TimeChapter 16 free porn video

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Monday morning Helen, Aron and I rode our bikes. It was fun this way, too. We stopped to give Aron a hug and warned him to lock his bike. At school, Helen locked her bike to mine and mine was locked to a post.

Rita was waiting and gave me a hug and a surreptitious kiss, then after a moment gave Helen a hug too. "I am happy to see you. We couldn't make it to church yesterday. Dad is mad at our car. He didn't want to fix it during the rain." She paused for a moment the added, "Mom and dad found a new house close by. They want to move in soon."

"That's great. Did you pick out your bedroom?"

"It is not as good as what I have now," she said sorrowfully.

"You don't have to move out of where you are right away. Alterations, repairs and painting can be done before you move in. Maybe you can get new curtains if you get your mother to buy the material."

Rita stopped to see the room in her mind and a small smile came to her face. "I can see some other things to do, too. Maybe we can really fix up the place before we move in. I hate the smell of paint."

I went to the office to say hello to Linda and Valerie but found them missing. Laura's door was closed and I could hear crying behind it. I just leaned against the wall and waited. Other young men came by but when they saw the door closed they left. This looked to be good advice and I went too.

With a few minutes to spare I went to see Mr Creighton. We shook hands, which was something none of the other students would think of doing.

"Alex, those two salesmen came to an agreement and will work together. How good their pricing is, is yet to be determined. I can make some long distance calls to find out how good they really are."

"Yes do that. I will pay for the calls. I believe this was for six machines. Make sure all the motors are easily accessible. Hydro is still changing all the 25 Hertz motors to 60 Hertz as the power becomes available."

"Hertz? Don't you mean cycles per second? I heard that all the motors are being changed over."

"Sorry, it is a new way of doing things. Most everything will be changed in electricity to reflect the pioneers. It is like Ohms, Coulombs, Henrys and Faradays."

"I remember hearing about those in specifications."

"If the quotes are in line, ask them to order the half dozen to start. I can write a cheque when you give me the total."

"That may be up to $20,000 Alex."

"You can't make money without spending money. I need to get a contract to make the various tooling necessary. If we get that thrown in with the overall price, it will be more effectively captured." I looked at the clock and added, "I have to run, Sir."

"Ok, run along. I will check into this in my next spare time."

The only good thing with the morning classes was draughting. The modules had long since been drawn with variations for the different functions. I had even made a room for showers and another exclusively for sinks, toilets and urinals. As a variation, the floor and walls were altered and an undercarriage used so the trailer could be towed on its own wheels. This would be much cheaper to transport.

Transportation was another factor that I would have to consider. Silva was going to be going home after one more chance to talk tonight. An effective method of carrying the gold over the border had to be found. You would think that any country would welcome the gold, especially if many other countries were sending in their US dollars for the gold all ready. Bureaucracy and some foolish regulations made this sort of thing much more difficult than it really had to be.

I did brighten up when I considered the truck being useful for the upcoming moving of the Leone family. The appliances had to be trucked to the mine site and installed. The truck would be a useful addition to our vehicles. Stake trucks with a canvas tarp were the most common and one more use for the truck came to mind.

I cut my lunch short so I could see Laura. When I went to her station I found her very upset. "What is wrong, Laura?"

"Ahh... Oh maybe you can help. Linda is very upset. She seemed to recover when Summers was put in the hospital. The police upset her a bit more but she seemed to recover nicely, especially when she went on the trip together. Her period hasn't come yet and I think Rita and Libra reminded her of that fact. She is worried that she is pregnant by Summers."

"She just has to go to a doctor and take a simple test."

"You don't understand Alex. She is afraid of doctors."

"Is she afraid of me?"

"I don't think so."

"Well I can take a blood sample and drop it off at Doctor Smiles office. The only thing wrong is that he will be off for a few weeks on vacation and won't be able to give us the lab report. Too bad we can't have a simple chorionic gonadotropin test and we would know almost immediately."

"A what test?"

"A test that shows the amount of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood. This hormone stimulates the corpus luteum, preventing it from dying in early pregnancy. Even a haemagglutination test would find what we need. I think I will just have to make a home pregnancy test. It would be another good product to sell. Too bad I don't have it yet."

"Sometimes you worry me Alex. You are a young man and then you seem to know more than any doctor I ever met. I don't know what we are going to do with Linda, though. I'm afraid for her."

"Do you think she may do something drastic?"

"I'm not sure. I did warn Valerie to watch out for her. Valerie is upset too and much of it is her own worry of being pregnant."

"Shit, I am going to have to talk to Mr Corfu now."

"You can't do that. The girls confided in me."

"You just said that Valerie had to watch Linda because you were worried about her. I am just as worried and I have to do something about it. You do not have the same doctor patient status under the law."

