Millie's TransformationChapter 2 free porn video

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The four evil bitches seemed to be in a much better mood after the dress fitting. Other than Faye's hand high up on the inside of Millie's thigh, they chose to ignore her while they chattered about how beautiful they all were in the dresses, and how they would each have to show their appreciation to Nick after the wedding. Millie was happy to be ignored but found something very disquieting about the way Balinda, Faye, and Tami talked about showing their appreciation to her father.

After a short drive they stopped at a beauty salon. Millie was ordered into the stylists chair and sat down with much trepidation. When she was young Millie's long hair had been one of the joys of her mother's life. When her mother was sick Millie had made a promise, to herself if not verbally to her mother, to keep it long in her honor. The stylist ran her fingers through Millie's hair, complimented her on how well kept and beautiful it was, then picked up a pair of shears and, holding the hair in a pony tail with one hand, cut it all off at the base of Millie's neck.

Millie sat in the chair in a state of shock. She had trouble getting her breath and, despite Judith's warnings about ruining her makeup, tears flowed freely down her cheeks. To make matters worse the four monsters were passing her 'pony tail' around like it was a trophy they'd taken from a wild animal after they'd stalked and killed it. Indeed, Millie was beginning to feel dead inside. Tami held the long hair, held at one end by a rubber band, to the back of her neck.

"Look," she said as she strutted around the salon, "I'm the little princess now." For some reason her mother and sisters found that to be uproariously funny. When the stylist held the mirror up so Millie could see both the front and back of her head, fresh tears welled up in her eyes. Take away the makeup and, with her hair cut short and styled the way it was, she could just as easily be a handsome young man as a pretty young girl.

"Perfect," Judith declared. Perfect? Millie thought, what was perfect about it? Millie's body trembled with rage. How could they do this to me? Millie felt like she'd been raped more thoroughly than any man could have, and she was still a virgin. As the vile foursome walked her back to the car Millie could feel herself teetering on the precipice of a bottomless abyss of depression. What did it matter if they dressed her like a whore? They'd already ravaged every part of what made her who she was. The girl walking with the mother and her daughters felt 'Millie' slipping away. Could she ever get her back? The last time she had felt this loneliness, this devastating disassociation from her own true self was when her mother died when she was seven years old.

At least when her mother died Millie had a father she could talk to, and who would protect and take care of her. But now her father had already been taken away from her. Shortly after he met this horrible woman, Millie's father had started to change. Now he was completely and totally under her control. Was there anything her father would have the resolve to refuse if this woman decided she wanted him to do it? Millie wondered if her father was now so debased by this woman that Millie herself was no longer safe from him. The true enormity of her helplessness settled onto Millie's consciousness, her body sagged like she was carrying an enormous weight. Faye's hand holding her butt cheek while they walked went almost unnoticed.

The cold air in the restaurant made all ten of their nipples erect and the blouses worn by her tormentors did no more to hide their nipples than the tube top did to hid Millie's. The main difference being the four sluts seemed to feed and grow strong on the lustful stares of the men while Millie shrank from the men's staring eyes. Knowing that they were looking made her feel dirty and violated. When the waitress, a woman of about the same age as Judith, brought water to the table, Millie noticed the unique bracelet on her wrist and, when she moved on to the next booth, Millie turned to get a closer look at the gold bracelet.

"Look at that, mom," Tami spoke loud enough for the people in the adjoining booth, and the waitress, to hear, "Little Lezzy is looking at her butt."

"No I'm not," Millie protested, turning back to face the table, "I was looking at her bracelet."

"Looks like you have some competition," Tami teased her older sister.

"Well, I have my advantages," Faye said as she slipped a hand between Millie's legs. Millie could feel her face turning red, everyone in the restaurant was going to think she was a lesbian tramp.

"What are you doing to her?" Tami asked Faye as she leaned up on her elbows so she could look down at Millie and Faye's lap. "Faye's getting her new girlfriend excited."

After taking the order from the people at the adjoining booth the waitress stepped back over to the one Millie and her stepfamily were occupying. Millie was half afraid and half hoping that she was going to ask them to leave.

