Blue Side Of Lonesome free porn video

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A nod to Microsoft for their great new product, Sync, that makes media of various kinds actually make sense on automobiles.

Thanks to Techsan and Lady Cibelle for their editing assistance. Thier help is always appreciated ... and it makes a huge difference in the readability of my stories.

Be aware that I am taking some artistic license with the dates that certain events take place: for example, the Army Airborne Jump School is now held only at Fort Benning, Georgia. Way too many years ago when I was in the 82nd Airborne, jump school was also held at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, outside of Fayetteville, NC. Also, the 2nd Battalion of the 504th Airborne Infantry was resurrected during 1960.

Blue Side of Lonesome (written by Leon Payne)

"I'm calling to tell you its over.

Yes, darling, you're now free to go.

You're saying you're sorry you hurt me.

But you hurt me much more than you know."

Jim Reeves


"I thought I knew her well.

I really couldn't tell,

That she had another lover on her mind.

You see, it felt so right,

When she held me tight.

How could I be so blind?"

Alan Jackson

Even though my name was really Jack — Jack Johnson — everyone always wanted to call me John. It was a particular problem when I (against my Dad's advice) joined the Army. There are sergeants scattered all over the world that are convinced they knew John Johnson. Now who would name their son John Johnson ... that's a pathetic name!

Lately I have been thinking thoughts I never expected to have on my mind. I'd always been impressed with the implied sanctity of that bit in the wedding vows where the bride and groom promise to love only one another, " ... until death do us part." That had caught my attention as being somewhat serious and I took it literally. I'd for sure assumed that Jenny Johnson nee Wilson had felt the same.

So I'd been musing: what is it that leads a man or woman into that sense that all is not right with their marriage ... that infidelity may be in the air? I hear men say that they never had a clue — that there was nothing that they could perceive that might have indicated a straying wife.

Other men indicated that there were clues: changes in behavior that, though they were small in themselves, led to an aggregate that said in big bold letters: cheater, cheater!

Maybe everyone is right: there is such a vast range in the personalities, attitudes, and learned and instinctive behaviors that each situation is different. For me it was simple. You live with a person long enough, and if you have any sensitivity or empathy towards your 'significant other, ' you can tell that the relationship is not right, that changes are taking place, possibly, even probably, unbeknownst to you. Now these changes may be sudden and strong as an earthquake or slow and so incremental that you aren't sure if anything has changed at all.

But, it isn't really being able to quantify and identify what the changes are ... it's just that at some subliminal level you sense that something has changed. You become uneasy without knowing why. Your comfort level with your spouse is not the same but you are not really uncomfortable at all. It's like there was some infinitesimal shift in the space/time continuum and one day you realize that the world is a different place ... but still awfully familiar. It would be like you had a neighbor that looked and acted exactly the same way but suddenly he was left-handed. You try to figure out whether he was always a lefthander or if all of a sudden maybe you were losing it.

I hesitated to talk to Jenny about it — I mean, what could I say? If I started talking to her about sub-atomic particles and how they were reflecting changes in our relationship she would give me one of those looks and throw away my beer. And dammit, I had about as close a relationship with my Shiner Bock as I did with her. It later turned out that Shiner Bock had my love hands down. And that was without even considering longneck Lonestars. It was hell to realize that your beer was more faithful than your wife!

It took several months of ruminating over the intricacies of married life before all the little disturbances in the force crystallized in the firm conclusion that, "Damn, she's cheating on me." I didn't confront her right away. I came to be curious to see if I could detect any clear changes in her schedule, behavior or her attitude towards me. One thing was for sure though. If she had a problem that I could have helped her with that was serious enough, she could have — and should have — come to me about it so we could work it out. If she hadn't ... well, I wouldn't be feeling one whole hell of a lot of forgiveness.

She hadn't come to me about any problems so when (not if, I was way past if) ugly things came to light of day, it was over. The image came to me of turning over a rotted log in the forest. All the dank, smelly, disgusting things that live in the heart of darkness scurry as fast as they can for another dark hiding place. Would that be the case with Jenny? The nasty things in life that feast on the darkness of infidelity are nothing but ugly and repulsive when seen under the clear light of reason and faithfulness.

Would I forgive her? Can America forsake Chinese imports and Middle-Eastern oil? It's not like I wasn't essentially a man that forgave, I mean I am clearly a forgiving man. When Jenny backed her new Mercedes into the dumpster at the local Kings Soopers, did I yell at her? No, I gave her a supporting hug and told her, "Dear, these things happen." When she forgot my birthday last year, I just smiled and said, "I'm not counting birthdays any more."

But a man has to have some level of pride. Yeah, I know. Pride comes before a fall. But sometimes you have to take the fall if you want to be able to live with yourself. So I spent some considerable time thinking about what I'd do and where I'd go. It turned out later that it didn't make any difference. Circumstances sometimes happen to us and we go with the flow — it seems easier and logical ... even predestined.


How had I come to this point? How had I fallen in love with a wanton woman who turned out to have the same degree of loyalty as a hungry shark? Just how had my sweet Jenny turned into a cold-blooded assassin that killed my love with the same compunction she would have swatted a fly.

Well, it was easy and natural, actually. After graduating from Cherry Creek High School in the southeast suburbs of Denver, I enrolled at Denver University. It was a good school and close to home. I was doing great in all my classes — I was probably carrying around a 3.8 GPA — when I got a terminal case of the stupids.

My girlfriend from high school — Mary Lou Fossett — had decided on Fort Lewis College in Durango. We were calling each other regularly with maybe an exchange of letters once a month or so. I tried to call her to see what her plans for Thanksgiving were. I called her a number of times over three days with no luck. I did leave a couple of messages but there was for sure no call back from her.

