Fifth Avenue Transit
- 2 years ago
- 35
- 0
People wandered into and through and out of the house. It was our first annual open-house birthday party.
Getting people to come to this one was easy: they wanted to see Jacob, just nine days old.
All three of our kids' birthdays fell in less than a three-week span. Given that we are homo sapiens, I discounted an annual cycle and chalked it up to chance. It was attended by relatives, neighbors and friends.
Alexander and Melinda each had their own parties with their own friends. He was five and had an idea who his friends were, but we still assisted three-year-old Melinda with picking hers.
They each requested, actually demanded big brother Harry the Babysitter, that was his full name as far as they were concerned, be in attendance.
Harry insisted on bringing along Nancy and Justin completely on his own - after I had a conversation with him about it.
Any party we held that included children included my other three kids and also Betty, under her official name, Harry's Mommy.
All five children loved each other and loved to be with each other. I give Karen a lot of the credit for that.
We were lucky they were the first to arrive. Alexander and Melinda were doing the home equivalent of, "Are we there yet?" They started right after breakfast with, "Are they here yet?" We must have heard that at least a hundred times in less than four hours. With their arrival came blessed relief.
Betty looked at us and a range of emotions played across her face like the views of a hologram seen from different angles. It wasn't difficult to read. I had seen them before. Looking at the five of us, a happy, if noisy, family seemed to bring her a unique kind of pain. She knew, but for her own actions, it could have been her in that portrait instead of Karen.
She had seen both Karen and me with the look. Betty said she would give anything to be the giver and recipient of the look. She had come to terms with her actions over these five years, but the look and the fulfillment Karen and I represented this day would pain her until the day she died.
She said it softly, but Karen and I could hear. "This could have been mine."
It was wistful and rueful. It reminded me of the exchange we had last time she brought Harry and his siblings over to baby sit.
"You've come a long way, Betty," Karen told her. "You've taken control of your life. I think you're ready to move on when you get the chance. We wish you the best."
Betty glanced questioningly at me.
"We," I confirmed.
"It's a shame it took me so long to grow up," Betty said. "I'm forty-one. I don't know how many right men are left to come along. There may have been a good supply when I was half this age. But a lot of them have been taken in the interim. Some had to face life and they're no longer the right men as a result.
"Randy could have been one of them with all I did to him."
Karen put her arms around me from behind and rested her chin on my shoulder.
"I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am to have this man. I don't mean anything by that, Betty."
"I know," Betty answered.
"I just can't believe how lucky I am to have him in my life." She tightened her arms a bit.
"There you go projecting again," I said.
"See?" said Karen.
"Yes," whispered Betty.
It was Betty's week, but she let the children stay after the party to be with their brothers, sister, Dad and Mommy Two.
We returned them at bedtime. I drove our Honda Odyssey.
I told Karen when we bought it, "I hate to be driving something this big. It feels emotionally almost like a recreational vehicle to me. I'm trading it in as soon as they come out with it in a hybrid."
So, all eight of us made the trip to Betty's house. Our three were asleep when we got there.
Karen and I took Harry, Nancy and Justin to the door.
Betty smiled as she welcomed the children in. Her eyes were moist, but not overflowing.
"It's like a Tim Burton version of A Christmas Carol, combined with Groundhog Day," she said. "I keep getting to see Christmas future and there's nothing I can do to change it."
"Are you okay, Mommy?" asked Nancy.
"I'm okay baby. I'm just happy to see Daddy so happy with his nice family."
"Our kids are pretty special, too, Betty," I said.
A tear wandered down her cheek.
Karen squeezed my hand. As we turned to head back to the Odyssey, she leaned against me and I put my arm around her.
Karen was five months along. I find pregnant women intensely appealing. They give off a feeling of hope and possibility and renewal. They confirm the elegance of nature. Tell me I'm with my pregnant woman, and I need none of the other elements which ordinarily make a situation erotic. We were walking back to her house one afternoon. I stopped near the corner and turned to her to rub her belly. Her condition was unmistakable. She made a satisfied sound that came from deep within her throat....
