Father's SinChapter 2 free porn video

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"Did you remember your passport?"

"Yes. It's right here in my purse."

"What about money. You should always carry some, just in case

something comes up."

"In here too."

"What about--"

"Lisa! Will you stop fussing over me. As much as it might surprise you to know, your dear mother is not really as absent-minded as you believe. I'm only going to be gone for 2 weeks. Don't make it seem like a journey to the end of the universe!" Lisa's mom exclaimed, glaring at Lisa in mock reproof.

"All right, mom" Lisa laughed, as she carried a suitcase into the car. Lisa's mother was off to her annual visit to her native country, Sweden. She went back every year, mainly because her parents lived their, and it was always a joy for them when she visited. Although the whole Sampson family had used to accompany Cathy on these summer visits, they gradually stopped. Much as Lisa loved the country of Sweden, there was nothing to do there. She and her sister Celeste used to mope around all during their stay there, and eventually the parents, noting their children's apathy, had decided to cut down on their visits. Now, the whole family went only once every 4 years, with the exception of Lisa's mother, who rejoiced in her annual visits.

"Here's the last of the them" Joe's voice called out. He appeared at the doorway, carrying an immense suitcase. "Now, Cathy, when you land, remember to call us right away. And make sure you're carrying your passport! Oh, and another thing, make sure you always have some dough around. And try not to keep it all in that purse. God knows the messed you'd wind up in if you lost it."

Lisa met her mother's eyes and they both broke into hysterical laughter, leaving Joe gazed at them in perplexity.

"Yes, yes, and yes! As I've already said to your daughter, I'm quite capable of looking after myself. My only worry is you two," Lisa's mother retorted. "How's Lisa going to survive with your cooking?" she teased. "One can stand canned food only so much."

"Now don't you worry about us, Mom," Lisa grinned. "I just happened to have picked up a few culinary skills in college, and though I'm no master chef, I can assure you that you won't come back to find us barely alive, surviving on TV dinners."

"Right, and even if Lisa's lying and can't really cook, we can always survive on delivered pizza and hamburgers." Joe rejoined, earning an exasperated look from both women. "But enough talk, we'd better get a move-on if you want to catch the plane on time," he grinned quickly, avoiding their rebuttal.

After seeing Cathy off, Joe drove home, making a detour at the supermarket to purchase some stuff that he and his daughter might need. "Food for instance," he thought wryly. Lisa had been unable to accompany them, because she had an interview for a summer job.

"It was just as well," Joe thought. It had been three weeks since the incident with his daughter's panties. After it had happened, he vowed that he would never lose his control like that. To make sure nothing like that happened again, Joe made sure that he was sexually sated whenever Lisa was about the house. That way, the sight of her beautiful figure would not arouse him to madness. Thus it was that he had taken to masturbating himself every now and then. It seemed to be working, and although he would sometimes catch himself looking at Lisa's body when she was unaware, he no longer felt any lustful rage taking over his mind and blotting out his reason.

Arriving home, Joe parked the car into the garage. Entering the house, he discovered that Lisa was still out. He wondered briefly how her interview had gone. Turning on the TV to HBO, Joe quickly deposited the groceries into the fridge. HBO was showing Masquerade, a movie starring Rob Lowe and Kim Catrall. Watching for a few minutes, Joe found himself getting turned on after viewing an arousing sex scene between Rob and Kim. Quickly turning off the television, Joe went up to his bedroom. Walking over to his nightstand, Joe opened a drawer and gazed took out his library of audio sex tapes. Popping one into a cassette, Joe took off his trousers and underwear before leaning back onto his bed. Turning up the volume near full blast, Joe closed his eyes in enjoyment as the sultry voice of a woman enter his senses. Slowly he began to stroke himself.

After fumbling for a while with the keys, Lisa finally found the right ones, and opened the door to her house. "Dad?" she yelled out. No answer. Maybe her father had stopped by somewhere after dropping Mom off. It was really too early to start worrying. Damn, she wished she had been able to go along and send her Mom off. But she had had an interview.

"A damn waste of time," she thought. The job she had been applying for was in the area of telemarketing. Imagine her shock when she found out what area of telemarketing it was. She was applying for a job as an operator in one of those 900 number sex lines. "Jesus," she recalled her embarrassment when she had been given a piece of paper from the secretary interviewing her and was told to read the passage. Assuming that it was the company's marketing spiel, she had been stunned into speechless embarrassment when her eyes had glanced across the script, picking up a plethora of four-letter words and sexual phrases. Mumbling something about a mistake, Lisa had quickly rushed the hell out of the office, mindful of the stares and turning of heads as she had rushed out of the building.

