1 Stormy MondayChapter 34 free porn video

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Woman, I know you understand
The little child inside the man,
Please remember my life is in your hands,
And, woman, hold me close to your heart,
However, distant don't keep us apart,
After all it is written in the stars...

(From "Woman,"

-- John Lennon.)

Patty Robinson was doing her best to burrow underneath the covers of her bed.

It was the weekend after all, and she couldn't understand why she kept waking up this early. She'd just be drifting off when the patter on the glass somehow changed in volume or pattern, and she'd find herself awake again, listening to the sounds resonating through her window.

The last awakening seemed even more permanent, as she huddled inside her cocoon of sheets and blankets, trying to block out all sight and sound. The knocking of the rain seemed really loud now...

She heard her bedroom door open, and realized it hadn't been the rain knocking this time.

"Patty?" her mother called softly.

"Moooom," she moaned sleepily, "I don't have school today... go away!"

"Honey, school isn't why you need to get up. It's something else."

She folded down the blankets to expose her head, red hair going in all directions.

"What?" she asked, looking bleary eyed at her mom.

"Look out the window, dear."

She stared at her blankly, before shaking her head and slowly rising to a sitting position.

"The window?" she asked.

"Yes. Get dressed. I'll go get some towels and dry clothes ready." With that, she turned and disappeared out the door.

'What the fuck?' Patty thought. She slid off the bed and went to the window that overlooked their back yard. She blinked at the morning light, looked outside, and gasped.

Her parents had never taken down the swing set that she'd played on growing up. It still got some use when they had visitors with young children. It was mainly still there because the back yard was huge, and no other needs had come up that needed the space it sat on.

Bobby Taylor was sitting in the rain on one of the swings, in jeans and a t-shirt. As she watched, he gave a desultory push with his foot, swinging himself slowly. She could see that his clothes were soaked through, clinging to him as he rocked back and forth, oblivious to the morning chill.

It was a good thing her mom had told her to get dressed, or she would have run out in her pajamas. She scrambled around to find jeans, a sweatshirt, and tennis shoes, and ran downstairs. Her mom met her in the kitchen, where there were sliding glass doors to the back yard. She lifted a large beach towel from the top of a tall stack, and handed it to her daughter. There were some clothes of her dad's in another pile on the kitchen table.

"There's hot chocolate over on the stove," her mom said. "Don't sit out there with him while you talk, dear. Drag him if you have to, but get him in here to dry off. I'll be down in the rec room if you need anything."

She turned to leave, but then stopped for a moment. "Patty... try to find out if his parents might be worried about where he is, and make him call them if they could be. We wouldn't want them to worry needlessly, like... other times... when he's been hurt."

Fully awake now, Patty looked at her mom and nodded. She agreed that Bobby had to be hurt somehow, to sit out there like that. And she certainly knew about the other times he had been hurt. Giving her daughter an encouraging smile, Mrs. Robertson disappeared down the hall.

Patty slid the glass door open and slowly walked to Bobby. He had been staring sightlessly at the ground, but looked up at the sound of her approach. He gave her a completely mirthless smile.

"I'd hug you, but I'd get you all wet," he said softly.

"Like I'd care?" she said with a warm smile. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Well... thanks, Patty. Can I come in?"

"Of course! There are some dry clothes and hot chocolate waiting for you."

Bobby grinned, and this time his smile just barely reached his eyes to lessen the dullness of his stare.

"Your mom, right?"

"Right," Patty replied with a grin. "Some things never change, you know?"

She saw some of the light in his eyes retreat again. He nodded somberly but didn't reply.

"Come on in," Patty said tenderly. "Let's get you dried off."

She held her hand down to him, which given the difference in their size was largely symbolic. He grasped her hand gratefully, and followed her inside.

After Bobby had stripped and finished toweling himself off, he'd changed into the jeans and sweat shirt from Patty's dad's closet. The sweatshirt fit fairly well, and it hung down far enough to conceal the fact that Bobby couldn't button the pants. His own clothes were now tumbling in the dryer.

He and Patty were sitting at the kitchen table, holding steaming mugs of hot chocolate with a few miniature marshmallows floating on top. Patty's mom had been providing them with hot chocolate since they were little, seemingly whenever the temperature outside was less than sixty degrees.