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ExhibitionismThis is the fifth story of many real stories I have to share. They are in order here: are real events that happened to me personally, however since they happened at various points throughout the years, I might forget a detail or two and I might make certain details a little more grandiose. But all of...
‘Hi, Jan.’ ‘Oh, Alex! Just a sec… Okay, so I see you’ve signed up to bring a dessert-y thing to the company picnic. How many family members will be coming, too?’ ‘None. I don’t have any family.’ Jan blinked. ‘Girlfriends are okay, too.’ ‘None of those, either.’ ‘Okayyyyy…’ Jan’s look must have implied mental gears shifting. ‘I’m not gay, either,’ Alex said with a little chuckle. ‘I didn’t think I could be that far wrong about you, but… If not that, well, it makes you not having a...
Alex’s senses were flooded with goodness. His wife had just put a plate of pancakes in front of him, slathered with butter, real maple syrup, and finely chopped macadamia nuts. He lingered, taking in the sight and the smell of it, before moving in with knife and fork. ‘Tuck in, honey,’ Janine encouraged. ‘You might need all your strength. I figure it’s today or tomorrow.’ ‘I sure hope it’s today. I’ve been three days without, and that’s longer than any stretch since before we were married.’...
‘Touchdown! Again!’ Alex was a happy fan: his team was dominating their traditional rivals on Monday Night. Life was good. His rather pregnant wife, Janine, was reading nearby. ‘Hurray for our team,’ she said amusedly. She was no football fan, but never begrudged that Alex was. She was a terrific wife in many ways, not the least being her extraordinary hypnosis skills. Janine’s talent as a hypnotist and Alex’s talent as a hypnotic subject made their sex life extremely interesting. ‘What’s the...
As it was getting close to Karen’s birthday, Susan and I had different ideas about what to get her so we decided to ask Karen one evening if there was anything she would like. So the following Sunday evening while we were all together I explained to Karen that neither her mum nor I could agree on what to get for her birthday and we were keen to know if there was anything special she would like. Karen told us that instead of us buying her some clothes or jewellery she would be happy if we could...
Following the exit of Camilla Cabello from the girl group the rest of them felt betrayed. After going through almost five years of ups and downs the 5H star decided to ditch the group for her own spotlight as well as not attending any of the groups meetings. Camilla had handled the situation like the spoiled brat the rest of the group had believed she became. They were tired of her selfish entitled attitude and we're ready for nothing left than the ultimate payback.
I finally gained enough strength in rehabilitation to come home after open heart surgery because of an open lesion caused by MRSA. I had found out at an earlier time that my wife had let an old boyfriend blackmail her into having sex with a black man to gain a new job with the firm that the man was an HR representative with. My wife had agreed to this because she felt that I had done her old boyfriend maximum harm when she had her first one night stand with him. My wife told me she...
I was like a kid excited about opening a present when Lynne held my hand and walked through the living room and into her den. I entered her den. My eyes widened. Sitting on the couch was a naked PAWG with shoulder-length blonde hair. She was around my age and had a shaved pussy with saggy D-Cup tits. Nice large areola's with erect nipples. I could sense by her smile that she was so fucking ready to play. "Her name is Ashley," said Lynne. "She gets very little sex from her husband and...
"And goodnight to the old lady whispering 'hush.' "Good night stars. "Goodnight air. "Goodnight noises everywhere." I knew Justin was asleep. He would definitely have joined in with "hush," had he been awake. He was already past three, but I suspected I might have to keep reading him Goodnight Moon until he graduated high school. I put down the book, turned out the light and headed to the kitchen where Nancy was studying at the table. Earlier, she had told me she needed some...
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"Regular. The caffeine won't keep me up." We were in her kitchen. She hadn't mentioned a brand and I wasn't enough of a coffee aficionado that it made any difference, but I hadn't acquired a taste for decaf. "Artificial sweetener and milk would be nice," I said. She puttered around, taking things out of cabinets. The water was heating in the coffee maker. "I think I have some things figured out. You have a way of putting things that is very revealing, probably. Everyone...
A week later she was in our training room showing me her outline for the course. I asked appropriate questions and she gave appropriate answers. We spend a few hours in there going over the materials and as the day waned, employees trickled out, wishing us good night, until only the two of us were left. There was nothing in our behavior to suggest that this was anything but a strictly business relationship. And it was a business relationship, just not strictly. "I don't want to stay here...
