Pleasure 3
- 3 years ago
- 70
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As Nicki Smith was running through the darkness, her clothes began to disintegrate, falling from her naked body like old rags. Suddenly, she felt something tighten around her neck. It was a leashed collar. The surprise at being bound made her run faster. She did not get far before there was a tug at the leash. She was yanked back like a dog. Turning, she found a young woman with fair hair and a naughty grin holding the leash.
"Why are you doing this!?" Nicki wailed.
"Because you want this." The girl answered cheerfully.
The girl disappeared in the blink of an eye. Nicki was now holding her own leash. She looked over her body to find that she was the young woman she had seen just moments before.
"Because I want this." Nicki whispered in agreement but she was Nicki Smith no longer. She was Casi's pet.
The pet woke up with a start beside her lady. The dream bothered her. She got up from the bed and went to the bathroom and looked at herself in a mirror. She stared at her heart shaped face, blue eyes, flushed cheeks and shiny blonde hair. She looked over her dainty young body and slight breasts and waist. It somehow seemed so alien to her and yet so familiar. This form was not the face and body of her memories. These were not the features with which she entered this place. These thoughts bothered her too.
"This is as my lady wants me." The pet whispered to herself as she stared at her reflection. Her words brought her peace. She built upon their foundation.
"My lady loves me. She tells me what to do. I am hers." The pet whispered, becoming hot and tingly at the thought.
"My lady has shown me my true nature. She has let me know who I truly am. Her slave. Her pet." She whispered these words as she massaged her sex, emitting a light squeal with each stroke.
"My lady has gives me pleasure. I live to serve her pleasure." The pet started to sob as her fingers flicked her engorged and throbbing clit. It was hot and wet and sore from her night of fucking with her lady. The memories of all they had done blended with her total abject love.
"I am her pet!" She declared. She began fucking herself with several fingers. Her legs grew weak but her pussy clenched her finger dildo tightly and then drooled with a spasm as she came.
Any remnant of anxiety from her dream discarded, the pet cleaned up and returned to her lady's bed. "Everything ok?" Casi murmured sleepily without opening her eyes. The pet wormed her way into a cuddle with her mistress. "Just had a bad dream, my lady. Everything is ok now." She whispered.
After a long sleep, Casi and her pet woke and showered. Drying themselves off, they found room service had delivered breakfast to their suite. They were just about to start eating when the door to the hallway opened forcefully. A dusky skinned woman dressed in a bra and garter belt with stockings stomped in, her heels making forceful clicks on the floor. She put he hands on her wide hips and yelled angrily, "That bitch! That total fucking bitch!"
The pet was startled by the intrusion but remained calm since her lady did not seem perturbed by the angry visitor.
"Sable, dear." Casi said in a calm. "What has happened?"
"I met this killer pleasure servant. I mean, like, she was totally hot. And Carol Munro steals her from me! She steals her from me after I claimed her and everything! I was, like, showing this pleasure servant off in the great hall. I leave her alone to go pee and when I come back, I find out that bitch Carol has taken her! She was mine! I mean, I was sharing her with Iris and Mr. Jenkins, but they turned over full control to me!"
"Didn't you give this servant any locking commands." Casi asked with an amused voice.
Sable was about to say something, paused and then pouted. "Oh I, like, forgot. I was having too much fun with her. Anyway, I shouldn't have to. Taking a claimed pleasure servant is totally against the rules, locking commands or no, even for someone as rich as Carol Munro."
Casi nodded her head in agreement. "Have you seen the Custodian or the Caretaker about this?"
Sable shook her head. "No. I tried to complain to the Custodian but she was busy punishing Raven for something."
Casi laughed and rolled her eyes. "Why does she bother? Raven is a masochist cum exhibitionist. Punishment will only encourage her. What is so wonderful about this pleasure servant, anyway? Aren't they all the same?"
