Ultimate Submission (Jacqueline's Story)Chapter 8: Fashion Model free porn video

Being with Ramon was a wonderful experience. He shared with me his interest for music, the arts, good food and most of all his worship for the female body. He made me feel like a fully grown, mature woman, like the only woman in the world. His attention, his gentleness, his generosity made me want to give myself to him in any possible way. And when he fucked me - although he rarely used this term; he preferred to say we were making love - I wanted time to stand still, wanted the experience to last forever.
It was Saturday morning, but I had no notion how early or late it was. I didn't need to. All I knew was that I would be spending this and the following day in the company of Ramon, until he would deliver me back to my parents on Sunday evening. I was lying on the 'altar', as Ramon had christened the bed on the raised platform, because it was a place of offerings and worship: I offered myself to him and he worshipped me.
I was in that marvellous state where one is no longer asleep but not yet awake, when one is at peace with the world, when everything around one is perceived as through a soothing mist.
I was somehow aware that there was a third person present in the room. I didn't know how much or how little of me was covered and I didn't particularly mind if Ramon's visitor saw all or none of my charms. I vaguely remembered Ramon telling me that Alain would come by to discuss business, but had assured me that it wouldn't take long. The two men had worked together on some project that I didn't know much about, and had become friends.
Alain had indicated that he might be able to help Ramon find a financial backer for his ambitious plan of launching a range of sexy lingerie under his own designer label. Ramon was showing Alain drawings and some finished pieces of the collection he was creating. Alain was impressed but wanted to see the garments on a live model. Ramon, a little disappointed, said in this case it would have to wait until next week when he could ask some models he knew for a favour.
Alain pointed in the direction of the bed and asked, "Do you think we could ask your girlfriend?"
Ramon hesitated, then said, "I can give it a try."
I hadn't paid much attention to their conversation but had caught enough of the last few sentences to know what Ramon wanted when he kissed me gently and said, "Good morning, darling."
I hugged him and said, "Come back to bed, it's so lonely without you."
He promised that he would join me soon and asked if I would do him a big favour. I looked at the garment in his hand. I couldn't quite make out what it was, but it looked very sexy. I whined a little and mumbled something about a girl not being allowed a little rest after a hard night of love-making, but then I put on the garment which turned out to be a very sexy teddy.
I wanted to make it quite clear that I was not pleased. Expecting me to get up without having had a cock, a tongue or even a finger in my pussy was no way of treating me. I was sure the Convention of Human Rights had something to say about that. As I walked towards Alain, dressed in the teddy, I put on the sleepiest face I could manage, which combined very well with my unkempt hair and my pout.
Alain's eyes widened. "My God, this is fantastic!" he exclaimed. He quickly corrected himself. "My God, you look fantastic."
The teddy was made of an exquisitely light textile which clung to my body like a second skin. It was almost transparent but had been hand-painted with a motive which resembled a Japanese landscape painting. The pubic region contained a number of shrubs and trees to mask the transparency of the fabric. Likewise, the part covering my breasts showed a group of birds in flight, camouflaging my nipples and areolas. This sexy creation showed everything but revealed nothing.
Alain got very excited about it. "I've got to take some pictures to show them to Michel," he proclaimed, adding, "if that's alright with you," when he noticed my frown.
Ramon got one of his cameras and Alain started to take pictures of me. First standing, then sitting on a chair, with my legs crossed, with my legs uncrossed, full frontal, in profile, with one arm raised as if I was trying to arrange my hair. I was amazed how many different poses he could think of.
After the chair came the bed. They arranged a pile of cushions on which I could recline. Alain complimented me on how well I could play the 'sleepy-eyed disgruntled brat' role and suggested I should try a few other facial expressions, like seductive, innocent or seductively innocent. He acted like a film director spurring on his star actress to a memorable performance. When Ramon mentioned the fact that there was a wall of mirrors hidden behind the wall cover, Alain went really wild. He had me lie on my belly, one foot up in the air, and look at the mirror. He took a snap of me looking seductively at own my image in the mirror.
After a while Alain asked if there was something else I could model. Ramon went away to look for something suitable. In the meantime I took off the teddy and for a few moments I stood there, completely naked, right in front of Alan, a man I had only met half an hour ago. I guess I will never manage to be indifferent to this kind of situation where I'm completely exposed to a man's eyes. It made my skin tingle with excitement and my nipples hardened.
Ramon came back with a slip, or maybe it's better to call it a half-slip. It was held up by spaghetti straps, and reached only half way down my thighs, barely covering the essentials. The colour of the new garment was deepest burgundy which combined very well with my brunette hair and complexion. It wasn't transparent as the teddy had been but anyone looking at a woman dressed in this slip would automatically start fantasising about what lay beneath it - and then want to check if the reality matched his imagination.
Alain took pictures of me in various positions and poses, just as he had done with me wearing the teddy. As I was lying on my belly, looking at myself in the mirror, an air current caught the thin fabric and lifted it up, revealing part of my bottom. Alain got ecstatic. "That's marvellous. Why didn't I think of that?"
