Black Puma Cat s ClawChapter 2 A Ton of Bricks
- 2 years ago
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Life used to be beautiful and so filled with love when he was young. Now that his childhood had passed, his youth faded, and middle age loomed close at hand, he wondered where all the love had gone. Remembering his sweet Daiyu, the love they exchanged, and the life they had lived, Shui felt the loss deeply. Where had all the love gone?
When this mess was over, he would have to find love again. Yes, start over anew. Only he couldn’t with her. She had died at his hand, by order of his master. Why hadn’t he fled with her, rather than kill her? He could never return to Taiwan. You don’t kill the head of the triad and return to China, unless you are powerful enough to take his place. Perhaps he could take over in Taiwan. If he became the big boss here, he might be able to return. He had hidden for years, but Griggs found him and brought him over to America. If Griggs mind descended into madness; he could supplant him. He might be able to spread his control past Tinsel-town, before returning to Taiwan as a conquering hero.
He had to keep it all in the correct order though and must not get ahead of himself. First business at hand was the cat. His spy gave him the information. The small app he had planted on the phone of an informant then spread to the phone of her inventor. The man who kept tabs on things. He still didn’t know the man’s name, but he saw every text that the man sent.
“Meeting, tonight. Corner one block north of previous event. Meet Andersen 10pm,” the text read.
“What’s the meeting about?” came the reply from the cat.
“411,” it read.
Conner Andersen stood on the brink. He’d sell out Griggs that night. He’d be dead my morning if it didn’t work, even if it did work, he might be already dead and not just know it yet. He wouldn’t do this, if he hadn’t already done so. Across the street, Shui stood in his own protective suit, waiting in the shadows.
Andersen stood beside the darkened door of a dilapidated building with its red-light glowing. The bright red light letting any passersby know the whorehouse was open for business. Anderson sucked on a big cigar waiting, puffing out thick plumes of white smoke. He’d have to leave town one way or the other, that was just the way it was.
When the whine of the motorcycle interrupted the clam, the sound alerted them both. They knew her arrival was imminent, Andersen entered the establishment. Conner Andersen would never be seen again in Tinsel Town.
What’s this, Shui wondered, why does he leave? The roar of the cycle quieted right behind Shui. Turning he saw her standing beside her bike holding up a cell phone. She dropped the phone, grinding it under her boot. He looked at his own which showed she wasn’t where she was. Damn, he thought.
“My man is smarter than you, Mr. Shui,” she said. “Shall we dispense with the toys?” She unbuckled her gun belt, then laid it over the seat of the cycle, calmly facing the man. “Mono e mono?”
“Hand to hand it is then,” he said, a smirk on his face. Pulling his gun from its holster, he dropped it to the ground. Shui turned to Black Puma, taking a fighting stance, and motioned for her to come and get it. She closed the distance between them in a slow stride, her face, what he could see of it, was placid, devoid of expression. Only her eyes betrayed her defiance, with their hardened quality still visible even behind the mask.
In a blur, Puma’s body twisted, Shui pushed an arm up, but the booted foot flashed by his useless block, clobbering his left temple. He plummeted to the ground under her onslaught. Shui’s temple throbbed as jagged fingers of fire shot from his temple down to his neck. Blood trickled down the side of his face, over his cheek and splattered on the ground.
Black Puma moved away; her feet spread apart, hands out, waiting for his counter attack. Placing a hand on the rough, brick wall, he willed himself to his feet. Standing, Shui attempted to gain his senses, blinking his eyes, unable to focus fully.
“You ... hurt me,” he said, incredulous. Letting his hand fall from the wall, Shui again took a fighting stance. Rushing at Puma, he swung a fist, but Shawanda effortlessly swiveled to one side and struck the back of his neck with an open hand. Shui crashed to the ground for a second time, cursing inwardly.
Jumping up, he rushed at her with head bowed, thrusting his head to her mid-section. Puma grabbed his shoulders with both hands, pulled him upward, jerked his feet off the ground and spun him. Puma let go, watching as Shui Ki crashed to the cobblestoned alley. His back exploded in pain, and looking up at her, his anger flared. No one had done this to him. No one before had hurt him. Despite the pain, he leapt up, rotated, and kicked hard, landing a foot on her chest.
