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Allison stood over a single cross which had been placed at the head of two large piles of dirt and stone. She wore a dress of light black and white cloth, her tears drier in her hazel eyes as they had been emptied of all emotion. She remained in a silent void of nothingness. They had been her only living relatives in this horrible world, this life which had been stripped of all happiness while her heart ached with death and suffering, pain and sorrow. It was a sad time, the present, where creatures of myth and legend lingered in the night as a name of horrifying origin lingered on ones’ tongue. Creatures lurked at night, and town rules changed.

The girl dared not move, hoping the events were not real as she stood there alone dusk. Tears streamed down her face as the past weeks came back to her. There was an unprovoked riot against her family. Something unnatural happened which turned them against one another. The town had strung her and her parents up against the anger and hatred of themselves because of this invisible force. Someone had taken control of the villager’s minds and turned them against one single family. The men stood firmly behind the three, rifles in hand as their booted feet sat against the hanging block, ready to push it out from under them. When the support disappeared, Allison would feel a heavy weight pulling against her neck and it would be over quickly. Allison stood there, the world moving without her, her parents begged. She heard none of the names or obscenities. She merely searched for a kind face.

A man stood in the shadows of the grocer’s building, his facial expression blank as he silently stood in black attire and watched her. His pale flesh and green eyes she could see from She remained in eye contact with the pale man–she’d never seen him before now–until she felt the men push the blocks abruptly out from underneath her feet. She fell to the ground as the rope snapped from above. It fell beside her as a dead serpent. She screamed as her mother and father hung overhead. The people around her, her friends who had been with her since the day of their birth, were white and sickly. They had been in a trance, and had just shaken it off. Allison leaned forward and waves of inescapable tears overcame her. Her long brown hair fell over her eyes and shoulders as she brought her knees up to her chest.

She hadn’t stopped crying for days. All she had ever loved had been taken from her. Her friends had tried to speak with her but even if they had gotten into her home, they could not have gotten a response out of her, the faces which had taken her parents from her. Those who had seen her had offered their condolences, then left. She hadn’t eaten for days. Time had passed slowly around her. The villagers had buried her parents in the cemetery, which bore large crosses at the head made from wood which were carved to perfection by a boy her age, Aaron, who had been her best friend at one time. Even his company wasn’t welcome in her heart.

She stood in the cemetery one night weeks later, weak and alone. There were none who could condone for their sins and her heart, though numb, cried for justice. The sun had lowered itself behind the distant horizon, leaving the sky violet and gold. As the graves grew darker, a silent medley of childhoods echoed through the air. For revenge she would’ve needed more strength, more resolve. She’d been too weak. Of all things, she shouldn’t have been out at night.

‘Who’s there?’ Her voice was but a whisper. He was behind her. Turning quickly, she met the same cold eyes that had remained emotionless throughout the riot. Those eyes were darker than she thought they were. She was freed from the quick death by him. The man stood above her, his long black hair behind him as he stared through her. One glance into his eyes had told her he was the enchanter of the villagers. Though he was threatening, she didn’t fear him. He was adorned in black, his face smooth and free of any blemishes that would show him ugly. He was far from wretched. He was beautiful, bewitching. His hand brushed her cheek and sent chills down her spine. The corner of his mouth turned up. He spoke slowly, no louder than a whisper as if he knew it would shatter the night if he did so.

‘Allison, I have searched far for one small glimpse of your perfection. Lo and behold, tragedy brings us together. . . ‘ Fear arose but waned as quickly as it arrived. His silky voice, his radiance was beyond any she had ever encountered before in her life.

‘Who are you. . . ‘ Desire reflected in his gaze. She gasped and tried to step away from him.

‘My name,’ He took her hand in his and kissed her pale skin. ‘is Viktor. I offer my condolences for your loss. . . ‘ He didn’t release her hand but pulled her closer. Allison hadn’t cared to look away from him’.

‘I thank you.’ Viktor smirked. He had been beckoning her to obey him, only him. Taking away those she depended on and isolating her, planting ideas of spite and dislike in her mind all the while. She almost involuntarily fought Viktor, but with a caress of her palm with his thumb her body had gone numb. His arm had snaked around her waist. She was dazed while his soft lips touched hers. Her arms lay limply behind her as he tipped her back. The black cape he wore draped over her and she felt her hands come up to rest on his upper arms. His lips left hers and touched her chin, then neck. The skin at her throat broke and she fought to release herself only to find herself being held forcefully by Viktor’s arm securely about her waist. Her hands trying to push him away, the pain quick as she moved. Red overcame her immediate sight, making her shut her eyes to block out thoughts of anguish and rage but unable to. Her sight began to fade as he squeezed her, pulling more blood to the surface. His now startling black eyes staring lustily into hers, he cooed.

