Splash Mountain
- 3 years ago
- 28
- 0
The end is in the beginning and lies far ahead
- R.E.
“Are you just going to stand there and watch me all day?”
I raised an eyebrow at my sister and smiled slightly. “Is that what you want me to do?”
Lara grinned impishly before turning back toward the lively river, stepping onto the larger rocks that jutted out from the rapids. The sudden lift of her fishing rod gave away the fact that she’d settled too quickly on an unsteady stone. Her toned leg muscles twitched as they tried to make mechanical sense of the wobbly perch. In the end, the extended pole tipped the balance in her favor and she remained dry.
“You’re allowed to step in the water, you know!” I called out.
“Really? I didn’t know that!” The playful sarcasm in her tone soon transformed into mock helplessness. “I’ve never fished before, Matt! Please tell me how it’s done?”
I snorted. “Nothing wrong with getting a little wet.” I’d muttered this statement, but evidently Lara heard my words over the endless commotion of the riffles. She eyed me for a moment.
“A little wet, huh? Daydreaming of Heather, are we?”
I gave her no answer, so after releasing her teasing stare, she continued across the rocks. Eventually she found a flat slab of stone, used a toe to check that it was well-seated in the riverbed, and hopped onto it. She turned toward me, a touch of victory in her eyes.
“I’m still dry,” she announced, pointing her water shoe out.
“For now. But when your hook gets snagged, you’ll have to get in anyway.”
Lara smiled sweetly at me. “Nah, I’ll just call you for help.”
“No way. I’m going upstream.”
“Go then,” she pouted dejectedly. “Leave me here, all alone ... and all wet!”
I chuckled and shook my head. “Whatever! Good luck!” I called out as I climbed through the bushes on the bank.
The end of summer is not the best time to go fly-fishing, because the lazy streams run shallow and warm. The trout are sluggish and tentative, content to wait out the doldrums in deeper pools and cooler nooks. To have any chance of catching a meal, you have to visit the river either very early or very late, hoping that the fish are partial to a fly that you can barely see in the half-light. On the Esopus Creek, there is the added inconvenience of occasional groups of inner-tube floaters who ‘brave’ the Class II rapids.
Since it was a hot afternoon in late August and a cluster of orange doughnuts could be seen approaching from upriver, I clambered along the bank with very low expectations. Not only was the time of year unfavorable, but my fly-fishing abilities were still somewhat novice. My own experience amounted to a half-dozen weekends, the last of which had been several months ago. My total lifetime catch using fly gear was three small trout, so in truth the inner-tubes and weather probably would not make much difference in my lack of success today.
I eyed the riffles and eddies as I hiked, put off by the presence of overhanging limbs from the trees that grew on the banks. Although I theoretically knew some casting techniques for working a fly in tight quarters, I wanted to find a broader spot where I could ease into the fishing without worrying about an errant backstroke tangling my line in the greedy and unforgiving leaves above me.
After a time, the watercourse widened somewhat and escaped the grip of the trees. The rapids here looked promising. An older angler in hip waders was just stepping out of the shallows nearby, offering me an opportunity to check the conditions. I issued the standard greeting.
“Any luck?”
“A couple,” she replied with a patient smile, casually opening the creel that hung at her hip.
I was impressed. “Nice ones. What were you using?”
She carefully pulled a fuzzy black hook from the woolly patch on her vest, holding it out in her palm. “Ants.”
I eyed her quizzically.
“Put them under the overhanging growth up along there.” She indicated a section of the opposite riverbank where some bushes and tall grasses arched over the water’s edge. “Then let them float down with the current, right next to the bank.”
“Cool, I’ll try that. Where did you get the ants?”
She eyed me with a grin. “Tied them myself. But they’ll have them at the fly shop in town, too. Look, I’m leaving for the afternoon, so go ahead and take this one.” She dropped the ant into my palm.
“Are you sure?”
She nodded. “A ‘Mary J. Special’, all yours!”
“Wow, thanks! I really appreciate it!”
“My pleasure. Good luck to you!”
