Book 2 Bitsy s StoryChapter 14 The Return of Brand
- 4 years ago
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Each morning at dawn, Bitsy went to her oak tree, in the forest, slowly she was turning it into a warm, welcoming, snug home. She would arrive back at the lair in time to fix breakfast for the two of them, then they would move into the work shop or study. The two usually sat in a comfortable silence, Bitsy usually with her nose stuck in a dusty old book, Marluxion at his work bench fiddling this or that spell or invention. After lunch the old dragon usually took a nap, and Bitsy either went for her usual walk or she would pop into the nursery to play with Ravlyr. Studying for a few more hours in the late afternoon, the two would sit together after dinner, reading, or chatting about things they had done during the day, or something that had sparked their interest.
One afternoon Bitsy sat on the floor playing with Ravlyr, she giggled as he tried to stuff his little fist into his mouth, making happy gurgling noises as spit ran down his chin. She wiped off his face and started to sing a little fairy melody to him, when she heard Mary suck in her breath and say "gotta love the view." Bitsy flew over to the window to see what Mary was looking at. Down in the bailey, the men were practicing various forms of fighting. The man that drew her interest and Mary's, was tall and blonde, he had stripped to the waist, his body glistened with sweat as he fought against another man also holding a sword. They could hear the clash of the swords, Bitsy could almost feel the shock of each strike running up her arm, she watched the muscles move with each motion of his body, she didn't even realize her breathing was coming faster as she saw the hard, taught muscles of his thighs tighten against his breeches as he held his footing, then moved forward and back as the two men swung their swords at each other.
A squeal from Ravlyr made both females jump as if they had been caught doing something wrong, Bitsy without looking at Mary, went over to the baby and giggled as he stuffed the blanket into his mouth, "I would say he needs his mama" Mary laughed and picked the child up, rocking him, she had seen the pink flush on Bitsy's cheeks. MiLady walked in a moment later, knowing it was Ravlyr's feeding time, she looked at Mary and Bitsy, both giggling, Bitsy her face a bright red at something Mary had just said and grinned at the two. Bitsy waved and headed back to the lair, her face still flushed.
That night after dinner, as they sat in the study, Bitsy told Marluxion about the old oak tree, and about how she had been slowly cleaning out the rooms, sweeping and getting it ready for her to move in. He had known it was only a matter of time before she went out on her own, but was surprised at how much he wanted to resist it. they talked about speaking to her parents, about what she would need and if the same schedule of study would be followed. Before she went to her alcove she hugged the old dragon, kissing him on the cheek, then whispered in his ear "I love you, Mar, you will always be extra special to me." then she left the room.
Bitsy had trouble sleeping that night, she kept waking up, finally with a tired sigh she got up and dressed. She sat in the dark for a long time. Then she made up her mind and left the lair.
Once again Bitsy sat on the nightstand watching the man sleep. Often over the next few nights Bitsy was tempted to return to the mans room, she wanted to look at him, touch him again, but she didn't, instead she dreamt of him.
At first her parents were not happy about Bitsy moving into the old oak, but after a long, serious discussion with Marluxion, they relented and gave their agreement. Thamara helped Bitsy find the things she would need, little carpets for the floor, cooking utensils, blankets and bedding. Her father and Keebler built her cupboards and work benches, chairs and tables. Keebler and Trink, carted everything to the old oak, they had a grand time, speculating on the move, what Bitsy was up to, what she was going to do, living so far out in the forest all alone.
Bitsy sat on the edge of the cradle watching Ravlyr sleeping, she was like a worried hen, clucking and fussing about, he had a slight cold and she was concerned. She was also watching very closely because she had noticed the little changes, every once in awhile his cooing would turn to a slight purring noise, his little fingers would curl and for just a second or two become talons.
