TimeChapter 21 free porn video

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I woke up at the same time a usual and had to push Aron's arm and foot off me to get up. No matter how hot the night, he still wanted to be close. There was noise in the kitchen, so I knew that others were up too. I hurried to get cleaned and dressed to let the rest of the family use the bathroom.

Mom was making breakfast and dad was bringing more wood in for the stove. I greeted both with a hug and mom got a kiss on the cheek.

After a cup of coffee I said, "You are going to have to take most of the perishable food with you when you leave. Tomorrow, or the day after, I am going to have the appliances delivered. The delivery person or I, will give a demonstration of how they work. I'll do a bit of shopping for you, too."

"Those buildings are very nice, Alex. They are easy to clean and the eating area is so large. We don't need it that big."

"All the rooms are the same size, that is what makes them quick to build. I would rather have others do the heavy work at the mine and that means more people might have to be hired. That also means that you have to have room for more people to eat. There is even an old saying about the more room you have the more things you will find to go into it."

She just nodded and said, "Give me your plate." She took it and threw four pancakes on it from the griddle.

When we arrived at church, many more people greeted us and they made a point of talking to me. I was sure that most of it was because of our increased affluence but some must have been because of the fair or the bank incident. Mr Granger seemed to be waiting and I knew he wanted to talk later. I waved to the entire Leone family when I passed them.

When we got to the pews I found a strange man of thirty-five or so. He was a little overweight and had thinning hair already. I walked up to him and stuck out my hand. "Dr. Livingstone, I presume." He looked at me and I continued, "I am not Henry Stanley but Alex Kramer, Mr Ciesla."

He stood and shook my hand. "I thought you would be eight feet tall, muscles of iron."

"I am getting stronger all the time. Let me introduce you to my family."

Only Helen could shake hands because of the pews and the rest nodded.

At the end of the service Father Cayer said, "There has been quite a bit of interest in our fair and I would like to get a young man up here to tell us what has been happening so far." He looked at me and said, "Will you come up here, Alex?"

I just got up and moved as well as I could around my family. I smiled at the congregation and they looked much more like friends than shareholders. although in this case they were the latter, too.

I greeted them in a loud voice to reach the back of the church. The purpose of the fair was listed but this time I mentioned the community as well. It had grown a bit since my earlier inception and I wanted to make sure the congregation felt that it was theirs but not for every year. The money that would come into the community was mentioned and I paused to get their reaction. It was a large sum to be sure.

I told about the individual stalls and how they could make money with us. This time the church would get a new roof from the organization that would run the fair and collect the rents from the various people making money. This might be a sticky point so I said, "This year our church will get a new roof, some minor repairs to the walls and a complete repainting. The money will come from the fund that is set up. Sadly, the church cannot get it all. The stalls have to be made, electricity paid for, police and firemen have to be on call and all the attendants have to be paid."

"Next year, another organization will benefit and that is why there are so many others helping us now. Part is to make a profit and another to learn how to do better next year. There is minor hockey to be helped, as well as other sporting groups for the younger members of our community."

I listed many of the ways to make money and the probable gross receipts for each. Much of this was guesswork but it had to be told to get the rest to work now. We did not have a year to plan like the next fairs would have.

The talk from the front of the church took fifteen minutes. It took another hour to get free. Everybody seemed to have an idea and wanted to run it by me. Rita, even on Sunday, was busy writing down ideas.

Mr. Ciesla followed us home and now the family got a chance to meet him properly. Mom put on some fresh coffee and got out a snack. I found out he wanted us to call him Tom.

He said, "You really knew how to get those people inspired. Most people your age would be petrified being up there."

"That doesn't affect me much. One person once said to pretend that everybody was naked and it would make you less worried about your own problems."

He had a wide smile as he thought about this and said, "I guess that would work. By the way, you wanted me to move here?"

"Yes I did." I got out the drawings of the prosthetic and said, "This is the first. More will have to follow for other types of joints. We may as well get into artificial limbs. For this, though, I really have to get started on my electronics plant. I need some electrical and mechanical engineers to get this moving. Any ideas?"

He didn't look up but continued with the legal descriptions and the drawings. "I can't get over this yet. You wanted a game patented and now you are into medical equipment. What is next?"

"You are behind the times. I have a new turbocharger and a heat exchanger. Now we are into some vaccines and drugs. Soon I want to start an oral contraceptive but you have lots of work to do. Do you want to continue to work for the group you are now with, or exclusively for me? You will be employed full time and to be frank, you will be quite busy."

