Joan in Ann Arbor
- 4 years ago
- 44
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Time seemed to speed up hen I finally got home. I had a pleasant afternoon with the ladies the next day when we met after lunch at the CK store. The dinner at Mitsy's restaurant was finally an eventless success and the sisters from England really enjoyed the whole Japanese experience.
The General had called in the morning and let me know that they had caught the two people who were responsible for providing the information to Mr. Blake. One was a section head of the Secret Service which had them scrambling to see what other damage she had done over her career.
The sisters flew home on Saturday and we were there to see them off. I picked up my SUV from the long-term parking lot after their flight left. When I dropped off Mitsy and Asuka at their home, we made arrangements to meet at the Dojo Sunday evening.
The rest of the weekend I read ahead for my classes. I was taking the second half of first year calculus; the AI class and a third year computer graphics course so it was going to be three classes a day, four days a week with the corresponding amount of homework as the semester was only eight weeks long.
I remembered to book my flight to London for next weekend. I corresponded with Emma via email and found out that they were filming in the Yorkshire Dales National park in Northern England that weekend so I had to book a flight into Gatwick airport, south of London, and then another flight up to the smaller Leeds airport. I found a flight that left at five on Friday afternoon so I would landing in the Gatwick airport at eleven PM my time or four am London time. The connecting flight up to Leeds would take off at six so I would be in Leeds before seven am Saturday. Emma said she would be busy filming that weekend but she would have a car waiting for me at the airport.
Sunday evening I joined Mitsy and Asuka at the Dojo. I passed on the offers from the General to Sensei and Asuka and they both declined but would let me know if they had any contacts in London that would be interested in helping them out. Mitsy joined us in the private room in the back as Sensei and her family decided that she needed additional training to protect herself. Sensei worked with her while Asuka and I sparred, first without weapons and then with them. The two weeks off from the Dojo showed, even though I had been sparring and fighting. Asuka was so much better than any of them that I had to really focus just to defend myself.
Near the end of the night, all three of them got into the act, playing the bad guys against me. First it was just with fists and then we graduated to weapons. We didn't go at full speed but it was still very fast and dangerous. We would stop often so that Sensei and Asuka could show both Mitsy and I what to do in each situation. It was very educational but exhausting.
The first week of school was an eye-opener. The pace was almost frantic in comparison to the regular length semesters. I could handle the calculus course and even the third year graphics course wasn't too bad but the graduate AI course was overwhelming. I had six chapters under my belt when I walked into the classroom on Monday morning but Dr. Albert covered all of those in the first class, skimming through them in the hour and twenty minute class by just touching on a point here and there.
The other two courses had assignments after every class so I had to take advantage of every spare minute during the day to do handle those and then spend all evening reading ahead for all three courses. The AI class had two major projects, one midterm and a final, while the other two had the daily assignments, one midterm and the final.
So, other than my early morning workouts, I spent the rest of the week on school work, not counting my two trips to the Dojo Tuesday and Thursday. Friday, the calculus class has an optional workshop taught by a Teaching Assistant if you needed help but so far I understand the work so I didn't attend. I spent the day finishing assignments due Monday morning and researching for the first project in AI. I packed my book bag with my AI research on my laptop and my textbooks to get in some reading on the plane and when Emma was busy on set. I left an hour earlier than normal for the airport so I could stop at a store. I took a bit of time choosing a few items but still made it the airport in plenty of time.
There was no trouble at the airport and we took off on time. I read and slept for the six hour flight and was woke up just before we landed.
Not much was open at the Gatwick airport when we finally got through customs. I followed the signs to the gate for the flight up north to Leeds and settled down in a chair near the deserted boarding area. I tried to fall back asleep but being in an unfamiliar country and a fairly dark airport had my imagination working overtime. I pulled out my laptop and started working on some code I had in mind for my AI project. As usual, once I got into programming I tended to have tunnel vision, so I was startled when there was a bang at the counter at the boarding gate. I looked up to see a woman behind the counter turning on the computer.
"Good morning, young man," she said with a smile. "Have you been here long?"
I looked at my watch and replied, "Morning, Ma'am. I came in on a flight from Detroit around four so I've been here about an hour and a quarter. I didn't even hear you come in."
"You're just like my son, tunes everything out when he's playing on his computer," she said with a shake of her head.
"I was doing some programming work actually, but you're right, I do tend to tune everything out when I get in a groove," I agreed. "So, what's the schedule for the flight up to Leeds?"
"We'll start boarding in about twenty to twenty-five minutes and it should take off right at six am," she replied. The flight is only about half an hour so you should be on the ground around six thirty. If you want to come up now, I'll get you your boarding pass so you don't have to wait in line."
I got up and handed her my ticket. She ran it through the scanner and checked things on the computer and soon enough I had my boarding pass and was back in my seat before the first passengers started showing up. I worked another ten minutes on my project and then packed up my laptop and my books.
Eventually we boarded the smaller jet and took off on time. I was still in first class so I had a wide window seat that let me look out on London as we passed over it and then the English countryside. We landed without mishap and, as promised, a driver was waiting for me at the luggage carrousel. He was just a normal guy in jeans and a tee-shirt but was holding a cardboard sign with my name on it. I grabbed my duffel bag and walked up to him.
"Hi, I'm Mike," I said.
"Hey, I'm Stan from the driver pool on the set," he replied, holding out his hand.
"Hi Stan," I said, shaking his hand.
"Let's get going, we don't want to keep Miss Watson waiting," he said. "Do you have anything more to retrieve?"
"Nope, this is it," I said. "Lead the way."
