With Great Power...Chapter 3: Hounsis Canzo, Servant At The Altar free porn video

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We were both very quiet on the flight home. For most of the flight Jasmine gripped my hand so tightly that my fingers were turning white, while her other hand never left her belly, either stroking it or simply resting on top of it. I still can’t explain it, or even believe it myself, but I could “feel” the energy flowing through Jasmine.

I wish I had an explanation for how we apparently traveled back to Jacienthe’s time, but it remains just as much a mystery as when I first met her.

I was also troubled by Jacienthe’s prediction. Great evil? Our daughter wasn’t even born yet, an innocent child; how could she have anything to do with anything evil?

All four of our parents were waiting for us, along with Granny, who was wearing an all-knowing smile, which frankly unnerved me a little bit.

For the nine months of Jasmine’s pregnancy, Granny was a nearly constant presence in our lives. I often saw her in whispered conversations with Jasmine, along with furtive looks towards me from Jasmine. Jasmine was making notes in her little book. I wished I knew what she was writing, but if she wasn’t holding it tight, it was hidden somewhere, and I wasn’t concerned enough to invade her privacy by searching for it.

It seemed like there were always candles burning in our house, and an under-current of chanting. It was sub-audible, and no matter how intently I listened, I couldn’t find the source.

Jasmine had taken to wearing a small pendant that seemed to be made from a piece of the crystal.

“Jasmine,” I asked, “where did that pendant come from?”

She looked nervous for some reason. It didn’t make sense; it was just a piece of cheap jewelry; or was it?

“It ... It was just a gift from Granny,” she said as she fingered it nervously. I saw no reason to doubt her, but why the nervousness, why all the mystery?

As I said, Granny was a frequent visitor. She seemed to come and go at will, with no apparent means of transportation, and neither she nor Jasmine would give me a straight answer.

Jasmine insisted that she wanted a home birth, over both my and her doctor’s objections. Her doctor assisted me with making the proper preparations and gave me a list of licensed midwives, but Jasmine never contacted them.

When Jasmine’s water broke, I was in a panic. Since Jasmine had never arranged for a midwife, that option was out, and I hadn’t prepared anything for going to the hospital. I thought Jasmine was getting ready to go, and opened the front door to get the car, and there was Granny, standing there with her ubiquitous bag.

She pushed past me and went to the bedroom. Jasmine was still in bed with her nightgown pulled up to her waist and her knees bent and spread apart. Granny pulled out the candlestick, put a white candle on it, lit it and placed it by the bed. She was chanting and waving incense around while Jasmine was alternately panting and moaning.

Just as I was picking up my phone to dial 911, Granny knelt between Jasmine’s legs, and with seemingly no effort, Jasmine gave a push and our baby girl was born!

Granny handed me scissors to cut the cord, cleaned everything up and handed me our daughter.

“Isobet,” Granny said.

“Isobet,” I sighed as I looked lovingly into my daughter’s magical eyes.

Isobet made a soft cry, and I handed her to Jasmine.

Jasmine gazed at her for a moment, kissed her on her forehead, then lowered the left side of her nightgown, exposing her milk-filled breast and thick nipple. She had already removed her piercings in preparation for this day. She lowered Isobet to her breast, and the baby immediately latched onto the nipple and started sucking.

Jasmine had a look of sheer bliss on her face, and it seemed to take a great effort for her to turn her face to look at me.

“Thank you, James,” she whispered.

“Why are you thanking me? You did all the work. I should be thanking you.”

“I couldn’t, I wouldn’t do this without you, James. This is a blessed day.”

I had nothing to say. I just lay on the bed, taking my wife and daughter in my arms. Jasmine and I soon dozed off, Isobet happily nursing, until her small cry told us that it was time for Jasmine to move her to the right breast.

We never even noticed Granny leave.

Every parent is aware of what the next couple of years were like. It was many late nights, dirty diapers and family coming and going.

For once, I was grateful for Granny’s near constant presence in our lives. It seemed that whenever Isobet was fussy, all it took was Granny stroking her head, whispering to her, or gently rocking her to get her smiling and giggling again.

Even Granny couldn’t spare us the “Terrible Twos,” but from what I understand from talking to other parents, we were apparently spared the worst.

As soon as Isobet could walk and talk she was a real “Daddy’s Girl,” following me around, copying, or trying to copy, everything I did. The first and only time I tried to go sailing and left her and Jasmine on the dock, she wailed so piteously that I had to go back and hold her while Jasmine took the boat out.

When she started learning to read, I got her children’s books about boats, but she was only interested in the books with sailboats.

“Wanna go sailing, Daddy!” she would say.

“I’m sorry, Sweetie, but you’re too little, it isn’t safe.”

“No! Wanna go sailing!” she said, stomping her little foot.

“As soon as you’re big enough we’ll go sailing,” I said to her.

“Promise?” she said with a stern look on her face and her arms crossed.

I made a big show out of crossing my heart.

“Cross my heart.”

That mollified her for a time, but for the next year the only time I could sail was when she was with the grandparents, and I couldn’t really enjoy it, I felt like was cheating on her.

It was with great relief when I walked into her room with my arm fairly obviously hiding something behind my back.

