Full CircleChapter 3 free porn video

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All was not well with the road project. Bob Bastion had counted on being able to reach the mountain by cold weather where he was to make the cut for the new road. There was a two-mile swampy area before he could get there. The plan was to use the rock the mountain consisted of for fill to lay a base across the soft areas.

It was his own mistake for he had relied on the state engineer's plans to bid on the project. This put him in a bind not only time-wise for the completion, but he would have to haul in fill from somewhere else, just to get across the unstable land.

In retrospect, he should have hired his own engineering concern to probe how deep the soft ground was and how much fill he would need. He stood to lose everything, including the cost of the extra fill needed and of course the performance bond, if the project wasn't completed on time. He had a meeting on Saturday morning with all the men who were assigned to the job and explained the problem.

"This is going to put us two months behind and maybe even more. The fill I need, will have to be hauled a long distance and that in itself is costly. I counted on the mountain rock to provide the fill, but as you know, we can't reach the mountain until the ground freezes and even then it is iffy. Also there isn't enough stone from the cut we make through the mountain for all of our needs. Our construction up to this point has gone well and we are actually three weeks ahead of schedule, but now we are stymied."

Someone asked about coming in from the east side of the mountain. "It can't be done. It is the same situation, plus the river is much closer on that side and there is the chance that if we destabilize that side of the mountain some of it may slide into the river. The environmentalists would see that I lose my balls. I wanted to play with the big boys and it looks as if I'm going to pay for thinking I could."

I hadn't had anything to do involving this project. As the new man in the company, I had been doing cleanup, finishing other less important small jobs.

Closing out the situation meeting, Bob said, "If anyone has any ideas no matter how far out, I'll take a look at them. In the meantime, I'm going to get with my attorneys and see if I can get more money from the state because their project specs weren't viable. Wish me luck."

Helen was beside me as we had listened to all of this. "It looks as if you have a job, but only for a little while. I heard Dad tell Mom that he was going to lose everything. She just said they didn't have much when they were first married and they could live with a lot less than what they had accumulated over the years."

"That is true love isn't it?"

"I know, but it is still sad. Would you still love me if we lost everything?"

"If you loved me I would."

"We're okay, then."

After lunch I went into the construction office and pulled up everything concerning the road project. I first looked at all of the pictures taken from the air that showed the lay of the land. I got a good sense of what the project entailed. Someone, the engineers, I guess, had made notes that were on some of the copies. I read these so I knew the consistency of the soil.

I started making notes about certain facts of what would be helpful and those that would be a detriment. I laughed at myself, for I was just a lowly equipment operator and what did I know. But hell, I had helped build an airport in a foreign country so didn't I know a little something? Bob did say he would look at any and all ideas.

When I got to the specifications that were made by Bastion's engineers and compared these to what the state provided, I could see why he was so concerned. There was a note about why this land contained such a huge swamp. Even the source of the moisture had been identified. It was far up the side of the mountain and apparently drained down a fault. Over the eons the steep forested mountain had added to the area below and, because it was wet much of the year, it had created a swamp.

I figured most everyone, and this included Bob, had ignored this information because it didn't have much to do with the project itself. His engineers didn't do their own mapping of what lay beneath the swamp until after Bob had submitted the bid. He recently found that the state had done an inadequate job with their mapping. The swamp was much deeper by two times in certain areas than projected. At this point Bob knew he was in trouble, for much more fill would be required, hence the meeting this morning.

As I studied this, I was more concerned Bastion Construction would have even more trouble on the east side of the mountain than on the west side. There was a small wet area on the east side of the mountain, but there was no place to get rid of the material that needed to be removed. It had to come this way after the mountain had been cut through. I would question Bob about this. If it hadn't been so near the river it could have been dumped on either side of the cut to make room for the road bed.

It could still be accomplished, but that would mean that a berm would have to be built next to the river. I looked farther east and saw where the swamp material could be dumped, but it was five miles away. Also, the next section that Bob hadn't bid on was going to another construction company. Would they want a different company using the section they had received the bid for? I doubted it.

In fact, a few minutes later I found the figures of the projected cost to place the material there. It was a lot of money. I spent four hours looking at the notes and paperwork that was included in the voluminous files.