‘You are mine. . .’ He gathered her into his arms, her head resting on his shoulder as her arms fell limply over her side. His lips touched her forehead and disappeared into the night. ~~~~

Allison opened her eyes, so weak she could not bear to open her eyes. She couldn’t forget Viktor’s changing eyes as they gazed into hers. The air smelled stale, moldy, familiar. She knew this smell, the haunting sense of death. She was hungry, not for bread or meat, but for something else. Her heart was still, cold. Shivering, she heard footsteps approaching in the darkness. She knew who it was, and she braced herself for the worst. There was a pause as she watched the darkness disappear. There was Viktor, illuminated in candlelight, stared down at her. She wasn’t sleeping in the dark, but some sort of box. A casket. Her voice had gone. But something had replaced it. Something irresistible. Something delicious. She sat up with some difficulty, her eyes searching for the source of her thirst through the red. Even the candlelight glowed crimson. Viktor remained above her, the exposed throat his offer to her. ‘Drink.’ Her lips touched his cool skin and sharp edges grew from her front teeth. She plunged greedily and took her fill.

His blood tasted so sweet, so exquisite, and she filled herself. Pulling away, she licked her lips as he smirked, his eyes reflecting the flames from the candles around the room strategically to get the full effect of brilliance. She watched Viktor, feeling more alive than she had ever felt. His blood was exhilarating, and she felt her heart soar with appreciation and love for Viktor.

‘Viktor, thank you for this. I can’t explain this feeling. I don’t know how to repay you. . .’ He held her close and they kissed. It was long before they parted, and her eyes felt glazed over.

‘Be mine for eternity.’

‘Always. . .’

‘I have one gift more for you, Love.’ Her gaze followed his into a dark corner.

‘What is it?’ she said with awe.

‘Go and see.’ Allison was only able to make out a dark figure standing in the shadows as if it were tied to a stake. When she got c
loser, she saw Aaron Kinney standing in fear before her. Her eyes had begun to see red again and she smiled in awe. He looked beaten, his face bleeding from a scrape that looked as if he had been thrown across a stone floor and rammed into a wall. The rage was turning into a thirst not unlike the one she’d experienced before. Her eyes flashed of desire, rage, and most importantly revenge.

‘Hello, Aaron.’ Her voice came out in a hiss and she touched his face, feeling a spark of excitement course through her. The urge got stronger, and she saw the crimson liquid coursing through his veins. His blue eyes were horrified, frozen. She was compelled to move faster. She wasn’t sure how to handle the situation at first, and felt Viktor behind her, so close, so warm. His hands trailed down her arms, and he raised her hands with his own, resting them at Aaron’s nape. ‘To kill, drain here. You can taste death when you find it.’ He led her hands to another spot on Aaron’s neck. ‘To create, drain here. In order to fully create, add your own blood the next night. Choose wisely.’

‘This one was one of those who killed my mother and father. They deserve to pay.’ She put her fingers over his eyes, and lightly slid them down his face, her neck bent slightly to the right as she smiled evilly. Viktor’s hands didn’t leave her waist. Allison grabbed Aaron’s hair from behind his head, and she pulled his head to his left, revealing his nape. Licking her lips, she revealed her fangs and pinpointed the pulse. She’d decided to kill him. Aaron quaked from fear and Allison watched his eyes close tightly before plunging her fangs into the exposed skin. Hearing him cry of agony as she sucked the life out of him, Aaron struggled against her. Viktor left her side to hold him down. Her craving renewed itself, and she drank hungrily, taking as much as she wanted before the cry stopped. She withdrew herself from his skin licking her lips satisfied. The scent of blood lingered in the air, and she turned to meet Viktor’s approving look, meeting his lips with her own, christened.

(present day) ‘AAH!’ Sitting up with a sweat and tear-drenched face, Sylvia stopped her cries, and began breathing laboriously, holding her head in her hands as she turned over to her other side, her long hair cascading over her eyes. Tasting blood on her lips, she almost jumped until she realized it was just because she bit her lip so hard she cut herself. Looking at her clock as soon as she regained her composure, she noticed that it was twenty past midnight. That horrible dream again, she thought, the memories remaining sharply on her brain. It looked like me. Who was he, that man who. . .The young woman searched her mind, trying to find an explanation. Why did she have this dream, why was she aching inside as if she had lost someone important in her life. ‘I have everything I need in life! I have no reason to have weird dreams and stay up at all hours at night. Why can’t I sleep during the night instead of during the day.’ She rubbed the bridge of her nose, irritated. ‘Answers don’t come to those who wait. . . They come to those who look for them. Stop thinking so much.’ The sixteen year old girl stood and wobbled over to her bathroom. She was wide awake. Too bad she didn’t feel the same during the day.