The woman ambled off as I examined the fly closely. It was a fine piece of work. Fuzzy thread was wound tight for the head and the abdomen, and the black hackle on the thorax made for a decent imitation of ant legs. I glanced one last time at ‘Mary J.’ as she disappeared into the trees. A good fishing tip was always welcome, I knew. The sight of the two rainbows in her basket had suddenly given me more hope for catching dinner. Her generosity with the ant also had produced a warm feeling of happiness.
After the cluster of people floating on the inner tubes splashed by, I waded out into the stream. I didn’t bother with the care Lara had taken to stay above the playful surface, instead finding a submerged path to reach the middle. The feel of the cool creek around my legs was delightful. Unlike the angler I’d just met, I wore a bathing suit and water shoes, since I didn’t have the money for a pair of hip waders. I did own a fishing vest, though, a proud birthday acquisition from just over a year ago.
I glanced downstream at Lara, catching sight of a silver flash shooting through the air in front of her. She’d probably have better luck than me, although the fish that had the energy to chase spinners at this hour were usually young and small. Not too little to eat, though; even an eight-inch rainbow was worth throwing on the pan with some butter. My stomach growled at this thought, so I spooled some filament off of my reel, watching it loop onto the surface. I cast back and forth, letting the line grow longer in the air with each pass. The feeling was strange at first, but soon my muscles remembered how to await the weight of the rod. Then I took aim and let the thick line unfurl onto the water in front of me. The black ant was hard to see, even after I dropped my polarized glasses into place. I allowed it to travel in the current until it started to drag unnaturally, at which point any trout would be onto the ruse. Time to pull the fly into the air again.
I worked the rod in the classic back and forth motion that defines fly-fishing. I’d been attracted to this type of angling by that very technique. The gentle snaking of a bright line overhead looked like more fun than the cast-and-reel-in approach that typical tackle required. Not only fun, fly-fishing was also challenging. Aside from the complex art of choosing the proper mock insect, the casting demanded a certain rhythm: too fast, and the fly would snap in the air like a whip; too slow, and the line would lose power and fall to the river in a tangle. Just right, and you could put an imitation bug exactly where you wanted it.
I’d lost sight of the fly in the current. At first, the slight pulse felt like a snag, causing a pang of disappointment within me. Nothing was as disruptive to the peaceful rhythm of fly-fishing as having to wade across the water and dislodge a hook from a submerged branch or patch of moss. Besides the personal annoyance, this also spooked any fish in the area, what with my legs thrashing through their living quarters.
But it wasn’t a snag! I felt life on the other side of the line and my disappointment immediately turned to excitement. If the fish had made a splash when it inhaled the ant, the motion had been lost in the natural chaos of small rapids. It was luck, then, that I’d pulled on the line right after the trout took the hook. I kept the rod tip high as I slowly reeled in, feeling the vibrations on the other end. It was a short fight and I soon spotted silver flashes as I drew the catch close. Even though I was optimistic enough to carry a net on my back, this one was too small for that sort of trouble. I pulled it up into the air and smiled. A nine-inch rainbow. Could be worse, I thought.
A minute later I was on the bank, fish in fist, hurrying to where Lara was still working the river. I didn’t have a creel, so my only option was to take the prize to her bucket of water. This would prove to be time-consuming if I caught a lot of fish, but for now this first one was a good opportunity to show off. Apparently Lara had seen me approaching, since she was hopping back to shore. I noted that she was still dry and sporting a large grin. Hah, she saw my catch!
“Got one!” I exclaimed proudly.
“Me too!”
I gawked at her in surprise as we met at the bucket. “Really?”
“Two of them!” she clarified.
I peered into the container. Indeed, a pair of trout were swimming therein. One was over a foot long, a nice catch by any standard.
“Whoa! That’s a big one, Lara!”
“Yeah, they must be hungry today. A few other bites, too!”
“This is awesome! We’re going to feast like royals tonight!”
Lara eyed my fish as I dropped it into the bucket. “Two to one,” she said simply.
“No way, I’m not playing that game with you!”
She widened her eyes as she laughed. “Sensitive, are we?”
“I’m not sensitive,” I answered patiently.
“Still angry that Heather always kicks your ass at fishing?”
“Angry? What are you talking about? I was never angry that she won. Besides, we’ll see what happens when she comes to fish on my turf.”
Lara sniggered. “I wouldn’t count on any advantage. I’m even beating you!”
