A Single MomentChapter 3 free porn video

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From behind me, another voice chipped in, it was Jackie

“It’s all good, Brigit. Ol’ Monster Dick here did exactly what Crystal wanted, and ended up having to carry her to a bath because she couldn’t walk when she was done. She told me she asked for what she got, and wanted a lot more than she could take.” Jackie was laughing and leaned against me from behind, her arms around my neck and her chin on my shoulder, she was standing on a higher step, so she could comfortably lean against my back.

Brigit still looked annoyed, but she was cordial.

“Sorry, Dave. Last party, some little perve was up there stealing panties. Creeped me out, big time. I shouldn’t have yelled at you.” She paused for a moment, then grinned at Jackie. “Ol’ Monster Dick?” she asked.

“Crystal tells me that this guy is hiding a third leg and that she got so excited, she had to try it. Couldn’t get more than the tip in, and that left her too sore to walk.” Jackie tittered, squeezing me from behind. She was way too amused for my taste. I could feel my face turning red again, and even Becky was laughing.

“I warned her.” Becky said, snaking an arm around my waist and leaning up against me.

“You’re okay, Dave?” she asked, real concern in her voice as she looked up at me.

“I’m fine, sis. It was Crystal I was worried about. She got a little carried away.” I reassured her, then muttered, “Aw Christ.” There was a bit of crowd gathered, a dozen women already and more drifting over to see what the fuss was about.

Becky looked around and started laughing again. “I am sorry, little brother, I know you must be traumatized by all this attention. I guess I just suck at finding the right parties for you.”

“It’s okay, sis, really. I think that I am just, um, well, going to have to get used to doing things a little differently, that’s all.”

Of course, this induced a whole new gale of laughter from Jan, Becky, Jackie and Brigit, with the rest of the gathering crowd looking confused.

“I think I will go find a soda.” I said, gently disengaging Jackie and Becky and trying to disappear. Behind me I could hear a discussion starting, and more laughter. I grabbed a soda and pushed through the door, back into the darkness of the back yard.

There were four couples in the Jacuzzi now, three of them with male female pairs and one pair who were both female. I was tempted to find a place to watch, but resisted. I had enough embarrassment for one night and didn’t need to compound the problem by being pointed out as a voyeur.

I found a convenient tree to lean against, and sat down, just staring up at the stars. The music from the house was still audible, but it wasn’t as jarring as it had been inside, instead being a nice background for a peaceful evening. I sighed and tried to relax, letting the tension I had been feeling dissipate.

I had been sitting there about twenty minutes, just letting my mind wander, trying not to think about what had happened in the gazebo, though I was sure it would play a starring role in my dreams for a while. Crystal had been a sweet girl, as nice as could be and I really like her attitude. There was something refreshing about being upfront and honest like that.

My musing were interrupted by the sound of footsteps. They were faint, muffled by the grass, but they were definitely headed my way. I turned my head and could see a figure silhouetted against the lights of the house.

Female, definitely, and either my perspective was off, or she was taller than anyone I had seen at the party. As she drew closer, I could see that she was hesitant, almost skittish.

She could probably see me better than I could see her, since the light from the house would be shining on my face, so I smiled up at her, letting her know I wasn’t bothered by her approach.

When she was closer, I could begin to make out her features and, when she folded herself into a seated position in front of me, the light from the house illuminated a very pretty face, though she looked a little shy, not meeting my eyes for more than a second at a time.

She was definitely tall, the top of her head, even seated, was an inch or more taller than I was, but she had a sense of grace about her, of controlled power even. She was lean, with a thin, almost elfin face. High cheek bones and a full lips, she was, perhaps, not a classic beauty, but she was striking.

“Hi, I’m Dave. My sister Becky is, or maybe will be, a sorority member this coming school year.” I offered, trying to break the ice. This girl had something on her mind, but wasn’t quite ready to let me in on it just yet.

“Hi Dave, I’m Alison. A girl inside told me where you headed out this way alone, but she hadn’t seen you come back. I thought I would take a walk and see if you were still around. I hope you don’t mind if I join you for a bit?”

“Not at all. This is a nice place to sit, just looking at the stars and getting out of the crowd for a bit.” I replied, not pushing her.

“Look, this is, well, it is kinda odd, I know.” she started, then looked flustered, her eyes darting everywhere except to connect to my own.

“Alison, my whole life seems kind of odd, from this side anyway.” I said with a smile, trying to break the tension.

She smiled back, her whole face seemed to transform for an instant. When she smiled, the sharp planes seemed to soften, as though some inner glow was trying to find a way out. It really changed her look, made her even more lovely.

“You should do that more.” I said.

“Excuse me?” she replied, obviously confused by my comment.

“Smile, I mean.” I explained. “You are very pretty, but when you smile, your whole face just lights up. It is, well, it’s pretty special.” I said, stumbling a bit. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to get personal, I just thought, well, that I should tell you.”

She smiled again, a genuine, happy smile and her face lit up. I could see the humor in her eyes and I found myself attracted to this girl.

“You don’t have the smooth patter of a frat boy, Dave, but that just makes it better.” she said, grinning at me. “It’s like you actually meant that.”

“Hey! I did mean it.” I grumbled, but returned her smile.

“Dave, I heard something inside and, to be honest, it kind of intrigued me.” She paused, blushing brightly enough that even in the low light, I could see her face heat up.

“Not the dirty part, those stories get spread around so much that I don’t believe a fraction of what I hear, but the other part, that sounded like it was the truth. Did you really carry Crystal up stairs and run a bath for her?”

“I did. She needed help and I was glad to help her. She is a very sweet girl.” I wasn’t sure where this conversation was going, but it promised to be anything but boring.

“Huh. You know, a unicorn is more believable than a gentleman at a frat or sorority party.” she snorted, a laugh finding its way out on the end.