"Boy, I really need a stress reliever, Lisa thought now, as she went up to her room, intent on another session with Mr. Jacuzzi. Getting her undergarments from her dresser and entering the bathroom, Lisa was just about to lock the door on her father's side of the room when she heard a low moaning from within. Instantly alert, Lisa tiptoed closer to the door, wondering what had caused the noise. Her father was not home. Could it be a burglar?

With as much stealth as she could muster, Lisa risked a peek into her father's room, from where the noises emanated. Her eyes widened in surprise as she took in the sight of her half-naked father, lying on the bed masturbating himself. No doubt about it, that was what he was doing all right. He was unaware of her, lost in whatever music he was listening to. A bit repulsed that her father should be acting in such a behavior, her eyes were nevertheless arrested by his mammothly huge cock, which he gripped in his tightly clenched fist, pumping it furiously.

Her father was HUGE! Abruptly, Lisa recalled the magazine with the picture of a man stuffing his cock into a young girl. The cock had seemed very large to her then, but her Dad's penis was even larger. Not even so much as longer but... thicker.

"My GOD, it must be about ten inches long and at least three inches wide!" she gaped in incredulity as her disbelieving eyes took in the bulky thickness of his meat.

The sudden thought that her Mom was physically capable of absorbing this monster into her vagina shocked her. "Goodness, I don't think MY pussy could even handle a dick half that size!

What am I thinking?" she blushed furiously, as the unbidden image of her father's penis entering her virgin depths arose in her mind. She was just about to quietly shut the door and lock it when her father groaned hoarsely, jerking his fist even quicker. Then spurt after spurt of great gobs of thick white liquid shot out from his penis, spraying all over the bed. With a final groan, her father dropped exhaustedly against the bed, to lay motionless, drained of

all energy.

Quietly closing the door and locking it, Lisa considered what had just happened. She had caught her own father jerking off! Her memory lingered over the huge size his cock had been. Did her mother actually take the whole of it into her body. How? Oh, she knew that a female's vagina was capable of stretching itself during periods of high sexual arousal, but even then, how could a pussy actually accommodate something of THAT dimension??

Lifting one of her legs before the full length mirror, Lisa examined at her own pussy; she measured it to be only about two inches long, from clitoris down to the other end of her labia. She slowly inserted a finger into the hole, then another. With only the joints of two finger's inside the lips of her pussy, she already felt a bit stuffed. Imagine how impaled she would be if it was all ten inches of his thick penis actually filling up her tight pussy. Pressing her 2 fingers a half inch deeper, she winced in pain as they pressed against her hymen.

"God, what am I thinking about! Trying to measure how my father's prick might actually fit into my pussy?" The thought of incest horrified her. As she knew, incest was a crime. She had heard tales of inter-relational situations that had occurred where the female partner had become pregnant. Offspring that resulted from these unnatural unions were suppose to be horribly disfigured, and mentally disabled. How could she have actually allowed the thought of her father stuffing his cock up her pussy into her mind? She blanked out the dirty vision from her thoughts as she immersed herself into the steaming tub.

When Joe awoke from his slumber, it was already dark outside. Realizing his half-naked state, he heaved himself up from the bed and grabbed a pair of pajamas from his drawer, quickly putting them on. Noises from the kitchen below alerted him that Lisa had come home. "No doubt making good on her promise to show off her cooking," he thought wryly as he climbed down the stairs.

"Hi, Dad. I was just about to call you to come down and eat," Lisa said, looking at her Dad. Her heart skipped, as she remembered what she had just seen a while ago. Quickly turning her head away before the redness that heated her face became visible, she devoted her attention to the clam chowder soup she was preparing. "Ahhh. I guess you weren't lying when you said that you could cook. This stuff smells wonderful, and I really am starved!" Joe declared, as he sat behind the table, watching his daughter as she prepared with practiced skill a meal of chicken and broccoli on the wok, a cooking item she had brought home from college.

"Of course I wasn't lying, Daddy" she cried out. "And just for thinking so horribly about me, maybe I should eat this stuff myself, and you can help yourself to yesterday's leftovers in the fridge!"

"All right, truce! You win! Your cooking's unbeatable, and I, the lowly peasant, humbly beg permission of you to partake in the tasting of such heavenly aphrodisiac as befits the gods," Joe laughed, getting out of his chair and standing behind Lisa to watch her cooking.

Unaware of her father right behind her, Lisa was just about to retort in similar fashion. Stepping backwards, she was intending to threaten him with the reality of the leftover meat loaf, while luring him with the plate of delicious food she now held in her hands. Instead, as she stepped backwards, unexpectedly backing up against his body, she gave a start, jerking the dish, which caused all the chicken and broccoli to land all over her father.