Shawanda staggered back a step, then two. He saw his advantage and rushed her again, hitting her with a flurry of punches that belted her face, chest, and belly. Shawanda took a wobbly step back, before regaining her footing. Taking the offensive once more, Black Puma shook off his blows, letting loose with a barrage of punches of her own. Futilely, he tried to block the blows, but his arms were too slow. He was not as young as he once was. The wind hammered from his lungs as she pummeled his chest, causing Shui to slump to his knees, attempting to catch his breath. He tried to stand but failed. Hacking in air, trying to re-inflate his lungs, he croaked out the only words he could form.
“You ... hurt ... me.” He couldn’t contain his astonishment.
Puma stood behind him taking his head in her hands. She touched his cheeks for a moment, tenderly, all but loving, then the Cat twisted his head sharp and hard. The snap echoed in the alley.
“I thought you would be more of a challenge,” the Cat said.
Where does mercy go? He wondered, seeing his dead lover waiting for him. He knew Daiyu held no mercy for him. So, this is my end.
“Fucking ghost,” Griggs said, marching around the office. “That’s what she is—a fucking ghost. She walks through walls or something.”
“Boss, Shui didn’t take her serious,” the bodyguard said.
“Well, believe you me,” Griggs said, “I take her fucking serious. She’s killing everybody, and those she doesn’t kill, she makes me kill.” Moving to the door, he opened it and stepped into the outer office, yelling out at the staff. “Where the fuck is a hitman that can kill her?” He stared at the men and women. They stood there hunching their shoulders. A young girl snapped her gum, then looked at him and mumbled something.
“What?” he said. The hooker repeated her words.
“I thought you was the most dangerous person alive. Shouldn’t you be the person what kills her?”
Reaching inside his coat, Jason pulled out his gun, aimed and pulled the trigger. A deafening bark from the gun filled the room, white smoke hung in the air. The back of the girl’s head exploded all over the man beside her and wall behind them. A jagged half inch circle marked the final resting place of the bullet. The whore slumped to ground. Griggs ambled over to her, stumbling twice, gawked down at the girl, then spat on her.
“Anyone else got a stupid comment?” he asked, turning his attention to the crowd of employees. No one did.
“Hey, you,” he said, pointing in the general direction of a group of workers bundling money on a covered library table. “You,” he repeated as everyone stared at him, begging not to be the one he indicating. “You, in the fucking pinstriped dress.”
“Me, sir?” she asked.
“Yeah, what do you do for me? Are you a whore? A grafter? What?”
“I’m an accountant. I do the laundering, and I...”
“I don’t care about that,” he said, ogling her as he moved toward her, grabbing a handful of breast. “Yeah, you’ll do,” he said.
“What?” She felt dirty from his touch.
“I need to poke something. You’ll do.”
Two hours later she emerged from his inner office, bruised, and torn, feeling dirtier than she had ever felt in her life, yet still defiantly hating him in her silent walk away from him.
“I think, in the beginning, your father hired me because I was white. I believe having a white servant...” Collins stopped, changing his mind about sharing those feelings from so long ago. He rubbed on Shawanda’s muscles, kneading them, working out the soreness from her brief battle.
“Richard, I know,” Shawanda Jones rolled her head toward him. “He treated you like his white nigger for a few years. You became...” she smiled at him, “a member of the family though.” She returned her head back into the hole of the massage table. “You’re my last family member.”
“Ma’am, I think Lacey Barton would like to join our little family,” he told her. “I like her ma’am. She’s good for you.”
“I shouldn’t have people close to me,” she said, her voice distant.
“Nonsense. Life without love isn’t worth living,” Richard Collins said, pausing in his massaging as a memory overtook him. “If not for you, well, I wouldn’t have had a reason to go on with life.”
“I’m sorry. She was very special to me also.” She remembered all too well the slow, agonizing death that cancer brought to Richard Collins’s wife, Elizabeth.
“I remember,” Collins said, with a small, sad smile, “Elizabeth teaching this precious five-year-old to hit a tennis ball. She was so proud of you when you turned pro. We all were,” he said, finishing with her muscles and stepping back, looking aside as she rose from the table. Once her robe was on, Shawanda turned to him, pulled the old man to her and hugged him close.