Then he suggested we'd do some 'erotic' shots. I asked him what he meant by 'erotic'.
"Well, slightly revealing, seductive, nothing dirty," he answered.
He took a picture of me reclining on a pile of cushions, apparently sleeping, where one strap had slipped off my shoulder, revealing a nipple. Ramon was in charge of arranging the partial undressing while Alain gave directions.
"A little lower! Just a little more! Hold it there! That's it. Fantastic!"
In the next shot the hem of the slip had accidentally ridden up, revealing my pussy, with one of my hands suggestively resting on my thigh.
For the next setting I had to take off the slip completely and hold it to my cheek, my face slightly inclined sideways, as if to feel its softness. The rest of the garment was hanging down the middle of my body, bunched together, covering my pussy as if by accident. My breasts were hidden behind my arms which were holding the slip to my face. The only part of my body the picture revealed was my bottom which was reflected in the mirror behind me. It was a wonderful picture, so innocent, yet so hot.
I asked what was going to happen to these pictures. I didn't want them to get into the wrong hands. I didn't want to see them published in some sleazy magazine or posted on the internet. I didn't want them to fall into my father's hands.
Alain noticed from the tone of my voice that this was important to me. He assured me that the only person to see these pictures would be Michel, Ramon's potential backer. He wanted to know why I was so concerned about who got to see them. There wasn't anything indecent or obscene about them. They were just very sensual pictures of an attractive woman showing off sexy lingerie.
"I don't want my father to call me a slut," I explained.
There was more on my mind than my father's unfavourable judgement of my behaviour. I was still a few weeks away from my eighteenth birthday and I was sure he would prosecute anyone involved with these pictures, accusing them of corrupting a minor, producing child pornography and whatever other crimes he could find.
Alain had used a digital camera so we were able to see the results immediately. When I saw myself on Ramon's large TV screen, I really felt like a famous fashion model or film star. Alain must have read my thoughts, because he suggested I take up a career as a model. He thought I had both the talent and the necessary figure to make a big splash.
Ramon didn't agree. He advised against giving up my studies for an uncertain future as a model. Besides, he said, it would be throwing pearls before the swine.
"You are an egoist," Alain exclaimed, "you want to have her only for yourself. Whatever happened to socialism? Down with private ownership of women! The working masses have the right to be devastated by this beauty."
After Alain had left, Ramon said, "Don't hold his remarks against him. Alain has a very difficult job. You have no idea how many beautiful girls approach him every week and offer to do anything he wants, just to get a chance to audition for the chamber girls."
"I wouldn't have thought that he'd consider that a problem."
"No, that isn't the problem. The problem is that he lives by very strict rules. He doesn't mix business with pleasure. He won't touch any of the girls who work for him."
"Well, I'm glad you don't have this problem. I'm horny as hell," I said, embracing him and tugging on the zipper of his trousers. I made it clear that I expected a compensation for having been made to work that early in the morning. And I wanted to be paid in hard currency - the one he carried between his legs.
Men are so predictable, so transparent, even when they try to hide their real intentions! When Ramon met me at the railway station the following Friday, he carried a huge bunch of flowers which he handed to me after we had hugged and kissed. There didn't seem to be any logic in this. I was arriving to spend the weekend at his apartment and I sure wasn't going to take those flowers back to Villiers with me. So why didn't he just put the flowers into a nice vase in his apartment and present them to me as we got there. The answer was that he either felt guilty about something and wanted to achieve my forgiveness, or he was going to ask for a special favour and wanted to put me in a positive frame of mind with his gift.
He had only phoned me once, on Thursday night, to confirm our arrangements for the weekend and apologized for not having called more often, explaining that he had been very busy. That wasn't something which needed my pardon. So, as I thanked him for the flowers, I wondered what his special request would be.
He didn't come straight out with his request. I had to wait for some time until I found out what it was. He didn't mention anything unusual during our meal in a cosy Vietnamese restaurant. When we got to his apartment, Ramon undressed me, carried me to the 'altar' and made love to me in a very sweet and tender way. Afterwards, with his cock still inside me but rapidly shrinking, he said, "Remember those pictures Alain took of you last weekend?"
He tried to sound casual but didn't quite manage.
"I remember them well. What happened?"
Apparently, Alain had talked to Michel, the potential sponsor, the following Monday and showed him the photographs along with the clothes I was wearing in those pictures. Michel had been on the phone to Ramon the same evening, asking him to come and see him to present his entire collection the next day. And to bring the model who featured in the pictures with him. Ramon had explained that the woman in those photographs wasn't a model but his girlfriend but he would gladly arrange another model for the meeting.
Michel had answered, 'I don't care if the model is your girlfriend or your girlfriend is the model, I want her and nobody else. Otherwise there's no deal'. Ramon realized that this request was not subject to negotiation, but explained that his girlfriend did not live in Paris and was only available on weekends.
'In that case', Michel had said, 'we'll do it in my home. That way my wife can join us and we also get a woman's point of view. Shall we say Saturday at 2 pm. And don't make any plans for the rest of the day.'