"Oh, Daddy! I'm so sorry. I..." But the sight of her father, looking at her with a shocked open-mouth expression, with broccoli all over his head, was too much." "Oh!" she started giggling, as the ridiculous picture of her father all covered in chicken and broccoli presented itself right before her eyes. The giggles turned into hysterical peals of laughter, as her whole body shook. So it was quite a surprise when she suddenly felt ketchup being sprayed all over her shirt.

"Daddy," she gasped, as the ketchup went into her face. "Why you..." immediately she grabbed the mustard jar on the counter and proceeded to squeeze it, aiming it at her father. Roaring with laughter, he ducked, as a stream of mustard sailed over his head. He gave several more squeezes of his container, catching Lisa on the chest twice. Unfortunately, that's when he realized that he was out of ammo. His container was now empty. When Lisa realized this, she grinned, advanced slowly upon her father, stalking him, as she gripped the mustard container in front of her, squeezing the stuff all over him. By now, he was all covered with mustard and broccoli pieces. She herself wasn't faring any better. Her T-shirt was drenched with ketchup. Ketchup was even on her face and hair.

Deciding that he had to get the bottle from Lisa, Joe feigned a move to the left, and then darted right, grabbing at the container. "Oh, no you don't," Lisa gritted out, as she held on tightly to the bottle. There hands wrestled over the container, as their bodies jarred together. Fighting for control of the container, Joe grasped one of her hands, as he pressed against her with his body, forcing them both onto the floor. Squeezing the container with her free hand, Lisa, spraying the mustard directly into her father's face.

"AAaargh," Joe yelled, grabbing onto her other hand. Imprisoning both her hands now, he pressed her down, her back onto the messy floor, her arms pinned to the ground, as he pressed against her.

"Say daddy!" he roared, as he pressed oppressively against his daughter, his chest crushing against hers.

As her father continued to pin her beneath him, Lisa became aware that this was no longer just an everyday food fight. She became aware of the heavy weight of her father's chest as it crushed against her own, flattening her breasts. Feeling a sense of panic, as if some danger signal was sounding off throughout her mind. She squirmed harder, writhing her body in an attempt to pull out from under him. Spreading her legs, she braced against the floor, attempting to arch against him, hoping to gain some space so she could quickly slide out from under him. The breath went out of her when her father slipped his body between her legs, slamming her to the ground.

Their position was getting really scary now, she thought, conscious of her father's pelvis pressed between her spread thighs, grinding demandingly against her hips, as he continued to manacle her hands to the ground. Abruptly she became aware of a hard bulge pressing against her pelvis, where her father was rubbing against her. With a shock, she realized the bulge that was now rubbing against her--the thing that was pressing between her thighs--was her father's erect penis. Feeling it rub against her through their thin clothing, aware that he was grinding himself against her in a rhythm, his chest flattening her breasts, Lisa really began to panic. What was going on here? What was her Daddy doing, holding her down like this?

"Daddy... please!!" she whimpered, tears beginning to well up and blur her vision as her panic rose. Again she tried to escape from under him, to no avail. Despair washed all over her. Quitting her struggle, she lay limp against the floor, tears streaming down her face as she shook uncontrollably, awaiting the inevitable.

Lisa's sobs ripped Joe from his lust-enraged trance. The harsh reality of what he was doing slammed straight home, stunning him with the full force. His mind reeling chaotically, grasping vainly for reason, Joe rolled off his daughter, groaning in anguish at the mortal sin he had committed. As he lay on the ground, his eyes closed, the sobs of his daughter besides him tore him apart.

"What have I done? My own daughter! God, Nooooo!!" tears began coursing down his face. "What kind of a beast am I? I don't deserve to live! How can I ever face my daughter again?" A sense of loss washed over him, as his body shook. Soon father and daughter were both weeping aloud, uncontrollably, their weeping carrying throughout the house.

Eventually, their sobbings subsided, and the house was left in silence, broken only by their gasps. Joe, gazing at the back of his daughter, as she lay on the ground, her body still shaking, was the first to break the silence.

"God, Lisa, please forgive me for what I have just done," he cried out brokenly, his voice shaking and tremulous. "I can't understand how I could have lost my control like that, but I promise that I'll never let it happen again. Please just say you'll forgive me," he was pleading now.

When his daughter remained unresponsive, just staring blankly at the wall, Joe's stomach wrenched painfully. It was too late. What he had done tonight could not ever be forgiven. He had forever alienated his Lisa. Any father-daughter relation between them was lost forever. He had destroyed his family. Cursing and damning himself even as his tears streamed anew, he fled the kitchen out the house.