I had a term paper for English that I'd been putting off. I had to write a paper about a well-known author. I'd picked Rudyard Kipling thinking it would be easy. Well, he turned out to be an incredibly complex person and writer. All of a sudden I had tons of work to do and damn little time to do it in. So I had to decide: finish the paper or go find out why my one true love wasn't answering the phone.

It turned out I made the wrong decision on so many levels it wasn't funny. I drove down to Durango and over to the college. I went to her dorm room — I knew where it was since I'd driven her to the school and helped her move in — but she wasn't there. Her roommate told me to try the Student Union building. Sure enough, she was sitting on the front steps kissing a guy like there was no tomorrow. I watched unobserved for a few minutes and even a dummy like me could see it was a serious kiss.

Finally she came up for air and saw me standing there looking like all kinds of lost. She had the grace to blush and the balls to introduce me to the guy.

"Jack, this is Joey Green. He's my fiancé ... we're getting married in June."

Well, hell! What do you say to that? I mumbled something that even I had no clue what it was and slipped away. I wasn't sure what my feelings were. It was a battle between being numb, feeling godawful stupid, and wondering how I had wound up in Alice's wonderland.

It turned out that my prune of an English teacher was the original hard case and she flunked me without even letting me explain or giving me a second chance. Later I realized that I should have just taken the hit with one failing grade and worked on the rest of my classes. But I wasn't thinking too clearly and I dropped completely out of school and joined the Army.

When I went to my dad and asked to borrow some money to get me through basic training I found out that this nice pleasant man I had always admired for his gentle nature could get highly pissed off. And he did: at me! I guess he figured if I was going in the Army he'd best enhance my vocabulary. Damn, and I thought I knew everything.

I'd always had this dream of being a Civil Engineer. I saw myself building bridges in Perú, airports in Brazil and highways in Spain. When I enlisted I signed up for Army Engineering training at Fort Leonard Wood. I should have been forewarned on the bus ride to the base when one of the guys in the know told me they called it, "Little Korea." That was because it was always either blistering hot and impossibly cold and windy.

I did okay during basic training. I ignored the crap they threw at you "to make you a soldier." I thought it was silly but the sergeants seemed terribly serious about it. There were a few key things that if you adhered to them would make life easy. Simple things like looking sharp, paying attention (listening and being where you were supposed to be and at the right time), and being respectful. It seemed that most of the guys got in trouble when they got together as a group but as I was more or less a loner I didn't have any problems staying out of their mindless meanderings.

One area that turned out positive was the rifle range. I was raised going antelope hunting on the plains of eastern Colorado and was coached by my dad at an early age to be careful around weapons and to shoot accurately. I qualified expert on the M16 with ease and caught the eye of the NCOIC (non-commissioned officer in charge) of the range. He was a vet of 4th Battalion 39th Infantry's sniper program and had been on several of the Army's competition shooting programs.

SFC (sergeant first class) Timmons got me out of several days of KP and gave me some one-on-one training on advanced shooting techniques. He also gave me a chance to shoot at six hundred and one thousand yard targets.

In spite of my dad's misgivings I thought I'd had a pretty good plan. I decided I would stay in for the three year commitment then go to school at Colorado School of Mines in Golden (which had the added plus of being several blocks from Coors). It didn't work out that way.

It was January and February of '89 when I went to basic and it was cold with several snowstorms during our training. One day while we were scouring the company area for cigarette butts — yeah, scrape aside the snow with your boot and lean down to pick up butts and any other trash — the first sergeant called us together and asked if anyone was interested in seeing a movie about the airborne in the post theater. I didn't really know anything about the airborne but getting out of the cold sounded pretty well.

One of the Squad leaders took about ten of us over — there were maybe a hundred or so guys in the theater in total. It started out kinda interesting. They showed a movie of paratroopers jumping out of planes in WWII. After that a Captain from the 82nd Airborne at Fort Bragg started talking. The theater was hot and stuffy and I was soon sound asleep. Suddenly a corporal with the 82nd AA patch on his shoulder was shaking me awake.

"Damn, soldier, you should know better than falling asleep in here. You're lucky I saw you. Get your ass over in that line and I won't say anything."

Still half-asleep I saw that most of the guys had left and about ten guys were in a line signing some papers. I assumed that we had to sign in to make sure we had showed up. I was still half asleep and just signed a couple of papers where the PFC (private first class) showed me. It wasn't until the Captain told me, "Congratulations, soldier," that I started wondering.

I found out what had happened the next week. That damn Corporal had sent me to a line to sign-up for airborne training. The papers I'd signed were for me to take a physical, to go to Fort Gordon, Georgia for communications training and for me to cancel my request for Engineer training and to go to jump school instead. Damn!

I didn't find this out all at once. I went for the physical and kept telling them it was a mistake. Well, I found out the Army doesn't make mistakes — they told me that flat out. One nurse was kind enough to show me the orders for the exam. It sure enough had my name and serial number on the list.

When we got to the line where they took blood samples I could see that this wasn't for me. I'd never had a blood test before and I watched as the two guys in front of me passed out. This was the last station and I was standing by a door so I just walked out. I very stupidly tossed my folder with the results of all the tests in a trashcan outside and made my way back to the barracks. I could have gotten court-martialed for that but no one ever said a word and no one ever noticed that I went to jump school without a physical.

Basic finished several weeks later and I'd forgotten all about my throwing away the physical folder. I guess I assumed that they would just ask me to take the physical over and I'd tell them I'd changed my mind. On our last day of training we gathered in formation in front of company HQ for orders. There were buses to take different groups to different posts or airports but since I was staying at Fort Leonard Wood for Engineering training I didn't think much about it.

