The DilemmaChapter 3 Bonnie Chancelor
- 2 years ago
- 21
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As the train rolled through the countryside, Jen realised that one of theadvantages of being unemployed was that you didn't have to travel at the sametime as everyone else. Sure, there were all the drawbacks - her rapidly expandingoverdraft being the most prominent of those - but for now she could enjoy thefact that the train was almost empty, feeling like a private carriage takingher where she wanted to go. She didn't have to worry about finding a seat orbeing crammed in with commuters and instead had a whole row to herself. Indeed,except for the couple of people at the other end of the carriage, she was alone,and she was making the most of it. She was petite, so didn't normally takeup much space as it was, but now she could spread out on the row of seats,resting her legs out on them as though it were one big couch.
The countryside they were passing through was pretty, but it got boring aftera while and she lost herself in her book instead, barely noticing that thetrain had stopped at a small station and then pulled away again. Jen was onlyaware of it when she saw that someone else had boarded and sat down on a seatnear her. She glanced up from her book, wondering why this person had decidedto sit so close to her, when so many other seats were free, hoping it wasn'tsome guy who was going to try and chat her up. She relaxed inwardly when shesaw it was another woman then tensed again, but in a different way, when shesaw how attractive the new passenger was.
Jen had always regarded herself as bisexual, but it had been a while sinceshe'd made love with another woman. Indeed, breaking that long empty streakhad been part of the reason for this trip up to see Kelly. The two of themhad always been friends more than they'd been lovers, even when they were sharinga flat during their final year at University, but they'd both enjoyed scratchingthe other's itch and providing sexual release when there were no boyfriendsaround to do it. They'd not seen each other for almost a year since their graduationand Jen had eagerly accepted her Kelly's invitation to come and visit her atthe different college where she was studying for a Masters degree, a chanceto pretend she was a student again for a few days rather than an unemployedgraduate. Neither of them had said it in so many words - they never did - butthey'd both lamented their mutual lack of sex lives on the phone when planningJen's visit and she was sure that this would be rectified for both of them.
Although Jen had been with many more men than women as lovers, she had alwayspreferred female bodies to male ones and the woman sitting opposite her possessedwhat was easily one of the most beautiful bodies she'd ever seen. Partly becausethe thought of getting together with Kelly again soon was prominent in hermind, Jen found herself continually looking at the woman, stealing glancesup from her book every few moments. The woman was busy looking through papersand talking on a mobile phone to someone, her accent refined and aristocratic,but not disarmingly so.
Her hair caught Jen's attention first - long and a deep shade of red, curlingever so slightly as it flowed over her shoulders. She was in either her late20s or early 30s, Jen thought, but however old she was she clearly looked afterher body and was proud to show it off with its mixture of slim elegance androunded curves in all the right places. She had a beautifully long, almond-shapedface with high cheekbones rising up from full red lips, her skin just paleenough to offset and accentuate the red of her hair. Her clothes fitted herso well they looked as though they had been made for her and her alone - aperfectly fitting white silk blouse that hugged her stomach and then movedout smoothly to show off her full round breasts and tight leather trousersthat seemed to move with her like a tight second skin around long slim legsthat tapered down to stiletto boots made of a matching material. Jen was amazedthat a woman as beautiful as this was even travelling by train - she lookedlike the sort of person made to travel everywhere by chauffeured limousineand private jet.
They stopped at another small station. The people at the far end of the carriagegot off, leaving the two of them alone as no one else got on board. As thetrain pulled out of the station and slowly picked up speed again, the womanfinished her conversation and put the phone back in her elegant handbag, alongwith the papers she'd been consulting. Jen turned back to her book.
'Did you like what you saw?' Jen looked up. The woman was staring straightat her, a smile playing at the corner of her mouth, a glint in her grey eyes.
'What do you mean?' Jen asked her, feeling herself blush, embarrassed atbeing caught out when she thought she'd been subtle. She was expecting thewoman to stand up and angrily walk off to the other end of the carriage, butinstead she just sat there, her eyes burning into Jen.