It takes a lot of preparation and the right mindset to become a successful undercover operative. It turns out it can be child's play in comparison to carrying on a successful affair. When you're undercover, everyone you would normally see or work with knows not to expect you. You're in that character almost all the time. When you're having an affair, your wife expects to see you on some sort of regular basis. She will notice if you don't come home. Neither will it escape the kids'...
It didn't happen that night. Of course there was no way to know that immediately, so we just carried on as if we were doing it to have fun. Around a month and a half later, I arrived with more paperwork to review. Actually, it wasn't paperwork. Everything was electronic with appropriate security and encryption. What do you call it? "digiwork?" Not really the point, I guess. When she opened the door, Karen looked different. She was relaxed, but then she was always relaxed with me. She...
In the beginning, I'm not sure we needed a marriage counselor so much as a referee to break us apart in the clinches. We had so much anger there wasn't room for much else. By the third session we were able to listen without attacking, though the anger bubbled just below the surface. Andrea played a short film for us about nothing that had to do with us or our relationship. Then she gave us each a pad and pencil and asked us to write down ten facts about what we'd seen in the film. It...
Betty realized the inevitability of a divorce from the day she confronted us in front of Karen's house. A no-fault with both parties agreeing required a waiting period of ninety days, so four to five months was the fastest it could be accomplished. If the defendant objected, the wait would be two years. The sessions with Andrea were designed to help us deal with issues other than the fact of not being married. It was three weeks from the last session and Betty wanted to meet to discuss...
In addition to being very good at reading people, Karen was an excellent therapist. No, she didn't act as my therapist for anything in our relationship. That might have been unethical and certainly would have been a bad idea. But she did help me with my understanding of revenge. The thought of carrying out some fiendish, painful revenge on the two live sperm donors was very satisfying as was the thought of making Betty pay. "Suppose you could humiliate her thoroughly. Imagine a party...
"He says he's too busy to see you." "That's not a problem. Tell him I'll be at his house tonight to discuss the matter with his wife whether he's there or not. Goodbye." She relayed the message as I turned and walked toward the door. "Wait! He didn't realize he had an appointment cancel. He can see you now." I almost laughed. He didn't know how important to me it was to protect the kids. Could I do a sufficient acting job to fool him? Hell, I had convinced Russian black...
Cooperation between Betty and I continued without a hitch. Each time I saw her, I could see a sadness in her eyes and it gave me a little satisfaction. It also gave me a little dissatisfaction with myself that I could enjoy her suffering. But each time a strength and determination to recover from her self-made unhappiness also showed in her. It gave me a little satisfaction that I was happy to see her on the path to recovery. It also gave me a little dissatisfaction that I could have any...
Karen was very close. This baby would not be spending much more time inside her. "I thought I was going to piss myself I was laughing so hard when Randy asked Lisa to have that 'officious functionary' taken into custody for contempt of marriage. "The look on the nurse's face when Lisa started with, 'Ma'am, I'm afraid I'm going to have to have you taken into custody.' "All of the pain was gone for those few moments." Karen was recounting the events leading up to Alexander's...
Janice was the cute girl down the street, a sweet teenager that seemed so very innocent and nice. While I had never met her, I knew who she was because I had met her mother in passing on several occassions. Often, Janet and I would exchange casual waves as we passed each other on our quiet little street of modest houses. Janice had long blonde hair and was a very attractive young lady. She always wore fashionable jeans, a bit on the tight side which showed off her model-like figure. She was...
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First TimeAdam finally catches up to me from across the street, and immediately smiles his fakest, most disgusting smile he can muster, letting me know that once more he’s simply looking for a “good time”. I sigh mentally and smile back at him while biting my lips, letting him know that I was all up for it, and his smile grows even wider. “So, what are you up to today…” He begins, but I don’t waste any time. “Call Robert, James and Geoffrey if you want me. Meet me at my house in ten minutes, or I’m...