I ran to the office and the few people that saw me must have wondered what was happening. Just shy of the doors I slowed down and entered the front of the office. Laura and Valerie were not present.

Mrs Cranston got up with a worried look. I must not have taken the expression off my face in time.

"Hello Alex. What can I do for you?"

"Two things Mrs Cranston. Where are Laura and Valerie?"

"They are taking a break. They are having a tea in our small lounge. Do you want me to get them for you?"

"Not right now, thanks. Would you see if Mr Corfu will see me? It is very important. Then go to your lounge and see if Linda and even Valerie are all right. Please don't let on that you are worried or doing this at someone else's request. I am worried about their mental stability."

"Oh my. Is this serious?"

"Possibly very serious. Now please get Mr Corfu." Mrs Cranston just opened the Principal's door and talked for a few seconds then waved me in.

Mr Corfu had a worried look on his face and a napkin in his shirt collar. He took the latter out and said, "What is wrong Alex?"

I closed the door and got close to him. "Summers' legacy may turn out to be more than just physical and mental troubles. Linda and Valerie are late with their periods and are worried that they may be carrying his children. At a time like this their periods can be extra heavy or just not have one. It might also be that they have a good reason to worry."

The man stood up. "What else is there Alex? I can tell there is something."

"From hearsay evidence I think Linda may be contemplating taking some very drastic measures."


"No, possibly suicide. Linda is much more distraught than I figured."

"What am I going to do?" He said more to himself than me. He looked up to me with a very worried face and said, "You have any ideas?"

"The girls and especially Linda, need to be watched. They need to have structure too so they have to continue working. Keeping them busy is best but they may not be very productive. This means that you may have to get an extra secretary or even two for the final month of school. They need to be either motherly for Linda or a young girl with a head on her shoulders to watch out for Valerie. These secretaries should be counsellors, if the board hires any."

"You may get some static from the office. Tell them that I believe that they are responsible for watching out for not only the students but also the employees. If they can't take that hint they are seriously in trouble."

"How do you know this?"

"I talked to the school nurse. She is not a psychiatrist or even a psychologist but she can see a possible danger and asked Valerie to watch out for Linda. Rape makes people contemplate many odd things and the thoughts of their life being altered by an unwanted child may just push them over the edge."

Mr Corfu said, "I better go out and check myself."

"Yes you should but it may be advisable to have your words carefully picked out ahead of time. I don't think it advisable to let them know you are going to put them on suicide watch."

The man looked at me oddly. He had probably never heard the term before. "Ok, I want to go. Are you coming with me?"

"Yes, I am."

We walked down the hall to the small lounge. The room was full of cigarette smoke and I knew that Linda didn't smoke before. She now sat with one between her fingers. It was easy to see that both girls had been crying. Not only were their faces streaked but their hair and clothing was unkempt as if they didn't care any more. Even Mrs Cranston was there and she was as bad as the other two. I was sure that if a bottle had been present, it would have been empty by now.

There were lots of things I wanted to say but the fact was that I just couldn't mention them now and not in front of these two others. The two girls didn't even seem to notice yet that we were there. I bent down and took the cigarette from the startled girl's fingers and stubbed it out in the ashtray on the table.

"Hello ladies. Mrs Cranston, would you take Linda into the washroom and help her clean up a bit. Linda, Valerie and I will be going out soon and I want her to look her best."

Mrs Cranston and then everybody else, just stared again. "Yes, we are going out for some fresh air and won't be back today. Valerie, we will need to talk very seriously on this matter. Mr Corfu, I hope Linda and Valerie will not be docked any pay."

"Ah... no. There is no problem with that. Are you going to be all right, Alex? Linda, will you be all right with this young man?"

For the first time that any of the girls spoke, she said, "I am safe with Alex."

The bell just rang and I ignored it. "Linda is going to have a rest after a little walk."

Mrs Cranston took Linda by the arm and directed her to the small staff washroom. Linda looked back at me as if she were leaving me forever. When they were behind a closed door I continued, "I will phone about any developments. We actually have many things to do."

Mr Corfu asked, "What are those?"

"A trip to the doctors for a test..."

Valerie interrupted, "She is afraid of doctors."

I smiled at her and said, "I will see what I can do about curing that too. You are going to have to be strong to help prop up our friend. You should go get cleaned up too. We are going to see Miss Vachon, then we will be on our way."

Valerie looked at me uncertainly. Finally she looked down at her cigarette and put it out in the ashtray. A moment later she was on her way to the same washroom as Linda.

Mr Corfu said, "I didn't know what to say to them when I got into the room. It is easy to see that they were all very upset. I think Miss Vachon made an accurate assessment. Linda looked to be on the very edge. I hope you know what you are doing. I would have called in some professionals."