He led the way out of the airport to a Land rover. I put my stuff in the back and we took off.
"They're filming above Malham Cove today so we have about an hour's drive into the Yorkshire Dales National Park," Stan told me. "It's a bit of a winding road so just sit back and enjoy the scenery."
"What is Malham Cove?" I asked.
"It's an 80 metre high horseshoe shaped limestone cliff about 300 metres wide that is about a kilometre outside the village of Malham," he told me. "On top there is a huge flat area of limestone rocks that looks like cracked pavement where they are going to film a few scenes with Daniel and Emma. I've been up there, you can see for miles."
"Sounds cool," I said. "Will I be able to watch them film?"
"Sure, we all watch when we can," he told me. "So, you're the guy who saved Emma from that acid attack a few months ago?"
"Yep, got lucky to be in the right place at the right time to save her and her mother," I told him.
"That was a cool thing you did, man," Stan responded. "We all owe you big time for that. No one could replace her in these last two films."
"I'm glad I was there," I said. "So when do they start filming today?"
"They're already up there trying to get the sunrise shots," he said. "They have some daytime shots to do and then later this evening, they need to get a few sunset and night time shots and then we're done with this location. That is if it doesn't rain."
"So they're working all day and into the night here?" I asked.
"I'm afraid so, yesterday's shooting was scrapped due to rain," he explained.
Emma was not going to be a happy camper, I thought to myself as we headed in to the huge area that was designated a national park. The scenery was fantastic and we reached the small town of Malham and drove right through about a half hour later. The cove was just down the road and we were stopped well away from it and were told to shut off the vehicle and its lights. Stan guided me to the rock steps that led up to the top and then told me he had other duties. I threw my duffel bag over one shoulder and my book bag over the other before heading up the stairs, following a pair of guys carrying a large equipment box up the path. There were a string of lights along the pathway.
We got half way up and then a person with a megaphone shouted down the cliff for silence, so we stopped and rested. The lights were turned off and we waited as the sky brightened until the all clear was sounded. We made it up to the top of the stairs and I saw a bunch of people over to the side as well as a small tent set up just a few metres away from the cliff side. A small group of people were congregated near it and I recognized Daniel and Emma amongst them.
"This is a closed set," a burly security guard said as he came up from the other gathering of the set workers.
"I'm a guest of Emma Watson's," I told him.
"She busy now so I can't confirm that," he said. "You'll have to wait back down the cliff."
"I'm sure she put me on a guest list if you'd like to check," I said mildly.
"We don't have a list," he replied.
"Perhaps I could talk to someone in charge?" I inquired. "I don't imagine Miss Watson will be very happy if I'm not allowed in. I don't particularly want her mad at me so if you could check, I'd appreciate it."
"If you're wasting my time, I'm going to enjoy throwing you off the cliff," he threatened. "Don't move a muscle or else."
He stomped off to the group other at the side while I looked around at the wide expanse of limestone, worn flat by water and wind. I had never seen the like, even up in Northern Ontario where rock outcrops were exposed to the elements from all the glacier movement during the last ice age. I turned and looked out at the view from the cliff and it was spectacular. The sun was rising and I could see for miles. Rolling hills, valleys and other rock escarpments were visible in the breathtaking view. I turned around to see the security guard walking back with an older woman.
"Michael Stewart, I presume," the haughty lady said.
"Yes Ma'am," I replied.
"Well come along out of the shooting angle," she said as she led the way over to the area where the production staff were congregated under open-sided tents. She stopped at an empty one with some chairs in it.
"You can watch from here, and the speakers will play the dialogue if there is any," she replied. "We have a couple hours of shooting to do before we'll break for breakfast. Try not to get underfoot; we have a full day of shooting."
I nodded and sat down in a chair. From this distance, there wasn't much to see and the speakers were silent. A few minutes later, they crackled and a voice said, "Quiet on the set."
The group around the actors moved over towards us except for a couple camera crews. Daniel and Emma got into positions and someone shouted "Action."
I watched the pair as they sat apart and looked down at something in their hands. After a bit of that, Daniel got up and moved towards the cliff and looked out. Emma looked up at his back but didn't say anything.
"And cut!" shouted a man from underneath another canopy.
The group marched back and discussed things and they did the scene a few more times. I got bored looking at the same thing over and over and got out my laptop out of the book bag and went back to programming. I looked over from time to time as they moved on to another scene in which they finally started talking to each other. I listened as they went over the scene a few times until I tuned it out and continued with my project.
"Are we that boring?" Emma asked some time later.
"Not at the beginning, but hearing you and Daniel repeating the same lines a dozen times does get a bit repetitious," I replied as I got up. "It's a gorgeous area to shoot in and you look wonderful."
"Thanks, you look very industrious," she replied.
"I'm working on my first project for my graduate AI course," I told her. "I'm afraid I bit off more than I can chew with that course plus two others. Everything is accelerated and every spare minute I have is filled with homework or reading."
"I told you that you shouldn't have come, we're both busy," Emma stated. "I'm barely going to have any time to spend with you this weekend and you're going to have to do your homework every spare minute."
"I wanted to come see you," I told her as I stepped closer to her. "I wanted to apologize in person for last week when I ran out of the palace. It wasn't anything to do with you. I really like you a lot and thought we could spend a bit of time alone to see if we could talk things over and get things back on track."
"We talked about this when I was in Ann Arbor," she responded. "Both of us are very busy this summer so we were just going to do our own thing and wait until I came over for school."
"I thought we were getting closer on our trip to Monte Carlo and we were going to spend time together in England when we came back?" I asked.
