POW Prisoner Of The Widows Chapter 4
- 4 years ago
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I woke to my second day of captivity trying to find a spot on my body that didn't hurt. I couldn't find one. Surprisingly as long as I was off my feet, my knees and ankles felt better than my neck, back and head. I knew it was typical to have aches and pains that my body suppressed yesterday, but knowing it intellectually and feeling it for real were entirely different animals. I was happy as hell when Jamilah and Adara entered my cell with breakfast.
"Sabah alkhair (good morning), Neek. Did you sleep well?" Jamilah asked.
I returned her greeting. "Sabah alnur, Jamilah, I slept well but I am in much pain this morning. Perhaps you could get my medicines out of my vest?"
Jamilah said she would ask Basheera about the medicines after breakfast. She told me that they were going to empty the vest and bury it along with the other trappings identifying me as an American aviator. I nodded, and greeted Adara who rewarded me with a sweet shy smile. Jamilah gave not the slightest indication that she had been my nocturnal visitor. She even commented that she was glad Basheera had decided to leave my hand free. Either she was a good actress hiding what happened from her daughter or my midnight paramour had been Basheera.
Basheera did allow me some of my pain meds. Jamilah brought in my vest while Basheera stood in the doorway. I started removing my medical supplies and giving them to Jamilah along with an explanation of each. Jamilah asked me why I had so many medical supplies. The women seemed interested that I was a doctor of sorts. Finally I dug out the plastic baggy that I'd prepared and took out the pills I wanted. Thinking a little bribe wouldn't hurt, I fished the ten South African Krugerrands out of their secret compartment and passed them to Jamilah. Even Besheera's eyes went wide at the sight of the shiny gold coins. The gold was something I carried on the advise of my commanding officer, there were five of the one ounce variety and five half ounce ones.
"You might as well have these before you destroy the vest," I said.
"These will help us greatly Neek as we need food, seed and other supplies," Jamilah gushed.
Jamilah left carrying my vests and its contents, she stopped at the door and gave Basheera the coins. Basheera stood in the doorway a few seconds then spoke to me for the first time.
"Shukran, Neek," she said softly.
My day was much less insane than the preceding one. I made it through two meals and a bath with no one grabbing my joint. I was even left alone to sleep through the night.
On day three I felt much better. My headache was gone, and except for some residual stiffness, everything except my left knee and ankle was feeling much better. The women of the house were in a collective good mood that day, making me feel even better. Adara spent most of the day in the cell with me; she had been assigned the task of improving my Arabic. I would never pass for a native of course, but Basheera had a plan to account for that.
Adara was a delight, she was so eager to learn and so serious in her role as my teacher. I liked her for what she was, a smart and sweet young woman. She liked me because I never thought of her handicap as detracting from her beauty or value as a person. It was Adara who started breaking down the clothing taboos. We were sitting on my sleeping mat, she with a notebook in her lap, me sitting against the wall teaching her grammar. Suddenly my curiosity got away from me.
"Adara, I want to see your hair, I think it must be very pretty like the rest of you."
She blushed and kept her eyes down on her book. "That is forbidden, Neek; a woman must stay covered so as not to lead honorable men to impure thoughts."
"But I'm not a follower of Islam, so my soul is damned anyway," I replied.
She pondered my reply for a few seconds then unwrapped the scarf from around her head. Her hair was even more beautiful than I thought it would be; it was long, thick and a deep dark brown.
I couldn't help reaching out to touch the mass of walnut tresses that flowed down her back. My touch was motivated by curiosity, not lechery. Adara shied away for a second, then with a sigh, leaned her head back against my hand. I knew that my stroking her hair was probably about the only contact she'd ever had with a man, and sadly, because her defect was considered a curse, it might be all she ever received. It was a serious shame because she was an amazing young woman in every measure that mattered. I decided then and there that I was going to do all I could to make her feel as special as I thought she was. A thought that I might be getting too close to these women nagged me from some hidden recess of my mind but I ignored it.
