Millies Complete Make Over exteme story
- 2 years ago
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When the door bell rang Millie knew, even before Judith spoke, that she would have to answer the door with her pussy peeking out from underneath her ultra short skirt. Despite her facade of calm, Millie felt like a trembling, scared, child on the inside as she reached for the door knob. The two women standing at the door were complete strangers to Millie. The each held a wrapped gift and were dressed in white dress shirts, thin black ties, short plaid skirts, knee high hose, and patent leather shoes. Millie realized that 'school girl slut' was to be the theme of the party.
"This must be Judith's new stepdaughter," the older woman said as they stepped through the door, "you know," she continued addressing the younger woman, "the lesbian." Millie still wanted to scream 'I'm not a lesbian.' every time Judith or one of her cohorts said that, but she knew it would do no good.
"Walk in front of us," the younger woman said, turning to face Millie, "so we can look at your butt." In spite of all she'd been through, Millie could feel her face burning knowing that these two women were examining her half naked ass as she led them into the front room.
"Welcome to my home," Judith said to each of the woman after they had deposited their gifts on the coffee table. Each greeting was followed by a kiss and a hug that included a few moments of mutual exploration with their hands.
"Get them glasses of wine," Judith ordered after she had finished frisking her first guests, "she is just so clueless when it comes to manners," Judith continued before Millie left the room. At least I'm not working alone, Millie thought as her three stepsisters carried trays of snacks from the kitchen to the living room. Millie poured white wine into two glasses then, setting the glasses on a tray that had been left beside the wine bottle, carried them into the front room. When Millie stood in front of the two women and bent over slightly to allow them to take the glasses, the older woman reached past the tray and gently pinched Millie's nipple through the material of her dress shirt. Millie could feel her face redden as her nipple grew hard in the woman's fingers. The younger one of the two scooted forward onto the edge of the couch then extended her arm and ran one finger gently up and down Millie's pussy lips. Millie, not knowing where to look, stared red faced at the two glasses of wine as these two strange women took liberties with her body.
Millie had been left in a sexually exited state by having been thoroughly fucked by Judith and Ruth Ann after the bath earlier, allowing the younger woman's finger to slip between her swollen, well lubricated, cunt lips. Millie gasped as the finger moved deep into her body. As the finger reached its maximum penetration, the woman's thumb pressed down on her clitoris and moved in small circles over the engorged nub of flesh. The two woman continued to finger Millie's nipples and pussy until they elicited an involuntary hip thrust, at which time they each took a glass of wine from the tray and sat back on the couch. Millie straightened up slowly then looked around the room with obvious embarrassment as she realized that everyone had watched as she had been molested by these women. Millie jumped guiltily when the door bell rung again.
"Put the tray down and answer the door," Judith instructed when Millie did not immediately respond to the bell. Three more times Millie escorted pairs of women into the front room; three more times she brought them glasses of wine on a tray; and three more times she was forced to stand in front of them holding the tray while the woman touched her nipples and pussy. Three more times the stimulation continued, with everyone watching, until she made some involuntary sexual response. Three more times it stopped, leaving her excited and unsatisfied for all to see. By the time the last couple were finished, there were five obviously lesbian couples in the room. During this process Judith had reclined on the love seat, cradled in Ruth Anne's arms and having her body caressed by Ruth Anne's hands.
"Time to open the gifts," Ruth Anne announced to the room in general. Judith's daughters sat in the remaining chairs, Millie looked around but, finding no place to sit, remained standing.
"Hand Judith that one," Ruth Anne ordered pointing to one of the boxes. After only a moment's hesitation, Millie picked up the indicated box and handed it to her soon to be stepmother. Millie moved over and stood beside the love chair so everyone could watch as Ruth opened the gift. Millie had no idea what the string of large beads that Judith lifted from the box could be used for. The beads were much larger and further apart than any she had ever seen on a necklace, and Millie could see no clasp of any kind on either end of the string.