This all gave me a lot to think about. I went along home and played with the boys. I wasn't very attentive to either them or to Helen. At dinner she asked if something was wrong, "No, I was just thinking about your father's problem. He really has hung himself out to dry. Do you think he would be bothered if I made some suggestions? I know I'm new here, but I just looked over the plans and I think I saw where there could be some changes made to save time and maybe even some money."

"Dad said he would listen to any ideas or suggestions. Don't hesitate even if they aren't feasible. He will know you are trying, anyway."

"Okay, I will. I'll continue to think on it then."

"Rich, I love you so much. I think Mom is half in love with you herself. She tells me I made quite a catch when I snagged you."

"Is that what you did? I don't think I was knowingly ever snagged before."

"Oh you were, and that was the plan as far back as when you got into my truck the first time."

"I've been had."

"I have been too. Rub my tummy, there is new life growing there." Helen was curious about what my thoughts were on the road project. "Rich, can you tell me what you are thinking?"

"Not yet, I want to think about it some more. There is also some background on the area that I want to check out. I'm going to walk over the ground near where the swamp is located. I'll do that tomorrow. Do you want to go with me?"

"Can the boys go with us?"

"Of course. I wouldn't consider going without them if you are with me. I think you can make it and you aren't too pregnant yet."

"Rich, I can't be more pregnant than I am."

"I know that. I meant you are still agile enough to do some climbing and stuff like that. I want to get an early start. I don't know how far it is from where the job stops to where the swamp begins. Your dad has had me working other small jobs and I haven't had a chance to look the ground over."

"Okay, get up early; check. Get an early breakfast prepared; check. Make love to my husband as soon as the kids go to sleep; check. Is there anything I have missed?"

"Nope, that about covers it all. I'm going in and sit in the living room with the boys until you finish up out here in the kitchen, or do you need some help?"

"No, I can handle it."

I went in and played grab ass with the kids. All the time though, I was running the pictures of the landscape I had looked at in the pictures that were with the plans. Helen soon came and spoke to Brad and Scotty about hiking tomorrow. "You should go to bed now and get a lot of rest if you are going to keep up with Rich and me."

"Mom, you're going too?"


"Great! We will go to bed now, won't we Brad?

"Good night, Dad. Night, Mom."

"Night, boys."

It was chilly in the morning but clear, and shaped up to be a fine day. I had the use of one of the company trucks which had an extended cab so there was plenty of room for all of us. We went across the river where the state was having a bridge built by another construction company. We turned east, and three miles farther on we came to the construction that was being performed by the Bastion Construction Company.

The roadbed was graded for two miles and then it turned to rough. Heavy equipment was traveling over it, so I drove the truck as far as I could and still see a place to turn around. I parked the truck and we walked a bare hundred yards to where the land changed color. This was the beginning of the swampy area. Much work had been done. The brush had been cleared and survey stakes lined what was to be the right-of-way. All over the swamp there were test holes where test bores had been driven down to solid rock. There was a stake by every hole with the depth marked on it.

I peered into several holes expecting water in all of them. Not so, only about one in seven held water. The deepest always did. I examined the dirt piled next to the holes and most of it was rich and dark. We called this a swamp, but it wasn't like the Okefenokee Swamp in Florida. However, it wouldn't support equipment of any considerable weight, to say nothing about a highway. The only recourse was to remove it or bridge it.

I looked up and my eyes followed the line of stakes that seemed to go on forever. In the distance you could see the mountain spur that came down from a tall peak and went all the way to the river. This was what the company needed to cut through to get to the other side of the mountain. There would be stone fill to be had there, but you had to get to it first.

"Dad, are we going to look in all of the holes? There's a zillion of them."

"No Brad, someone else did that and we don't need to." Then it came to me, my stepson had just called me Dad again. This was becoming a steady, natural thing to be called Dad, and I glanced at Helen to see her smiling. My spirits raised me off the ground and I felt as if I was walking on air.

"Scotty and Brad, do you think you can climb up the mountain above the swamp a ways?"

"Sure, let's go."

I held Helen's hand as we followed the boys who were racing ahead of us. "Rich have you any idea how to solve this for my father?" I paused looking both up and down from where we were standing.

"Not yet. After looking at the plans yesterday, I'm checking things out. You know your father should have examined what he was bidding on more closely. I wonder if there isn't another company who was hoping his ego would push him to underbid everyone else, then hoping he would fail and never again be able to compete."

"It could be so. The competition was fierce for this project and it is a cutthroat business."