“Whatcha got, Daddy?”

“What makes you think I have anything?” I asked, hoping I was successful in putting an innocent look on my face.

She didn’t say anything, she just tried to get behind me as I kept twisting away until she flounced over to her bed and sat down pouting.

I took pity on her and pulled the tiny orange life jacket out from behind me.

“What’s that, Daddy?”

“It’s called a life jacket.”

“What’s that for?”

“It’s for little girls to wear in case they fall in the water.”

“That’s silly,” she said, “I go in the water all the time.”

“Yes, but you’ve never been in the river.”

“But ... But...” she sputtered until a light went on behind her eyes, and she launched herself into my arms.

“Thank you, Daddy, thank you! Can we go sailing tomorrow?”

“Daddy has to work tomorrow, but we’ll all go sailing Saturday.”

“No, just you and me. Mommy can go sailing anytime.”

“Okay, Isobet, just you and me. I’m sure Mommy can find something to do.”

I thought she might be too excited to go to sleep, but maybe she was anxious to dream of sailing, because she was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Isobet was suspiciously quiet on Friday, but right at the crack of dawn Saturday she came bounding into our bedroom, bouncing on our bed.

“Sailing, Daddy, sailing!” she said over and over, until I grabbed her and started tickling her.

“Isobet, it’s too early, we have to have breakfast first...”

Her face drooped.

“ ... besides, the sailing center isn’t even open yet.”

That seemed to satisfy her and she ran off.

“Looks like you created a monster,” Jasmine said smiling.

I could only shrug and went to shower.

Entering the kitchen, I saw Isobet already sitting at the table with her cereal bowl in front of her, wearing her little life jacket.

I put a pod in the Keurig, got my coffee going, poured some Cheerios into her bowl and got one for myself. We had been strict about avoiding the sugary cereals, and Isobet never put up a struggle.

My coffee was already in a travel mug, and as soon as we had eaten, we took off. Even on a Saturday morning, Boston traffic could be problematic.

As soon as Community Boating came in sight, Isobet was bouncing in her seat and I had to keep a firm grip on her wrist to keep her from running down to the dock while I signed out a Mercury.

She showed a little nervousness when the boat rocked as I got on board, but had gotten over it by the time I lifted her aboard.

As we drifted away from the dock and caught some wind, a look of fascination and joy came over her face, and it was only when her need to pee became urgent could I convince her to let me return to the dock.

We sailed often, and as she got older, she would “help” me sail. Jasmine rarely joined us. “Daddy time!” Isobet would say.

Here’s a typical sail with Jasmine.

“Isobet, come sit with Mommy,” Jasmine would say.

“NO! Daddy needs me,” Isobet would say while tugging on a line, or nudging the rudder.

Jasmine’s eyes would glisten a bit as a sad smile crossed her lips. While I felt sorry for her, I reveled in my father-daughter time. I knew it wouldn’t last, though I would work to make it last as long as possible.

It was when Isobet turned nine that things began to slowly change. Granny visited more often, and spent most of her time with Isobet, sometimes with Jasmine, sometimes not. When Jasmine was there, she was frantically writing things in her book, as if she was on a deadline.

One beautiful Saturday morning I went to Isobet’s room.

“It’s going to be a great day for sailing, why don’t you get changed and we’ll go out on the boat for a bit?”

“I can’t. Granny’s coming today.”

I was a little irritated.

“You’ve been spending almost every Saturday with Granny! We haven’t been sailing in weeks. You can see her when we get back.”

I could see her look over my shoulder, and turned to see Jasmine standing there.

“Well,” I said, “are you going to back me up here?”

“James, Granny’s instruction is important...”

“Is it so important that it can’t wait a few hours?”

“N ... No, I guess not. I’ll explain to Granny when she gets here.”

“You do that. You “explain” to Granny that spending time with her father is just as important for Isobet as Granny’s instruction.”

I went to get my gear together, pushing by Jasmine, not feeling a lot of satisfaction with my victory.

Isobet was much quieter than usual, with none of the excited chatter that I was used to on our rides to the sailing center.

Even when I asked her if she wanted to take the rudder, she declined, just sat there with her hand drifting in the water, as her eyes stared into space. I was maybe losing my daughter, but not without a fight.

“Isobet, something’s bothering you. Why don’t you tell me, maybe I can help.”

She looked like she had just seen a ghost, and shuddered, so I reached for her and pulled her close.

“It’s okay, Sweetie, we don’t have to talk about it right now if you don’t want to, but remember that I’m always here for you, and you can talk to me about anything.”

She just nodded and gave a little sniffle, and was soon getting into the sail.

Granny was already there when we got home, giving me a stern look, but saying nothing

As usual, they sat in a quiet corner, usually in semi-darkness, always with Granny’s candlestick, though the color changed from time to time; sometimes white, sometimes red, sometimes black, though that was rare.

Occasionally I’d hear the eerie sounds of the singing bowl or hear quiet chanting.

“Jasmine,” I asked, “What’s going on with Isobet and Granny?”

She looked around, wringing her hands nervously.

“N ... Nothing, James.”