"Ohhh, can we try it?" Judith asked Ruth Anne, sounding like a little girl.
"Of course," Ruth Anne answered, kissing Judith on the forehead, "let's try them on her." Millie had no doubt that she was the 'her' being referred to, and she had no doubt that she was about to suffer some form of humiliation that she had here to fore never imagined even in her worst nightmares. Ruth Anne grabbed Millie's wrist and pulled her over in front of the love seat facing away from her and Judith.
"Bend over," she ordered, "and rest your hands on the table." Millie could feel her face growing red again as she did as she was told.
"Spread your legs a little, honey," Judith said patting Millie's inner thigh. Millie spread her feet apart and, not wanting to look at any of the women gathering around to enjoy her humiliation, stared down at the table. Nothing in Millie's life, not even all the perverted things that had been done to her the last two days, not even having pressed her tongue into the ass holes of five other females, had prepared Millie for the feel of the first large bead being forced inside her rectum. Everyone in the room giggled when Millie gasped outloud. Every person in the room, except Millie, watched as the beads disappeared one at a time into the fourteen-year-old ass hole on display in front of them. With her head hanging down between her arms, Millie lost track of how many beads had been forced inside her body, the rhythmic penetrations of her anus seemed to go on forever. She only realized that it was over when the other women sat back down on the couches.
"Stand up dear," Ruth Anne said with a not unkind tone to her voice. Millie stood up, she could feel the last bead pressing against the outside of her rectum, making her anus twitch repeatedly. Millie felt humiliated, not from having the beads forced into body, but from the excitement she was feeling from being treated in this way. Just imagining what it must have looked like as the beads disappeared inside her asshole puckered her anus and sent another wave of secretions flowing down her vaginal walls onto her protruding lips. She was being corrupted, she could feel it happening. Making fresh resolve not to give into the depraved feelings of excitement, Millie calmed herself trying to suppress the warm tingly sensation spreading up from her rectum through her pussy and into the pit of her stomach.
"Now," Ruth Anne announced as the couples, and Judith's daughters, settled down into their seats, "we are going to play Musical Butt Beads." Millie knew without being told that this 'game' was going to be even more humiliating for her. She just hoped she'd be able to keep herself under control. The last thing she wanted was for any of these women to see her responding to this degradation. Ruth Anne moved Millie over in front of the first couple.
"Bend over and put your hands on your knees," Ruth Anne instructed as she moved Millie into the desired position. "Spread your knees, squat just a little, arch your back and thrust your ass out like you just can't wait for some stud to stick his hard ten inch cock up your delicate little hienny." Millie could feel her face burning again as she moved into what she knew was an incredibly obscene position.
"Now, our little lesbian in training is going to assume this position in front of each one of you. You'll each get to pull one bead out of her ass and who ever pulls out the last bead wins the door prize and gets to reinsert the beads. There are enough beads on the string to insure that she goes around more than once and less than twice." Millie prepared herself for the tug which would open her rectum and pull the first bead out. Instead Millie felt a hand cup her pussy followed by a couple of fingers probing into her cunt.
"Your little slut is WET," the guest said, "bring me my strap on, this girl needs to be fucked and fucked good."
"Nothing bigger than a couple of fingers goes inside her body until I say so." Judith said with a warning tone to her voice.
"And who is going to get that honor?" One of the guests asked.
"Who do you think?" Judith responded.
"Lucky bastard." Millie did not like the course this conversation was taking. The woman finger fucking Millie leaned forward and inhaled deeply.
"I love the smell of hot, wet, virgin cunt."
"I can smell it all the way over here," one of the other woman said, also inhaling deeply. Millie wanted to cover her face and hide. It was bad enough they were forcing her to do depraved sex acts, now they were discussing the smell of her vagina. Because of her humiliation, Millie had totally forgotten about the string of beads buried in her ass until, of course, one was suddenly jerked free causing her entire body to spasm. The hand was removed from her crotch and Millie was passed to the next woman. Each woman in turn took liberties with Millie's cunt before pulling a bead from her rectum. Each bead pushed Millie closer to an unwanted orgasm. The whole bead game became one long haze of pussy fingering and sudden, sharp anal stimulations, the obvious signs of growing sexual stimulation adding to her feelings of humiliation while the humiliation only added to the growing sexual excitement.