"What would you have me do?"

"Patents will be coming along very regularly. Mr MacNeil and his wife are very busy at present. You could take some of their load. Most of it would involve you acting as my representative. The hotel you are staying at and two more are now mine. I have a few warehouses, closed factories, commercial properties, apartment buildings and even some residential properties. More need to be purchased before the prices go up. Vacant land just outside the city has been purchased for the technological park I want. My electronics and medical companies will be the first tenants. It has to remain very secure and has some special requirements that are impossible to meet in an existing building."

"Soon I will be selling the local rights to some vaccines and these plants need to be checked so that they are living up to their commitments. So, as you can see, there is more than enough work, although it will not always be in an office."

"Alex, where did you get all the money for this? I mean this will cost millions. Do you know how much a million dollars can buy?"

"I will have a five million dollar line of credit from the TD bank. The businesses I bought are a drain but some can support themselves. The ones supplying living quarters will make a nice profit in the next few years."

"If I am not mistaken the machines are already producing the parts for the first patent. How..."

The phone rang again and mom answered it politely. "Ok Mr Siddeley. I will get him." Mom turned to me, "Alex, the bank again."

I excused myself and took the phone. "Hello Martin, how are you doing? It is nice of you to call." I listened for a while and asked a few questions of my own. I made some requests for some information he could get for me and then hung up.

When I sat back down Tom asked, "Was that any relation to Martin Siddeley, the president of the Bank of Toronto?"

"That was the man himself. He is coming down for a visit like you. Now, how is the filing for the patent going?"

"Ah... it is filed but you must know that it is not finalised so that people can object if they think you are taking their ideas."

"I am aware of that, Tom. Would you like to hear my offer for your services?"


I listed his yearly salary and the ways he could make more money. He would now be an employee and not have his own practice. I asked about his family and offered him a fixed amount of money for moving expenses. When I was done I loaded him down with the details of what I wanted him to do. Some of this was overlap with others and I explained this point to him. He was also invited to talk to Derrick and his wife to see what was really involved.

"That sounds like a fair offer. How long do I have to think about it?"

"How about this idea? I give you six thousand dollars and you fly out to California. I pay for the flight and you negotiate with the man who has the patent I want to have purchased. Your pay is what you can save of that figure."

"Lawyers don't work that way Alex."

I just laughed at the remark and said, "You are living a sheltered life, for this is done all the time, it is just not mentioned. It looks like you could make quite a few thousands if you approach this right. Far more than your commission from where you work. Once that is secured, you can make your decision. I will still pay you a thousand dollars if the cost is more. In September, Bell Telephone Laboratories will be hosting a symposium on its transistor in Manhattan. They are going to offer the rights for 25 thousand dollars. I want you to get there sooner and see if you can save us some money. There should be some patents made by us before that visit."

"What do you want with the transistor? It is hardly even mentioned and I am in the business of finding such things out."

"Vacuum tubes, for the most part, will become obsolete in the next few years. Radios will benefit first, then televisions and phones. The list is very long but in the end it means that we will make lots and lots of money."

"If you say so. I'd bet on the tubes though."

"Are you going to accept the California trip?"

"I will go one way or another. I did find the man. I can't see the patent costing that much money; after all, it is just a simple piece of plastic."

"But that simple piece of plastic is fun to play with. Adults and children will want it like they now want the hula-hoop. You can see that the hula-hoop is making money?"

"I see that. There were some children playing with the hoop on the way into town and even here, today."

Dad and grandpa drove out to the mine with us and they proudly showed Tom what the property was like. Dad even took one small nugget and gave it to Tom as a souvenir, while grandpa frowned on this.

We showed the various buildings and I gave a small spiel about how they were constructed. The interiors looked very comfortable but were a tad untidy. The kitchen was explained, adding that the appliances would be delivered in a few days.

When we got back to the house, Tom went off to see what North Bay was really like because it would be his new home if he accepted the job I offered him. He was staying around for the week and would tie in with Derrick. Wednesday we would have a meeting with both of them about what I wanted next.


Monday started like any other day but I had to go and see Mr Corfu first. "Sir," I said, "today I have to go to court."

"I don't like the courts too much but it is better than anarchy. Do you want a pass?"

"Yes sir. I am worried about losing my standing in grade nine if I am absent too much more."

"I will see what I can do but I don't want to loose my job either."

The courthouse was just ten minutes from school and I made it with lots of time to spare. Both Derrick and Tom were present and I sat with them.

Nick, his father and a woman, probably the mother, sat together.