“I love you, Richard,” she said. She held him, wanting his pain to end.
“It’s alright,” he told her, patting her on the back. “It’s all better now.” It’s all better now. He had told her that since she was three years old. After she skinned her knee, Collins would clean it and then kiss it say, “see, it’s all better now.”
When she was eliminated from her first professional tournament, he’d hugged her holding on to her while telling her how proud they were of her, “see, it’s all better now. You’ll get them next time.”
On that terrible day, her father and mother died, she vowed she had played her last tournament. Her last American Open, before the final match, Collins had hugged her. “Win or lose, this is just the end of act one, not the end. See, it’s all better now.”
But it wouldn’t be ‘all better’ until she cleaned up that rat hole, Shabby Heights. Until they all paid for what happened to her father and mother, nothing would be all better.
“Young Miss Lacey waits for you in the study,” Collins said. “I think it has been such a long time that she is ... all lathered up,” he said, giving her a knowing smile. “Go see her, relax tonight, and return to the battle tomorrow.”
“A woman,” Griggs said, moving to the digital window. He looked out at the video of the Rocky Mountains. “Yeah, that’s what we need. A woman. A skilled female assassin. It takes a bitch to kill a bitch.” Jason Griggs couldn’t stand still. Pacing around the room, he kept muttering the words over and over, “Got to get a woman. Female assassin.”
Griggs picked up the telephone and dialed the last number he ever wanted to call, then waited for her to answer.
“Privet?” The woman answered in Russian.
“Tatyana,” he said.
“Da, what is it?” Tatyana snapped at him.
“I need a woman to kill the Cat.”
“Nyet,” she said.
“Oh, come on, you haven’t heard my proposition.”
“Nyet, but maybe if you meet my conditions then I kill her for you. So, this is my terms. I torture you to death, take over your operation and then kill Cat,” Tatyana told him, then poured a double shot of fridge vodka, lifted the glass to her lips and drank it down in one swift gulp.
“I won’t agree to that,” he said.
“Then I wait till Puma kills you. Then I take over and kill her.” Slamming down the phone, Tatyana smiled, sipping on the vodka.
Griggs talked to himself again, moving around the room in a hyped-up caffeine and coke powered rage, repeating, “Need a bitch to kill the Cat.”
“What about Raeann Blackthorn?” the bodyguard asked.
“Raeann Blackthorn, hitter out of Rock Bottom, also known as Ice or Cold as Ice. I heard she’s hanging out at South Beach, just soaking up the sun. She did a big job for...”
“Raeann, yeah, sure, sure. A boxer, martial artist, hitter, yeah, she’s lethal as hell. Sure, that’s an idea,” he agreed, turning to his bodyguard, “Sam, pull this off and you can have South Central. Would you like that? Can you get her?”
“You don’t want to do that,” Sam hesitated, “I ain’t got the brains to run a crew, boss. But ... I can get the bitch, that can kill the Cat for you. Yeah, and sure as shit, she can kill the Black Puma. If this pans out, would you send the wife and me to the islands on vacation?”
“Hell, Sammy boy, you make this happen I’ll buy you an island,” he said. “If Blackthorn manages to kill Black Puma.”
“Square deal? I mean you’ll have to let her pimp know so she can go for a while.”
“Yes, square deal Sam. I won’t just let him know she can take off, Sammy boy. If there’s no more Puma, hell son, I’ll free your wife. She won’t have to hook anymore,” he said.
Yet even before Sam had left the room to call Raeann Blackthorn, the doubt crept back into Griggs’s brain. He knew it was futile. No one can kill the Puma, she was a ghost not a person.
Emotion swept over the two women. Like waves crashing on a rocky beach, they ebbed and flowed from euphoria to ecstasy and back again. Physical pleasure brought an inner warmth, a bonding driving them in a harmony of purpose. Fingers touched, prodded and explored. Lips met lips, necks, breasts, bellies and further down, the fire growing until they tumbled down, like skydivers plummeting toward earth.