Each time Millie moved from one person to the next the tail of beads hanging from her rectum grew longer. It swung back and forth with each step, tickling the insides of her thighs as she walked. Despite Millie's strenuous efforts to control her feelings there came the critical bead, the straw, as they say, that broke the camel's back. Millie's body jerked in rapid fucking motions, thrusting her pussy onto the woman's fingers while a high pitched wailing sound came from her open mouth. The high pitched keening became words, "oh god, oh god help me..." The almost incoherent chant continued until Millie fell off the woman's hand and collapsed onto the coffee table scattering the yet to be opened gifts onto the floor.
"The slut really cums when she cums, doesn't she," Millie barely heard a female voice commenting on her orgasm.
"Come on," Judith said nudging Millie's thigh with her toe, "keep the game going." Millie struggled to her feet, then assumed the required position once again as the guests quickly picked up the wrapped gifts and returned them to the table. Her body jerked with a small orgasmic spasm as the woman pulled the next bead from her rear. Three more sets of fingers explored Millie's over stimulated pussy and three more beads triggered mini-orgasms as they were tugged from Millie's rectum before the last bead reappeared.
"Martha wins the prize," Ruth Anne announced, before she stood up and retrieved the first wrapped door prize from the mantle.
"Put the beads back in," Judith reminded the game winner. Before Millie could escape from the center of attention she was bent over once gain while Martha slowly reinserted the beads into her quivering, over stimulated, asshole.
"Only put half of them in," Ruth Anne suggested, "leave a tail so we can watch it wag when she walks."
"Give your mother the next present," Ruth Anne instructed as soon as the winner of the 'Musical Butt Beads' game indicated she was finished reinserting the beads. Technically, Millie thought as she picked up the next box, she isn't even my stepmother yet. Millie took a step backward when Judith removed the second gift from the oblong box it had been wrapped in. Millie could feel her face burning just from looking at the monstrosity her stepmother to be was holding up for everyone to see. Judith held up a ten inch long life like plastic penis. It was so thick that Judith could just barely fit her adult hand all the way around it. The soft plastic was molded with thick veins running along the sides, the urethra bulged obscenely along the center of the bottom of the cock, and the crest of the helmet shaped head looked like it might scrape tissue from the delicate inner walls of any vagina it was used on. The plastic cock was equipped with a scrotum that seemed to have two massive balls hanging from the cock's base. Millie tried to escape when Ruth Anne pulled her over to stand once more in front of her and Judith.
"Don't worry," Ruth Anne assured the terrified virgin, "we're not going to put it inside you," Millie relaxed noticeably. "At least not yet," Ruth Anne added wagging her eyebrows like Groucho Marx while she held the massive plastic cock like a cigar. "We call this Frankenstein's Dick," Ruth Anne announced holding the plastic monster up for them all to see. Millie spread her legs as soon as she felt Judith patting her inner thigh. Ruth Anne placed the giant plastic cock between Millie's legs nestled up against her cunt and rectum.
"Close your legs," she ordered before releasing her grip. Millie looked down and could see the head, and a little bit of the shaft sticking out in front of her. She could feel the scrotum sticking out behind her.
"Everyone take a number out of the bowel," Ruth Anne instructed passing around a clear glass bowel with folded pieces of paper in it. Our little lesbian slut virgin is going to take your glasses into the kitchen one at a time and refill them with wine. We're going to see how many glasses she can refill before she lets Frankenstein's cock slip out from between her legs. Whoever has the piece of paper with the correct number on it will win the next prize. Just to make sure our little lesbian slut virgin does the best job she can, the winner will also get to lay her over the table and paddle her naked fanny with this," Ruth Anne bent over and picked up a leather paddle that had previously been deposited under the love seat she was sharing with Judith. "We will start out with twenty swats and deduct one for each glass of wine successfully delivered." Millie's entire body was visibly trembling, her mind was numb with fear. Her pussy and upper thighs were covered with a thick viscous layer of vaginal lubrication and she could feel the huge plastic cock slipping already.