"We'll all have the deluxe bacon cheese burger plate, with diet cokes" Judith told the waitress, "and my young stepdaughter apparently would like to take a good look at your ass." Millie hid her face in her hands. "Not that I blame her," Judith continued, "if you don't mind me saying so, you do have quit a nice ass." Now Millie was sure she would be further humiliated by having to walk past all these people after the waitress asked them to leave.

"Why, thank you," the waitress twisted and looked at her own ass, "thank you both," she said putting her hand on Millie's shoulder. Millie concentrated on not going stark raving mad and dashing from the restaurant in a full blown panic attack.

"But why are you looking at an old ass like mine when you have such a foxy girl friend sitting next to you?" The waitress asked after noticing Faye's hand between Millie's legs.

"We're having a little trouble with our dear little Millie," Judith explained placing her hand on the waitress's wrist, "you know how it is when you're young and confused. She's going through a phase where she's trying to pretend she's really not a lesbian."

"That's OK dear," the waitress gave Millie's shoulder a friendly squeeze, "I'm married, but I wouldn't turn down the occasional evening with one of my girlfriends." Millie hated to be touched, whenever she was out in public she was always careful not to bump into people or allow them to touch her, and now there were two women touching her, one of them in the most intimate way possible in a public place. Millie wanted to scream and run from these monsters but humiliation and panic had her throat constricted to the point she could barely breathe.

"You're so pretty," the waitress continued, moving her hand to Millie's cheek, "it's perfectly OK for you to look at my ass all you want to." Millie swayed slowly forward and backward, her eyes rolled upward until only the whites showed, then she fell forward onto the table.

"Oh my," the waitress said.

"She's had a little too much excitement today," Judith explained, "We've been making the final arrangements for my wedding to her father and we probably waited too long to eat. Do you have any tables away from everyone else where she can rest until our food is ready?" If Millie had been conscious she would have been absolutely amazed at the concerned tone of Judith's voice.

"Of course, we have a banquet room over here were not using." Faye and Balinda helped Millie to her feet, then helped their semi-conscious stepsister to be walk as they followed their mother and the waitress.

"My name is Barbara by the way," the waitress said as she pushed the room divider open far enough for her new friends to get into the unused banquet room.

"I'll bring your water then get your order into the cook," Barbara said as she left the banquet room.

"That was fucking brilliant," Judith said as soon as they were alone, "I know the stupid little bitch didn't do it on purpose, but the timing was exquisite and got us some privacy." Millie had recovered enough to hear what Judith was saying, not that Judith cared whether her soon to be stepdaughter heard her or not. Balinda and Faye helped Millie sit in a chair and leaned her forward to rest on the table. With a flash of clarity Millie realized that Judith did not even consider her to be human. To her future stepmother Millie was no more than a possession to be tormented and tortured for entertainment, just like a child pulling the wings off flies, and to be discarded when she was tired of her games just like the child would discard the mutilated insect.

"I wonder if she's smart enough to be trained to faint on cue. That might come in handy in the future." Faye sat beside Millie, put an arm around her and looked concerned while Barbara distributed the water glasses on the table.

"Your food will be ready in a few minutes," Barbara said, leaning over and rubbing gentle circles on Millie's back with her hand. "I'll bring it in as soon as it's done," she assured Judith, then left the room. Judith pulled Millie up from the table and against the back of the chair, then slipped her hands down the front of Millie's tank top covering both of her small firm breasts with her hands.

"I bet Barbara would love to suck on your nipples. Maybe if you offer her the opportunity she'll let you play with her ass." Millie tried to pull away and was slammed back against the chair. "Never," hissed Judith in her ear angrily, "never pull away from me, or anyone else I say can touch you. Judith pulled the top of Millie's tank top down exposing the young girls small firm breasts, then pinched and twisted Millie's nipples. Exposed to the cold draft from the air conditioner and the experienced fingers of the older woman Millie's nipples and areola crinkled and hardened while Judith and her daughters watched.