I rolled my eyes. “You’re not fly-fishing, first of all. And anyway, it’s kind of early to be claiming victory.”
“Oh, so we’re on, then?” Her eyes glinted mischievously.
“No, we’re not on.”
“Fine, save all the fun for her,” she rejoined.
“I’m going back to my spot.”
“Good luck finding your spot!”
I was a dozen yards away when she called out, “Two to one!”
“Not playing!”
I looked back with a grin, prepared to stick a tongue out at her, but she was already bouncing along the river stones. I returned to the same area where I’d caught my fish, fluffed up the lucky ant, and returned to it. To save face, I knew I’d need to catch at least as many as Lara did this weekend. Even if there was no formal contest in play, Lara wouldn’t hesitate to let Heather know the unofficial outcome. Of that, I was sure.
Lara and I were on our own for this trip. After returning from our three-week vacation to Montauk, I was eager to go fishing while school was still out for the summer. If I was going to teach Heather how to fly-fish when she came to visit sometime this year, I would need to be in good practice myself. Since we’d only been back from my aunt’s house for less than a week, my parents nixed a family camping outing due to household duties they needed to tend to. However, they suggested that if I could persuade Lara to go with me, they would drop the two of us off at a campground for a couple of days. Lara was surprisingly easy to convince, so it was decided. As long as we were safe and acted like adults – ‘Of course we will!’ – our moms said that there was no reason they needed to be there with us.
The Esopus Creek was less than an hour from our house. Sarah had dropped us off at our campsite near the river a few hours ago. My mom was a skilled hand with outdoor equipment, so the setup went swiftly. She was on the road back home an hour later, leaving Lara and I sitting at the picnic table, grinning at each other like little kids. Alone for two days. It felt like a big moment. Freedom!
A bump on the line brought me to the present. I caught another one! I gave an excited pull on my fishing rod, groaning when it tightened up, taut and unmoving. Damn it. I caught the earth. Reluctantly, I started wading over toward the far bank where the hook was invisibly snagged, reeling in line as I went. Not everything was easy.
My early luck hadn’t persisted. A few hours later I was still sitting on the nine-inch singleton. I’d gradually wandered upstream over the course of time, lost in the lazy feel of summer’s late afternoon warmth. The bank had stopped offering overhanging brush from which imitation ants could pretend to fall, so I switched flies to a slate drake pattern that the tackle shop had recommended that morning. The ruddy bug was a little easier to track on the surface than the ebon ant was, but still nothing took the bait. At one point, Lara came by to let me know that she was going to read back at camp, having had no further success. She took a moment to remind me of the score, before skipping off through the woods.
I was sitting on the bank tying on a complete new leader – damn overhanging tree – when I heard silvery voices floating above the bubbly swishes of the water. It sounded like a group of girls laughing and generally having a good time, so I scanned the opposite bank. Sure enough, they soon came into view through the trees. I got a clear look at them as the trail wound down to the edge of the stream, delivering their happy faces into a little clearing that was free of undergrowth. The three girls looked to be just a bit older than I was. Even at my distance of perhaps fifteen yards, I could see that they were sweaty from a long hike, skin glistening in the beam of sun they stepped through. They were also cute and most certainly in shape.
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I began to develop this fantasy after a few months of masturbating. It’s silly and very improbable, and I know it would never happen for real like this, but I find it helps me to feel aroused when I masturbate. Again, I am about sixteen or seventeen. It’s a Sunday morning and I have gone to Splashdown, which is a Water Park in Poole, Dorset. It’s about half an hour from where I live. I’ve gone there on my own. I would never go on my own for real, but in my fantasy I have travelled there on the...
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McGregor leaned against the cool cave wall, Zhari’s face buried in his lap as she knelt in front of him, his hand resting in her orange hair as she bobbed up and down. She sucked obediently, massaging his member with her tight throat, coiling her slippery tongue around the shaft. “Yeah, that’s the spot ... faster.” Zhari increased her pace, lewd, wet sounds emanating from her lips. McGregor winced and forced her head down as she nursed dutifully, her efforts pushing him over the edge. She...
They marched for hours, struggling through the rough terrain, trying to put as much distance between themselves and the crash site as possible. Zhari’s leg ached constantly and her armpit was sore from leaning on the XMR stock. She wanted desperately to use another painkiller, but they only had a limited number, it would be foolish to expend them so quickly. Besides, she did not want to show weakness in front of the human pilot, McGregor. She eyed him bitterly as he strained to support her...