Crossing her arms, Casi grumbled, "You are, like, such a snob. This one was, like, a virgin. Virgin pleasure servant I mean. She had all the hunger and desire of a regular pleasure servant with total naivete of someone just turned into one. Totally beats how blasé the regular pleasure servants are. Not even the Custodian and the Caretaker can make a person like that no matter what else they can do."
This gave Casi a light chuckle. "A virgin pleasure servant, huh. I didn't know we were getting any fresh blood in here for that sort of thing."
Sable leaned forward, saying in a confiding tone, "We're not. This one broke in here to spy on someone. She got nabbed by the Custodian and inducted and indoctrinated. Guess who she was sent here to spy on?"
Casi's eyes twinkled. "Me!"
Sable snapped her fingers and frowned at her surprise being frustrated. "Aw, how did you guess?"
Casi put her arm around her pet who had been sitting passively, awaiting direction. "Because this is her accomplice." Casi declared.
For the first time, Sable paid attention to the girl sitting next to Casi. She gave her a good look, her eyes running up and down the young woman's body.
"You're shitting me!" Sable gasped.
Casi nodded and turned to her pet. "Pet, tell Sable here who you were."
The pet spoke to Sable, bashful and blushing, "I was Nicki Smith. I was a private detective paid by my lady's husband to spy on her here. The Custodian captured me and with my lady's help, revealed my need to serve and love my lady. I was turned into my lady's pet to completely serve her needs and to fulfill my purpose."
"Oh niiiice!" Sable declared. "I so wish I could get one of these. She looks delicious."
"Then have a taste." Casi said. "Lie down on the bed, my pet."
The pet reclined supine on the bed. Sable joined them their while Casi took a platter of cream cheese off the breakfast tray. She scooped up cream cheese with a butter knife and spread it across the pet's pussy, topping it with lox. Sable picked up a jar of marmalade and dropped dabs of it over the pet's breasts, using a spoon to smear it over her tits.
"Where'd you get the idea for her form?" Sable asked as she knelt on the bed above the pet's head and began to lick the sticky marmalade off her breasts.
"Freshman roommate in college." Casi replied from in-between the pet's legs, eating the lox off her cream cheese covered cunt. "I had a major crush on her but never did anything about it. I was so repressed back then. This is my second chance to enjoy her."
"How fast does she cum?" Sable asked, her breath growing deeper...
Casi grinned as she began to lick the cream cheese. "As fast or as slow as I want. I bet you can't make her cum."
Sable took that as a challenge. "We'll see about that!" Her tongue glided over the pet's marmalade stained breasts while Casi sucked cream cheese off her pussy. The pet began to squirm as the two tongues lapped up their food and lashed against her. A tingly warmth captured her throbbing pussy and the small mounds of her breasts and coursed throughout rest of her body. Her pulse began to race and she clenched her fists and grit her teeth, fighting the delicious urge to cum. As much as she wanted to, her lady had expressed the desire for her to orgasm only at her command. The pet could not fail her.
"God this is turning me on!" Sable sighed, heaving deeply. She pressed the pet's wet tits together with her hands and licked between them. Casi nodded and wrapped her lips around the pet's cleaned cunt and had her tongue dance over the pet's clit.
The pet's body began to thrum. Her heart was beating so hard that she thought it might explode from her chest at any minute. She contained the urge to scream, trying desperately to keep her voice deep within her throat.
Sable leaned back on her haunches and began to knead her own breasts. "Oh fuck, this is so hot. I can't stand it."
Casi peered at her from the pet's cunt. "Concede our bet and my pet will let you cum."
Sable nodded her head vigorously. "I give up. I surrender." She hissed, her voice hot and hungry, crawling forward and crouching over the pet's head so that her cunt and the pet's lips could lock in a kiss. The pet pressed her face against Sable' trembling sex. Its crevice yawned wide open as if hungry to be eaten. Sable's moans grew louder and louder as she rode the pet's tongue as if it were a hard prick, but this cock was darting deep within her, exploring and tasting. Sable arched her back, rising and falling in a subtle rhythm with the pet's tongue and rubbing her breasts. Her dark lashes fluttered furiously and her heavy chest rose and fell invitingly as her rhythm of her gasps and pants picked up speed. Casi herself was becoming flushed as her eyes drank in the erotic display. She started, without realizing it, to stroke herself.
