Family At Theatre
- 3 years ago
- 34
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June, 1989
So the day after my visit to Quills, Daffyd Llewellyn showed up during breakfast at our townhouse gate with a book for me. The book, a first English edition of Dumas' The Three Musketeers, was an expensive way to get by the police and extra security put on the house since the fiasco of my birthday dinner at The Waterside Inn. Llewellyn, apparently, called Lars the second the sun set in Germany the night before and what his ... Employer? Master? I was not entirely sure what the relationship was at that time. Whatever it was, Lars must have scared the bookseller near to witless because he was incoherently babbling in Welsh-accented English with the occasional sentences in full-blown Welsh thrown in for good measure.
Eoin gave the panic-stricken Welshman a long, measuring look and then led us from the dining room to his office, walking straight to his liquor cabinet and pouring a double measure of Scotch. He then pressed the glass into the protesting hand of Llewellyn and pushed him into a chair, ordering him to drink first and then talk. Tremblingly, the vulturine bookseller gulped down a mouthful of the expensive liquor, his eyes lighting up as the taste hit his tongue.
"Oh, my Lord Spencer! That's fine stuff to be wasting on me in my state," he wheezed, the liquor's fire temporarily burning his vocal chords. He gulped down the rest at a more sedate pace, savoring it, before setting the glass on Eoin's desk with an apologetic and tense smile. "I apologize, but Herr Lars was rather ... discomfited when I called last night. The book, by the way, was his idea and is a gift for Miss Spencer-Killdare."
His voice was back to its usual haughty English elitist accent tinged with his own unctuousness, all traces of his fit and slide back to Wales gone. "Interesting trick with the accent. How long did it take you to learn that?" I asked as Ambrose eyed him warily.
He smiled and shrugged. "A long time. I am not quite the actor you are, apparently. Herr Lars tells me you are much more than you seem and you almost speak like a native of Chelsea after only a year," he noted slyly, making me glare at him. He hastily held up his hands, the clever look disappearing. "Apologies, Miss Spencer-Killdare. I have a tendency to poke at things better left alone, especially when I learn they are not what they seem. Herr Lars made hints and gave me information that led me to speculate with educated guesses. It has made me in turns hysterically terrified and academically curious."
Eoin and I looked at each other and then turned similar glares on the Welshman. "What did Lars have to say about the subject of my inquiry? That was the point of you contacting him, if you recall," I retorted sarcastically.
That sobered him, sending a shudder through him. "He knows of and was not pleased to hear the name of the gentleman about whom you inquired. He ordered me to plead with you to stay away from both this man and the island of Eire," Llewellyn replied in a voice vibrating with his desire to make sure I understood and heeded the advice. "He warns that both are deadly beyond reckoning and that you should consider yourself lucky the gentleman has decided to only play with you. Few are so lucky."
Then his expressive face shut down and we could tell it was an effort for him to hold his emotions in without any of them making it to his face. His eyes, however, gave him away. He was afraid of something more.
"Um," he mumbled reluctantly, fearful eyes beginning to flit around the office as if looking for an exit other than the lone door next to which Ambrose was stationed in all his badass glory, the fact that he did not like Daffyd Llewellyn plain on his forbidding face. The nervousness of our meeting in his shop was back in full measure.
"What?" I snapped irritably, knowing he was still holding something back and I did not want to put up with the panicky ticks he displayed yesterday. What he told us so far was basically nothing. No answers to the questions I asked him at Quills were forthcoming.
"He said you would not like it but that the information you requested cannot be relayed by telephone," he dithered, his hand fluttering in his lap, eyes still looking for escape routes. "He said too many people in his world already do not trust him, so he is therefore monitored by friends and foes alike. As such is the case ... er, he wanted me to inform you that he is going to be in London on business in three days' time. He requests a private dinner with Miss Spencer-Killdare, Lord Spencer, and anyone else they feel is both trustworthy and not connected in any way to certain religious groups. He said you would know what that means."