Hearing a loud smack and a thud, Bitsy flew to the window, there lying on the ground was the blonde male, he got up and brushed himself off, then took the reins of the huge war horse from the groom, swinging back up into the saddle, he once again put on his helmet, hoisted his lance and rode back to the line in the dirt. He kicked his horse into a full gallop, lowered his lance and rode for the quintain. Striking the shield, he didn't duck in time as the sand bag swung around and caught him on the shoulder, partially knocking him out of the saddle. Five more times he rode at the quintain, until he finally got it right, exhausted he swung down from the saddle, taking off his helmet, he turned and handed it to the waiting groom, then walked over to a large cask of water. He dunked his head into the water then stood up shaking his head, the water flying off his face and hair. He wiped the water from his eyes and looked up, directly at the nursery room window.
Bitsy instinctively moved back from the window, even though she was sure he couldn't see her, if he saw anything it was a slight blur near the window. She went back to check Ravlyr, fussing at Mary as she bathed him, not to allow him to become chilled. She kept checking the temperature of the bath water and making sure the towels were nice and warm for when Mary was done. With an exasperated sigh Mary rolled her eye's at MiLady. "That one needs a few little one's to bounce on her knee, then maybe she would quite telling me how to do me job." Mary told MiLady.
Neither woman expected the response they got, a wild hissing noise sounded through the air, and they both felt the room shudder, looking at Bitsy, what they saw was a pulsing dark blue glow surrounding the fairy, who's eyes were flashing wildly. MiLady wrapped Ravlyr in a towel and held him turned away from Bitsy. Mary stood infront of them as if to ward off the fairy.
Collin spoke quietly from the doorway, "Bitsy" she turned to him, she held out her hand to him as if pleading. Suddenly a hissing noise sounded in the room as if replying to Bitsy, MiLady gasped as the human child she was holding, shimmered and turned into a black hatchling, his wings streaked with gold, and silver. He clawed his way out of his mothers arms, his little wings flapping wildly, Ravlyr flew towards Bitsy. He flew into her, knocking her backwards, then wrapping his tail around her, they fell to the floor, rolling amidst wings and arms and legs.
Mary started screaming, Collin quickly grabbed her and silenced her with a quick spell, MiLady ran forward intending to snatch Ravlyr away from Bitsy, He wrapped his hand around her wrist and jerked her back. Quietly he said to the two on the floor "cease!" Ravlyr looked up at his father, he grinned, small fangs gleaming, his tail still wrapped around Bitsy, turning the hatchling licked the fairies cheek, slobbering and drooling all over her. Bitsy reached up and tickled the little hatchlings tummy, then the two were rolling around on the floor again, giggling.
Bitsy finally extracted herself from Ravlyr's tail, she stood, softly petting his back, she turned to Collin and MiLady, she started to speak then let out a little shriek as the hatchling started chewing on her ankle. Collin reached down and picked up Ravlyr, who promptly started to gnaw on his fathers fingers. Bitsy looked at Collin and MiLady again, "I'm sorry, I don't understand why that happened, please forgive me." Then she was gone. Later that night as Bitsy sat eating her dinner with Marluxion, a very subdued Bitsy fiddled with her food, she looked at Marluxion and spoke almost in a whisper "I lost control of the blue glow this afternoon at the Keep, I still don't understand why. Perhaps it would be best if I stayed to myself at the oak tree for awhile, I don't want to hurt anyone, Mar" "Did you hurt anyone? Bitsy, or just let the glow get out of hand?" She started to answer, when a knock sounded at the study door.
Katrina, the golden dragoness stood at the door. she smiled and greeted Marluxion and Bitsy as she entered. "You wouldn't mind if Bitsy and I spoke privately would you? Marluxion" shaking his head the old dragon left the study, he knew he would hear later exactly what was going on.