“This is my first Greek party, so I guess I will have to take your word for it.” I replied, waiting to see what she would say next.

“About the other part, then...”she started, then trailed off, her eyes searching my face for some sign.

I sighed, then shrugged. “You know, Crystal is someone I admire, even though I just met her tonight. She was honest and very up front about what she wanted. I was just sitting here thinking about that, and about how the world would be a better place if everyone was more like her in that regard.” I said, pausing for a moment.

“I didn’t mean any...” she started to protest, but I just held up my hand to interrupt her.

“I didn’t mean you, Alison. I was thinking about me, to be honest. I thought I would see if I could adopt her philosophy and see if it works for me. So, here goes. What you heard may or may not have been true, I don’t know what folks are saying in there. What I will tell you is that I have a bit of a problem. See, I am larger than most guys, or so I am told. Crystal is a little bitty girl, barely five feet tall, but she came right out and asked if I was willing to fool around with her. We tried, but she just couldn’t, you know? I was able to stop it before she seriously hurt herself, and I helped her up so she could soak in the tub. I didn’t force her, and even tried to get her to just stop, but she insisted. I can’t claim to be a saint, she is very attractive and I was more than willing.

“I don’t know what is being said, but that is the whole truth.” I finished, feeling totally out of sorts. This truth thing was hard! I had astonished myself, actually making it through that without swallowing my own tongue.

Alison was silent for several minutes, her eyes on my face, though what she was searching for, only she knew. She seemed to be thinking about what I had said, trying to decide something. Maybe she was just trying to figure out if I was telling the truth or just bragging.

She seemed to come to some silent decision because she nodded, looking thoughtful.

“Thank you for that, for being honest with me.” she said, her voice soft.

“Can I just say that it was the most uncomfortable I have ever been in a conversation with anyone? That is harder to do that it looks from the outside.” I said with a grin, shaking my head. “Crystal is one tough cookie.”

Alison laughed, her voice taking on a musical quality that fascinated me.

“You should do that more, as well!” I said, grinning at her. “You have a fantastic laugh.”

She stuck her tongue out at me, making me laugh this time.

“I am going to try this, just to see if I can.” she said, grinning at me. “The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I am sixteen and a virgin. I came to this party with my sister Brigit. She invited me because our folks were out of town and she didn’t want me to sit home alone while she was here.” She paused for a minute, watching for my reaction. I kept my face calm, just nodding to her.

“I was kind of a misfit in my old school, and this year I will be transferring to Fisher because my folks wanted to be closer to Brigit. Frankly, I was relieved. This is a chance for me to start over, maybe reinvent myself. I’ll still be the tall girl who plays basketball, but maybe I can also make some friends, eject the baggage that came with my old school, with growing up next to all the kids there. I am really curious about sex, and I thought someone with some experience would be better than fumbling in the back seat of a car.”

“Alison, I am a freshman, or will be at the start of school...” I started to say, but she interrupted.

“And I am too young, right? I thought that would probably be the case.” She looked dejected, sad at what she thought was a rejection.

“No, Alison. I am a freshman when school starts at Fisher High School next month. I am only fourteen.” I said, watching for her reaction.

Surprise seemed to be warring with doubt and then confusion.

“You are fourteen? Really? Then what about ... how... “ she stuttered to a stop, staring at me.

“My sister is five years older than me. We used to ignore each other, but this year we are finally getting to be friends, to hang out together. We have grown really close. She set me up with her girlfriend’s younger sister, same age as I am, and also a girl that I had a crush on forever. That ended badly, she has some serious issues. Becky felt guilty, so does Jan, the girl’s sister, and they invited me to the party tonight because a friend of hers wanted to meet me. I thought a college party sounded like fun.” I shrugged, my face heating up again, sure that she would take that the wrong, or maybe even the right, way.

Alison began to giggle, and then laugh. She lay back on the grass, her eyes on the stars, and just laughed until tears filled her eyes.

“Oh man, what a trip. This is like a bad romance novel. I came to the party thinking a college guy wouldn’t be freaked out by the tall girl, and the one guy I hit on is younger than I am.”

“Alison, do you think it would be too weird for a junior to go out with a freshman?” I asked softly, wondering if I was pushing my luck.

She pushed herself up a bit, leaning on her elbows and cocked her head, smiling at me.

“No weirder than a high school freshman banging some college girl bow-legged.” she said, laughing again. “I think I would like that, Dave. At least we can try, see if it works out.” She smiled again, warmer this time.

“Can I buy you a soda, Alison?” I asked, offering her my hand as I stood up.

Alison and I were sitting on the front porch, just sipping our sodas and exchanging school stories, when Becky and Jan came out and found us.

“Dave, we were going to call it a night, but you don’t have to go if you don’t want.” Becky said, smiling at Alison. “You can always call me for a ride later, if you need one.”

“Becky, this is Alison. She’s Brigit’s sister and she is transferring to Fisher for her junior year.” I said, introducing my new friend. “Alison, this is my big sister, Becky, and her girlfriend Jan.”

Becky, with a grin, plopped down on the step next to Alison and put an arm around her shoulder. “Hi Alison! So, is he treating you okay? Need me to help you escape?” she teased.

“He’s doing just fine, thank you. I am not even bow-legged.” she added, grinning back at Becky.

Jan, who had taken a seat on my left side, broke out in gales of laughter.

“Dave, you have made yourself a legend tonight, you know that, right?” she said, putting her arm around my shoulder.

“Christ, Jan. Just what I need. I used to be the weird kid in middle school, now I am the weird guy in college, completely skipping high school all together. What’s next? Weird congressman?” I joked back, giving her a little push with my shoulder.

“Alison, I was going to take my girlfriend and my brother out for pancakes. Do you have to wait for Brigit or do you want to come along with us? We can drop you off at home or even bring you back if you want.” Becky said, obviously at ease with the girl.