Mark Lasslo's case was third. The charges were read and Mark, now dressed in a suit, sat down with his lawyer. To my surprise the charges were not contested, only a reason given for the attack. I had been led to believe that the defence would try to justify their position.

Mark explained how he thought his brother was severely beaten even with just two blows to his body. He came at me crazed with anger at this happening. This was a farce, for he had stopped to listen to me before he attacked. In my opinion it was a case of pure and simple vengeance.

The magistrate thought the same and Mark was fined twenty-five dollars and ordered to keep the peace for a year.

When we left the courtroom, it looked like Nick and Mark were going to say something but they just snarled instead. They were not in any mood to be talked to, so I just ignored them. I gave my own goodbyes to the two men and hurried back to school. I made it back to the office and reported in. I was just in time to go for lunch but at least I would not be docked for much time.

During the meal I mentioned once what sentence the court had passed. Mike didn't even consider the court case and happily said, "The truck is almost fixed. Dad ordered brake shoes and two new drums. The rims will be sent out this morning to get new rubber."

I nodded my head and said, "Has your crew talked to their parents about this job? You need to pick up some equipment from two places and deliver it to the mine. I want to send along some fresh food, too."

"I checked and everyone has done so. Four of us can go. Some parents are not sure about being given a job by you."

Mike was being very diplomatic and I this was not usually like him. "That will be enough, I think. Just make sure that you lash everything so it does not tip and you have to keep the refrigerator vertical all the time."

Rita added, "There are curtains and other things that should have been added to the last unit but were forgotten."

Mike was asked to meet me at the grocery store to get the food after picking up the other supplies.

After French, Natalie told me how relieved she was about the court case.

I said, "This was the easy one. It's the school board, who are going to put up a fight."

After school I left Helen. She had to go home with Aron and pack our clothes so we would have what we needed at the hotel. This she saw as a real adventure and was fairly bubbling with excitement.

In the store I ran into four girls I was very familiar with. Natalie said, "We heard that you were moving and we decided to give you a hand."

Since Helen was collecting all I had to move, I knew quite well what they wanted to help me with. "I thank you, ladies. That is very considerate of you. Would it be presumptuous of me to invite you to sleep over, considering how tired you would be?"

Laura asked, "Are you going to take one of the penthouse units?"

"Well, I might have to, if there were a lot of guests. Do you ladies want to go home instead and get some clothes ready?"

Linda was fairly overflowing with excitement and said, "We already did." she looked at the rest then hung her head at telling the secret.

"That is alright, Baby. I was going to invite you all, anyway." I turned to Laura and held her hand, "The night I was putting off for so long could come tonight, if you feel like it?"

"Oh Alex," she said as she reached out and hugged me to her. When she stopped a bit, she only did that so she could kiss me.

"Remember what I said about the man and his wife a while ago? The freezers are close by."

She laughed aloud, looked around and then told the rest of the joke I told her. Linda laughed loud enough to draw attention before she put her hand over her mouth. "He didn't!"

Laura said, "He did and I laughed even harder."

We made quite a sight as we walked the store and bought a few things that the family would need. Nothing would be going home, for we would not be there until the next weekend. Natalie and Laura would now go and get Helen and Aron, so I would not need to get a cab.

While waiting for Mike to show up, I phoned the Clarkson and had them move some beds to one of the penthouses to accommodate some extra guests.

Half an hour later Mike showed up driving very carefully. His crew were all in the back enjoying the cool air. The boxes went in the back and they got the list of what to pick up from which business. They also got a detailed map of how to get to the mine. The boys tied down the boxes and off they went.

On the way to my new home, even if it was temporary, I stopped at the bank. Mr Jackson came right out and shook my hand. A few people came around and listened to our conversation. Mr Jackson was polite and ushered me into his office. "Now, what can I do for you, Alex?"

"I talked to Mr Siddeley on the phone recently and he mentioned about the line of credit being raised. I need some money now and the papers have not been signed."

"How much do you need? I can make a quick loan with the amount of gold you brought in."

"Half again over your limit and that is just for some machinery. I would like to get the entire amount laid out now."

"How did Mr Siddeley say the limit was to be raised to?"

"Only a quarter of what I wanted. I only got five million."

Mr Jackson's eyes bulged out and he mouthed the words twice before he was able to verbally whisper the amount. "He set the limit at five million dollars?"

"He sure did. Remember what I said a while ago?"

"Yes I do. I hope the bank did not squeal when you stuck it to them."

"They took it like gentlemen. That does not mean that I do not need some of the money now."