We hadn't moved from where I paused to look over the lay of the land. I remembered the topographical map I had studied and wished I had thought to bring a copy with me. My memory was pretty good and I had looked at it closely. The map had contained many notes and I had read them all. Apparently this mountain had been bigger at one time. Sometime many years ago, the side of the mountain where the swamp was now, shook loose and slid down toward the river.

It had not gone far enough to block the valley, stopping short, letting the river in the valley continue on its course. Another note I had read said there was a single water source above the top of the present swamp. Over the eons as the bowl had slowly filled with vegetation; it was kept damp by the water. and the swampy areas increased.

It now comprised a total area of 700 to 800 acres. The bowl had filled enough so although not flat, it sloped gently toward the river. The proposed road was going to cut it into two nearly equal parcels. The terrain above did rise steeply, but after looking at it, I knew heavy equipment could climb the mountain if it was necessary.

The land mass involved was owned by a person named Kenneth Knowles. The right-of-way for this road had been taken by eminent domain. It had been held up in the courts for several years until an agreement had been determined by the state supreme court. Needless to say the land owner was unhappy. When near-by fill was searched for, he wouldn't even talk to Robert Bastion, necessitating the need for Bob to haul it from many miles away.

I had read all that had been written about this man who was the landowner and I probably knew as much about him as he did himself. It was all in the folder of files containing every account that was published in the newspaper and of the battle he had waged in his fight with the state. The topographical map showed the boundaries of what he owned. He actually lived in the basin on the other side of the mountain. This was hemmed in by this mountain and a smaller one to the west. There was a lower ridge or saddle joining the two peaks together.

He was a rancher and farmer. He also admitted that what the state had taken didn't bother his present holdings at all. He only fought the state because he could. He wanted to prove the point that a man's home was his castle. I also gleaned from the newspaper accounts, that his neighbors liked him well enough, but he was a bit irascible sometimes and was known to dislike strangers. That would make him hard to approach.

When we reached where the wet area began, Helen and I sat down and looked over the swamp and then below it down to the river. This really was rugged terrain. The river, which was way down the valley, wound in and around the different mountains with only the narrow riverbed dividing them. Farther to the east, the land flattened out and was more heavily populated. This was the reason for the new road; it greatly shortened the distance between the two population centers in this part of the state.

The most difficult section of the road for eight miles had been bid on and won by Bastion Construction. The company was going to be in serious trouble if a solution wasn't found. Twice as much fill was now needed. At present there was none available nearby. If a deal could be reached to quarry the stone from the mountainside, the problem would disappear. Kenneth Knowles didn't have any great dislike against the Bastion Construction Company as such; his anger was with the state because he lost suit in that court. The result was the same, however.

I pointed out some things that verified what I had read in the notes the day before. "See those green seams above the surface of the swamp? Those are the wettest spots, where the water is following cracks in the stone from the single source above the swamp. It is like a spider web radiating from where the water comes closest to the surface and we can see it."

"Why are you showing me this? How will that help my father? It seems to me we have too much water when what we need is stone for fill."

"True, but what if we could swap that water for the right to quarry stone from right next to where we need it and if we can get it, it is the cheapest available source."

I went on, "Collect Scotty and Brad and we'll walk around the corner of the mountain to the lower ridge where we can look down into the valley on the other side. If I have read the reports correctly, I may have an answer to our problem."

"Rich, Dad says Knowles is an intractable old bastard and can't be dealt with at all. Dad went to him with his hat in his hand and Knowles blew him away."

"Let's leave that for later. Let's see if what I have in mind is in any way feasible." I looked for the boys. They were farther up the mountain, but when I motioned to them, they came rushing down. "Come on kids, I want to look down into the next valley. It isn't that far away. Hold your mother's hand so she won't fall."

We passed around a corner that jutted out just above the ridge we were headed for. Rounding it, the basin came into view before our eyes. The floor of the basin was hundreds of feet below us. The back side of the mountain was sheer bare rock over much of the face. "Helen, look across this ridge to the next mountain over. It is lower than this one by far. Do you see that small stream coming from the side of it?"

"Yes, but is that important?"

"Very much so. Follow the track the stream travels. It comes out of the side of that mountain and flows into the draw going down into the populated basin. See where a small dam has been constructed across the draw half-way down from here between the two mountains. According to one of the newspaper articles I read, Knowles built the dam and has a small pipe going down the draw to a turbine driven electrical generator. He had to downsize his expectation by half when he didn't have the water to drive the first one he counted on that was bigger.