At Patty's insistence, Bobby had called home to let his parents know where he was, in case they needed to find him. He could hear in his mom's tone of voice that she could tell something was up. But she'd accepted his story of dropping into Patty's house to 'say hello' at face value.

The two long time friends were sitting in companionable silence. Every now and then Bobby would unconsciously let loose a long drawn out sigh. Patty ignored them, and waited for him to start talking about whatever was bothering him. He had mentioned a few days before that he and Sammy would be staying at the Simpson's overnight. So she had a least some idea of what could have caused him to wind up in her back yard.

"Patty... I know you'd tell me... if I was being stupid, right?"

Patty chuckled softly.

"You know you can always count on me for that," she replied with a smile. He smiled briefly in return and shook his head.

"Besides," continued Patty, "after all the help that you and Collette have given me and Morton lately, I'd say I owe you guys at least that much."

"Thanks," he said sincerely. "Anyway, Collette and I... well, I don't understand."

"Understand what?" Patty asked gently.

"She's telling me that she loves me. But she's also telling me... she's going to date other people when she goes to college. And I don't understand why she would do that."

Patty raised her eyebrows at him. "There had to be more to it than that," she observed. "Why don't you tell me about it from the beginning? You spent the night with her last night, right?"


Patty listened attentively as Bobby recounted his morning conversation with Collette. She asked a few clarifying questions. She raised her eyebrows again, when she learned of Bobby's summer school plans. Eventually she felt she'd heard enough to get the general idea of the problem.

"So," she summarized, "she said she didn't want to date other people, but she wouldn't promise you she wouldn't date other people, and she didn't want you to promise you wouldn't date anyone else either?"

"Right. You see? I mean, how fucked up is that?" he asked plaintively. "How could she say she loves me, and then say that?"

Patty sighed slightly. Could she explain it to him? She had to try...

"Bobby... for her to say that, to me, it would mean... that she must love you... very, very much."

"What?" asked Bobby in disbelief. "How do you figure?"

She sighed again. "It means that she hopes you will stay together. But she's telling you, that if you decide you would be happier with someone else... she will step aside. She wants whatever is best for you, even if it means that she will lose you... even if losing you would hurt her very much."

"But then why would she not want me to try to get us back together in school, sooner?" he asked in exasperation. Patty smiled somewhat sadly at him.

"Bobby... it's a lot like what Morton said to me, when we had our big fight. I told him I was going to go see you. And he said, and I could see it was tearing his guts out to say it, that if I would be happier with you, happier than I would be with him... that he wanted me to stay with you."

"He said that?"

"Yes. And after I calmed down, I saw it for what it was. Like Collette said when I came to see you guys, she said Morton had fucked up, big time," she recalled with a smile. "But even though it would hurt him to see me leave him, he still wanted what was best for me."

Patty moved closer to Bobby and put her hands on his shoulders and looked him squarely in the eye.

"That's why I said that what Collette was saying to you... meant that she loves you, and will do what's best for you... even if you don't realize... yet... that it really is what's best for you."

He sat looking back at her, trying to come to grips with what she'd said.

"Why can't I decide for myself what's best for me?" he asked in frustration. "You did, right? You decided to take Morton back."

"Yes, I did," Patty agreed. "And you can do the same."

"What do you mean? She said she didn't want me to try to join her in college faster, and that she was going to date other people! How can I take her back when she left me?"

"Did she say she didn't want to be with you anymore?" Patty asked calmly.

Bobby squirmed under Patty's patient gaze. "Well, not exactly, but it's the same thing!"

"Bobby," she said as kindly as she could, "you're being stupid."

"I am not!"

"Yes, you are. She's telling you she'll stay with you, as long as you want her to."

"So am I!"

"No, you're not. You're telling her you'll only stay with her, if she agrees with your plans. You're telling her: 'it's my way or the highway.'"

"She said she won't promise she won't date other people!"

"And she told you why. Tell me again. What did she say?" she prompted him.

Bobby stewed in silence for a minute. Eventually he muttered reluctantly,

"She said if she promised me that, then she knew I wouldn't date anyone either. And that I'm too young to do that."