"I can loan you twenty thousand dollars at a time and as many times as you have gold to cover, Alex. You get our old rate and at least a half million more on your account. When the other papers for the five..." he stumbled with the figure, "... five million dollars comes through, I can just move everything over to the new account."

"That sounds good, Mr Jackson. I just want to be covered in the interim."

I had one more stop to make and this was on the other side of the city. I hurried this time because the time was now right. The goldsmith was in the back and came out as the bell over the door rang.

"Hello, Mr Kramer. It is so nice to see you again. You have become quite famous with saving a child's life and now protecting a bank's money. Let me congratulate you and all you have done for our community."

"Thank you, sir. The child was just a matter of first aid and the bank was the result of being run into by one of the thieves."

"I think it is much more than that. What can I do for you today? Your torques are not ready yet but the crucifixes and necklaces are done."

"Today I want to extend our old agreement to give me a few more crucifixes for the men and some for the ladies. The old agreement included a large necklace."

"How many more multiples of the groupings do you wish?"

"At least nine but I may need more, so how about a dozen. Today I wish to have some simple gold bands."

"Would you like to see our selection?"

There were quite a few rings and I picked out a heavy, thick and very simplistic design. "Do you have a dozen of these type here?"

"A dozen Mr Kramer? That is a lot of gold."

"Yes, a dozen will do for now. The price will have to include fitting unless you can substitute a ring of the proper size."

"That is usually included. What size would you like?"

I listed the ones I wanted and hoped to use the shotgun effect and just buy enough for them to fit. Each was put into its own box and then into a small cardboard box.

"How are we paying today Mr Kramer?"

"Is our old rate still good? Your rings are very beautiful but not needing anywhere near as much work as your necklaces."

"Very good." He took a similar ring and weighted it on his scale then after multiplying it by twelve he gave the weight in gold then the amount he wanted in payment.

"Can you take that amount from the gold I left here previously?"

He chuckled and nodded.

With that final task completed, I pedaled the bike off to the Clarkson. I saw some reserved parking spots and thought for a second of using one for the bike but with a smile I went to the back of the hotel and locked the bike with a few others that the employees used.

I came in the back door and went through the delivery area and the kitchen. On the way through I said hi to the few that I had met before.

James was at the desk when I came in and he said, "Good day, sir. Your family and guests are already in your suite." He handed me a key. "This is yours, sir."

"Thank you, James. Will you have a large bottle of champagne sent up for my guests? Please ensure that there is enough glassware."

James would do well in the hotel for he didn't even bat an eye and said, "Yes, sir."

Tom stood at attention when I go on the elevator. "Good day, sir."

He closed the door then the gate and moved the handle to the uppermost position. "And a good day to you, Tom.

When the elevator and Tom left, I just stood in the short hall. The Clarkson was a fairly large hotel especially for a city of this size and the four penthouse suites were very large themselves. Thinking of the girls inside the rooms I could see how a magazine became known as 'Penthouse'. I wondered if it was worth my while to start the publication early and even take Hugh Hefner's place with my own mansion.

Now that thought stopped me in my tracks mentally, although I had not taken a step. Playboy magazine had done a great amount of work toward the same goals as I was after. There were places in the world with strong theocratic rulers. They did not allow birth control devices and would strongly oppose the pill, which I wanted to introduce. At the moment all of North America was that way, along with parts of Europe.

Some of the worst holdouts in the 21st century were the fundamentalist countries in the Middle East and more holdouts were actually found in one of the most progressive countries, for some parts of the US still banned such devices. It didn't matter if you were a fundamentalist Moslem or a Christian, they still wanted to keep their hold on the uneducated people of the world.

With education being the key, I thought I should give Mr Hefner a hand in the next few years when he started his magazine. His editorials and interviews would help prepare the world for what I wanted to come about.

The key in my hand had 'P3' on it and I went to the right door still thinking deeply about the future of our society. I put the key in the lock, then knocked and also said, "It's me."

I opened the door and closed it behind me. Helen came first and hugged me to her. "Alex, this is so much different when it is ours. I love it here. There is so much freedom."

I gave her a kiss and said, "As a family we are free but tied at the same time." Aron was next and I hugged him one handed and looked at the others in the room. Laura got up from the couch and came to me after giving the others a chance to greet me first. I released Aron and held Laura to me, too but I did not release Helen.