When they called my name and gave me my orders to Fort Gordon, Georgia, I was confused. A sergeant was at the door of the bus checking orders and I told him about the mistake.

He gave me a dirty look and said, "Private, these orders say to get on this damn bus. Now do it!"

Well, it was then I remembered about discretion being the better part of valor. I was to think of that often over the next few years.

I signed in at Fort Gordon (famous for getting soldiers free passes to The Masters golf tournament) where they told me I was going to study to be a pole lineman. When I found that that was climbing poles and hooking up commo wire I asked to see personnel — I had one of the highest scores on the test at Kansas City where I went through initial processing. Finally, someone listened to me and did something useful. I got the orders changed to go to radio school. While it wasn't what I wanted it did sound interesting.

It was springtime when I went through communications training and I did like what I was studying. I'd been a boy scout and knew Morse code well, so that part of the course was easy.

When the training was over it was time to wait for orders again. Almost everyone in my class was getting orders to a post outside of Munich for the remainder of their tours. By this time I'd forgotten all about engineering and the dumb airborne thing. So of course, I was sent to a bus going to Fort Bragg. I tried to tell them again it was a mix up and they just told me to tell them at Bragg. Yeah, right.

When we arrived I was at the back of the bus and I saw guys getting off with their flat caps. There were some guys laying around that already had their jump patch on their shirt and they were jumping up and down on the hats of the guys getting off, making them do pushups and generally harassing them. I left my hat on the floor and got off the bus and immediately started doing pushups without being told. I quickly learned to go along to get along.

We had a six-week jump course — later changed to a three-week course at Fort Benning. I gave up on trying to tell the Army they had made a mistake when a buddy of mine from St. Paul could not do the required seven chinups and they sent him to Korea for thirty months. Hard duty!

So I jumped out of planes and became a paratrooper, "Airborne, all the way!"


The United States invasion of Panama, codenamed Operation Just Cause, was the operation initiated by the United States that deposed general, dictator, and de facto Panamanian military leader Manuel Noriega in December 1989. One of the guys had a poster with a picture of Noriega with a banner below it that said, "Cara de Piña," or "Pineapple Face." Noriega had such a pitted face that he looked like a pineapple with all the points sticking out.

My attitude had changed a lot about the Army. I had actually started to like it. When I arrived they were just forming a new battalion, the 2nd of the 504. The second became famous in the Second World War when a German officer was killed at Anzio found with this written in his diary:

"American parachutists — devils in baggy pants — are less than 100 meters from my outpost line. I can't sleep at night; they pop up from nowhere and we never know when or how they will strike next. Seems like the black-hearted devils are everywhere..."

These paratroopers were part of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 82nd Airborne Division. It was reorganized in 1957 and later the Second Brigade was reformed as the Second Battalion. I got there just as it formed and eleven months to the day after I was sworn in I was promoted to Spec 4 (specialist fourth class).

After I finished jump school I went one Saturday with a buddy into Fayetteville. He was going to the USO — I didn't really want to go but he dragged me along. It was the one and only time I ever went there but it was enough. It was there I met Jenny Wilson. Her mom was in charge of volunteers and Jenny rarely went but she was there that day. It took me less than three months to convert Jenny Wilson into Jenny Johnson — and being in the Army I felt that was a promotion for her.

It seemed that jumping out of planes had done a lot for my self-confidence that showed a new ease around women. What I remember most about Jenny at that time is that she was a sweet girl. Not sugar sweet but just a nice caring, thoughtful person. The word that comes to mind is empathy. She had the ability — no the gift — of seeing things from the other person's viewpoint.

She was slightly plump and cute in the girl next-door sort of way. Shortly after we were married we started jogging together. I'd been on the track and cross-country teams at Cherry Creek in Denver but suddenly found I was putting on a couple of pounds I didn't want. I got down to the weight I wanted and Jenny lost the residual baby fat that young girls sometimes keep into their twenties.

About a year after I married Jenny, I saw my first combat. I saved from a local paper one of the sidebar articles that described the purpose of Operation Just Cause.

On December 20, 1989, the 504th was sent into battle as part of Operation Just Cause. The intent of this operation was to protect U.S. civilians in Panama, secure key facilities, neutralize both the Panamanian Defense Forces (PDF) and the "Dignity Battalions," and restore the elected government of Panama by ousting General Manuel Noriega.

The 3rd Battalion conducted air and sea assaults in northern and central Panama to seize the dam that controlled the water in the Panama canal, a prison, several police stations, several key bridges, a PDF supply point, the PDF demolitions school and an intelligence training facility. These operations were designed to neutralize the PDF while protecting U.S. nationals and the canal itself during the first few hours of the battle.

The 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 504th, along with 4th Battalion of the 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment and the 1st Battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment, conducted a parachute assault on the Omar Torrijos International Airport. Following the airborne assault, the paratroopers soon found themselves engaged in fierce combat in urban and rural areas. As a testament to the discipline of the soldiers, however, the unit achieved all key objectives while causing only minimal collateral damage.

It turned out I was one of those casualties, albeit less severe than most. Essentially I had my ear lobe shot off. When they told me that I'd get a purple heart I was going to argue, but then I thought that if the bullet had been an inch or so to the left the award would have been posthumous. It did bleed like crazy.

The 82nd made their first jump since the Second World War on the Airport. It was a clean drop with a very few minor injuries and we quickly secured the Airport.