Patty smiled at him. "And you are, you know. You're too young. So is she, really. But she sees something in you that she hasn't found with anyone else before. So she's willing to give staying with the younger guy a shot."

She leaned forward and kissed Bobby on the forehead, then drew back and smiled at his anguished face.

"So... are you going to give her a shot? Even if it's not exactly the way you'd like to do it?"

He sighed yet again, shaking his head. "I hope she'll still want to. I... I said some pretty mean things when I was mad at her."

"Well, I've seen you beg for things before," Patty said teasingly. He snorted.

"I'll never understand women," he groused. Even as he said it, he immediately thought back with chagrin to Collette telling him:

"Bobby, you just have to accept the fact that there will always be things you don't know or understand about women... especially this woman."

"No freaking shit," he said, half to himself.

"What?" asked Patty with a grin.

"Oh, nothing," he replied.

He was thinking he needed to get his own clothes back on, and go back to the Simpson's home to do some serious groveling.

Just then, the doorbell rang. They could hear Patty's mom go to answer it.

Mrs. Robertson answered the door, and was startled to see Collette Simpson standing on the threshold, in a soaking wet t-shirt and jeans. It was obvious she hadn't taken the time to put a bra on this morning, as she kept her arms folded across her chest to cover the material clinging to her ample bosom.

"Why, hello, Collette!" she said, trying to sound cheerful amidst all the teenage angst that was swirling around her. "My goodness, you're soaked!" she exclaimed. "What happened to your car?"

Collette looked back at her with a surprised look on her face.

"You know, I didn't think of that," she replied in wonder.

"Let me get Patty," Mrs. Robertson said. "I'm sure she can find you something to throw on while your stuff dries."

"Mrs. Robertson," Collette replied softly, her eyes flicking around what she could see in the house, "uh, Bobby's parents said he was here. Is he... still around?" she asked hopefully.

The older woman gave Collette a sympathetic smile.

"He's still here, dear. Now, you go on up to Patty's room. I'll send her up to help you find something to wear."

In response to Collette's panicked expression, she leaned close and whispered, "Don't worry. I'll make sure he doesn't leave."

She smiled gratefully, and headed for the stairs.

Mrs. Robertson went back to the kitchen.

"Who was at the door, Mom?" asked Patty.

She smiled softly but didn't answer as she turned to the kitchen pantry.

"I'll just put some more hot chocolate on. Patty, could you go upstairs and help our new guest find some dry clothes?"

Bobby abruptly stood up. "Collette's here?" he asked urgently.

"Yes, she is," Mrs. Robertson replied, gesturing for him to sit back down, "but she's not ready to see you yet, Bobby. If anything, she looks even wetter than you did when you got here. Here, have some more hot chocolate," she said to him kindly, as Patty headed upstairs.

Patty's bedroom had its own bathroom, and she found Collette perched on the edge of the bathtub, her clothes and hair dripping into the tub and on to the surrounding floor tiles.

"Geez, Collette! Did something happen to your car?" she asked. When Collette just glared back at her, she added, "Never mind. There are some towels in that cupboard. I'll go find you some clothes."

That proved to be difficult, because of their difference in size. Eventually she found an old sweatshirt of Bobby's for her top half, and as a skirt with an elastic waist band for her bottom half.

When she returned to the bathroom she found Collette, naked, standing at her sink and large mirror, raiding Patty's cosmetics to camouflage her red eyes and emotional fatigue. Patty consciously made an effort to take her eyes off her former lover's body, and handed her the clothes.

Collette put them on and stood to look in the mirror. With the waist stretched around the larger girl, the skirt length only came down to just short of mid thigh, and given that she had no panties on underneath it...

"Patty, this makes me look like I want to get laid, not talk to him," Collette fretted.

"Well, we'll just wrap one of the beach towels around your waist. He knows you're drying off, so it won't seem weird or anything," replied Patty.

Collette shrugged, sighed, and said, "All right. I just hope he'll talk to me this time."

"I think he will," said Patty reassuringly. "I've been talking to him, and I think he'll listen to you."

"I hope you're right," Collette said. She looked pensively at Patty before continuing.

"You know... this is just about the first time that Bobby... well, has acted his age with me. Usually I don't even think about it. Mostly, he acts older than me. That's one of the reasons we get along so well. He knows he acts too serious a lot, and I know I don't act serious enough a lot. We balance each other out really well. It's fun. And we can be honest with each other and not get each other mad. But... not this time."