Sable was crying now, tears of ecstatic joy streaming down her face. The pet felt the woman's cunt muscle start to pulse as she worked her tiring tongue around Sable's nub and then drove deep within her again. Suddenly, Sable began to tremble and then squealed, her snatch oozing its hot wetness and the pet greedily licking it clean. Sable slid back on to the bed, gasping desperately for breath.
"I think I'm in love." Sable sighed. "I wish I could afford one of these."
The pet blushed brightly at the complement as she left for some towels to clean her and Sable.
"Yes she is delightful." Casi replied. "But let me see if I can recover your stolen pleasure servant. "I am the free-est spender her. A bigger one than even Carol Munro. That gives me some influence with the Custodian. Let's find her and make your case.
The three left for the great hall. The pet was dressed in only hot pink "boy short" panties and matching pink high heels. Casi was dressed in an elegant flowing sheer gown that was transparent where it fell upon her skin. She stepped softly in slippers that looked kind of like ballet shoes.
The great hall was in its usual state of orgiastic glory. The only thing out-of-the ordinary was a black statue in the middle of the hall and the three made a detour from their mission to take a closer look. The figure was of a large, nude woman of curvaceous sensuality on her hands and knees, her head pulled back so she face forward. The substance the statue appeared to be made of was a shiny, black plastic that reflected light in blinding flashes. A plaque before the statute read, "Raven".
"So this is the the Custodian did to Raven's for telling Nicki where to find me." Casi mused. "Seems kind of tame for a punishment."
"Wait there's more." Sable giggled pointing behind the statue.
A man walked up to the Raven statue's raised, heavy ass. He took its hard waist and began thrusting his erect cock deeply into the statue and taunting the frozen form at the same time. "Remember me, Raven? Call me a pencil-dick, will you, you bitch. You feel that? Feel like a pencil to you, skank? That's 10-inches, you cunt. You like that? You'd better! I'm gonna take my time giving it to ya! When I'm done there's a line of guys you fucked with who are gonna give it to ya, you fucking slut." The women soon discovered that the statue's ass and pussy was not made or encased in the same hard black plastic as the rest of the its body but was naked human flesh and the man was slapping the naked butt until it was red.
The three women walked around to the front of the figure. Looking closely at Raven's frozen face, they found the eyes remained in their natural state and rolling back into head from rapturous ecstasy. their whites set off brightly against the inky blackness of the substance that was the rest of her skin.
"What a slut! She is totally enjoying this." Sable tisked "Raven is incorrigible. The Custodian and the Caretaker are going to have to get more imaginative with punishing her if they ever expect to teach her to behave.
Casi chuckled but her voice took a darker tone. "True. Their power is incredible. Imagine if it was unrestrained. Who knows what kind of trouble they could cause if they used it for evil purposes."
"Whatever." Sable replied who was not interested in being too thoughtful about the matter. "Like, I just want my hot pleasure servant back. Hey, there is Mr. Jenkins. Maybe he knows where the Custodian is."
Mr. Jenkins was standing across the hall before a curtain of scarlet that covered a chamber entrance way. He was nude, as always, with his powerful arms crossed and an impassive look on his face.
Sable led Casi and her pet to him. Sable clasped her hands around Mr. Jenkins biceps with the familiarity of an old lover.
"Mr. Jenkins." She said pleasantly. "It's so weird to find you not enjoying yourself or anyone else."
Mr. Jenkins gave Sable a disapproving look. "My goddess ordered me to guard this entrance." He said gruffly, cocking his head to the curtained entrance. "She holds court within."
"Mr. Jenkins!" Sable laughed. "You're finally spoken for? No way! Who is she?"
Mr. Jenkins glared viciously at Sable. "Her name may not be spoken, least of all to or by a common whore like yourself." He spat.
