The Knight and the Acolyte Book 8 Chapter 9 The Knight s Passion
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Wednesday May 28, 2 PM to Dinner
As we planned, I picked Li up at her house at 2 in the afternoon to start our 24-hour date. By 2:45 she was naked, stretched out tight on the tension table, screaming with orgasmic delight. I was on my knees behind her, eating her pussy like a fiend and making her the best kind of crazy before I fucked her. I wore ear plugs to protect my ears from Li’s high-pitched high-decibel screams of pleasure; I was confident it would happen.
I should backtrack a bit.
Li serviced Larry and his uncles with her smile at the law firm, that was why whores get paid, but she hated all of them profoundly. So a week ago when I got Larry fired and then put him on the floor with a hard punch caught on video, she was so happy she promised me a special fucking date: 24 hours of exclusive use of her body, no charge, doing whatever depravity upon her tender flesh that I desired, alone or with others. I could have taken advantage, for example I had to throw my soldiers a gang-bang bachelor party for Tango’s wedding. But Li was valuable to me as a spy so I always tried to treat her better than she thought she was worth. I made plans for a great 24-hour date in three phases, all different, all with my cock having lots of fun inside her happy places. It was a date that would make both of us very happy. Plus, it would cement our strong relationship like superglue.
I told her what to pack, and what to leave behind, while I made some arrangements.
When I pulled up to her house Li was so anxious for our date that she rushed out to my Porsche before it stopped. Carrying a flight bag with a change of clothes, she was wearing a skimpy bikini top, a short denim skirt without the benefit of underwear, and lace-up-the-calf sandals (I call them “bondage triggers”) with medium heels.
A long time ago I gave up thinking about logic in woman’s footwear, it was enough that Li looked real good to me, and that her footwear was secure. Plus this presentation made me think of securing my little darling tightly on one of my sex-bondage devices. She would leap at the chance. No doubt that was part of her idea when she made the offer - she likes my devices.
She knows my wicked ways so well.
Soft squeals of delight started when she deduced, after only a few blocks, where I was driving. She has been to my Casa Grey before and knows where I keep the good stuff to hold a woman’s body tight as I have fun with it. My mansion is in the pricey part of a very expensive zip code. Li knew I had a room full of wonderful sex toys large and small so she expected her private parts to be played with in delightfully obscene ways. Whether it was just me playing with her goodies or a crowd of total strangers with me just looking at her displayed body, she didn’t care as long as we were using her for our mutual pleasure. She was “oh so horny” and knew I would see her hungry kitty pleased “for a long time.”
I made good time, about 18 minutes from her curb to my driveway that time of day. I swear that I thought about stopping every time I came up to a stop sign or light.
Li gets naked for a living. Knowing her wicked ways I had to get the Porsche into the garage, with the door closed, extra fast, because Li was determined to launch her naked self into my arms as soon as possible. My neighborhood’s watch is always watching. The rich old prudes use high-powered binoculars suitable to Rommel’s Afrika Korp Panzers and they do not take kindly to public nudity by young foreign-looking chicks with A-cup tits who are less than 5 feet tall so they look like they are underage and imported for immoral purposes. They have “911” on speed-dial.
(Naked old rich folks with dementia who somehow wander into a fully fenced yard always get a pass as long as their manicure looks good; it is the ultimate sign of wealth. The cops on patrol in our neighborhood carry extra bathrobes.)
Fortunately, the low slung car means I didn’t have to raise the garage door all the way when I pulled in; being only part-way open helped get it closed just in time.
Still, Li’s top and skirt were off and her car door was open before the garage door fully closed.
Li is quick, as soon as I closed my car door her naked body was on me like python, with her arms and legs wrapped around me tight, taking the the hot kisses she loves to get from me. Since she is a mouth-whore we don’t kiss at work unless she has not started her work day; she makes the most out of “clean” chances like this. Who can blame her?