After her father had gone, Lisa continue to lay there, her chest heaving as she continued her silent crying. She could hardly believe that her father had almost raped her. This wasn't suppose to happen to her. She lay there for a veers long time, staring listlessly at the wall. Eventually, she began to realize the messy state she was in. Slowly picking herself off the floor, her legs shaking, she began to clean up the mess. Then she went upstairs and cleaned herself off. Deciding to go to bed immediately, she barred both her doors. However, sleep would not come to her, as she lay on the bed, wondering what terrible things she had done to cause her father to act in such a manner.

When Joe got back to his house, it was 3:00 in the morning. His mind was a bit clearer now, and he was grieved by what it told him. He wondered if his actions would cause the breakup of his family. Whether there would be a divorce. As he went into his room, he wondered how he could ever make it up to his daughter.

The typewriter on his desk caught his glance and he knew. Maybe his daughter might never forgive him, but at least she might be able to understand the circumstances which had lead him to become the beast he was. Sitting before the typewriter, he began to type. He poured out his sorrows onto the paper: about Cathy and their estranged relationship, about himself, his character and person, his love for her and Celeste. He typed through the night into dawn. When he was finished, he carefully collected the tear-moistened sheets, folded them into a manilla envelope, and slipped it through her bedroom door. "She might never read this," he thought, "but it's the best apology I can make." Sighing in resignation, he went outside the house, got into his car, and drove away. He didn't know where he was headed, but he needed to get away. Away from Springdale--out of California. Even if it was only for the day.

When Lisa awoke from her slumber, it was late afternoon. Groaning, she was just crawling out from her bed when the events of the previous night flooded her thoughts. Despair washed through her. What was she going to do now? And what about her Mom? And the family?

"No," she vowed, "I can't ever tell Mom about this. It'll break her heart." She would just have to avoid her Dad from now on, so nothing like this could ever happen again. Her eyes brimmed with tears. She had trusted her Daddy so much. How could he have done this to her. But a nagging voice in her mind said "It's your fault just as well. You lured him on. You shouldn't have been wearing such skimpy clothing in front of him anyway. You're just as much to blame."

Shaking the voice away, Lisa got up from her bed. As she headed to the bathroom to wash up, the brown envelope on her doorway caught her eye. Stooping over, she picked it up, wondering what is was. The thought came suddenly that her Dad must have left it there. She fought the urge to throw it away, and opened up the envelope. It contained several sheets of typed paper, about twenty to thirty. Sitting quietly by the edge of her bed, Lisa began to read her father's story.

When she finished the last page, she let it fall onto the floor, with all the rest, as she gazed at them through the tears blinding her eyes. Her mind was filled with the totality of the immense pain and burden her father had carried alone all the years. Although she had known her mom had been deeply hurt when she had found out that she could no longer bear children, Lisa had not understood the full extent of her grief; nor had she realized the severe repercussions that resulted between her parents as consequence. In retrospect, she now saw hints that all had not been well between her parents. In fact, since she had come home from college, she now realized that she had not seen her parents carry on in an intimate manner. There had been no warm embraces or constant cuddling, as they had used to do. In fact, there manner had seemed distant--not hostile or anything like that--just aloof, as if they didn't really care about each other. And there was the thing about both of them having separate sleeping quarters. Lisa cursed herself for having been so blind.

With the realization of all that had transpired, Lisa felt empathy for her father. He couldn't really be blamed for what had happened. "After being imprisoned in a loveless relationship for several years, he could not really be faulted merely because he found his daughter physically attractive and reacted accordingly," she realized. Another realization came to mind, one which her father had not mentioned in the letter. "Dad must have been abstinent all these years! Even through all his pain, he stayed alongside his wife, refusing to have an affair." She was once again reminded of the immense burden her father had borne these past years. Promising herself to talk with her father later on tonight, she turned to the day's work. Even though her heart was still troubled, she was relieved that there had been a just reason for her father's behavior last night.

When Joe got to his house, it was eight o'clock at night. He had driven aimlessly all day on the state highways. He found that it usually helped him when he was severely troubled. But now, as he stood outside the door to his home, he wondered. Had all he been doing was trying to run away from his fears? As he stared at the door to his house, he fought the sudden desire to flee. What if his daughter was inside. What would he say? Did she even read his letter? Maybe she had just burnt it, without even looking at it. However, reason took over. "I'm going to have to face the consequences of what I've started," he thought grimly. After a slight hesitation, he steeled himself, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

He heard noises from the kitchen--the sound of the television set. Cautiously, he stepped toward the kitchen. Lisa was inside hovering over the stove. Wanting to avoid any confrontation of any sort, he turned toward the stairs to go to his room.