"Why you..." Sable cried, preparing to scratch him with her nails Casi quickly intervened between the two.
"Mr. Jenkins. May we pay our respects to your goddess with our worship?" She said. Her voice was mixed with counterfeit reverence and pleading.
Mr. Jenkins was silent for a few moments but finally stepped back and pulled back the curtain. "You may." He said. "Even if it is more than you deserve!" He added, looking at Sable. The comment almost caused Sable to explode again, but Casi pulled her away before anything more than angry looks could be thrown.
"What the hell is wrong with him!?" Sable grumbled. "He's acting like way weird."
"He isn't the only one." Casi gasped. "Look."
In the interior of the room knelt row after row of naked men and women, customers of this house, each chanting softly in unison, "Goddess. Goddess. Goddess." The men were yanking their stiff cocks at the same time and in perfect rhythm with each syllable of their chant. The women had a breast cupped with one had and the other at their pussies, kneading and stroking in perfect time to the word they spoke over and over. From the ceiling hung cylindrical cages in which writhed individual men and women whom Casi and Sable knew as the really big players and high rollers who came to this place. They were displayed like sex-starved trophies. All looked with hungry longing toward a woman who was sitting in a large throne-like chair made of stone at the far end of the room.
The woman was middle-aged but with a long knockout figure cared for by the best, most expensive kind of plastic surgery money that showed few traces that she had been under the knife. Her hair was the color and style of a barbie blonde. She was leaning back as a pleasure servant knelt on either side of her, sucking and licking at a breast. The pet and Sable both knew the pleasure servant on the woman's left. It was pleasure servant nora. Kneeling before the woman was a young muscular man with spiky black hair. It was easy to tell from his head's bobbing motion between the woman's thighs that he was vigorously chewing her out.
The woman's face was fixed with a smile that she showed she was enjoying the utmost ecstasy, not only from having multiple slaves work her but from an incredible secret power that he was just waiting to display. It was an evil smile and it gave Sable, Casi and even Casi's pet the shivers.
"Holy shit!" Sable exclaimed. "That woman in the chair! It's Carol Munro!"
Standing between Carol and her worshipers was the latex-clad Custodian. Her hands were clenched in fists.
"If I had had my way, Carol, you would have been tossed out on your ass a long time ago and never been allowed to come back!" The Custodian yelled.
"Yes, but you didn't have your way." Carol replied languidly. "The Caretaker was always so understanding of me. I bet you are still wondering where he is. Well, let me show you."
Carol waved to the young man serving her between her legs. He lifted his head and turned to glance at the Custodian. He was a comely youth typical of the heartthrobs found in teen magazines. What made him different was the abnormally long and large, abnormally prehensile tongue that hung from his mouth. The vacant look on his face showed that he was meant for only one thing, working the pussy of his mistress. It was a task he quickly returned to.
The Custodian gasped. "The Caretaker! How could you have transformed him? It's impossible!"
Carol gave a lazy smile. "Oh, it was easy. The Caretaker is a man after all and, like any man, it only takes a blow job to get what you need from him. He told me the secret of his power and yours while I was going down on him."
The Custodian's arm shot up and she spread back her palm to shoot out a jet of an inky black substance in Carol's direction. Carol casually lifted her hand, showing a wide black disk set in her palm. The substance shot from the Custodian impacted against an invisible barrier and then ricocheted back to its author, spraying her body with the viscous liquid. The Custodian uttered a muffled groan and fell to her knees as the ink slid down her body, taking possession of her flesh and distorting her form as it flowed and dripped. Her body looked like a wax candle melting under a flame.
Carol gave a sigh of exasperation and turned her hand to gaze at the disk on her palm. "Yes, I now know the secret of your power. Once the Caretaker told me, it was just a matter of getting it from him. I drugged him and stole it while he was knocked out. Now I have to Toska Disk and the power to mold bodies and minds to my whims. I was so delighted to learn how easy it is to control. The source of your power is only a copy of the real thing made by the real thing. Its power can not stand against the original's even if it is used by a total novice like me."