Bitsy watched Katrina cautiously, she was expecting some sort of blistering lecture about loosing her control around Ravlyr, to her surprise, instead Katrina smiled at Bitsy and pouring the two of them a goblet of wine, she sat across from Bitsy, got comfortable, then got right down to business. "The idea of having a baby terrifies you, why?" Bitsy's hand shook slightly as she held the goblet, she took a calming breath as she felt her insides clinch. Katrina watched with interest as the blue glow around Bitsy brightened then dimmed but didn't quite go away.
The words seem to burst out of Bitsy, in angry, quick, short biting words. "How can you even ask such a thing? you were screaming, moaning, in terrible pain, I saw Rav come out of your body, you were both all bloody, you were crying, he almost died, you could have died out in the forest, the both of you, cold, alone!" The more she said, the darker the blue glow became, it started to crackle with little sparks.
Marluxion felt the atmosphere in the lair change, he went back to the study, neither of the women noticed him enter. Katrina said calmly "but we didn't die, we both are fine, you see how much Ravlyr has grown, how healthy he is, I'm healthy. There is blood involved in any birth, Bitsy, that's just part of the process of giving life. I won't lie to you, yes, it was painful, very much so, but the memory of the pain is soon forgotten with the joy of holding your child in your arms. I would not have wanted to be spared one moment, because it brought Ravlyr into our lives."
The blue glow turned to a soft blue light as Bitsy sobbed "I was so afraid, so very afraid that night, I thought you were going to die." Katrina went to Bitsy and snuggled the fairy into her arms, "But we didn't die that night, because a very brave little fairy came to our rescue, and we will always be indebted to her, it only made us love her more then we had before."
Bitsy sniffled "But Virlane was angry at me, I saw it and heard him yell at me." Katrina chuckled and gave Bitsy a handkerchief to wipe her nose, "He is a male, all males act oddly during times of stress, especially when it involves their loved ones. They do and say the silliest things." Bitsy gave a watery giggle. Marluxion quietly slipped back out of the room. How very interesting he thought. I had no idea those sort of thoughts were rattling around that fairies head.
As Katrina was getting ready to leave, Bitsy asked "what is the name of the blonde man staying at the keep?" Seeing the bright pink flush on the fairies cheeks, Katrina grinned "His name is Brand, Viscount Shereingham, a very attractive young man isn't he?" "Umm Katrina, do you think he believes in fairies?" Bitsy asked nibbling on her fingertip, trying to appear merely curious. "I don't know, dear, why don't you ask him and find out." Katrina grinned. Getting a little of her composure back, Bitsy smiled "I just might do that." She hugged Katrina and gave her a fairy kiss on the cheek "thank you for talking to me, you've helped me alot." Katrina hugged Marluxion on her way out, smiling at him "girl talk" she said as she left.
Bitsy sat on the nightstand, staring at the man, his name was Brand, she thought it an interesting name. It fit him, she said it silently to herself several times. He moved in his sleep, groaning slightly, he turned as if trying to find a softer place on the bed. Bitsy looking closely at him, saw the horrid bruise on his shoulder, and smaller less livid bruises on his back, she cautiously hovered over him, barely touching the bruises, she sent a healing spell over each one. She quickly hide as he mumbled and rolled over onto his back, the covers low on his hips. Finally seeing him settle into a deeper sleep, Bitsy told herself she was just going to make sure he wasn't hurt on his chest, once again she hovered over him, her tiny fingers slide through the blonde hair on his chest, curiosity got the better of her and she barely brushed her fingers over each small male nipple, almost hidden in the chest hair. Her eyes followed the line of hair from his chest to the thin line of hair running down his belly to disappear under the covers. Startled she almost fell onto his chest, as he mumbled again and moved slightly, his legs shoving off the covers. He turned slightly, his fore arm covering his eye's, he sighed deeply then slept again.