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School started and we talked to our advisor about ending our high school careers as soon as we could. Of course, why came up. I said, "Missus Calhoun, we are easily scoring perfect one hundred's on our tests and take advanced placement classes. What would the remainder of this year much less another complete year accomplish? Neither of us fits with high school kids though we don't have any problems with them. Our interests are not aligned with them. For me, I don't have much hope until...
After spending the night with Robert, he brought her home the following morning, glad that she got home before her ex called to tell her he was bringing her son home, she didn’t want him or her son to know any of her business or where she was the night before, she didn’t want to have to do any explaining. She sat back and thought about her night with Robert, her pussy still tingling from the fucks and licks he had given her, wow, it was so good! Her ex dropped her son off a little...
Hi friends. How are you..I hope ki sablog ache honge Jaisa ki aaplog mera name jante he honge. For new readers , It’s rakesh kumar, age 23. Average and fit body with handsome face. Actually I am from assam but abhi mai bihar me rahta hu and bussines karta hu.. If any aunty, bhavi or girl want real sex Then you can mail me. Aaj mai story batane Ja raha hu yeh story 3 months pahle ki hai ki kaise maine padosh ke bhavi ko choda.. Uska name thi pinky. Age 27. Size 36-30-36. Dekhne me bahut h...
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Elizabeth could hardly breathe, her heart pounding, her body shivering against her wet clothing. She knew she must hurry home to get dry clothes for herself as well as the baby. She turned and grabbed up the torn and tattered willow bark basket, taking it with her as she hurried up the trail toward home. God had answered her prayers in such a wonderful, miraculous manner. The glory and magnitude of what had just taken place before her own eyes was still hard to believe. But she held her...
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Hello friends, welcome to you all again in my sexual erotic gay sex story. I hope you all enjoy the previous parts of the story – Me and Uncle PART1 and 2. I recommend you to all my sexy guys, ki first aap ye do kahaniya padhe aur uske baad ye kahani ko read kare jisse ki aap full enjoy kar sake aur ek continuity bhi bani rahe. I entitled this story as “The Lesson of Masturbation” because in this story I explained you that how my uncle taught me masturbation technique in his erotic way. This...
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So, in the first week of November the madness began; I had become an unfaithful wife; a slut, a harlot.I had started an affair with one of our closest family friends; a man we had known well for nearly twenty years, whose family we had shared holidays with, Christmases with and who was the father of our kids’ best friends.Already in an unexpected state of arousal brought on by the erotic story I was writing on a journey home from London, I had bumped into Tony on the train and had spent the...
CuckoldHe finally found a place to sit down. His legs were tired and he could hear the music just as well when not on them. Then he noticed a guy on top of a girl under a blanket right next to him. It was obvious from the movement that his dick was pumping her. She was pretty and her eyes were closed. Big smile on her face as she passively took his thrusts. The guy finished and struggled a bit to get his dick in his pants before emerging from under the blanket. Moments later another guy whispered in...
Kimber Woods GAPES her ass for Dredds MONSTER dong! Dressed in a plaid miniskirt with black fishnets and a tiny black top Kimber bends her back to push out her booty as she smiles for the camera. She shakes her ass while making her way around the pool then stares at you with her amazing green eyes before pulling her panties to the side so tempt you with her holes. Dredd joins her on the couch and plays with her titties as she rubs his thick dick through his shorts then he pulls them down so she...
xmoviesforyouAfter my gift to my husband opened my eyes to new and exciting pleasures, we tried many things. Bondage, roleplaying, costumes, and tried any position we could think of. It was a most wonderful experience for me, but then my birthday came. After he had asked for such an unusual gift, I felt the need to ask for something special myself and I cannot think of what I want, so I ask him to surprise me.We are in the car, on the way to a place I do not know. I wear only my ankle bracelet, heels,...
Dear Doreen,You've always looked so beautiful on your knees, smiling up at me, my cock in your mouth, my balls gently cupped in your hand, your lips glistening with my precum as I stoke your blonde hair and looking lovingly down at you wishing it was me wearing that sexy black thong and bra that you are wearing and sucking cock, lovingly looking up at my man.Everytime you let me cum on your face, over your lips and i cannot wait kiss you and feel my own cum all over your face and wish I was...