"That might have happened but you ran off," she spat out. "I'm not sure how I feel about you right now and, with the shooting schedule today, we won't have much time to talk."
"I'm willing to stick around and wait for the chance to spend some time with you," I told her. "I didn't run off on you, just what they wanted to do."
"Part of that ceremony was for what you did for me so you ran off on me as well," Emma retorted. "How do you think I felt when you took off?"
"I didn't need a medal or whatever else the Queen was offering for what I did," I told her. "I thought we were past all that and we were getting closer to being a couple."
"I'm not so sure now," she admitted. "Look, I have to have something to eat before getting back out there. We got rained out yesterday so we're trying to fit two days of shooting into one. I'll see you in a while."
I watched her walk away and then sat back down. That didn't go as planned, I thought to myself. She hadn't changed her tune from when I talked to her on the phone last weekend. Hopefully after some food she would be a bit pleasant but working all day and evening probably wouldn't improve her temperament.
I waited for her to come back but the next time I saw her she was walking back to the filming area with the group. I shook my head and picked up my laptop and continued where I left off.
The only good thing about the day was how much I accomplished on my project, and when my battery started to run out, how much reading ahead I did. Emma brought me a plate of food for lunch but was quiet while we ate.
"Can we at least talk about it?" I asked. "You seem almost angry that I came to see you this weekend. What can I do to make it up to you?"
"Michael, these scenes require me to be sad and almost angry," she replied. "Luckily I'm still mad at you for what you did to us last week. I'm upset that you almost got killed several times over the last couple of weeks and worried what will be next with you. Add in jealousy over all the girls that now owe you their lives and I'm in the perfect mood to shoot these scenes. What my mood isn't good for is to make up with you today. So, you're going to have to put up with me for today and tonight and we'll try tomorrow to mend our relationship."
"Ok, I can understand how you feel and if it helps you get through the day better, then so be it," I replied. "I'll keep out of your hair until you're done shooting for the night."
She nodded and we finished the meal in silence.
"Emma, we'll be ready in five," a man came by a bit later as we finished up our food.
"Thanks," she replied and stood up. "I'll see you later, Michael."
"Ok Emma, good luck," I replied.
She nodded and walked to a tent where I watched her get her make-up and hair quickly touched up. They got started on another scene soon after and I went in search of a washroom and then an extension cord where I could plug in my charger.
The day was long and tiring for everyone. I dozed off at one point as the lack of sleep caught up with me. It was after ten pm when they finally called it a day. I was packed and ready to go when Emma came to get me. I grabbed her bag from her tired hands as we joined the line of people taking the stone stairway down to the road.
Emma led the way to a little mini-cooper and she drove about twenty minutes to a hotel in a larger town. She already had the keycards for the rooms so we went in the back door and up to the third floor by the stairs. She handed me one of the cards when she stopped.
"You're in 305, I'm next door in 307," she said. "I'm going to have a shower and be asleep in ten minutes. There's an exercise room on the main floor. Wake me at ten if I'm not up. Good night Michael."
"Good night Emma, have a good sleep," I said.
"You too," she replied before using her card to enter her room and shut the door.
I did the same and, after a quick shower, also hit the hay after setting up my laptop and phone to charge. I set the alarm on the clock radio for six and fell asleep quickly.
Sunday morning I used their exercise equipment to work out and then even swam for a bit in their pool. After a quick shower, I headed up to the room and continued on with my project until ten am. I went over to Emma's room and knocked and waited until she answered, obviously just gotten up.
"Sorry to wake you Emma, but you told me to wake you at ten," I said.
"Give me half an hour to shower and get ready," she said, dressed in a tee-shirt and sweats. "I'll come get you and we can go have some brunch."
"Ok," I said and went back to my room.
I continued to work on my project until she knocked on the door. I let her in and saved my work before shutting off the laptop.
"Ok, let's go," I said.
Emma led the way to the car and drove us to a restaurant nearby. We got a table in a secluded corner and she ordered a coffee and I got an apple juice from the waitress before we went up and filled a plate with breakfast items.
"How did you sleep?" I asked.
"Like the dead," she replied. "How about you?"
"Pretty good as well," I answered. "I'm still on Ann Arbor time so I was bushed. Did you get everything done that you needed to yesterday?"
"Yep, that's why we stayed so late," she responded. "At least we got today off."
"Good, I was worried you had to go back later," I said. "Where do you film next?"
"There's a park a half hour out of London where we'll do a few scenes starting Monday," she said before taking a sip of her coffee. "I'll either drive down or take a quick flight from Leeds when you go."
"I have a flight out of Leeds at five to Gatwick if you want to join me," I told her. "My connecting flight leaves at six thirty back to Detroit."
"Maybe I will, if we're still talking by then," she responded.
"Emma, even if we never get together as boyfriend and girlfriend, we'll still always be friends," I chided her. "I know you're mad at me for running out and for having all these women around me, but I didn't fly all night and thousands of miles to see anyone but you. The women are grateful, just as you were but I am crushing on you, not them. Now, you have to decide if you want me as a friend or something more."
"You're crushing on me, are you?" she asked with a hint of a smirk.
"I've told you how I've felt about you from the get-go," I said. "Your jealousy of the others lets me know you have at least some feelings about me too. I worry about you finding someone as well so you're not the only one with issues. I'd like for us to be boyfriend and girlfriend so we don't have to be jealous and we can be with each other whenever we have time."
"That's the thing, we don't have much time," she said. "Look Michael, I'm not going to hook up with anyone before I head back to the States for school. You don't have to worry about that."