"We are going there too. Police departments are not very responsive to the needs of a rape victim. There should be some female officers on a special team and a group or counsellors on call to ease some of the troubles. The girls just need someone to show them what to do and as you know I am that kind of person."

Mr Corfu looked sceptical. I took the next few moments to lay out all the things that should be done after a crisis like this happened, including the rape kit that had not even been invented yet. The simple form was not even made that would guide the investigator through all the pitfalls to get at as much of the truth as possible.

At the end I said, "It is not just the schools that have to respond to a victim's needs but the police, the medical profession and even society in general. Too often not enough weight is given this situation."

Mr Corfu said, "I never looked at it very deeply before. There seems to be a fair amount of logic behind your arguments. It appears to be our perception of the way a woman is viewed in our society." It was my turn to smile. Perhaps it was not going to be that hard to change some people's views as to what was right or wrong.

"You are very correct sir. Women will soon be gaining more rights and privileges and I think the pendulum will swing the other way for a while. Men will feel that they are the injured parties. Eventually things will even out but I have no idea when."

The door opened then and Valerie then Linda came out. It looked like both Valerie and Mrs Cranston had worked on Linda. The frightened look in her eye told me that it was all a sham and she could collapse at any moment.

Each of the girls got a kiss, even Mrs Cranston. The halls were now clear and we had an easy time going to Laura's office. I held their hands and at the open classroom doors I felt them squeeze me as if they were frightened what of who could jump out at them.

Laura jumped up as soon as we got into the room and Linda broke down immediately and started to cry. Valerie was not far behind her in this outpouring of emotion. Soon Laura was doing the same thing. I was there to hug each of them and give what support I could. Even though the sentiments were contagious I had to appear strong for the rest.

When the sobbing slowed down. Laura asked, "How come you are here now Alex? Your classes have started."

"I am taking these two ladies for a walk and then for some business. I never really skipped school before but this will be my first time."

"You can't miss any school Alex. You will not graduate."

"I have a small amount of leeway and perhaps Mr Corfu will fudge the records so I will not get penalised. Would you be able to come with us?" I left unsaid that she would be able to give her support in many ways. I couldn't see the girls leaning on me as much as they would on Laura.

She thought for a minute and the pregnant pause was a pun I didn't want to verbally use. "I have some time coming. If you need me, I will go with you." The other girls hugged her to them as if she were their mother in some way. "I just have to clear it with Mr Corfu." She made a quick phone call and nodded her head to what was said on the other end of the line as if he could see her.

She was soon grabbing her purse and looking around to see if anything was left undone. I wrote a small note to Helen and took two adhesive bandages from a bottle of them.

Laura got on the other side of Linda and held her hand too. We must have been an odd sight walking down the hall all hand in hand. It felt good to me, too, for they were some of the prettiest girls in the school.

I went to the bikes and wrapped the message around the crossbar and taped it to place with the two bandages. Helen would now know not to wait for me.

When we were all seated in the car Laura asked, "Where are we going?"

"Your apartment first, so you can change and we can clean up my girls. Then we are going downtown to shop for some clothing."

"Yes, Alex."

Laura gave me the look but did drive where I wanted. Once in her apartment I went to the closet and found it much fuller than it was before. I picked out the dresses I wanted and laid them on the bed.

Laura smiled and stepped out of her dress and took off her white stockings. She said, "Which one do you want me to wear Alex?"

I said, "The red dress. You will look hot. It shows your breasts and I feel even prouder to be showing you off to the rest of the population."

She smiled and got behind Valerie and started to undo Valerie's dress without even dressing herself first. The girl did not even understand what was happening to her until the dress was at her ankles and then she put her hands to her body to keep my eyes from seeing too much.

I walked close and took each of her hands in mine. "You have nothing to hide from me. Now stand up proud like Laura. You are with me now and I will be strong enough for both of us." She did come to her senses and stood straight. While keeping her arms straight up I inspected her body. The bra was what was commonly available and so were the cotton panties. Maybe it would be fun to get even these things changed.

"You are pretty, too. I would be happy to be seen in the company of such beautiful women. Now turn around; I want to see your bum." Valerie made a quick indrawn breath but then did as I asked. My hand on her bum only made her flinch a bit then she even wiggled a bit for me.

"Hmmm nice." When Valerie completed her turn I pulled her face to me and gave her a gentle kiss. "I want you to wear the red and white dress I left out. The belt will draw attention to your bum and I like that. Leave the top two buttons undone, Sweetie."

"Ah... ok."

"Say 'yes. Alex' the way Laura does, Sweetie."

"Yes, Alex," she said with a small chuckle and the first smile I saw on her today.

"Laura, Valerie's shoulders look tense. Will you massage them to get her to relax before she dresses?"