Eoin and I shared another look and I saw his gaze flick over to Ambrose before asking, "And did Herr Lars suggest a location for this private dinner meeting?"
"Er, he suggested a private dining room at his hotel," Llewellyn replied cautiously. "He told me to assure you that he would bring a personal chef to treat you to as fine a meal as you would get at The Waterside Inn."
"I take it you told him about our little dining incident there the other night?" I asked gratingly.
He shook his head spastically, dislodging his graying comb-over attempt to hide his incipient baldness. "I did not have to, he already knew," his voice going a little shaky again. "That was what had him so discomfited, Miss Spencer-Killdare. That, and I got the feeling he had expected to hear from you much sooner than he apparently did."
I shot a look filled with exasperation at Eoin. "I knew I should have killed him when I had the chances!" I muttered with a half-serious tone. "That chauvinist seems to think I need a man, preferably him, to guard my every move and keep the world at bay! This despite the fact that he helped get rid of the evidence that I am quite capable of guarding myself and facing what the world has to throw at me!"
"Try to keep in mind that he is a product of a less enlightened time and culture," Eoin reminded me with amusement plain on his face and a twinkle in his eyes hinting at suppressed hilarity. Something I seem to provide menfolk everywhere. A glance over my shoulder showed Ambrose hastily wiping a wide grin off his face and the exact same twinkle in his usually hard eyes. Eoin turned back to Llewellyn, inquiring without committing, "And where will Herr Lars be staying while in London?"
"The Gracewood, my lord."
That figured. The Gracewood Lords was an almost obscenely grand hotel with stunning architecture overlooking the Thames River and had stood on that location (or near it) for at least a couple of centuries. Serving as the favorite hotel for members of the House of Lords in times past, it was now one of the best (and most expensive) hotels in London, the place visiting dignitaries, business moguls, celebrities, and sports stars stayed. Rumor was that the staff at The Gracewood could and would get a guest anything they asked for, so long as the guest's pockets were deep enough to afford it.
Besides being a luxury hotel for the wealthy, The Gracewood also had scores of conference rooms, banquet halls, and private dining rooms guests could reserve for their use while in London for their business. At a price, of course.
Eoin looked at me with an inquiringly raised brow and I rolled my eyes with resignation, sighed wearily, and gave a brief nod in answer. His lips twitched as he turned back to Llewellyn. "Call Herr Lars tonight and ask how many will be in his party. Before you begin your objections, recall we were nearly ambushed the other night and our security detail will not allow us to simply walk into a private meeting without knowing what kind of security they will need to muster."
The bookseller's vulturine face turned to look at Ambrose out of the corner of his eye before he swallowed convulsively, nodding reluctantly. "Er, should he ask, however, how big a party would your security people be comfortable with?"
Ambrose grimaced. "I suppose I cannot talk the two of you out of this?" he asked plaintively. He inhaled deeply, slowly letting the breath out. "The Gracewood is public and has fairly good security due to the high-profile guests they regularly host. Those private meeting rooms, however, are just that: private. No security or cameras are in those rooms for the privacy of the guests and their business dealings. As a matter of fact, they even go to the trouble of sweeping those rooms for surveillance devices, much to the displeasure of MI5. That being said, any more than ten in each of our parties becomes a problem in my mind, especially since The Gracewood frowns on weapons for anyone but their security and the security of their highest and most important guests. I know the head of security, so he will let us in armed, but he will not like it."
"So no more than ten?" Eoin repeated for clarity. When Ambrose nodded, Eoin turned to Llewellyn. "Make sure you call Herr Lars and get confirmation of no more than ten in his party, and that includes the chef and himself. If we show up with our ten and there are eleven or twelve already there, Alice is more than likely to even out the numbers herself."
Daffyd Llewellyn turned confused eyes on me, looking my impeccably dressed, slimly built form up and down before practicing his eloquence with, "Huh?"