Same as Time
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Susan told me I could use the shower in the guest bedroom. I stood under the warm water and relived what had happened. Did I really suck my first cock? Did I eat a second load of Mark's cum from his wife's pussy? The worse part is that I DID wreck my step dad's car and how in the world was I going to get that fixed? I know Mark said he would help me but would he really help? I had no other choice but to trust him.I stepped out of the shower and was embarrassed to see Susan standing there...

2 years ago
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Double Treat On A School Trip

This is Devang from Delhi. I am a fair built guy aged 24 residing in Delhi since last two years. My email address is I love mature ladies and cougars. Any aunty in delhi willing to have a private relationship, do drop me a mail. Now to the story.This story is from my school time when I was there in Ranchi. I had newly moved to 12th standard. Ours was a convent school in a fairly less populated area of the city. All the teachers were well known to me as I had been in the same school since...

1 year ago
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True and EternalChapter 5

The squeal of the brakes echoed down the suburbs. "Got out of the way you damn mutt!" Terror was gripping me. Making me reckless. Just a little while ago, I was at work, finishing up some things, when I got a call on my cell. I didn't want to answer but when I saw the number, I knew something was wrong. It was Amanda's home number. "Hello?" "Daddy? Please, you have to get here." It was Lane. Amanda's eldest son and my third born. "Lane what are you doing? You can't be calling...

1 year ago
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Kampars WandPart 2

The group did penetrate the woods a fair distance before the sun dipped toward the horizon. The thick canopy of oaks, maples, and walnut trees caused the light to fail even quicker as they continued on. Finding a good, level spot with a nearby stream not far off the obviously well-trodden trail, the group stopped to make camp for the night. The kampar scurried off to gather up wood, and the rest began the work of setting camp. Matusen emitted a pleased snort when Lorelle proved competent in...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend8217s Friend Helps Me Lay My Girlfriend

My name is Anirudh from Bangalore. I’m 25 years, whitish complexion, cock is 7 inches when erect and hard. I’m a sex addict and Indian desi hot sex stories made sure I get more of that desire. As a return favour, I want to share my experience of how my girlfriend’s horny Friend helped me in laying my girlfriend in bed by trying to make her jealous, My Gf’s name is Deepika, having 34B size boobs and a juicy pussy. Shez quite thin which makes up for an awesome figure. Her friend, who helped me...

3 years ago
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My Wife the Party Treat

Introduction: After giving me her virginity on her wedding night, my wife shared with my boss and co-workers. My wife and I were not sexually precocious. The first time we kissed anyone was at the senior prom, when it was part of the ceremony. We kissed each other. When we attended the same university we occasionally dated other people. Usually we dated each other. We did not make love, because my wife wanted to save her virginity for her wedding night. That was fine with me, because I...

1 year ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book ThreeChapter 15 The Devil

Yuki sat on the porch swing, staring out at the front yard with a cup of tea in her hands. The debris from the magic storm was strewn across the grounds, making the land look like a small junkyard. Somehow, it served as a perfect metaphor for her life right now, a giant mess with nobody to help clean it up. She took a sip of tea, letting out a sigh as the hot liquid streamed down her throat. The front door opened behind her and Mike walked out, then sat down next to her on the swing. She...

1 year ago
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Sex with my Naughty StepMom part 2 The maid joins us

I felt her mouth wrap around my cock and she sucked lightly back and forth. Slowly she became more forceful as she sucked my cock all the way to the base, gagging a few times but continuing to suck until I was deep in her throat. Her face touching the base of my pelvis, her nose buried in my pubes with her eyes looking at me proud and wanting. The guys were over to watch the game. Beers, pizza and guy food were in plenty. Dad, as usual, had gone on one of his business trips leaving the house to...

2 years ago
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Mom Wants Golden ShowersChapter 4

Barry and Shari touched and felt each other anytime they were in the mood, which seemed all the time, and whether Janet was present or not. They had learned that all they had to do was tell her to shut up if she attempted to stop them. And Janet would shut up. Yet there were times when they talked to her freely, chattering about friends and thoughts, talking to her like a son and daughter would with their mother. There were times when they acted like the youths they were, and times when they...

1 year ago
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A dirty Fantasy

Before I start this it would be in a perfect world with no d**gs and disease. This is one of my fantasies of being used just for others dirty pleasure. I show up at the house dressed in normal clothes, thinking we are just getting together for a few beers or what ever. While we are sitting around, one of you hands me a pair of lace crotchless panties and tell me to go change into them. I do as i am told, and upon re-entering the room I see a bench set up in the middle of the room and the...