"Yes, Alex," I heard with another chuckle. Laura got behind Valerie and caressed more than she was massaging and this was exactly what I was looking for.

Linda just stood with her mouth open watching what was happening. I walked close to her and bent down a bit to hold each of her hands in mine. I looked into her surprised eyes and said, "Linda, I am a boy in body and I will not hurt you. Do you believe me?"

"I guess," she said after a moment.

"Say 'yes, Alex', Honey. Now I have to explain something to you." I waited and soon she replied the way I wanted and I smiled at her.

"Most people need to feel that they are in charge, especially now. You are not managing well enough at the moment and you are having problems. You need somebody who is strong to look out for you till you recover. Now, do you think I am smart enough to take care of a pretty girl till she can get back on her feet?"

Again I just waited till she said, "You are smart, Alex."

Before she could say more and spoil it I asked, "Do you think that you need some assistance till you can carry on with your life?"

Again I got the pause but I waited. This forced her to talk and she said, "I have problems now. You are right."

"Good, then I will be you mommy for the next few months. Do you agree?" I got a better smile and then she gave a small nod. "If you mean it baby, say 'yes, Alex'."

There was another pause because actually putting this into words was much more difficult than giving a nod that could be construed as almost anything. The wait was long but I finally heard a weak, "Yes, Alex."

"Thank you baby for putting yourself in my hands. I will not hurt you but I may spank your bum if you are a bad girl." This got a surprised expression. I continued, "Let's go to the bathroom. Laura has to work deeper on Valerie's shoulders and will need the bed for a while."

I didn't give anyone time enough to think and walked backwards into the bathroom pulling Linda after me. I put the toilet seat down then sat her. I bent over and took off her shoes as if she were incapable of doing this herself. I pulled her up and started to undo the buttons on her blouse. Her hands came up to stop me.

"You are my baby, now behave. I will not hurt you." Her hands went reluctantly down and I continued to unbutton her. She became docile after the garment came off and was placed on the sink. The skirt came next and Linda just stood stunned at what was happening to her.

I pulled back the shower curtains and started the water till it was warm. Linda watched the water flow into the tub as I undid her bra and she mechanically helped me. The stockings came next and then she came alive as I got her panties halfway down her legs.

"What are you doing?" She asked in a worried voice.

"I love the smell of my baby but I hate the smell of cigarette smoke. I am going to give you a shampoo and then wash your back. If you want, you can wash my hair, too. When we go out, you will have a nice smell about you. Now, lift your right leg." She did this and then the other and she was naked before me. Rather than gawk I just took off my own clothes and put them on the sink beside Linda's.

When I was as naked as she was, she looked at my waist and found me still dormant. This seemed to make her feel better. I helped her into the shower and made sure all the towels and soap were ready.

After pulling plastic curtain closed I directed her under the spray and got her wet. I pushed her down as Summers must have but this time she was looking away from me. The shampoo went into my hands and I started to massage it into her long hair. The only thing she did was to put her arms out to steady herself.

I washed her hair a second time and dug my fingers more forcefully into her scalp and I heard her groan in contentment. When she stood up to get her hair rinsed, I continued with some conditioner. Looking at the bottle I knew that the product could be vastly improved. When she stood up the last time, I started to wash her back but used my hands, not the cloth that was available.

When her back and arms were done I simply stooped down and did her long legs. When I got to their juncture I simply said, "Put a foot on the edge of the tub. I have to clean the other parts too."

She did this quite quickly and I cleaned her professionally but again with only my hands and some soap. The creases in her mons and even her anus were not missed. She flinched a bit but not very much. I did notice that she moved back just a bit when I was doing the latter job.

With her foot back down, I turned her around and started to do her neck and chest. Her nipples stood up but I did not linger on them. I wanted to let her start trusting me to take care of her without seducing her at the same time. I still remembered my talk with Laura about Linda. She was very fragile at the moment and I did not want to take advantage of her at this time. If and when, she recovered, then it would be a different thing.

I did linger at her navel and she giggled at this. Her underarms were similarly ticklish but I did manage to wash her. I used the cloth with care on her face to keep soap from getting in her eyes.

When she was done, I rinsed her all over again and this meant that her leg had to go back on the tub. This time I was in front of her and her other leg had been moved.

I shut off the water again and handed her the shampoo. "You are squeaky clean, the way I want you, baby. Now you do mommy please."

Her hands followed mine as if she had memorised all my movements, even to the times I had to raise my leg to the side of the tub. To be fair I wiggled as if I was as ticklish as she was.

Same as Time
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Asian Hotties have always been one of my favorite topics here at ThePornDude, and frankly, I had a serious and crippling case of yellow fever even before I became a professional porn reviewer. There’s just something special about oriental women, whether we’re talking about babes from China, Japan, Korea, or any of those islands out in the Pacific Ocean. Just the thought of them makes me start getting hard, which is why I was eager to check out this next joint just as soon as I heard their...