"Let's see if we can get these little tidbits really hard before Barbara comes back. Balinda, why don't you and Faye have a little contest to see who can do the best job of getting our Little Lezzy hard," Judith pulled her hands away and made room for her two daughters to suck and manipulate Millie's nipples. Judith sat beside the three girls, Tami sat on her mother's lap and the two of them cuddled intimately while they watched as Balinda's and Faye's mouths and fingers worked Millie's nipples. Both of them smiled when an involuntary moan came from deep in Millie's throat. Millie didn't want to have her nipples sucked on by two of her monster stepsisters, she didn't want to be sitting in a restaurant with her breasts exposed while future family members abused her for their pleasure, but despite her unwilling participation Millie's pussy was getting wet, she could feel it soaking into the ribbon between her legs that passed for a crotch on these shorts. The moan from deep inside her body surprised Millie as much as it surprised her four tormentors.

"Just look how excited she's getting," Tami said, "I knew the little slut was a lesbian." Millie's eyes were vacant as she leaned her head back and moaned a second time even deeper and more guttural than the first one. Hearing the clanking of dishes just outside the room divider, Balinda and Faye, let Millie's nipples slip from their mouths then pulled the tank top down around her waist leaving the top half of her body completely naked. The cold air hitting Millie's saliva coated nipples caused them to harden almost to the point of being painful. Millie looked around the room at her soon to be family then down at her breasts, her mind was a blizzard of confusing thoughts. She hated what they were doing to her, but she didn't want them to stop leaving her aching for more attention.

"Shit," Barbara said with a rattle of dishes as she almost dropped the tray she was carrying.

"Really nice, isn't it?" Judith answered as she grabbed the edge of the tray and stabilized it until the waitress could get it lowered to the table. "Don't worry, we'll leave you a regular tip too." Barbara had not taken her eyes off Millie's firm young breasts since she entered the room. Judith pushed her youngest daughter from her lap then stood up and put her arm around Barbara's waist.

"It's a simple trade, she wants to look at your pretty butt and she wants you to touch her breasts." Barbara's hand moved up slowly and gently cupped Millie's left breast, her thumb resting directly on the girl's incredibly hard nipple. Millie had slouched down in the chair while her nipples were being sucked and her legs had relaxed and spread far enough apart that Barbara could see the folds of her pussy and the curls of her pubic hair sticking out on each side of the unbelievably thin crotch of her shorts. The material of the crotch itself was dark with the wetness that had flowed from the young girl's cunt. Barbara leaned over letting her hand move down from Millie's breast. It moved over her belly then slipped into Millie's crotch. Barbara lowered her lips to Millie's already hard nipple and sucked gently while her fingers moved over the wet swollen lips of the girl's pussy.

Preoccupied with the nipple and pussy of the young girl, Barbara was only peripherally aware of her dress being lifted and her hose and panties being pulled off her hips and down her legs. She bent and spread her knees in an automatic reaction to make room for the hand that slipped between her thighs and explored her own rapidly lubricating cunt. In the back of her mind Barbara had doubts about the young teenage girl whose nipple was in her mouth being a consenting participant in this little all girl orgy, but the waitress found the possibility that she wasn't disturbingly thrilling.

"I would love to lick your pussy sometime when we have a little more privacy," Judith whispered in Barbara's ear as two of her fingers slipped into the waitress' well lubricated cunt, "but right now I want my young stepdaughter to have a chance to discover how delightful a woman's fanny can be. Barbara reluctantly relinquished the nipple from between her lips and pulled her hand from the warm wet crotch of the young girl and allowed herself to be repositioned leaning over the table with her naked fanny on display for Millie's lesson. Having her panties and hose around her knees and her dress pulled up around her waist gave Barbara the delightful feeling of being a 'bad little girl' who was allowing the other school children to look at her 'privates'. Judith and Balinda moved the chair being occupied my Millie until she was centered behind the waitress' bare fanny.

"Feel how firm and warm she is," Judith said as she and Balinda each took one of Millie's hands and placed in on Barbara's rear. "Feel how smooth the skin is," Judith continued as they moved Millie's hands for her. Judith released Millie's left hand and placed her hand behind Millie's head.

"Kiss Barbara's warm smooth skin," Judith commanded as she forced the girls face forward until her mouth touched the naked fanny. "Kiss it," Judith ordered more forcefully. Millie puckered her lips and kissed the skin being forced against her mouth. Judith moved her young stepdaughter's mouth back and forth from one cheek of the exposed fanny to the other, commanding her over and over again to kiss it. Millie, deciding that what she was being asked to do was really no more disgusting that kissing a persons cheek, offered less resistance as Judith moved he head. At a nod from their mother, Tami and Faye pulled Barbara's butt apart and Judith pushed Millie's face into the crevice until the girl's lips touched the crinkled brown orifice hidden there.