The Custodian exhaled an unearthly groan in reply as her body continued to lose its composition. She was melting into a growing black pool of black liquid.
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Betting SitesBoys, it’s time to piss your money away. If you’re a grown man over or under the age of 42, you should know that the best way to turn your hard-earned cash into dookie is to spend it on expensive wine or gamble it away on a slot machine. Expensive wine tastes like cheap wine – all wine tastes like shit. Get a beer and gamble your money away like a real man, all right?Now we arrive at the point of this fucking review – This right here is one in a long line of fantastic places to turn...
Betting SitesThe Casino… At 9 pm he arrived, dressed in a classic tux, to find her at the casino bar. She arose from her seat as he approached and he was struck by her vision. Her makeup was light and accented her natural beauty. Her chestnut mane lay loosely, curling along the flesh of her neck. She was wearing a long black satin dress that highlighted her best features. Her shoulders were bare, with the dress sloping downward in front to expose her voluptuous cleavage. As she took a few steps to meet...
ok where do I start ok here we go I m a very horny guy that only like white woman so I watch porn every other night for hours and hours watching white women getting fuck with there black thigh high stockings on my turn on btw so anyway I was watching porn like every other night last night but I got really fucking horny by watching these white milf getting fuck so I got so damn horny and it was around midnight so I got in my car with a fucking hard on and I live 45 minutes away from hard rock...
ONE I was familiar with the small casino layout, and we were led across the floor. It was quite early in the evening so even though tables were open there were few patrons yet. In an hour or so it would be bustling. I'd been here often, sticking to my preferred game of Blackjack, usually winning small each time. I recognised one of the dealers and he locked eyes as we passed. He faltered slightly in his banter and then paid his patrons full attention. Had he recognised me? I looked...
Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next. After that hot encounter with Elena in the cafe bathroom, Elena headed back to the hotel to get ready for the dinner and casino night with Amy and me. Meanwhile, Elena reached...
IncestThe Cerebration Conversion Casino did not exist one day. And then, one boring Monday in early 2021, suddenly it did. It was willed into being by someone whose desire to turn her asshole of a boss into a airheaded nympho slut was so strong that the universe reconfigured its rules to allow it to happen. How do you get there? You have to be added to the membership list. Once your name is on the list, there's no removing it. From then on, when you go to sleep, you go to the casino. Once there, your...
Mind ControlMany say that prostitution is the world’s oldest job, but I would say gambling deserves to be on that also. I’m not a fucking evolutionary biologist, but I bet even modern monkeys will put a banana down on a territorial dispute. Am I saying they calculate odds and find the over-under? No. But if Steve and Joe get into a fight, you can bet the other baboons are putting skin in the game.If true, that means we have been gambling for tens of thousands of years as a species. In that time, we have...
Betting SitesMy wife Linda is a sexy 34 year old blonde with a bitOf wild side at times to her. She rarely gets out of her normalComfort zone. But this occasion was her most rare yet.We went on a vacation to Las Vegas first time for both of usVisiting sin city. She loves playing the slots and at times prior we have usedVibrating panties with myself holding onto the remote control. I’ve got thePleasure of making her orgasm while sitting from many machines down from her Watching her cum in a room full of...
Lunch was simple, a family diner on the water, tables with a good view of a small harbor. They both went for a burger and fries, though Mel downed his with a beer while Tracy stuck with a hot tea to ward off the ocean’s chill. Mel was happy to relax in the middle of a rambling conversation, talking about nothing, shying away from all of the serious and X-rated stories that had made up much of their ride in from the valley. He discussed his favorite bands, most from decades past, possibly what...
