. I was with a Dom type. I didn't eat before we went and It scared him. I didn't want to throw up on the rides. We had matching lost boys shirts like a couple of nerds. Rode the loof carousel with him. We sat on the bench seat. He bit me hard. Left a big hickey. I made a...

2 years ago
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The Nail Fetish

The Nail Fetish by Alicia It's kind of hard to believe what has happened to me. It's even harder to try to organize it into this story. But I'm going to try. I think it all starts with my fetish. I mean, many people have fetishes. There are rubber fetishes, feet fetishes, many types. I have a fingernail fetish. In my mind, there is nothing more erotic than beautiful hands with long, perfectly painted nails dancing on a computer keyboard or a piano or tapping on the...

2 years ago
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Knob Polisher

When I arrived at college, I shared a room in the residence with Tully. Our dorm was at the end of the passage and in the room across from us, Abel and Seb were accommodated. Tully, Seb, and Abel instantly hit it off as they were all on scholarships to achieve physical education degrees. They had been recruited to the university, because of the disciplines they excelled at in track and field events.Tully was a javelin expert, Seb was an excellent discus thrower, and Abel was a brilliant...

Gay Male
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The Foot Goddess ballbusting foot fetish

Ballbusting/Foot Fetish/FemdomThis is a Foot fetish, ballbusting, femdom story, if you don't like these stuffs it's better to stop readingPart 1Taliya was a grown woman of 40 years old. She was white skinned and black haired. Feared by all her city, knowing to be a ballbusting assassin. She would take contracts ONLY from women to castrate men or kill them, and even when killing them she makes sure to bust their nuts first.But Taliya had a specialty, she didn't use any weapon or gadget to bust...

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Nail Salon Experience 1

Nail Salon Experience By Denise Disclaimer: This story is written as an autobiographical experience. All names have been changed unless they have asked to be identified. No reproduction is allowed without written permission from the author. Please enjoy it in good health and happiness. *I wish to thank those that commented on my first story. I do hope that you find this more in line with your positive suggestions. For several months I have lived in a new community, far away...

2 years ago
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Define Fetish

If you ever wondered how a real fetish-driven website should look like, just explore DefineFetish. This place is dedicated to all kinds of dirty acts, from hardcore tortures pleasures to some softcore BDSM. It all depends on the video you choose to view, as I am quite sure you will find whatever the fuck you are looking for on fetish site.The first thing you obviously need to know is that is a hardcore fetish site, and you should probably not visit...

Pornstar Databases
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Michelles Fetish

My name is Michelle I'm 19 and just started college. I'm not exactly sure how to start my story. I could start with the experience that made me into what I am today but I figure that can wait for now. Maybe it'd be better to give you an idea of what I look like. So lets start with the basics. I'm short... very short. Its the first thing people notice about me when I walk into a room. A few weeks ago I was walking by a group of sixth graders that were out on a field trip and as I went...

2 years ago
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Foot fetish

Introduction: Just a little something you can beat off to, if you happen to have a foot fetish. This isnt exactly a story. Its something i wrote for my boyfriend who happens to have a foot fetish and he came quite a lot to it. So if you happen to have a foot fetish, enjoy! Imagine this. Were hanging out in your room, sitting on your bed, you offer to give me a foot massage and i accept it, i take off my socks, now both my feet are out, they have a really nice tan, and my shiney hot bright...

2 years ago
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A Slave To My Fetish

It had been a long day and the thought of a nice cold drink before dinner was rather appealing. The unusually hot weather had brought out the crowds on Ocean Boulevard, most of them, no doubt, heading for an early evening stroll along the beach. I decided to stop in at the Grill to sit outside and watch the world go by. Well, mostly to watch the many scantily-clad young women go by or as they stopped at the light, waiting to cross over Ocean on their way to the shimmering sands below....

3 years ago
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Strange Fetish

I suppose my fetish with underwear and fun with crossdressers really started when l was in my teens, l had a friend Jay who liked dressing in his mothers underwear and we would role play which always involved us on the bed with him in knickers and bra stuffed with socks and me on top, my cock would be up one of the knicker legs so our cocks were sandwiched between us, l would be sliding myself up and down as if l was fucking him, when we climaxed the spunk l shot was a mear teaspoon compared to...

4 years ago
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Nylon Foot Fetish

Tina/Suzy painted there pedicure nails in Red which I loved. As they both wore a pair of sheer 15 dernier stockings there feet were accentuated by there high heeled mules. I adore shoes like this particularly when they walked, the sole flicking her heel, making the quiet swishing sound I heard so often at work. Just the sound was enough to give me an erection but added to the glimpse of her soles they gave or even better when she dangled them from her toes then flicked them back up to slap her...