"If she touches it with her hands we will add five swats to the total," Millie just barely heard her stepmother's apparent lover finishing the instructions before she reached down and turned the Frankenstein's Cock on. The plastic dick between her legs vibrated with a loud buzzing sound, at the same time it squirmed between her thighs like it had suddenly come to life. As it squirmed and vibrated the crest of the cockhead repeatedly pressed against Millie's clitoris while the other end pushed the beads dangling from her fanny up against her ass sending waves of vibrations deep inside her rectum.
"Better get busy," Ruth Anne said picking up her glass and handing it to the dazed fourteen-year-old girl. Millie could feel all the eyes on her as she walked, taking small careful steps, toward the kitchen. Half way there she had to stop while orgasmic waves crashed over her body causing her muscles to contract and relax rhythmically, a moment later she walked again even more carefully than before. The entire game became one extended orgasm for Millie. She could not keep track of how many glasses she had filled, or how many more needed to be filled. All she was aware of was the long, endless trips into the kitchen and back, her body becoming more and more spastic as orgasm after orgasm wracked her muscles. No longer able to hold the squirming, vibrating plastic cock between her thighs, Millie felt it slip lower and then fall to the floor with a loud thump. Millie slowly collapsed onto the floor beside it and wept.
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Millie's pussy was wet again. Ever since her last stay with Uncle Biff, it had moistened at least once a day, and sometimes more. Without Uncle Biff being there to sort it out for her, she'd found she could do something to help with just her fingers. Before she'd left, Uncle Biff had promised that next time she came to stay with him, he would make sure she had no problem with a wet pussy and no way of sorting it. In the meantime, he suggested, her brothers might help, or even her father –...
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Millie is a plain girl-next-door you would not notice twice. Though she had a petite and attractive body, she hardly ever found a guy to her taste. Most thought she is a too shy and introverted. But in reality, Millie had fetishes including handcuff fetish that often threw regular guys off-track. So, every time she started dating a guy, eventually they would run away as soon as she disclosed her kinky side. It was getting frustrating for her so she decided to look for guys specifically based on...
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Millie’s mum was also called Millie and that could be confusing except for the fact everyone called Millie the daughter “Little Millie” and they called her mum “Big Millie. It was somewhat of an amusing circumstance as “Big Millie” was tiny in comparison to her daughter. “Little Millie was quite tall and had a humongous appetite that caused her to have self-described “big bones” in full explanation for her size. It was Little Millie’s rear-end that made her distinctive when viewed from behind...
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Lately, I’ve read a couple of stories about power struggles between spouses where a dare or challenge occurs in the presence of others and the wife is under the gun to have sex with another man. Both the wife and her husband each has can say no to the challenge and end the conflict, but each doggedly insists that they won’t be the one to back down and that the other must. The back-and-forth verbal daring goes on and on until finally, the wife fucks the guy.Reading them brought me back to...
Wife LoversStumpsChapter 1: The Marathon Early morning, southern California in early autumn, a lovely crisp Saturday, perfect running temperature. Her first marathon, now just ten minutes to the starting gun. Carrie had wheeled up and down the sidelines to warm up, felt reasonably composed mentally, and ready physically. She glanced down at her registration number: she'd registered at 00:01 hours on day one, hoping to get a single-digit bib. Almost. Thirteen wasn't bad, she had always as a k** felt it to...