“Come on, Jasmine, I may be a fool, but I’m not an idiot. Isobet was very frightened about something on our sail this morning, but I couldn’t get her to talk to me. There’s something going on, and for some reason you’re keeping it from me. I need you to tell me now.”

Jasmine looked around nervously again.

“Granny’s just teaching Isobet about some of our traditions, James,” she said. “I know you’re not entirely comfortable with them, that you think they’re silly superstitions.”

“That may be, but you obviously feel that they’re important, and that makes them important to me. As long as we’re on the subject, just what are you writing in that book?

Jasmine turned pale.

“Nothing, James. Granny is just passing on some family lore, and I want to make sure I don’t forget anything.”

“That sounds interesting. You know I like history, and after my ... our experiences in Haiti, I think it should be fascinating.”

Jasmine turned even paler, if that was possible.

“N ... No, James, it’s really kind of boring.”

“Well, you seem to find it all pretty fascinating, why not let me decide for myself?” I said, reaching for the book.

Jasmine had a look of panic in her eyes as she jumped up and ran from the room.

I wasn’t entirely sure that I was getting the whole story, but decided that it wasn’t worth fighting over and let the matter drop.

The only trouble we had with Isobet was an incident when she came home crying. It turned out that a group of older girls had been bullying her due to her mixed parentage.

Jasmine, true to her nature, tried to comfort Isobet, trying to reassure her that everything would be all right. I, on the other hand took a more proactive approach.

“Isobet,” I said after Jasmine left the room, “people aren’t always nice, and sometimes you have to stand up for yourself, or they’ll walk all over you.”

“But, Daddy, there are more of them than me, and they’re all bigger than me. I don’t know what I can do.”

“You’re a smart girl, Isobet, I’m sure you’ll think of something, right?”

She gave me a nervous nod, and I left the room feeling pretty proud of myself.

A few days later I had the afternoon off, and Isobet came home from school skipping and wearing a big smile.

“There’s my smiley girl,” I said, “No more problems with bullies?”

“No, Daddy, I took your advice. I don’t think anyone will be bothering me again.”

“That’s wonderful, Sweetheart. I’m very proud of you for handling it yourself.”

With that, Isobet went off to her room, and I basked in the glow of my superior parenting skills. That lasted just about as long as it took to help Jasmine bring in the groceries.

We were putting everything away when Jasmine casually told me about an encounter she had at the market with Isobet’s teacher.

“I ran into Mrs. Owens at Stop and Shop today, and asked her how Isobet was dealing with her bully problem.

“She said that it was very strange. None of the older girls were in school today. When the school checked, it seems that each girl had all of her hair fall out and had bad cases of acne break out.”

I felt a cold chill run through me.

“James, are you all right?” Jasmine asked.

I gave myself a shake.

“Y ... Yes, yes,” I said. “Could you please excuse me for a minute?”

“Of course,” she said with a wink. “I’m not going anywhere.”

I strode into Isobet’s room and closed the door. From the look on her face I was sure of the direction this conversation would take, but I had to go through the process.

“Isobet, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about some girls in your school losing their hair, do you?”

She looked down at the floor while one leg swung nervously.

“N ... No, not really,” she said, not very convincingly.

“Harumph,” I said. I decided that I had learned all that I needed to know from Isobet for now, that there was no need to torment her. Granny, and maybe Jasmine were another matter.

I decided to confront Jasmine.

“Jasmine, I need you to tell me more about the “traditions” that Granny has been teaching Isobet.”

She seemed nervous.

“I ... don’t know what you’re talking about, James.”

“Come on, Jasmine, I was born at night, but not last night. You forget that I know a little bit about Granny’s charms. I haven’t forgotten about Fred’s rooster and how you “knew” you were pregnant.”

Jasmine turned a little pale.

“Do you think that Granny’s teaching Isobet might have had something to do with what happened to Isobet’s classmates?”

Before she looked away, I could see tears forming in Jasmine’s eyes.

“When we were with Jacienthe,” I said, “she said that our child was destined for greatness, but that if it was great good or great evil, was up to us. Now, in the big scheme of things a few cases of acne and hair loss is pretty low on the evil scale, but I hope you agree that this isn’t the kind of use of whatever powers she might have that we want to encourage?”

“Yes, James, I understand.”

“Well, if that is settled, then maybe we should go and have a little chat with Isobet, and maybe we need to have a talk with Granny, also.”

“No, James, no! Can’t we leave Granny out of this?”

“Out of this? She’s been in this since before Isobet was even born. She gave you that charm to get pregnant. She sent us to Haiti to see Jacienthe. She’s in this up to her eyeballs, and it’s high time we set some ground rules before the villagers surround our house with pitchforks and torches.”

Jasmine started to smile until she saw the stern look on my face.

“All right, James, I’ll talk to Granny...”

“No, WE’LL talk to Granny, I want to make sure that we’re on the same page and that there’s no misunderstandings.”

Together we knocked on Isobet’s door and entered her bedroom. Isobet was sitting on her bed, looking nervously back and forth as we sat beside her on the bed, each of us taking a hand.

“Isobet.” I said, “I’m going to ask you again. Did you have anything to do with what happened to your classmates?”