"From talking to Bobby," said Patty, "it sounded like some pretty heavy stuff you were talking about, Collette. Some guys wouldn't get that kind of stuff, like... ever."

"Yeah," sighed Collette. "And most guys don't have to deal with their girlfriend going off to college when they're a junior in high school." Collette looked discouraged. "I honestly don't know if trying to stay together is the right thing for him to do."

"Hey," Patty interjected, "stop worrying about his future so much. Don't be so afraid to go for what you want Collette. I think you may be trying so hard to do what's best for Bobby that he's getting the idea that you don't want to try very hard to stay together."

Collette looked at her in surprise. "You think so?" she asked in alarm. When Patty nodded soberly, she exclaimed, "Shit!"

"Yeah," agreed Patty.

Collette got a determined look on her face. "All right then. If you're sure he wants to talk to me... could we use your room to talk?"

"Sure, no problem. I'll go get him."

Collette moved to Patty and gave her a firm hug.

"Thanks, Patty. But I think I should go ask him to come up."

They headed for the stairs together, Collette nervously holding Patty's hand.

They found Bobby sitting at the kitchen table being quizzed by Patty's mom about the high school baseball team. He was telling her the team was still undefeated. They had already clinched the league championship, and in a few more weeks they would begin playing in the state championship tournament.

Mrs. Robertson winked at Collette, and Collette, in turn, gave her a grateful smile of thanks for her ensuring Bobby remained on the premises.

"Well, I think I've monopolized you long enough, Bobby," said Mrs. Robertson. "Good luck! We'll be rooting for you at the games."

"Thanks, Mrs. R.," Bobby said sincerely. But he was already turning away to look at Collette.

"Hi," he said softly.

"Hi," Collette said in return. They looked at each other without speaking, and both were pleased to see looks of cautious affection from the other.

"Come on," Collette said, holding out her hand, gesturing towards the stairs to the second floor.

Before going to Collette, he first went to Patty, and gave her a hug and a kiss on the top of her head.

"Thanks, Patty," he said simply.

Patty just smiled and nodded. Bobby then took Collette's hand, and they went up the stairs to Patty's room.

They were sitting on opposite ends of Patty's bed.

Collette was still working herself up to speak, when Bobby decided to grovel first.

"Collette, I'm really sorry for what I said before I left. Patty helped me think through some things. After talking to her, I realized how big an ass I'd been."

"It's all right," she replied with a sigh. "I guess you got to see how I go about losing boyfriends. I'm pretty good at it, too. I never mean for it to happen... but with every boyfriend I've been with, I eventually seem to have a spasm where I go from an affectionate girlfriend to bitch woman. After that, they're afraid 'bitch woman' is the real me, and its 'adios, Collette.'"

She smiled affectionately at him. "You're already staying around longer than most guys after a spasm. Anyway, I'm sorry for crapping all over your plans before I gave you a chance to talk about it."

Bobby moved to sit next to her, and they shared a brief kiss, and then a firm hug.

"Patty told me," Bobby began tentatively, "that you telling me you won't promise not to date other guys at college, means... that you really love me. You love me enough to step aside if I decide to date someone else."

Collette nodded sadly. "She's right. That's what I was trying to tell you," she said factually.

She began to be alarmed, as Bobby began to take on the expressionless mask that she knew marked a building anger inside.

"Collette," he said, as calmly as he could, "right now, the idea of you dating someone else... well, it makes me want to break things. I'm sorry, but you're my girlfriend, and... and I love you. I picture some college guy putting moves on you, and... well, I just can't stand it."

"Bobby... that's very sweet." She reached to his face, and affectionately touched him. She could almost feel the heat building inside him.

"But, Bobby," she said softly, looking directly in his eyes, "I need you to calm down. This isn't easy stuff to talk about. But we have to talk about it. Can you do that for me?"

He could feel, and she could see, his anger dissipating in response, making it easier for her to think about what she wanted to say.

