Vengeful fuck 2 Con clusion
- 2 years ago
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Joan knew that she was the cause of her failed marriage to Don but she knew also that her sister had been partly responsible for it. Although the separation had been apparently amicable, Joan wanted to get even, somehow, to debase and humiliate her goody-goody adolescent sibling.
During the Summer Joan had made a new friend, in addition to Laura. Sophie Jones was the Nurse and Guidance Counselor for Joan's new school. The thirtyish woman was an Amazonian beauty, nearly six feet tall with long legs, wide hips and hooters that made Joan's large breasts look modest in comparison.
Sophie was an adventurous soul, sexually adventurous. She sensed some of the same tendencies in her new friend, Joan, and by the time the new school year began, they had developed a plan to achieve Joan's obscene objectives for her sister.
The plan involved two of Sophie's other friends. The two women were at the same school as Sophie and Joan, a History teacher and an English teacher. They had formed a little group last year, before Joan became involved, and had regularly enjoyed each other and, because of one of Sophie's special talents, they sometimes were joined by one of the boys from the school.
Sophie was the ringleader or, as she called herself, the High Priestess. Among her talents was the ability to hypnotize people but of course this had limited usefulness because people cannot be persuaded through hypnotism to do things that are against their moral beliefs. For their purposes, however, this was not a significant problem. The vast majority of teenaged boys are not dissuaded by moral constraints from having sexual intercourse with compliant girls or women.
As School Nurse, Sophie knew much about the students and she used one particular aspect of her knowledge to select candidates to participate in their meetings. Her specific interest was genitalia and principally, the size thereof. During the two years that their group had been in existence they had enjoyed the company of the best-endowed young bucks in the school.
This year Sophie had selected a new student, a sixteen-year-old boy who was not outwardly noteworthy, not especially handsome, not terribly intelligent and rather shy. In one respect however he was unique. Billy was almost a freak. His erect penis was gargantuan, more than ten inches long with a circumference that approached eight inches. When Joan heard the details she knew that he was the instrument for getting even with Joan.
Setting it up had been easy. Julie, pleased that her sister didn't bear a grudge about having her husband stolen from her, had been delighted to attend one of the 'meetings'.
Billy had been easy to program. His only sexual experiences had been brief and less than satisfying since his teenaged conquests had been terrified by his size so all he'd had so far was a few handjobs. Now he would meet adult women who wanted his size.
In addition to Joan, Sophie and Julie there would be Susan Mac Clean, the fat History teacher and Elizabeth Dobie, the shapely English teacher. And all but the two visitors would be fully versed in what was to happen.
Julie double-checked the address. Yes, this was the place. It was a large house set well back from the street in a thickly treed lot. She was relieved when Joan answered her ring at the door and, after brief introductions to the others, she settled down on the big sofa beside Susan and accepted a drink. It was a strong rum and coke and the heavy flavour of the drink masked the tastes of the Roofie and the special 'breast-swelling' pills that had been crushed and dissolved in the potion.
Thirty minutes later Julie was essentially unconscious from the Roofie-laced rum. Sophie, Susan and Elizabeth carried her to a bedroom and undressed her while Joan went to another room to prepare herself for her first time as Priestess.
It didn't take very long to complete all the preparations because the Altar Room had been set up in advance. It was a medium-sized room behind a secret, sliding panel off the bedroom where Julie had been undressed. The naked woman had been carried into the Altar Room where the Sacrificial Altar was the centerpiece.
The Altar was a narrow, padded, plywood sheet raised about eighteen inches from the floor. At each corner of the altar was a padded manacle and Julie was laid on the altar and the shackles attached to her wrists and ankles so that she was spread-eagled flat on her back.
Sophie then took a small, battery powered shaver and went to work on the sparse hair between Julie's legs. While she was shaving the helpless girl, first with the shaver, then with foamy shaving cream and a safety razor, the other two women were undressing.
Elizabeth took special pleasure from Susan's soft, fleshy frame just as Susan was hugely turned on by the other woman's firm-fleshed, shapely body. They were about the same height and they began by standing and kissing each other, but not for long.