Asian Porn Sites
2 years ago
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My Daughter Loves Big Black Cocks

I’m a 51 year old alcoholic but I’ve been clean and sober for 18 years. I have a beautiful 17 year old daughter named Dee or DD, that lives with me. Her mom was killed in a car wreck when my daughter was only four. DD’s mom had big boobs, a perfect butt and was very pretty. DD is a lot like her mom but way sexier with big boobs, a perfect round bubble butt, tiny waist and just enough baby fat to give the boy’s a big hard on. Now, her and I are very open and talk about everything but she gave me...

4 years ago
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Mature Party To Banging Party

Hi raj again . Any ladies. Aunties want fun , inbox me its safe and confidential This happened during the new year party which was a private party and only with in close friends. Currently I live in chennai now, but for new year bash I went to my home town to celebrate. There it all started which was a wonderful expirence . Without wasting time let me start the story. It was december 25th and many of my relatives are celebrating christmas , I went to my friends place to see their decorations...

3 years ago
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A crossdressers first time fantasy

Im not an author in any way but I would like to tell you about my latest crossdressing adventures. I have been crossdressing for many years but maybe only twice in a year when the mood took my fancy and only ever indoors, the feel off nylon on my legs would get me very aroused and looking at my self in the mirror wearing high heels and a very short skirt had my cock pumping and I always had an intense orgasm, but over the last few years it has became more frequent and not confined to indoors...

4 years ago
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The BoxChapter 6

The door closed, the date was over, and I was alone at last. The sense of bliss that surged through my body was overpowering! I danced about the apartment, hugging myself, and giggling like a school girl. "Oh! He's wonderful!" I exclaimed to the couch. "He's incredible!" I told the refrigerator. And a good kisser, too. The goodnight kiss ("This week's poll: 68% of women think you should absolutely kiss on the first date!"), ahhhhh ... it lasted nearly 10 minutes. I just melted...

3 years ago
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My First Ex Sex

Well to start off...This story is real...I'm in my college years now, I'm from Philippines and I'm quite proud I never had sex with my girlfriends... Coz I only fucked them after we break up... Not before, not during, but after we break up...It all started in my third year in high school...It was just the day after I broke up with my half-american girlfriend who was a year younger than I was.We met in our usual place, it was underneath the staircase of the science building; the janitor made it...

4 years ago
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Alices pussy flooded with come

“Hi, I’ve been doctors and its sorted xx”. Great I thought reading the message I couldn’t wait to finish work and get hold of her sweet 18 year old body and come in her tight pussy. “I’ll pick you up outside work when you finish your shift, I’ll take you for a drive in the car because your mum and sister will be home later. I’m going to enjoy coming inside you tonight Alice” “Ok, 10pm xx” Alice text back. For the rest of the day I could think of nothing else except fucking Alice....

2 years ago
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Hanging Out with My Brothers FriendsPart 2The Lake

When we got to the lake, the party was in full swing. I would guess there were about fifteen to twenty guys there. Although there were a few girls, it was pretty much a sausage fest. When we walked up to the assembled group, I noticed several heads turn.Apparently, most guys were surprised at my appearance. Hell, they were surprised by my boobs. I grabbed a beer and started to nurse it.We hung around for a while. Guys started to come up to me to chat me up. Josh eventually became possessive...

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I'd like to tell you how I was initiated as a bull to a couple dedicated to cuckoldry. This happened many years ago when I was a young student in Glasgow. I had won a place to study at Scotland's foremost art school and had travelled there a week or so before I could go into the hall of residence I had chosen for the first term. I had tried a few B&Bs in the area but hadn't liked what I saw.So I went a bit further out towards Kelvingrove Park and at the first place I called at the landlady...

2 years ago
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Do You Realise When Youre Dreaming

I’m too tired to write, I’d rather dream instead… Have you ever had a lucid dream? A state or place you awaken to, and you realise you’re actually dreaming? I don’t think I actually ‘know’ I’m dreaming, rather I am just pleased to be back in a place where anything I want will come to me. I’m floating somewhere in a deep green forest, just beneath the canopy. There are tiny sapphires set in mauve up in the sky. The sun hasn’t risen yet and I’m coming further out of the daze I was shrouded in....

4 years ago
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Amy The Tranny Chapter 1

I met Amy at an adult theatre in town.She was dressed to nines in a mini skirt, tight halter top, and pumps leading up a pair of fishnet clad legs. I invited her into a private boothand once inside, went over her price for someadult fun. She told me I couldn't fuck her as shewas on her period but I knew something was up and asked her flat out if she was a tranny. She looked at me wearily and slowly nodded her head. I assured her I was into tranny sex and she relaxed and asked if I was into just...