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stormy night

We have met a couple of times by this point when this story takes place.Your visiting me and iv decided to show you my most favourite place in the world. Now a 10 minute walk from my house is the beach. Along the coastline theres small cliffs in one of these cliffs is like a cubby hole where from the non coast side you can get into. this hole in the cliff runs all the way through so you can sit there and just watch the sea come inSo wev brought a couple of blankets and some snacks and drink. So...

2 years ago
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Stormy part 2

Continued from my last story... Steve carries on downwards, sliding closer to your seconds pair of lips. He kisses just above where your clit is hiding, and suddenly moves further down between your legs. He pulls your knees up, and starts kissing the inside of your left thigh, adding a nice suck to the kiss, teasing your skin. He moves slower now, kissing every half inch down your leg, tickling you as he moves. One hand is holding your leg still, while his other hand is sliding up and down the...

2 years ago
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You are driving down a country road, late at night. There is a massive storm raging around you. Lightning splits the sky and thunder shakes the car. The storm came up suddenly. There is a light up ahead, you can see it between the lightning. the rain gets harder and harder, and you have to slow down more and more as you cant see. You get closer to the light and see it's an old wooden building, in a poor state of repair. Some of the windows are missing, but the roof looks good. Suddenly,...

3 years ago
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Stormy With a Chance of Passion

My evening began badly. I was lying on my hotel bed massaging my temples in hopes of exorcising the headache that was pulsing and throbbing in my forehead. Between a powerful winter storm outside and a twelve hour day of meetings at the tradeshow I was attending, I wasn’t really surprised that I’d triggered a migraine. The question was what to do about it. I’d already popped the requisite pills but they took time. Deciding that getting rid of some of the pent-up tension of the day’s business...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Stormy night juicy night Part 2

Part one: http://xhamster.com/user/Wayko/posts/139739.html“Thank you Lucy, it was great.- What do you mean “it was”? We’re not done yet you know.- Not done yet?- The night is still young, and we’re all alone.” She kissed Chloe once again, and then made her lie on her back. She then placed her pussy on her friend’s mouth, getting ready to ride her face. “I love to do that, especially on a pretty face like yours.” Chloe didn’t even hesitate as she immediately started to eat on Lucy’s pussy while...

4 years ago
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Stormy night juicy night Part 1

“So you can’t come back home tonight? … Of course, with a storm like that, it would be too dangerous… You’ll call tomorrow morning? Ok. Take care, good night and don’t do anything stupid, boys.”Lucy hung up the phone, then turned to face a worried Chloe.“They’re okay, but the storm is keeping them from coming back tonight. They have a friend in town who can lend them a room, so no worries about that.- Are you sure they’re gonna be okay. I mean, I know they’re not k**s, but…- Tutututututu, don’t...

2 years ago
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Something penetrated my dream and I woke with a start. Where am I? I felt a warm body against mine and realized I was still in Ari’s bed. We must have fallen asleep after we had sex instead of my going back to my bedroom. Wondering what woke me, I looked at the door but it was still closed and the stuffed snake Ari put at the foot of the door was still there. It blocked the light from Ari’s bedroom so if Mom or Dad came out into the hall they wouldn’t notice that Ari’s light was on and come in...

2 years ago
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All day all I could think about was going to Rachel’s house after school. Its sixth period now and I couldn’t tell you what any teacher has said in the previous five classes. Rachel sits in front of me in first period Calculus. This morning after class she asked if I could come over to her house after school and help her with her Calculus homework. I’m taking Calc as a freshman and it was one of my strong classes. It definitely was not one of Rachel’s. A major test was coming up and she said...

1 year ago
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stormy night in alabama

The day began out dull as hell; the rain was coming down hard, the national weather station released alerts warning people in Alabama to take cover. This heavy summer down pour was sure to last for the next 24 hours. Jacob’s mother Mrs. Susan had called my mother and told her that it would be unsafe for me to go home and that it was ok if I stayed over to their place, and ride out the storm with them. I was a happy camper because Mrs. Susan was a real hot MILF; she had a habit of walking around...

2 years ago
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Mom and Dad had gone to my Aunt's for the weekend leaving me and my younger sister home alone. I was 18 and she was almost 17 and we're able to take care of ourselves while they were away. A thunderstorm had developed and heavy rain was coming down. My sister and I were watching TV together but there wasn't anything interesting on. I flipped through the channels and came upon several adult programs that we didn't know were there before. We began watching one movie where a hot sexy girl was...