She looked nervously at Jasmine, who nodded at her.

“Y ... Yes, I guess I did.”

“You “guess” you did? Just what did you do?”

“Well, Granny showed me...”

She hesitated as she saw my face turning red.

“Go ahead,” I said with a sigh.

“Granny showed me how to cast a spell...”

“Charm,” Jasmine interrupted.

“Right, she showed me how to make a charm to punish people who were mean to me.”

I still wasn’t entirely sure how much I believed in all this “charm” stuff, but I couldn’t ignore the evidence in front of me.

“Isobet,” Jasmine said gently, “charms are powerful magic, they should be used wisely, not carelessly.”

“But Granny said...”

“I don’t care what Granny said,” I said, maybe with more anger than I intended as tears began to form in Isobet’s eyes.

I knelt in front of Isobet and took her hands in mine as Jasmine rubbed her back,

“Sweetie, I know it can be hard sometimes, especially when you’re outnumbered and don’t know what else to do. But many kids have problems, and have to learn to deal with them on their own. Do you understand?”

“I ... I think so, but what can I do? They’re all bigger than me, and there’s more of them anyway.”

“I’m not saying that you should fight them. Maybe you can just ignore them, or even just laugh at them. Show them that their words can’t hurt you.”

“But their words do hurt me, Daddy!” she sniffled.

“I know that, and you know that, but you don’t have to let them know that. When they see that they can’t get a reaction out of you they’ll get bored and look for another target.”

“That’s okay for me, Daddy, but then they’ll just pick on somebody else. That’s not fair!”

It was time for some real-world education.

“Honey, sometimes life isn’t fair. If you really want to help, you should tell your teachers. It’s their job to take care of things like that.”

“But that would be tattling!”

“Which is worse, tattling or letting bullies pick on other kids?” I asked.

Her brow was furrowed as she was deep in thought.

“I guess you’re right, Daddy,” she said, “I just wish that there was some other way.”

“You’re a smart kid, Isobet, I’m sure you’ll think of something, I said as I tousled her hair and gave her a big hug.

As Isobet ran off to do whatever little girls do, Jasmine gave me a big hug.

“Just when did you get so smart, James?” she asked.

“I think it was when I asked you out.”

“Good answer!” she said.

“Well, that was the easy part,” I said, “Now we have to talk to Granny.”

Jasmine looked frightened.

“Do we have to, James? I think you have Isobet straightened out.”

“Yes, for now, but I want to make sure that Granny understands that there are some ground rules that have to be respected.”

I could tell that Jasmine wanted to argue the point, but one look at my face told her it would be futile.

We left Isobet with my parents, and drove to Jasmine’s parents for a sit-down with Granny.

Jasmine was obviously nervous the whole drive, but refused to tell me what was bothering her.

After the social niceties were out of the way, I asked Jasmine’s parents if we could have some time alone with Granny. They exchanged some puzzled looks but agreed, and left the room.

You could have cut the tension with a knife as Granny just sat there, looking very pleased with herself, as if she didn’t have a care in the world.

I decided that I would have to take the bull by the horns.

“Granny,” I said, “I suppose you know something about what Isobet did?”

She just gave a knowing smile and nodded.

“Granny, we can’t allow this sort of thing. It could be dangerous, who knows what the repercussions might be.”

“It is necessary,” was all that she said.

I was flabbergasted.

“How can it be “necessary” to make kids lose their hair and break out?”

“No, no, not that,” she said, “but there is a great danger, a great evil coming, and Isobet must be ready, she must be trained to use her power.”

“Her power? She’s only nine years old!”

“Yes, she’s only nine years old now, but the evil is out there, it grows stronger every day. Isobet must learn, must grow, she must be ready.”

I was at a loss. Despite all that I had seen, what I had been through, my logical mind just couldn’t buy into all of the superstition, yet I couldn’t ignore it either.

It was obvious that arguing with Granny would be a waste of time, especially with Jasmine at least tacitly agreeing with her.

Life went on, with no more apparent “charms,” but maybe I just wasn’t aware. Like many men, I could be pretty clueless if something didn’t directly affect me.

I got used to the smell of incense and the many candles burning throughout the house. Granny’s presence barely registered, she was at our house so much. If Jasmine’s parents missed her company, they never said anything.

Shortly after her thirteenth birthday, Isobet came into my office, softly closing the door behind her, which was unusual.

“Daddy, can we talk?”

“Of course we can, Honey, you can talk to me about anything.”

I don’t know what she was expecting to see, but she looked over her shoulder nervously.

“I know, but I’m not supposed to talk about this.”

Right away I knew: Granny!

“Isobet, I don’t know what Granny has told you, but I’m your father, and I love you. There’s nothing we can’t talk about.”

I could see her shiver and peek over her shoulder again.

“Okay, Daddy, but you have to promise not to say anything to anyone, especially Granny.”

Granny was really getting on my last nerve.

‘Honey, I’ll try, but I’m your father, it’s my job to protect you. I can’t promise to remain silent if I feel that you’re in danger.

She thought about it for a few minutes, then she seemed to come to a decision and sat up a little straighter.

