Tim The Teenage MCPart XX 3 Love s Slavery Told by Joey
- 2 years ago
- 82
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"No, not like that," I moaned as Charles tried to use brute force with his new increase of telepathic strength to penetrate my shield. "You have to be a lot more subtle."
"I don't need to practice being subtle, Joey," he said with difficulty. "I have a life time of experiences in being subtle. What I need now is practice control of my new strength."
"All right, all right... " I said, throwing up my hands and then checking the time. "We have twenty minutes left before we have to check out and head for the airport. How do you want to do this?"
"Hmmm... Let me see... " he said as he stopped his assault on my mental barriers and scanned the surrounding area.
When his expression changed to amusement, I quickly traced where his telepathic focus was and rolled my eyes at finding two young women digging their hands into each others clothes as they kissed passionately.
"If you try something like that while we're in Venezuela, we're toast," I said as I began undoing his commands in their heads.
"What the fuck," I said after finishing my cleansing work and discovered they were still at it.
"Remember Joey. You have to be more subtle," Charles said with amusement. "You removed my commands, but you didn't check their long term memories for tampering."
I did as he implied, and after three tries, I still hadn't found any obvious signs of tampering. I did find the reason they were currently moving into a sixty nine position, but their distant memory of having had a lesbian experience before simply didn't feel... unnatural. Well, besides the fact that they both had the exact same memory of the exact same girl, that is.
"How did you... "
"Like I said. Life time of experience at being subtle," he said as he let his mind wander again.
Instead of him practicing his control, I ended up practicing how to implant a memory into a person's long term memory without it sticking out. There was a particular procedure to follow which is what I practiced applying, but I saw what he meant about a lifetime of experience at being subtle. He found every one of my implanted memories easily, yet I only found one of his, and that was by chance more than skill.
On the way to the airport, I did help Charles gauge his control over his additional telepathic strength. He was having a lot of trouble keeping his focus on a particular mind, and whenever he used a command on someone, it was like he shouted it at them rather than discretely emitting it. I suppose he had always had to use his abilities at full strength for them to work before being linked with me, and it was a hard habit to break.
I was surprised to find we were boarding a modern commercial airplane for the flight to Barranquilla, for the plane Kain had taken me down to Venezuela on had been a much smaller and older plane... Of course now that I think of it, that memory with Kain was implanted. It never actually happened that way. But still, it had to come from somewhere, hadn't it?
Charles continued practicing his control on the passengers, surprisingly agreeing to limiting his exercises to simple itching sensations or other innocent everyday things.
About an hour after we took off, however, Charles suddenly jerked in surprise saying, "I don't believe it."
"What? Something wrong?"
"No. Just the contrary," he said, nodding his head towards a middle aged stewardess. "Scan her and see if you can find anything unusual about her."
I hesitated at the nature of his request, but did it anyway and didn't find anything at all.
Charles was smiling when I turned to report, and before I could say a word, he said, "You found nothing. Good. Now, if she was say... Twenty years younger and you were checking out the stewardesses for a suck and fuck, would you be tempted by her?"
I suspiciously rescanned her mind, checking her for her sexual details and practices, and quickly concluded, "Not on your life."
"Oh? Why?"
"She's a regular slut. She wears her panties out just from all the times she raises and lowers them. Never uses protection, she keeps a steady supply of penicillin with her. Basically I'd rather French kiss a cow's butt than contract the latest VD she's got."
"Excellent. Truly excellent," Charles purred to himself before motioning to the woman and saying, "Stewardess, I need servicing."
"Yes, may I help you?" she said with a slight Spanish accent.
"Yes, would you do me a favor and service my cock with your slutty mouth?"
"Excuse me?" she said with shock and offense while the woman next to me also turned toward us with surprise.
"I... I... I don't understand," he said as I made them forget what he had said. "I must have forgotten something."
"Do you need something sir?" she said with the sound of stretched patience in her voice.
"No, go away," he said, waiving his hand while deep in thought.
"What was that all about?" I asked once she went to attend someone else.
"Oh I wish mother was here," he sighed before looking at me and adding, "She always did remember things better than I did."
"Remember what?" I asked.
"That was Maria," he said, nodding his head towards the stewardess. "She was my first... enslavement after I left Venezuela when I was eighteen. I spent weeks programming her before sending her back to her own life to test how my alterations would hold up. I lost track of her though and didn't think I'd ever see her again."
"What programming?" I asked as I scanned her much more closely looking for any signs of commands buried beneath two decades of her life.
"You won't find anything Joey unless I remember my trigger and use it on her," he assured me. "Of course if you followed her around and watched her mind carefully, you would realize her mind conjures up all sorts of interesting sexual experiences that never actually take place."
"You mean... She's not really... "
He patted his crotch and said, "This is the only cock which has ever been in that whore's cunt."
He then lit up and said, "That's what's missing," he said as he unbuckled his pants and unzipped his fly.
"Joey, lean over my lap and pretend you're sucking me," he said.
I gave him this look that basically said 'no way in hell', but he just smiled and said, "You don't have to touch it... Just lean over and I'll do the rest. Trust me."
He had this twinkle in his eyes that I've seen in Tim's when we're having fun doing something... secret together, so I looked around with just my eyes to make sure no one else was watching, then leaned over and waited.
"Make some sucking sound when she comes over," he said while I avoided his cock from hitting me in the face as it bobbed up just a bit.
The damn thing slapped me on the right cheek when he turned around slightly to call her over again, but after he turned back he whispered, "Here she comes," so I started making slurping sounds like he had asked.
"Yes?" I heard her slightly agitated voice say.