“That sounds like fun. Let me go and tell Brigit. Oh, I mean, if that is okay with you, Dave.” she said, looking hesitant.

“I would love it!” I said, smiling at her.

“Cool! Be right back.” she ran into the house.

“So?” Becky asked, scooting over so she had me bracketed between her and Jan.

“I asked her out, she agreed. We were just sitting out here getting to know one another. She’s really sweet, and has a great sense of humor.” I shrugged, not knowing what else to say.

“Well, you moved fast tonight. Made yourself a name, found a new girlfriend. What else do you have planned, little brother?” Becky teased, leaning against me.

“Nothing funny with my sister, I can tell you that, Mr. Asshole.” A voice came from behind me, filled with humor that took the edge off what was actually said.

I looked up over my shoulder and found Brigit glaring down at me, but her wink told me she wasn’t being serious.

“So, it is not enough you crippled one of my sorority sisters, now you want to defile my baby sister?”

“Well, not tonight anyway.” I said, grinning up at her. Alison was standing behind her, face bright red, obviously embarrassed by her sister’s comments. She couldn’t see the smile on Brigit’s face, so she couldn’t be sure.

“Dave, I had a talk with Becky and Jan, then had a talk with Jackie and Crystal. I am not really mad at you. You handled the situation pretty well, all things considered. You should have told her you were only fourteen, the poor girl is already traumatized as it is. You can date my little sister, but if she comes home bow-legged, I know where you live.” I could tell that there was some steel hidden behind the grin and the joking words. She really was warning me to behave.

“Brigit, please!” Alison said, stepping forward and laying her hand on Brigit’s shoulder. “Dave is a nice guy, and we are just going to breakfast.” She looked upset, not happy with how this was going.

“Alison, I was just teasing Dave. They all convinced me that he is a nice guy, and I was just having some fun with him. Go, have fun. Becky can run you home when you are done and I will see you there later, okay?” She hugged Alison, and winked at me.

“She’s safe with us, Brigit.” Jan said, then paused and cocked her head. “Unless she wants to walk on the wild side, then all bets are off!” She wagged her eyebrows at Brigit, making her laugh.

“Don’t make me hurt you, Jan.” Brigit mock growled, shaking her fist.

Breakfast with Jan, Becky and Alison was a blast. We sat and ate, then sipped soda for more than an hour, just getting to know each other and laughing a lot. Alison seemed to get along great with my sister and her girlfriend, and she sure made me smile a lot. I could tell that even if it didn’t work out with us dating, she was going to be a great friend.

We dropped her off just after midnight, her new home was only about six blocks from ours. I was glad that we had ridden to the party in Jan’s Caddy, there would have been no way to fit all of us in Becky’s Miata!

I insisted on walking Alison to her door, and waited until she had it unlocked before turning back towards the car.

“Dave, aren’t you even going to kiss me good night?” Alison asked, her voice teasing.

I stepped back, moving closer to Alison. It was a bit odd at first, having to look up to meet her eyes, but her three additional inches didn’t seem to matter much when her lips met mine. I swear there must have been sparks between us. I could feel that kiss all the way down to my toes and then some.

It was odd, really. Carla had been exciting to kiss, my first girl and all. Crystal had been erotic, a much better kisser and even my short time with her had taught me a lot.

With Alison it was different. It was sweet, and sexy, and it was more fulfilling than I thought a kiss could be. It was like there was some weird connection and I could tell she felt it too. The kiss started slow, just a soft touch on her lips with my own, but when her tongue touched mine, it was like I melted into her, becoming almost one person and it took everything I had to not pull her down to the ground and tear off my clothes.

When we finally came up for air, we were both breathing hard, and I could see the passion in her eyes.

“Wow, Dave, that was ... that was something else.”

“Oh, thank god. You felt it too! I thought I was going crazy. I have never had a kiss like that before.”

“I think you better go now, before I drag you inside and take you to bed.” she said, her eyes telling me that she wasn’t joking.

“Maybe I should. I am really looking forward to dating you, Alison. I think we could have something really special here.” I gave her the tiniest kiss, barely brushing her lips with mine, but even that threatened to ignite the fire in my belly.

“I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?” I asked as I slowly backed away.

“You damn well better.” she replied, smiling at me.

We spent the next couple of days just hanging out. I rode my bike over to her house and got to meet her parents, Mike and Vivian, and both appeared to be happy Alison was already making friends. Her father was network engineer for one of the big telecom companies and her mother was a Veterinarian. He traveled a lot, but rarely more than a couple of days at a time, and her office was just about the same distance from the new house.

They had lived in the next town over, about twenty miles away, and when they decided that they wanted a new home, something with room for a pool, they moved here, closer to where Brigit was going to school. Alison was happy about the move, still being close enough to keep in contact with the friends she had left at the old school, but far enough that she could start over, reinvent herself in a new school too.

Their home was about the same size as ours, but with a larger back yard that was all fenced in for privacy. Contractors had already started excavating for the new pool and, by next summer, they would have a place to swim and host parties.

Alison and I had a lot in common, both of us being avid readers and, more importantly, runners. She ran every day as part of her training regimen for basketball, and when I invited her to run with me in the mornings, she was quick to accept, even though she was quick to groan at my schedule.

“Five thirty in the morning? Really? You do this voluntarily?” she joked, shaking her head.

“Trust me, Alison. Let me jog over in the morning and you come running with me. Let me show you why I run so early, besides missing the heat and the traffic.” I replied, excited to show her my favorite spot.

“I also run in the evenings, if I don’t have anything better to do. Mostly that was boredom and because I like running though, so now that you are here, my evening runs may suffer a bit. That is, assuming that you still want to spend time with me after this week.” I grinned at her, trying to show her my most pathetic puppy dog expression.

Alison just rolled her eyes but she leaned over to give me a quick kiss.

Zap! Just like the night of the party ... every time we kissed it was electric, and every time it threatened to become a conflagration.