2 years ago
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Stormy week end

The weekend started with a bad storm coming through on friday night. I woke at 8am to find our pool and patio furniture blown all over the yard.My wife Vickie and I picked it up and then walked around the house picking up limps blown off the trees. That's when we saw a tree had been blown over. I called a tree sevice and the lady on the phone told me that the only crew available was from out of town, and they were going home in the morning. I said great, send them over.About 10am a truck pulled...

3 years ago
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Stormy Night Prelude to my night of terror

I remember the one night when I could have prevented Richard from ever touching me again. It was a cold rainy night with a lot of lightning and thunder. I was drinking beer and smoking a little weed and I wandered outside in the pouring rain completely nude. Richard was 14 at the time. I felt a blanket go around me and Richard turned me around and led me back inside.Richard asked if I was crazy?, I said maybe just a little and laughed. I let the blanket slide off my shoulders and I hugged...

4 years ago
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Stormy Night

It starts out like any other evening, the sky turning from day to night, in transition with the pinks and blues on the horizon. I finish dinner, and begin to wash dishes when a loud flash of light startles me and I drop the plate back into the sink, soapy water splashing onto the floor. Laughing at how easy I was startled, I dry my hands and walk to the large patio window. Looking out just in time to see the sky light up, I notice the clapping boom that follows it. Wanting a closer look I open...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Stormy Night In The Bronx

My weekend started out real shitty. My boss called on Friday night and asked me to come in Saturday for a few hours. He said the computer system crashed, and it had to be up and running by morning for the weekend crew. He told me to come in Saturday, get the system up and running for the weekend crew. Well that just sucked. The last thing I wanted to do was go to work this weekend. Driving to work at 5:30 am on a Saturday morning heading for the chemical plant was not what I had in mind for my...

3 years ago
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Stormy Day at the Pool

Man I love summer vacation! At least I have really loved it since I turned 11 and could go to the pool without needing to be with an adult. In order to do this I had to swim two lengths of the pool without stopping. The pool had lifeguards just in case I did something stupid and was drowning. My buddies from school were always to jealous because their neighborhoods didn't have pools or you had to be 14 because they did not want to pay lifeguards. My neighborhood was so big that we had two...

2 years ago
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Stormy Affair

Revised July 2015 & July 2019 to fix typos and make the story more readable. I was a normal guy, living a normal life. House, pool, wife, 2.5 kids (my stepson only lives with us part-time). The only thing missing was the white picket fence. I did all the usual dad stuff with my kids, barbeques, flying the flag, scouting, camping, church, and even an occasional ball game. Let me tell you about my family. My Wife, Thien Ly is a short statuesque Vietnamese woman. After 3 kids she’s still...

1 year ago
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Stormy Night

Greybeard was driving through mountain country, in no particular hurry: he was taking a few days break and just enjoying the drive and the scenery. The weather was closing in rapidly with dark, heavy storm clouds building up in the early dusk, and soon the rain was lashing down onto the car. Greybeard could barely see through the screen even though his wipers were working flat out. The water was sluicing down the mountain sides and across the road, sometimes he had to negotiate new streams...

2 years ago
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Stormy WeatherChapter 2

SUN BEAT DOWN FROM another almost cloudless sky. The breeze made it deceptively temperate. I knew sun was going to burn Weather. Over the last two weeks I had slowly fallen under Weather's spell. It was hard not to. She was perfectly charming. Alexis had done a spectacular job at raising her. I found myself enjoying her company like no other person I'd ever met. Weather had a fascinating mix of innocent naïveté and worldly awareness, probably because of Alexis. At fourteen, Weather still...

1 year ago
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Stormy WeatherChapter 3

Despite my resolve, despite the best of intentions, it seemed as if Weather was waging a war on my commitment. Over the next two weeks she seemed to invade my world. I became hyper-aware of her wherever she was. I noticed how she always walked around in bare feet and how she'd painted her toenails light pink, not her fingernails, though. Why? She seemed to exit the bathroom whenever I was headed towards it, too often wrapped in a towel and giving me a heart-stopping smile, "All yours." I...