"In your father's papers the state hired a hydrologist and he estimated there was four times the amount of water that is keeping the swamp a swamp than the one we are looking at. He also indicated it was an artesian type water source. You have heard of an artesian well driven by a well driller. Well this is the same in only that it is a natural one. Who knows what is forcing the water to rise to this height on the mountain and then start flowing out into the open. It doesn't matter really, it is just there."

"And how are we going to capitalize on the water when he won't even talk to Dad and the company needing rock for the fill?"

"We will work out something. Maybe I will send you down into the basin and you can become friendly with Knowles."

"No, the only one I get friendly with is you."

"I am kidding, but you might give some thought to a way we can approach him. We are going to need the fill within a month, so time is of the essence."

"Okay, I'm no dummy and not just a truck driver, you know. You'll have to get me some details on what he can do with the bigger amount of water. How much water are we talking anyway?"

"It is not only water, but where it is located. The weight of the water is very important as well and how far it falls down so it can drive the turbine. Think of gallons of water weighing eight pounds each stacked many hundreds of feet high. Imagine the pressure at the bottom of the stack. That is what drives the turbine that turns the generator to make electricity. I firmly believe there is that much water and more probably."

"How do you know all this?"

"Remember the landing strip we built where I first met you? A geologist saw a similar condition up on one of the mountains where we were locating the new airport. An eight-inch hole was bored into the side of the mountain and it tapped into the main vein of water. When it was piped, it was enough to provide electricity for the whole complex. It saved an inordinate amount of fuel to run the generators. I was struck by this when I read the files and could see this was much the same situation here. That is why I wanted to come here today and look things over."

There was one fly in the ointment. Knowles owned the water in the first place. Would pointing this out to him be enough for him to let us quarry stone on the mountain nearby for what we needed? It is hard to tell until someone from our camp met with him. It had to be worth making the effort.

Helen who had been her father's spare truck driver, told him Monday morning she couldn't work that day. This I was unaware of. She was still home when I went to work and home when I finished work. It had drizzled during the day and I noticed our personal vehicle was covered with mud when I went by it. "Did you work today?"

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Just Full Porn is honestly the only thing that will do sometimes, when those 12-minute sample clips and 30-second GIF loops just ain’t going to cut it. Sometimes, you just really want to settle in for a nice, long fap, and what better way than with a full-length porno that ain’t going to cut out right as you’re getting to your favorite part. Let’s face it: blue balls is a serious medical condition that requires immediate masturbatory attention, and some of those short scenes only manage to make...

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Ero Full Sets! I have to admit; I don’t get invited to a lot of fancy dinner parties. The black-tie affairs I’ve attended are few and far between. Regardless, I’m not wholly unfamiliar with high-class living. I’m not always devouring the filthiest whores I can find on the internet. I like me a luxury bitch now and again, and Erofullsets has my back covered. These sluts stick a pinky out when they gorilla grip a cock.DELUX TNAI’ve gotten used to watching cunts get drenched in every excretion the...

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"The Porn Full" popped up in my inbox this morning when I was still only half-awake, and I swear I could picture myself in court today. “Do you solemnly swear to watch the porn, the full porn and nothing but the porn, so help you God?” the judge would ask. I’d put my hand on a stack of Hustlers and tell him, “Sure, as long as I get to jack off to them. Blue balls is a serious and painful medical condition.”There’s actually a hell of a lot less pomp and circumstance over at ThePornFull.com, a...

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Full Porner! Why are you fappers still settling for short clips and bits of hardcore porn movies? Maybe some of you horny fappers would stop blowing your loads in 30 seconds if you didn’t have to crank one out so fast to enjoy whatever short-ass video you have. But what if I told you that there was another way? Yeah, I’m talking about full-length, HD videos that you can jerk your dick to for hours on end. And, don’t worry, you won’t need to go scrounging for dosh just to enjoy the content on...

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Fullfillment in Chicago

My hard breathing hissed through my clenched teeth as I arched my back and tightened every muscle I could find to keep from releasing a flood of cum into the ultra-petite Japanese school girl’s pussy on top of me. As my muscles flinched with quick pulses, I knew it was too late to hold back. I looked up at the sweet young face with full, tender lips as I pulled down hard with a hand on each of her curvaceous hips. With my cock buried so deep I could feel the top of her canal, I shot my hot,...