"Yes, could you do my mother a favor and service my cock with your slutty mouth?"
"Why certainly, sir. I _am_ here to service you."
Looking up at her I couldn't tell anything was different, but when I scanned her mind...
"Holy shit," I gasped as I discovered what had to be one of the most complex rats I had ever seen. "You did that?"
"Not bad for a weakling voice, eh?" he said as he lightly scanned her mind like running his fingers over an old familiar instrument.
"It's... It's... Very impressive," I said as I focused my mind on the mechanism which controlled her subconscious and generated her imaginary slutty life.
"Joey, would you mind sitting up so Marie can take your place?" Charles said humorously.
"Uh, yeah," I said as I realized his dick was touching my cheek again and sat up in a flash.
"Marie, you may service me now," Charles said as he sat back and relaxed.
"Yes master," she said with overwhelming excitement.
I was so immersed in the sophistication and the fine details of her programming that I didn't hear what Charles said to me a few minutes later, so he waved his hand in front of my eyes to get my attention.
"Sorry. What did you say?"
"I asked you if you wanted her to service you while I fuck her virgin ass."
"What, here?"
"Why not? Just do that blanket thing and we can see what twenty years of being a virtual slut does to a woman's performance."
"Yeah, sure. Just... " I began before Suzi's face popped into my head.
"On second thought... Thanks for offering, but... "
"Oh come now Joey. Do you really thing Suzi will mind something as little as a blow job?"
"Mr. Grodmen, I appreciate what you're saying, but _I_ mind. Suzi's the only one for me."
"Very well... But Joey, do me a favor... "
"Sure... Blanketing the crowd now," I said.
Charles squeezed my arm with his hand to make me look at him, then he said with a slight smile, "Please don't call me Mr. Grodmen again. It makes me feel... Old. Call me Charles, all right?"
I grinned at him and said, "Okay, Charles. I will. And you can fuck her brains out anywhere in the plane now without anyone noticing a thing."
"Thank you. Marie, take off your clothes and get on your hands an knees in the isle."
"Yes master," she said as she struggled to stand up after having crammed her body between his legs and the seats.
Charles did have style when it came to fucking his fuck slaves. I mean, I've fucked quite a few slaves myself, and the biggest problem I had was when it got old after fucking the fifth or sixth girl a certain way. I remember going through an ass fucking phase where that's all I wanted to do, but once I had gotten my fill, I never really found it all that great again. Okay, so a nice tight ass is a nice change after fucking a lot of pussy, but I get really tired of ass if I do it more than two or three times a week or so.
But Charles was an ass man. He loved fucking women's asses, especially women who loved getting fucked in the ass which naturally all his slaves were programmed to be. Charles was good at it too, but that was probably because of all the experience he's had at doing it.
Yeah, I can see why Samantha liked him. She loved getting fucked in the ass almost as much as getting fucked in the pussy. I find it strange that neither of them had perverted their ass fucking pleasures to some form of analingus, but I suppose even they have their morals about some things. Tim laughed when I told him that.
I tuned them out after Charles had skillfully loosened her up with his finger and worked his seven inch cock into her virgin rose. I spent the hour while they fucked in the isle scanning the minds of the other stewardesses, finding two of the four had encountered telepaths before, one having purposely made the woman pregnant with his child before letting her go without any recollection of that month of her life.
Those two women's programmers were complete amateurs compared to what Charles's had done with Marie. I was actually in awe of his skill when Charles had satisfied himself with her performance, made some very dramatic changes in her main controls, then reactivated her mind's cloak and watched her walk off without a trace of those same controls having ever been there.
So when he sighed unhappily after washing up and sitting down beside me, I said, "Don't tell me she disappointed you?"
"Hmmm?" he said, bringing his attention back from somewhere far away. "Who, Marie?"
"Yeah, who else?"
"No, she was excellent. Truly excellent," he said sadly.
"Then why the long face?"
He shrugged slightly before saying, "I just wish my mom could have seen her. She would have been so proud of me."
It took me a few moments to absorb that, then said, "Well, if it helps any. You sure impressed the hell out of me."
He looked somberly at me while tears welled up in his eyes, then he said "Thanks Joey. I just wish I could hear my own son say something like that."
Charles looked away from my surprised expression to recompose himself, and despite feeling I should say something either in Tim's defense or just to comfort the silly man, I remained silent and just continued scanning the minds of the other passengers for anything interesting.
Rosalind, the woman sitting on the other side of me, was returning from her trip to the states which was her fortieth birthday present to herself. The interesting thing about her was the fact that she was very interested in me personally, yet was cursing her luck for having to sit right next to me where she couldn't watch me unobserved like she could if say sitting across the isle a row or two behind ours.
Rosalind was strongly attracted to young muscular American men, and in fact her whole vacation had been spent hopping from one male stripping club to another. I traced her memories back to when a young muscular American man saved her from a mudslide when she was about nine or so, and had spent two days and nights with the man while he tried in vain to find her parents who had been buried alive in the slide.
Roger, the man who had saved her life, spent the rest of his two weeks in Columbia with Rosalind as he tried to ease the pain of losing her family. During that time he infected her with her fascination for the US and body builders, and even though she felt deeply betrayed by him when he dumped her off at the orphanage before going back to the US, she never felt safer than when she was within Roger's bulging arms.
Rosalind married an American body builder ten years older than she when she was only seventeen, and the marriage lasted almost two years before it ended rather nastily. After that, she went back to Columbia, and while having a few other flings with several men her ex had introduced her to, she never married again and now the strip bars was as close as she can get with her middle aged status and very little cash to tip them with.