Together the women slumped to the floor and Elizabeth lay back on the carpet. Wordlessly, Susan knelt and caressed her friend's firm, high breasts, her hands sliding down from there across her flat belly to the dark, curly nest between her widespread thighs. Elizabeth thrilled to the gentle, skillful touch on her velvety skin, reaching up to fill her hands with Susan's soft, pliant, mammoth jugs, teasing the nipples to erection and savouring the voluptuous feel of the other woman's body, so different from her own.
By the time Sophie had finished shaving Julie the other two women were in the classic sixty-nine position with Susan's head between Elizabeth's thighs and her fat pussy grinding down on her friend's active mouth.
Elizabeth took particular pleasure from Susan, partly because she loved the soft clinginess of her corpulent body but mainly because she knew that she had been the first to show her friend the way that women could satisfy each other. She licked and sucked the pulpy softness pressed to her mouth, her saliva adding to the natural wetness that seeped from Susan's swollen twat.
Susan locked her lips on Elizabeth's throbbing clitoris, her tongue thrumming the sensitive erectile as she rotated her wide hips over her friend's face. Elizabeth was squeezing and pulling at her pendulous breasts, rubbing her palms over the rubbery tips while Susan's hands were under Elizabeth's firm buttocks, mauling them, her finger teasing the sensitive nether orifice.
Sophie watched with satisfaction as her friends moaned and writhed on the floor. It gave her a sense of power to know that she had taught them, had showed them the delights they could give each other. She looked at her watch, the only thing she was wearing, making sure that things were still on schedule. And then, with a flurry of motion and a tumult of gasping cries the two women achieved climax.
"All right, girls, don't wear yourselves out," Sophie cautioned as they rose groggily to their feet. "Don't forget that Joan's sister is the star of tonight's ceremony."
The other two women knelt beside the prone girl on the Altar and Sophie sprawled at the end of the Altar between Julie's widespread legs.
"She's lovely," Susan said softly as her mouth nibbled the jutting nipple of Julie's breast. "So big and firm," she added, envious of the contrast to her own soft, floppy mammaries.
Julie's breasts were indeed large and firm. Normally a sizeable D Cup, the potion had caused them to swell to at least a DD Cup and they stood high and taut as the two women paid homage to their sensitive voluptuosity.
Sophie's long tongue caressed the fat, smooth fleshrolls of young Julie's twat. As she licked the clean-shaven flesh it swelled and the narrow crevice widened to reveal the pink inner flesh. She heard the girl's sharp intake of breath when her tongue probed the humid slit and then there was a little squeal when she found the erect clitoral button. Burying her face in the delightful softness, Sophie attacked the drugged girl's pussy with alacrity.
Julie was not exactly conscious but nonetheless she was aware of the gentle teasing of her secret places. Her breasts felt as if they were swollen, tingling and super-sensitive under the moist, warm lips that caressed them. Between her legs she felt like she had a balloon, a throbbing, pulsing mass of feverish flesh that was sending hot signals to her drug-dulled brain. Her broad hips began to undulate to the extent possible, constrained by the shackles on her arms and legs, as the hot urge for release engulfed her quaking loins.
When Joan entered the room she was greeted by the sight of Alison and Susan kneeling on the floor beside Julie while Sophie was sprawled on the end of the altar between the girl's widespread legs. The two kneeling women were feasting on Julie's marvelous breasts, sucking and tonguing the erect nipples while Sophie's face was buried in the softness of her swollen sex.
"My God, Joan!" Elizabeth's pretty mouth gaped in astonishment when she saw her accomplice. Joan was naked, her cheeks painted with black lines that looked like cat's whiskers, her eyes darkened so that they seemed to have a distinct slant, an exaggerated Oriental appearance. The nipples of her breasts were scarlet, like her mouth, and her large hooters were made to appear even bigger than they were by black rings painted around their peripheries. But the most astounding aspect of her was the long appendage strapped to her wide hips. It was an ebony pseudo-penis, at least a foot long but not much more than an inch in diameter which made it look like a spear.
"You can't put that in her, Joan! It's too long!"
"She can take it, Elizabeth. There's lots of room where this is going to go." And the woman wriggled her hips, making the long dildo sway back and forth like a branch in the wind.
Julie moaned softly. She was so hot. Her breasts were warm and they felt huge and something wet and warm was caressing them, suctioning them with a delightful gentleness. And, between her legs, it was wet too. Was Don kissing her? She didn't care as long as it kept on. She couldn't raise her legs or reach down to pull his head closer but the pressure was building in her loins. She was going to cum!