McGregor leaned against the cool cave wall, Zhari’s face buried in his lap as she knelt in front of him, his hand resting in her orange hair as she bobbed up and down. She sucked obediently, massaging his member with her tight throat, and coiling her slippery tongue around the shaft. “Yeah, that’s the spot ... faster.” Zhari increased her pace, lewd, wet sounds emanating from her lips. McGregor winced and forced her head down as she nursed obediently, her efforts pushing him over the edge....
“Why must we go on shore leave?” Zhari asked, trailing behind McGregor as he walked down the Pinwheel’s rotating torus. The massive lamps that were embedded in the station’s painted ceiling shone brightly, their warmth and golden light approximating that of Earth’s sun. There was a gentle curve to the floor, sloping up and out of view in both directions, planters filled with trees and flowers breaking up the monotony of the white metal. The buildings to either side of them were made to...
“Bon appetit,” McGregor declared, slamming a large pan down on the table. Zhari examined the contents, it looked like the carcass of a bird of some kind. The skin was golden brown, with white meat protruding here and there. It was resting in a bed of assorted vegetables, none of which she recognized. “What is it?” She asked skeptically. “Roast turkey, with a side of roast sweet potatoes and turnips. I figured a chicken wouldn’t make much of a meal for you. Try the vegetables, they’re cooked...
Zhari shoveled a large spoonful of the cold dessert into her mouth, her eyes fixed on the screen in front of the couch as two sides of a Medieval battlefield met, horses braying and metal clashing as they fell upon each other. She seemed to be enjoying the ice cream, as well as the movie. McGregor knew that her people weren’t too sensitive to sweet tastes, and so he had chosen a salted caramel flavor instead of the usual chocolate or vanilla. He laughed as she swallowed a hunk that was too...
“I can’t believe you wanted to watch Gone with the Wind,” McGregor complained, Zhari shushing him as she leaned forward in her seat. She was transfixed, watching the two leads as they argued. Apparently she had found her preferred genre; romance. Rather than forcing her to wear gloves, he had given Zhari her own oversized bucket of popcorn this time, and she was currently engaged in licking it clean of butter with her long tongue. There was a final swell of music as the movie came to a...
They squared off, Zhari struggling to keep her balance as she shuffled on her knees, her hands confined to the stiff gloves. How the hell was she supposed to fight like this? She had to wonder if McGregor was really trying to level the playing field with his antics, or if this was another one of his elaborate schemes. It was more likely to be the latter, considering that he had retrieved this strange gag from the box, the contents of which all seemed to be associated with sexual deviancy. It...
Unlike my the stories written by my husband (My Wife Maryanne) that have been written in a chronological order starting near the time of our wedding in 1975, this true story, and any written by me that may follow are presented in no particular order. This particular story took place in the summer of 1990, when I was 37 years old. Michael and I had spent an enjoyable afternoon with another couple at a small riverside beach. Michael knew the wife, Linda through a business connection, and...
Introduction: I still get excited remembering that summer day twenty years ago. Maryannes Story Chapter 1 Unlike my the stories written by my husband (My Wife Maryanne) that have been written in a chronological order starting near the time of our wedding in 1975, this true story, and any written by me that may follow are presented in no particular order. This particular story took place in the summer of 1990, when I was 37 years old. Michael and I had spent an enjoyable afternoon with another...
Peter Grayson woke up late that morning his head ringing from his hangover. Slowly getting up out of bed he made his way over to his bathroom washing his face in an attempt to wake himself up. Looking up in the mirror he checked himself out. Peter Grayson was eighteen years old with short black hair and brown eyes. He was tall with a muscular body and several tattoos scattered around his body. He also had a scar in the shape of a long line on his chest. Leaving the bathroom Peter put on a shirt...
TeenFinally got a chance to go here again on Saturday afternoon after a long absence. This basically is a adult store with 2 cinemas, the main cinema plays straight porn and has a small play area at the back. The second smaller cinema plays shemale or bi porn and has couches and recliner seat and seats 15 people. I started in the main cinema sitting in the back row, only two other people were there an middle age big guy and an old aged sissy all dressed up . I just played with my cock and had a...