2 years ago
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Diablo CanyonChapter 5

Monday, August 20, 2007 Clay Nolan I've never really cared much about clothes, so I just threw on a pair of gym shorts, some soccer sandals and a t-shirt and was ready to go. Mom dropped me off early, so I had time to admire David Ginsberg's and Dan Steele's cars. They were both new here and drove really cool cars. Dan was an exchange student from England and some sort of count or something. He drove a classic Aston Martin that he'd inherited from his dad. David drove a new Ferrari...

3 years ago
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Silly in Nevada

Sissy was her name, but everyone called her Silly. It just seemed to fit, since she was always joking around with everyone. She was a beauty with long dark hair that went to the middle of her back. She had what some people would call ‘bedroom eyes’, and breasts that turned every man’s head as she walked by. She lived in Hawaii, so she had a great tan all year long, which just added to her beauty. Silly had never thought about getting serious with just one man. She liked having her choice of...

2 years ago
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Catching Sis

My name is Andrew. At the time of the story I was 18 years old, going on 19 in several months. I was a student at a local public high school, and I was, as I am now, a popular kid. I have black hair, blue eyes, and I played tennis and basketball. I also had a body the girls sure seem to like. I worked out some, so I was a bit muscular, but not overly ripped. I made good grades, but my very strict parents limited my "opportunities" in life. I had a lot of friends, but they always seemed to be...

3 years ago
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this is a true story about having sex with my mom. im 38 and i grew up in rochester hills michigan. my parents divorced when iwas 8 yrs old and i went to live with my mom.my mom would walk around naked when she got out of the shower and while she got ready. and i noticed her! shes 5ft 2in,big boobs,wide hips,and a hairy pussy.she had a guy over one night and i woke up to piss or whatever and saw my mom naked in the living room so i hid and watched her have sex. i knew when she was gonna have...

2 years ago
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FullOfJOI Natasha Starr I Love To Feel Your Cum

I work hard to keep my body in shape, and guys always call me a MILF when they see what I am working with. But when I start touching myself in the bathtub today, all I can think of is you. I think of your big dick and what it could do to me, how it would feel between my wet lips, and inside my tight pussy. I fantasize about you slipping it between my boobs and tittyfucking me. It gets me so hot while I play with myself. I love bringing myself to orgasm, but I think I love feeling your cum on my...

4 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 14 Erica BradfordChapter 23

Bobby’s hand rested on Misty’s stomach as they lay side by side, catching their breath. “Now that’s more like it,” panted Misty. “You think we’re done?” Bobby chuckled. Her eyes got serious. “The next three days may have to last me for the next five years, Bobby.” There were suddenly tears in her eyes. “Maybe longer.” Bobby didn’t want her to get maudlin. “Why? Don’t tell me you’re giving up men altogether.” She pushed at him, but smiled. “I should!” she said. “Look what the last one...

3 years ago
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I Gave at the Office

"I Gave At The Office" No matter how cool you think you are about things when you are a teenager, there are limits to coolness. Take when a seventeen year old guy walks into his mother's office unannounced and sees her sucking her boss off you tend to blow it yourself - figuratively speaking, of course. Kids know their parents fuck. If they don't know, they are clueless as George W. Somehow I figured they both slowed down in their thirties and probably stopped entirely by the time they...

4 years ago
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The Boat

It all started when I answered an ad for a boat for sale. I had been looking for a good boat for a few years but hadn’t really looked seriously. The ad in the paper was for a year old boat at a very low price and just the type boat I was looking for. The house where the owner of the boat lived was near the local lake. It was a modest home among some very high dollar ones. The boat was parked in the driveway and I spent a few minutes looking it over. It could have been on the showroom floor for...

5 years ago
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She Came She Cum She Went

She Came, She Cum, She Went Samantha and I are perfect for one another. She is twenty-three years old, a college graduate, and she has been working for the same company that I have for the last year. We have been living together since that time too. It cut our living expenses in half. We are identical in so many ways that it is wonderful. We are both fanatics about neatness and cleanliness. Nothing is ever out of place and there are never any dirty dishes lying around. We don’t smoke,...

2 years ago
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A Life Ever Changing 15

"Now I'm looking at a flashback Sunday, Zoom lens feeling just won't disappear..." - J. Geils Band A Life Ever Changing #15 Freeze Frame By Angel ...Margie reached up and took out my ponytail. WOW! Mrs. Benning and I forgot about that! (Or did she?)... My mother, smiling with a very motherly look on her face asked me, "So, Rachel was born over seven years ago. Ricky, you were transformed from a boy to a girl in less than a few hours. It did not take much, either, did...