Joe's movement alerted Lisa of his presence. Steadying herself, she called out as casually as she could "Daddy, the dinner's almost prepared. Don't be too long."

Hearing his daughter talking to him was the last thing Joe had expected. With a muffled "sure, I'm coming down soon," he continued up the stairs. His mind was whirling in confusion. The last thing he had magined was that his daughter would sound so casual, as if last night had never happened. Then it hit him. Maybe she intended to forget about it, to wipe last night from her memory, as if it had never happened. Groaning inwardly, Joe cursed himself for the thousandth time. Much as he hated it, he would have to discuss it with Lisa. He was aware of the potential destructive capability of individuals who kept their fears and pains bottled up inside. He loved his daughter, and could not stand for her to ruin her life in this manner. Though she might never forgive him, he would at least know that he had done the best he could to redress his sins. Bracing himself for the worst, he headed downstairs.

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Fathers slave

Note : This story is completely fictional! Dear readers here is another announcement my ever coming super classic “The ranforest” would make to a porno movie I agreed to sign the contract it will coming within 6 months Its name also the same I am very glad to convey this to you. Hurry and book your copy at your near porno shop it is rare and never and ever coming classic its visuals are also classic in ever coming movie. I think all the actors in this movie will be new faces so you will not...

2 years ago
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I'm Cory McVay, I'm eightteen, six feet three inches, one hundred ninety pounds, Sandy hair, Straight white teeth, Green eyes. I still live at home, I do odd jobs around but mostly I work for my parents doing odd jobs.My Stepdad, John, is kind of a 'sometimes around' type of dad. He and mom aren't divorced and they do live together some of the time, but dad is also gone more than he is around. He pays me to take care of the things a dutiful property owner would do, plus he has some property...

3 years ago
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Fathers friend and wife

My name is justy . This incident happens two months back. About me working as female nurse here in bhilai ,raipur. My age is 26 and an average looking guy.`m staying with my parents here for last 5 yrs . Now let me tel abt th incident.here in ourplace buses are not so common here all used to travel by tempos , as specia vehicle. On that day i used to travel by one such tempo i got seat in th back seat of th vehicle n i sat beside a good looking lady .after some time it get more crowded n me got...

4 years ago
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Fathers Only Child

As I got out of the shower I looked at myself in the full length mirror. At the age of 30 I was nice and fit. I had nice and muscular arms and I was thin with some hair on my chest. My cock was at least 6 inches long and 3 inches around when it was hard and it was now. I wasn’t too surprised because it usually is in the morning. All my past lovers said I have the stamina of a teenager. I was thinking about masturbating until I heard a knock at the door and a cute...

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Fathers Day Slut

Id been talking with this stranger for a couple months- we had shared some videos back and forth and I was eagerly being very naughty. I learned quickly that this man was a Dom and I knew if we ever met, that he’d more than likely completely wreck my pussi. As we talked we proposed a eventual meet up. Little did I know to what I was getting into. I was instructed to where the same outfit that Im wearing in my profile pic- the purple panties, with leggings and pink bowties. I showed up at his...

2 years ago
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Fathers Day

Me and my husband have been separated since I let my sister move in with us. They have always got on but after a few weeks the arguments started and he moved out. So on Father’s Day I thought I’d try and persuade him to move back in, I made sure the house was empty, my sister took everyone to the park for a bit with some friends so I could be alone with him. He rang the bell and I went running to the door in just my knickers and a vest top. I’d made sure I wasn’t wearing much for him. He...

3 years ago
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Fathers Day

Me and my husband have been separated since I let my sister move in with us. They have always got on but after a few weeks the arguments started and he moved out. So on Father’s Day I thought I’d try and persuade him to move back in, I made sure the house was empty, my sister took everyone to the park for a bit with some friends so I could be alone with him. He rang the bell and I went running to the door in just my knickers and a vest top. I’d made sure I wasn’t wearing much for him. He...

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Fathers Day Pt 7

He bent as much as he could to kiss me under my right ear. "Feel good, darling?"“Oh daddy, you’ll never know just how good, but I’m nearly out of it, you’ve made me cum so much, I don’t think I can carry on much longer but you still haven’t cum have you?”“Oh don’t worry about me darling, this was about you,” he said as he tried yet another angle, getting another low groan out of my surprised mouth.“Here, I tell ya what, let’s just roll over onto our sides and I’ll keep him right where he is...