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The beginning of my pee fetish

Before I knew I wasn't alone in the world with the pee fetish, Here's one of the episodes I had.It was summer time, a bunch of guys and girls from my high school planned a party out in strip pits. We all brought alcohol and plenty of it. As we gathered around a fire, and drank and talked, I found myself watching everyone and trying to figure out it thier bladders were also full. I was also watching to see people sneeking off to relieve themselves. After a while, I got lucky, I saw one of my guy...

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Me The Landlord And His Ass Fetish

I have been reading ISS for quite some time and would like to share my life experiences with this community. I would like to share the sensuality of my experience initially to help the readers understand the course of events leading to the sexuality in my life. I am Karthik, 32years old now. This happened about 10 years ago. Back then I was fresh out of college and got a job in Chennai in a reputed MNC. Initially, I stayed in a PG. But PG life did not suit me well as I have always been...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Foot Fetish

Here we go again. I'm hoping that this one will make you all happy. It's the best I could do. If it doesn't work for you I'm sorry. I hope that you enjoy...hell I hope that you can READ it to begin with. But anyway I hope that you are going to enjoy it and if you find anything similar to this or you get the urge to write ANYTHING like this then send it my way PLEASE!!! But anyway I hope that you enjoy it and e-mail me back with any comments, questions, or suggestions. Thank you and...

4 years ago
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My Fetish

My Fetish I am kneeling here all in black lingerie, a bra, panties, garterbelt stockings, heels, short skirt, sheer blouse, with a long wig, makeup, hoop earrings, jewelry, hands cuffed behind my back and with a big hard dick stuffed into my mouth causing me to gag. My ears are being held to shove it in and out, all the while being laughed at and called a cock sucking whore. This Probably unusual, but even more so in the fact that I am a man, or use to think I was! This all...

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Making A Living Smoking Fetish

Val felt it approaching. Sitting at his computer, next to his sleeping wife, Val's body was firming for the pending eruption. On the screen before him was the most beautiful ebony female – sucking a white cock while halfway through a Newport. He’d paused the video at the part where she’d managed to get her amazing glossed lips over the cork of her cigarette and the tip of the guy’s cock at the same time.The Nubian beauty made a tight seal around both, and was in the middle of the strongest part...

4 years ago
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A Bit of Polish and Tickle

A BIT OF POLISH AND TICKLEPart Two of the Little Standing ChroniclesI’d left myself, at the end of part one, sexually satisfied in an English field. I’d met Tanya not long after I’d left my new home to stroll down to the local village and generally scout out the locale. I’d heard her curses coming from behind a hedge and so had popped my head over the nearby five-bar gate. Tanya had nipped over the gate herself so that she could relieve her full bladder. Unfortunately, as she squatted down, her...

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How a kind lady helped my nylon and foot fetish

I thought I would share something that happened to me when I was 16, that has stayed in my memory for years. We lived in the north of England when I was growing up. And although not rich we had a cleaning lady who came during the week, she looked after me during the school holidays while my mum and dad were at work. I thought things might change as I got older, but they didn't trust me to be in on my own all day, probably get into trouble or something. I was an only child, and I've always...

3 years ago
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The Knob Polisher

This is just a story, okay? Nobody is advocating you to enjoy sex with under-age people and most cross-dressers probably aren't gay. Yea, and most females who choose to hang around gay dudes aren't evil, either. Most 'fag-hags' seem to be actually be nice people and some may even resent that term of endearment. And it never was my intention to slander the Vegan lifestyle, Wicca, Druids, the rest of the occult and all the other great religions of the world. This is just a story, okay?...

2 years ago
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The Knob Polisher 2

This is only a story, okay? Nobody here is in favour of having sex with underage people and most cross-dressers probably aren't gay. It goes without saying that most 'fag-hags' aren't evil either. Ladies that enjoy the company of gay men seem to be nice people and some may even resent the term of endearment. And it's never been my intention to slander the Vegan lifestyle, Wicca, Druids, the rest of the occult and all the other great religions of the world. This is just a story, okay?...

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Polishing Daphne

Polishing Daphnea story in the realm of Extreme Toylandby DolorDelectatioSynopsis: Lisa, headmistress at Extreme Toyland is on her way back home from a visit to her friend Lady Victoria (see the previous story "The Party at House Victoria"). She's bringing a new girl to work for her. But when she gets back home, she is in for a couple of surprises. Rick, her partner and co-owner of Extreme Toyland, is having some unauthorized fun with Lisa's protege. On top of that, she gets a surprise visit...