On December 22, we were assigned to clear Panama City of hostiles (i.e., Dignity Battalions), enforce a curfew, stop chaos and looting, and assume temporary law enforcement functions. At one point our company was pinned down, and even though I was the radio operator for the company commander, I was asked to take on a sniper role. Captain Adams was the kind of officer that knew the capabilities of his men and he knew I could take out someone at six hundred yards.

I stood behind a jeep with a mounted .50 caliber machine gun and started picking them off. The machine gun wasn't effective because they would just pop up their heads and shoot. They did have a machine gun behind a makeshift brick wall.

It was weird because it was so much easier to shoot someone than I would have thought. I knew that killing an enemy soldier could always happen and, of course, I'd certainly thought about it. Killing enemy combatants took up most of our training time. I'd hear these stories about "the first time you kill somebody is very hard."

It was like being on one of the test firing courses where they had pop up targets. I'd see a head stick around a corner and I would squeeze off a round like I'd done so many times before. These guys would just pop up like targets except a good shot was marked with a burst of blood rather than only a clang and the target falling.

I wasn't using a scope — I had hardly planned this. With a scope at this range I would expect pretty much a one hundred per cent kill rate. I was doing about fifty per cent on mostly snap shots. I'd killed four or five of them when the rest dissolved away. I never got a medal or anything — the Captain said he wasn't sure whether I was supposed to have done what he told me to. I didn't care so it was fine with me.

Even though my wound wasn't too serious, they sent me on home the day after my looks were forever marred by losing part of my ear.

The discussion with Jenny was interesting. She wasn't too concerned about my ear — she didn't seem to get how close the ear and the brain are. She was horrified though when one of my buddies and his wife were over for a barbeque a few months later and he told about what I had done. She was mad at me for a couple of months until David was born and then she seemed to forget about it.

I wound up staying in the Army until I got my twenty in. Jenny said, " ... that's damn well enough." She had been pretty good about it through the years so I went along with her.

After about ten years I had switched over to Public Relations and was stationed mostly in DC. We moved back to Denver and I got on at the Rocky Mountain News writing about Government Affairs. I'd also started writing, war novels mostly, but later some romance stuff and some westerns. I can't say that I was always (or ever!) in the top ten best sellers, but I had a loyal following and it paid enough to make it worthwhile.

David had gone to high school in Germany for the first two years and finished his senior year at Cherry Creek High School, the same place I'd attended. And yes, he went out for track and beat all the meet records I'd set in the half-mile and mile.


Eleven seconds! Eleven damned seconds. That's how long it took for my life to fall apart. Before the eleven seconds took place I was happily married and living with my lovely wife of twenty-five years in satisfaction and comfort in our upscale house in the lovely Cherry Creek neighborhood in Denver. After the eleven seconds — but not too damn much after — I was living near my son in a less than no-frills one-bedroom house not too far from Adams State College in Alamosa. I'd had my suspicions about Jenny, but that's light years away from knowing. Now I knew and I was truly pissed!

The whole thing was really my son's fault ... though later we spent many long nights and cold beers arguing the point. David took after me: we were both tall and slender and definitely serious runners. The difference was that while I'd been one of the best runners in the state while in high school, David was one of the best in the country. The assistant coach for the Olympic team was the coach at Adams State. David had run into him a number of times at invitational cross-country meets and wanted to be on his team. I mean this guy was a multiple time Cross Country coach of the year!

A full-ride scholarship made it a lot more palatable to me. It worked well for David too; he was interested in their award-winning program on Human Performance & Physical Education. He hadn't decided on whether he would major in Coaching or in Exercise Science & Sport Administration but there was no need to make a decision for a year or two.

When your life falls apart you tend to later go back and look for the one thing that led to various other things that eventually ended in catastrophe. At least I was like that. Which of the many events, the decisions made and not made, the fork in the road taken or not taken, led to a total life change for me? For example, if I had decided one day to buy a lottery ticket and it turned out to be a loser it would have negligible impact on my life. If I had purchased a ten million dollar winner ... well, that certainly would have led to many changes in my life.

Now you can really take this too far. If Columbus had died of scurvy before his discovery of the new world, would I have wound up living in the San Luis Valley near my twenty-five year old son?

Or maybe, more to the point, if my girlfriend, Mary Lou Fossett had not come down with chicken pox three days before the senior prom, would I have still met Jenny Wilson — who later became Jenny Johnson, wife of Jack Johnson. That just leads to too many "what ifs"?

No, if I were really going to track down the one single event that ended my so-called happy marriage, it would be my brief, and seeming innocuous (at the time) conversation with my son. It took place in mid-July, just a bit over a month before he was to move to Alamosa.

"Dad, ya gotta minute? I need to talk to you about wheels."

I must have looked a tad befuddled (as usual when talking with my son), because he continued, "Dad, you know, a car. Or more specifically, a truck... your truck."

"Uh, what about my truck?"

Well, it turned out that he noticed I really wasn't using my two-year-old F-150 all that much and he felt I should give it to him.

"Dad, it would be perfect for me."

I understood that to mean he liked the six hundred dollar sound system he had somehow talked me into getting as an upgrade. But he was right, I didn't really need the truck and had been talking to Jenny that I wanted to get something smaller — something that would fit in the garage and would get decent gas mileage.

So, the end result was I gave him my truck and I went shopping for a new car. He was eighteen and going off on his own.

Jenny knew the routine by now. Whenever I started looking for a "new toy" (her words) I would kinda go through the same process. I'd get all of the appropriate trade magazines, read and compare the factual reviews, and then, in this case, go by all the dealers and listen to the blatant lies of the sales types and take the cars out for a test drive. My wife didn't seem too interested in all this. When I asked her to take a look at one of the cars she muttered something about, " ... the difference between men and boys is the cost of their toys!"