1 year ago
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Fathers Day Pt 6

He let me lower my upper body on trembling arms and must have felt my hair touch his thigh. I need his cock, I need his cock in my mouth NOW. I had my head turned to one side, lying on his abdomen, and I was just sucking away like a nursing baby.He did the same to my little clit, occasionally pausing to push his tongue as far as he could into the tiny opening of my cunt. I was so hot by this point that I just lay there, sucking him at one end, and pulsing into an orgasm every half-minute...

2 years ago
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Fathers Day Pt 5

We stood outside in the boiling sun, looked each other up and down, I don’t know what he saw, but I saw a very sexy guy that I loved enormously, with a nice bulge still in his trousers, grabbed his arm and we walked into the high street. Of-course, what we hadn’t thought about was that there might be some wind blowing outside. Thankfully, the weather was so hot that only a light breeze was blowing or heaven only knows just how much of my boobs would have been on view.Several times, I caught...

3 years ago
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Fathers Day Pt 2

I hope you don’t mind me telling you all this stuff, it’s just that he really knows how to work wonders on me, he knows exactly how I’m feeling just by looking at me and just what to do to make all those nasty things go away.Am I telling you too much or do you want me to carry on telling you?I really feel all soft and sloppy now reliving this for you.Please let me know what you want me to do.I just knew you would understand about how much I needed dad that night.It must have been nearly...

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Grandfathers hand

“Hi grampa!” josie smiled happily as she gave her grandfather a big hug. “now you be good for your grandfather and don’t put up a fuss when it’s time to go to bed,” josie’s mother lectured. “yeah, yeah!” josie moaned, rolling her eyes in revolt. “i can handle her, go on and have fun you two,” her grandfather said to her mom and dad. Once her parents car had pulled out of the driveway and driven off, josie immediately stripped down. It had started many years ago as a game her grampa talked her...

2 years ago
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Father Michael

Synopsis: Based around the true story of the Colt Family, a totally inbred family of 48 who were discovered by authorities in 2012 living in a commune in the Australian outback. Everyone was fucking everyone and none of the kids knew who their paternal fathers were - there were so many possibilities! (Google it) Father Michael It was a sunny and hot Tuesday afternoon. Father Michael parked his car at the end of the track, behind the barn as instructed. There were a few other vehicles there,...

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Father in law is my second husband

I am 25 years old, married and I have a son of 5 years old. My husband’s name is Pradeep and he is a businessman. He is involved in export and import business. He has to travel out of the country occasionally. He rarely takes me with him. We live with our laws that are my father in law, mother in law, my husband, my son and me. My mother in law was strict. So I had to live being a good daughter in law . I had to obey her, dress up in traditional way. She had maintained a strict environment in...

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Father Daughter And Daughters Girlfriend Bonding Take 2

Introduction: FAMILY GUY Part 5 FAMILY GUY Part 5 Father, Daughter And Daughters Girlfriend Bonding – Take 2 Note for readers This carrys on from the end of part 3 Peter awoke later in the night to the sounds of his wife and daughters steamy love making and the sound of the family bed creaking it was such a still and silent night you could hear a pin drop and they where getting so carried away with what they where doing that they didnt know how much noise they where making and how loud they...

1 year ago
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Father Daughter And Daughters Girlfriend Bonding Take 2

Father, Daughter And Daughter's Girlfriend Bonding - Take 2 Note for readers This carrys on from the end of part 3 Peter awoke later in the night to the sounds of his wife and daughter's steamy love making and the sound of the family bed creaking it was such a still and silent night you could hear a pin drop and they where getting so carried away with what they where doing that they didn't know how much noise they where making and how loud they where. He was lying...

4 years ago
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Father Providence

Father Providence Belladonna [Author's note: This is not my typical story. It is my second shortest story to date. I believe it also the darkest story I have ever written. I wrote the story shortly after I finished the original version of the Office Girl. I have no plans to write another story in this vein ever again, but I decided to post it anyway.] When I first saw Father Providence, I was sure he was just a black, Jim Jones. He didn't look like anything special. He was...

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Father Daughter And Daughters Girlfriend Bonding

Father, Daughter And Daughter's Girlfriend Bonding The light snapped on and peter griffin jumped back from his bedroom window startled his bathrobe flying open as he spun around to see his daughter meg standing in the door way staring at him. "I thought you were asleep meg" he challenged. His daughter meg stood their framed in the doorway the light shining through her high school musical nightie showing off her ample breasts and boyish slim figure. Meg stared at her fathers'...

3 years ago
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Father Lester

The young priest, Father Lester was naked. He was kneeling between the outstretched equally naked legs of the parish priest, Father Leary. Lester was savoring the bitter musky taste of the old priest's eight inch cock, laving the firm tube of flesh with his tongue. He had given one of Father Leary's private confessions. His penance was always either a savage ass fucking which the young priest thoroughly enjoyed or as it was today Father Leary was in the mood for one of Lester's good long...