The dazed look in her eye told me that she was feeling the same, and she smiled at me.

“You are going to be trouble, I just know it. We are going to have to do more than kiss soon, get rid of some of this tension!” she teased, batting her eyes at me.

I guess I must have paused for too long because her expression became more serious. The truth is, I was a little worried about getting intimate. Not that I didn’t want to, lord knows I could have pounded a six-penny nail through a tree stump with my cock, it was so hard. But the interlude with Crystal had given me a premonition of things to come. What if Alison couldn’t, just like Crystal couldn’t? What would that do to our new relationship?

“What, Dave? You got real quiet there. Tell me what you are thinking.” Alison said, taking my hand.

“I was just picturing you naked.” I joked, licking my lips. I wasn’t ready to discuss this with her, not yet anyway, and the joke seemed to ease the tension.

“Really? I have been doing that since the party.” she leered at me, then laughed at my surprised expression. “What, I can’t have thoughts like that?”

“It just makes me want you more.” I admitted, squeezing her hand. “I am not in a hurry though, the time will come, I am certain, but there is no reason to rush. I am having a blast getting to know you and that is enough for now.”

“Hm ... you are not right in the head, you know that? A teen boy with patience?” Alison shook her head, but her smile was bright and happy.

I invited her over to my house for dinner that night, and introduced her to my parents.

“Alison, this is my mom, Sylvia and my Dad Peter. Mom and Dad, this is the girl I was telling you about, Alison. Her sister is a friend of Becky’s, and she is going to be a star on Fisher’s basketball team!”

“Pleased to meet you, Alison! From the way Dave was talking, I expected you to have a halo! You are just a pretty as he told us though.” Dad said, turning on the charm.

Alison blushed, looking pleased.

Dinner was a success, Alison and my parents got along like gangbusters. After dinner I showed her my room, but left the door open. Mom and Dad had never given me rules about that kind of thing, but I didn’t want Alison to think I had plans that required privacy, not yet anyway.

We ended up sitting the in living room, cuddled together on the couch and watching television for a while with my parents. The more time we spent together, the less it seemed those couple of extra inches mattered. With both of us curled up on the couch, Alison cuddled in my arms, it didn’t matter at all.

Alison left about ten, and we made plans to go running together for the first time the following morning.

I woke early, excited and unable to sleep, and was at Alison’s door as the clock hit five-thirty. I didn’t want to knock and wake up her family, but I didn’t have to wait long. Alison stuck her head out the door just a minute or two later and, seeing me waiting, came out and gave me a big hug.

She was dressed in spandex shorts, a sleeveless t-shirt and a sports bra. Her legs were long and lean, every muscle clearly defined. Her quads and calves drew my eyes almost as much as her hard little ass did, and I was determined to keep my thoughts on the run, or I would find myself trying to keep my pace with a hard on bobbing in front of me!

We did our stretching and started off slow, I was letting Alison set the pace. We chatted just a bit before getting into the groove, the pace picking up until we were loping along at a comfortable clip. It was a bit slower than I was used to, but just running alongside her was real pleasure.

She began to flag a bit by the time we got close to my halfway point, so we dropped the pace to a jog until we arrived. Alison told me she was used to running a five kilometer loops back at her old house, but said she was glad to change things up a bit, though it would take a while to get used to.

We walked in slow circles, cooling down as we waited, then I showed her my favorite bench and we sat, hand in hand and watched the sun come up. It was a magical time on a normal day, but sharing it with her made it seem even more special. When she leaned against me and lay her head on my shoulder, I slipped my arm around her and just enjoyed the closeness.

“It’s beautiful, Dave. I can see why this is your favorite spot. Who knew that the legendary defiler of college coeds had a gooey, romantic center?” she joked, but the look in her eye was not one of humor. She raised her chin and our lips met, just briefly, but we both enjoyed the surge of passion that simple act created.

The park, as always, was deserted this early in the morning, and I whispered in Alison’s ear.

“Some day, when we are ready, I want to make love to you right here, while the sun comes up.”

She just stared at me for a moment, then smiled and nodded.

“That sounds wonderful.”

School was starting in two more weeks, but Alison and her family were going to be gone for the first of those two. They were off to visit Alison’s grandparents. Alison said she was conflicted, wanting to spend time with me, but loving her visits with her grandparents. We made plans to get together, go on a real date for our final weekend of the summer, and I gave her a searing kiss goodbye to carry her over until then.

The next week seemed to creep by, but Becky and Jan seemed to be determined to keep me company. It was really pretty sweet of them to be concerned, and I did enjoy spending time with them, even if it did mean shopping for new school clothes.

I got to meet more of their college friends as well, casual lunches and another party, though this one was low key, just close friends and a lot of conversation instead of make out sessions and dancing. I never thought I would be accepted by college kids, but they all made me feel welcome and I found I didn’t have any problems carrying my side of the conversations.

One thing that surprised me, though I am not sure why, exactly, was that there seemed to be much less of a sense of taboo about same sex couples in college. I met several couples who were openly affectionate with each other, both female and male. I mentioned it to Becky and she just smiled.

“Some of it is just experimentation, Dave. It is not a huge deal these days, not like it used to be. Celebrities and sports figures are coming out left and right and it makes people curious. Some of the couples you saw at the party fall into the “Gay until Grad” category, just fooling around. Others are people who finally feel safe enough to let go, to explore the feelings that would have meant trouble in high school.”

“So ... which category do you fall into, Becky?”

“I don’t think I fit either, really. I was a tiny bit curious in high school, but was happily boy crazy, even when I started college. Then I met Jan and there was this spark, you know? I just kept wanting to get closer to her and then, when she felt the same way, we decided to throw caution to the wind. I didn’t like, flip a switch and become a card-carrying lesbian, I still like dick.” Becky blushed a little, but grinned at me.