1 year ago
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Stormy WeatherChapter 4

The gloom of an overcast sky greeted me in the morning. Was it nature warning me? Had I been more alert and not so preoccupied I might have taken the warning to heart. But, only hindsight is twenty-twenty. A light rain started to fall as I prepared breakfast, feeling depressed from my new-found resolve. It felt like the clouds were pressing down on my shoulders. But I was going to do the right thing. Whatever it took, I was going to do the right thing. WEATHER DANCED DOWN THE stairs, her...

4 years ago
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Stormy WeatherChapter 5

Sun brightened the room. Sounds of a town waking gradually filtered into my consciousness. Wakefulness arrived. I lay next to Weather, my hand gently resting on her bare back, enjoying feeling her slender back rising and falling in sleep. She was beautiful, perfect. I was in love. I loved her deeply, an ache in my soul. Yet now, in the stark morning light, I realised my worse fear had come true. I'd succumbed. She was so like... I let memories drift back, memories I had cherished and...

4 years ago
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Stormy WeatherChapter 6

For three days I lived in paradise, basking in the love and adoration of my daughter, drowning in the pleasure of our love, physical and emotional. I relaxed. I was happy, extremely happy. The morning after our first night together I'd had a frisky shower with her. As she giggled her pleasure, beautiful eyes twinkling at me, I'd greeted her sexy boobs, not quite as large as a tea cup. "Hello again," I'd said, giving them a long overdue kiss and then, to her soft moans of approval, a...

2 years ago
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Stormy WeatherChapter 8

I FOUND HER ON the balcony where she usually was in the morning, her favorite spot. Standing at the open double doors, the cool morning breeze giving me small goose-bumps, I studied Weather. She was wearing my button-down dress shirt, the one from last night, white, sleeves haphazardly rolled up to mid forearm. With her elbows on the whitewashed balcony wall, bent at the waist, slender bare legs straight and ankles crossed, Weather's rear gained magnificent curves, sexy curves, the swell of...

2 years ago
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Stormy WeatherChapter 9

WITH A SHIVER ALEXIS rubbed the goose bumps on her upper arms regretting her choice of the silk sleeveless blouse. She loved the turquoise and yellow pattern and, with the heat she was expecting, it should have been the ideal choice. It went so well with her cream slacks. Nevertheless, she'd forgotten how chilly airplanes were. Alexis was blind to the majestic beauty of the blue Aegean Sea passing below the wings of the Airbus A318. She wasn't watching the intriguing display of Greek...

2 years ago
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Stormy WeatherChapter 10

IT WAS THE THIRD day when Weather excused herself early and went up to her room. She lay on the bed after changing, the windows open, a cool October breeze wafting in. Weather was horny and frustrated and angry. She hadn't considered the problems of having Mom here. She hadn't thought it through! No sex with Aidan was driving her nuts. Not being able to tease him, kiss him, hug him, and fondle him was aggravating. It was just as bad not having Aidan constantly chase her for a grope, a...

3 years ago
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Stormy WeatherChapter 11 Epilogue

WEATHER LAY BY THE crystal clear turquoise pool glancing down at her bikini, the pink matching her toenails very nicely. She liked how her breasts had grown and filled out the bikini a bit more. Aidan liked it, too. It was easy to tell the way he groped all the time. "Weather, put more sunscreen on!" "Okay," she yelled back at Mom in the kitchen. Weather liked the new house. When the neighbours had stopped renting it, Aidan had moved in and rented out his old place next door. She liked...

3 years ago
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Maid8217s Daughter 8211 Part 3

My cock was out of my pants and Gayatri was standing in front of me. She again saw my cock and turned around. I acted as if just now I had came to know about the scene and placed my cock back in the pants asking her pardon. Gayatri ran out of the room. I just brushed my teeth’s and went to the dining table. My cock was still making a pyramid in my pants. Gayatri was on the table and had a shy smile on her face. She didn’t notice my bulge. I sat on the table and asked her sorry many times while...