Everyday, it felt, she was always so tired, and the sun irritated her eyes as if she had sun burnt them, then she was always so pale. Then, every time she felt the urge to eat something, she couldn’t find anything to strike her nerve. She even went to the twenty four hour grocery store to find something, but then she would wander into the foods section, and the only thing she could find was fresh meat. Fresh. Juicy. Raw. Meat. She could eat normal food, but it irritated her stomach. It didn’t even look like she wanted to eat the meat when she cooked it, but she would always squeeze the juice out of it, trying to drain it of all the blood before she ate it, but then she would find herself wanting to drink the juice instead. She felt weird whenever she saw a person walk by, all clean-shaven and, if they had long hair, their hair pulled back in a ponytail so their necks were uncovered. Why would someone’s neck make her so hungry? First she figured it was hormones, but then again, she knew she wasn’t gay or lusting at the time. Her lips would dry and she would lick them, smelling blood. Blood. The thought of blood made her hungry, but there were no such things as vampires, were there? She had to be sick. The young woman decided to watch some TV and look for something to eat, hopefully she wouldn’t have a weird temptation for the one thing she didn’t think she could stomach.

With her seventeenth birthday coming up within the next few weeks, she was arranged a doctor appointment. She couldn’t go to Europe with any sicknesses. She was barely ever sick, but this time she the depression hit her deeply, so she felt it would be wise to look into remedies that could stop the feeling. Her foster parents were worried about her, therefore they decided action would be best.

Walking into the square waiting room of the office building, she sat down in the not quite full room and waited for her name to be called. Near her, there was a small boy with flaming red hair quietly playing with a ‘Mr. Potato Head’ game, his mother, red-haired as well, watching him worriedly. The teenager watched the mother, and suddenly felt her sadness. The boy had an ear infection, a really bad one. She didn’t know how she knew, the information came to her. Next to the little boy on a chair next to his mother sat a little girl with the same color of hair sitting quietly, she had a rag to her ear, holding it there and almost sobbing. Another ear infection, worse than the boy’s. They were twins, and they seemed to be able to lock in on the other’s condition. Looking over to the other side of the room, she saw a man sitting with his face in a magazine which was about personal health, and felt his problem flowing into her. Heart problem. He was worried about needing surgery. Another group in the room was a couple, man and woman. From the way they sat, which was quite nervously, she guessed they were going to have a baby. Too bad they didn’t know it yet. She was probably having some unusual reactions to food and couldn’t stop throwing up in the morning. She felt herself staring at them harder than the others.

‘Sylvia Thatcher,’ said a nurse, who just entered the room with a clipboard and a bright uniform which had prints of colorful elephants on it while she wore white stirrup pants. Sylvia stood up and walked through the hallway with the woman. ‘Third door to your left.’ The nurse cared more about her attire than her patients, a loss of confidence in the system. Allison noted this and the nurse left her, she watched the happy woman walk away and caught herself looking at the woman’s exposed nape. She didn’t catch herself, though, when she licked her lips unconsciously. Turning her gaze, her expression changed to a malicious glare, and she cursed herself. For a moment, she almost saw red, and red was not her favorite color.

Sitting down on the examination bed, she waited for the good doctor. It was very boring, the examination room. The only things that seemed to bring color to the room was a picture of a forest scene, where there was a tall stone structure in the distance, and a poster of the human breathing system and its veins. This somehow made her stand up, and approach the picture. The ‘person’ was facing forward, and Sylvia stared at the picture, bringing up her hand to trail the veins. The combination of red and blue made it look more entertaining she guessed, and her fingers stopped as they trailed one vein in particular up to the neck, where there was an intersection of a vein and an artery. Pressing her forefinger and middle finger apart onto the spot she put them a bit to the side of them where just the vein remained, and put her fingers in a similar place there. Her mouth began to water and she shut her eyes as she started to see red, pulling her fingers away
awkwardly as she heard the door open abruptly. Her ears began to hurt and she covered them up, forcing the feeling down. ‘Miss Thatcher, are you okay?’ the doctor asked. Sylvia shook the feeling away, and then looked up feeling better.

‘Um, yeah…’ The doctor was a man, his short hair brown as his blue eyes seemed to show he cared. Well, she thought. If he cared about me as much as his golfing appointment in an hour, I’d have it made.