"That is a relief to hear, but I still want us to be together as soon as possible," I told her. "Other than the distance between us, I don't see any reason why we can't be together now rather than wait."
"Michael, I like you a lot, but with filming and the premieres for the sixth movie this summer, it's going to be non-stop without adding you to the mix," she explained. "I'd like to keep things as uncomplicated as possible before heading into school in a new country."
"That's the thing, you're going to be just as busy at the start of school as well," I said. "Four months will drag on to eight and we'll never be together."
"You don't know that," she retorted.
"I know how overwhelming both a new country and a new school are," I told her. "Homework, new roommates and friends will all take up your time. You'll need weekends to go out with them and to get homework done. It isn't the time to start a new, long distance relationship as well."
"So how is starting one now any better?" she asked.
"We would be over the awkward first stages and be comfortable with each other before you get there," I tried. "I wouldn't be a new distraction but a welcome break."
"People start new relationships all the time once they get to college," she contradicted me. "Believe me, after handling acting and going to school at the same time, just going to school will be a breeze. So your argument doesn't hold water. What else you got?"
"I want us to be together now so it will keep the others away from me over the summer," I admitted.
"I see, you don't think you can be faithful to me for four months," she stated. "That doesn't bode well for our relationship."
"I can be faithful to you, it will just make it so much easier to deal with them if we're together," I explained. "It's not the main reason of course; it's just a good benefit. I just want to be with you as soon as we can."
"Michael, I've made up my mind on this, you're going to have to wait until the fall," she said in a very firm tone. "I want a bit of freedom this summer not to have worry about a man in my life."
I looked at her for a bit and then sighed as I sat back.
"I'll never understand women as long as I live," I stated. "Ok, friends it is."
"Michael, just until school starts," Emma said.
"It will be interesting to see what happens then," I said. "Who knows where we'll both be at that time."
Her eyes narrowed as she said, "Michael, what do you mean by that?"
"A lot can happen in four months," I said innocently. "Maybe you'll like your freedom too much. Heck, I could be playing pro hockey if the right team drafts me. Who knows what the future may bring. But at least we'll still be friends."
"Michael Stewart, I know what you're doing but it won't work," Emma said with a fierce look.
"I'm not doing a thing," I protested. "You don't want to be more than friends now and I have to respect that. I don't have to like it but you're too stubborn to change your mind. We'll see what happens in four months. I'm going up for another plate of food."
I went to the buffet line and let her stew for a few minutes. If she thought that the quartet of Barb, Trisha, Mitsy and Asuka were going to let things be for four months, she was fooling herself. Who knows that some of the other women would try to pull if it was known I was single. I'm sure Emma was thinking that very thing right now. I filled my plate and headed back and saw she was just picking at the food on her plate.
I sat down and proceeded to eat as if I didn't have a care in the world. I was rather hungry so I let her continue to stew in silence while I ate with my usual gusto. When I finished my plate, I looked up to see her still playing with her food.
"Aren't you going up for some more?" I asked. "You haven't had much of that plate yet."
"I'm not that hungry," she replied, looking up. "I see that you have your usual appetite."
"Oh, not really, I'm full already," I told her. "Do you want anything else or should we go?"
"I'm done if you are," she replied.
I motioned for the waitress and asked for the bill. Emma paid for the meal as I didn't have any local currency. We headed back to the hotel room and packed up our stuff in our separate rooms. It didn't take much time for either of us and we were soon on our way.
"So where are we going?" I asked.
"I'm going to drop you off at the Leeds airport and then I'm going home," she said.
"You're driving to London while I sit in an airport for five hours?" I asked. "What did I do now?"
"You basically threatened that you won't be waiting for me in four months so I don't see the need to pretend for another five hours," she spat out.
"All I said is that making plans for four months from now is uncertain at best," I retorted. "You know as well as I do that four months is an eternity at this point in our lives. You seem to be willing to risk that and now you're acting like you don't want to even be friends. Not everything fits neatly into your plans, Emma. You have to be flexible too."
"My plans are set for the next four months," she said. "They are a little more important than the feelings of an immature boy who can't look past his own needs and wants. My work has to come first until the films are done. Then I'm free to do whatever I want. If you want to go play with other girls in the meantime, then go ahead. I'm tired of worrying about it or wondering what danger you're getting into."
I opened my mouth to respond but luckily my brain shut my mouth before I said something that I would regret. I felt like smashing the window with my elbow but just grasped my knees and looked out at the passing countryside as we drove in silence.
I spent the next twenty minutes thinking about what I how I wanted to respond, but in the end, I decided it wasn't worth aggravating the situation any further. I knew I would never go out with her now, but getting in one last dig would just prove her statement that I was immature.
So, when she pulled up to the terminal entrance, I got out of the car and shut the door lightly. I quickly had my duffel and book bags out of the back hatch and closed it without slamming it down before heading into the terminal without looking back.
At the ticket counter, I was lucky enough to exchange my ticket for an earlier flight for both the quick jump to Gatwick Airport as well as the flight back to Detroit. I was on the way to London an hour later and flying to Detroit by three. The flight was long and boring so I read and napped. We landed in Detroit six hours later at nine pm London time or four pm Detroit time. I was back in my condo by five thirty.
I decided to have a small snack and go to the dojo to relieve some stress. I was early and had my stretching and forms done twenty minutes before the girls were to show up. I decided to take out my aggression out on some of the equipment around the sides of the main floor. I attacked a padded wooden post that stood six feet up from its well anchored base. For the next fifteen minutes I punched, elbowed, kneed and kicked that post, trying to break it as I increased the force until I was hitting it with all my might.