2 years ago
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Family Rivalry

Note: All characters are at least 18 and up The suburban neighborhood was typically very peaceful and quiet, the loudest its ever gotten was when the closest neighbors hosted a party. But at one party the neighborhood just got louder and much less peaceful. At a party, tensions (God knows the why) between two families grew and formed into Sexual Competitions or Sex Fights. The fights can be in any style of the families' choosing. These are the basic rules that the Families have agreed on. 1)...

2 years ago
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love at first sight

some people like to say that there is no such thing as 'love at first sight'on the 10th of September i went to Alton towers in England. it was the best weekend of my life so far.it was full of beautiful English girls. they were every where it was great.everywhere id go id see a really pretty girl. but as i q'd up for a roller-coster ride called 'air' i seen this girl with blonde hair and a grey hoodie, i stared at her and she looked right back at me. i have never felt so in love with any other...

2 years ago
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LatinAdultery Vanessa Sky 22821

Suspicious Latina woman on the hunt for her husband…watch out! Vanessa Sky knows her man was out with Tyler the other night, and now she’s trying to find out where he is and what he’s doing! She tracks Tyler down and practically rips his balls off asking him about her possibly-cheating-ass-husband, but Tyler makes like he doesn’t know anything. But remember, there’s a punishment for everything! Vanessa decides that if her husband isn’t around to give her dick, she’s going to get it someway,...

4 years ago
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Walking alone through a dark alley

I began a new job as secretary in an oil company that summer.I used to leave my office at early evening, when normally it was not so dark outside yet. But one day in Autumn, I had my car out of order and I had to come back home by walking.It was not too far from our home, but by night it was a bit cold and dark.I thought to cut way through a back alley. I had entered there, when a strange sound behind made me turn around. My heart raced when I saw two young black men following me. They both...

4 years ago
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The Hairstylist HitwomanChapter 2

Chief Warrant Officer Abby Cox used her assigned armory key to unlock the metal box containing her weapons and other assorted tactical gear needed for her specialized type of work for the shadowy Defense Intelligence Agency contractor she worked for in the European sector doing “wet work” of a covert nature and all highly locked in need to know Special Compartments for only a few select individuals that mostly had cover stories for their assignments. The young Captain signing them out to her...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Amirah Adara Sophie Sparks Misha Cross Anna De Ville Tiffany Tatum Five Lesbians Gaping Anal Dildo Orgy

Under alien blacklight that makes their fishnet lingerie glow, slender beauty Misha Cross and all-natural girlfriends Amirah Adara, Anna De Ville, Sophie Sparks and Tiffany Tatum share a sensuous lesbian orgy. The ladies taste tender pussies and tongue bungholes. They employ anal dildos and a big double dong for sucking and ass-to-ass anal fucking. Anna shoots a butt plug out of her gaping asshole! The girls double penetrate Misha using toys. They bring each other to orgasm in a writhing mass...

3 years ago
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Simpsons Thank God for bingo night

Lisa felt homer’s fingers move slowly up her inner thigh and her body began tingling. Lisa loved how he softly rubbed his finger along her slit and made her pussy all wet. She blushed and buried her head against homer’s chest as she remembered how he had told her to call “down there” either a pussy or a cunt. Lisa knew they were bad words, but homer said she was to use them when it was just the two of them. Homer touched her like this every night, and it was her favorite part of her day. She...

2 years ago
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BadDaddyPOV Kat Monroe Wants To Feel Pretty

Kat Monroe is a teenage tom boy. She even asked a boy out at school. The boy turned her down and made fun of how Kat dresses. She is now crying in her bedroom when her step daddy notices there is something wrong. He comes in to talk to his step daughter and finds out that she really just wants a boyfriend. Being the great guy he is, he suggests that she changes her outfits and try to be a little more sexy. He reminds her of how great her body is and even offer to give his step daughter some...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 10 Katiersquos Blackmailed

Mrs. Jackson tried to get everything in order. A full day of interviews and meetings awaited her at the office. She hoped to be appointed to the Board of Directors. She knew she had done all she could to prepare herself even without her important files from her laptop. She looked into the bedroom mirror. Her hair flowed past her shoulders as she slowly applied red lipstick across her perfect lips. Katherine Jackson exhumed confidence. She had always been successful at her job and was very...

3 years ago
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Switch Role Play on Halloween

It was halloween and I knew exactly who I was going to be. I was done with vampires and monsters, plugs and sockets. No, tonight I was going to be the ugliest woman alive. I knew I would never be an even passable woman, and that is what made this all the more fun. I was an attractive man, but one that could never, even remotely be made to look like a woman, so why even try. And that is what my costume would be all about.I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror. I had hit most of the tranny...