My eyes went cold and from within my maroon silk button-up shirt covering the white silk blouse I was wearing I drew one of the knives my father gave me before my first trip to London. Looking at Llewellyn, I gave him a shark's smile, all teeth and no humor anywhere on my face.
"Wh-who are you?" he asked timorously once more, eyes wide with fear.
"Someone with whom you should not trifle," was my stiff reply. Something swimming behind his eyes made me add, "And someone about whom it would be unhealthy to tell tales. This business of ours concerns nobody else besides Herr Lars. Should we discover you talking out of school on us, it will be a race to see who gets to carve out that busy tongue of yours, Lars or me."
Eoin was quick to hide his grin and chide me. "Alice, that is no way to treat a guest," he said gaily. "I am quite sure Mr. Llewellyn will be the very soul of discretion."
"Y-yes, yes, soul of discretion," Daffyd babbled. "I-I will keep Herr Lars' and your secrets. I pride myself on keeping my customers' confidentiality. With your leave, my lord, I will leave you and your n-niece to your day. I have things to attend to at-at-at my shop!"
We heard from Mr. Llewellyn once again the next morning at breakfast, this time in the form of a telephone call. It was quite terse and he did not even wait to speak with Eoin. The maid who answered the phone told us, "Some right sod what 'ad a bit o' Wales to 'im says to be lettin' m'lord know 'tis fine, ' whatever that bit o' nonsense is meanin' to ya, m'lord."
That touched off a lively debate between Ambrose and Eoin over whether the other seven people we took could be told the whole truth about who and what we were meeting and the special security concerns that might raise. Ambrose was loath to take men into a situation where they could get blindsided. Eoin countered by saying that they could simply alert the security team that the men in the party they were meeting were all former SAS and CIA covert action specialists who were suspected of using strength- and mood-enhancing drugs. That way if anything went awry, they could blame the training and the drugs for any unusual abilities or strength they might encounter or witness.
Ambrose gave Eoin a long look before asking, "You aren't giving on this one, are you?"
The nobleman gave him an apologetic smile and shook his head. "The fewer who know the truth, the safer they all are. I have surmised from everything I have learned that mere mortals fare badly with too much knowledge about those things that go bump in the night," he told his friend and comrade. "Besides, it would also mean exposing Alice's secrets to people who do not need to know. I hated having to tell the staff here and at the country estate something more than our cover story for her. The men will already wonder why we bring a thirteen year old girl to a business dinner. If things go sideways, they will also see her do things that will need explaining and not telling them lies or truths to begin with will make storytelling later on a lot easier.
"Which reminds me, Alice, please do everything within your abilities to control your temper that evening," he pleaded desperately, eyes boring into mine with the power of his longing for this to go as normally as possible. "We are aiming for an incident-free business dinner with gentlemen from Germany. Most of them will be waiting outside with our security, so only one or two of our people will actually see and hear the dinner conversation. I am actually hoping that if things end cordially, and some of the legends are true, that Herr Lars might be prevailed upon to take care of the memories of those who see or hear too much."
Given that most of the security was really for me, I found it hard to complain. Besides, we were still being followed, semi-unobtrusively, by MI5 agents. They missed my trip to Quills because they were not expecting us to duck out the back of the café. They did not miss Daffyd Llewellyn's visit and he let us known how he felt about that. We got a half-irate, half-panicked call later that afternoon telling us that MI5 and Scotland Yard both had undercover agents drift through his shop that day. Paranoid and unwilling to let those in positions of authority know with whom (or what) he dealt, he was forced to burn or relocate a sizable number of sensitive items thanks to us. He hung up with a request that we (meaning me) bugger off and never darken his door again!
This time I really was going to kill that fanged freak! was the thought that kept coursing through my head.