Her discomfort at being so close to me made me uncomfortable as well, but after about twenty minutes had gone by, Charles asked me to help him practice his control again which took my mind off her presence for a while.
Charles and I spent probably two hours working on tempering his wild power, and despite it having drained us both, Charles didn't hesitate to call Marie over and had her and another woman about twenty three take turn riding his cock in the middle of the isle.
I dozed off after Charles had finished his fuck, and I'm not sure how long I slept, but when I woke up I was leaning up against Rosalind who's hand was leaving my chest.
Curious to see how far she would go, I feinted sleep and waited nearly ten minutes before her hand crept back across my chest to feel it's way down to my tummy.
She felt my muscle tone through my light T-shirt, her breath barely audible to me as her excitement increased the longer she probed. At least three times I thought she was about to feel her way down to my crotch, but she never did, and I was actually slightly disappointed she didn't when she finally pulled her hand back and sat still as best she could.
I continued to wait to see if she would try anything else, but dozed off again and didn't awaken for another half hour or so. By the time I woke up, I had moved away from her supportive shoulder and wasn't in physical contact with her anymore.
I went to the bathroom to take a leak, then when I returned I struck up a conversation with Rosalind, I speaking in my broken Spanish, and she speaking in her broken English.
She was very interested in my life, particularly in my workouts, and despite having reserved feelings about her fondling of my muscles in my sleep, I went ahead and let her feel my arms while I tensed them, and generally had a pleasant conversation with her until Charles woke up and decided it was time for another fuck.
Charles and I had a slight disagreement about that, for I felt he needed to slow down since we couldn't really indulge in a quick fuck at every town we stopped at if we were to stay inconspicuous.
But Charles swore up and down he was just getting it out of his system while he had the chance, and he pointed out that no one was going to dig out what he did with Maria which I had to admit he was right.
So while Charles fucked Marie in the isle again, the smell of their sex became thick in the air around them. Even though Rosalind's mind completely ignored the sights, sounds, even the vibrations they made beside her, her body was very aware of their scent.
Shit, my body was very aware of it too, and with Charles's three fucks and my own digging into the sex lives of several other passengers, I was pretty fucking horny myself.
"Senior Joey," Rosalind suddenly spoke just as Charles came with a grunt and a groan. "Could you, ahhh, assist me with, ahhh, with my, ahhh... remojado tapón?"
"Your what?" I said, not familiar with her words.
"Please, come... " she said standing up and motioning me to follow.
"I don't think... " I began, then looked around nervously and followed her anyway.
Not surprisingly, she lead me to the bathroom, and even though I was feeling very uncomfortable about being in close quarters with this middle aged woman who had the hots for guys like me, I felt... obliged to comply with her requests until she went too far.
"What is a remojado tapón?" I said once we were in the bathroom with the door shut.
Rosalind began having a serious reality check, and immediately started apologizing for misleading me and that I should go before she couldn't stop herself.
"Stop yourself? From what?" I said, feinting naivete.
"From taking advantage of you, you mucho sex boy," she sighed, her hands reaching out to my belly before stopping and returning.
"You mean you like my muscles, huh?" I said, hiding my evil grin as I pulled my shirt over my head.
"Please, senior Joey. I am... powerless to resist my temptations," she said as her right hand gently touched my left breast.
"Hmmm... what kind of temptations?" I said, standing still while she began feeling my chest and stomach with her shaking hands.
"Oh Senior... Very pleasurable temptations... " she moaned as she ran her hands down my shorts and thighs, then dragged her ample chest up against my lumpy crotch and lightly kissed the hair just above my belly button once, twice, and then a third time.
When her tongue slipped into my belly button, I put my hands on my hips, closed my eyes and let her lose herself in her temptations without having to say or do anything.
She took her time exploring my chest and stomach with her mouth and tongue while slowly coaxing my shorts down my legs with her hands inside them. I have no idea when she had taken off her top and bra, but when she had my shorts and underpants down past my knees, I nearly fell over from the first touch of her hot sweaty breasts against my cock's head.
Shit, I had never had a woman use her breasts to explore my body like that before. Rosalind's tits were like loose mounds of hot velvety flesh in her hands, and after she rubbed my chest, stomach, legs and face with them, she wrapped those two knockers around my cock and jerked me off with them, catching every drop on her chest and spreading it around with them.
While I was still a bit dazed from my release, Rosalind arose slowly while pressing her cum covered breasts against my sweaty skin, shocking me back to reality when her face closed in for a kiss.
I guess I was slightly repulsed by her age. I mean, she was old enough to be my mother for God's sake.
Anyway, she saw it in my face and jerked away at the last moment, then as she scrambled for her bra she said shakily, "Please, go! I do not wish you to see my shame!"
I was still in shock a little and didn't respond right away, but when she turned and said, "GO! Please?!" while her left strap slipped from her hands and exposed her breast again.
"I... " I sputtered, completely unsure what to do or say.
"Go?" she said while sagging to her knees, about to burst out in tears.
"No," I said uncertainly, "I'm sorry, Rosalind. I... Shit."
I reached down, pulled her up to her feet, then kissed her gently with just a little tongue before pulling back and saying, "You're mucho sexy woman, it just took me a moment to see how much of one you really are."
She carefully pulled herself away from my grasp, then turned her back towards me and said, "You say this because you feel guilty. I am old, you are young. I took advantage, and now I... "
"Shit, Rosalind. Who took advantage of who? I just had one of the most erotic... shit, I don't even know what to call it. Besides, I pretty much knew what you had in mind when you brought me in here. Especially after feeling me up while you thought I was asleep."
"So now I am fool as well as old... " she sighed pathetically, yet still not attempting to dress while she stood there with her back towards me.