2 years ago
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Slutty New Year

The room went silent, everyone turned their eyes to the smaller boy of the group Kent, a conversation filled with the experience and closely kept fantasies of sex dying down to nothing, despite Kent’s grumpy personality and lack of interest in… anything he was the one with the highest body count being he was a sex worker. “Not even for a second?” Another member of the circled friends, Bruce spoke up not believing the statement. “In that industry, you just numb yourself as much as possible so...

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Kinky fat girls

After eight and a half hours of dealing with her company’s intranet crashes and her own caffine overload, Amanda was grateful to let herself collapse on her bed face first. She was a good-looking blonde about 5’6″, in her late 40s, and just shy of 200 pounds. She had raised her right foot above her and began to slowly caress the back of it with the big toe of her left foot when she saw her lover in the doorway. Suzanne was in her early 40s, a brunette with long brown hair...

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Emma Ch 34

XXXIV Salim wasn’t at all sure she liked all the changes that her lover had dictated on her niece. First, the breasts, now so unnaturally firm and hard, resisting all attempts of gravity to lower their profile. Then the lips now in such a firm unchanging pout which made her seem as if she was constantly ready for sex, but also somehow moody and sullen when she wasn’t smiling, which was really most of the time. Next were the hips and upper thighs which, together with Amna’s newly trimmed waist,...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Kira Noir Kira8217s Anal Experience

Kira Noir was at her best friends house. The two girls were watching Sevyan Harden cook. Kira liked him. She wondered how big his dick was. When Sevyan went to the shower Kira followed him to see if she could catch a glimpse of his dick. She did. it was enormous. The sight of naked Sevyan turned her on so much that she started to masturbate right there. Just as she was about to climax he turned around and caught her. She was begging that he wouldn’t tell her friend. She would do anything!...

1 year ago
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GT the PT gets GangBanged Day Two

Then the reality of yesterday struck her, when she looked down and saw the blood on the inside of her thighs and felt the pain between her legs and deep in her anal passage. The reality hit her like a bad dream – but it was all too real. She had been fucked, sucked, gang-raped, abused – you name it. She went to get up off the foreign, smelly bed but was unable to move. She had been hog-tied, so there was no escape from this nightmare. It was light but she had no idea what time it...

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Cousin Mila Part One

Family picnics and parties were agonizing for me when I was growing up. They weren't made for kids. I wasn't included in the adult conversations and the only kids around my age were two cousins, girls. There was Uncle Harry, my dad's brother, Harry's wife, Amelia, and his step-daughter, Mila. The rest of the family included my mom's sister, Bee Bee, her husband, Garth, and their adopted daughter, Cicely.So each November, we assembled for Thanksgiving dinner at one of our homes for turkey and...

Straight Sex
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brother sister and Mum have sex

In October of 2010, my Daughter split up with her boyfriend. She was devastated for weeks after that. By this time it was the 28th of October and i had noticed that Sarah had started to go to bed a lot earlier than usual, so one night i decided to go up 10 minutes after her, to see what she was doing. I got to outside of her bedroom, when i heard moans and groans. I slowly opened the door to see what she was doing, when the door was open enough i looked round and i could see her masturbating....

2 years ago
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Friends LoversChapter 2

Breakfast was a joke. Jen and I were both hung over and preoccupied. Josh ended up eating most of it and tossing the rest in the trash. "All right you two, spit it out. What's wrong?" Josh looked at us expectantly, one eyebrow raised. Jen and I exchanged a look and shrugged. "Are we all still friends?" Another look passed between us. We both nodded yes. "Do either of you regret what happened last night?" Jen raised her eyebrows at me in question and I shook my head no. So did...

1 year ago
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"Hi, uhh... is that John?" "Yep. Who's that?" "Ah, well it's Katherine, well, Kitty. I'm usually called Kitty." "Hi Kitty. Ah, have we met? I don't think I know any Kittys." "Well yeah, we have, but you probably don't remember." "I don't know about that. I'm good at faces and stuff. Where did we meet?" "You remember the party at Jackson's house last weekend?" "Oh, yep. That was a hell of a bash. Were you there?" "Yeah, I was. About ten, you walked out on the...

2 years ago
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We met at a party, I ask you to dance and we go out on the dance floor and the first couple of songs are fast, we are laughing and having a good time, then a slow song starts to play and I pull you close to me.We begin to move to the rhythm of the music, I let my hands caress your back, pulling you even closer to me. I whisper in your ear, how sexy you look!And as our bodies sway together to the music, you lay your head on my shoulder.Then you look up at me and I lean in to kiss you, parting...