“I think you know a little about what Granny’s training me for,” she said.

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My wife and servant Gopal

I had bought a new web camera and it came with a sophisticated software. I was eager to try it out. After installing it , I discovered that it had many security features too, for instance the webcamera could also be used as a cctv, but recording only when it would detect a movement. I am not very tech-saavy, so I was astounded. "Have your breakfast" I was brought to reality by the sound of my 35 year old wife Anu."You are going to get me late today." It was 9.30 am .Not too late for me, but...

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The Kings Servant

THE KING'S SERVANT By Geneva A young man, a companion of an imprisoned Scottish king, tries to use an ancient magic book to free him. The scheme is unsuccessful, but he finds other uses for the book's power. This story is set in Scotland and England in the early 1400's and follows my earlier tales of the Budrose family, "The Templar Book" and "The Green Pebble." START "Wonderful to see you again, Will!" I watched as my grandfather Andrew Budrose embraced my father. We had...

4 years ago
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A Good ServantChapter 12

Author’s note: A bit of warning is necessary for this chapter. Anyone who finds reading graphic descriptions of violence disturbing, please do not read. ~A Good Servant~ “I simply hate these social functions,” Lucas murmured while fiddling with his glass. “We need to get out from time to time. People will talk,” Cory shrugged. “Plus, what’s the harm?” “Besides the fact that I’d rather stay indoors and have fun with you?” Lucas angled his head and looked at his servant with a playful...

2 years ago
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Pleasure ServantChapter 3 Casi

As Nicki Smith was running through the darkness, her clothes began to disintegrate, falling from her naked body like old rags. Suddenly, she felt something tighten around her neck. It was a leashed collar. The surprise at being bound made her run faster. She did not get far before there was a tug at the leash. She was yanked back like a dog. Turning, she found a young woman with fair hair and a naughty grin holding the leash. "Why are you doing this!?" Nicki wailed. "Because you want...

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A Good ServantChapter 4

To say he felt nothing while his hips were held still by strong, firm hands, would have been a lie. Despite his sudden need to just push his ass against the owner of said hands, his conscience told him to straighten up and assume a rather frigid countenance, as he turned to face lord Lucas. “Good evening, sir,” he bowed politely, his eyes traveling from the man’s chin along the black silk shirt to find a rescue point in the subtle black diamond tie needle, one of the few embellishments the...

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me and my servant

I and hubby both lead a happy life...we used to have sex daily. and 2 yrs went as usual as any couples. when he is away from house (banglore) i used to masturbate myself in my bed. Once my hubby went to banglore for 2 weeks. In our home , i am and my aunty and my servant where there. every thing went normal. two days later, a call came to our house. Its oe of our distant relation and called for his grand mother funeral. My aunty asked me to come with her. But i refused , as not...

2 years ago
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My Servant

This was the first time we had met properly and I wanted it to go perfectly ... she arrived at my house wearing exactly what I had ordered her to wear, a long black dress and a simple blouse, no bra and no panties. She walked into the room and immediately stripped for me....Master was the only word she said, I led her upstairs where she quickly lay on the bed.... watching me and waiting.... I quickly moved the table had set up with the things I wanted and would need ... I blindfolded her and...

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Sex Slave To Servant 8211 Part 2 Second Wish

Hi all, this is Sunitha. Hope you remember me. Sorry, I will post my affair with my father-in-law soon. This is Riya’s story. After the first wish, my servant Kishan kaka said, “Second one, bahu. I never saw such beauty in front of my eyes, not even in dreams. I thought that I will be able to touch a girl like you, please allow me to feel you once.” I just gave a nod. My servant came forward, pushed me to the wall, held my arms with his to the wall and bit on my neck. I felt his erect dick. He...

1 year ago
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A Good ServantChapter 11

A single ray of light broke the unnatural darkness of the room. “Our society is in danger,” a deep voice resonated, as the quill relentlessly scratched the paper. “Why?” the second voice inquired. “It’s creeping in, this flimsy ... emotion,” the first one to talk answered. The last word was spoken as if it was foreign, unused in normal conversation. “I don’t understand. We gave them everything. They are conditioned to be content.” “Maybe this is where we were wrong. Contentment is not...

2 years ago
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The Servant

The servant froze; a sound? Perhaps not. He continued preparing the meal. She had returned in a foul mood and ordered that dinner should be served at seven that evening. Fifteen minutes to go and so far everything was on time. A good meal, fine wine, an intelligent book to read and maybe her anger would fade. Another sound; he froze again, A soft tread on a badly fixed board. His hands started to shake as he stirred the food on the hob, dreading the voice that he knew would come. “Where’s my...

4 years ago
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A Good ServantChapter 8

There was a bad taste in his mouth he could not stave off. As so many times before, he looked across the conference room to search for his friend’s eyes. But Lucas, unlike the said many times, did not show any sign he felt Xavier’s eyes searching for his. Something akin to pain squeezed his chest. He had no idea he’d been dependent on Lucas’s most simple gestures, such as meeting his gaze, whenever he needed support or encouragement. An acute sensation that he was in the same room with a...