‘Are you sure?’ The feeling subsided and she nodded. ‘Have a seat. How are you feeling today?’

‘Fine I guess.’

‘You wouldn’t be here if you were fine.’

‘I’ve never been to a doctor alone before.’


‘Yeah I guess.’

‘Well, we’re going to take your pulse, and then we’re going to perform a test or two.’ Sylvia nodded, and he frowned. ‘The nurse didn’t tell you to change?’

‘She seemed eager to leave.’

‘Eileen is like that.’ He said, putting down the chart board. Sylvia watched his stethoscope touch down over her heart. Confusion flashed across his eyes, and Sylvia had the sudden urge to laugh. She was more confused to tell the truth. He moved the scope up a bit, and tried again. More confusion. ‘Well, lets try something else.’ He took Sylvia’s wrist and looked at his watch, which was not a watch but a five hundred dollar Rolex. He watched the second hand, looked at her wrist again, changed his position on her wrist, then tried again. ‘Impossible. Lift your arm.’ Sylvia did as told, and he, almost harshly, grabbed her upper arm from underneath where the infant pulse is usually found. After a few seconds, he let go and turned her neck slightly, going for her pulse on her neck. She grabbed his wrist in a vice-like grip and glared at him. After a few seconds, he suddenly went numb and released her. She let him go. ‘You’ve never been to a doctor alone?’ His voice was shaky. Sylvia shook her head no, and he left the room quickly.

In a minute, he returned with another doctor, a woman, older and calmer. ‘Hello, Sylvia, how are you?’ Sylvia nodded, indifferent. The woman began the same checkup as the man, but she did hers a bit more thoroughly, but came to the same confusion in the end. ‘Are you feeling well?’

‘I’m wondering why this mook is in a panic. Other than that, I only feel depressed, which is why I supposedly came here in the first place.’

‘Dr. Reef is quite normal thank you very much, Miss Thatcher. What made him act out of character is that, why this may come as a shock to you but I assure you it is quite true, you don’t have a pulse or a heart rate for that matter.’ She brought up a light and opened Allison’s eyes wide, flashing the light into them.

‘AH!’ Sylvia pulled back away from the doctor, who dropped the light. ‘What do you think you’re doing, lady!’

‘Checking your eyes for sensitivity, what else?’ Sylvia shut her red eyes.

‘They’re sensitive okay! I could’ve told you that!’ The doctor picked up the light again.

‘Just let me check your eyes for infections.’ She grabbed Sylvia’s arm, who fought for it back, and she stepped away from the two.

‘No. Get away from me.’

‘It won’t hurt, now stop acting like a baby.’ Sylvia looked up abruptly, and the doctor gasped. Her eyes were no longer hazel but a deep blood red. She could feel two of her teeth grow sharp. Her hand clamped over her mouth and she looked at the frightened doctors, feeling the urge pull at her even more. Without much thought, she ran over to the door and yanked the door open, running out into the waiting room and leaving the office. The sun hit her at full force, but it wasn’t painful like the light directed at her eyes. She ran down a street, and ducked into a dark alley which would empty out on a local park that was hidden by trees. The urge got larger and larger until she could no longer take it. Looking over her shoulder, she saw two shadows behind her, and then she looked ahead of her, gasping as she rammed into a man not much taller than her. The good thing was that she wasn’t seeing red anymore, but she could smell the malice on the man in front of her, and attempted to feel fear herself, she couldn’t feel anything.

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8211 II

By : Malayalamwriter എല്ലാം കഴിഞ്ഞു കിടന്നു ഉറങ്ങി എണീറ്റത് എപ്പോള്‍ ആണെന്ന് ഓര്‍ക്കുന്നില്ല . ഞാന്‍ നോക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ജനലുകളില്‍ മഞ്ഞു തുള്ളികള്‍ കൊണ്ട് നിറഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്നു . എല്ലാവരും ഇപ്പോഴും പാതി മയക്കത്തില്‍ . ഞാന്‍ എന്റെ ചുരി ഷാള്‍ ശരിയാക്കി സൗമ്യയെ നോക്കിയപ്പോള്‍ അവള്‍ ഒരു പൂച്ച കുഞ്ഞിനെ പോലെ കിടന്നു ഉറങ്ങുന്നു . ചുണ്ടില്‍ ഒരു കുഞ്ഞു പുഞ്ചിരി . കള്ളി ഉറങ്ങുന്നത് കണ്ടില്ലേ എന്തൊക്കെ ആയിരുന്നു ഇന്നലെ ഇവള്‍ കാണിച്ചു കൂട്ടിയത് . . എന്നിട്ട് ഒന്നും അറിയാത്ത പോലെ ഉറങ്ങുന്നു . എനിക്കവളുടെ...