“I don’t know what the future holds, but I do love Jan with all my heart. I think she feels the same way, but neither of us are ready to make a big announcement, to ‘come out’.”

“Do you want kids, some day? Would you adopt?”

“I don’t know. I could totally see myself being a mommy, and Jan definitely wants children some day, but I think I would rather do it the old fashioned way. Toys are fun and all, but sometimes I still want a live ... er...” she paused, her face red, a funny expression on her face. “I still like a hard cock. Damn, this is harder than I thought it would be, talking about stuff like this with my little brother!” She laughed and slapped me on the shoulder.

“I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable, Becky.” I apologized, feeling guilty.

“It’s totally cool, Dave. I guess I never imagined talking about stuff like this with you, but I think it is awesome that you feel open enough to ask. You know, Jan thinks you are cute, maybe she’ll get you to be the donor.” Becky grinned, obviously teasing me, but the images that thought put in my head ... of Becky, Jan and I, all naked and ... Yeah. Hey, I am fourteen.

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Single mums have double the fun

I have been taking my young brother to to primary school every morning. For about five-six months now. It takes a while For the other mums to get to know you, but as i found out, just because women have k**s doesn't mean they can't be real goers.I met Tammy and Sara outside the school gates. I didn't think they were much to look at. At first but of course they were just in their civvies-the sort of clothes a mum with five-year-old twins throws on to go down to the shops after dropping them...

4 years ago
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Single Mom National Park Part II

Coree Stewart turned the sapphire blue Cadillac crossover SUV into the parking lot of Loving Arms Community Church. His mom, Rochelle, was giving him as much practice as possible since he had gotten his learner’s permit. He enjoyed it and secretly hoped his sixteenth birthday in the upcoming March would net him a new car.Rochelle joined this church shortly after beginning the adoption paperwork for Coree and Jeramiah. All three enjoyed being an active part of the non-denominational...

1 year ago
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Single female in a sex club

I had been invited along to sex clubs in the past, and had always dismissed the idea. As a hard working teacher I was too scared I would meet someone that I knew. This is the story of how my exact nightmare came true. I was finally going to do it. Visit a sex club, on my own! As a single woman, the idea of going it alone was intimidating, but exciting. I chose a club that was close enough to get to, but far enough away so there was less chance of getting caught. First on my to do...

3 years ago
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single breasted SIL

In 1996, I was then resided in service quarter at Rajshahi. The quarter was a long tin-shed building along with an inside road. Each quarter has 8 feet wide verandah at the both sides and two rooms. The indoor space divided with a small yard (compound) in half portion and other half was occupied bath, toilet and kitchen. The yard was ended with a 10” high boundary wall. There was a steel door with the wall to go outside (back of the quarter). At the backside every quarter allotted with two...

2 years ago
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Single Mother Encouraged by Her Son

I’m a 33-year-old single mother living with my 16-year-old son; I fell pregnant with him on the first time of having sex and have never had a man since. Caring for my son, on my own in the early years, took up all the time that I had and a social life was out of the question, I’ve never really think about men now. We have a good relationship, me and my son, we have always done things together, especially in the early years, like having a bath together, sleeping in my bed, I only stopped it when...

2 years ago
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Single Breasted Bhabiji 8211 Part I

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

3 years ago
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Single Again

After twelve years of marriage and three years before that, I was suddenly single again. My open marriage with my first wife was at an end. I missed her warm plump body in my bed and her company around the house, too. We had just moved to a bigger house and now it was empty. To help pay the bills, I invited Roger, a colleague from work to move in. As soon as possible, I sold out and bought a small flat, all paid for and all mine. It was just after the New Year when Roger came over with his...

3 years ago
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Jenny could not believe her luck when it came to finding submissives and her ability to sense latent subs. She could sense it in this guy, Malcolm, ever since he turned up on her show tonight. She had been teasing and trying to pull him up. She even got the participating girl to ask him a really humiliating question and his slight blush while answering made her even more sure. She was feeling really hot tonight and she was sure she wanted him. He had admitted he was a virgin and she would love...

1 year ago
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Singles apartment complex

I had just moved to Portland and didn't know anybody. I accepted the job because it paid well and I knew Portland was supposed to be a great place to live; lot's of beautiful scenery and a sizable young professional population.I moved into an apartment complex that was geared towards young professionals. The facility had a small lounge in the complex along with indoor and outdoor swimming pools, volleyball courts, tennis and an exercise room.I ran into a bunch of about 8 guys; all of us in our...

2 years ago
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Single Rooster

Singles: Rooster Author's Note: This is a stand alone story which ties into my story "Single: Given to Fly," You do not need to have read the first one to follow this story. ************ "Sweet, you booked us to use the AK-47s at the shooting range," Heath said as he slammed on his breaks and felt his car hit something. He focused his attention and saw a man sliding down the hood of his Charger, the pride and joy of his life. The concerned man got out of his car and went to check...

2 years ago
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Single Parents

By: teufelturm© It was Friday, it was a sweltering hot day, and because I hadn't been able to concentrate on my work, I'd decided to take the rest of the day off. This wasn't hard to do because I work at home most of the time, with just a few occasional visits to the company for meetings. There was another reason for my inability to concentrate, but that would be rectified on Monday. My daughter Jenny and Anne, her friend of many years standing had retreated indoors some time ago in...

3 years ago
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Single in New York

I had just divorced my husband of 10 years because of his infidelity, and the fact that he was having an affair with my best friend, certainly did not help. That was not a nice thing to find out, but it happened. We had no children together and I guess in a sense it was a blessing not to have a young child or young children feel the pain of parents separating and then a divorce. Friends of mine seem to always want to get me out of the house. Most of my girlfriends are single by choice, and...