'I said, did you like what you saw? You've spent the last half hour lookingme up and down, haven't you? Did you think I hadn't noticed?'
'I'm sorry. I -'
'Sorry? Why? Do you think I don't like being looked at by girls? If I didn'tlike it, I'd have got up and moved.'
Jen was dumbfounded by this and couldn't think of anything to say. She couldfeel herself blushing furiously under the woman's gaze and part of her wishedfor the seat to open up and swallow her. Another part of her was intrigued,unsure just what the woman had been implying.
'You are a quiet one, aren't you? What's your name?'
'Well Jen, as you've had such a good look at me, I think it's only fair thatI get a look at you, don't you think? Stand up.'
Jen wanted to protest and refuse, but something in the woman's tone compelledher to obey. She stood carefully, wobbling a little with the movement of thetrain and the shakiness of her legs and took a couple of steps so she was standingin front of the woman. Jen knew she wasn't dressed anywhere near as glamourouslyas her, but she was glad she'd made a bit of an effort with her appearance,wanting to let Kelly know she was looking for sex when she arrived. The womanstretched out a hand and placed it on Jen's hip, causing her to gasp involuntarilyas she softly moved it up her side lifting her short skirt slightly then lettingher fingers slide over the soft wool of her tight sweater. Jen could feel herbreathing becoming faster, more ragged as the woman's hand moved towards herbreast then was quickly taken away.
'Very nice indeed, my dear Jen. I think I'd like to see more and I thinkyou won't mind showing me more, will you? Sit down and remove your shoes.'
Part of Jen's mind was screaming at her, asking her what she thought shewas doing, but she ignored it, feeling intoxicated by this mysterious woman'spresence, knowing that to stop, to refuse, would mean she'd leave her and she'dnever know any more of her, probably never see her again. Jen knew that shewanted to be with this woman more than anyone else she'd ever met before andwould do anything for that. She sat on the seat directly opposite the womanand slid off her shoes.
'Good. Now, you look warm enough, so I think you can remove your tights aswell, can't you?' She was still looking directly at Jen, impassive and almostdaring her to refuse. Jen reached up under her skirt and hooked her fingersinto the waistband of her tights, sliding them down over her smooth legs. Asshe exposed them, she was aware of how imperfect they seemed compared to theleather-clad ones opposite her. As she slid them off her feet the woman heldout her hand, and Jen gave them to her, watching her smile as she put themin her bag. That done, she leant forward and ran her hands down Jen's barelegs, letting the tips of her fingers run along them. Jen watched, seeing theperfect blood red ovals of her nails flow over her skin, a feeling like millionsof tiny electric shocks bursting underneath them.
'And finally, for now, your underwear.' She looked up questioningly at Jen,her hands still gently resting just below her knees, as if she wondered whethershe'd take this final step. Jen breathed deeply and acted quickly before hercourage could dissipate. She put her hands back under her skirt and quicklyremoved the small pair of lacy panties she was wearing. As she slid them down,the woman sat back in her chair watching intently, then taking the pantiesfrom Jen and softly sniffing them before placing them in her bag with the tights.Jen had never been out like this before, naked beneath a skirt she wished werelonger, feeling the gentle breeze that moved through the carriage brush againsther dampness.
'Now, do you taste as good as you smell, dear Jen?' She said, and moved forwardagain, sliding on her seat till she was perched on the end, her legs interlacedwith Jen's rubbing the tight leather against her bare skin. She placed herright hand on the inner thigh of Jen's right leg and slowly moved it up. Jencould feel her legs parting almost involuntarily as the woman's hand movedtowards her wet slit. Their faces were close, so close Jen could feel the softnessof the woman's breath on her cheek, see her flawless smooth skin so close,her eyes still staring deep into her, almost completely unblinking, the softscent of her perfume filling her nostrils. Jen tried to keep her breathingunder control as she felt the woman's hand move further up her thigh untilit nestled between her legs.