I met the daughters of Basheera on this day also. Their names were Kalila and Zahrah, Kalila was seventeen and Zahrah was sixteen. Both of them were beautiful and both of them were petrified of me because I was a man. Jamilah told me their fear was based on the fact that they were of an age to marry and they were full of fear of being taken from their home as minor wives of some fanatic. Basheera, it seemed, had filled their heads with ideas of marriage being an odious duty.
The Hassan women had worked out an efficient system for taking care of me, with most of the tending done by Jamilah and Fatima. Adara was with me almost constantly acting as my interpreter. I was well fed twice a day and bathed about as often. The women were almost fanatical about cleanliness. My only real complaint aside from being a prisoner was not being given any clothes to wear other than my underwear and a pair of green boxers that must have belonged to Abu Hassan. They made me change every morning and washed what I had worn daily. One concession the women made was to give me a cheap, Russian made, windup watch. The watch had a frayed leather strap, huge luminous numbers on the face and a day of the month window. I had to admit that I felt more naked without a watch than I was about not having pants.
As I lay on my pad that night I began to think about why it was taking so long for help to reach me. In terms of air distance I couldn't be that far from where Pete went down and in the barren desert a crashed A-10 should be easy to spot. Hell, I'd seen pictures taken from satellites that captured a car's tag number; surely they couldn't miss a fifty-five foot long airplane. I stopped worrying about it because I knew the SAR folks knew what they were doing. They were probably widening the search area as I lay there. I steeled myself to be patient and soon was relaxed enough to sleep.
Basheera completed her preparations to once again sacrifice her womanhood for the good of her family. This night though, she had no second thoughts. The only change in her routine was the application of some jasmine scented oil on her faraj to expedite his entry into her depths. As she applied the oil she was surprised that she didn't need much of it at all; her sex was already damp with her own nectar. Basheera slipped into her burka and put on her face covering niqab before sneaking down the stairs.
Basheera slipped into the cell again and as before the American turned towards her. She set the candle by the door and moved over to the sleeping mat. She tried to tell herself that she was anxious to get it over with, but in her heart of hearts, she knew she was just anxious to get started. He did not struggle or protest when she reattached the shackle to his wrist. When he was secured she moved the candle closer to them so she could see him better. She was pleased when he didn't struggle as she pulled off his underwear and heartened that his manhood was already straining to its full length and girth.
This time there was no dryness to impede her progress as she sat down on him. Instead her natural lubrication and the jasmine oil allowed her to smoothly take him in a few delicious movements. Because the experience was so pleasant last time, Basheera experimented with angle, speed and depth of penetration. To her amazement, everything she tried felt good to her. It took her only minutes to reach a thunderous climax. She bit the heel of her hand again and thrashed wildly above him. Her orgasm seemed to last forever, it was so strong she became lightheaded. With one last shudder, her upper body fell forward until she was draped over him, her face resting on his chest.
She stiffened a moment when his arms wrapped loosely around her shoulders but then she relaxed and settled into his embrace. Throughout her achieving her release he had been still beneath her. Now he gently started rocking his hips from side to side. His phallus was still hard in her so she figured he'd yet to spend. As he slowly ground against her, he moved one of his hands around until he found her swollen and sensitive breast. He squeezed it firmly but not painfully in a way that felt wonderful to her. When his lips started pushing against her veil lightly nibbling her neck through it, tingles radiated down her body. She grabbed the candle and blew it out plunging the room into inky darkness. Sitting up slightly she unwrapped her niqab veil and head covering.
My nighttime visitor returned on my third night in captivity. My response to the sight of the shadowy burka clad figure was classically Pavlovian as my dick hardened instantly. I didn't resist her as she reattached the manacle to my right wrist, I was certain now that my visitor had to be Basheera because she was the only one with the keys to the shackles. I couldn't figure out her motivation for doing this but my conditions improved dramatically after her last visit so I was not going to fight her off even if I could. Besides, even though I could tell she wasn't a very experienced lover, she had a marvelously tight and talented little pussy. Thinking that cause me pangs of conscience, pangs that were quickly pushed aside as she sat astride me.