Ma: Kitni der ho gyi abhi tak aaya nai, college bhi band ho gya hoga tabhi Door bell bajti hai tring.. tring.. tring.. tring..! Ma: woh kaha chala gya tha kabse tera intazar kar rai hu time dekha kitne baje hai Beta: Kya Batau Mummy Dosto ke sath cahala gya tha wise bhe 20 minute hi to late hu Ma: 20 minute bahot hotein hai Beta: Mummy are jitna tu intazar kr rai thi mujhse milne ke liye uska double intazar kr raha mai tumse milne k liye.Ma ko gle laga liya aur ek tight kiss dekr mummy ke...
I was one lowly human, with great perversion in my head, u til I found out I was God's Experiment, or more likely: His Stooge. This is Essentially my own Life in different universes, and I Aim to fuck more than my share of beauties. (Authors Note: This was Inspired by Khan's Story, it is not intended to be a cheap knock off or a reproduction.)
Gina awoke in the dark. She was groggy, disoriented. Herlast memories were indistinct, but her tender pussy testifiedthat she had indeed been fucking someone. She tried to moveand discovered she couldn't. Her hands were tied above herhead somehow and her ankles were also secured. Fear washedover her. Where was she? She realized she was naked undersome sort of coarse blanket and there was a sensation ofmovement, as if the whole room were rocking. She assumed itwas the scotch she had so freely...
My colleague does not give me rest. He doesn't get tired of me, we have sex almost every day. I practically don't have sex with other people, it just happened twice, when a friend lent her friends to me, telling them to stop by my house. I usually prefer to be the one to bring them, but I haven't had time for that.My colleague invited me to spend a weekend with him in a hotel, he had managed to get rid of his wife. I accepted, it always tastes good. On Friday night we had a good fuck, but on...
Hi Again. This is Raj from Guwahati again with my Second story. Thanks to all for the emails to my first story. Well this incident happened around year 1999. I was19 years of age at that time but had already had sex a number of times with another lady who taught me all about sex; Which I will narrate some other time. Coming back to this incident, A few months later, a new family had come to stay near us on rent. They were 4 in the family. The man, his wife, a boy and a girl. The man had started...
Pretending to be a Girl By Sissie Maid Cuckold "Gerald...things have to change around here...I am serious Gerald...if they don't change, I am going to leave you!" "What do you mean honey, what, what is it?" "You have been out of work for five years now while I work a full time job and a part time job." "I know honey but you know there just isn't any work out there, I have tried!" " haven't tried. I see...
Exhausted from a tough week, Twin sisters Samantha and Hannah decided to go out of town with their gal pals for the weekend. They booked a flight while their friend Jessica booked a hotel for their stay and after much comparing & contrasting, they all settled on Miami, Florida; a welcome escape from the cold rain of Seattle, Washington State all the girls lived in. Samantha & Hannah laid out the plans for the weekend as the girls waited to board the plane. "Tonight girls," Samantha...
The next morning, one of the Crow women approached me hesitantly and touched my hand. That was the signal my wives had worked out to let me know she had agreed to be with me. She was the leader of the women from the first village we had raided and she was nervous. “Relax, I’m not going to hurt you. I want you to enjoy this,” I told her comfortingly. Afterwards, I hoped none of the other widows were in the cave or they would have thought I was torturing the woman. She was a screamer and...
Cuckold Creampie For this third movie, a new cum slut is humiliated and used by Mistress Lia as She fucks Devil Dan. This time, Mistress Eden joins in to add a new dimension in slave control and abuse. Devil Dan's balls get extra swollen from the two Mistress attention as well. Scene one features a giant load generated into Mistress Lia's pussy hole and fed by both women to their little bird mouthed submissive. This after considerable oral service from him. The two Ladies take him into an...
0003 - Conner- Thomas 0667 - Marco - Brown 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0778 - Jan 0098 - Lucy 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick 0908 - Tara - Mara 0125 - Lars 0999 - Zan 0200 - Ellen 1000 - Sherry - ...
My name is Marcus and I am 29-years-old. I have very short dark hair with light blue eyes and a small nose and mouth. I am quite muscular and work out a lot. My best friend is Paige, a 25-year-old girl. We have known each other for a long time and get along really well. She has blonde hair and dark eyes, covered by smart glasses. She has a pretty mouth that I have always thought would look great sucking me off. We were in the friend zone, we hung out, chatted and told each other about our sex...