"Unfasten her, girls. Turn her over. She's ready!" Joan spat out her orders and the three women hastened to obey. As they positioned the semi-conscious girl on her hands and knees, Joan picked up a tube of K-Y jelly from beside the Altar and liberally slathered her black dildo with the clear lubricant.
"Don't stop, girls. Lie under her. She loves what you're doing."
Things could not have gone better if they had been able to rehearse them. It was awkward but Elizabeth and Susan lay on the edge of the Altar and drew Julie down so that again they could suckle her large, swollen breasts. Sophie sprawled, only her upper body on the Altar, and Julie compliantly lowered her hips so that she could again feel the exciting caress of the mouth and tongue on her pulsating pussy.
The painted woman knelt astride Sophie's shoulders and leaned inward, aiming the long, slender spear at the bulbous buttocks of her kneeling sister. She parted the fleshy hemispheres and guided the well-greased lance to the dark, puckered ring of Julie's virgin anus.
Julie uttered a throaty moan as she felt the new and different sensation. There was a moment of discomfort but friction on the sensitive orifice added to the overwhelming sensations she was experiencing from the other assaults on her nubile body. The whole thing was indescribable. She was being invaded, every source of erotic sensation was being titillated and she felt a momentous pressure building in her loins.
For Joan it was an experience of revenge. She gloated as, inch by jelly-dripping inch, she penetrated the luscious, young creature's ass. She had to hold the girl's hips as they rotated and lurched while the long tool speared her. Joan exulted, much like an immoral man deflowering a reluctant virgin and she began to fuck the girl with steady, long-thrusting strokes.
The whole episode took less than five minutes. Julie was conscious only of bliss and ecstasy as the multi-faceted assault on her pleasure points brought her to orgasm. The hard lance drove deep up into her bowels creating new and different sensations while her swollen, sensitized breasts and her throbbing pussy added to her agitation. With a long, low moan she collapsed on the three women under her as the fourth woman drove the lewd instrument into the very depths of her bowels.
"You're wicked, Joan," Sophie said with an evil smile as she slid out from under the limp-bodied girl.
"You gave me the idea, Sophie. When will Billy come?"
"If you mean, when will he arrive, it should be any moment? It will be a bit longer before her cums." Sophie smiled at her pun.
"I hope that injection works for him," Elizabeth said as she too got out from under the sated girl. "I've never been so horny!"
Susan and Elizabeth re-attached the shackles to Julie's wrists and ankles, positioning her again flat on her back. They'd heard the doorbell and Sophie had gone to meet Billy there.
It was as if she was looking through a fog. Julie saw a naked man, no, a boy. Her drug-dulled gaze fixed on the huge pole that projected outward and upward from his groin and she knew what the boy was going to do. "Oh no," she whimpered. She couldn't allow it. She was Don's. Only Don's. She stared at the mammoth appendage as the boy knelt between her legs. She tried to close her legs, to lift her arms and push him away, but something prevented it. She was helpless.
"The first one will pretend she doesn't want to," Sophie had told him. "But she does. All of us want to have you inside us. We will help you, Billy, and you will learn how wonderful it can be."
Billy looked lustfully at the beautiful, big-breasted girl. Oh God! He'd seen her before although she went to a different school. Her pussy was smooth and hairless, the swollen lips wet and glistening, the pink inner petals slightly open as if inviting deeper exploration.
Julie couldn't take her eyes from the massive, purple-tipped stake that was coming relentlessly closer to her fluttering flesh. She strained against her bonds but to no avail. The boy leaned over her and she saw someone's hand grasp the thick shaft and direct it between the twin fleshrolls of her cunt. Oh God no. She was going to cheat on her lover. But it wasn't her fault, was it?
The boy gasped with pleasure as he collared his gargantuan tool in the elastic mouth of the beautiful girl's clean-shaven quim. It was wonderful. He felt the hot moistness of her cuntmouth engulf him and he pushed slowly inward, savouring the cock-skinning clasp as the resilient sheath expanded to take him. He entered with a series of ever-longer thrusts until he felt something hard against the tip of his tool. But that didn't stop him. He heard the girl's strangled gasp as he rearranged her interior, pushing past her cervix to bury all ten inches in the depths of her young body.