3 years ago
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A Good ServantChapter 2

Finding his way around the house was not difficult at all. The setup was intuitive and everything was in order, that Cory felt his daily chores would not be too much of a burden. Except, of course, Cory blushed, taking care of the master’s needs. He felt strange but liberated. Humming cheerfully, he filled the huge in-ground bathtub and used a few scented powders from the nicely arranged recipients. Feeling the stickiness between his butt cheeks, he grimaced a little. He would need a bath,...

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My Wife And Tailor 8211 Part 3 8211 Now Fun With Servant

Second part of this story was published on 19-08-2008. Though it was posted in the name of maakabur, it is being displayed under ISS Admin. No problem. I am Kamal. My wife Ashes is a beautiful & attractive lady. After about 8 months of marriage, at her insistence we visited a tailor at midnight. She wanted to get a Jean trouser stitched for her first Diwali and to make tailor agree to stitch cloth she undressed fully. And inevitable happened. Tailor fucked my wife in my presence. I wondered...

3 years ago
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Servant of Servants

Servant of Servantsby [email protected] (Francis R.)I nervously climbed the stairs and searched in dirty corridors smellingof refuse before I found the apartment. For my heartbeat to steady, Ipaused briefly before knocking, and noticed the television set playinginside. Some seconds later the door was opened by Sabrina, to whom I hadcome to offer myself as a slave. She was carelessly dressed in cheap worn-out clothes, a knitted plaidcovering her shoulders; she was eating a sandwich and,...

2 years ago
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Servant of Servants

Servant of ServantsI nervously climbed the stairs and searched in dirty corridors smelling of refuse before I found the apartment. For my heartbeat to steady, I paused briefly before knocking, and noticed the television set playing inside. Some seconds later the door was opened by Sabrina, to whom I hadcome to offer myself as a slave.She was carelessly dressed in cheap worn-out clothes, a knitted plaidcovering her shoulders; she was eating a sandwich and, chewing, looked at me for a few...

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Jungle Love With My Servant And Driver

Hi, I am Neha. I live in Noida. Some part of this story is true. My husband is from a small town who runs a large business in Noida. I will not mention the exact location. I got married in 2014. Every year we visit my husband’s home two times. I don’t wear Indian saree, blouse in Noida. But in his home, I have to adjust to traditional Indian housewife dress. His family is the richest family in the area. The incident happened this year when we visited his home. I was getting bored. I told the...

1 year ago
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A Good ServantChapter 10

“From the start. Again,” the trainer’s voice sounded even and voided of any emotion. Cory kept his calm façade and began again to retell the story. How he had come back to the apartment, it had been dark, he had been hit and then tied up. No, he had no idea what happened. The slave? He had left him at home to go shopping, as he had to ready the dinner for that night. No, he had not heard anything. Yes, his master had had to be home around that time. They kept on asking him the same...

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Achanak 8211 Part 2 Servant And Husband

Hi friends , first part of this sex story was published in Feb 2013. Thereafter I forgot to write subsequent part . Let’s have recap – I am Alka, having a grown up son Mohit. People say I am beautiful and owner of a very lovely & sexy figure. That fateful day my son dropped me at a mutton shop and moved away. There I got impressed by butcher Raffique’s monster cock and got fucked by him there itself in presence of his youngest daughter Ruby. Thereafter Ruby’s would be husband fucked me in...

3 years ago
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Wife Gang Bang By Painter And Servant 8211 Part 3

Hi guys this is Rohit again thanks for wonderful emails specially from married females and couples I am here to bring you third n final part of my story please rate and share it and if you guys also wants to share your fantasy pls email me at now my wife nidhi will continue third part:- Hi guys, thanks for so many mails, Now I come straight to my story.shankar ka Lund Dekh ke muje laga ki abb meri taraph MIT jayegii aur Maine Shankar ko dekh ke fir se ankh Mari wo mera issaraaa samaj Gaya aur...

2 years ago
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Her Brothers Servant Ch 01

Ida did her best to hold her head high and maintain her dignity as she allowed the Asian servant to lead her into her brother’s den. It wouldn’t be easy, she knew that – but the attractive half-black beauty had been through far worse in the past six months. She didn’t have much to lose. At 37, she was still beautiful and carried herself with grace. Had she lived in a larger city, she might have tried modeling, indeed, she had been a model in the past and been much in demand. But once she met...

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Her Brothers Servant Ch 02

In the clingy blue dress and heels, Ida stood before her brother. She didn’t know what to say, the moment had come and she was struck dumb. Luckily, Scott solved the problem by speaking first. ‘I’m very sorry to hear about your recent troubles, dear sister, and I will tell you that I’ve engaged my lawyer to make some enquiries about getting some of your assets unfrozen.’ ‘Thank you Scott, that’s very kind of you.’ ‘You’re family Ida, although we’ve seen little of each other over the years. I...

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A Good ServantChapter 14

The last thing he wanted was to draw the others’ attention. He was glad he had been given a larger helmet, so his forehead and half his eyes were shadowed from view. He pulled the collar of the coarse miner’s uniform he was wearing a bit higher, to hide his face. His worries, however, had proved in vain so far. The hard work in the mines left little time for workers to chat up others, or even look around. He knew from Lucas that someone was going to wait outside for him every Tuesday. He had...