She is small and light, so we kissed for awhile, then I started to move from the garage into the house. Lightweight Li did not bother to let go. Zar was waiting to open the door into the house, Li’s clothes and bag could stay where they were for now. Li was still clinging to me, keeping lip lock when Zar opened the door to the playroom where the toys were. The garage full of expensive vehicles did not distract Li, but the mirrored playroom full of sex toys and sex machines that could be used for her pleasure or pain finally loosened her python hold on me.
She gave the contents of the room a hungry look. “You have a lot of fun stuff in here ... are you going to stuff ALL your naughty little whore’s fuckholes real good boss?”
I put my hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eyes to make a point. “Listen carefully, for our time together you are not anybody’s whore, you are my treasured girlfriend-of-the-day and will be treated as such. So yes, you will get the full service all-around stuffing my girlfriend deserves. Here and other places. This is a date, remember?”
I loved the way her smile brightened when I said that. Happy and Hot! What could be better?
Li had been punished by a rough life, every dollar she ever earned was from whoring herself, most of it on the cheap, to people who could not get release except by paying for it. Until we met she had never fucked anybody she liked, and had never enjoyed the act. Her current job was much safer and gave her a large, steady paycheck plus fringe benefits (health insurance with top dental, sick days, regular vacations, etc.) instead of bruises. She had become the #1 whore in the firm’s stable, even though she had the smallest tits and frankly was the least attractive. Her success was because she was hired to pleasure 80 lawyers, most of whom were top-tier dedicated assholes, and she always did a great job; she made them happy and made them think it was her pleasure to serve them with her smile, and swallow like they were doing her a favor. All of them were married and fucked each other’s wives on a regular basis, so there was a civility to her treatment in the office. During so-called “coffee breaks” (a term she despised) Li made a show of sucking their jizz out so their wives did not have to, 40 or more hours a week.
Li works her hours mainly during weekends, putting 40 hours plus overtime in between Friday morning and Monday afternoon because the bosses find she gives the lawyers a reason to come into work for more billable hours. By special arrangement she is allowed to sleep in the building when “off the clock.” While she does not have a curvy body with big T & A, she is our best at doing what she does.
We both knew that her time living in this relative comfort was limited, her employment contract precluded her from taking the usual way out by marrying a good guy. Dating boyfriends was a firing offense under her contract. So, for that matter, was dating the firm’s lawyers like me. The service girls were essentially whores with tight, empty pussies. But she needed my reassurance of her personal worth more than anything. So I laid praise on her at every opportunity, I made her feel special, and I was the only one who did.
I am not a nice guy, I do this out of purest greed. Knowing people’s desires and feeding their deepest needs was the way I kept useful people loyal to me and manage those around me. Li was a whore for money but I could not pay her enough to buy her loyalty. I had to get to her priceless, downtrodden soul. So I speak the words, and follow-up with acts like this unimaginable date. At the end she would see the shadow of my profound love that, like a shadow puppet, was not really there. Her sincere glowing smile said I was getting what I wanted; the poor creature loved me with her whole heart, and she loved me knowing I could never marry her. So she was my most devoted spy. In 24 hours her feelings towards me would be even stronger because I would say a magic word, adding to our relationship. It was a dirty job, but somebody had to stick their cock into her and give her climax after climax, taking all the extras she gave that made the experience so much more.
She walked around the playroom, like a kid in a candy shop overrun with beagle puppies. She pressed her naked body against sex machines large and small like they were lovers waiting for her to choose them. They all promised such delights, where would she start? She could spend a week in the room and not do justice to everything.
Well, we both knew that no matter what toy or machine she started with, there was one piece of fucking equipment I knew she would use. I tore off my pants and got the star of her show naked for her delight.
Some equipment Li knew from experience, some she had seen in pictures, and some, like the wheel I used to take Cynthia’s ass last week, new to her. She had a hard time deciding what she wanted first. But she came back to the tension table the third time with an expression that said, “Please?” She had seen it in pictures and now she wanted to be used while feeling securely stretched and fucked in it’s tight embrace.
Like Gracie and Sam before her, Li thought it was the perfect start to sex with me. Well, based on those three votes, I knew one of the items I was giving Tango and Bente for a wedding present come mid-July.