But I persevered, did the research and bought a car that turned out to be a lot more fun than I expected. I wound up with a Ford Focus. The 2008 model was a complete redesign and made in the good ol' USA instead of overseas. But the really neat thing was SYNC. This was a cooperative development between Microsoft and Ford. Essentially it gave you a verbal command media environment.

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The last time the water bandits had hit Frank Kabrosky and Jose Ferrera's claim, they were unprepared. Five anonymous figures with shiny faceplates, three wicked looking clubs with sharp spikes on the ends, and they had to flee in awkward hopping bounds, to preserve suit integrity, leaving the bandits to transfer six-thousand gallons of water they had toiled the past four months to refine from the unforgiving hard rock extraction mine. There are no guns on the moon. Just five months earlier,...

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The Outsiders

This story was inspired from the Highlander movies and TV series but takes place in a separate world with its own rules. The Outsiders By Morpheus It was a dark and windy night as I staggered home from the bar, more than a little drunk. I staggered just a little with each step, enough to reveal to anyone who saw that I wasn't completely sober. However, I made a straight line home, eager to climb into bed. I only dreaded going to work in the morning with the hangover I was bound to...

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Blueberry Fields Forever

I have been cross-dressing in secret since I was in my late teens. Over the years, I have accumulated quite a wardrobe and whenever I get a chance I like to get dressed. When there is little time, I just throw on a sexy bra, panties, and genderless outer clothes like a sweat suit and sneak off to the local adult bookstore in a totally non-passable condition. There I can usually find some dick to suck or someone to fuck my ass. Sometimes when the family is away, I get fully dressed in clearly...

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Blues in the Night

     The bar where Fred sat was crowded and dingy, but it had a television.  On the screen, the Cowboys kicker shanked what would have been the winning field goal; a mixture of groans and cheers echoed in the crowded bar.  The brunette sitting on Fred's left cursed and slammed her beer down, splashing his left cuff.     "Oh hell, I'm sorry!" she spluttered, trying to dab at his sleeve with a napkin.  "Look, I'll pay for the cleaning bill..."     "That's okay," Fred reassured her, gently...

Straight Sex
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The Presidents ClubChapter 16

Sandi's new promotion vaulted her into the city's social stratosphere. She hobnobbed with rich and famous people on a regular basis now. Her date/escort on these occasions was the young handsome Officer Ben Johnson, much to his embarrassment. The evening gowns and dresses his boss wore on these occasions showed way too much of her voluptuous body for him not to notice her beautiful figure. He confessed his troublesome thoughts to his silent love, Lady X. He told her that he was beginning to...

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The Presidential Secret

The Presidential Secret By Gigi Julianne Langworth is the first woman president of the United States. It all happened very suddenly. It was about two in the morning, local time and 30,000 feet over the Atlantic flying from Paris on Air Force Two when Langworth was awoken from her nap. "Madam Vice-President, uh, we have bad news," whispered the secret service agent, "We just confirmed that President Hunt is dead of heart attack." Julianne's eyes opened in shock. Jason Hunt was a...

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Blues in the Night

The bar where Fred sat was crowded and dingy, but it had a television. On the screen, the Cowboys kicker shanked what would have been the winning field goal; a mixture of groans and cheers echoed in the crowded bar. The brunette sitting on Fred's left cursed and slammed her beer down, splashing his left cuff. "Oh hell, I'm sorry!" she spluttered, trying to dab at his sleeve with a napkin. "Look, I'll pay for the cleaning bill..." "That's okay," Fred reassured her, gently removing...

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A Lakeside Picnic

.The Lakeside Picnicby AbeAs soon as she arrived at her host family's log homein the mountains, Marie began to realize thatAmerica was not at all as she had expected it wouldbe.  She had been told that, as an exchange student,her behavior must be beyond reproach. She musttake her lead from her host family. She must dressas Americans dress, behave as they behave, and, of course, follow the rules at the university in the fall.She was told that all American girls wear brasiers,and they certainly...

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Lakeside Youth Sanatorium

A lot of people wonder why a guy like me became a nurse. The main reason is pussy which is pretty much the reason for everything I do. Four years ago I was looking for something different and decided to enroll at Lakeside Community College. I went for the Nursing Program because I heard most nurses are free with their snatch and decided it was the best place to get some serious action. During the process of me fucking every student nurse in the class, I ended up graduating. It was a bitch...

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Lakeside Love Best Friends Wife

Innocent lust and friendship transform into vacation affair College was only 5 years ago, but what better way to reunite than a beautiful trip out at the lake? It was always great to see old friends, but what I looked forward to seeing most was my best friend’s wife… Emma. She was the most beautiful woman I knew. Her husband, Peter and I had always been close in college as roommates and best men at each other’s wedding. A sort of wall-flower, Emma had little interest in...

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Delta OriginalChapter 7 New Residences

At the beginning of the week, they got their next influx of new residents. Two families of Pixs and a clan of Prols, all sixteen of them, turned up from the entrance to the plains. Ten of Iain’s cousin’s kids, some by marriage and some by blood all of working age also arrived with Iain on his sailing boat. It wasn’t long before the new residents were all gainfully employed. Aegeus, the leader of the Prol clan and his four oldest sons and his brother Alum and his two sons, were all soon...