She didn't have any problems mounting me this time; she was hot and slick as she worked her way down my shaft. She started moving on me as soon as she was fully seated. She moved up and down a couple of times then started moving in different directions as if she were trying to find what felt best to her. I was enjoying her experimentation; her syncopated rhythm kept me from getting over excited. Amazingly, it took only a couple of minutes for her to orgasm. It must have been a big one judging by the way she writhed on my dick. When she fell forward onto my chest I instinctively wrapped my arms around her. She stiffened then settled into my embrace, her breathing ragged. I was still hard as a brick and horny as a goat, so I moved my hand onto her breast and started rocking my hips. I couldn't push with my bad leg so I had to settle for a little circular movement I achieved by alternately flexing my thighs and stomach.
The hashish traders were undoubtedly as nasty as Basheera and the other women described. They were a mean looking lot, heavily armed and openly contemptuous. There were six of them, and they arrived in two vehicles. Four men exited a Land Rover, while two sat in a three-quarter ton truck. Two of the four from the Land Rover were heavily armed guards, who took up a position behind the Land Rover, facing the house. Fatima and Tahani bolted down to the basement and crawled through the tunnel to...
Two mornings after my wives told me the Americans were conducting operations near our farm, I was huddled on the floor of the Zil truck as Basheera drove me towards an American checkpoint on the desert road toward Jordan. It was my first trip away from the farm in almost three months, and I was taking it reluctantly. The only thing that drove me was a sense of duty and a desire to get things settled so I could rejoin my family. The last two days had been the most bittersweet of my life. My...
I acted as if I hadn't heard her when Basheera talked about me marrying and deflowering her daughter. I mean what the hell was I going to say? "Sure, Sheba, I'd love to poke you daughter." Or, "I don't think so, Basheera, I was just fooling when I said I'd do anything for your family." I don't know what conclusions Basheera reached, because she kissed me again, and then threw me another curve. "Neeko, why do you not like Tahani?" Where was she getting this stuff? "I like...
I woke up to the pleasant sensation of two women pressed tight against me, one on each side. Adara was curled up with her butt against my hip, while Tahani was on the other side of me, draped halfway across my chest. Fatima was on the other side of Tahani, facing away from us. Tahani had her hand inside my boxers, her long slender fingers wrapped around my morning wood. When I moved my head and kissed her forehead, she gasped and snatched her hand out of my shorts. "I'm sorry, Neeko, I did...
Yes, hashish was the crop that afforded Abu Bakr al Hassan the wherewithal to have such a well-appointed house and four wives. Hashish was Hassan's cash cow, the source of the ready cash he needed to conduct other criminal enterprises; enterprises that mainly involving smuggling. Unbeknownst to his wives, Hassan was nothing he pretended to be; for one thing, he wasn't even Iraqi. For another, his real name wasn't Hassan. Hassan had trained his wives in the production of the hash, and their...
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I knew who Aludra was, because Jamilah had shared with me the story of how she ended up with Hassan. I think the other women received a watered down version that only mentioned Aludra as Jamilah's college roommate. I realized later that meeting Aludra in the hospital was another example of the way fate (or according to Basheera — Allah) was in control of my destiny. Before I knew it, we had invited Aludra to meet us for supper at the hotel at seven that evening. Having her over for dinner...
I looked at Jamilah trying to get a sense of her feelings. Her voice didn't convey any emotion that I could discern. That bothered me because Jamilah seemed less conservative than the other women and I was hoping to make her an ally. "What was decided?" I asked. "The war took Al Hassan from us and left us alone to eke out an existence from the land. Then just three days after our Iddah (period of time a widow must wait before she can remarry; four months and ten days unless she is...
Jamilah Hassan was a very pretty woman. Her eyes were a light brown near the pupils with a dark green outer ring. Their unique color, wide spacing and her high cheekbones gave them a very cat-like quality. Her nose was thin and turned up slightly, while her mouth was generous and full lipped. She had a slight overbite that made her somehow even more attractive. She had a nice body also. No, her breasts weren't big like Fatima's or her legs long like Basheera, but the package was still...