4 years ago
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Single Mom Dont Lie

Rochelle was up early this Friday morning even though she didn’t have to be at work until 2:00 p.m. She was making French toast, turkey sausage links, scrambled eggs with cheese, onion and bell pepper, and strawberry compote. She fixed a plate and stuck a candle in the middle of the bread. She called out for the boys to wake up.When her younger son, Jeramiah, entered the room she yelled, “Happy Birthday!” She handed him a party hat and showed him to his seat.The birthday boy’s older brother,...

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Single Mom Gmommas Funeral

“Hey, baby,” sniffled Linda Perkins.“Hey, mom! I missed your calls. I was seeing patients,” Rochelle explained.“It’s okay. I was just calling to tell you G-momma passed away in the nursing home last night.”“Oh my god! I’m so sorry, mama!”The older woman sobbed, “Thank you! I’m workin’ on the arrangements with Paul and Dianne. I’ll let you know when the service is gonna be.”“Okay! Take your time. Is Clarence around,” she inquired about her mother’s husband.“He’s mowing the lawn.”“Alright. I need...

4 years ago
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Single mom just move down the street

Helped her move in the little house. Single mom about 19 and her little girl. Her mom and dad put her out and paid her rent. religious people feeling her pregnant did not look good at the church. I stopped by and talked with her. She had NO friends and family came by rarely. She was alone with her baby to talk with. Walking between her house and the neighbors I hear her moaning. In her widow I see her back arched up and finger working the clit out. She has an orgasm and lays down. Get some oil...

3 years ago
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Single Mother Turned Into My Fuck Buddy

Hello there, this is Aakash and I’m back with another story. This story is a real incident that happened to me. It made my rather boring, lonely life filled with sex, pleasure and gave me a friend with benefits with no strings attached. Now I spent most of the time with her. The main character is in this story is Anjula (name changed), a single mother to a 4-year-old daughter, with best stats any woman can have 36d-32-36 5’6’’. She has an Indian-brownish complexion and an ass to die for. The...

3 years ago
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Single Breasted Bhabiji 8211 Part III

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

2 years ago
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Single Breasted Bhabiji 8211 Part II

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

3 years ago
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Single Mommy

Its yet another Friday. The clock in my computer monitor ticks 6:30PM. My office is already empty. All fathers and mothers have left to collect their kids from day care center. All girls have left to party with their boyfriends. All good looking guys have also left to tango with their partners. Few, like me were still in the office. I locked my computer and started to leave. I reached the parking lot, got into my car and left the office. It was raining heavily. I like to drive when its raining....

3 years ago
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Single Mother Needs To Make Ends Meet Chapter 3

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities of desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. Arriving home, I woke Julie and helped her walk to the house and then straight to her bedroom. She fell on the bed, her dress bunched up around her waist. I saw cum still oozing from her pussy. “Oh, my God,” I heard. I hadn’t realized Susan was standing next to me. “Mommy,” Susan asked, “Is that cum?” God, her questions were always straight forward. I have...

4 years ago
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Singles on the Couch

There's something sweet and personal about holding a lady in your arms whilst she sleeps; her tender breathing, her occasional snuffle, and the gentle merging of her shape with yours every time she relaxes a little more in her sleep. I met her at work. We were having an offsite meeting, and through the course of the day we'd related well; our ideas meshing and our support for each other evident. There's very little as seductive as a pretty and clever lady. And she was both; witty,...

2 years ago
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Singles American Girl

Author's Note; This story is a dedication to Tom Petty. Song meaning to me are very subjective. I can take someone different out of song than someone else. I can even take something different out of a song depending on my mood. So with saying that this story is how I filled in the blanks of this great song. Debra Webster was an American girl who was raised on her mom and dad's promises.These promises were being able to be whatever she wanted to be in life, and their daughter would...

2 years ago
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Singles Anna Begins

Anna Begins I got the inspiration for this story from the Counting Crows' "Anna Begins". I hope that I did the lyrics and music which Adam Fredric Duritz, Charles Thomas Gillingham, David Lynn Bryson, Lydia Holly, Martin David Jones, Matthew Mark Malley , Steve Bowman and Tobias Hawkins created justice. ********** My friend assures me right now it is all or nothing with Anna. My friend is worried about nothing. My friend is just being melodramatic. I have time and there is...

1 year ago
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Single Again Ch 11

As I pull onto the highway towards home I try to call Summer. I’m a bit surprised I haven’t heard from her since she left but figure she’s just busy with her family. I begin thinking of what our reunion is going to be like next week. I can imagine her tight body against mine, the taste of her lips, the feel of her small breasts. I start to get a bit aroused thinking about kissing my way down her body, between her legs and tasting her sweet juices as they leak out of her tight pussy. I can...

3 years ago
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Single once more

Story until nowI had caught Sue cheating with Al, one of my employees. She had been warned not to do so. I had packed her off back to her mum and dad’s place in the east. Since then there had been little contact with her but I had spoken to the kids and Sue’s father at least once a week. He had told me that Sue was living it up. Going out each night and returning home late and usually quite drunk. He was concerned about the welfare of our baby that she carried and had told her so. She simply...

Wife Lovers
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Singleplayer Campaign

Welcome to a great wide world of possibilities! A world which a great adventurer like yourself will be able to take advantage of. this land, which shall be called henceforth... This Land, is a place of danger and hardship, but also reward. Foul magics have been released into the world from the land of spirits, the disgruntled dead walk with the living in a dark disharmony, and lay terrible magic curses upon them. You are one such cursed being, although you do not yet know it, and in truth your...

4 years ago
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Single and Expecting

To start, I had turned eighteen in May of this year and just graduated from high school the first of June. I had planned to go to college this Fall but that all changed a few months ago.Last October my best friend and her family invited me to go on a trip to Jamaica. It was a birthday present for my friend that she had requested as an early graduation celebration.We flew down on a Saturday for a week at a very nice resort. The first day or so we did a few excursions around the area, relaxed on...