"You're no fool, and you're not old," I said, carefully embracing her from behind, purposely flexing as many muscles as I could that made direct contact with her skin. "If you were, my cock no sea tan duro como una roca, s"?"
She felt my hard cock pressed up against her clothed buttock, and after giving her a few kisses on the neck and cheek, she returned them with a frisky tonguey one of her own.
"Okay?" I asked her after she broke off the kiss and hugged me with exploring hands on my back and ass.
"Si, mucho gracias," she sighed before giving my cock one last feel and stepping away to get dressed.
We went back to our seats separately, and didn't say much the rest of the flight. But after we landed I gave her kiss on her cheek goodbye which brought a smile to her lips and I think added some pep in her steps as she walked away.
"Ahhh... " Charles said stretching his arms out in the Colombian sun once we had left the terminal heading for our rental car. "I've forgotten how invigorating the weather here is."
"Invigorating?" I said, wiping the sweat out of my eyes. "It's so fucking humid I think I'm already pruning up."
"Oh come now, Joey," he said as he unbuttoned his casual button down shirt. "When I was your age, I didn't mind the humidity at all. When mother and I got warm, we'd take off our shirts and tie them around our waists. Actually, most of the time we never bothered to put them on."
"If I didn't wear a shirt, I'd be scorched by dusk. I peeled like crazy for a week last year."
"But you were golden brown after that, weren't you?"
"Yeah, I guess, but we don't have time for me to shed my skin. We have to find Tim as soon as we can, remember?"
Charles sighed, then said, "Yes, of course... You're right. This isn't a vacation after all. Something about just being here... So many fond memories."
We reached our rental car, and after I tossed my coin and he called it, I took the keys and got in the drivers seat.
"So how many times have you come back after leaving the first time?" I asked after starting the car and pulling out.
"Only once," he said. "A couple of months after they made me free Sam, I took her male slaves she had bought from Gladius back. I witnessed Joy's and Honey's birth while I was there, and Gladius Junior offered them to me saying his father would have wanted me to have them. I didn't really want them at the time, but in many ways Gladius was like a father to me. So I went through the bonding ritual, then six years later they were delivered at my door. ."
"You miss them," I simply said.
"Of course I do. They were my girls. I miss them as much as I do my mother. But despite what Tim thinks, they're gone. The two women who I banned to live in my English mansion are not the two girls I raised, and I doubt even Gladius could bring them back. They were... unique."
"You okay? I'd like to ask you some questions but... "
"I've been dealing with my mother's death and having let the twins be taken from me for a year now... Go ahead and ask, Joey. I'll be all right."
"Okay, but just say if you want to stop a while, 'kay?"
After he nodded, I asked, "When did Gladius er... Senior die?"
"Right before I left. That was the biggest reason I left. I wasn't exactly on best terms with Gladius Junior. In fact, I was somewhat an outcast among the other voices. If Gladius Senior hadn't taken such a liking to me, I probably wouldn't have been allowed to leave after he died, but enslaved as a toy instead. I owe a lot to that old man. He taught me a lot before his death."
"Hmmm... You know, Gladius Jr. made everyone believe Tim was really weak when he was Nathan. I wondered why he had done that when Tim's probably as strong or maybe even stronger than any of the other voices there. It can't be just a coincidence, could it?"
Charles shrugged, then said, "I don't know. Gladius Senior took pitty on me because my father didn't appreciate me just having the gift, and personally helped me develop my techniques to the best of my abilities would allow. I didn't participate in the activities the other teen voices, and Gladius Jr. probably treated me the best among them, but he never respected me as a voice until after his father died and he took his place as 'Grandfather"."
"Any idea why he did afterwards?"
"Maybe because we had both lost our fathers about the same time. Or maybe the responsibilities his father left for him made him grow up a little more. All I know now is that he took my son, he took my girls, and I'm nearly positive he was responsible for my mother's death."
"So... You're out for revenge as much as to rescue Tim?"
He looked at me with a slightly surprised expression, then snorted and said, "Revenge? No. Revenge is for children who don't know any better. All I desire, besides getting Tim back, is to know why. WHY he betrayed them like that."
When he didn't add anything to that, I considered asking why he felt there was any trust there to betray in the first place, but then I suspected it must have something to do with what Tim couldn't tell me before.
So I changed gears a little and asked, "What was the bonding ritual?"
"You mean for the twins?" he asked with a slight grin. "Joey, if I told you that, I'd have to kill you."
My response was just a simple, "Heh," but then he looked at me with this amused yet serious expression...
"You're serious?" I said with a start.
"Yes, but if it helps any, I don't actually consciously remember it myself. If someone ever tries to force it from me, my options are to either die or kill them if I am unable to stop them. It's just part of the twin's package, you see."
"So is there anything you can tell me about it without one of us dying?" I half joked.
"I suppose so, but it may only be relevant to my specific case and not other twins and their masters."
"Like?" I prompted.
"Joy and Honey had to absorb all their empathic knowledge in their first six years of their life without being able to test their knowledge until after they were shipped to me. When I first received them, they were a pair of expressionless, personality-less, obedient pets, and for several years I treated them as such until they began taking on the personalities of a pair of hounds I used to have.
"They were nothing to me back then. Just two mindless slaves too young for me to enjoy, but worth keeping around for when they matured. They were about nine when I first took a little more interest in them after they gave me a superb blow job after years of their mouths being to small to take anything more than my head in. I suppose you could say they grew on me after that. By the time they were thirteen and capable of fucking me like I had always envisioned, I couldn't bare to think of the physical pain it would cause them to take my girth.