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Blues Fusion

‘Hey Mike, can I come to your band practice this afternoon?’ Mike played bass in this garage band that was working towards stardom, at least that was what he told everyone. ‘Why?’ ‘I heard Huw talking to a couple of his friends and they seem to think that you’re pretty good.’ What I didn’t tell him was that they all thought the lead singer was a ‘babe’ and that the rest of the band was sort of okay. ‘Okay, but don’t get in the way.’ He was packing his bass and amp into their cases ready to...

4 years ago
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Date of first publication: Friday PM, September 21, 2007 Special thanks to ‘oldfart‘ for his expertise in re-editing and re-proofing. There is nothing in life that I enjoy more than a two hour layover at O’Hara in Chicago, other than perhaps, a double root canal. Just another wonderful screw up by the logistics department of my employer; they caught me unaware, blindsided me. The urge to kill comes to mind every time I think of them. It all started out innocently enough. There were a...

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The Company Presidents Driver

CHAPTER 1 For five years chief accountant Radford Hart had been on call as the president’s driver when the president met VIPs at the airport and returned them there. Occasionally the president and driver would take the VIPs to the Kempthorne Alpine Resort and stay overnight. The president Luke King was a self-drive guy so the company didn’t employ a chauffer for Luke although he was entitled to one. Radford didn’t find the task onerous. It got him out of the office and he often learned...

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Sidekick for Hire

"Eep! Eep! Eep! Eep! Eep! Eep! Ee--" You quickly slap the off button on your alarm clock and look at the red digital display telling you that it's already 10 am. "Uhhhg, that's right," you think to yourslef as you roll back over in your bed, "I have to wake up early and look for a new job..." You haul you body out off bed, scratch your hair and then slowly make yourway to the bathroom in your boxers to take a whiz. 'I still can't believe that Mr. Talimacki fired me from the E-Z Mart! Just...

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Poolside Ch 04 Pt 4

Author’s note: This story is a continuation of ‘Poolside: Ch. 04, Pt. 3’ which was intended to be the conclusion for Chapter 4. Immediately below are the final two paragraphs of Ch. 04, Pt. 3, showing how I planned to end this series a decade ago. ~~~~~~~~ Katrina grinned, then got into her car, backed out, waved, and drove away. I watched her car until it disappeared. ‘Farewell, Katrina! Good luck, my love!’ I whispered. My four-hour drive to campus went really fast. Every memory of Katrina...

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It’s the little things I love: the warmth of your hand on the small of my back, your thigh gently bumping mine as we walk, the twinkle in your eyes when you look at me. I adore your laugh and the way your smile creases your entire face. If I nuzzle against you, your enticing scent fills my nostrils, and I love the way I quiver when your hand clasps mine.We entwine fingers now, linked together as we walk side-by-side through sunlight dappled by the dense beech canopy. Stooping, you pluck a...

Quickie Sex
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Sugarblue Beach

The sea has always fascinated me. The way the waves flow over the water. The amazing colours help focus your mind and bring a sense of calmness, inner peace and clarity. I have always loved just sitting on the beach in the same place watching the sea for hours on end. It’s the closest thing to paradise or heaven. I suppose that’s why I enjoyed helping Chris, before the fire that is. My name is Simone. I am eighteen, 5’11, slim, have long brown hair and brown eyes with slightly larger than...

2 years ago
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Bluey Toohey Makes it Happen

= CHAPTER 1 Advertising creative director Katrina Cole was on the cusp of a meltdown. Her department was under notice it was in danger of losing a $3.3 million account because the client was alleging the branding campaign was not working. The agency counter-claimed that the Genuine Cowboy Belts Corporation (GCBC) was at fault, it’s sales and marketing arms were responsible for sluggish sales. That finger pointing was rejected by the client as ‘standing too close to the wall while...

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Bluebirds Sing

I guess I was a little slow in becoming sexually active, at least that is the way it felt listening to almost all my friends describe all the encounters they had had with the much discussed ‘Penis’. It seemed like every time I got together with my friends, who were sixteen or seventeen too, the subject always turned to boys and everyone seemed like they had a new experience with a boy to share. Not me. With rather strict parents, I had only been allowed to start dating after I had turned 16....

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BlazBlue Sexy Intervention

You certainly don't need to know about the BlazBlue universe to read this story. It'll definitely help, though! It's simply an anime set in the future. There's magic, and science, and they use it in unison to survive in what is essentially a post-apocalyptic world. It isn't barren, however, but a good portion of the population did die almost a hundred years ago. All you need to know while reading this is that there's people, and you're going to mess with them. Feel free to "like" your favourite...

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crackwhoreblues 42

Transmission # 97 Standing at the edge of the cliff, gazing thoughtlessly down into the septic tank of our soul... High heels and lip-stick, cocaine enemas, we beg the Whore-Goddess to fuck us with her fifteen inch throbbing cock, to be her slave....Bouncing up and down, playing pogo on your cock, tightening my sphincter, milking, teasing, squeezing your throbbing shaft so deep inside. You pull my legs back, speeding my asshole, gape-r****g me, making me scream as I lose control over my...

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crackwhoreblues 42

Transmission # 97 Standing at the edge of the cliff, gazing thoughtlessly down into the septic tank of our soul... High heels and lip-stick, cocaine enemas, we beg the Whore-Goddess to fuck us with her fifteen inch throbbing cock, to be her slave....Bouncing up and down, playing pogo on your cock, tightening my sphincter, milking, teasing, squeezing your throbbing shaft so deep inside. You pull my legs back, speeding my asshole, gape-r****g me, making me scream as I lose control over my...

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Bluebell Hill

Bluebell Hill By Paul1954 Prologue Rochester University, Kent, England : October 27th, 2000 Elizabeth Geddes watched the backs of the three young men as they departed from her office and then closed her eyes tightly. Despite the hard facade she had just had to show to them she knew, more than they could ever be aware of, just exactly how they had felt. She heard a muffled curse as the door slammed shut behind them, and experienced what she might have thought of as a feeling of...