Chapter 3. Mr Johnson to the Rescue The story so far: Vera Hidebotham is set on taking revenge on her runaway new husband by desexing his18-year-old son, Lyndon Blonding. She feeds him a feminising agent, Fem-Agra, which alters his gender and gives him an urgent appetite for girlish dresses, enabling her to torment the youth through his fetish desires. The boy smuggles a letter pleading for help to his school teacher, Miles Johnson, who is horrified at the boy's treatment at the...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I was still a virgin at my 18th . When mom (Eva) went to sleep, my father sneaked to my room &fucked me while I was drunk. Next morning, I saw traces of dry blood & sperms on my pussy. I told mom & she gave me pills at once. I became calm when she told me that the first intercourse may cause little pain to the girl & that I was lucky that I lost my virginity under alcohol. She added that sex is fantastic but she laid the blame on daddy for not...
IncestPleasures at Dressing Manor - part 6 of 7 The story so far: Young teacher Miles Johnson receives a letter from his pupil, Lyndon Blonding, 18, telling how his spiteful stepmother is keeping him prisoner and dressing him childishly. He takes the letter to his Headmistress, Alison Forceman, who secretly feeds Miles the feminizing drug Fem-Agra, so that he becomes addicted to girls' clothing and suffers embarrassing changes to his body, before accompanying him in his bid to rescue the...
Pleasures at Dressing Manor The story so far: Miles Johnson, a newly qualified teacher, receives a letter from his pupil, Lyndon Blonding, 18, telling how his father has eloped and his stepmother is venting her fury on him, keeping him prisoner at Dressing Manor, dressing him childishly and punishing him severely. He takes the letter to his Headmistress, Alison Forceman, who has Miles visiting her study every afternoon as a result, where he becomes addicted to the feminizing drug...
I had to make a business stop in the Ottawa area. My professional duties went pretty well and I was done there around mid-time in the afternoon. This was a nice hot August Thursday but I decided to go out and spend a few time at the Lac Lemy’s Casino in Gatineau.Luck was on my side at the high stakes table. And when you win… time pass by so quickly! But my stomach reminded me that it needed some food so I left the play table for a restaurant one. Upstairs is the Baccara, one of the top 10...
About a year ago my wife and I were in Vegas. She loves the place for the glitter and shows. I love gambling. So I was surprised when she came up beside me at the craps table and whispered, "What a beautiful black man at the other end of the table." That was not an unusual thing for her to say, but I glanced her way and could see a little lust in her eyes.She's in her thirties, yoga shaped, and absolutely beautiful...but she's not a sexual person. We make love only once a week and we miss 1...
InterracialRose was dealing Poker at a special-options table. Playing an even odds game, the table catered to people with unusual or elaborate ideas for their win/loss conditions.To her right, an attractive female loser hung by her thumbs. She had committed for two hours of play and lost her stake in forty minutes. She would now, under her agreement, hang naked by her thumbs for the remainder of her time. Since the remaining hour and twenty minutes was too long a time for her to hang, she would most...
Kushina Uzumaki a 38-year old jonin woman who didn’t look any older than 20 despite having a 16-year old son and daughter was wearing a simple but elegant navy blue strapless dress that hugged her well endowed figure and showed off her shapely legs, her long red hair followed freely with strands framing the sides of her face. As she strolled through the luxurious and elegant casino followed by her fellow Kunoichi Kurenai Yuhi, Anko Mitarashi, Mikoto Uchiha, and Hitomi Hyuuga. They were also...
Mind ControlThe bartender came over and placed my drink on the bar in front of me. “Charge it to your room Sir?” “Yes please, Room 3205.” I replied. I took a sip of my Manhattan and glanced at my watch. 2:15 pm, probably a little early to be drinking a Manhattan but I had just walked away from a blackjack table with a couple grand and felt like celebrating. I was sitting at the Taughannick Falls Bar at Mohegan Sun on the second day of a three night stay. The Falls bar is one of my favorite places to sit...
© Copyright 2003 "Do you want to talk about it?" The classy looking brunette seated by the artificial waterfall glared at me. I threw up my hands and grinned. "Okay, okay, so you don't want to talk about it, at least not to me and not right now." I put on my best 'harmless old man' look. "I guess I'll just head over to that bank of slot machines over there and waste a few more quarters." She turned away scornfully. "Hey," I said softly, "I've been told I'm a good listener,...