"I gather that the trip didn't go well," Mitsy said from behind me when I finally took a break.
I turned to see Asuka and Sensei also there.
"No, it didn't" I replied.
"Has it made you feel better to beat up on the post?" Sensei asked.
"A bit," I admitted.
"Then it has served its purpose," he said. "Now, you must re-centre your mind so we can practise properly. Let us stretch and do the forms together."
I cooled down and put my thoughts of Emma aside while we stretched and did the forms. After we were done, Sensei had Asuka work with Mitsy while he showed me some new techniques using different Japanese weapons. It was a teaching session rather than a sparring one and it was just what I needed to keep my thoughts away from my troubles.
After the session was done, the girls cornered me in the parking lot.
"What happened, Michael?" Mitsy asked.
"Her feelings for me took a turn before I even got there and it was a losing battle from the get-go," I told them. "She didn't have time for me at all on Saturday and today she was insistent on waiting until she came over here to get together. I tried to change her mind but in the end she was adamant while calling me an immature boy. She dropped me off at the airport five hours early and we parted without a word to each other."
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Master Jo met us the next night at our new camp site. He had soft words for all of us, but as we took care of the horses and gathered firewood, he walked with Alianna, and the two of them spoke quietly to each other. I saw Alianna nodding her head several times, and there were obvious signs of tears having been shed, but she wore a brave smile when they returned, and she gave him a parting hug as she went to help Trunk get their furs arranged. "How are the horses?" Master Jo...
The Gurmots were happy to have us, and very interested in meeting and getting to know Alianna. She knew in general that the knowledge of other facets and worlds was to be kept secret, but we reinforced it fairly strenuously before we left. Master Jo decided that this wasn't a trip he needed to be on, and that if he was indeed going with us come spring, he needed to make arrangements with Dad and the other advanced students to continue his classes while he was away. He was also going to have...
We found Porin, as we had Lamin, all hills and valleys. There was something more welcoming about Porin though, it was gentler and greener than Lamin had been. Certainly it was more forgiving than the Zadrain had been. We went back to sleeping during the night, but we posted watches, and we resumed our drills along with our meditation. Alianna was soaking up the staff and the bow with a sponge. Strangely, Master Jo refused to teach her. He insisted we do it, having Sid teach her the staff and...
The Sand Isles are a long way from Beletara, but then again, they are a long way from everyplace. They are far, far to the west of even the most westward reaching part of Arbor, the southern shores of Westhal. Far to the west, and far south as well. The shores of Beletara were warm, compared to Midhal where I grew up, but even Beletara was not close to the equator. The Sand Isles were, running both north, south and through the equator itself. You don't book passage to the Sand Isles just...
People are always surprising me with the shit they do, man. My name is Christopher Spence. I’m a big and tall young Black man living in the town of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. The most politely racist town in the world. The Capital of Canada. What possessed me to leave my hometown of Boston, Massachusetts, to come here? I honestly don’t know. Oh, yeah. I do know. My parents, friends and a whole lot of people got fed up with me in New England and I skipped town because, um, I didn’t want to...
Keeping away from nutcases is always a good idea. My problem is that I’m basically a magnet for them. Seriously, on the bus, the train and at work, at the school library and everywhere I go. They’re there, passive-aggressively sneezing, coughing, staring, spitting and hatefully staring in my general direction. Can someone save me from them? The name is Samuel ‘Sammy’ Vivant and I’m a young man living in the City of Ottawa, Ontario. My father Joseph Vivant is Haitian and my mother Mira Santiago...
Introduction: Read first two stories on my profile. I cant seem to find the conversation we had by e-mail. ~~~ Since I lost my virginity to a couple I met on Craigslist (read my past story) and I not only had a wonderful time, but got paid as well, I decided to post my own ad on Craigslist. It was a simple ad, a tranny in Toronto looking for fun time. He saw my ad on Craigslist and decided to message me to see whether or not we could get together or not. His name was Marc, a young black boy...
~~~ Since I lost my virginity to a couple I met on Craigslist (read my past story) and I not only had a wonderful time, but got paid as well, I decided to post my own ad on Craigslist. It was a simple ad, a tranny in Toronto looking for fun time. He saw my ad on Craigslist and decided to message me to see whether or not we could get together or not. His name was Marc, a young black boy who lived in Scarborough. He said he was a shy guy, a virgin, and he watched a lot of tranny videos...
Three months after the Captain's Ball, it was finally time for Baron McKesson and Lady Dambro to take their leave of Seacroft and the Sparine Peninsula. It was time for us to get back to being Sid and River again, maybe even Mat and Sparrow for a little while. We only had a few things to wrap up, and we had been saving them, reluctant to confront some harsh reality in the midst of what had turned into such a lovely situation. But we still had Oereia to deal with. Still had Joist and Link...
Training is in the eye of the beholder, like many other things, I guess. Being trained by a semi-imaginary six foot tall blue lizard? That's just a little strange, even for me, and I've seen some strange stuff. River has spent a good bit of time in the Imhur, so I know she's seen some stranger stuff than I have. What I found truly interesting was the lizard's continual use of what I would have called 'Earthisms', phases and attitudes that seemed to have been drawn from the...
I try hard to be the pious and respectful, Hijab-wearing and Koran-quoting Muslim sister that my parents, Ahmed and Ayaan Mohammed expect me to be, but I kind of suck at it. Partly because I love to suck dick. My name is Mariam Mohammed and I’m a young Black Muslim woman of Somali descent living in the City of Ottawa, Ontario. Lately, I’ve been suffocating under the burdens of my Islamic faith, Somali culture and the iron-clad rules of tradition. Something had to give. And the results stunned...