From her hiding place in the bed curtains, Bitsy looked at Brand, her eyes wide as little saucers. Her eyes slide down his chest, once again following the line of hair all the way down to his groin, her breath quickened as she looked at his semi erect manhood surrounded by a bush of slightly darker curly blond hair. Very carefully she left her hiding place and moved closer, as if drawn by some invisible cord, she with a feather light touch followed the hair down his stomach her hand wavered for a moment then reached out to touch his shaft, she jumped a little as it seemed to react to her touch and jerked a little.
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Brandmilf in a Three-way?Most of you know my story, if you don't, I was married to an ex-professional athelete for 28 years. He ran off with a 30 year old ex NFL cheerleader, we are now divorced, I'm on a quest to see how much sexy fun a 50 year old woman can have!I have become good friends with a sexy woman who take body pump classes with me 2-3 days per week at our health club. She's 10 years younger and a killer body, 34b-26-34, 5'7 and a long lean toned, and tanned body and long auburn...
Landenberg is just over the Line. My old commander Michael Cresap, may the Lord have mercy on his roisterous soul, would have sworn that it was in Maryland, but then he famously considered Philadelphia one of his state's prettiest towns. I am not sure whether it is Quaker or Lutheran, Tory or Patriot, but it was a fine and hospitable crossroads in September of 1777. The jovial landlord at the inn assured me that Philadelphia was still some twenty-five miles to the east and that Lancaster and...
Lexi spent the next week working on her lair, this morning she was going through the library with a touch of a fingertip to a book she was sending copies to her a room in her lair, with a wicked grin she sent copies of the erotic books she and Con had grown up peeking at to join the rest, she was on the last row in no time, with a satisfied look she left the library. Since her mother was sleeping late, Lexi told Riley she was going to her lair, to call her if she was needed. With a giggle...
Lexi woke up feeling like she was a wrung out towel, she got up and took a long hot bath, dried her hair and dressed. When she had gotten up out of bed she had opened the round rose window and had chuckled as the kittens went hopping onto the windowsill then seeing the large tree just outside the window had gone climbing cautiously out on a branch then down to the ground, she had left the window open and it wasn’t long before they came hopping back into the room wanting their breakfast. The...
Prologue After Judy, in her Itsy Bitsy Bikini, caught him spying on the numerous young bodies frolicking in their condo complex's pool area, bachelor Steve Craig was offered a dinner companion ... Judy herself. Steve had been reading a recently purchased book and with just about each turn of the page, slyly, or so he thought, searched out the best of the best and savored them in his imagination. Precocious girl that she was, Judy was just as actively searching for stud material as Steve was...
After Judy in her Itsy Bitsy Bikini caught him spying the nubile bodies frolicking in the their condo complexes pool area, bachelor Steve Roberts was offered a dinner companion. Judy. Steve had been reading a recently purchased book and with just about each turn of the page he slyly searched out the best of the best, savoring them in his imagination. Or so he thought. Young, precocious girl that she was, Judy was just as actively searching for stud material as much as Steve was searching...
I'm not sure when I first joined SOL but it has been a long time. For many years I just read the tales of others, enjoying their efforts. It was nearly five years ago when I decided to try my hand at it, you know, posting stories. Never having done that before, the process seemed a little daunting. Over the years I've written a few stories solely for my own enjoyment but not published them anywhere. My favorites were fairly long and I'd guess they'd match up with ones which were way over...
Brandon is one of my husbands best friends. Why is it that it's always the best friend that makes the moves on a guy's wife? Well, it happens to be the case with us, too!Brandon is just an average guy, but with a strong build. Not tall, not fat, but stocky. He doesn't really even know his own strength.He has always been the "touchie, feely" type, giving me a hug every time he sees me. I didn't realize it, but often when he would come over in the evenings, I would already be in "comfortable...
I was thinking, as I watched Candy drive away, our escapades at the adult book store had been fun. Yet I was still feeling guilty for fucking my very own daughter. But what could I do, the pleasure I got from her was controlling me.So far since our first encounter my mind had not rested from thinking what I had done. Sure I was scared of being caught, the embarrassment and all. I'm just thankful at least Candy was a young adult.I drove home to my wife. Dinner went by without questions of why I...