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Father Leary Hears More Private Confessions

Father Lester finished his last confession early. There were no more high school kids waiting except for two who always waited for Father Leary. Lester went to the rectory meaning to stop by Father Leary's office to pick up some papers that Leary had asked him to look at for him. When the thirty year old priest entered the outer office he noticed a pretty young girl sitting patiently on a bench. "Good afternoon Father Lester." Young Jill Ebber said with a sweet smile on her face. "Good...

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Father Learys Private Confessions

Normally Thursday afternoon confessions were something Father Leary disliked. All those high school teenagers confessing the same sins every week, but this Thursday the priest was in a splendid mood and was more lenient than usual when doling out penance. He was in a good mood because he expected young Jill Ebber this Thursday to give penance in the good Father's private office as she had done last week. The fifteen year old had allowed the priest to spank her on her cute rounded bare bottom...

1 year ago
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Father Dowling I Am Heartily Sorry

It was late on the evening of a First Friday, and St. Michael's was almost empty. Father Dowling says it wasn't like that in the old days, before Vatican II, but I wouldn't know about that. All I get in the confessional nowadays is a lot of old ladies and little kids, and none of them have much to confess. I'd just gotten through with two old ladies whose worst sins were gossiping about their neighbors -- and that wasn't what they'd come to confess, it was what they'd come to do. In...

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Father Mike and Sister Ann

Father Mike and Sister Ann , had been exchanging glances, for many months now. As they passed in the hall, as they went for Vespers, all the time the room was charged with energy. Sister Ann would sometimes blush, after talking with Father Mike. She was sure that her sisters in the faith could tell. They were both aching for each other. It was wrong, so very wrong. Could they even be forgiven?? Sister Ann, had waited until everyone was a asleep, and snuck to the bathroom where she would rub her...

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FATHER OF THE BRIDE 2.THE JOHN THOR STORY Two months into her marriage Gail is nearly at the end of her rope. Her plan had not gone as she had hoped, and her life had begin to spiral out of control. Life as Mrs Larry Chandler was hard. Because as hard as she tried, she just couldn't get the memory of her father out of her mind. John Thor had been his daughter's lover for close to ten years. She was just sixteen years old the first time John bedded his daughter. For years John had trained his...

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Father and Son bond over Nudism in more ways than

growing up, my father and i had never been close, quite the opposite in fact, he wasn,t exactly the paternal type. he was however very open minded when it came to the subject of whether or not it was ok for a parent to be naked in front of their k**s. i have very vivid memories of my father walking between the bedroom and the bathroom while naked and seemingly not caring if we saw him. my mother disapproved, and said so frequently, and my older brother always looked away or ran into another...

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Father Barton

Subject: FW: Father BartonFather Barton hated masturbating the dogs Subject: FW: Father Barton??? Father Barton hated masturbating the dogs. It was demeaning for theyoung priest to have to put his hands on the dirty canine pricks and ballsand rub them until the dogs unloaded copious amounts of doggie sperm intothe glass jar. But how else could he collect his special "protein elixir"for the boys.? He couldn't very well ask one of the other priests to do it.They already wondered why the...

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Father Knows Best

James Greggs had been divorced from his wife Susan Greggs for a little over three years now. His wife left him. His daughter Kylie Greggs was to live with her mother most of the time and get to see her father one week out of every month and alternating holidays. James was forty-six years old and was about five foot and eleven inches tall. He was not a very hairy man and had a rather nice sized dick, which measured at about 7 inches when hard and was about the width of a bratwurst and was...

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Father Son Cuckolds

This is my story. It's a bit unusual in relative to the relationship most husbands have with their in-laws. I felt I needed to tell it because of all the twists and turns I and my family (my mom and dad) have experienced as a result of my relationship and marriage into the Jones family. The problem is where do I start? Where should I begin? I guess I should begin with the obvious.My name is Victor and my wife's name is Vicki. We are both in our late twenties. Our parents are in their mid...

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Father Daniels Spell

I was young and nubile and also, this was the important part, longed for and loved orgasms and climaxes and all kinds of things like that which were a kind of ‘forbidden fruit.’ After all, I was not that old but my body was fully developed. Nice breasts, a slender waist and a pussy that wouldn’t stop wanting attention…not to mention anal…another joy. I was all systems “go” and systems were ready to go with any suggestion, or no suggestion at all. Then there was this young priest, Father...