Same as Millie's Transformation
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For once she was excited about going to work.  She knew who her last appointment of the day was and planned to have some fun. She took special care getting ready, making sure her legs and pussy were smooth and her nails were painted a deep red.  She slipped on her usual nurses uniform but took another bag with her, one that she packed with special things.  She got to work and started her day, going through her appointments with haste, looking forward to her last one.  Just before he arrived she...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Silver Anniversary

As our 25th wedding anniversary approached, my wife Linda and I decided that we wanted to do something more-than-nominally special in celebration. A quarter-century of wedded bliss (and, when we stopped to ponder, we had to admit that, taken as a whole, ‘bliss’ was exactly the right word) had brought us four delightful children, and many good friends (although, to be perfectly candid, at least where the children were concerned, their ‘delightful-ness’ was not always right out front where it...

1 year ago
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A wealthy doctor risks everything for his young daughter. Dr. Ian Tyler was a well known doctor from the east coast. He had married his high school sweetheart when he was in med school. While in med school the couple’s first and only c***d was born a girl they named her Shannon.Four months after the birth of their baby the couple splits up, Ian’s ex took their daughter to the west cost to be raised with the help of Shannon’s new step dad. Shortly after his marriage ends Dr. Tyler was invited to...

2 years ago
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Computer Geek Ch 08

Later that same morning, Scott drove Kate to work before he headed home to catch a shower and change his clothes. He laughed heartily at the fact. ‘I’m lucky I didn’t have a meeting this morning.’ ‘You could always have attended wearing that nice suit.’ ‘No, they will see right through me, so unless you want to go public with our relationship…,’ he paused a little. ‘No, not yet,’ she intervened. ‘I want to keep it between us for now. Just drop me off at the corner, will you?’ ‘Carl knows...

3 years ago
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Parent teacher conference at the adult theater Bu

Suzie couldn't believe she had asked the slut to let her take pictures. She was kind of a mousy girl who didn't have any real friends at the hamburger joint. Ralph who was doing the hamburgers and fries that day and Bobby who was working on shakes and taking the money both said, "We want copies of those pics Suzie. Come on you HAVE to share." Suzie thought about it for a while then said during a short lull in customers said, "I'll let you have copies of the pictures, but I won't send them...

2 years ago
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This story is set in the North of England in the winter of 2009/2010. As any readers from the UK will know, it turned out to be the worst winter in 50 years with snow around from before Christmas and well into the New Year. It was because of those weather conditions that this story occurred. My sister, Anne, and I had never been that close until about 5 years before that winter. She was 3 years younger than me and had had to get married at the age of 18 when she fell pregnant. She married...

3 years ago
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Imaginations Needs Expressions

After the daylong business when I retire at home after my dinner, I usually sit back to relax puffing few cigarettes keeping my laptop open before me and spend some time browsing and goggling. Usually, I go to news, and then some technology based information related to my business and at times when I feel loud shrieks of the silence of night I feel that silence speaks and it’s too loud to encourage you get out of your formal life. I ask what is it all about, and it says ” i am the instinct, the...

3 years ago
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Black Mens Revenge Against White Klan GirlsChapter 2

Three young black men in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania were motivated to take some action following the bombing of the black church in Birmingham, Alabama. One of the men, Tommy, a big coal-black man of full African blood, lost a niece among the girls who were killed. Tommy had been a promising professional prize fighter before a head injury made the doctors bar him from continuing in that sport. Still he had made and invested a sizeable chunk of money before his fighting days were...

2 years ago
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Tara 6 CrossroadsChapter 31

Well, it wasn’t quite a riot; it was more an issue of congestion. At first, most people who came to look at the stall didn’t believe the crystals were real. Then one of Hetty’s regular buyers came over to say hello. “Hey, what’s going on Hetty? Why do you have a stall?” “Hi Arthur, stock clearance. The boss says I have to get rid of this lot,” she said as she waved her hand at the stack of crates behind her. Ricky had hired the tiny second stall space just so they could stack the boxes in...