3 years ago
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Protection Fer WhoChapter 8

CAST: Jeff Burnside—narrator, owner of "Burnside's Sausage & Bacon Co." Jane Burnside—wife of Jeff Mary Elizabeth Burnside—Jeff's daughter Jeff (JJ) Burnside, Jr.—Jeff's son Inez Arthur—substitute grandmother Rastus—Negro employee Martha—Negro employee, Rastus' wife "Little" Jane—Rastus' daughter Jonah—Negro employee Ellie—Negro employee, Jonah's wife Josiah—Negro employee Mandy—Negro employee, Josiah's wife Pierre Monde—creole employee, BBQ chef Agnes...

2 years ago
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Farm LifeChapter 9

Becky was standing at the head of Belinda’s huge dining room table with all of us seated. Mom and Aunt Maggie wore threadbare white wife beater shirts and nothing else. They were still covered in my dried cum with some still leaking down their legs. Becky began addressing the group. “We are all gathered here to learn of our relationship to each other and how it occurred. Before my mom, Belinda, and Aunt Nancy enlighten us I have something to say. The state you see my mother and Aunt Nancy in...

2 years ago
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I Fell in Love With a Ghost

This is not a Halloween story. I just added the bit at the end in honor of the holiday. Hope you enjoy. He just showed up one day, and the bar owner did everything but kiss his ass in front of everyone. He even set up a small table in the back near the restrooms, and no one was allowed to sit there except him. The place had been a working class bar forever, but when the economy went bad and manufacturing dried up, all that was left were the unemployed and the retirees. The owner was just...

2 years ago
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Discreet Anal Affair

PRELUDEMarcy was naked on all fours in the hotel bed. He head was on the mattress turned to side and she was looking at herself in the mirror over the dresser. At 37 years of age she was an attractive woman with a slender shapely 36-28-34 figure. Her breasts seemed large for her slender body but they were lovely. I liked the way the nipples turned upwards. Her ass was to die for and she loved anal sex. As I looked at her briefly before getting in bed, I took in the lovely sight and her inviting...

3 years ago
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Pegged at the GYM

It only took 45 minutes but I talked myself into going to the gym tonight. I am pretty out of shape and recently joined a gym to try and get back on track.The gym is open 24/7 and I like going late when not as many people are there so I don't have to wait to use the equipment or deal with the insane body builders who can't resist grunting out loud every other minute. I get there and it's just how I like it. Easy to park, gym s**ttered with maybe 20 people and so I head over to a treadmill and...

1 year ago
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Daddy loves my sister more than me UPDATED

Disclaimer: Fictional story. All characters are made up and any similarities to you or anyone you know is coincidental. No daughters were fucked during the making of this story.(contains i****t from a daughter's pov, look away if this bothers you)"Yes daddy! Fuck me, fuck your little girl just like that!"My sister's muffled plea for a good hard fucking can be heard through my bedroom wall, along with the creaking of my daddy's bed. They were at it again. Not that I was surprised, ever since mom...

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The Janitor

Chapter one. Gwen picked up the mail from the mat, closed the front door behind with her foot and flicked the switch, turning on the main light. She dropped her coat over the back of the hall chair, next to the phone and stepped into the living room, kicking off her shoes and wriggling her toes in the pile of the carpet as she went. It had been a long day, stressful and she was inordinately pleased to be at home in her warm apartment at last. The mail was dropped on the settee, ready to...

1 year ago
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Predatory MothersChapter 12 Unbarring the Door

Dana walked back to Ariel's room, asking, "Your son has locked himself in his bedroom. Where do you keep the key?" "Ulp," Ariel was still in the process of giving David a blow job. Seeing that Ariel didn't seem inclined to stop what she was doing, Dana instructed her son. "David, will you promise not to blow your wad while Ariel answers my question?" "Uh ... Feels so good, but I guess I can manage that." Ariel took David's long prick out of her mouth. "So, Joseph is back to...

2 years ago
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transforming into ashley crossdresser

durring the day,i'm working i'm dressed in my work clothes,but when I come home I take a hot bath washing all over my body,then shave my legs,arms chest,and face.I even add babyoil in the water so that my skin becomes soft.then I will clean myself ass inside/out.then as i'm drying off i'll start ptting on my makeup,this takes me about an hour,I like taking my time so that my makeup looks perfect,so that when I put my wig on I'll have that female look.then go in the bedroom pick out something to...