Adam Stanford sighed as he sat inside the office of Dr. Yasmin Hussein on the third floor of the Bank Street office building overlooking Parliament Hill. Located in downtown Ottawa, the good doctor’s office was in a prime location. Tall, lean and athletic, with dark brown skin and curly Black hair, Adam Stanford was a fine specimen of man, but he was also troubled. The young Jamaican had been restless lately, and it had nothing to do with his demanding job at the call center or his studies in...
Or that’s what I had been planning to do. It had struck me again, as it has a million times before. I bolted for the door. I was terrified. How would it turn out? Would they fight? Would they hate me? What if I settled down? What if I had to be a parent to my children? What if I became ... trapped? It was craziness. I was already to a distinct extent a parent to most of my children. I visited Kelly and Cheryl frequently. I spent most holidays there. I probably spent an average of a month and...
Birds of a feather flock together, as they say. I respectfully disagree. Opposites attract, and it often works wonders. Please allow me to elaborate on that, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Joel Saint-Vincent, and I was born in the City of Montreal, Quebec, to a Haitian immigrant father and a French Canadian mother. My folks, Lucas Saint-Vincent and Marlene Tremblay split when I was in the tenth grade, and I guess you could say that I come from a broken home. I’d like to think that my...
(Made better by Glenn) Montreal was still a beautiful human city, with many sights to see, but with the exception of a sentient machine none of the that had followed Sam Brown had any interest in the sights of this town. While this city, like most Earth cities, had become very quiet, it was as if the cradle of humanity had fallen asleep. It was technically still a very important place, but almost all industry had moved either to the artificial ring that now circled this famous and perhaps...
Our return to the Valley of the Wind was brief. The ice had already broken in the river before we arrived. Master Jo had been riding pretty much non-stop while we were gone, and had relearned the comfortable manner atop a horse that he had as a young man on Temple. He certainly thought that the saddle helped. His home facet of Temple's idea of a saddle had been pretty similar to those of the Zadaru, a blanket and a leather pad. The northern post road was clear, and had been clear for a...
Flare Spaldron was a revelation to me and perhaps even moreso to River. He was just plain goofy at first. Full of energy, almost bouncing as he walked, and full of awkward moments and wide open sensitivity. He was also a bundle of contradictions. Unlike River and I, the road he had taken to getting to where we all were was not taken based on conscious decision. He had not had the Shar to spur him into action, nor a pair of seers to see things looming in his future. Flare described it best...
A freshly scrubbed, towel wrapped Ginger walked up to the entrance of the hut she shared with Mary Ann. She hoped that all previous evidence of her sexual encounters earlier that day had been washed away. She did her best to look as penitent as possible. Imagining the Professor uncharacteristic stern attitude toward her helped. Tentatively, she knocked. "Mary Ann, Mary Ann," Ginger said gently, "Mary Ann, are you awake?" "Go away!" "Mary Ann, please, you must believe how sorry I...
What’s up people? Steve Salomon here. I’m a big and tall young black man of Haitian descent living in the City of Ottawa, Ontario. Up until recently, I considered myself the luckiest guy in the world. I’m close to completing my studies in the business management program at the Sprott School of Business of Carleton University. And I have, no, had the love of the most amazing woman ever. Yasmin Hussein, a tall, curvaceous, sinfully sexy Somali-Canadian Muslim cutie. We met under less than ideal...
Anger management issues affect many men in today’s world, and teaching such men how to deal with their anger constructively is a huge part of my therapy. My name is Khadija Johnson, and I’m a Howard University-trained psychiatrist living in the City of Toronto, Ontario. I was born in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, but moved to the Capital region of Canada right after graduating from Howard University with my Ph.D. in Psychiatry in Washington D.C. in May 2000. Thirteen years later, I’m a dual...
Wearing our Legion Armor with the special undergarments was much better, as Grandpa Dave and Uncle Con had suggested. I was used to calling them that already. It hadn't needed the meditation session, or that amazing refining my mind got during Grandpa Dave's joining with ours. They made it so easy for me to feel like family. What did Sid think of me in nothing but the Legion undergarments? He said I was the sort of vision around which legends are written. He wasn't just trying to get me...
So we were four, and we were, for a while, dipped in chaos and coated in confusion. Sky Tirin was as a babe newly born, almost helpless in the face of her Transformation. Flare was lost in a sea of Sky Tirin, and River and I were awash in a world suddenly brimming with Light at the edges. Margin Menidar was the anchor that kept us afloat. His voice was the one that kept those around us calm long enough for us to come back to some semblance of normalcy. For a while, four of us were at sea...
"In accordance with the Laws of the Jessian Council and the Rules of the League or Runecasters, I challenge you. Wizard's duel at high noon tomorrow in the arena." That was it. I'd officially stepped in it then. Resada was mortified that he had not thought to warn me. "I assumed you were a Guild member." He said. Captain Duvoro said the same thing. Everyone, outside of the six of us, had assumed I was in the Guild. It was illegal to challenge a member of the Wizard's Guild to a...
It was my sister, 'wake up sleepy head' she said gigeling. 'Whats so funny' i said laughing They gigled some more and then pointed to my trousers. I had a huge hard on. It was boulging through my jeans. I blushed and tried to pretend it wasn't there by pulling my t-shirt down over it. They then started teasing me trying to pull my top of. I struggled and went for theres but just then my mum came through, we all quickly sat down pretending we were talking. 'Go and say bye to...