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Hi everyone. This is my first submission. I hope you enjoy it! I welcome all feedback. The following is a complete work of fiction. The following story contains erotic situations between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now. Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author’s permission. Big ups to my editor Angel. Thanks for all the help (((hugs))). I...
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It’s graduation day for Jay Romero. His dad can’t be there, but his stepmom, Jaimie Vine, is happy to attend. Jaimie gets dolled up in a nice dress that hides some sheer and sexy lingerie for the ceremony. Later, they return home and Jaimie tells Jay that she’s going to change before they go to Jay’s graduation party. She gets partway there, but her dress’s zipper gets stuck. She needs Jay’s help to undo it. Jay is embarrassed to see his stepmom in a state of...
xmoviesforyouMy name is Spandana Reddy 23 years old and I am an high class escort. Readers should be patient all through the story. All I am saying is real. There were no fictitious things. It’s our life. In this story I’ll tell you about myself, my mom and dad and my mom’s sister and her hubby and their son and some other escorts in our escort service. I’ll start from my parent’s life. My mother’s name is Sangeetha Reddy (44 years old) and my father is Narasimha Reddy (47 years old). My mom was from Ranga...
So here I was sitting alone at a spacious desk in class, when a new student Came through the front door of the class room, I sat there staring at him Admiring his perfect-ness. He suddenly looked towards me, I turned and hid my Face flipping my hair around and binding it to the back of my ear, I heard him walking Towards me, as I heard ‘I guess I’m with you, Seems everyone else has a partner. Hope You don’t mind.’ He said as he pushed his hand out to greet me. ‘Oh, Uh I don’t...
Hi there , I am ARMAN again , and I really enjoy reading this site . In fact I learnt a lot about about sexual mood of the girls after reading so many of your stories . Now i would like to share my experience with all of you . I enjoy good hot relationships ,with a lot of experimentation in sex . My girls friends are also very horny . A few months back i went on a tour to Udaipur where i stayed with my cousins friends . As I finished my work early I thought of staying at home with my cousins...
Band on the Run Part III: Why we hate Nano-bliminals! by [email protected] I awoke, head on fire, temples throbbing, wondering where I'd ended up, wondering how much I'd drank and why I kept doing this to myself. I was surprised to find the bed empty. I was used to finding one or two tarts passed out beside me, clothes torn, bite marks on their fleshy bits coincidentally identical to my dental...
The next two days were hectic as Kate shopped for last minute Christmas presents and Jennifer helped me clean the house. That morning the caterers arrived and Kate laid out all of the food on tables in the large dining room. Most of the food was set up in stainless steel chafing dishes which Kate would light the warmers up about an hour before. There were two pans of turkey sliced, one ham sliced, and one roast sliced. Mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn on the cob, eggplant casserole,...
Dear Dirty Diary, A snore from my husband interrupted my sleep and when soft dreamy music and squeals of delight floated into my ears, my eyes popped open. I concentrated, trying to locate its source. Doug was sound asleep, as he should be at 1:18 in the morning. I most carefully slid out of bed, so as not to disturb him and tiptoed downstairs toward the sounds. I paused at Louise’s bedroom door but the music came from further down the hall. Carefully avoiding every creaky floorboard, I...
It’s All About the PantiesCHAPTER 2Could It Get Any Better?LoganBoy was I in a great mood. It lasted for days and both Mom and Britney noticed. Mom asked a number of times if I was alright. Oh yeah! I sure was! She couldn’t put her finger on it. She knew I was different somehow, but she didn’t know why. I didn’t really see Linda for about a week. I think we were both being cautious to try and avoid suspicion, at least I know I was. She did give me one quick “I would so like to fuck...
Agnes slipped into her bed tired from the events of the day. She had spent the last couple of hours halfheartedly teasing her boyfriend Michael and his cousin Daniel. Somehow the three of them ended up on the subject of a threesome and discussed what they would do with her and what she would do to them. She enjoyed every minute of the conversation; watching the reactions of the two relatives as she told them every dirty thing she would do to them. She thought back to the conversation imagining...
In considering how the estates should be run several important decisions had been made. Partly caused by the remarkable spate of pregnancies, these decisions had largely involved Emma. I had not, as might be assumed in amongst all these pleasures of the flesh, either forgotten, or neglected her. Tea was still being taken at regular intervals. As part of the ongoing development I had taken her to Scotland to see if there was a possibility of linking the two operations. Her recommendation,...