2 years ago
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Vaah Papa Kya Lund Ha Tumhraa 8211 Part II

Hi! Mera Naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname yunghelper (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto (hot gals ) see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. My hot and horny readers see ek appeal haa- padnee see pahlee ladke apnaa lund pakad lee aur ladkeeya apne chut mee unglee dal lee takee story padne mee zyadaa maza aayegaa...

3 years ago
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At the Local Rub N Tug

Today is my third visit to the local 'rub and tug' establishment. It is also my third appointment with Cian. She is approximately 25 years old, 5ft 5ins tall, slim build with a delicious set of 36D tits capped by the most wonderful set of pink nipples. Her hair is an ash blonde colour (down to the middle of her back) with a matching hairy (and fluffy) pussy. We've decided on a 90 minute session including a shared spa session, nude body slide and handjob (by her) and pussy play and touching...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Sexy Dadi

Hello friends. I am Shivang from Mumbai. I got many encouraging replies for my previous lesbian story which I wrote on behalf of my friend-Ruchi! Thanks a lot for that. This story is mine and is what happened with me a couple of months back. It is about how I managed to fuck my own dadi (grandmother). The story will be a bit long but I assure you it’s worth shagging your dick and fingering your pussy on. Those who don’t know me I am Shivang 21years old male from Mumbai. I love mature women and...

3 years ago
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Purgatorys ChildrenChapter 8

"Hey Benni, you gotta' move a little. Show me that you're still alive inside that thick skull of yours." Benni's head shook every so slightly with the uncontrolled twitching of overly stressed neck muscles that don't stop. Dember reached over and lightly massaged the neck muscles, urging the tensed muscles to release their burden. Slowly, Benni's neck responded to the touch as his muscles let go. Benni opened his eyes. "How are you doing, Benni?" Benni whispered, "I feel so...

3 years ago
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The Birthday Present

My wife and I are in our fifties now and started dating in high school. I’ll refer to us as Doug and Megan. We were the stereotypical football player/cheerleader couple. I quickly started realizing Megan was very different than any other girl I had dated. Her appearance to me, in the beginning, as well as her friends and family, was very straight-laced and intellectual.Her sexual side, however, was totally different. From the beginning of our relationship, I was amazed at her craving for sex....

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African Cocks Banging My Ass Part 2Game Time

Hi to all my ISS readers and horny fans out there. I hope you all liked my first part. If you are new to my page, please read the first part before reading this one to help you understand better. So as you know, I met the African hulks who were enjoying the time of their life. I was enjoying being their pet. After the bathroom session, I became way too horny and started begging them to fuck me with their beasts. But they were just pretended as they were not ready yet and decided to play a...

1 year ago
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Futuristic Misfit Finishing Early

what we used to be known by – shemales, and harvests our cum for the “betterment of humanity.” At a young age I learned all it's benefits. It's used in medicine, make-up, fuel for cars and batteries, and many other things. It's become a valuable resource ever since all the oil has been drained from the earth. Barely anyone knows that our cum is what powers their planet – mainly people on the inside. Everything made with either has it listed as CM-Extract or CM-Powered. People don't ask...

2 years ago
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A Critical PathChapter 13

At Managers' Nick introduced the two newcomers to everyone, welcomed them and said what they would be doing. He let everyone chat for a few minutes which made Cliff and Helen feel more at ease. After that it was a routine meeting with each project manager giving an update. "It's a refreshing relief to have some decent money coming in again," said Norman, "although there's nowhere near enough yet. Nick, I think you should know that Eric's innovative methods with the tender and...

4 years ago
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Fallen Angel0

The game apparently ends with Your team winning, which brings a smile to Your face, "At last, that's the first one they've won all season". With that, You pull me into a sitting position and say, "Now, we're going out in a little while. I'm going to be punishing you, you know why, and if you embarrass me at all, in any way, you will regret it? Understand?" "Uh, yeah, sure Sir, whatever You say" I reply, a little unsure of what I'm agreeing to here, "What are You planning on...

3 years ago
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Neighborly SwapChapter 2 Arranging Date Night

Once inside, Brenda made for the bathroom, and I made certain the place was locked up, and lights were off. I undressed and waited for my turn in the bathroom. Once Brenda was finished, I entered and completed my bedtime routine. Climbing into bed, I turned to Brenda and asked her what had occurred on the ride home. She replied, “Nearly as soon as we were out of the parking lot, Ben came back to life. It was like some sort of zombie movie, except instead of gore drooling from his mouth, he...