Li quickly got strapped in, the gloves took just a moment to figure out and her feet stepped into place like the shoes were made for it. Her frame was much smaller than Sophia’s; this morning my uncle’s wife had been the last person to be stretched under tension while her husband tried to fuck a baby into her. Adjusting the machine to fit Li’s tiny frame took just moments.
Li was anxious to embrace the tension so I ran it to the green levels on the dials and got the height right to slip my cock into her. She was entirely supported by the machine, and bent forward presenting her body in a way that most women could not handle. Her pussy was presented like an exotic flower overflowing with juicy desire as soon as she was strapped in tight. Then as soon as she was sure I was going to stick it in, I decided to change things up on her; I got down on my knees behind her and lightly ran my tongue along the edge of her labials. Of course she howled at that and objected that I should never be on my knees for her, and I should never service her pleasure with my mouth. “That is my job,” she screamed.
“You are not on the job, remember? You are my girlfriend and I think you have a very yummy pussy. I am your outlaw boyfriend who eats your yummy pussy because I dare to. So now I am going to enjoy eating you crazy for a bit.” Which I did.
I also snuck a rubber on my cock, it would blow her mind later.
A woman’s moans and groans can be theatrical or sincere, but they are really a poor measure of how a person is feeling. Heart rate, BP and the like, those give a better reading. I read the screens, Li was really getting wound up by my oral service. Of course, a lot of that was pride, she really did not think it was right for me to do this to her. But I could tell she was really enjoying it too.
After I had drunk all the excess pussy juices from her slit, I was ready to try my next little detour.
“My, what is this pucker I see back here? I bet it has been scrubbed clean. Am I right?” With that I rimmed her little butthole, pushing almost hard enough to enter.
“Yes ... like you said ... No ... NO...” she cried. “It is too much,” she protested. “You are too important to do ... FUCK that is good!” The gauges all jumped into the red as she reacted.
Well, that was fun, but I really did not want to hurt her, and more than a few moments risked damage to something. I had made my point, she was special enough for me to rim; that would be food-for-thought over many nights. With the point made I stood up, put my cock at her entrance, and slid in to enjoy the fit. She was very tight from lack of use.
She really wanted me to stick it in, all the gauges and her moans of pleasure agreed on that. She was still putting out a lot of natural lube so the entrance was very easy despite how wonderfully tight she was for my cock.
(As a working mouth whore, the only vaginal penetration she is allowed is a few toys when the senior partners want a show. Even then, they don’t want her. But an outlaw like me doesn’t follow those silly rules. I am the only guy to get into her pussy in the last year and a half. We enjoy a fuck-date once or twice a month. That really is not enough use to expand her naturally tight hole, or to meet her needs.)
I gave her a few strokes, to make sure the position was right, I also set a finger tip on her rosebud to get her thinking I might put my cock there. Once she was set I held myself inside as I ramped up the tension on her body into the yellow range on the dials. This machine allows the tension on the arms and legs to be done independently without moving the pussy or rosebud of the person strapped in.
Li’s giggles were replaced by serious moans as the tension ramped up. She was good with a little tension while I was inside her pussy, the tension readings were just inside the yellow, so she was held very tight. But her medical reading said she was not getting any excess overt pain. It was less tension then Gracie took our first time, but pampered Gracie asked for some real pain, she wanted to dive completely into the new experience, in part because she was not sure about surviving it. Li had been close to the edge often enough in her old life. For Li the big appeal was that she was held tight, unmoving and under tension, while I did all sorts of pleasures to her tiny restrained body.
Pleasure her did I, the gauges told the story.
I hate to be predictable. I wanted to get Li off fast and hard, again and again. So as soon as everything was set right I stroked my cock in-and-out of her pussy about a dozen times, increasing the pace and the pleasure with each stroke. Then I shocked her and messed with her mind when I pulled my cock out. The suspense lasted for a five count before I again applied what Li calls my “wicked tongue” to her good parts for a moment. I loved how juicy she was when I started working my mouth magic around her alert little clit. Li responded like I had zapped her with an electrical current, only in a good way.