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Summer HeatChapter 8

“Beth, while enjoyable, that isn’t a good idea.” “I think it is. Gerald, I care about you. I would like us to be together all the time.” I stammered, “But, that’s not possible.” “That’s true. However, there are plenty of bedrooms here and your parent’s house has an extra. I don’t plan for you to be far.” I put up my hands in surrender smiling, “Pack. You will come to my house.” I paused. “Mom said this would happen.” “Your mother is a smart woman. Keep listening to her. I like...

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Jasmines College Experience

Finally been on her own was all Jasmine ever wanted, and it didn’t mean to always follow in your father’s footsteps. She was never going to have his company after she graduates from collage, and she knew damn sure that her father picked her brother Rajah to take over when he retires. If there was one thing that Jasmine hated the most, was that she had to grow up as the little sister. Growing up with one older sibling was no walk in the park, and Jasmine had to live with a life style she hated...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Loren Strawberry Nympho Is Made to Be in the Middle

Loren Strawberry makes herself known on Hands On Hardcore in this unforgettable and salacious debut. We knew that this busty Russian hottie wouldn’t be easy to please so we gave her two cocks to ride and suck. Tune into this MMF threesome scene and watch Miss Strawberry please Oliver Strelly and Nikolas in every way possible as she takes both boys deep in every hole she’s got demonstrating that she’s a multi-dick sucking Queen and anal enthusiast who was made to be in the...

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My Lesbian Welcome To the Sex Community

Aspen's fingers slid down inside the front of my panties as Penny's hands crawled up the inside of my thighs. I'd ever been touched by another girl, much less two at the same time. But, I joined this sex community to explore and challenge my sexuality. And now here I was being felt up by two beautiful girls, while the rest of the group watched us eagerly, clearly aroused by the tentativeness of my first time experience. I was happy to share it, turned on by the exhibitionist nature of being...

3 years ago
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Up your Ass Baby Pegged

My boyfriend Chad was taking a shower and so I thought now I'd take out what I had bought for him that morning, actually bought for both of us - a big new dildo. I have something of a fetish for cocks. It's not just that I like to suck them and fuck them, but that I'm something of a connoisseur when it comes to the form of the male sex organ. And this dildo was definitely very special. I like to watch porn flicks with Chad which feature a certain guy. This stud's got himself a big, beautifully...

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NuruMassage Daya Knight Don8217t I Know You From Somewhere

Brad Sterling steps into a massage parlor for a NURU massage but is surprised when the sexy masseuse, Daya Knight, recognizes him from a yoga class that they both attend. The air is charged as soon as they’re close and things only heat up once Daya takes him into the private massage room. They soon undress, unable to keep their eyes off each other’s naked bodies. The sexual tension grows even more once Daya oils them both up and presses her body sensually along his, giving him an...

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How to Build a Better Sissy the Conclusion

How to Build a Better Sissy The conclusion by Missy Satinpanties So, there I was, peach colored silk bikini panties, matching camisole and garter belt, white stockings, white ankle socks, high heels, covered up (?) by a long, sheer peignoir with satin trim, and nothing else. My Master gestured to me to put my hands behind my back, where they were quickly cuffed. Again, he asked me if I...

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Third Times the CharmChapter 10

Things took awhile to settle down. Longer than expected. It seems the steps up the chain of command had some rusty links. Or maybe the ladder of success had some busted rungs. This particular bureau of the Department of the Treasury had been in business ... is that the word for an organization that spends more than it takes in? ... this bunch was part of the 1915 good old boys network. Those originals were dead or retired but it was the same old same old. The top rung of the ladder is...

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Memories are made of this

There are key moments in everyone's life that determine their future. They lie in one's memory and emerge when other major events occur and this way they influence forthcoming life. Sometimes they seem negligible and are ignored by others while others that seem to be significant are just a consequences of a series of decisions made years ago. Those are not pleasant or sweet in most cases though they force me to go back and relive them again and again. Thus I can write only 'bout my...

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SATURDAY WAS CHILLY in the morning, but when we turned all the lights on under our new tent, the temperature rose. Twenty-five volunteers worked hard from the moment the temperature hit fifty until we were wiped out after five. The tent had the added advantage of blocking the wind so we were comfortable inside. Maybe too comfortable—at least for me. Kate wanted to work near me, which was sweet, but disastrous. I had my headset on and was in my zone when I noticed Kate laying in a shadow...