A few years ago we met a random couple at a nearby waterpark, the husband was in his mid forties and his wife in her late thirties.They had two k**s one girl and a boy, the girl was around five and the boy three years old.We small talked with the couple about k**s, because my wife was interested in the k**s and she mentioned in the conversation that she would like to give birth to a c***d, because she wanted to become a mother.After a few minutes during the conversation his wife went with the...
I pay the driver and walk down the aisle to find a seat. I like to sit down the back so I can browse my phone without the fear of anyone looking over my shoulder. But as I got there I was greeted by 2 scumbags drinking cans of beer. Ahh fuck it! Just my luck, i'm not sitting next to them, so I slink in to a seat just in front of them, I really wish I noticed them before I walked so far down the bus. I can feel them eyeballing me and they giggle to themselves. My ear phones go in but i dont...
Sheryl's Experience at the Edge I first met Sheryl several years ago when I was trolling theAOL chat groups as, Spanksalot. Ever since my divorce I had beentalking advantage of my business travel schedule to meet withcouples as a third. Lately, I had been introduced to some mildbondage and Dom/sub games with an older couple I had been partyingwith. I found that I liked to spank and sometimes Dom a wife whilethe husband watched. And I found many other couples who liked toplay this...
My husband Josh works for a IT company and is called away on business quite a lot. Today was no exception except today he was going with a work college named Steve. You see Steve had only started with the company 2 months before and this was his first trip interstate so he had to go with someone to show him the ropes. We meet Steve and his beautiful wife Joyce briefly when he joined the company but had not seen them since that day.Josh came home from work that faithful day and said he and Steve...
Trace y and the Waterslide By Jake Olive [email protected] was nervous but also excited as she walked down the hall to Mr. Chamber’s office. It had been almost seven months since she had been hired by his prestigious advertising agency as the Director of Advertising and so far all she had been was little more than eye candy for the company’s management team. She was hoping to get a real chance work on a major advertising campaign. ?I am here to see Mr. Chambers?? Tracey said to the...
© 2002 "Agh!" Sharon spun around, shocked, wondering how she'd suddenly become covered in icy cold droplets of water from a now crystal clear blue sky. "Oh!" She stood still, stunned as another arc of water flew through the air and landed on the front of her red T-shirt. Bending forward she peered between the boxes stacked in the back of the car in front. It was as she thought. Kids were sitting in the front seat of the station wagon. The car's brake lights were on; the window...
The next day I had breakfast at 6 with several hands and then read in the morning sun for a few hours. Then, in mid-morning, I asked the “girl” about laundry. “You gibbit me, I do good job.” “That’s not necessary. I can do it.” “Not job for nungungi.” “I’m not nungungi.” “Nungungi dad’s nungungi.” I had clearly lost the argument. I appealed to my hostess. “Not a chance,” she said. “Better give in graciously.” So I did. Underwear, shirts, pants, socks. It was a decent-sized...
We had some tea and a few quandong. The dried nut tasted like a rather tart apricot. We were too far west for bunya or macadamia. Joshua told me that they had had little rain, but that the waterhole seemed happy. I told him of my trip, especially the part from Cameron Corner to Epsilon Station, to Innamincka and my disappointment, and to here. A woman offered a bark dish of witchetty grubs and I took one. I expressed surprise at finding them, but Joshua said the women were good at finding...
Joseph and Joshua entered the room where Jordan was being held captive. "You finally made it back," Joshua snickered. Jordan sat bolt upright as they entered. "Just in time to go jack rabbit hunting," Joe smirked in reference to their notorious jack rabbit hunt as children when Jordan had refused to kill anymore jack rabbits out of sympathy. Jordan managed a slight smiled, "I'm never going to live down that jack rabbit hunt as long as I live." "Of course not," Joe informed...
If I had an Underwater Sex Cam, I know I’d have a lot of fun capturing my sexual escapades at the pool and reliving them later on at home, in the office, and on the bus ride in between. And honestly, after checking out this following site, I think I might actually invest in the necessary equipment. Even if my homemade underwater fuck flicks never made it onto PornDudeCasting, where I think the chlorine would ruin the couch, they’d still be a hell of an addition to my own personal fap stash. I’m...