In a tangle of arms and legs, the lovers held onto one another after the play ended until Morpheus embraced the pair. When dawn’s early light flooded the room, Lacey got out of bed and pulled the shades, then she sat on the edge of the bed watching Shawanda sleep. Pulling the sheet aside Lacey studied Shawanda’s body, surveying every curve, the bulge of every muscle, the dark, ebony beauty of her flesh. The scars and the small stitches falling from the repaired incisions. Reaching out, she grabbed the remnant of a dissolving stitch and tugged free of the skin.
Why, she wondered, why take the risk, to free people that don’t deserve your efforts? She ran her hand over the sleeping woman’s face. She was a good person; Lacey Barnes knew that. She returned to her position in bed, her back to the woman, and with care she lifted the woman’s arm and put it around her. Clutching Shawanda’s strong, muscled arm to her body, taking comfort from her touch.
She could rest like this, forever. Secure in the powerful embrace of the gentlest person she had ever known. That other person, Black Puma, that person she knew but didn’t know. Where did the rage come from, that driving force that drove Puma? What caused it? She needed to know, to understand.
Shawanda Jones needed her rest, but Lacey Barnes needed answers. Rising again, Lacey dressed and made her way to the kitchen where Collins sat reading the paper. Looking up over his glasses, he smiled at the young woman.
“Coffee?” he asked.
“Yes,” she said, “but I can get it myself.”
“No, I don’t mind,” he said, putting down his cup.
“But I mind,” she said, moving past him, and pouring herself a cup. “Want me to top you off, Mr. Collins?”
“No need to use the Mr.—just Collins is fine. ‘Tisn’t proper for a servant to be served,” he told her.
“I don’t care about all that crap,” she said pouring the coffee into his cup.
“Well, young minds have fresh ideas, even if they are revolutionary,” he said, cocking an eye, smiling his friendly warm smile. “Thank you. Now what is it you want to know?”
“Years of practice in reading minds. What is it you want to know?” he told her.
“Why is Shawanda so ... Obsessed?” she asked.
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Introduction: A quick and kinky animal sex fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
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Athens, Greece. August 2004. "Are you sure about this?" Cat Reddick asked, running a hand through her blonde hair as she entered her hotel room. "If half the things I've heard about this 'Maenads' place are true..." "It's not that bad," Cat Osterman replied, following her friend into the room and letting the door swing shut. "I've been there several times. The staff is nice, the drinks are reasonably priced, the music's good. They've been running special deals for Olympic...
As you now may know I love to jerkoff and do it every day, sometimes twice even if I fuck my wife. She has gotten use to me playing with my cock all the time. I jerked off for her on our very first date when she was having her period.I use to hide it from her like in the shower, the bathroom, behind the garage, but she caught me a few times and just smiles and says have fun. Gradually she started to like for me to jerk off for her usually when she's fully clothed. She would tell me how hot...
It had been an hour, and I still had no idea if we were on a date or not. For most of the afternoon, Faith wore that usual look of hers, like she was deep in some conversation with herself that she didn’t especially want interrupted. But when she did look my way, it was with that beautiful, cupid’s face with those pale blue eyes that could change shape so completely with the expression on her face. Even in the weird light in the art gallery, the peachy color of her lips stood out against her...
Douglas groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. His head was pounding. What the hell happened last night? He frowned and rubbed his forehead as he tried to remember. It was his twenty first birthday, his father had just named him his successor as alpha male, he had gone out with some of the guys from the pack to celebrate... and everything after that was a blur. Damn it, how much did he have to drink? He took a look around at his surroundings. He was lying in a bed, under soft silk...
Cliff had been single his entire life. Married women were particularly attracted to him. He had many affairs and most of those affairs had ended with the husband and wife divorcing. It was obvious that married couples were having problems and some women were just seeking something they were not getting at home. Cliff was not looking for married women on purpose; many of the women did not tell him they were married until he figured it out.Ashley and her husband, Geoff, were hoping Cliff would...
‘Kaitlyn?’ Recognizing a familiar voice behind me, I turned around. ‘Susanne! What are you doing here?’ She was a friend of my parents’, and I had gone to school with her kids. But what she was doing here, in the hallway outside my dorm room, I had no idea. ‘I’m here to help Geoffrey move in – right down the hall from you, it looks like!’ It was a challenge, but I managed to contain my honest reaction (which I’ll share with you in a moment) and simply replied, ‘Oh, great. Well, I have to...