The night of our private dinner was a Friday and I found myself looking at an elegant stranger staring back at me through a carven, gilt frame. That stranger was dressed in a curve-hugging, floor-length black dress of shimmering silk with matching two-inch heels. Her figure, a shock to me, was lithely gorgeous and would not have been a surprise to a ballerina. Grandmother and Lady Ancen ("call me Elizabeth, my dear," though I would not) descended upon me when they learned of our dinner engagement at The Gracewood. I was subjected to six hours of hairdressers and manicurists and cosmeticians and dressmakers, resulting in the stranger staring gape-mouthed at me from the Victorian-era gilt mirror in my room. The dress aside, my usual hacked-off-just-past-the-shoulders hair style had been trimmed and fussed with until my straight, dyed-blonde locks had wave to them and looked carelessly wind-blown in a glamorously sexy way. My nails had been trimmed, buffed, and painted a glossy, fire engine red and a minimal, though professionally applied, amount of make-up highlighted what the middle-aged English lady at the salon called my "obviously elfin Irish" features. What was normally cute had been turned into something closer to what my cousin Anika would heartily approve of had she seen me.
"I do not bloody fucking believe this," I whispered to the stranger. I even sounded like Eoin's daughter Janine now! Somebody was going to die for this! My vote was for the fanged freak who invited us to dinner at a place that was, I was gravely informed before my involuntary transformation, strictly black tie and evening gown. "I really do not fucking believe this!"
A giggle tittered behind me and I saw a greatly amused Hestia, dressed in what could only be called bodyguard chic (black skirt suit and white shirt with sensible shoes for standing around or running) leaning in the doorway behind the stranger, gazing at me incredulously. "And what, might I ask, is so funny?" I demanded, my ire overflowing.
Hestia smiled in a motherly fashion. "My dear child, if this were one of those American cartoons, you would have steam shooting out of your ears and that beautifully coifed hair would be aflame!" she exclaimed, her giggle escaping her control again. "You look elegant, beautiful, and attractive and yet I see murder in those lovely, agate green eyes of yours."
I decided to ignore the silly flattery and demanded, "Why, pray tell, are you here? You are not to be subjected to this nonsense tonight. You are too close to 'certain religious groups' that Llewellyn mentioned."
She grimaced, her pretty features now sharing my irritation. "I, for my various sins, have been tasked to accompany your grandmother and Lady Ancen to a small gathering for Conservative Party Members of the Lords and their surrogates. Lady Ancen is going in her own right and Eoin has asked his mother to attend for him since he obviously cannot be there tonight," my tutor and trainer explained wryly. "And since Eoin wants to insure I am a good girl and stay away, I get to be part of the security detail for the ladies at an event that will be overflowing with security."
That made me feel a little better. Spiteful and not very much better, but a little.
Hiding weapons, I was finding, took inventiveness and a certain amount of discomfort when not dressing like a middle class American tomboy. The fancier the outfit, the more difficult it became. In such a figure-hugging dress, it was almost impossible, especially if preserving the very expensive outfit was a priority. Since the neckline was practically a turtleneck, sheathing my slender neck in sensuously soft black silk, I was able to snake a small, thin knife down my back, the hilt of which bulged out the material slightly but was hidden by my hair. I also had a small knife and a collapsible asp in the black sequined purse that went with the dress, hidden among the hair brush, wallet, lipstick, mascara, and make-up touch-up kit Lady Ancen bought me with the protest-squashing, "You will need it if you do not wish to look affright when something smears in the course of the evening." I was girly enough not to want to look like a clown if I did smear something. Beyond those three weapons I was never going to get to in a surprise attack, I had only a single slim poniard strapped to my right calf, nearly at my knee. It was a little slow to get to in a hurry, but it was quicker than the others, which were all more for situations where I had time to think about weapon choices rather than a pull-something-and-stick-it-in-someone-or-something situation.