I just stayed out for 15 seconds or so, then my cock went back into her.
Zar was watching us in case I needed another hand. I had already written to the manufacturer that the one issue I had was the inability to access or employ the victim’s mouth while they were in the machine. It would be so nice to have Li service Zar with her mouth, or maybe have Zar eat her while I fucked her mouth. I admit it was not a big flaw, and I did not see any easy solution, but one never knows what creative people who designed the device would come up with.
What Zar did have access to was Li’s unprotected nipples.
Zar was not in my house the last time Li was here. In fact, Li had never been with Zar, and I had not introduced them today, Li was too eager for my cock. Zar was dressed in a long skirt and t-shirt, it was clear she had no bra supporting her heavy breasts. But she knew what women liked. The third time I did my “pull out and nibble” routine, when Li was struggling with her own body in reaction to her pleasure from my mouth, I motioned Zar to handle Li’s yummy little tits.
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Book Seven: Illusory Passion Chapter Six: What Shadows Hide By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Knight-Errant Angela – The Halani Desert “Oh, I am going to spank that slut,” Angela fumed as she pulled the final piece of hide over the frame of their tent. “Where did Sophia get to?” “Snuck off with my wife,” Chaun answered, lounging on a pile of supplies. He strummed his lyre. Angela frowned as she straightened up, fixing him a hard stare....
Book One: The Quest Chapter One: The Descendant of the Lilies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Notes: Thanks to b0b for the beta read! King Edward IV – Shesax, the Kingdom of Secare The scented, anointing oils still glistened on my forehead, slowly drying as I stared up at the winding stairs climbing the Lone Mountain. Behind me, the city's bells rang in celebration of my coronation. It was tragic that my father had died young, but it meant my reign would be spectacular. I was...
Knight Kevin – The Free City of Hargone Angela’s face hardened at my pronouncement of her crimes and the declaration that her name was attainted and stricken from the rolls of the Knights Deute. The wind from the desert whipped at her fiery hair. We stood on the outskirts of Hargone, the Halani Desert’s sands only a block away. Crowded tenement buildings made of yellow-white mud loomed around us. The pedestrians on the streets hurried inside, leaving it empty. I didn’t care. My focus was on...
Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Squire Angela – Shesax, the Kingdom of Secare My metal armor clinked as I circled Kevin on the training sands at the center of the Chapterhouse of the Knights Deute. The sun was warm, glinting off Kevin's armor. He wore a man's armor, a full breastplate instead of the half-plate I wore that left my midriff bare and revealed a large swath of my cleavage. His torso was covered by a skirt of banded mail. He did not wear his helmet, and his gorgeous...
Book Three: Barbaric Passion Chapter Two: Incubal Desire By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Journeyman Mage Faoril – The Village of Etian, The Magery of Thosi My hand slid up and down Xera's cock as the elf squirmed on the bed. Her head tossed back, her green hair swirling about her shoulders while her large breasts jiggled. I had a firm grip on her cock, my hand sliding up her shaft. It was one of the most fascinating cocks I had ever...
Book Four: Song's Passion Chapter Four: Song of Unbridled Lust By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Acolyte Sophia – Lor-Khev, The Magery of Thosi The minstrel's music soared through the common room, his voice a honey purr that even excited me while his fingers expertly played the lyre. I had not heard the like since the night an Azian Bard had played at my mother's estates. The music shuddered through me, my body growing hotter and hotter. And while the minstrel was undoubtedly a...
Book Six: Heart's Longing Chapter Four: The Virgin Shaman By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Xandra – Black Glass Aerie, The Island of Birds The dark, misty clouds swept across the jungle below. I crouched on the ledge, watching the rain-laden clouds rush across the island. They washed like gray surf around Mount Peritito just below the lowest part of the aerie. I peered at the clouds, trying to spot the travelers through them, my fingers...