So there it was. Ramon had made a commitment involving me without asking me first. He felt guilty about that but he was obviously keen on the opportunity. He told me that if for whatever reason I felt I didn't want to do it, I should just say it and he would cancel the appointment.
"No, my love," I said, "of course, I'll do it for you. I'm yours."
I found Michel's insistence that it had to be me and not any other model a little strange and asked Ramon, "Do you think he wants something from me?"
Ramon paused. "I hadn't thought of it that way. From what Alain told me about Michel, he's a shrewd businessman, a tough negotiator, but I don't think he's into raping little girls."
I slapped him. I hated it when he called me a little girl. I thought I had proven to him often enough that I was a woman.
"Besides," Ramon added after he had recovered from my blow, "he said his wife would be there as well. So I don't think there is any danger. But in any case, if there's anything you don't like, just say it and we'll leave."
I was determined to do whatever necessary to help Ramon realize his dream. I couldn't imagine anything that might make me want to break up the meeting.
"Do you know what name I have chosen for my brand of ladies' fashion?"
I didn't know.
"'Vous êtes trés jolie' by Ramon," he said.
I was flattered. Those were the first words he spoke to me when we met, not such a long time ago, at 'Le Club' in Villiers.
"Every woman wearing my lingerie should be able to say that to her image in the mirror. And every man fortunate enough to see a woman in her underwear by Ramon should say it, before saying anything else."
We spent the night making love in a very romantic, almost dream-like way.
The following morning we planned our little fashion show. Ramon had been busy arranging the garments I was going to wear according to a number of themes, from 'conservative', and 'romantic' to 'daring' and 'slutty'. There was even a 'bridal' theme, presenting his suggestion of what a bride should wear under her wedding dress. I didn't have any plans to get married - I still don't - but this outfit made me think twice. Except, I imagined getting married in these clothes without any wedding dress on top.
Ramon told me which mood each of the sets was supposed to represent and gave me hints on how to emphasise that mood by my facial expression, gestures or my way of walking. In some cases the outfit consisted of two layers of clothes and we rehearsed the best moment for shedding the top layer.
After so much preparation I felt pretty confident that I was going to put on a show they wouldn't forget so soon, but when we arrived at the address Michel had given to Ramon, my heart sank. What was a girl like me doing in a place like this?
The impressions piled on top of each other. There was the man at the ornamental wrought-iron gate who checked our names against a list of expected visitors. There was the gravel driveway taking us through meticulously looked-after gardens to the steps leading to the mansion There was the chauffeur who helped us retrieve our bags from the boot of the car and then took care of parking it behind some hedges for us. There was the butler who led us to the room where Monsieur and Madame Meunier were expecting us. And there was the mansion itself.
We didn't get a guided tour of the property but the small part we saw made me feel like a snotty-nosed girl who had intruded into a wealthy man's property in order to retrieve a ball and was now standing in front of that man, having to explain what on earth she was doing here.
Michel Meunier and his wife Roxanne were extremely pleasant and did their best to make us feel at ease. He told us to call him simply Michel and his wife preferred to be called Roxy. She was a redhead - her head sported the reddest copper-curls I had ever seen - which made me give her my own nickname: Foxy Lady.
Michel looked very much how I had expected, except that he was younger than I had imagined. I guessed he was forty, give or take a couple of years. Even though he was dressed casually, he couldn't hide the fact that he was a businessman through and through. He had a square, closely-shaven face with an energetic lower jaw. He gave me the impression of someone who is used to hearing 'Yes, Sir. No, Sir. Certainly, Sir. Sorry, Sir.' and never any disagreement.
I'm not very good at estimating the age of women and Roxanne was a particularly difficult case. All I could say is that she probably was quite a bit older than she looked and that she spent a lot of time and money on looking younger than she really was. Anything between 25 and 45 seemed possible.
After we had exchanged the usual niceties and the butler had served drinks, Roxy showed me to her bedroom which was going to serve as my changing room. She asked if I wanted her maid to help me change from one outfit into another.
I looked at the girl. She seemed to be about my age, very shy and probably very obedient. I imagined that she helped Roxanne into and out of her clothes. Seeing a woman without clothes was probably part of her daily routine. The idea of having this girl help me take off and put on Ramon's sexy underwear opened up the perspective for many exciting fantasies, including some resulting in the seduction of the poor innocent girl. But I had come here to help Ramon, not to enjoy myself, so I declined the offer.
As I arranged the clothes in the sequence in which I was going to model them on the large bed, I had a look around the room. The wall behind the bed was one large mirror - quite convenient for checking myself before going out. In front of the mirror, both on the floor and hanging from the ceiling, I noticed some loops and other fittings which I didn't quite understand. I assumed they had something to do with Roxy's fitness programme - I was sure she worked out regularly - and left it at that.
I still felt a little out of place when I started the fashion show. Luckily, the first sets were more conservative, less revealing. I would walk diagonally across the long room to the corner where Michel, Roxanne and Ramon were sitting, stand there for a few moments to let them have a good look, do a few turns so they could see me from every angle, and then saunter back.

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