Jen let out a soft contented moan as she felt a solitary finger rub againstthe soft lips of her pussy, moving slowly up and down and then sliding easilyinside her. It moved slightly inside her before the woman slowly pulled itout and carefully removed her hand from under her skirt. Jen kept absolutelystill as she watched the woman raise her hand up between their faces. The womanparted her lips and then slowly sucked on her finger, smiling as she tastedJen's juices in her mouth. After she'd sucked it all off her finger she removedit, licking her lips as she moved back to her seat.
'Very nice. Very nice indeed. Now tell me, dear Jen, how far you're planningon travelling on this train today.'
'To the end of the line. I'm visiting a ... friend.'
'Really? Well, I'm getting off at the next station, so you have a choiceto make, my dear.'
'A choice?'
'Yes. You have to decide if you want to stay on this train, carry on to seeyour 'friend' and leave me with just the souvenirs you've given me, or youcan delay seeing your friend for a day and come with me when I get off.' Sheglanced at her watch. 'You have a couple of minutes before we get there todecide, and I want you to remain silent while you think over your options.I shall get off and leave when we get there, and you must decide whether tofollow me or not.'
As she finished speaking, Jen felt the train beginning to slow down as hermind raced through the two choices. Carry on to see Kelly and explain why shewas without tights or underwear and how she turned down this beautiful womanfor her, or abandon her friend for this unique chance? She knew there wasn'treally a choice, and that it had effectively been made as soon as the optionwas given to her.
The train pulled into another quiet station. Jen watched the woman standup and walk to the doors, not even glancing at her as she passed through themand stepped onto the platform. Quickly, Jen picked up her bag and followedher, the cool air outside bringing goose pimples to her bare legs and excitingher naked pussy.
Aside from the woman, there was no one else on the station. The train pulledaway leaving the two of them on the platform. As it left the woman turned roundand smiled as she saw Jen standing there.
'Good. Now we can really begin. Follow me.'
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LesbianA Second Chance By Kelly Blake Edited and Proofed by Drea DiMaggio, Alison Mary and Belle Meade My Owen departed this life on October 31 along with Meg. It was the eve of the ancient Celt New Year. They had gone to shop for a few extra things for our celebration. Returning home, they were the third car through the intersection when a seventy-four hundred pound SUV travelling at sixty miles per hour slammed into Meg's little car. They were taken instantly. Their mortal remains...
The story of my journey from being a nice girl to a slut in high school, and then finally marrying one of the boys to make him my cuckold husband should be both interesting and stimulating to you. My name is Jeannie, and my husband Ed and I are now forty years old and happily married, but this story starts during my junior year in high school.It was in the mid-1980s in Orlando, and I had just turned sixteen in the summer before school started. I had not had very much attention from boys up to...
CuckoldGhost of a Chance Last night, I dreamed of a black horse.Upon waking, I looked in the dictionary of dreams I keep in my bedsidetable, to see if there is any significance to this particular night timevision. It seems a dream of a black horse is a dream of passion. Consideringall that has happened in the past weeks, I am not surprised. Ever have one of those years? When everything justseemed to go to shit no matter what you planned or tried to do? Story of mylife. I am a cautious man by deed and...
Before starting this story let me introduce myself. My name is Ralph and I am a light skinned Black man 24 years of age. I am 6-4 in height and weigh 205. I live in New York City. It was on a Sunday afternoon that I ventured into New Jersey. I had a friend that lived in New Princeton NJ. I spent most of the day there. Then around 5:00 PM as I was leaving , it started raining. So now I am in Griggstown on Canal Road and the car ahead of me skids of the road into the canal. I quickly parked my...