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Bluebirds Sing

I guess I was a little slow in becoming sexually active, at least that is the way it felt listening to almost all my friends describe all the encounters they had had with the much discussed 'Penis'. It seemed like every time I got together with my friends, who were sixteen or seventeen too, the subject always turned to boys and everyone seemed like they had a new experience with a boy to share. Not me. With rather strict parents, I had only been allowed to start dating after I had turned 16....

First Time
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Bluebonnets in Her Golden Hair

... years ago, I rode these prairies, with my bride so sweet and fair, I remember, how it thrilled her, Pretty bluebonnets blooming everywhere... * The evening shadows were falling fast by the time Amos and Abigail finished their supper and made their way out to the cool of their veranda to enjoy the evening twilight. "How many nights we've sit out here wondering where Emmett is, and what he's doing?" Abigail said, touching her husband's hand, as if to seek comfort and reassurance. "I...

1 year ago
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Blue Chew! First off, these fuckers only sell to customers located in the USA currently, so unless you're living in the land of Trump, you're out of luck. Anyways, let’s talk about the miracle of modern medicine for a second. I know I spend most of my time rambling about how much I love teen blowjobs and lesbian orgies, but for real, I have a genuine appreciation for doctors, scientists, researchers, and massive pharmaceutical companies. A couple of generations ago, men got old, and their dicks...

Male Enhancement Pills
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Bikini Beach A Presidential Visit

White House Memorandum From: Karl Rove To: Research Staff Date: 01/31/2007 Subject: Economic Dog & Pony Shows As planned, the Media mindlessly sucked up our little charade at Caterpillar last week, even going so far as to praise The Boss for doing virtually the same thing that got Dukakis into such deep crap. The boys at the FCC are sure doing a great job in regulating the Media, aren't they? Let's keep a good thing going. I want you to find another...

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Down By The Seaside

Down by the Seaside By: Jo Jo ([email protected])My name is Joanne, that's my real name, the rest of the names and placeshave been changed. I'm 30 now, this was when I was at Sixth Form. I was going out with a Mike and had been for a while. He was madly in love with me, and he was really gorgeous, but he was really young and really jealous, and I kept finding myself looking at men, rather than boys. One bank Holiday weekend, May I think, Mike said he was going campingwith his mates....

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A Seaside meeting

Ever since I was a boy I have loved visiting the seaside, the excitement of seeing such an expanse of water, the fun in the penny arcades and the taste of fish and chips. But when I visited recently it proved to be a very special visit one like no others and my excitement was found in a completely new sea side activity. I have written the story that follows because it helps me relive the passion, allows me to revisit my pleasure and my dreams come alive once more in the sights, sounds and...

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Coming Down Off My Hillside

I married Paul’s and Ann’s eldest daughter Linda. Linda is so open, loving and playful, I often wondered what her adult examples were like. Paul and I became friends as the years rolled by. Over too much beer, he told me how he and Ann first got together. The story seemed incomplete. Over many years, I pieced together why he had a darkness about him, what bonded them closer than any couple I know and why the son they had together is pursued by every girl at his school. —————- What Paul told...

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The Presidents ClubChapter 3

The elevator doors opened silently on a sumptuous boardroom that had been converted into a ballroom. There was music playing, performed by a live 8-piece orchestra. Karin was impressed. Not that she had ever seen a room this nice before. She had never heard a live orchestra before. She stood still and let the soothing sounds steady her nerves. Several people looked up as the opening doors announced her arrival. She stepped out of the elevator and waited, her hands hanging easily by her side....

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Chloe plays in the bosses Riverside Manor

Curiosity got the better of Chloe. She knew she shouldn’t look but it was hardly her fault the laptop was left open. After all, Clark and Lana Tate employed her to come in twice weekly to clean their swanky 6 bed pad overlooking the River Thames. They should be more careful. Chloe was paid to clean and tidy up after the them having access all areas. Well, mostly. The successful business owners clearly too busy to do their own housework. Or maybe just too rich to put themselves through such...

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Circumstances Lead To Two Caned Female Backsides

It was now two days since Yvonne and Tony Marsh had spent the Friday night at the home of Sheila and Jim Butcher. That night and the evening that preceeded it had involved wife swapping and the spanking of both women's backsides.All four of them were currently aged sixty but Sheila was fast approaching her sixty-first birthday.All participants had thoroughly enjoyed the evening and night but now, some forty-eight hours later, they were putting things into perspective. There was a conversation...

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A Spy At Sunnyside Dom LandChapter 6 Sunny Side Bribes Thighs Lies A Spy

Disclosure: All names of characters, depiction appearing as and representations are fiction and figments of the author’s imagination. Where We Are Now: If at this time you are thinking something stinks on high, you could have a point. But, when the whistleblower, missy inline sinks to the depths of the bowels of journalism standards, you may not ‘poo poo,’ the story. A little context would be helpful to better understand the nature of the so, called crime. You have most likely heard of The...

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Meeting three men on a hillside naked

'When did you make the transition to being a fully committed "Cuck" Mariel'.I could see the question excited him, talking to a woman about her sexual needs, does have a powerful edge, especially when the questioner, has thoughts of slipping his own cock into her, and have one mind blowing release. Men go around mistakenly believing that women who hump easily, are sexually depraved, nymphomaniacs, but nothing is further from the truth, we are all sexual a****ls, some of us are better suited for...