4 years ago
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Old man spanking and dominating young woman1

As soon as I got off work, however, I immediately went over to his mobile home to see what he meant by “you owe me for this” said to me earlier. He wasted no time grabbling me by the hand and lead me back to his bedroom. As he still held my hand, he sat down at the foot of the bed and lifted my skirt up as well as pull down my panties all the way down to my feet. He leaned my over his lap and began to spank my bare bottom hard with his hand and somehow it was so fulfilling to me! He said,...

2 years ago
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Choosing An Outfit

Tammy was my next door neighbour when I grew up. We went to school together and were very good friends. She was beautiful, athletic and great natured, and would have been the perfect girl for me or indeed any guy. Alan was the son of my mums best friend, six months older than me so like Tammy we were at school together and because of our mums, we saw a lot of each other out of school too. Alan's parents had split up so he spent some weekends with his dad who was a big fan of the outdoors, so we...

2 years ago
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Sharing My Wife Amanda Chapter 5

“I can’t believe you let Philip do that to you!” Dimitri exclaimed in disbelief. “Licking spaghetti sauce off your body while you were tied up was hot, I’ll be honest. But having him jerk off on the food and then feeding it to you? Shit, Amanda! I mean, come on!” . Amanda was blushing, making her freckles look even darker than usual against her naturally tan skin. “Well, it WAS sort of my idea,” she confessed, embarrassed. “Hey, blowing your boss with his secretary standing there was...

2 years ago
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Suspicious Behavior Part 5

I was in a deep sleep, triggered by the combination of the late hour AND the intense orgasm that ended the evening. I was gently and erotically waken by the feeling of my wife's soft, warm mouth on my relaxed cock. It felt wonderful.. That is until my eyes flew open as I realized that I had not cleaned up after our hot anal sex."Hey" I blurted out, "As wonderful as that feels, I'm sure that I'm still dirty from last night.""No baby" my wife confessed, "It is I who is the dirty one.... And a...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Cathy Heaven 11062018

All of the European men’s magazines and websites are abuzz with Dogfart’s arrival in Budapest, Hungary! And Cathy Heaven, a freelance journalist (and “soccer mom”), has just landed the interview of her life! Literally! Cathy’s got Prince Yashua and Jax Slayher in her office, but this interview doesn’t get too far. You see, like most Eastern European women, Cathy’s always had a “thing” for black men — and she’s a self-admitted...

2 years ago
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Watching Her Study Pt 2

“Go on, don’t be shy, there’s no turning back now.” She licked her lips, still flushed, ragged breathing. My initial shot of fear and adrenaline is now channeled entirely to my lower half. She’s right. What more do I have to lose here? So I look at her, lick my hand, get it nice and slick with saliva, then go to work on my painfully hard erection. Stroking my hand up and down as I stare directly at my dream girl. Her eyes have that intense look of fuck-me lust. I run my fingers lightly over...

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Khaandani Randiyaan 8211 Part 13

Maine fir dadaji se bola, “Aap toh kal kuch kar hi nahin paye mere saath. Aap kaho toh aaj aapko bhi thodi shaanti de du?” Toh dadaji ne muskura ke kaha, “Beti mere dimaag mein kuch aur chal raha hai.” Main boli, “Kya hua dadaji?” Iska jawab dete hue woh bole. “Beti, mere potey se shaadi karne ke liye koi ladki nahin mil rahi hai. Woh bhi ab 32 ka ho chala hai. Toh mere dimaag mein aaye din wahi chalta hai.” Toh main bhi dadaji ki dasha ko samajhte hue boli, “Dadaji, aap pareshaan mat hoiye...

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Bimbo Kisses Lollipop Dreams A Platinum ChefDelacroix Side Story Part VI

Chapter 85 Faye couldn't believe his luck. Here he was, one gorgeous blonde riding his cock like the mechanical bull at the Mule Lip, while yet another was thrusting her throbbing moist pussy into his face... ...After getting the mother of all blowjobs. Not the evening I had planned, but not complaining. Bobbie was gonna be angry, but she'd get over it. Besides, it's not like she didn't owe her a little karma. Besides, it looks like she's totes enjoying it. As he came closer...