First Time
4 years ago
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Single Mom Brunch Meeting

“Good morning, my lady,” Hugo Alazar said yawning as he spied Rochelle waking.“Hey! Good morning,” she returned in kind.“Sleep well?”“Yes. How about you?”“It was good,” he said pulling her close to him.“Hold on,” she protested. “I have morning breath.”“So,” he kissed her anyway. “Last night was so good!”“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” she giggled.“Hell yeah! I gotta get some more of that.”“You will.”“Now’s as good a time as any,” he remarked placing her hand on his engorged manhood.“I see,” she...

1 year ago
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Single Mom Black Gold Ball

Rochelle placed the order for a champagne-colored jacquard ball gown with a beaded halter neckline. The classy floor-length number was made by Eliza J. She was planning to war it to the Black & Gold Ball where her twin brother, Randy, lived. Randall Stewart, M.D. was the correspondence secretary for his alumni chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He and his wife, Leah, were on their way to a full reconciliation - so much so that after he completed one more month in sober living, he...

4 years ago
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Single Mom Corees Questions

Coree walked into Jeramiah’s room. He asked, “Did you hear what mom said?”“Yeah,” admitted Jere.“You cool with that?”“I guess I am.”“Me too. I guess.”“You don’t sound good.”“Huh,” Coree stuttered.“You actin’ strange. Ma is ma, yo!”“You right. She said you can talk to her. Go do it.”“Maybe I will.”“Can you believe it though.”“I’m not really thinkin’ ‘bout it,” confessed the eleven year-old Jeramiah. “We ain’t never had a life this good.”“You right, li’l bruh. I guess I need to talk to...

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Single Mom The Reveal

“Clothes,” Rochelle hissed at her oldest son and his best friend Ty as they emerged from the upstairs game room over the garage. Each was wearing a white tank top and long leg performance boxer briefs. Her son, the fifteen year-old Coree, wore a pair of Russell brand with a lime green and grey print. His best friend, sixteen year-old Ty, had on Fruit of the Loom black ones. Their taut, chiseled bodies were coolly displayed as they entered the kitchen to forage for food. The muscular legs and...

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Single Mom Step Sisters Visit

“Hey, Mr. Cee,” Rochelle answered her phone.“How you doin’, Ro,” her mother’s husband inquired.“I’m doing pretty good. And you?”“Can’t complain.”“What’s up? I know you don’t usually talk on the phone too much.”“Yeah. That’s the thing. You know I speak with my daughter about my financial planning, right?”“I’m with you so far.”“Well, we were talkin’ this mornin’ and she said that her and Kerene are going to Persopolis to watch the Mountain Lions play. They’re takin’ their new exchange student to...

3 years ago
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Single Mom Faith Herron

It was a Saturday night.Herron Owens had just arrived at 1203 Hummingbird Lane in his black 201 Cadillac Escalade EXT sport truck. He walked up the steps to the above-the garage-apartment where Faith Moreland was staying. The five-foot-six, blonde-haired chick opened the door. She was eager for him to come inside. There was an overwhelming smell of marinara sauce in the air. She had made mozzarella-stuffed Italian sausage meatballs. They were resting in a warm pan with a store variety...

3 years ago
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Single Mom Date Night

It was Friday, mid-morning. and the five-nine, slender, yet curvy Dr. Rochelle Stewart had been off since Wednesday night at 10:00 p.m. She was due back on duty Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m. Today, she was taking it easy while the boys were at school. The only item on her itinerary was an early afternoon appointment with her ther****t. The cleaning lady, Mirella, had left only ten minutes earlier. She employed the Ecuadorian to dust, sweep, mop, vacuum, and tackle the baseboards every two...

2 years ago
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Single Mom Opening Game Intrigue

“Hey, retard,” yelled Coree.“What, stupid,” hissed Jeramiah.“You need to pick your towels and shit up in the bathroom, mane!”“I do, bruh,” the six-foot thirteen year-old stood up. “You’re the one that be stinkin’ the joint up with your smelly ass.”“Fuck you, nigga!”“Fuck you too.”The sophomore threw the towel at his younger brother. This enraged Jeramiah who already struggled with anger management. The middle school cornerback charged. Now, they were in a full brawl.“You get on my nerves,”...

3 years ago
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Single Mom National Park Part I

Dr. Rochelle Stewart yawned as she walked through the parking garage. It was 6:09 a.m. and she had just finished an overnight shift in the emergency room at Mercy Memorial Hospital. It had been a busy night - two stab victims, a pediatric ear ache, one boil laceration, three patients from an automobile collision, a heart attack, and a serious gunshot wound. She had done everything she needed in the fast-paced environment to stabilize all of them and then move those that needed surgery to trauma...

2 years ago
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Single Mom

Rochelle Stewart wiggled slightly in her seat. She waited intently for the social worker to return. The emergency medicine physician was on Day One of her three-day block of off time so she wasn’t really paying too much attention to the clock. As she sat patiently, she texted back and forth with her gentleman friend, Lynton. Finally, the lady entered the office.“Doctor Stewart,” began the c***d services professional.“Rochelle,” she corrected her.“Ah, yes! Rochelle. I have good news for you....

4 years ago
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Single Daddy

Empty nest. Where did the time go? Seems like only a minute ago I was walking in the park with the girls. Now they are away at college and all I have is this big empty house. Nobody told me this adjustment would be so difficult. Leslie has only been gone a month, Alice is on her second year. Sure, I get the holidays and the off times. It’s just that when they are here, they have their own lives to live. And I am increasingly less and less of that. I am thankful that I don’t have to split the...

2 years ago
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Single Guys The Married Woman

This story is 100% true and happened last month, May 2015So all my adult life I swore I'd never cheat on anyone or be the reason that somebody cheated. I don't know if something changed in me personally (or shall I say specifically as a lot has changed), or if it will remain as a one off as I so swore, but last month I ended up in bed with a woman I knew from a place of employment back in 2010-11!The brief history was that Julia - a BBW aged 36 with huge perfect tits and smiling grey eyes -...