1 year ago
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Private Veronica Leal Enjoys Threesome With DP

In Private Specials, Friends in Porn, Cherry Kiss has called upon Charlie Dean, David Perry, and the Columbian bombshell, Verónica Leal, to reminisce about their first experiences in porn, and of course, if you’ve got these three in a room, you might as well make it a threesome too! So enjoy Verónica and her studs in action on www.private.com as she gets to work with a round of gagging blowjobs before offering up both her holes for a wild DP pounding as she takes it hard and deep until her...

3 years ago
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Brain SauceChapter 2

On the way out the door, Megan was pulled aside by a petite, pony-tailed cheerleader that looked almost nothing like her mother. "Here," Marie said, pressing something small and hard in her daughter's hand. "I don't think I'll be needing this tonight. Consider this your wedding night." It wasn't until Megan was seating, legs crossed elegantly, in her family's BMW that she dared to peek into her hand. It was her mother's large and beautiful wedding ring combination. With a small...

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Sister Mary Jeans StruggleChapter 5

I knew I could not get out before they saw me, since it is dark in the hallway, and my habit is black maybe the easiest thing to do was stand in a doorway further down the hall, away from the stairs. I moved quickly and since I have a large white collar and a white front head cover I turned my back to them. I heard them talking along with Ann Giggling. I heard them walking away and up the stairs. God that was close, and so hot. My heart is pounding and my breath is so heavy and fast. I know...

2 years ago
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A New Style of Education Part 10

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 10 Mix-up Monday arrived and we all had to dress differently from how we were when it was announced. Since I'd been dressed as a male at the time of announcement, then I'd have to be Jayne for most of the day. Well, until after orchestra practice, when I'd have to attempt androgynous. After my shower, I dressed as Jayne. I still had to stop myself from choosing the male clothes. Since I was doing this for the next few weeks, I...

1 year ago
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Back home to my cousin

My name is Rick and im 23 years old. I am originaly from france but I have been living abroud for my business for a few years now. One day my parents called me and asked if I could come to visit them back in my village and also get to my sisters wedding in time. I said of course I will, and took my girlfriend and myself on a plane back to france. When we got to my village our whole family welcomed us as a surprize. My whole family has been there as well as aunts, uncles, grandparents and...

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Hunting season

Hunting season.It was the second time that the black SUV crept through the overgrown track to the back of lonely farmhouse. Its only occupant obscured by the dark tinted windows and the dim light of dawn. This time the occupant had a scanner on-board. Telephones are so easy to tap into. The first visit was to get information of the houses occupants. Outside waving in the warm breeze was the washing line full of information: Occupants: 2. One male, one female, no kids. Age: 20s.  Male: Farmer,...

4 years ago
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Sandwiched Between Love

The fantasy of a threesome was constantly playing in my mind. Ever since I had gotten pregnant the idea just wouldn't leave my head. If I ever wanted to do it, now would be the perfect time. I wouldn't get pregnant by any man's cum, and I didn't have a family to leave behind at home just yet. After much discussion, my fiance gave me the ‘okay’ and I began to plan my first threesome experience.I already had the perfect couple and they were definitely up for the new experience: Emily and Joseph....

Group Sex
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Milk Me Mommy

August 1971: Nebraska Story Artist From (szaab.com) It was only supposed to be for three weeks but now he was wishing the commitment was for longer, so much longer. What she was doing felt so wonderful and he knew he was getting close. He also knew that she knew. She had to be able to feel his nutsack tighten up in anticipation but he knew he wouldn't be allowed to go over the edge until he said it again. Why did she insist on hearing it? On hearing those exact words? Todd raised his hips and...

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The rogue wave hit the boat early in the morning. The Bradford family had just stepped down into the hold for dinner. Vanessa, the youngest child of Genine and James Bradford, was the last to come down the steps, closing the hatch behind her. At the little galley table, her three older brothers were already scarfing down the prepared food as quickly as they could. Their little sister barely reached the last step when their whole world literally turned upside down. The power went out, items and...

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The bst of Yorkshire

It all started on a cold and foggy night , has i was walking home from a friends place , I saw this figure in the distance i knew there and then that it was my man , The plan was for him to k**nap me on my way home , as i walked closer to the figure my heart started to race and my pussy began to drip , he put is arm around my neck as if to stangle me , And dragged me in to a unused tunnel , where he started to kiss me well i struggled , he then forced is hand down my pants and started to flick...