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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 5 Futas First Russian Passion

Chapter Five: Futa's First Russian Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “It wasn't a move I was expecting,” I said as I stared at the cameras. I shook my head. I still couldn't quite believe it had happened. “President Demyan Ignatov caught me completely off-guard.” “Is it safe to say that was the most surprising moment in your presidency?” Adelia asked, the caramel-skinned woman leaning forward, such interest in her eyes. She licked her lips. “Definitely,” I...

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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 4 Futas First Sensual Contest

Chapter Four: Futa's First Sensual Contest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “For the next year or so, you had a good string of diplomatic success,” Adelia said as we neared the end of our interview on my life. As much fun as it was to talk about my life on my forty-eighth birthday, I was eager to finish this last segment. I needed a break. But I still had to be positive and sexy, to let the world see me answer her questions without showing my fatigue. I had to be in...

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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 2 Futas First English Delight

Chapter Two: Futa's First English Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 Adelia played the clip. It appeared on a large screen on the side of her studio. The audience grew hushed as the Sky News logo appeared with a reporter, a brown-skinned man with a close-shaved beard and, I supposed, a chiseled chin. “Prime Minister Lockwood had a few bold words to say about the ingratiation of President Becky Woodward today,” he said in that posh, British accent. It gave him more...

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The Worlds First Futa futas Wild PresidencyChapter 5 Futarsquos First Russian Passion

April 17th, 2047 “It wasn’t a move I was expecting,” I said as I stared at the cameras. I shook my head. I still couldn’t quite believe it had happened. “President Demyan Ignatov caught me completely off-guard.” “Is it safe to say that was the most surprising moment in your presidency?” Adelia asked, the caramel-skinned woman leaning forward, such interest in her eyes. She licked her lips. “Definitely,” I said, shaking my head. “I can still remember that moment, coming down from my orgasm,...

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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 16 Presidential Suite

“Okay,” Mia indicated the agents. “Let’s get their guns and wallets and radios, and dump them at the top.” “They might die,” Grace objected, as she struggled into her robe. She was afraid one of them was dead already, at least. She was trying not to think about it. Mia was hunting through the pockets of the one who’d shot Mo. She pulled out something from his ear. “Okay we’ll use one of their radios to tell them. They must know it’s gone wrong already.” They took the lift to the top,...

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The Outsider

A TRIBUTE TO THE OUTSIDER SITE FOR ALL IT'S WONDERFUL STORIES AND CAPTION IMAGES. The Outsider By Paul G. Jutrus "The file got to be here somewhere." Paul said as he stared hard at the computer desk on his office desk. As his fingers continued to fly over the keyboard, the same message would repeat itself over and over again on the monitor screen. FILE NOT FOUND. "How can all the specs for the video game just vanish?" Paul said as he turned to the intercom. "Paula,...

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Poolside Plaything

The cocktail was ice cold in my throat yet it burned almost as hot as her. That swimsuit. Two electric pink pieces separated by a stomach not yet exposed to overindulgence. Water cascaded from her body in a 'V' as she hauled herself out of the coruscating pool directly in front of me and flicked dark hair behind her lissome frame like something from a damn movie. Nobody yelled, "Cut!"I'd never been so glad of tinted glasses and having my knees drawn up on the sun lounger to hide my gaze and...

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A Very Hot Poolside Massage

The trip was a treat from her company. Em had been working very hard for many months on a special project. As a reward her boss got her four days in a villa at a resort on an island in Thailand. She went alone because the dates were fixed and Ambrose, her husband, said he couldn’t possibly take time off to go with her. But he’d said he wanted her to go anyway. He was good like that. She packed lightly for the trip, taking only one dress to wear to dinner if necessary and otherwise keeping her...

Quickie Sex
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Roadside Assistance

I was on my way back from a business trip in west Texas when, all of a sudden, I heard a ‘thump-thump-thump”. I knew immediately I had a flat tire. I gently steered my car of the side of the Interstate and down a small side road and then got out to check things out. Yep. I had a right side, rear flat tire. I raised the back hatch and started to pull out the jack and spare tire when I realized my spare tire was also flat.Fortunately for me, I have roadside assistance on my vehicle insurance...

Straight Sex
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Himura BattousaiChapter 10 Onesided Heart

(Kaoru lies awake in bed) Kaoru (thinking): I can't sleep... what's wrong with me? I'm really worried for some reason. (She gets up to pace the house. Yahiko is out like a light in his room.) Kaoru: Well, it is Kenshin. I'm sure he'll be okay. And Sanosuke's with him too, just in case... Kenshin will be fine... (the Black Hat stands framed in the window.) Black Hat: One, two, three... fourteen, fifteen of you? Not as many as I thought. Sanosuke (to Kenshin): That's the Black...

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Lakeside Cabins Ch 02

This continuation of Lakeside Cabin picks up where chapter one left off. Elizabeth is waiting for David to arrive for their weekend together while David is stuck in traffic, both are remembering their first time together…. As she stood from the bed he watched her, his gaze never leaving her body. She came to him without a word and pulled him to a chair. ‘What do you have in mind?’ he asked. ‘What…’ her finger on his lips. ‘Just sit…and wait….’ she whispered. As she watched him watch her...

3 years ago
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Lakeside getaway with Jasey

Introduction: You get the idea, two people end up fucking. Pretty normal theme if you ask me. Bright, thin stripes of light poked through the pines on a Wednesday morning, like thousands of tiny flashlights aimed at the shadowed ground in front of me. A gentle breeze sent waves of movement through the dense treetops, sounding subtly like the drip-drip of the leaky faucet I had become so accustomed to in the Lodge just downhill from me. Walking the defined trail had become a routine — employees...

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