Married Couple Looking For Fun Time - mw4t - 40's (Toronto) We are a married couple, looking for a bisexual trans for some fun. We host. Message if interested with times you're free. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Married Couple Looking For Fun Time - mw4t - 40's (Toronto) Hi, my name's Lizzie Elliott. I'm 18 years old, a m2f trans looking for fun. I'm safe and clean....
Introduction: Read My Intro Story First Before This. Click on my profile name and youll see it. Craigslist Ad: Married Couple Looking For Fun Time – mw4t – 40s (Toronto) We are a married couple, looking for a bisexual trans for some fun. We host. Message if interested with times youre free. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Married Couple Looking For Fun Time – mw4t – 40s (Toronto) Hi, my names Lizzie Elliott....
Ok, fact of the matter is, this hotel is a dump. But it’s a really nice dump. I know that sounds a bit contradictory, but believe me when I say it’s not contradictory at all. It actually makes perfect sense. You see, it’s a bit of a rundown building, but it is loaded with character. When I hoboed over the years I’d usually try to find a very characterful derelict to live in. Often old train stations, believe it or not. They are often outrageously grand structures. So this place appealed to...
A trip to Toronto By Debbie Cybill It all began when I told my wife, Chantal, that I had to go to Toronto for a meeting at the university. This was a regular meeting that I anticipated with pleasure, for I should meet with old friends and colleagues from other universities. "You can't fly until you are fully recovered," she said, "Why don't you go by train?" I was recuperating from a spell in the hospital and this trip would mark a major step in my recovery, my first trip...
As Salam Alaikum, dear friends and readers. Yasmin Hussein here. I’m your favorite tall and curvaceous, sinfully sexy brown-skinned Somali-Canadian Muslim cutie, and man have I got a story for you. The other day, I was walking through the Saint Laurent Mall in the east end of Ottawa with my Haitian boyfriend Steve Salomon when we ran into some old friends of mine from high school. Rabia Khan and Salwa Hassan are a couple of Somali chicks I have known all my life. We drifted apart after high...
The name is Clarence Pierre Romans, and I’m a gentleman with a story to share with you. A tale of self-exploration and sensuality, if you will. Presently, I’m studying business administration at Carleton University in the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. I have lived here since early 2010. I’m originally from the City of Brockton, Massachusetts. I was born there to a Haitian mother and Puerto Rican father. I consider myself African-American, though I’m obviously biracial. I stand six feet...
I just thought I would put this here since it seems a lot of Canadian stories are out there and well, I am Canadian as well. :) So hello to everyone, but if you are from Canada hello eh? I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I am 50 ... a slim straight dude and I absolutely love to watch porn in a relaxed manner with both women and men or anyone of any gender or identity as long as you enjoy admiring beautiful slim women/couples pics and porn and even panties bras and cute adorable looking womens'...
After a small rest, Joan took a long hot shower. I watched her and wondered how I could have ever found someone so beautiful and in tune with my sexual and romantic desires. The four young men were sitting in the living room and looking a bit despondent. Joan walked in wrapped in a large towel. She smiled at everybody and put her hands on her hips and flashed us by opening and closing the towel. Joan then cocked her finger for us to follow her back towards the bedroom. She took off the towel...
Wife Lovers"Mr. Stewart, I presume?" the lady asked with a smile. "Yes; Miss Smith?" I asked. "Yes, do come in Mr. Stewart, time is in short supply," she said. I climbed in and sat across from her, facing the front of the vehicle. Helen was probably in her mid thirties, and looked like a confident, high level executive or lawyer, dressed in a short skirt with a matching waist jacket over an expensive silk blouse. We got moving as soon as I sat down. "You can call me Helen, Mike," she said....
Every morning at the Academy started in the exercise yard. The unsorted were not separated from everyone else during this part of the day, and I soon got to enjoy the catcalls and hoots of derision from the other students when we arrived. I could only assume that we had arrived late. Only Hew's announcement that it was time to go had given me a clue that this was on our schedule. We did the usual sorts of things, stretching, sit ups, push ups, running in place. This was followed by...
There is no vacation at the Academy. You are there until the Instructors decide you know what you need to know. No weekends off, no vacations or holiday trips back home. Oh sure, now and then a cadet goes home to attend an important function, a wedding, a funeral, a coronation, but those are the rare exceptions. Even the seasons barely seem to pass here in these central climes. But we are able to mark the passing of the years with the passing of our fellows. Eight months after my arrival,...
The Zadrain Steppes were a harsh place, much harsher than the Shadar River Valley, and so challenging for me! I found almost immediately that there was little flowing water to draw strength from. What little there was was either brief, distant or buried deep beneath the stone and sand of the steppes. Marila was clan leader of the Dry Hills clan of the Zadaru. Some arrangement had been made to foster me among them for a time. How long, still to be determined. For this to happen, I was going...
A small village called Gan was the first we came to in the rolling hills and forests beneath the mountains and the sea. We learned that this region was called the Easthold, and that it was a part of the kingdoms of Mardun and Sprecht, depending on which part of it you were riding through. The road we were following would lead us straight to the sea several hundred miles away, but if we were headed for the Sparine Peninsula, we were told it would be better to take the Scar River road out of...
I had help getting out of my dress and in removing the makeup that had been so judiciously applied. I had a final wash and scrub and then I was off to my room. The minute the door closed behind me I let the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions back from where I had managed to banish them. Sid McKesson had almost kissed me at the door, and I was waiting for him to do it! Sid McKesson had a skystone like mine, and we had felt each other through them in some way since we were young. Sid...