Book Two: Magic's Clash Chapter Six: The Grieving Mage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Journeyman Mage Faoril – Esh-Esh, Magery of Thosi My head lay on the rough wood of the table watching the retreating barmaid. The world was blurry from my drinks. I couldn't believe this day. How could it keep getting worse? I failed my test, I lost my dream, I was broke, and now I owed an inn money for food and drink. They would throw me in...
"Anoint her and give her a Quest!" screamed Vivian, her voice muffled by the knight's tangy pussy and thighs sitting on my face. My face was smeared with pussy juices. Knight Angela was a squirter. I did love eating pussy, but now my insides twisted as I awaited to hear what horrible Quest she received that would drag me away from the temple for weeks or even months. "Let it be easy, Saphique," I prayed into Angela's pussy. "And I'll be the most faithful priestess ever. I'll...
Book Ten: The Flaming Woman Chapter Six: The Flaming Woman By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Knave Angela – The Altar of Souls, The Princedoms of Zeutch My demand hung in the air as I advanced on Lady Delilah, emotions swirling wildly through me. I had so many questions about all the strange things that had happened since my Quest's start. And she would give me answers. My hand fell to the hilt of my sword. I didn't care that she was a senior Knight Deute. I didn't care that she made...
Book Eight: Labyrinth of Love Chapter Four: Taming the Rakshasa By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Thrak – The Free City of Hargone I clenched my fist as I marched across the deck of the Golden Hunger. The pirate crew scurried around us, preparing the ship to cast off from the river docks of Hargone. We would put out into the Elba River and sail north through the river's mouth and into the Nimborgoth. A northeast course would takes us to the...
Book Three: Barbaric Splendor Chapter Five: The Barbarian's Wife By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Thrak – Red Eye Tribal Lands, Larg Federation “Which woman is it?” I asked my dead wife. “I do not know,” Serisia answered as she slipped to the ground before me. “But one of them will rescue your grieving heart.” “Never,” I answered as I stared down at her pale face framed by light-brown hair. The bone piercings adorning her ears,...
Book Four: Song's Passion Chapter One: Elf in Heat By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Chaun – Lor-Khev, The Magery of Thosi The tavern watched me, enraptured by my song and skill. My fingers danced across my lyre, a far too fine instrument for the rough Maiden's Cherry, while my words echoed through the common room. It was a bawdy song I played—the high epics of court would not go over well here, even with my skill. The men, mostly farmers...
Knight Kevin – The Free City of Grahata, Yalut Island The night wore on as we stood our watch in the overgrown Labyrinthine Gardens. The trees and bushes were so thick, the stone buildings of Grahata were completely obscured. There was almost no light, the night sky half-overcast, the moon struggling to shine through black clouds. But our eyes had adjusted to what light there was. The entrance to the labyrinth was a dark pit before us, faint stairs slowly merging into the black. My five...
Book 5: The Vault's Treasure Chapter Eight: The Sphinx and the Concubine By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Incessae – The Free City of Raratha My wings fluttered with excitement as the Doge bellowed for his guards. The reputation of my sisters and me combined with the Doge's base greed spurred him into action. He feared Angela claiming the piece of the High King's sword. “We must be smart,” I said to the Doge. “Angela and her companions...
Introduction: Xera returns home to her pregnante elf-wife and wonders if she should continue on the quest. Meanwhile, Sophia studies in the library and Angela enjoys the hermparoditic delights offered by the elves. The Knight and the Acolyte Book Two: Magics Clash Chapter Two: The Elfs Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Knight-Errant Angela Northern Deorc Forest, The Federation of Deoraciynae I cant believe you want to go another round, I gasped...
Book Three: Barbaric Passion Chapter Seven: The Mage's Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Journeyman Mage Faoril – Ghost Wolves' Tribal Land, Federation of Larg As the lust died down in my body, the powerful orgasms fading and leaving behind buzzing bliss, confusion gripped me. What had just happened? One moment, Thrak was a berserker fucking me harder than I had ever been taken in my life. And then...he changed. He kissed me now,...