"So I waited. Two years later, I found I had a son and planned to have the twins break themselves in on him, both physically and with their empathic brainwashing skills. I'm still not sure what it was about Tim that stopped them from completing their... task. It certainly was nothing that Tim said or did that night. It must have been something they felt from within him... "
"Charles, have you actually ever... you know... fucked Joy or Honey?"
"No. Never. And before you ask why, as absurd as it may sound, my mother told me not to."
"Your mother?"
"My mother."
"But... But why?"
"She never said. You see Joey, my mother knew things about the first empathic twins and Gladius himself from when she was growing up. Things Gladius didn't want others to know about. She was conditioned to never reveal any of it to anyone, just like I or anyone else who lived within his fortress's walls."
"Except me," I pointed out.
"No Joey... What you remember is what I call a self filtering memory. You can examine your memories as thoroughly as you want and never find anything wrong with them, but anything which Gladius would wish to hide from the outside world is hidden from you or anyone who tries to probe your mind, much like Tim's phone call last week."
The next thing I knew, I was lying on a bed without a stitch of clothes and sore cock. My brain felt sluggish, and I had this strange taste in my mouth, but I managed to say "fuck-n-shit-to-hell" a few times before sitting up and taking in my cell. Cell... Shit. So it wasn't a cell, but just because there weren't any bars on the windows and shit didn't make it any less of a prison. I was actually back in my room, alone. Not surprisingly, the link with Nathan was gone, and I couldn't...
All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between...
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WITCH CHRONICLES 005 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 2 by JRD Author's Note: Here's the fifth part of the Witch Chronicles. The previous installments of this story line were originally published under different names. Here are their original titles: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage...
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“Tim, the Teenage MC” has been rewritten and vastly expanded as a new 9 book series spanning over 3 million words called “The Chronicles of Tim Brandton.” The story starts with the first book: “Love’s Shepherd” which covers the events of the original five chapters of “Tim the Teenage MC” (8th & 9th grade) but vastly expands the story. I’ve learned a lot on how to write since I wrote the first 20 or so chapters of “Tim, the Teenage MC” and have rewritten the original story to where I...
Tim, the Teenage Part Two By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter II: 9th Grade, Fall 1985 Part 1 - Love, Life, and the Power. (mc, mf-TP-Mast, mfm-TP-Mast) (TP-Mast = Telepathic sharing while masturbating) It was the second day of school of my freshman year when I first kissed Suzi. We had only seen each other twice over the summer vacation, but we had talked practically every night over the phone. I sat with her during lunch instead of my usual table, making the guys a little mad at me. At least...
Tim, the Teenage Part Twenty By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VI: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - Summer Camp Campers Part 1 - Off To Summer (Sex) Camp We Go (mc, mfmm, mf ) Every year since we were in fourth grade, John, Brad, Joey and I had gone to a summer camp for two weeks in June. We had several friends we only got to see at this camp and always had a blast with them. But this year, only Joey and I were going. Brad had elected not to go because of his sister. John didn't associate himself...
Tim, the Teenage Part Eight By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter III: 9th Grade - Winter 1986 Part 7 - A Day With Dear Ole Dad (mc, oral mf mF MF) "My father was a slave of my mother's. He didn't have any powers like... this," I said, indicating his backrest. "Oh, so your mother didn't tell you I had the talent. I wonder why? No matter. Yes, your mother did make me her slave. Actually, it was probably the best sex I had up to that time. I especially enjoyed it when I was freed from her...
Tim, the Teenage Part Twenty-Five By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VII: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - Summer Camp Counselors Part 2 - Lessons of Love (mc, oral mm mf, mfm) Scooter took his new found friends back in the cabin with his trophy leaving me with my mind clouded from the combination of the drink and the excitement. I made my way back to my cabin, finding Suzi had already taken the boys to breakfast. Even though I desperately wanted to fuck, I decided to head for Suzi's tent to jerk...
Tim, the Teenage Part Thirty By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VIII: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - After Summer Camp Part 1 - Life After Camp (mc, mf mfm) The bad karma between my father and me only lasted for two days after I got home. My mother sat us both down and we talked things out. My father had been so taken in by Penny's looks that he hadn't checked her mind out. He apologized for his mistake, and almost begged for my forgiveness. We more or less patched things up with the...
Tim, the Teenage Part Thirty-Three By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter IX: 10th Grade, Fall 1986 Part 1 - Rings of the Masters (mc, mf) I had made the arrangements with all our teachers so that Joey and I were only in class three days out of five. On Joey's birthday, three weeks before Halloween, I had also arranged for Joey and I to take the entire day off, and Suzi would join us during the first class period, then stay with us after lunch for the rest of the day. It was her idea to...
Note: This story is different than most. It's not a true female to male story or she-male or any kind of gender swaping. It's more along the lines of Gender Mixing. It has bearded women (or girls in this case) and the story line is unique. It would be intresting if people who read this are inspired to write more stories about women growing beards. Danielle Logan the Teenage Witch: The Beginning of the Spell Disease written by Freaky_Girl (a.k.a. Mandy) Part 1 "Alexandra, wake...
Tim, the Teenage Part Six By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter III: 9th Grade - Winter 1986 Part 5 - Let's get naked (mf oral) "So are we going to get naked, or what?" Joey said again. "It's your call, Tim. Who goes first?" "Hey Joey, have you seen Suzi naked since that night in the mirror?" "Nope." "Well, I guess you’re the first contestant," I said to Suzi as I placed my hand on her tummy. "I figured," she said not moving. "Heh. Hey, I'm just going to sit over here and watch,"...