1 year ago
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Ahead of the GameChapter 18

"What the hell is going on?" Jeff asked, scrambling out of bed. As he rushed through the door, Jeff couldn't help wondering what could be so urgent to cause Diana to get so excited. Once he was outside of the hut, Jeff stopped in his tracks, stunned at the sight that awaited him. Standing in the middle of the village, naked as the day they were born were Heracles and other warriors he had brought with him. "Jeff, I think it's time for you to be initiated into the Greek Warrior Society....

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Battlemage Book 10 Darkness Under a Scarlet MoonChapter 8

Groaning Terrance rolled out of the wreckage of the bookcase he was lying in. There were a few sharp points and splinters he pulled free of his skin, but thankfully none were in his face or eyes. As he looked over at the ruined mess that was a side table he saw the light stirring of Rory. "Hey, are you ok?" asked Terrence tiredly "How can any one person have that much strength?" asked Rory as he finally opened his eyes and looked at Terrance. "The way he threw us I think he only...

1 year ago
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Starting a Family Tradition

100% fiction! When my mother was eighteen she got pregnant so her parents sent her to ‘visit relatives’ until I was born. They wanted Ma to put me up for adoption but she fought and kept me. At eighteen she married my father and when I was 18 Pop got himself killed in an accident at work. He had an insurance policy but the money didn’t go far. Ma worked her ass off supporting us, and besides her full time job did some part time work at home on the computer.. And as soon as I could I started...

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“When we moved to the locker room he showed me some pics on his phone of his step mother. An attractive size-12 blond with a wonderful body, and a big smile, firstly beautifully dressed in designer clothing, them topless, then almost naked in heels, stockings and a garter belt. “He asked again if he could take some pics of my cock to show his step mother. He had my full attention when told me he has regular sex with his step mother. You know I love teasing and flaunting my erection for boys...

3 years ago
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Out with Ash

Ash was in the backseat. I opened the door for her, held her hand as she got into the car. The GPS told me to turn, go this far. I did not say a word, did not ask anything. Lessons had been learned, Ash owned me and i knew my place and loved it!After two hours no idea where i was. I pull the car up to a private garage door. It rolled up Ash ordered me to drive in and to the left. i will see where to park. A space said Ms.Ash. I slide her car into the space, jumped out, ran to open Ms. Ash's...

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Chestnut Hill Romance

Scott and Cathy started work in Chestnut Hill Consulting on the same day. Scott was hired as an operations consultant. Cathy was hired as an account development consultant.  Although in very different careers they noticed each other during Chestnut Hill Consulting introductions. Scott saw Cathy go up for coffee during the introduction break. He couldn’t resist and headed over for coffee as well. Cathy was thrilled when she saw Scott walking in her direction. He was 6’ 1”, with black business...

3 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 69 Soon Very Soon

"Well, that was certainly different," Kathy huffed as she pressed the blue rubber ice bag against her swollen slit. "I've never been so, so disgusted in my life." She spat her words as Mommy settled next to her on the black leather couch. "I just hope this stuff wears off soon." Mommy wiped numbing gel into her abused back door. "I promised Anthony that I'd let his scout troop earn their gang bang merit badges tonight." "I'm so sick of those mean old Trojans picking on you...

1 year ago
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Charlie 1

I lost my virginity when I was after my first prom with a Junior who had asked me to the dance. He was sweet and a virgin too. The sex was painful and awkward and I bled for a few days after. We had messed around a few times after and the sex didn't hurt anymore but I had still never had an orgasm with a boy. One day after school my senior year, the poor boy was sucking on my nipple with his hands down my pants, determined to figure out how to make a girl come when my dad walked in early from...

3 years ago
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Shadi suda affair

Hi! This is Sonu .i use to read iss.i love this site.let,s I tell u my self .i live in delhi.i m very fond of sex ,just for fun.here I m telling my real sex story. When I was study in 12th .Nitin is my best frnd.and I often go to his home.his room is on top flor.chalo mai apko hindi me batata hoon.kyuon ki jyada se jayada log is kahni ko parh sake.nitin k parosh mai ek kiraye dar rahte the.ek beutifull lady uska naan yahan mai, jaan likh raha hoon.wo 25 sal ki lady thi , uske gol nok dar boobs...

2 years ago
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Limo Story

Steamy glances over the candlelight mean its time to pay the bill. You gesture to the waiter and he brings you the plate with the bill, you pay with cash leaving a nice handsome tip because you'd rather have your hands on my ass then wait for the change. We walk to the door; and, as you wish, your hand rests on my ass gently guiding me. You hold the door open for me, and I step out, turn my head and wink at the waiter, then blows him a kiss. His face immediately turns a bright red; he...

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