Catelyn Stark was distraught. No, that wasn't quite right for how horrible she felt. Catelyn Stark was broken, as broken as her son. Her second son, Bran, was found after falling from the tallest tower in Winterfell, his back crushed and his legs useless - if he even survives this ordeal. He hasn't so much as woken up since the accident. Her beloved husband, Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and the North, and now Hand of the King, delayed his departure south as long as he could but he was...
Am Anfang war das Licht und die Hoffnung von Rainer Drzyzga 2005 Die Geschichte einer Liebe Der Blumenstrauß in meiner Hand ist wirklich sehr schön.Gerd hat mich gefragt. Er kniet vor mir, und erwartet eine Antwort. Bis dasder Tod euch scheidet, wird der Pfaffe sagen. Was heißt das denn. Fürden Rest meines Lebens soll ich mit diesem Mann zusammen leben. Was fürein leben? Eine schöne Hochzeit wird das werden. Prunk und Pracht wirdaufgefahren werden. Und dann wird ausgeblendet. The day after:...
Geoff called round and said he'd like to see me in stockings and suspenders next time. I told him I didn't have any of my own, and my mum only wore tights, so I couldn't borrow any either. "Don't worry" he said with a wink, "I'm going to buy you some".A couple of days later I found a note from Geoff pushed through the letterbox: "Tonight at mine, 9pm".I waited till mum went out to play darts then quickly raided the laundry basket in the bathroom. I could smell her Lentheric body spray in the...
Aeris was on her computer. She was wearing a open, pink zip-up hoodie over a purple shirt, which the neck part of the shirt covered her neck like a turtleneck, but only covered the bottom half of her neck. She was wearing dark indigo-colored denim cargo pants. Her hair was nicely pink and, though naturally, long enough for it to go to the back of her knee, she almost always kept it in a ponytail by a metal hairband that would lay against her upper back. The hairband it had four small bumbs on...
Carter had never known the blessing of having a personal assistant, but as a programmer, it wasn’t like he needed one. He wasn’t even a good team player, and he worked as a freelancer for that reason. But leaving everything in Mark’s professional hands had made him feel relieved. Tomorrow, he was going to go to work and have his entire schedule well prepped by his new assistant, while he only had to worry about being pretty, as Mark had said, while almost throwing him out the door. He did...
That night was tense. All of the kids were upset. I explained everything to them, but it had little effect in calming their nerves. And to tell the truth, I was a little wound up myself. It’s not every day that a gun gets pulled on you, and not have it bother you even when you know its unloaded. I tried reading from another of my books, the Wonderland stories. But there wasn’t the same enthusiasm. Relatively early, everybody drifted to their beds. That is except for myself and Nigel. We...
Normally, I enjoyed the Friday night dances at the works when I was the duty manager. All I had to do was to ensure there was no trouble and to make sure the bar shut at 10.30 and the room was clear by 11.00pm so that security could release the guard dogs. I loved to dance, but tonight all the best girls seemed to have partners. But then my attention was drawn to a young lady dancing with one of the single men, she looked utterly bored, and the glance she threw me as she passed close by me...
EroticSOUTH BEACH 2006 I'd met Geoff and Melanie Snider some seven or eight years ago. The fall of 1998 I think. They'd come into my photography studio with their two young daughters wanting some family pictures on a sunny, humid Miami Beach October day. They looked like a nice family. The parents had looked about twenty-eight to thirty, around my age, although I remember thinking at the time that the wife might have been a year or two older. The little girls, just nine and eight, were adorable;...
Horny Florida mom has fun with her son by Oediplex 8==3~ A Romantic a' clef: For images to keep in mind while you read this google Courtney Cox; or better yet, check out Diane Webber for nude photos, or email me. The Situation She was old enough to be his mother, but she looked ten years younger. He was old enough to go off to college, but still seemed a youth as he returned home at Christmas time. His mom looked at him and saw her boy. He looked at his mom and saw a...
One of the buildings that had been sacked in the downfall of Tradagha was the Grand Vizier's harem. The younger women in it had been herded into a lorry and taken to serve the Officers' Mess as general bed companions. Most of them were completely resigned to this and were quite co-operative with their new Masters. A few had to be persuaded, but by the time the sacking of Tradagha was completed all the women in the Officers' Mess were most co-operative. The headquarters staff decided to...