The fact that I even worried about weapons should tell you how much of a disaster I was expecting this to be. Added to that was the thought of how easily we were caught unprepared at The Waterside Inn. Herr Lars Johannes Dieter Magnus seemed to like me and not want to see me dead, but I was basing that on his actions and words of a year ago.
After Hestia left me with an encouraging smile, I looked the stranger in the face and told her, "You are dithering!"
She made a face back at me, responding, "Arrgh! I know, I know, I know!" I grabbed the purse (gods above and below, a bloody purse!) and stalked out of my room to go find Eoin.
That Eoin was handsome was a given. However, when he actually tried ... damn! He looked the part of an international diplomat in the finely tailored tuxedo and mirror-finish black shoes. I found him in his office with a similarly dressed, though somehow sinister-looking, Ambrose. They each had a glass in their hands, though I knew from experience that Ambrose's was straight Coke and Eoin was sipping an amber whiskey. Paul, almost overlooked among the dapper and dangerous pair, was handsome in his tux but somehow looked as uncomfortable as I felt simply standing by the desk, hands stuffed in his pockets. All of them turned similar looks on me as I entered. Part surprised, part proud, and part incredulous, the looks were both flattering and insulting at the same time and amused the hell out of me for some reason. Added to the tension I was already feeling, giggle fits ensued.
The three males frowned in unison. "What is so funny?" the chorus of deep voices demanded with mock severity.
Flapping my hands at them uselessly, I let the giggles have their way with me, well aware that they were now the amused ones. When the first tear streaked down my face, I knew I would have to use that kit Lady Ancen got me sooner than she could have imagined. I grabbed a tissue and dabbed my face as I found control once more. My mascara and eye-liner had run and my cheeks would need to be re-blushed, but other than that, I was ready to go.
"Sorry," I said as I fixed my war paint, "it's the stress. I guess I am not really looking forward to this and if I did not think I needed the information Lars has, I would be all for telling the arrogant, fanged freak to go jog in Hyde Park at noon."
Eoin's brow rose at that. "Something I should know about before we go?"
I snapped the kit closed with an irritated click. "I was more than a little unhappy at the changes puberty brought on, and is still bringing on, especially the inconvenient ones," I growled, eyes avoiding all three males. "Lars, to the contrary, seems to want to speed them up. I get the uncomfortable feeling he would really like this to be a private dinner for two, not twenty."
I looked up to see shock on Paul's and Eoin's faces and amusement on Ambrose's. "Or at least that was the kind of thing he intimated to me in the past," I added blandly, a smile tugging at my painted lips.
Eoin shook himself, suddenly frowning, and had Ambrose run through the security details one more time before we all trooped out to the waiting Rolls Royce limousine. The drive from the Chelsea townhouse to The Gracewood Lords was a quick one. It was late, almost nine-thirty at night and the sun had set not too long ago, the horizon still glowing a little from the sleeping star. Eoin, Ambrose, Paul, and I rode in the limo and the other six security men who would go in with us were split between two black Land Rovers. I learned after our scare at The Waterside Inn that those vehicles were used not only for their ruggedness and occupancy capacity but because it was real easy to hide after-market upgrades like hidden weapons and survival gear caches and structural redundancies like reinforced roof, doors, and undercarriage. Six of the men in the Rovers would come in with us while the driver of each plus their "navigators" would remain behind as a sort of "get us the fuck out of here!" back-up. The fact that any of us thought we would need back-up at The Gracewood showed that paranoia reigned supreme! But my motto has always been, "Just because you are paranoid does not mean they aren't out to get you!" And given my life to that point, I think I needed a new word for it besides "paranoia" because they have always been out to get me and paranoia seems to imply an unreasonableness to it all.