Mandi had been used and abused for some three hours by these guys, when Adam entered the room and blew a whistle. The guys grabbed Mandi and immediately retied her binds before grabbing their clothes and disappearing; Adam approached Mandi without her seeing the ball gag in his closed hand. Seconds later the foul smelling and tasting gag was forced into her mouth and the straps tightened. Adam delighted in telling Mandi of the sponge interior of the object wedged tightly in her throat, but...
Helplessness. No other word described as closely the way Liara T’Soni felt at the moment. She prided herself on being an independent being, that didn’t have to rely on others anytime she got into trouble.And now she was here – floating like a lifeless statue, surrounded by the shimmering of a stasis field. She desperately tried to remember how did they stasis field technology work, how it slowed the processes of her body. Not that it would any consolation – that would only mean that instead of...
I began work at the Walter Jones Realty as an agent in my early forties. After fifteen years of boring sex with my wife, I had developed a roving eye and was always on the lookout for sexual opportunities. Walter had recently married a tall voluptuous redhead named Harriet and she began working at the agency. All the guys in the office would virtually salivate when she was around. There was not a swinging dick in the office that did not want to fuck her, including me. But she belonged to the...
CheatingWatch the blonde babe with perky tits, Naomi Swann, as she does a back-to-back scene with Tyler D. The gorgeous chic just finished doing a scene. The dripping cum on her face is clear proof that she has enjoyed the scene so much. Naomi cleans up her face and does a little interview with Tyler. All the talking and teasing made Naomi all wet and horny again. She lies on her back and lets Tyler facefuck her tiny mouth while she plays with her tight pussy. Tyler can’t contain his lust any...
xmoviesforyouStanding at the urinal in the men's room in a downtown shopping mall, I noticed that the guy next to me was not really peeing. As a matter of fact, he had a beautiful hard-on that he made sure I saw. The guy was 25-30 years old, rather good looking, and had a nice circumsized dick very much like mine (about 6 1/2 inches long, 5 inches around) that he was gently stroking. As I said in my first story, that is a sight I enjoy ! There were about 5-6 men in the room at the time and people were...
Substitutions. I walked into the room like I had two times before. it was well lit -- not a dungeon at all, but more like a playroom. She kept it as an apartment most of the time, a separate place to use away from the rest of her life. She welcomed me in, as always, closed the door but stopped me before i fell obligatoringly to my knees. "This isn't about that, sweetie," she said. "I appreciate you coming over on short notice. But I've something I want to explain to you." "Of...
Slut parties with a gang:I remember quite vividly the time I met up with a guy that Liz and I had threesome with. I bumped into him whilst on a works night out and ended up in one of his friend’s flats with that same guy; two of his friends and the taxi driver….They gangbanged me in every hole like the filthy slut I am….I had been out acting my usual flirty slutty self... The crowd I was with were starting to disperse, I’d cockteased a few of the guys in the crowd earlier and had a few French...
Her hands fidgeted with random items on the coffee table waiting for his response. She wanted to recant and tell him she lied. She shouldn't have told him that she fucked someone else. Why would she say that? She knew, she wanted to see his reaction. She was hoping to hurt him in the way he always seemed to hurt her. She realized that she was lunging at her ringing phone. He was calling, oh god what did that mean? Three words and then the call ended. "Open the door" She stood there frozen...
The very next day I woke up late it was noon, she had left I didn't realize when, my sister was at work and I was alone at home, couldn't get over about what had happened the previous night, kept thinking about it all the time, the next minute there was sudden knock on the door and she showed up again at my place, I invited her inside she came inside and fixed her chunky ass on the couch beside me, she was looking so fucking sexy that my cock went fucking stif, her juicy thais showed a sexy...
EroticChapter 10: A Discovery in the attic and a letter We dashed upstairs to change into clothes appropriate for a Sunday morning. Paige removed the short robe and reached for her panties, but I was too quick for her. ‘Brian, we can’t.’ I rubbed her warm tummy from behind, letting her feel my cock poke through the front of my shorts. ‘You excite me.’ ‘Brian, there’s no lock on the door. They’ll walk in on us.’ ‘They wouldn’t dare,’ I said, feeling a breast in one hand and cupping her pussy...