Christi was barely awake when she heard the knock on her door. Looking next to her at Arilee curled up in the sheets – smiling sweetly in her sleep – the Duchess couldn't help smiling as well.Another knock jolted her out of her reverie, this one registering in her mind as something requiring a response. Christi stretched, yawned, and then rose to pull on a robe. She opened the door a crack, to see it was Ashtar who was knocking."Sorry I am being to be disturbing you at such a very much early...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMy family isn’t uber-rich, but we’re not poor by any means. Our house is pretty big and I’m a bit spoilt sometimes. I’m a bit of a nerd, I spend most of the time on my laptop, but I go out with my friends a lot too, so I’m not a complete geek. The rest of my family is fairly large; I have 10 cousins and aunts & uncles, although they don’t live very near to us. Now you know my life story, l shall begin with the actual story. My parents usually leave me home alone and I babysit for other...
Okay, so here's how this story came about. It's loosely autobiographical. Once upon a time, many years ago, I really did play lead guitar in a reasonably successful local rock band. Our repertoire was pretty much standard bar-band covers: Zeppelin, Stones, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, with a smattering of CCR, Bob Seger, Eric Clapton, AC/DC and Van Halen. Later on, in an attempt to broaden our appeal we added a few more contemporary bands, like Our Lady Peace, The Tragically Hip, Pearl Jam...
PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE BLACK CAT ? NELSON?S SLAVE ?? By Sonya Esperanto?? [email protected] This is a non-profit story. Also anyone below 18 should not be reading this. Black Cat is a property of Mr X. Nelson is the guy who bullies Bart Simpson in The Simpsons. Synopsis: Black Cat, a crime fighter, is being blackmailed by the kid who bullies Bart Simpson, into becoming his slave ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? STORY Black Cat was patrolling...
I was separated from my wife when this occurred. We got divorced about a year later. This experience has a backstory to it so I will relate the whole thing. I didn’t have anything going as far as a relationship and I needed some female companionship. I found a site on the internet that listed a number of ladies available for outcall massages. I read over the various listings and picked one who sounded appealing. She was Japanese (so was my wife) and I was partial to Asian ladies so maybe I...
MasturbationAfter being chosen as the winner of the SyFy channel reality show "ghost hunters academy" in 2009 and given a permanent role as a co-host on ghost hunters and then later ghost hunters international, Heathyr Hoffman couldn't possibly be happier with her life as a reality television celebrity.Being on “Ghost Hunters International” was a blast. Heathyr Hoffman couldn’t imagine a better career than globe-trotting while looking for paranormal activity wherever it might occur. This enhanced a...
A/N: Here is something I’ve tried to write for a while now, and finally succeeded. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it. Also, English is not my main language, so if there are typos or mistakes, I apologize. Tales of Cera will be a series of stories that happen in the same world, but each story will focus on different people and even different periods of time. Some stories will refer to others and one or two may be crossovers, but no need to be worried. I will give an A/N if that...
(These events are from the viewpoint of Becky Whitman, the student/pregnant adulteress of Edward Font) Yesterday Lisa told me about her near-rape by Mr. Pressman. That asshole was going down. I hadn’t known Lisa very well until I though she wanted to hit on Mr. Font, but actually did want SAT help, and with us studying together I got to know her, and she’s sweet and nice. I couldn’t let her become scared of this jerk. “So all we got to do is get proof,” I remembered saying. ...
Thursday night, mom is going to visit relatives out of town, dad is away on a business trip and not supposed to be back until Saturday. It took a lot of convincing that being sixteen is old enough to be able to stay home by myself and not have to go with mom to visit relatives. Dad was going to be home in two days and I would be going with him to the family ranch. Finally my mom relented and made me promise to be careful and stay out of trouble. After waiting for an extremely long fifteen...
It’s Saturday and one of those wonderful mornings when I awake gently with the realisation that I have no commitments, nothing I have to do, and am alone for once. My husband Tom has gone to play golf and I had heard another car leave with Beth, the beautiful university student lodging with us for a while until she finds digs, off with her boyfriend for the weekend. I am alone. It is rare for me to have space like this and with the warm feeling inside I know that I need some release – let’s...