Tim, the Teenage Part Four By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter III: 9th Grade - Winter 1986 Part 2 - Curiosity and the Cat (mc, brief Mf-anal) Joey's ideas worked better than any of us had expected. It took us another week before we figured out how to separate knowledge from memories. The key to that was a suggestion from Higgs. "Tim," Higgs began, "from what I understand, you take it upon yourself to do all the work. Why don't you just let Joey and Suzi offer what they know when you need...
Heather was on pins and needles waiting for her husband Tim to say whether he would or wouldn't join me and Heather when we met for our next masturbation session. Tim had come home from working on the food plots for deer where he hunts every year, and Heather had rushed home in only her robe. When Tim asked where she had been with only her robe on, Heather honestly explained where she had been and what she and I had been doing, and then she just hoped for the best. She had told Tim that she is...
MasturbationTim, the Teenage Part Three By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter III: 9th Grade - Winter 1986 Part 1 - Three Heads are Better than Two (mc, mf oral) "Come on, Joey!" I groaned. "Stop thinking about Suzi's body!" "I can't help it. I keep thinking about last night. Seeing her naked body in her mirror..." "Oh, Joey," Suzi sighed. "Now you got Tim thinking it too. I swear. You guys look at playboys all the time. What is so different?" "Yours is real," I said. "Yeah, and it's real sexy...
Nathan and I were a little nervous yet excited as we walked up the path leading up the hillside. We were following the other voices to participate in the Games, and when we entered the only area of the fortified town which was normally off limits to everyone, I got more excited at the prospect of finding out what was up there. The entire town sat at the base of a lone mountain, and apparently the fortified wall had been constructed using the mountain's rock. That left a huge cliff on each...
Tim, the Teenage Part Twenty-Seven By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VII: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - Summer Camp Counselors Part 4 - Lessons of Trust (ff, mf, mfmf) Author’s Note: At the time of this posting, I have not yet written Part 3. I originally skipped it because Part 4 was rattling around in my head so much it had to come out. If I ever get in a really perverted mood and I am not working on another part, I'll probably do it then. All you really need to know about Part 3 is that Eric...
Tim, the Teenage Part Twenty-Eight By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VII: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - Summer Camp Counselors Part 5 - Whole Lot'a Suckin' Goin' On.. (oral mf mm) The rain continued falling until about an hour before lunch the next day. Joey and I couldn't believe our eyes when we found around twenty of the younger boys and girls playing in the mud fully clothed after breakfast. We let them have their fun, then scolded them for doing it after we split them up and marched them...
Tim, the Teenage Part Twenty-Three By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VI: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - Summer Camp Campers Part 4 - It's Good To Have Friends (mc, TP-Mast) The sensations of a glass of soda at my lips awoke me, and I greedily swallowed the drink, finding myself very thirsty. Mick refilled the glass as I found myself in Joey's bunk with Joey beside me. Mick handed the glass back to Joey who held it for me as I drank it down. My head still hurt, and I was feeling pretty tired...
Tim, the Teenage Part Thirty-Four By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter IX: 10th Grade, Fall 1986 Part 2 - Rings of the Slaves (mc, oral mf) "Where's Laura?" Joey asked when I reentered the showers. "She's sleeping," I replied. "Why? Don't you like her?" "Yeah, I liked her. But she thought I was somebody else. We found who she was really looking for, and now she's sleeping, dreaming about him," I said sadly. "Shit, Tim... Hey, help me with these girls then. Julie knows some cool...
Tim, the Teenage Part Seven By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter III: 9th Grade - Winter 1986 Part 6 - Romp in the Park (mc, exhibition) "This feels so dirty!" Suzi said as we slipped into the girl’s bathroom. "Yeah, I've never been in this girl’s bathroom before," Joey admitted. "Tim, I still can't believe you picked the bathroom on the other end of the school! Gawd. I'm so wet, it's running down my leg!" "I wonder why the girls get little trash cans in their stalls, and not the...
Today the degradation of my self control accelerated beyond the simple urges to touch myself and flashbacks of the sexual experience I had on Friday. Concentration was disrupted repeatedly by momentary glances at the boys in my classes, followed by staring, then progressed to daydreams about them. At lunch time I managed to make it to a stall before taking off my undergarments and fighting the urge to touch my sexual organs. After lunch I continued to have problems focusing my attention on...
Tim, the Teenage Part Twenty-Four By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VII: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - Summer Camp Counselors Part 1 - Don't You Just Love Surprises (mf) It had been a very busy morning, saying good bye to Paul, Rita, Jen, and several others who we knew. When they left, we moved our stuff to the cabins we were assigned to administer and checked to make sure all the beds had clean sheets. Joey and I stood at the end of the drive, watching the busses pull in with our wards. As the...
Tim, the Teenage Part Thirty-Two By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VIII: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - After Summer Camp Part 3 - Who's The Master In This House? (mc, mf) "Tim, you never did say why you were coming with us," Penny said as she got comfortable against Michael's chest. We were riding in the limo with the permanent bed. I had planned to use it for sleep if not sex. Penny was a little mad at me for insisting I ride along with her. She thought I wanted some gratitude from her in...
Tim, the Teenage Part Thirty-One By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VIII: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - After Summer Camp Part 2 - It's My Orgy, And I'll Watch If I Want To. (anal mf, mfm) That happiness only lasted a few moments. We were mentally screaming as the twins started ripping out our minds, and after an eternity of enduring their brain flushing, Joey and I were blank, nothing but the memories of the experience left. As we laid there nearly brain dead, the twins concentrated on building...