3 years ago
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Single Working Milf On Periods

Hi, Indian Sex Stories dot net readers, this is Raj again with yet another true sex story, which unfolded last month. For people who don’t know me, I am Raj, a married man, 28 years old, 6 ft tall, well built, dusky skin tone and an 8-inch tool to satisfy. Ladies and couples from Bangalore who wants to bed me for ultimate satisfaction can contact me on Coming back to the sex story, I keep receiving a series of emails from you wonderful Indian Sex Stories readers stating how good my story was...

1 year ago
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Single mother needs to make ends meet Ch 1

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities of desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. Marsha was sitting at her desk in the den working on her bills. She kept readjusting her budget. ‘How am I ever going to make it?’ she thought. ‘In two months, I will be $500 dollars less. Julie will be eighteen and child support for her will end. At least Susan is sixteen and I’ll have her child support for two more years. I screwed myself by divorcing that...

2 years ago
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Single Mother Needs To Make Ends Meet Ch 2

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities of desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. Marsha drove to work knowing she was taking on a part-time job...as an escort. She preferred the term of escort over prostitute. She was still worried what would happen if her daughters learned that their mother’s part-time job was an escort. Her pussy tingled as she knew her customers would only be black men, distinguished business men. They would be hand picked...

4 years ago
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Two College Seniors One cock

The sex story till now. I have a senior named Akhila, a black girl with chocolate color, with a fat body, her thighs, plumpy ass and 34c soft boobs are to die for. I tried to seduce her but could not. Then I came with a plan during a college function. I injected some viagra into chocolates and gave to her saying it’s my birthday. When it started to take its effect, I started my work. And followed her to the lab. Placed her on the table. Felt her body, as the action was midway someone knocked on...

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my exciting trip to Ahmedabad0

During next 4-5 months my hubby so many time, encourage to have develop good frndship with Sandip..but i never dare to tell him that we already cross all the limit one time. After that full encounter...Sandip and i hardly find place and time meet alone for more than 10-15 min.....and in that time....sandip fully utilise it by planting maximum lip kiss....anyway...but rarely find time to move ahead....he was very much disappointed with it....but he understand it and always give respect in...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a token nigger

Ten years ago I happen to find myself at one of those uncomfortable pseudo liberal parties in the hills of Hollywood where people usually went to get not-so-quietly d***k, abuse prescription meds and talk about endless unfiltered politics .. I was there but for the good graces of my clique, a ragtag group of pirate Nixon’s if i ever saw one .. It was a view into a world I had little use for but could not pull away from .. I had somehow come to take up the ‘token Black guy’ position in this...

1 year ago
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Alisons Secret life

I wake up from a hand shaking my leg. Hovering over me, James, with his hand a little higher than it should be on my thigh, specially since I sleep in a tank top and my panties" get up Aliway Another day of school, but at least it's Friday". Summer and I always get ready together since we go to the same school, James is in college and has his own truck. Fridays are late start days, I drive Sum an I to school in dads old junker. We have 20 minutes or so when we get there, so Sum gets her...

3 years ago
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After twenty years of marriage, you can read the signs. Cynthia was preoccupied much of the time. She had to work late a several times a month. Her interest in her family seemed perfunctory, at best. I had hoped it was a phase, or a chemical, or hormonal thing that women go through. After a few months of hoping, I decided it was time to learn the truth, regardless of the pain that went with it. The agency came very highly recommended. They were thorough, discreet, and very professional. I met...

1 year ago
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Jeffs Family HaremChapter 5

Jeff wasn't sure what to do about Paige. She continued to treat him with snotty superiority, calling him names, insulting him and his football prowess. It was like she wanted him to spank her, and he thought she must get off on it. He was afraid of what his Mom would think of that though. He didn't want to ruin what he had with her after all. Paige was making it hard though. She had begun to prance around the house in next to nothing, wearing these thing little nighties that she'd...

2 years ago
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Starting Anew Part 3

Chapter 8 In the morning Stephanie and Trina were the talk of school. Ruby, Polly, and Megan tried to spread a bunch of rumors as retaliation for the humiliation the day before. They thought they were going to make Trina into a pariah or force the other girls away form her, instead they got caught by Mr. Williams who then told the girls, "You know that I was there and know exactly what happened." Both Ruby's and Polly's 7th grade class and Megan's 8th grade classes burst into laughter....

2 years ago
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Shutter ReleaseChapter 20 Sleep in the Dark

Mairead and Aongus left after lunch the next day, forced to end their vacation earlier than Frej and Heather due to the demands of the business they owned. I was indeed grateful for the Danishman’s generosity in allowing Heather to remain for another three days. The Martins’ departure left a rather obvious hole in our daily schedule. After dinner was cleared and we sat around the table, it suddenly seemed remarkably silent. The positive feedback loop between Tommy and Aongus had been...

1 year ago
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E058 The Wedding Entry From Emmas Mothers Diary

Sunday had been overwhelming for Donald, and Emma too. They had not eaten at all with their exploration and had fallen into a deep sleep early. When they wake, they can only stare into each other’s eyes in total mesmerism.They are now, almost there, not quite, to being so intermeshed with each other. It is amazing. For Emma to be at this point is somewhat understandable, but for Donald to cast off his arrogant ways for such lust and want, and yes, perhaps even to begin to love Emma? That in...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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From Lust to Love

Stanley Hubert had been drinking. Or at least had tried to. He had always kept the liquor to a minimum, but now, within the sanctity of his house, he immersed himself in the devil's drink without any limits. His life with his wife had been heading downhill for the last two years, but now, in addition to that fact was his belief that his daughter was always flirting with him. He had always been a good husband and a better father, but now, retired from work thanks to a very wise investment,...

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