4 years ago
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I was just a toy

*WARNING: I've tried to write this story before and it is very, very long. But I feel like a story is in the details so I put in as much as possible from what I remember. In any case, this is a story I've been wanting to share with people (I've never told any of my friends or anyone else who knows me outside the internet), so here it goes.I was 1*, spring of '0*, *th grade. My brother was 1*, a sophomore. My parents were out of town and my brother Brad had a party. I had developed early, was a...

4 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 51

It was only a short time later when the five women left to head to the convention center. Meredith sidled over and took Brock's hand. "I'm going to the room to change out of my dress," she said in a throaty voice. Brock nodded. He supposed she didn't want him to think she'd been abducted by aliens or something. "You should come to help me," she added. "I'm not sure I'll be able to reach the zipper on my own." "Sure," Brock agreed as the light bulb finally clicked on. They...

4 years ago
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Teenage Roma King of the WorldChapter 5

Finally, after I came inside Mara, I told Dad, “Go ahead and cum now.” Naturally, he came instantly, and then I ordered Agent Frostbite to, “Release him at once. He’s been restrained for a crime that he didn’t commit long enough.” The agent then uncuffed Dad, who felt his wrists, at which point I told them both bluntly, “Okay, no half-measures anymore. I now claim the whole bodies of everyone here. I also claim the whole bodies of everyone who has set foot in this house today. That should...

4 years ago
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My Swinging Parents Part 6

“You can do this.” I said in a serious tone. And immediately, I burst out laughing. What a lame thing to say. But I had to laugh at the hilarity (and awesomeness) of everything from the past few days. I switched to a blue ‘board-shorts’ swimsuit and walked nervously down to the hot tub. When I got there, no one else was there, and my heart started pounding. Oh no, I thought. She DID get cold feet. Or worse. Worse would be that she got talked back into Tony’s arms. Maybe she was...

3 years ago
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Hi, everybody, I am Harshith from north Karnataka I am 22 years old just now I have completed Degree I have a huge cock 7 inches which will satisfy anyone easily I am a good looking and I have an athlete bodyFriends Please leave a comment your valuable feedback to [email protected] let’s get into the story this is the real incident which happened with me. This is my first story in Indian sex stories please forgive me if there are any mistakes. This story tells about how I...

2 years ago
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Catching her Masturbating

I Caught Her Masturbating!I had an ex-girlfriend, Elise, who claimed to have never masturbated. She said she didn’t believe a real “Lady” should EVER masturbate! As a guy, totally into watching women get themselves off, this was disappointing; VERY disappointing. I decided to try to test Elise, to see if she was telling the truth.Elise was a cute little package, standing about 5'1". She slept in thin nighties and lacy lingerie. Our first night together, it seemed like she was presenting herself...

2 years ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Kenzie Taylor Third Appearance

Kenzie Taylor is a depressed housewife whose husband ran off with a younger woman. She confides in her best friend, a priest that she wonders if she’s still attractive and desirable. Isiah and her used to bang before he became a priest and he assures her that she’s still as hot as ever and to prove it he suggests they pray together to help her get her confidence back. She gets on her knees in front of him and he opens up the bible to pray. She doesn’t see that he puts his dick...

3 years ago
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Before My First Big Gang Bang

Hey, thank you for the suggestions and responses for my previous sex story. I have been writing about my sexual experiences for a while now. You may click on my profile and read my previous experiences. I have been writing it as it happened and in the exact order. So, after having sex with the lab attendee, I went back home and for the day after the old man invited me to go out with him, I assumed it was for pleasure as I hoped. Instead, it was to a beach that he took me. I was wearing a Khaki...

2 years ago
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Hallmark Valentines Day Rejects

Love may be beautiful, love may be bliss But I only slept with you because I was pissed. I thought that I could love no other That is, until I met your brother. Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead, the sugar bowl's empty and so is your head.Of loving beauty you float with grace Now if only you could hide your face. * Kind, intelligent, loving and hot; This describes all the things you are not. I want to feel your...

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Edinburgh Tattoo

I was toying with the idea of getting a tattoo, not one of those full arm jobs that seem popular with merchant sailors and hairy bikers but something discreet, somewhere discreet, if you know what I mean. I had mentioned it to my girlfriend and she didn’t object to the idea and so it was one Thursday afternoon that I pushed open the door of the tattoo parlour and walked nervously up to the empty counter. I heard a female voice call from the back of the shop “I’ll be with you in a minute.” “No...

3 years ago
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Thinking of somebody else

I watch him sometimes at night. He lives in the house opposite and often walks into his room naked. He’s about 19 or 20, tall, well built. I’ve stared many times as his taut arse, even his cock. I have touched myself while watching him upstairs, the light out. And on one bonus, bonus occasion, I saw him masturbating in front of the mirror. Did he secretly know I was watching and masturbating too? I can’t get enough of taring at his young, muscular body. I came watching him that night. When I...

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