"I don't want to marry you, stupid boy," she said with a grin. "No?" I was a little confused. "No! You seem to have an issue with understanding. I want someone to take me and give me a proper seeing-to, outside, in the fields. Are you man enough, or should I call for further assistance?" I broke my promise to myself, my vow to her father, and my chance to live a blameless life. When she walked out the front door, I ran after her. I followed her to the edge of the wheat field, and I...
I don't believe in destiny Or the guiding hand of fate I don't believe in forever Or love as a mystical state I don't believe in the stars or the planets Or angels watching from above But I believe there's a ghost of a chance we can find someone to love And make it last... Rush, from the album Roll the Bones It was June 10th, and the memories were as sharp and true today as they were five months ago. The ones who didn't understand said that time heals all wounds. Alex didn't...
The man removed his mask, a casual smile on his face. "It is wonderful to see you alive, Mrs. Polanski. You have no idea how much trouble I've gone through to rescue you." He motioned towards Hannigan. "Please, put down your weapons. I only wish to talk." Tamara shook anxiously. Hannigan eyed the armed men a moment, then lowered his pistol to his holster. Victor looked past her, said, "you too, my dear. I know only too well how nervous that trigger finger has been in the past ......
--- Second Chances --- Part 1 Discovery had finally abandoned its restraint of permission. With words flowing mysteriously from her pen, Vera was finding them both innate and yet foreign, like a thing already known and yet at the same time strangely revelational. Neither the bonds of a pastoral father nor her own youthful ideals were shielding her from the assault -not this time. She knew that it had been a vainful refusal to admit to the a****l’s existence. Terrifying yet cunning, it was a...
SECOND CHANCES BY PAUL G JUTRAS I would like to dedicate this little story to the on line TG comics that inspired me. Comic sites such as Venus Envy, Xanny?s Curse, The Wotch, Lean On Me, From Here to Forth and EL GOONISH SHIVE. ---- Spring time had come once again. It was the time of year that depressed Jeff more than any other. Even summer didn?t depress him as much as he did when he stood and the cashier ring up the purchases before him of a woman in a hot pink bikini and...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I always hear the term "dirty old man" referring to a lot of older men that gawk pretty young girls. Well no one really ever mentions "dirty old woman" although there are a lot of us out there. I am one of them myself. Here is my dirty little tale. It was that one summer that changed everything. My husband had died earlier that year and I was left alone in our small country home. My daughter Caroline had just met a wonderful young man whom she would be...
IncestA story of rape and murder. I am a school teacher from a small town. I am black and lucky to have this job. As I am in the spot light, a young transplanted black girl, I must be on my best behavior at all times. I am a lesbian, but I cant let anyone in the community know this. I am 24 years old and I’m getting very horny with no steady girlfriend. I visit many chat rooms on line in hopes of meeting my heart throb, with other lesbians, but all I do is talk. There are many FaceBook groups of...
This story involves my neighboring aunt whose name is Cathy (name changed obviously). She is married and has a daughter who is around four years old. Cathy is in her thirties but does not look her actual age. She has maintained her body well and appears quite healthy. Anyone would refuse to believe her age and that she actually is a mother to a four-year-old.Though it was easy to fall for her beauty, I did not expect anything extraordinary to happen between us, being in the same apartment...
Seduction‘Venus here will choose her dwelling, and forsake her Cyprian groves’ (Dryden) * Jana lived a life of self imposed semi-isolation. She was one of those women who, it seems, having loved once, could not find it in them selves to risk loving again. Having finished studying at a commercial college she had been fortunate in that she got a job as clerical assistant in the staff library of the City Botanic Gardens. It was here that she first met Guy. At that time the Defence Forces had taken an...
“I wonder what her name is,” Damien asked himself quietly as he wiped his face while staring at himself in the mirror. His 27-year-old face grimaced back at him. “What does it matter? The place is packed full of better men.” “Alayna,” groaned a man from the urinals behind Damien. “Ah, yes my friend I know that look. I know that look all too well. Many men have lost their courage in the eyes of the beast.” The man flushed the toilet and came over to the sinks to wash his hands. Damien...