The Gracewood Lords, as I believe I mentioned, is lavishly beautiful. The façade is largely Italian marble with granite, limestone, and fieldstone accents. The scores of windows fronting the edifice were all elaborately decorated with carven statuary, gargoyles mostly but dragons, knights, faeries, and bowmen could also be found if you looked for them. A columned portico and the overhanging, glass encased dining deck in the hotel's restaurant formed a sort of carport beneath which those arriving drove up to the red carpeted walk leading to the four stairs ascending to the large double doors. Stationed at either side of the silver-accented, golden double doors were black, silver, and gold liveried doormen. Valets greeted each vehicle to arrive, ushering out the guests with grand ceremony. A maitre d' greeted each guest and arranged for their baggage to be taken inside by a small legion of bellhops zipping to and fro around the silver-haired gentleman, all of them liveried as well.
When our small convoy drove up to the carport, our security guys jumped out before anyone could open their doors for them, making them all pause for a second, half in fright, half in shocked surprise. When they saw nobody had jumped out of the limo, a braver valet cautiously approached and opened the door. Eoin stepped out and reached a hand out for me. Left foot first so that my knife would not show, I stepped out next to Eoin, who kept my hand and gallantly wrapped it around his arm. We headed for the doors at a stately pace without making sure Paul and Ambrose were following, ignoring the maitre d' as we passed.
The doormen snapped to attention and bowed their heads to us even as they opened the doors for us. Once inside, I saw that the same lavish attention to detail paid to the outside was use in here, too. It was all marble flooring and columns, glowing aged hardwoods, satin hangings and accents that told you that The Gracewood Lords had been here long enough to not care how old it was. It was historically elegant and screamed wealth. Despite being made largely out of stone, The Gracewood had a warm, comfy atmosphere and an older gentleman in a silk suit approached Eoin as we made our way across the black, silver, and gold rug covering much of the lobby floor.
"My Lord Spencer, we are honored to have you this evening. I am Deputy Manager Henry Johnson," he gushed appropriately, though I was on the look-out for the signs I missed at The Waterside Inn. He had a very stiff upper lip, English butler vibe about him and his manner was as stiff as his English accent. "I seem to have been kept out of the information loop concerning your evening with us. How may The Gracewood Lords serve you this evening?"
Eoin smiled at the man, stopping. "This is my niece, Alice Spencer-Killdare, and my associates Ambrose Devlin and Paul MacDonald, Henry," he said by way of introduction. The man bowed his head gravely to us before turning his eyes back to Eoin. "We are to meet a business associate from West Germany for a private dinner this evening. His name is Herr Lars Magnus."
"Ah yes, Herr Lars did indeed reserve one of the private dining rooms and kitchen for this evening," Henry said, eyes registering the connection. "If you would follow me, Mr. Magnus and his party have already arrived in the dining room and his chef began preparing your meal about an hour ago, so he should be ready to serve you soon."
The deputy manager led us across the lobby and into a recessed doorway that I had not seen from the front door. The door led down a long, dimly lit hall to another set of silver-accented gold doors. Guarding those doors were two large men in black suits who should have had neon "Badass" signs flashing above them.
"This is Lord Spencer and his party," Mr. Johnson told them slowly, as if they did not speak English well. "Mr. Magnus has been awaiting their arrival."
The two men looked at each other and were about to turn and open the doors when they flew open, almost braining the two of them. Silhouetted in the doorway was a familiar form dressed in a white tuxedo with a black silk shirt and tie and mirror-shined, black leather shoes. His pale face split into a warm smile when he saw me and I slid my arm out of Eoin's, just in case I needed it.
"Ah, Eoin, my friend! Come, and bring the lovely Alice and your friends," Lars said grandly, his smooth voice washing out into the hallway nearly accent-free. He shook Henry's hand, the sound of folded money changing hands audible. "And thank you for bringing my guests, Henry."
Lars ushered us all, his guards included, into the dining room and firmly closed and locked the double doors. Turning, he watched us settle in to the usual jockeying that happens when two groups of armed men face off. Then those sapphire blue eyes settled on my agate green eyes and he grinned.