Wednesday May 28 and Thursday May 29 If the first act of this date was high-tech in my house, and the second act was high-style in the Blank, the third act in our date was the other end of both scales, something as primal as possible: sunrise in the wilderness. I have an old friend named Diego, he is a lawyer in his sixties with an expensive hobby: flying bush planes. He used to spend summers in Alaska flying crazy folks into places without airports; that really did not make money but he...
Book Four: Song's Passion Chapter Eight: Ooze's Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Knight-Errant Angela – The Lost Mines of Khragorath, Fallen Kingdom of Modan At an intersection, just as Azken promised, we found the rest post at the start of the mines. It was carved into the side of a natural cavern, a monumental edifice that seemed to sprout naturally from the rougher walls of the unworked stone. Shafts drove off in several...
Book Two: Magic's Clash Chapter Four: The Mage's Ordeal By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Fireeyes – Southern Edge of the Deorc Forest, The Kingdom of Valya I smiled as I watched my fire, witnessing what the wyvern's saw dancing amid the red-orange tongues. My three wyvern slaves had tracked down Angela and her party. The first wyvern dived at the naked Angela. She was a ravishing creature: red hair, large breasts, flawless skin, tall and sexy. She stood over the bound form of the...
Book Four: Song's Passion Chapter Seven: Dwarf-Queen's Hot Demands By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Xerathalasia – Ruins of Khan, Kingdom of Haz I smiled as I led my party into the ruins of the dwarven fortress of Khan. The wide entrance that pierced the thick, stone wall led to a courtyard. The ground had been covered by paving stones, yet despite that plants and trees had grown. The tree roots buckled up the thick paving stones. Swaths...
Book Eight: Labyrinth of Love Chapter Two: Cuckolded by the Orc By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Xerathalasia – Uchmehn Oasis, Halani Desert “What is this trick?” Asma asked, the petite, ebony-skinned girl frowned as she stared at me stretched out naked in the new tent. Her head cocked to the side, then she glanced at Minx who had a mischievous grin. At a glance, Minx looked like a child next to Asma, the halfling's head coming up to...
Book 5: The Vault's Treasure Chapter Six: Catgirl's Claws By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Thrak – The Free City of Raratha I eyed the raucous, rickety tavern Minx led me to. It lay on the southern edge of the harbor, the stink of the sea, a mix of salt spray and sour mud, assaulted my nose. The tavern's entrance was a ratty sheet of cloth nailed to the door frame which may have once been white, but now was a grimy gray, the tattered...
Book Six: Heart's Longing Chapter Two: Dirty Mage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Journeyman Faoril – The Golden Hunger, the Nimborgoth The spurt of hot cum into my pussy triggered another orgasm. It was a small one do to my exhaustion. I had cum so many, many times this night, letting pirate after pirate fuck me. Use me. The pirate atop me grunted, his eyes rolling back in his head. I stroked his pectoral muscles as my cunt spasmed about...
Book 5: The Vault's Treasure Chapter Four: Halfling's Nubile Harem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Xerathalasia – Road to Yevix, Magery of Thosi I crested the hill and smiled at the thick, blue river widening across the broad, flat plain. It was far thicker than the Ichir River we had ridden past for the last five days since leaving the village of Lor-Khev. Where the Ichir flowed into the broader Royton, a large city, Yevix, marred the...
Book Seven: Illusory Passion Chapter Four: The Shaman's Threesome By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Thrak – The Golden Hunger, The Nimborgoth “You don't need her,” Thyrna purred into my ear, her naked body drapped against mine. Round breasts and hard nipples, the right pierced by a magic nullifying ring which perplexed Faoril. Hot cunt ground on my muscular thigh. We lay on her bed in her dim cabin aboard the Golden Hunger. “She's so...
Book Seven: Illusory Passion Chapter Two: The Shaman's Struggle By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Xandra – Baraconia, The Island of Birds I blushed the moment I stepped into my room at the Pirate's Noose, the inn in which we were staying the night in the city of Baraconia. It was the final shock of a day of shocks. Faoril was on her knees before the hulking, naked Thrak, his cock thrusting swarthy and hard before him thicker than my...