Peter pulled his BMW into the garage and raced inside. “Hey!” he shouted to his wife, Ellie, as he dropped his suitcase in the foyer and hurdled upstairs. He grabbed what he needed from his closet and then reversed course. He nearly ran into Ellie at the foot of the stairs.“Oh my God, you startled me!” Ellie said, seeming flustered. “I … I thought you were going straight to the airport.”“Yeah, I was,” Peter said breathlessly as he folded a pair of wool slacks and a couple of dress shirts and...
VoyeurCopyright© 2002, by Carlos Malenkov They call me the king of erotic sf, the guy who can write a spicy, rollicking space opera in the grand old tradition, complete with intelligent-but-virile hero raging through the spaceways with raging hormones. Yeah, I write 'em -- the multi-book contracts and even occasional awards roll in -- but I can't seem to live 'em. My own sex life is a mess, or maybe nonexistent would be more accurate. You see, I'm still, well, inexperienced at the advanced...
Revanche rushed into Raimi's following the sounds of the puppy howling like a demented beast, throwing open the door he almost ran in, Raimi stood in the water staring at him, Hellhound who had been running back and forth along the side of the pool recognizing Revanche and went bounding over, "You rushed in here like there was something wrong, what is it?" asked Raimi watching Revanche scratching Hellhounds ears, her arms crossed over her bare wet chest, Revanche looked up then quickly...
I was sitting in the living room watching the football game when my wife of 2 years walked into the room. She was a teacher and am the principle and the summer vacation had just started. She had been doing some work on the computer. She sat next to me and gave me a kiss. She was always affectionate to me and I loved it. She put her hand on my package and rubbed it. I started to get an erection as she kept it up. As she continued to feel my dick through the shorts I had on she said the...
**** Contributions from other authors highly encouraged!!! If you have an idea at any point, feel free to add it! **** No one knows how old it is. The first record appeared around 57 AD: A member of Nero's court refers to a "tainted scroll" capable of bending the wills of those around it to animalistic desires. Throughout the Middle Ages, the book appeared across Western Europe. However, its appearance and abilities varied from place to place. Consistent was its ability to induce lustful...
FantasyHarriett came storming into the main hall “will you get that pest out of my kitchen” Collin laughed “which pest?” getting up and following her “that dragon Mal, he is telling me how to cook now” Collin walked into the kitchen to see Mal sitting on the table telling Harriett’s helper that she had to mush the applesauce better for his Tee. Mal smiled at Collin “baby try eat food now, Kat says so” dipping his small talon in the applesauce Mal took a taste and made a face “sour, not good” Collin...
Brad walk to his classroom after getting off of the bus. No one noticed when he walked to his seat thirty minutes late for class. He tried to pay attention but he could barely think about anything but the bus ride and the fun he had with Amanda. He started to think about when she would come back to him. He hoped it would be soon but he knew he could entertain himself while he waited. He knew he wouldn’t have time that class period to have any fun but he was already looking at girls he...
DeClan and Zara woke up with Mal hissing loudly walking all over them, patting his papa on the cheek with his little paw. Zara made soothing noise's with a slight frown on her face "what is it sweetie?" Mal hissed loudly then started snapping his little jaws in frustration "Tab mama" DeClan was out of bed in an instant pulling on a bathrobe, heading across the hall, Zara holding Mal got up and followed. DeClan stood for a minute the look in his eyes fierce, calmly he went over to the...
Revanche sat on a log in the forest tossing rocks into the stream, it was eight months since the gathering, he had woken up the next morning to Laurel having gone back to the tinker's wagon, angry that she hadn't even said goodbye he also had been rather jealous of all the attention she had gotten from the other dragons. That's all anyone had talked about for the rest of the gathering had been the little dragoness who sang, every time he tried to say something someone would bring up...