1 year ago
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Lustfull friend

Hi All This is steve,I married my gf suchi. i was 30 when I had a best moments with my friend Once I finished my studies immidetaly I got a job and settled in banglore. After 2 years I got my friend chris in contact, and to my surprise he also working in banglore at that moment. I met chris in the weekend. He got married to my friend marry. she is gorgious and of same age 29. Both Chris and Marry works in Same office. Almost every weekend we use to have party together. some times at their...

Cheating Wifes
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Painfull anal

A little while after my ass had recovered from the reaming I got from the shemale hooker and her clients (see my other story "My first time with a shemale") I was again at that club (disco) in Hamburg's red light district off the Reeperbahn. Since people there were mostly preoccupied with smoking dope, being spaced out and talking rubbish I took a little walk to see what I could do about this persistent hornyness I felt. I came past a small movie house playing gay porn and decided to have a...

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Painfull fuck

Hello to all fans. It was a story of my school life. Lots of class friends used to say that I am smart and cute and I am. Now the story I want to share to all friends is my only encounter with my girlfriend deepa. We study together in school. How can I explain her she is dam sexy, I secretly tell you that every one wants to fuck her thank god she is my best friend. She is so sexy that I wanted to see her nude, Our school dress was Grey skirt, which must be 7-8 CMS above knee and white blouse....

2 years ago
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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 2

Mona Stivers was, as her husband Frank phrased it, "in the mood." In her own words, she was horny. But one did not use such common street language around Frank. Frank was above such things. Mona contained herself during the campfire dinner that night, waiting until the two families eventually drifted into their various tents. Then she walked to the river and bathed. The bath was the first phase of her plan to seduce her own husband. After all, a woman who smells of a days hiking and...

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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 3

"It gets easier each day," Liz said. "I thought it would be harder the farther we hiked." Jason Jefferies looked up at his wife and smiled. "You're just enjoying it more. It's easy to forget the hard work when you're in this forest. It's so damn beautiful. We should've thought of doing this years ago." "The work's not over for me," Liz replied. "Tonight is my night to do the cooking. Now I've got to see if I can talk somebody into helping me get a fire going." "Somehow I...

2 years ago
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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 4

Frank's attention was homed in on Karen during dinner that night. The young girl sat close to Bret, her thigh pressing his, or a hand brushing over his. Her attention belonged solely to Bret. Frank was aware of that fact whether the others were or not. And her father's attention was on her. But not now as she was seated there, but on the image of her naked body so willingly receiving Bret's young cock. It was an image that refused to leave Frank's mind. After returning to camp, he had...

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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 5

Mona was unsure just how long she lay there. She stared at the roof of the tent, feeling the wetness of her husband's release trickling from the lips of her vagina and running down her thighs. She shuddered. For the first time in her life, she felt used and degraded. The fluids of Frank's climax felt dirty on and within her. Never had she seen sex to be anything but a beautiful experience shared by a man and a woman. Now... now... she felt no better than a whore. No, not even a whore; at...

4 years ago
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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 6

Linda Jefferies awoke shortly before dawn. She glanced around her tent to find her stepcousin Karen still soundly sleeping. She smiled, grateful that the girl still slept. This time, before everyone in the two families awakened, was her time. The forest just before the dawn was something special, something she had discovered the first morning of their vacation. Now she cherished this time, relishing the peaceful solitude it provided. Each morning she rose and slipped from her tent and walked...

1 year ago
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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 7

Jason and Linda heard the voices as they returned to camp. Hastening their steps they quickly walked from the woods. At the center of camp, Frank stood, his face violet with anger, veins standing out on neck and forehead. He faced Bret and Karen. The young couple stood close together, holding each other's hands. Bret stared at the elder, his restraint more than apparent, while Karen's head was lowered, her eyes cast on the ground. Glancing at each with uncertainty, Jason and Linda moved...

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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 8

Frank had upset all of them. They were quiet that night as they gathered around the fire for dinner and would have probably remained so, if Bret hadn't suddenly spoken up. "I think I should say something about this afternoon..." he began. It was obviously hard for him to talk and at first he was awkward. But he said it all, explaining everything that had happened between Karen and himself. Had it stopped there, it would have been a completely lost effort, but Mona then explained her...