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Prisoner Of Lust A Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Side Story ----------------------------------- Camilo paced nervously in the kitchen as he looked at his phone. It would ring any minute and his nerves were standing on edge. He'd just closed his laptop after a brief chat with a woman on Fetlife. At least, he hoped it was a woman. One could never be certain a stranger's profile was real until you met them in real life. The woman was a "Mistress Demonica" who'd announced she was...
The woman was a “Mistress Demonica” who'd announced she was looking for a new submissive. After a quick look at her pictures and list of kinks, Camilo sent her a sincere, but not overly long, message complimenting her and asking for a chance to prove himself. He'd learned from experience that being too eager and lavishing praise to the point of groveling marked him as desperate. No woman liked that. Not even the kind that wanted a man beneath her heel. Mistress Demonica got back to him...
The woman was a “Mistress Demonica” who'd announced she was looking for a new submissive. After a quick look at her pictures and list of kinks, Camilo sent her a sincere, but not overly long, message complimenting her and asking for a chance to prove himself. He'd learned from experience that being too eager and lavishing praise to the point of groveling marked him as desperate. No woman liked that. Not even the kind that wanted a man beneath her heel. Mistress Demonica got back to him...
Copyright © 2004 She finally gave up. Sleep was not to be her companion, despite the numbers on the alarm clock. They were reminding her that she was closer to a new day, than to the old one she had abandoned hours earlier. It was hot as hell. The sorry excuse for an air conditioner, was sending a weak breeze, that seeped from the slots on top of the droning beast. It was not any cooler than the air hanging motionless in the room. One small consolation crossed her mind, at least the...
British prisoners during WW2 formed amateur dramatic societies in German POW camps to keep themselves occupied and men played female roles quite convincingly. Their German captors encouraged these activities to keep the prisoners active and their minds on things other than escape. But what if one of the prisoners disguised himself as a woman as a ruse to escape? Chapter One - Benny's Girls When the train slowed the young woman stood and took her small suitcase down from the overhead baggage...
CrossdressingOur Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
The Prisoner Wore Panties By Michele Nylons Chapter Four - Over The Wire "How did you get this Intelligence. You were in his bedroom? He fucked you didn't he?" Once again Steven could not control his petulance. Danielle had been summoned to present the intelligence she had gained at the Oberst's house during the dinner the previous night. Wing Commander Smyth-Waddington had been angry with her for taking the interlude with Oberst Wessel. He was not na?ve; he knew that Benny's ...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
Stephen was one of the guard’s at the prison and him and Jennie had had a secret relationship going for the last few weeks of her time in prison, and Stephen had invited Jennie back to his house to live together, rather than her going to one of the shelters run by the prison for newly released inmates. Jennie walked over to the car and climbed in the passenger side, “Aren’t you working today,” she asked. “No, I took the day off so I could get the house ready for your arrival.” Officer...
Not sure how I got so mixed up with this! One of Hubbies drinking friends was arrested for a driving charge and told this time he had to do a stretch in Jail! They moved him to a prison with men who let's say can look after themselves, sort of big physical lads.Hubby asked me to make him a nice treat from my kitchen...haha I said yeah a cake with a file in it!!!Came the day to go down and visit him he asked me to go there and take him the treat, plus he said a bit of 'eye candy' would...
Alyssa Rykers was stuck in a cell along with a mask gag over her mouth as well as an orange straight jacket too... Alyssa has terrible trust issues ever since her dad blamed her for his crimes against humanity... In fact Shes pretty much given up on being with a normal loving family as hers just flat out hated her, as her mom and sister pretty much also threw her underneath a big o bus of bullshit too... Alyssa then stood up as she saw a deformed bimbo woman being dragged to a cell...
BDSMThe Prisoners Daughter: a tale of humiliationThe ring on the doorbell was the last thing she needed. It had been a tough day at work and Natalie wanted nothing more to settle down with a glass of wine in front of the TV. She would just go and tell whoever it was to get lost - probably just canvassing or something. She opened the door a crack on the security chain. A man stood on the other side: well dressed, fairly young and quite good looking actually. Perhaps she wouldn't tell him to get...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...