Sid followed me without hesitation, and don't even ask how good that felt. We followed the river until we were out of sight of the village and then I stopped us. I slid out of the saddle and walked into the river, closing my eyes and calling up the river. I hadn't done this in a while, and I felt the power of it singing to me as I learned what the river could tell me. Sid was going to have questions, but that was okay. Now was not the time to be keeping secrets, not if my student's lives...
We arrived in the Valley during one of Mom and Dad's increasingly rare absences, a trip to Precipice for some white water rafting adventure with Vic Greene and some other friends and acquaintances from the war there. That timing did give us a chance to get settled in a little, and established into a routine before having to deal with any family-related stresses. It also meant I missed seeing Coral again right away. She was staying with her grandparents on Meadow while Mom and Dad were on...
River had been amazing in recent months, adjusting to the big McKesson secrets and adapting to living with and among my family. Trunk had me a little worried. The recent revelation that we might be taking a path he couldn't follow had hit him hard. He had spent too much time considering himself my right arm, and giving his own future little consideration. Perhaps something like this was a good thing. The call of the Shar had come during a time when it would have been easy to grow...
The cheering in the stadium was deafening, and yet still Kenneth Lutz couldn’t hear much. He was too busy coming back to reality and focusing on the fact that he needed to breathe. For seven years Ken had worked his ass off to get to where he was now. Where he belonged. He had finally achieved his life’s dream - sitting on a stage, hearing people chant his name. For one glowing moment in his life, however long it would last, he was the biggest name in eSports. Ken wasn’t thoroughly stupid....
“And that’s it! That’s it! It’s over!” the commentator babbled into their headset. “The match goes to Klutz! I can’t believe it!!”The cheering in the stadium was deafening, and yet still Kenneth Lutz couldn’t hear much. He was too busy coming back to reality and focusing on the fact that he needed to breathe.For seven years Ken had worked his ass off to get to where he was now. Where he belonged. He had finally achieved his life’s dream - sitting on a stage, hearing people chant his name. For...
Voyeur“And that’s it! That’s it! It’s over!” the commentator babbled into their headset. “The match goes to Klutz! I can’t believe it!!”The cheering in the stadium was deafening, and yet still Kenneth Lutz couldn’t hear much. He was too busy coming back to reality and focusing on the fact that he needed to breathe.For seven years Ken had worked his ass off to get to where he was now. Where he belonged. He had finally achieved his life’s dream – sitting on a stage, hearing people chant his name. For...
“And that’s it! That’s it! It’s over!” the commentator babbled into their headset. “The match goes to Klutz! I can’t believe it!!”The cheering in the stadium was deafening, and yet still Kenneth Lutz couldn’t hear much. He was too busy coming back to reality and focusing on the fact that he needed to breathe.For seven years Ken had worked his ass off to get to where he was now. Where he belonged. He had finally achieved his life’s dream - sitting on a stage, hearing people chant his name. For...
My wife and I have had a stressful last couple months, and I was required to go on a business trip to Toronto to attend an uneventful conference. It was a cool mid-November week. And, my wife wanted to attend the conference with me at my side. My assistant had booked a room right downtown near the busiest street in the big town. We were a doorstep away from Younge Street. So, finding a place to have dinner and some drinks was at the tip of our fingers. There was no reason to research the...
True account of how my wife’s long time fantasy became a reality.A little about Deb to start. She’s 41 now but this happened just after her 40th birthday in Toronto Canada. She’s not really changed much in the last 20 years still slim, cute looking and fun to be with. Statistics are 5’3” 32D and short cropped black hair with blue eyes.As a surprise 40th birthday present I decided to take deb away for a few days somewhere nice. I eventually chose Toronto so that I could take her to see the...
It all started when I moved to a new apartment near my college in Toronto. I and my roommates were moving in our furniture early morning around 7 a.m. As we were waiting for the elevator to open, a Caucasian girl in her early 20s’ came out of the elevator in her gym gear. As she was leaving the elevator, there was a moment where I looked at her and she looked at me and there was some kind of connection already. Gradually time passed and I forgot about her. The building I stay in has 35 floors...
DANNA Our eighteenth birthday party on January eighteen was in full swing. The holidays had just ended and we had just gotten a good start on the second semester of our senior year in high school. The Saturday afternoon was cold and snowy outside, but warm and cozy inside in our basement rec. room. With six gorgeous senior girls in addition to my beautiful twin sister, Deanna, my male testosterone level was elevated, to say the least. Their six dates weren't too impressed with the way the...
Ann finally realized she had been laying there till almost noon. The whole ordeal was over within a few hours. But her body still screamed for release. She had held her orgasm back so long, to keep her little body receptive to all the fucking, that now she yearned for a true climax. But how could she achieve it now with all the beasts gone? She thought about her manufactured cock and knot veggies back at home, but that would take too long of a walk. Then she thought about the empty wine...
The It was in the late nineties, 1998 to be exact and I was living in a small apartment in downtown Montreal. I’d been divorced now for over three years after 25 years of marriage. Thankfully my kids had been out of the nest and living on their own at the time of my divorce. Some think I was lucky as after my husband had taken off with a much, much younger woman, as I was left with everything. So after my divorce which was not contested, I was left with our house, the furnishings and our car. ...
The following day being a Sunday, and as I had no plans for the day I kind of took stock of my situation. I had to admit to myself again that I not only liked the slutty life, but actually preferred it to the vanilla lifestyle. My ex husband had introduced me to it over the years, and we kind of lived a double life. Sex with him had been good, we did it in every imaginable way an in a multitude of situations. I'd often taken it up my ass to please him; he was often full of surprises that helped...