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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 10

"You and me?" Karen blinked at her stepcousin. "Are you sure?" "Of course, do you think I'd ask you otherwise?" Linda answered, a wide wicked grin on her face. "Of course, if you don't want to..." "I don't know," the brunette shook her head. "But I do admit it sounds sexy. But what will your father think? He made love to you, but what about me? I think he's as sexy as they come, but what will he think of me?" "We won't give him a chance to think," Linda replied. "We'll...

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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 11

Mona was alone in the tent. She stared at the pack standing before her on the floor. Fifteen minutes ago, she had entered the tent with every intention of packing and preparing for the hike back. Now she just sat there gazing at the half-finished packing job she had started. Despite her talks with Jason and Liz last night, Frank still plagued her mind. She supposed it was a normal reaction to what had happened, but it still hurt. Hurt a lot. She wished the pain would go away, but it...

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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 12

Mona's leadened eyes opened. Above her was the top of the tent. She smiled, remembering. She glanced beside her. Phil was still there. His eyes were closed and his young chest rose and fell gently. He was asleep. The last thing she remembered was just lying there beneath her son, basking in the feel of their bodies so closely pressed together. Then? She wasn't sure. She must have drifted off in the total relaxation that had suffused through her body after their love making. It had been...

2 years ago
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Fullness Of Life Ch 04

When Cassidy entered the kitchen, the first thing she noticed was the silence of the room. Calling out to Eleanor and Horace, Cassidy was surprised when they didn’t answer. She walked through the kitchen and pushed open the side door into the office. She froze in place at the sight that met her eyes. Tied to chairs, Eleanor and Horace were both gagged and bound hand and foot. In front of them stood a rather agitated man, carrying a gun and wearing a stocking mask over his face. Pointing the...

4 years ago
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Blissfully Caught

Blissfully Caught By SONIA E-mail [email protected] Please send comments. Chapter 1 - The start of the evening I had had a heavy time at work and longed to go home and relax and to enjoy myself. I battled my way home through the rush hour and finally saw my house as I turned the corner. I lived in a small semi detached house in a nice street lined with small trees. I lived alone and knew few of the neighbours around me as I had only lived there a short while. As...

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Sinfully Beautiful

Cheyenne moved her beautiful body so seductively on the stage at the BBW club Oasis, her long blonde hair hung loosely to her waist as she began removing her top as the men were cheering and whistling at her. Cheyenne allowed the white sheer top drop to the floor exposing her large breast being held up in the gold push up bra, she slowly moved her hips in a sensual grind as she removed the bra and tossed it into the crowd of men who loved the BBW. Her fingers clasped the gold thong that matched...

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Sinfully Sweet Erotic Evening

Kathy and Jerry were your typical power couple. They both worked hard and played even harder. They were lucky because they had the most wonderful babysitter. Tara was her name and how the children loved her. Tara was very studious and seemed to be quiet and reserved, however, when she came to babysit, she seemed to become a different person. The children enjoyed when Tara babysat.Tara had been babysitting for the Winger's for about four years now. Recently, Tara had been accepted into an ivy...

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Dreadfully Simple

Allison stood over a single cross which had been placed at the head of two large piles of dirt and stone. She wore a dress of light black and white cloth, her tears drier in her hazel eyes as they had been emptied of all emotion. She remained in a silent void of nothingness. They had been her only living relatives in this horrible world, this life which had been stripped of all happiness while her heart ached with death and suffering, pain and sorrow. It was a sad time, the present, where...

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Fuller House Fourth of July WeekChapter 9

6 pm, Pacific Daylight Time, July 4 Independence Day “Oh, fuck, yeah! Do me harder, please, Uncle Danny!” Kimmy Gibbler begged Danny Tanner as he slammed harder into her from behind. “Yeah, well, you’ve definitely earned that beer, I promise you,” Joey spoke up, still holding a Labatt, something that earned him a lot of ribbing for it being Canadian on an American holiday. “I should hope so ... how many loads of cum have you guys dumped in me since our affairs have started? In all three...

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Forcefully Seduced Bhabhi And Finally She Gave Up

This story is purposely written in English + Hindi language. Story is little long as I like to be detailed oriented. But I am sure you will enjoy it. I still get boner when I think of that incident. Hi, after lots of struggle, I managed to created my account on ISS and now sharing my first story with you guys. This incident happened with my bhabhi. Just to give you a little background,I am Sunil from Mumbai. My cousin brother stay 10 min away from my place. unke ghar sirf mera bhai, bhabhi and...