I visited the Washington Street Pleasures after lunch today. The parking lot wasn’t very full so as I walked in I was expecting not much action. It took me a while to make some contact, but three guys ended up sucking my dick.The first guy I hooked up with had his hand in his crotch as he sat on a bench outside one of the big booths with a wooden deck in it. The movie playing in that booth was some hot guy muscle action so I too that as a sign. I stood behind one of the partitions that...
Dear readers of this website, continuing from earlier episode of series. After Pappu and Neha, had a wonderful, passionate love making, in which they became one, they were absolutely committed to each other. None of them were looking for other person apart from each other. They were absolutely loved and lusted for each other. In college, they started behaving like couples. Spending quality time with each other, hugging and cuddling was common for them. They became the idol couple for rest of...
Pleasures at Dressing Manor - part 1 of 7 Chapter 1: Who can help poor Lyndon Blonding? Dear Mr Johnson, I am writing this letter to tell you about my stepmother, Vera, and how she has kept me away from school for the past two weeks. I am not allowed out of the house; in fact I am imprisoned in my bedroom with the door and windows locked. Not only that, sir, but my stepmother has taken away all my clothes. I have to wear a little short sleeved white shirt and pale green...
Pleasures at Dressing Manor - part 5 of 7 by PRIM The story so far: Young teacher Miles Johnson receives a letter from his pupil, Lyndon Blonding, 18, telling how his spiteful stepmother is keeping him prisoner and dressing him childishly. He takes the letter to his Headmistress, Alison Forceman, who secretly feeds Miles the feminizing drug Fem-Agra, so that he becomes addicted to girls' clothing and suffers embarrassing changes to his body, before accompanying him in his bid to...
My women’s group consists mainly of middle-aged women from our colony. It is a homogenous group comprising of about 50 women. Some are highly qualified ladies like Doctors, Lawyers & even CAs while most of us like myself come from middle-income households. During one of our casual chatter, some of us sat in a corner started discussing our private issues like drunkard husbands, issues about our children & other female health subjects. I was shocked when the subject turned to illicit...
Pleasures at Dressing Manor - by PRIM The story so far: Young teacher Miles Johnson has tried his best to rescue his pupil, Lyndon Blonding, 18, from the sissifying plans of his spiteful stepmother, Vera Hidebotham, who aims to turn her stepson into a girl. His Headmistress, Alison Forceman, accompanied the young teacher to the boy's home, Dressing Manor, outwardly to help him but secretly in league with Vera. The two males have been fed the feminizing drug Fem-Agra,...
Thank you guys for your appreciation of my stories. Some of you have asked me to continue this stream, so I continue with the next part. To give a brief context of the story up till now. This story goes back to 200 years where kings and queens ruled the provinces. I was a traveler passing through a province ruled by a queen and used to hate men. I committed a crime and was landed in prison. The prison had a different set of rules and different types of punishment. It was...
Hello guys, I am back after a break. I hope you enjoyed . This story is fictional and based on a virtual world. It has its own rules and methods to control and punish the offenders. I will drive the story with some pleasures for readers to enjoy. You can assume it goes back to two hundred years back where the rules were driven by kings. The province was being ruled by a queen, and all of her office bearers were women. They had a prison that was totally controlled by women for men and...
Hello guys, I am back after a break. I hope you enjoyed . This story is fictional and based on a virtual world. It has its own rules and methods to control and punish the offenders. I will drive the story with some pleasures for readers to enjoy. You can assume it goes back to two hundred years back where the rules were driven by kings. The province was being ruled by a queen, and all of her office bearers were women. They had a prison that was totally controlled by women for men and...
Pleasures are in fact different from where you seek them. Therefore all you women part take in a divine lust of Lesbianism. JJ Dear Readers, this is your one and only JJ with the tenth submission to ISS, I wanted to make this submission a very good one and which will be in your mind for a very long time and give you immense arousal while and after reading. Therefore I have selected a lesbian experience but at the very same time I can’t leave away those of you who like a straight sex experience...