4 years ago
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Love Making With Jainisha

Doston, meri padoshan ki height 5’6’’ hai. Slim body with size not known to me…Main shadi shuda hun aur apni patni ke sath Mumbai main rehta hoon. Mere padosh main ek parivar rehta hai jisme maa, baap, beta aur bahu rehte hain. Kyun ke hum naye the isiliye padosi help karne ke liye ghar main aate thee…Meri wife aur Jainisha main achi dosti ho gayi thi…..Kyun ke hum abb sabse ghul mil gaye the isiliye jadatar humara door open hi rehta tha….kabhi bhi padoshi ghar main aa jate the….. Hum mardo ki...

1 year ago
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I want to be a tweeker groups gangbang party whore

Well as this who know me and read about my past know I had to what most would consider a rough c***dhood but it fit me. After the months of being d**gged and pimped when I was 13 I was removed from my home and placed into foster care where I was raised through the system. I went on to college and finally graduated from medical school. I have been a family physician for the last 20 years. About a year ago I started see8ng a mistress who I told of my past and as you also know from my previous...

3 years ago
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Naukar Or Mummy Ke Bich Kaise Sambandh Bane Part 9

Aap sab ne story ka 8th part padh hoga I hope aap sab ko pasand aaya hoga. Ab story ke next part likh raha hoon. Is part mein btaunga kaise aunty ke naukar Vimal ne mummy ko choda.  Sabse pehle aap sab ko sorry ki story ke liye aap sab ko wait karna pada. Lekin meri try yeh hi hoti hai ki aap sab ko achi story mile. Jis se aap sab achi muth aur ladkiya apni chut mein ungli dal sake. Mujhe kafi girlse ke mail bhi mile jo ki padh ke mujhhe acha laga. Ab story par aata hoon. Aunty ke naukar Vimal...

3 years ago
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My true untold dirty secrets

I’m hot n sexy since from my c***dhood. Whenever I got the chance, I never missed and made the best use of it. I had many encounters and a few of them are here. This is the first time I am narrating my true secrets, but it feels all good to me to be getting out of it before you all. These are all true ones.First Time in 9th Grade!!The story starts when I was 15 years old and was only in the 9th grade at the time. At the beginning of the year I met a girl and we became instant friends. As the...

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Part 1 Trip to the Gulf Islands

These are the true events that transpired during a weekend trip to a small group of islands located in British Columbia. This is the first story I wrote and published on lush once before, let me know what you enjoyed about it and how I could improve. Thanks and Enjoy! My girlfriend Katie was pushing me to take a vacation with her and we finally agreed on a short weekend camping trip to BC. I wasn’t thrilled about the idea of heading off camping since I had done quite a bit of traveling earlier...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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When I "came out" as Gay, I was in college. I belonged to the Black Student Union and I had never been with a White guy. Never thought about it really. For years until my late 30's I never even found White guys attractive. Then once I went to a Fisting Party. I had gotten into Fisting but, among Black Guy Men it was very secret. (especially in the South!) So, I went to this Fisting Party and there were all Black guys there (about 10 guys) and then the last two brothers came in later and they...

2 years ago
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The visitor part 1

We came back to her dorm a little tipsy. "Kiss me," she said. As our lips locked and tongues danced, she grabbed my crotch. "Mmmm... follow me dirty boy," she said as she turned on the water and pulled me into the bathroom. We kissed again, the electricity flowing through our lips as I pulled her clothes off. "Your turn," she said very sensually, ripping my shirt and pants off. She pulled my boxers down and slowly licked my balls, working her way up my shaft and gently sucking on the head while...

College Sex
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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 25

First out of the limo was Amara, then followed by Mom, Laura, Elsa, Elsie, Emily, Lacey, and finally, Pip. A few of the restaurant’s other guests were looking out the window at the arrival of our party. As each girl emerged from within the limo, I sensed some measure of interest, curiosity, and even jealousy that grew as they came into view. The limo itself was nothing new to the restaurant’s usual clientele; I would bet that the car park was full of Maybachs and Rolls-Royces, and a number of...

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Sex Games 7 Part 1

Our time at the cottage was winding down. We had had a lot of sexual adventures. We were on the deck having coffee and reminiscing about all the people we had fucked. We were in our morning uniform, T-shirts with bare bottoms. We were just lazing around having a pleasant erotic conversation. Our plans for the day were to take the float boat out and then have dinner at the yacht club. I went down to the dock to get the boat ready and you made us some lunch and chilled a few bottles of white...

Wife Lovers

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