Premium Voyeur Porn SitesDave had recently purchased an apartment with his new Fianc?e Kim. The building was in the historic district of their city and was nearly 140 years old. A recent developer had remolded the building and added central air, new wiring, and new flooring, but it hadn't completely destroyed the building's classic appeal. The developer changed the plumbing, but didn't change fixtures, including the unique Spanish bronze fixtures and pitch black bathtub in apartment 3C. It was Kim who noticed the f...
I stared at Shannon for a few long seconds as I heard Alana whisper “Ouch!” from behind me. “Are you saying Pete was with another girl?” I asked, echoes of the grapevine still muddling my head. “Yeah. She found him in one of the bedrooms, getting it on with some redhead girl.” “Holy shit. Are you being serious?” “I am, Matt,” Shannon said apologetically. “Fuck. Where’s Lara now?” “In my car. I’ve been trying to calm her down for the last five minutes. I need to get back up there,...
Lara was still awake when I returned from Brian’s party. Part of me hoped to find her asleep. I considered retreating to the cabin to avoid a difficult talk, but then decided it wouldn’t be any easier to tell her about my exchange with Pete the next day. The sooner it was over, the sooner the black cloud would lift, however long it would take. After chatting with my parents and Frej for a bit, I knocked gently on her door. “Come in.” She was still reading. I let myself in and closed the...
December twenty-ninth was the latest date I’d ever started a skiing season. Early that morning, Aongus, Frej, Sarah, Heather and I ate a decent breakfast and then headed through the continuing storm to the ski resort. Sarah was going to spend the morning with Frej on the lower slopes while the rest of us headed to the summit. After lunch, if Frej was feeling it, he was going to join us to take the intermediate trail that wound down the side of the mountain. It felt great to get out on skis,...
Rather amazingly, Lara was the first one to wake up the next morning. Even in the very faint glow from dawn’s first tendrils, I could see that the night had delivered new light to her face. “Come on, get up!” she whispered. “What’s wrong? I thought we were leaving at eight-thirty today. What time is it?” “About seven. Mom’s just getting up to make breakfast. Let’s go look for those clues.” “Right now?” “Or I can go by myself.” I groaned and stretched. “All right, give me a second to...
Our band rehearsal on Saturday was spirited. Perhaps it was the prospect of playing for people at the auditions, or maybe it was the impending trip to the woods party, but either way, we played with new energy. There may have been a third cause as well: Brian was supposed to stop by with his girlfriend Elaine. I don’t know that I’d ever talked to Elaine until Brian started going out with her. In my group of friends, she was considered to be untouchably popular. Besides being a cheerleader...
Mercifully, the days started to go faster. Between band rehearsals, the photo project, and general homework and chores, the day of Heather’s visit started to feel real. Randi and her friend Mina showed up at the next practice. Ever since Pete and Lara had hooked up, Bruno and Carl were much more interested in their part-time girlfriends. I wondered if it was a reaction to Brian’s recent observation about their lack of female companionship. Although at first it was fun having the pair of...
Initials got further praise from Ms. Rawlings during the showing in class the next day. Amid a collection of generic school shots, my set was quite different. “Matt, would you like to explain your difficulties with this one?” she asked, holding up the courtyard photo. I stumbled my way through a description of the process she’d shown me, getting confused several times with the negative-to-negative aspect of the exposure. When I finished, Ms. Rawlings gave the method a name. “That’s called...
Dance is the hidden language of the soul - M.G. I got up late, preferring to stay in bed and think rather than get up and be restless in front of everyone. Sleep had done me good. I was feeling positive and excited about Heather’s arrival. She was on the road to me at that moment! After cleaning up my room, showering, and helping my parents with lunch, I decided to take a short hike in the woods to let out the pent-up energy. Lara caught up with me as I entered the trees. I wasn’t sure I...
I rode with Heather and her parents to the river the next morning. Aongus followed my mom’s car as we wound through the majesty of the Catskills. Early fall was just starting to bring splashes of color to the canopy. None of the adults were interested in fishing, so Heather and I soon found ourselves alone on the banks of the Esopus Creek, not too far from the campground where Lara and I had stayed in August. Our parents continued their scenic drive with the promise to meet back at the picnic...