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Sexy Wife With Servant

I am Ranjan aged 40. My wife Sheetal is 35. We are having a a son aged 8 years who stays in boarding school. Because of my job we need to change our location in every few years. Recently we are shifted to a small town having a servant quarter behind our house. When we reached to our new house Ishwar and his wife soma were staying in the servant quarter. Earlier they were working for the previous employee. They requested us to allow them to stay there. Because of their good behavior my wife...

3 years ago
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Sexy Wife With Servant

I am Ranjan aged 40. My wife Sheetal is 35. We are having a a son aged 8 years who stays in boarding school. Because of my job we need to change our location in every few years. Recently we are shifted to a small town having a servant quarter behind our house. When we reached to our new house Ishwar and his wife soma were staying in the servant quarter. Earlier they were working for the previous employee. They requested us to allow them to stay there. Because of their good behavior my wife...

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Ass Fucked By Servant

I am 5’9” in height and around 65 kgs in weight and very fair complexion and by god’s grace I have no hair on my body except my head of course and yes I am proud to say that I am a guy even after this experience and have had a very dynamic experience with a very strong and masculine guy, who really changed the dimensions of my thinking. It was somewhere around 1 week ago, during the winter time of January, I was going home from college and as I entered my society, and went towards the...

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Ass Fucked By Servant

Hi guys, I am Deepal,20, and after a lot of holding it inside I have finally found a place in here where I can lighten up my heart by sharing this real life experience of mine. I always kept it inside my mind and couldn’t share it with anybody, but with platform as this site, i find it the best to share my experience. I am 5’9” in height and around 65 kgs in weight and very fair complexion and by god’s grace I have no hair on my body except my head of course and yes I am proud to say that I am...

Gay Male
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Teasing My New Servant Guy Sexually 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone. This is my first story here. I am currently 23 years old. I will reveal my name later based on your responses. This story is about my first time being actually penetrated. It had happened a few months after my 19th birthday. I know I lost my virginity a little late, considering how slutty I try to be! Some more basic details about me, so you guys can imagine me a little maybe. My height is around 5’4. I am very fair-skinned. I am not size zero, a little chubby or curvy. My bra...

1 year ago
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Fucked by my servant

Hi my name is Sunita I am 21 years beautiful girl with size of 38-28-38. Here is my story with Ramu our servent. Ramu is 42 years old; he is 6 ft strong muscular man. Often he used to work just in vest and many times in the garden I have seen him working wearing shorts only. He used to call me Beti and treated me nicely always. Lately, however, I have noticed him staring at me often. Sometimes he had given me mischievous smiles also. When I asked him he used to say he was thinking of some movie...

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A Good ServantChapter 22

“Should I ask what’s wrong?” Edgar’s voice broke the thread of his gloomy thoughts. “Besides the obvious,” the scientist added, with a tinge of humor. “The obvious?” Cory turned toward his friend, with a small smile. Maybe it was not too bad to get distracted for a bit. “We’re planning to start a war we have no idea we can win, we have coyotes and who knows what other desert critters to worry about, and, on top of it all, Marcus just offered to become a mentor for me in matters of the...

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Sexy Servant who made me her dog MaidServant Sex Stories

My name is Diago and I am just 18 years old. I am currently in my senior high and I belong to a very rich family. My parents both works very hard to provide me with all the luxury I want. My father owns a steel factory and my mother is a fashion designer. Before getting into the story of the sexy servant, a brief intro about us. For a while now, my father is not keeping well and I feel that his business is soon going to be mine as my mother is busy with her work and she would never change her...

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A Good ServantChapter 9

The dull sound of the large truck moving was lulling him into sleep. He had no notion of how many hours had passed since he’d been sent out from his former master’s house and shipped to be taken who knew where. The gray clothes he wore felt like a rash against his skin. The boots were a bit too large, as well. It was like Dion was given a new life, along with a new uniform, that didn’t agree well with him. He kept his head down. It was too dark to look at his companions. No one was talking,...

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My Holiday Experience With My Servant

Hi everyone. I am studying my graduation. I stay in university hostel and rarely go to hometown. Actually my hometown is 2000 km from where I study. So I generally goes to hometown twice or thrice a year. Last year after my exams when I planned to go home, I came to know that my family has gone to attend a marriage ceremony in village . And they will be back after 1 days of my reach to home. As almost all the students had left and I had already booked tickets I decided to go hometown. My...

4 years ago
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Semi Naked Maid Servant

Our house had four keys for the main door lock. My parents carried one each and I and our servant maid, Pari, carried each. Since my parents worked and had to leave early for their respective jobs they gave an extra key to our servant maid so that she could come in the middle of the day and do her work. I was doing my engineering and was 20 years old. I was about 6’1” tall and well built. Our servant maid, Pari, was about 5’5” tall and had a great figure. she was about 27 years old and looked...