Introduction: enjoy With their parents away for the weekend – and their little brother currently round a friends house – sisters Demi and Emma had the house to themselves. It was Saturday lunchtime and the two young women had invited round their friend, Natalie. The three of them were sitting in the living room, chatting happily, each with a glass of wine. Demi was the elder sister. She was twenty years old and currently at college, preferring to live at home to save money and also to be...
The three of them were sitting in the living room, chatting happily, each with a glass of wine. Demi was the elder sister. She was twenty years old and currently at college, preferring to live at home to save money and also to be close to her sister, Emma, who she was very close to thanks to the mere two-years between their ages. Demi was average in height, slim and with average sized but nicely shaped, firm tits currently nestling in a baggy red jumper. She wore tight jeans that showed...
The black limo pulled into our driveway, filling the entire drive. Even before the vehicle had been taken out of gear, I had my suitcase waiting by the trunk. I had a feeling that this was a different vehicle than the last one I had ridden in, but there were no exterior markings to indicated this. A different driver got out, came around to the right side passenger door and opened it for my father. I nearly dropped my suitcase. Not only was my father clothed, but he was all decked out in a...
There was a clap of thunder and a flash of lightning. The door opened and Trent stepped out of the linen closet and into the hall. He was in the upstairs of the house. The girl's bedroom door was directly across from him. Trent had come to the show Sabrina the Teenage Witch and he was looking for 16 year old Sabrina Spellman. She was to be his latest conquest. No one was a home when he arrived. He had to be careful on this show, Sabrina would have to be entranced quickly. He'd have to take...
Note: ——I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator, but I know it’s not me. I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here. Now originally it was all going to be 9 parts, but… Someone said the first one was too long, so I’ve decided to split all of these up into smaller posts. I thought I’d try a different look and sentence structure for this chapter, please let me know how you guys...
"Timmy, please try to be sensitive to his feelings when he first sees you?" Suzi said as she rung the doorbell. "Don't just walk in and say Hi, Eric." "Hi, Eric," Suzi said when he answered the door. "Hi Suz," Eric said surprised. "I would have... " Suzi stepped out of the way so he could see who was standing behind her, and after a brief moment of not recognizing me, Eric's face became chalky white before he rolled his eyes up and promptly fainted. "Eric!" Suzi said...
Tim, the Teenage Part One By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter I: 8th Grade, Spring 1985 Part 1 - The Beginning (mc, mm-masturbation) My mother recruited my father into her household due to the fact my mother's gift had been much stronger than my father's. Several months later, another man, whose power was stronger than my mother's, took both my father and mother back to the headquarters of an organization of telepaths. My father had been a member, but that actually hadn't been the reason my...
Dr. Kinmon, Mr. Higgs' old friend, had a nice, neat, orderly office with several green plants growing by the two windows. After Higgs and he shook hands and finished the old ritual "It's been a long time," "How's the wife," and arguing that their kids were driving them more nuts that the other, Dr. Kinmon waited for us to tell him what our visit was about. "Arron... You remember when we spent days studying the pictures of the Egyptian hieroglyphics in the library?" "Of course I...
Feeling the familiar warmth and weight of Suzi lying on top of him, Joey didn't move when he first awoke. But when he opened his eyes and found himself back in the royal bed chambers, he decided he needed to after all. "Suz," he said gently, rubbing her naked back. "Wake up Suz. The dream is back." "Hmmm?" she said sleepily, then smiled and stretched as she pulled herself up to give him a kiss on the lips. "Morning to you too," Joey said tenderly. "Is the Queen the Queen, or...
Note: P.S. IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE FIRST PART OF THIS STORY, GO BACK AND READ IT. YOU WILL NOT UNDERSTAND THIS PART UNLESS YOU READ THE FIRST PART.This story is different than most. It's not a true female to male story or she-male or any kind of gender swaping. It's more along the lines of Gender Mixing. If there is anyone else out there who is intrested in writing stories with women growing facial hair (substatial facial hair. ex: beard, long bead, etc.), I encourage you to do so....
Tim, the Teenage Part Twenty-Two By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VI: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - Summer Camp Campers Part 3 - Summer Time Fun (mc, mf, oral mf, mm) I awoke the next morning at sunrise, finding my woody already up and standing over me, waiting impatiently while letting go a strand of drool from its lips. "Damn. I guess you miss the twins, don't you fella," I said as I gave it a few loving strokes. It responded by throbbing a few times, and I was tempted to continue. "Nope....
My memories of waking up in the motel room Joey had taken us to are extremely gray. Not fuzzy, not indistinct, just very... gray, in the emotional sense. I wasn't happy. I wasn't sad. I wasn't excited or content. I wasn't anything. The words Joey spoke to me I just didn't bother to comprehend, for I didn't feel the need to. I had no motivation to do anything. I think I would have just stopped breathing if it hadn't been automatic. Joey had to take control of my body several times...
Symbols. Everywhere I went, in every person around me, I could 'see' them swirling in their minds, down their necks, and if I concentrated, I could even follow them to the tips of their toes and back. I had been back in school for three days, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get my attention off my newly formed sense. Every minute I seemed to sharpen my focus, gathering even more understanding and detail of these mysterious objects that had no mass. I had never felt so...
Joey, Suzi and I were getting ready to go to bed in a third room. It was identical to the first room, except it didn't have a waterbed or the paintings, but had something our room didn't. "Holy Shit," Joey exclaimed when opening a drawer of the additional cabinet. "Its a drawer full of those things Sandi had. Except they don't look like they vibrate. Hey Tim, what did they call them?" he asked holding up the plastic penis. "Dildo, dummy," Suzi answered instead. "What? Don't you...