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Beautifully ugly including part two

couldn't help but to wonder...is his cock huge like his hands and feet? He had the biggest hands and at least size 16 feet.In a deep voice he just says" 6' 6” "without being asked.As if he knows what I'm thinking.If he only knew.Just then the doctor walks in.I work as a nurse for a doctor who's patience have all been white or Asian up till today. Mister Walker was a referral from another doctor. I wondered how he would react if i just unzipped his pants and pulled out his big black cock. Just...

4 years ago
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Painfully Shy

I met my wife, Emily, in college during our junior year and it was love at first sight for both of us. We were in a bar where all the locals and college k**s had gathered to celebrate our win over a hated rival. I'd never seen her before, and I was to find out why that night.I had just ordered a beer when I heard the sweetest voice during a momentary lull in the noise say, "Please don't do that!" I turned in the direction of the voice and saw Emily. A very drunk older guy had his arm around her...

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Wonderfully Dirty

The first night I watched as he rubbed his hard-on while softly uttering 'Amanda...' (His girlfriend at the time) through clenched teeth. His red face contrasted with his cinnamon-brown hair and toned body. Without warning he thrust off his bed and sperm erupted from his cock and on to the wall. I watched as a second jet of semen fired off, and a third spurt flew until it eventually subsided to a trickle down his deflating cock. He looked at the wall where I heard say 'Shit' as he saw...

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Fullness Of Life Ch 02

The next morning, Robin was no where to be found. Cassidy finally located a note on the kitchen table saying that Robin had gone into work. She would be home mid-afternoon. She left her cell number, in case Cassidy needed anything. Cassidy looked around the small kitchen until she found some bagels and cream cheese. Locating the upscale toaster had taken awhile, since it blended into the rest of the chrome in the room. Shaking her head at the modern decorating style, Cassidy sat down to eat...

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Beautifully shaped ass

I woke up to the sound of the rain beating against my window. I lazily looked at the bedside clock and realized there was still two hours left till I had to wake up and get ready for work at six. I tried to go back to sleep but that flimsy lady called "sleep"eluded me for about twenty minutes. Realizing that I could not stay awake until daybreak, I decided to do something productive with my time. I reached out my right hand and groped my wife's ass. She was fast ***** judging by her snore. I...

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Beautifully ugly

I couldn't help but to wonder...is his cock huge like his hands and feet? He had the biggest hands and at least size 16 feet.In a deep voice he just says" 6' 6” "without being asked.As if he knows what I'm thinking.If he only knew.Just then the doctor walks in.I work as a nurse for a doctor who's patience have all been white or Asian up till today. Mister Walker was a referral from another doctor. I wondered how he would react if i just unzipped his pants and pulled out his big black cock. Just...

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Beautifully ugly Black cock

I couldn't help but to wonder...is his cock huge like his hands and feet? He had the biggest hands and at least size 16 feet. In a deep voice he just says" 6' 6” "without being asked. As if he knows what I'm thinking. If he only knew. Just then the doctor walks in. I work as a nurse for a doctor who's patience have all been white or Asian up till today. Mister Walker was a referral from another doctor. I wondered how he would react if i just unzipped his pants and pulled out his big black...

1 year ago
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Forcefully Fucked My Girlfriend In Her Bedroom

Hello everyone , this is my first story. I am a big fan of iss, so I decided to share my experience also. I am raj from lucknow. This incident was , when I was 18 years old. I was in 12th. In my class I met sakshi, (she have 32 figure but her ass was big) which become my good friend. We use to talk daily on phone a lot. Sometimes whole night. One day she propose me on valentine day and I accepted. We were very happy. Sakshi’s mother and father was a bank employee and her younger brother was in...

4 years ago
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Forcefully Drained My Cream Inside Office Senior After Intense Orgasm

Hi friends. I’m Arun. I’m 25 years old and I’m here to share with you how my colleague in head office forced me to give her an orgasm after she got to know my sexual intercourse with my colleague at factory, Thulasi. In fact this story is unexpectedly a continuation of my earlier story “Dirty And Desperate One Night Stand At Office Guest House” where I shared my unforgettable sex experience in April 2014 with my sweet looking colleague, Thulasi who works as an accounts assistant at the factory...

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