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Losing My Vrginity With My Servant

I’m a 21 year old gay guy, staying in Delhi. What I’m going to tell you, however, happened when 5 years ago, when I was 16 years old and all of it is true. I have not added anything extra since the story itself is erotic enough. I lost my virginity to a servant who worked for us then and still works for us now. I lived with my mother and father, and we had a full-time servant who stayed with us. His name was Ramesh Thakur. He cooked, cleaned, and he also served as a masseur for the family. I...

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Awesome Fuck Joy With Servant

I am a girl beaten by fate. After two months of my marriage my husband was expired in a road accident. My heart was not happy in husband house. So I return back to my house. We are one of the rich families of the town. We are only two brother and sister. Father was expired 5 years before. For that time my parental business was run by my brother. He is very good and honest person. I was very happy in after coming to my home. My mom was alive. Brother and mother keep my confidence high. After...

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Sissy slave to my house hold servant

Sissy slave to my house hold servant.       It’s all gone with in a year, coming back to start point? I am weight 51kg comparing to my height 5.11 inch you can assume my week personality. I am working with software programmer I am earning 5 digit salaries per month; with my experience in work area I am expert in web programming and hacking websites database. I have my own flat, car every thing more for a bachelor. Sorry I forget to say my where I am from- I am from India, I am single in my flat...

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A Good ServantChapter 5

Sampling the merchandise was not a habit for Vachiari. The merchant was used to seeing attractive males and females walking around naked, but this time, he felt more tempted than any other time. He touched the chained man, asking his assistants to turn him, while he was feeling up the muscled body, the chiseled chest, and the round mounds, where his hands remained a bit more than he’d first intended. He eventually pushed them apart, curious to see if the specimen had been used. The tight...

2 years ago
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A Good ServantChapter 6

Cory stood still, to let his assailant know he had no intention to fight. Slowly, the hand on his mouth moved away. “I cannot open the cage,” he whispered, trying to rein in his trembling. “Master has the key. And even if you could get away, how far do you think you can get? Without any clothes, sticking out like that? You won’t make it too far. Master is home, by the way.” The slave seemed to ponder, his arms going a bit slack. “I guess there’s more to you than just your looks. So, now...

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A Good ServantChapter 7

Cory could not stop the feeling of dread engulfing him, as he was taking out the items from the hidden safe in the wall, as indicated by his master. He had seen some of them before; others, he could only guess what they were for. His knowledge on inflicting pain while striving to chase elusive pleasure was marginal, at best. Xavier hadn’t seemed so bent on playing rough, except for his usual domineering and arrogant attitude that made the man feel like he was entitled to everything and...

1 year ago
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A Good ServantChapter 17

The apparatus coughed and steered to the left. Cory could see sweat pouring on Edgar’s forehead. “We’re going to crash, aren’t we?” he shouted the question, feeling in his gut the danger they were in. “This is all I can do,” Edgar shouted back, trying to cover the sound of the hollowing wind. “Hold on tight!” Cory felt in every muscle in his body how their machine impacted with the ground. The sand dunes seemed to have been their savior, though, and, as he moved to get up, he was glad to...

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A Good ServantChapter 25

They were following the stranger, without a word. By Xavier’s labored breath, Cory could tell the former Ruler of Drena was still in shock. As he was himself. His own pained sobs that he couldn’t control matched Xavier’s hitched breathing. “Who are you?” he forced himself to speak. The stranger walking quickly in front of them didn’t turn, but did reply. “I believe the right definition would be an automaton. Hector was my creator.” “Hector, the one who lived to be 102 years old?” he...

2 years ago
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Horny servant

I am Meena from a rich family. I had sex with my male servant Babu and wanted you readers to know how it happened. I am going to narrate my affair with my male servant Babu. I am 21 yr old girl, completed my bachelor’s degree recently and was home after completing it waiting for my marriage to be arranged. I am very much interested in sex from the beginning but was very shy to express myself to other boys or males. I have nice features with dark tan on my body that attracts all the male...

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My Servant8217s Fat Dick

A hot scene like one of those porn films was going on. “harder! Harder! Harder! Ahh!” she screamed. “Uf…Huff…Buff…Felff…So…Nife…” Here words were all messed up as the man behind pressed her face against the wall. It was a hard rough surface. Still, she did not stop while he fucked her from behind. At that moment, a dark brown-skinned couple was having sex just outside our bungalow, next to the kitchen window. Simka, the maid, had pulled her sari up to expose her round bum. Meanwhile, her...

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My Servant

Hi, there all you horny guys & erotic stories lovers. Just like you I am also very fond of erotic stories & erotic experiences of real life. I have searched down so many sites but Human Digest has No.1 place in its style, content & presentation.Since long I was thinking to let others know the real incidents of my rich sex life. First of all I want to clear that I found 90% of erotic stories as cooked up & not real ones. One may take the liberty of language but not of ideas & situations.As you...

1 year ago
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Adela the Servant Girl

The king studied the scroll carefully, his brow furrowed. “I’m not sure Governor,” he started, and Arcturus’ face darkened slightly, “Governor Morrigan’s architects are a rather talented lot...” The governor scowled. This deal would pour huge amounts of the treasury into his coffers, he needed this contract. Straightening up with a smile, he said, “They may be Your Majesty, but you cannot argue that our city is a grander place for a structure such as this.” The king pursed his lips....

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