"My father was a slave of my mother's. He didn't have any powers like... this," I said, indicating his backrest. "Oh, so your mother didn't tell you I had the talent. I wonder why? No matter. Yes, your mother did make me her slave. Actually, it was probably the best sex I had up to that time. I especially enjoyed it when I was freed from her control and made her do all sorts of interesting things. But this isn't about your mother and I. This is about you. You are my son, and I felt I...
It all started very innocently when Higgs asked me to clear out the room on the third floor which Joey and I had used for an office. "What exactly did you two do up here anyway?" Jennifer asked as we walked hand in hand up the stairs after school. "We worked on a special art project," I simply said. "Art?" she echoed in surprise. "I never thought of you being into art... " I just let myself smile at her, knowing she had accepted my words without question. It would have been so...
"HEY TIM!" Eric called from the first floor while I was helping the plumber with installing the second hot water heater. "WHAT!" I answered. "The furnace people and some of the cleaning people are here," Eric said from behind me. "Shit. Tell the cleaning people there's no water yet, so they might as well just come back tomorrow." "Okay. You want the heating guys to go ahead and start though, right?" "You bet I do. I'm tired of wearing this coat while I'm working. How's the...
Every year since we were in fourth grade, John, Brad, Joey and I had gone to a summer camp for two weeks in June. We had several friends we only got to see at this camp and always had a blast with them. But this year, only Joey and I were going. Brad had elected not to go because of his sister. John didn't associate himself with us anymore and had said he was too old to go to camp anymore. Joey and I begged Suzi to go, but she couldn't because of a family trip to England. The camp was...
Joey sensed me twenty miles from the Kenton county boarder. Damn his excitement was contagious. The moment I felt his mind touch mine I instinctively sped up. I was shocked to learn he wasn't linked with anyone. Neil had gone home to visit his family for the holidays, and without Suzi around he just hadn't felt the need to link with anyone else. But he gladly accepted my offer, and after that it was like he was in the car with me from all the talking we did over our two-way link. What we...
Some people have a love for cars, some for horses, others for big chested women. Their eyes constantly scan for the images that excite them in a way nothing else can. I enjoy many of these myself, but the weekend following Halloween, my eyes nearly missed the object in the sky that would become an object I would drool about. "What is that," Suzi said, hearing the strange distant buzzing sound. "Sounds like a plane or something," Joey said, searching the sky with his eyes. The November...
Love. Four letters of the alphabet that can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people, but is essential to the well being of all. But in my case, love for other human beings broke down into two categories. The puppy love, the "I enjoy being around them" love, the "she's so sweet I just want to hold her and never let her go" kind of love. All those fit into one category, and I tend to apply this kind of love towards a lot of people. It's still love, but it's always...
The next morning I opened my eyes to find Vera on top of Nathan, both still sound asleep. I studied their faces again, trying to find common traits to their features, but quickly found my attention being diverted to Nathan's face by itself as it slept. Something kept tugging the back of my mind, a nagging feeling of familiarity yet I couldn't put my finger on it. I spent the longest time trying to recall ever having met him before somehow, then tensed up when the thought occurred that it...
"Holy Shit. Tim, you better see this," Joey said as we started down the drive. "What. Did some servant take pity on them and hold their leash so they could follow us?" "Tim, stop the car and look!" Suzi pleaded. "What... " I said, not stopping the car, but looking out the back window. The twins were at the top of the steps. I was difficult to see what they were holding and said so. "It's their collars, Timmy," Suzi said softly. "It couldn't be... Are you sure?"...
In the kitchen he was seated on a chair, his hands tied behind his back and his legs to two sides of his seat. As he was surrounded by his captors he was scared for his life like never before in his young life. One of the men took out a gun and the woman started talking. „I am now going to remove your gag. If you scream, André will shoot you. Understood?” Joey nodded and the woman took the rag out of his mouth. „Joey can take whatever you want just please don't kill me” Joey started...
I still remember every detail of the day I saw the love of my life for the first time. Brad and I were walking together to go to our second hour class when suddenly, out of the blue this drop dead gorgeous girl that both Brad and I had never seen before appeared. "Wow, man... Who is she?" Brad said to me. "Gloria Harr, Junior, just moved here from California," I said as I scanned. "So far she hates it here, and she only digs guys who skateboard." "Shit. I knew I should have kept...
"So, did you two have fun in the girls locker room?" Suzi said as we caught up to her. "Huh?" Joey said. "Tim! Did you tell her before telling me again?" "No, Joey," I answered. "Well?" Suzi said, still not looking at our faces. "Answer my question. Did you enjoy your little trip to the girls locker room?" "Hey," I said, getting in front of her and making her stop. "You told us to have some boy fun... I thought that's what you wanted us to do." Suzi broke out into a...
Dr. Cain informed my school I could return the following Monday. I had avoided Suzi and Joey the entire time I had been out of school, but on Monday, it was impossible to do so anymore. "Hi," Joey said in a soft voice as I sat down next to him on the bus to school. "Hi," was all I could manage. I shuddered as I realized I was going to start crying again if I didn't get a hold of myself. "Is your voice changing again?" Joey asked. "No," I replied. "I'm just kinda hoarse from......
Tim, the Teenage Part Eighteen By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter V: 9th Grade, Spring 1986 - The North Mansion Part 5 - Sex Goddess I Call Mom (oral mF) Joey, Suzi and I were getting ready to go to bed in a third room. It was identical to the first room, except it didn't have a waterbed or the paintings, but had something our room didn't. "Holy Shit," Joey exclaimed when opening a drawer of the additional cabinet. "It’s a drawer full of those things Sandi had. Except they don't...