1 year ago
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Lust In Space Chapter 13

Tara saw what I was doing and she had her own ideas of fun with the redhead. She had been kneeling over the girl just high enough that Verarea could lick her pussy. But seeing the way I was playing with my slut, she wanted in. Tara suddenly sat down on Verarea's face, smothering her with her pussy! Verarea reacted violently, as anyone would, but Tara kept on her, making it nearly impossible for her to breath. I continued my work on her pussy, clit, and tits while I watched Tara deal with her...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Collecting rent 4

I stood in apartment 26 with the Kapoor's letting them look over the place, Mr Kapoor was a young chubby man who had a small business in the city, and was looking for a bigger place, and Mrs Kapoor was young hot Indian woman who seemed just as keen to have a better home."So as you can see, it's ready to move in, and I've even put a sofa in if you want it?" I said trying to help sell it.They looked around quietly and then finally Mr Kapoor said "Well, I like it!""Me too!" agreed Mrs Kapoor...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit Part 3

Standing there in my yard, looking up at his office light, a sense of dread began to fill me.Oh no, I thought to myself. Was he watching out the window? Did he see me kiss Adam? Nonsense, I told myself. He probably just forgot it was on. I made my way past the pool and let myself in the door to our attached garage. As soon as I was in the interior door I heard my husky's nails excitedly click across the linoleum floor as she ran to greet me."Hiya Buffy! Who's a good girl? Are you happy to see...

Straight Sex
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The Trouble with Roommates Chapter 2

The Trouble with Roommates Chapter 2 As much as Nick hated to admit it, he was getting used to the feeling of his smooth skin. For the past month his roommate Brian had been making him shave twice a week as well as wear mascara and lip gloss that he was made to reapply whenever his lips lost their baby-pink sheen. He wasn't going to miss it, though, that was for sure. He'd been doing well with work recently and had not only been able to make every week's rent, he also almost had...

2 years ago
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My Chosen First Time PART 2

As I entered our place I heard stifled noises. My parents were doing it. It was too much. I just ran to Aunt Susan’s cabin. When I got to Aunt Susan, I was practically in tears. She was soothing and maternal; she knew how to talk to anyone. I did not know how to start and just blared out. “I’ll be eighteen next week, I’m a Virgin and I don’t know how and I’m scared to loose it. Help me”. “Come here to me” and she embraced me in a comforting way. I sobbed quietly, “Don’t cry, and dry your tears....

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An Unexpected Adventure with Robin and Olivia Chapters 1 2

I was getting ready to move overseas for my job and since I had a month before leaving I asked my sister if I could stay with them for a month. While it was not ideal it allowed me to ship my things which needed the month for transit to South Korea so when I arrived I would be able to move straight into the company apartment I was assigned. I did not need furniture but there was my personal property that I would want with me. I work for a multinational IT firm and my four-year assignment...

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The New Burning Legion pt 1

All the great demon masters that controlled the legion were gone. And without their maddening whisperings to drive most who took the Fel to evil and lust for power, most who drank or bathed within the Green lakes of Demon energy and blood just received the Fel markings, green eyes and a power boost. With so many having been converted in the war against the legion however, the numbers of Fel enhanced on the isles already reached 7 million. Being told those numbers just comfirmed his greatest...

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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 36 Senator Rebecca Arnold

Both Jack and Susan looked at the naked lady and knew that they should recognize her. She had lovely round breasts like Susan’s but just a bit bigger and rounder on account of the age difference. They also both noticed the nicely manicured patch of blonde pubic hair done in the shape of a heart over the woman’s vagina. Moments later it all suddenly clicked in Jack’s brain. He knew exactly who she was. He had seen her on TV many times but before he could say something the naked woman began to...

4 years ago
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In Submission to a dominant Force

In Submission to a dominant force Here is a true story about my wife and my domineering Mother in law. To explain before I start, I knew my wife had some history, a failed marriage and regular boyfriends, but I fell in love with her and whilst my marriage proposal was a surprise to her, she agreed to it. I suppose looking back I was drawn to her as any submissive is to an assertive bossy woman, though I was sure she had no idea I was a closet cross dresser before we married. That...

4 years ago
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11th GradeChapter 13

"No, Georgia is my half sister, mine and Bunny's. My father made Georgia's mother pregnant. It was after my mother learned of this that she drowned herself." When Mama told me this, I couldn't have been more shocked. I had a lot of questions, but I didn't really know how to ask any of them. Mama had told me she was fourteen years old when her mother died. Mrs. Connor was only a year or two younger than Mama and Uncle Bunny. Mama said she felt guilty about her mother's death, and Uncle...

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