BDSMI had to waddle my way back to the car through the mall thanks to the toy wedged in my bottom. As is typical for mall shoppers though, no one even gave me a second glance. I’m not sure they would have had I been naked from the waist down with the toy sticking out from me. “How much do I owe you for everything, Jess?” Emma asked. “Nothing, it’s our treat,” Jess said. “Really, I want to pa-” Emma started to say but Jess cut her off. “It’s not up for discussion. They are all gifts. I know...
Sometime during the night, another co-ed had snuck into Phoenix and Devon’s room in the sorority house and inserted herself into the lovemaking that the threesome had been engaged in. Amazingly, she’d brought two things with her when she arrived – her bathrobe and her test results from the day before. Both were quickly dispensed with. This time, Devon and Phoenix watched carefully as Dave gave Bonnie Lou something called The Experience. They all cuddled the naked co-ed to them awaiting her...
My wife and I enjoyed our shopping outings at the adult store, conveniently located a mere 2 miles away, with other shops within a reasonable drive. It was to the point now that she did not even wait for me to accompany her, she was happy to shop alone. My wife had a knockout body to start with.....a statuesque figure of 6 feet, 165 lbs. and a full, firm 38DD chest. A pure delight viewing her in sexy lingerie, or even nude, she upped the stakes in her slave attire. In a harness or any other...
It was a Friday evening, I was bored. I lived on my own and I was single and it was raining quite hard, my girl friend and I had just broken up the week before, and I was feeling lonely, and there was nothing of interest on the TV, so I decided to go to the local cinema, but there was nothing on that interested me. So I decided to go to a local porn movie theatre close to home as it was easy to get to from my apartment, and afterwards I would then go and have one of my favourite curries in the...
Meeting Hannah SisyphusI hadn’t been to New York City in over twenty years, and in fact, rarely leave my off the grid cabin in Maine for any cities. I shop at a local food co-op in our small town, pick up mail at the post office, sometimes get a bowl of soup or a cup of coffee and exchange greetings with friends and neighbors then head home, happy to drive down the long dirt road through the woods and walk the path up to my quiet life.I had just completed a book of poetry and my brother told me...
Straight SexToday the guys pick up this petite chick that was down to play our fun game for some extra cash. We find out her name is Aria Skye and that she was simply walking around the artsy part of wynwood before we stormed in with questions and cash. We quickly got her to do some fun things before we get her to flash us for 10 seconds. We got her to hop inside shortly after the flash and let her know the real deal. We tell her about a running bet to see if JMac can actually make a girl cum by licking...
xmoviesforyouAfter having three three-ways the weekend of prom, Suzi had wisely pronounced we would not have another one until our last day of school. I was feeling a little nervous about even doing it then, but then Joey offered to let me fuck his ass right before we did the three-way. He offered it jokingly, but when I didn’t immediately decline, he made it clear I could if I wanted to. At the time, I didn’t know what I wanted, so I just agreed knowing they wouldn’t hold me to it if I didn’t want to...
I was dreaming … once again, dreaming about that nameless, faceless guy who made me feel as if I was the most precious thing on the planet. We were making love, and I was sitting on top of him, grinding my hips against his, my nipples hard as they rasped against his cotton polo shirt. Except, this dream was different from before, this time, I knew who he was. As I had this thought, I heard myself moan and realized that the rough material against my breasts was real. My eyes snapped open, and I...
One night my mom came home wearing a skirt that exposed her butt cheeks. She took off her panties, sat down on the edge of the couch, spread her fat thighs and told me to EAT WHILE ITS HOT. All I could see was thick white cum covering her big hairy pussy. There was some of it hanging off of her huge three inch clit making it look like her little dick had cum. Before she could get upset I dove in face first and licked and sucked for all I was worth. In between my slurping I could hear telling me...