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Father And Son At Hunting Camp

My father and I had decided to go hunting last weekend but we never thought we would end up having the most bizarre time that it ended up being. We got to our hunting camp on Friday night. It was just the two of us in a small camp in the woods and we had to build a fire in the fireplace to keep warm. Once the fire got going really well the camp heated up fast and soon we had to take off our winter coats and hats and we could just sit around in our shorts and t-shirts. My Dad and I have been...

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Father oreillys true confessions part one

My name is Father Francis O'Reilly and everything you are about to read is absolutely true, as told to me by parishioners in my flock!!! The confessional box is one of the final places on the face of the earth where you can pour out your heart without fear of retribution or exposure, and I believe for this reason more and more people are forsaking the "communal forgiveness" that is bestowed each week during regular Sunday Mass and opting instead for the much more intensely personal experience...

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Father Murphy

Father Murphy Hears Cathleen's Confession Patrick Joseph Murphy was the son of Patrick Xavier Murphy. The line of eldest son Murphy's extended way back long before anyone living could possibly remember. The most current Murphy discovered early in life that he was destined to be a priest and represent the family honor behind the walls of the church. Actually, it was his mother who informed him of his decision to take up the cloth. She had already decided the younger son Donald would be the...

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Father Daughter Camping Trip

Ray grew up hunting, fishing, hiking, camping and surviving off the land so it was no surprise to his family that he ended up in an elite special forces unit in the military. He married his high school sweetheart and they had one daughter, Tiffany, before his wife died from an aggressive form of cancer. Tiffany grew up idolizing her father and became the consummate tomboy. She learned how to hunt and fish, gut a rabbit and clean a fish without the slightest hesitation. Following in her father’s...

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Father Leary

Father Leary slid closed the window, pivoting to slide open the window on the opposite wall of the confessional. Oh, how he disliked Thursday afternoons. From three to five P. M. there was a never ending procession of the local high school boys and girls confessing their petty sins to the priest. I lied to my parents. I swore at my sister. I had impure thoughts, Yada ... yada ... yada. Once in a while some teen would titillate him with a confession but too often it was like the Smith boy had...

1 year ago
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Father oreillys true confessions part two

My name is Father Francis O'Reilly and everything you are about to read is absolutely true, as told to me by parishioners in my flock!!! The confessional box is one of the final places on the face of the earth where you can pour out your heart without fear of retribution or exposure, and I believe for this reason more and more people are forsaking the "communal forgiveness" that is bestowed each week during regular Sunday Mass, and opting instead for the much more intensely personal experience...

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Father8217s Sees The Sexy Side Of His Daughter

Meera had a life as normal as any girl of a middle class can have. There were a few financial problems. Meera and her family used to live in the village of up until she was 16. Due to problems, her whole family moved to Mumbai. Mumbai being the dream city is also one of the most expensive cities. The whole family had to adjust in a single room. It has been 3 years since they arrived in Mumbai and their financial situation has improved but not as much to improve their quality of life. Meera had...

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Fatherdaughter Day

"Kylie..." "Yeah mom?" I was passing through the living room on my way to the kitchen for a little water before bed. " ... Is your father taking you to work tomorrow?" Mom asked me, reaching for my hand and pulling me just a little closer. "Yeah, I guess so." I shrugged, the way sixteen year old girls do. "That Father-Daughter Day thing. Why?" "Sit down for a minute. I want to talk to you." "Uh, sure mom." I pulled some long black hair out of my eyes and sat down next to her...

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Father in law catches us in the barn

Unlike my other stories this one is not 100% true. its just one of my fantasies. though there are a lot true parts, you'll just have to guess what is and isn't true. Enjoy!When my husband Charles and I, Lynlee, were first married we moved into a mother-in-law apartment attached to my father-in-law's, his name is Eric. Eric's wife, my mother in law, unfortunately passed away when Charles was young. So Eric had been single since.Eric had a very nice home and 5 acres of land to go with it. My...

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Father allow son

I am a young guy. Middle class family, consist of four members. Me, father, young brother and mom. Father is physically disable for the last ten years. Mom is housewife. Her age is 40.I am 26 and only earner in the family. As mom is not getting sexual satisfaction for the last 10 years, I think she is very hungry to have it. I am a very well build guy. She always look at me. She wear sarees below her navel. Her boobs seems to me the largest in the world. After the age of twenty my only dream...

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Fatherrsquos day went wrong ndash personal experience

Father’s day went wrong – personal experienceI am girl who have tried a few things in life and I will share one of my sex experiences with you people. I will try to do my best writing in English. I hope to reach more people/readers but please don’t judge me if I make too many errors.Well as the title reveals it all happened on Father’s Day. I and three female friends in the age of 19 -20 years old went shopping in the mall. You know typical girl shopping, buying lots of crap that we don’t need,...

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