2 years ago
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Erotic Essay 2 Find Favourite Feature Fetish

EROTIC ESSAY 2: FOR FINDING FAVOURITE FEATURES & FETISHES OF READERS' CHOICESI FIND FINDING by SEARCH, Even I try find back certain Story, I Wrote Myself, NOT EASY Here.I FOUND FINDING a Single STORY, rare only one, with Unusual Feet FETISH Particularly HARD.I only remember HER NAME But Not Sure if I Use In that Story Lost From my Sight. She Tried. I APPLY ALL TRICKS & TIPS I know. She 'Dresses': 'Short Sexy Skirt' 'Net Nylons' 'High Heels'.I TAKE An HOUR @ Each SERIOUS SEARCH. TOOK ME...

3 years ago
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Bettys Secret Fetish

I guess this is what you would call a “Confession” of sorts. Not that I am a Roman Catholic or anything like that. I am a good Church of England girl and I was brought up real strict by my mum who constantly reminded me every school day to wear clean knickers in case I got hit by a truck on the way to school.Knickers!Whenever I start to think about knickers or even bras my mind just goes right into the gutter and all I can imagine is being forced to take them off by nasty men who want to get...

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Bettys Secret Fetish

I guess this is what you would call a “Confession” of sorts. Not that I am a Roman Catholic or anything like that. I am a good Church of England girl and I was brought up real strict by my mum who constantly reminded me every school day to wear clean knickers in case I got hit by a truck on the way to school.Knickers!Whenever I start to think about knickers or even bras my mind just goes right into the gutter and all I can imagine is being forced to take them off by nasty men who want to get...

4 years ago
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Cirque de fetish

“Step right up! Step right up and experience the greatest show on earth. Go though the maze of mirrors or visit our special barn. Experience the worlds greatest hypnotist or meet the incredible Mistress Selena. Help wanted as well. All this and 10 times more at Cirque de Fetish! It is even free of charge 3 nights only!” The barker is yelling out over the crowd as you approach the front gate with all the other people. You can feel the excitement, anticipation and smell the sex wafting though the...

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Primal Fetish

The bedroom was quiet and dark, as both Mark and his girlfriend lay perfectly still. Sleep had come easy to both of them, as they had just had sex the night before, their bodies still intertwined from the heated passion. Suddenly, the silence was broken by the pinging of an alarm. Morning had come, and with it, the responsibilities of the day. Mark slapped the machine with a groan, as his girlfriend started to somberly remove herself from his body. Yawning and lifting himself from the...

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Dirty Little Fetish

The last push of hot air of the day lingers in my bedroom, with the light of the sun departing into the west, streaks of light cascade over my bed. It gives the room a softly romantic feel in the most natural of ways. Right now, the only things I can hear are my own breathing and the soft wooshing of the rotating ceiling fan.We planned for this last night, so I've had time to get things ready. I've thrown off my comforter and top sheet, leaving just the pillows so nothing gets in the way. Now...

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Choose a fetish

Billy was all was a kinky boy. He wanted to discover all his kinks and explore it all by the time he turned 21. He had been planning this sense he was 14. He knew that he couldn't find a regular girl to do this thing. He was into some nasty stuff, he like being piss on and use as a toilet; also sometime he could be submissive. He like getting breast milk, and doing fat girl, smother, etc. A lot of these things he had even tried or attempted. No he had to find the right woman to do it. That is...

3 years ago
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My foot fetish

My name is Cameron, and I'm twenty. I have a twenty-two year old girlfriend who really seems to be into me. Her name is Claire, and I could see asking her to marry me sometime soon. Anyway, we've been seeing each other for a few years now, and we've been having sex for about two years. We waited a little while to really get comfortable with each other, before we had sex. Over that time, I had grown really fond of her feet. When we would cuddle together, I'd reach over, and grab her feet. They...

5 years ago
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Becoming Julie Part 3 mast smoking fetish

Becoming Julie, part 3 – The Later Teen YearsSo now instead of living with Mom as a latchkey k**, I was living with Dad as a latchkey k**. Mom had not started dating after the divorce since I was living with her, but Dad had.Dad had moved into an apartment complex where most of the tenants were younger then he was, and many were single. He had made many platonic friends, being a nice and affable guy. There was a playground area with a big hill on one side. Many of the 20-somethings and...

3 years ago
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Breast Fetish

So I work with this VERY busty girl at my workplace. I believe she told me once she was a jj cup or something. Anyway We flirt all the time.(I LOVE big breasts) She is blonde and has green eyes. She is a little chubby and cute. Not fat but thick. I guess she is a little bit below a bbw but getting there. Anyway, we flirt a lot and she likes me. So on Friday I finally asked her to go out for a drink at the local bar. We had a couple of drinks and watched the game. Flirted some more like we...

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