2 years ago
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The Elevator

Jo had finished a lovely lunch with her husband Dave. But now it was time to head back to the office as she had a 3 o’clock meeting with the board. Dave had some things to pick up from Jo’s office so they both headed through security and toward the lift. It was an impressive building rising over thirty floors. Jo found the rest of the board were also returning from lunch too. Everyone waited for the elevator to arrive.With a loud ‘ping’ the elevator announced it’s arrival. Jo and Dave followed...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner London River Her Perfect Boy Toy

As a family therapist, London River attempts to get to the root of Seth Gamble’s panic attack. He came to her in a frenzy after catching a glimpse of his best friend fucking his mother. London wonders if he is upset with his best friend, or simply jealous that he got to live out his mommy fantasies first. London smoothly shifts from counselling Seth, to seducing him. Everything happens so fast that Seth doesn’t even have time to process the fact that London might have intentionally...

1 year ago
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Suzie had no idea how it had happened. One minute she was at a party, the next she was bound and gagged, in the boot of someone’s car, and being driven around. The ropes around her wrist, behind her back, would not budge, try as she may, and the ones around her ankles were also tight. She had tried rubbing her head on the carpet in the boot, trying to get the gag out, but straps around her neck and also over her head, made sure this did not happen.She tried to think back to what had happened,...

1 year ago
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Real Photo Op

Introduction: Thats what I call family pictures For months my wife begged me to hire a professional photographer to take out pictures. She always said, Weve been married for 7 years and we havent had a good picture taken of us since the wedding. She was right, but I hate having pictures taken of me. Finally, she pulled out the real trump card. She told me if I hired a photographer, she would make me very happy. After being married to her for 7 years I knew what that meant. Very happy would mean...

4 years ago
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Beware the bull

bright source of light pointing to his face. It took him a while to awaken from his slumber and assess his current situation: he was laying on a shabby double bed with two pillows, to its side there was a nightstand with a jar of water, an empty glass, a pill laid on top of a piece of paper and a piece of cake. There was no other furniture in the room. He still wore the same salmon polo shirt and khaki shorts from last night, but his shoes were on the ground by the bed. The questions...

3 years ago
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Hot Doggie 4

Hot Doggie 4. Morning in Octavia's found them still entwined and yet with the conjoined pair Jenny and Marge still partially supporting their single torso on their four arms. It was actually Elizabeth who woke first. She had woken to find Jenny and Marge's shared middle breast still gently lodged between her lips. Her efforts to dislodge it had sent delightful tickles through Jenny and Marge's shared nipple and they had squeaked with surprise as they woke to find themselves sharing...

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A London Train

It was my first time visiting London and I wasn't sure what to expect but luckily I had a couple of female friends who had been there before and said they would love to go again. We had only been there two days and of course the girls had begun planning all the things we should be seeing or places we should visit. I was up for that but the first thing they wanted to do was go shopping! So that was the plan for the day, shuffling through the busy stores crowded with other tourists buying...

3 years ago
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My first day at work

I had never done this kind of work before but all the shows made it look so easy just whisk around the cafe and serve beverages with flair. All my friends told me with my figure it would be so easy to make up for the minimum wage with tips. Even though I am a size 12 with 40 d cup breasts by frequent visits to the gym I stay in excellent shape with a nice firm hiney, with long black hair and green eyes. Any way enough about me back to my adventure. It was the morning rush it seemed like...

1 year ago
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Multiple Orgasms Multiple Histories Part 1

Emma grasped the cock that she had been encouraging for the last fifteen minutes and forced it upright. It was time to fuck it. She knew what she liked and the one she found before her, in the plush hotel room, attached to a hunk of a male prostitute, was just right.There would be no ‘too soft’, or ‘too hard’ stories to be told here. In fact, as far as Emma was concerned, too hard could never be considered as an issue, and she never experienced a too soft either, especially after she had...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Adventures of Sarah and Greg and Lisa

Previously in the Sarah and Greg Series: About a year after Greg and Sarah moved in together, they had a day of living out some sexual fantasies. ("Sarah and Greg's Day of Exploration") During the course of the day, they met Sam and Christina (Chris), who lived several floors above Sarah and Greg. This was the beginning of friendship which has resulted in the occasional dinner or social outing with them over the following almost-two years. While on their honeymoon in Hawaii, Sarah and Greg...

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