"If I had known it would be a year before I heard from you, Ale-ah, Alice, I would have had my wit-ah, techie put a tracker on that card I gave you," he said heartily, waving his men to stand down. He glanced at our security men and then Ambrose and Paul. "Ah, the formidable Ambrose Devlin. The honor is mine at this meeting. And my associates in Australia have impressive things to say about you, too, Mr. MacDonald.
"And Lord Spencer, so nice to have the pleasure of your company again. It has been far too long. Shall we dispense with the guards and sit?" he asked of Eoin, a cocky black brow raised inquiringly. "My chef tells me the first course will be ready when we are and that the dinner is on schedule."
Eoin looked at the other men in the room with his own cocked brow. "No introductions on your side of the room, Herr Lars?"
The vampire smiled and shook his head. "Alas, my dinner companion is female and has chosen to be fashionably late. While I could do without her company, I was forced to bring her. She is, how would you say, my keeper? My master in West Berlin does not allow me out of the country any more without someone to make sure I do not get into trouble," he said with aplomb. "These others are just here to insure our safety until we part company."
I did a quick head count and there were only seven guards with Lars, the chef made his party nine. I frowned. "Who, or should I say what, is your dinner companion?" I demanded suspiciously.
His smile turned into a grin. "I am glad to see that they may try to cram you into the mold of a silly English lady but you are still the tough little warrior I first met," he deflected happily, his eyes much more serious than the grin and tone indicated. "Lorelei is one of my kin, though somewhat younger than myself. She has the ear of my master and therefore his trust. However, she also owes me and so she will keep our little visit to herself unless she feels I am threatening him. And nothing we do this evening will threaten him. In fact, I may be rewarded if this all goes the way I hope. Since what is coming is inevitable, I am simply trying to steer things so that we might all come out of this with advantages for the future. So come, my little Kämpfer, sit. Let the guards go about their duties so that we might enjoy some small part of this evening before we must speak of business."
Hey guys and girls. It’s good to meet you all after a long time. I apologize for the delay in the second part of my story. Thank you to all the guys and girls who contacted me to appreciate the story and also shared their desires and fantasies with me. This is the second part of the series ‘Kiss of Love & Sex’. For the new readers, I request you to read the first part of the story to get a better understanding and description of my story. A quick re-introduction about myself, I am Harish (name...
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My experience with porn theatres began gradually. I had an incredibly beautiful eighteen-year old girl I had begun to see. We did things together, going places. Somehow, she decided to start working as a dancer. It was easy money; she was always the center of attention. It was easy to go to the porn theater. They had little booths where you could put a dollar in, and watch a porno movie. We went there because of the quick and easy access with privacy. I didn't really know what that hole in...
Hello dear ISS readers, My name is, well, my real name is not important anymore. A little introduction though. I belong to a small city in the state of Kerala in South India. Anatomically, I am a man. But since I was about 10-11 years old, I have always fantasized about being a girl. Typically, I didn’t have a lot of friends in school. When I hit puberty, nothing major happened. Only my ass grew big and round. I was continuously teased about the big ass. Anyway, since I pretty much kept to...
Gay MaleI was in my last year of high school when I had my first sexual experience. It happened on a warm Saturday afternoon in April. I left my house under the pretext of doing some research at the downtown library for some up coming project. I liked my independence and I rode the bus downtown. My real destination was a back alley entrance to some obscure building. Inside was and adult theatre featuring gay porn. I knew I might be gay because thinking about girls never gave me an erection, but for...
Hello friends. This is Subuhi from Delhi. I am 22 years old now. I am pretty attractive and have a nice body. Thanks for the overwhelming response to my first story “My Defloration By My 45 Year Old Uncle”. I am just amazed and feel loved by your responses. For those who didn’t read my first story I will give a brief background so you know the context of my situation in this incident. I described how I got my cherry popped by my uncle at an early age and then. For the next two years I had sex...
Hi ! I am a 22 single male from Chennai. I am working in an software company. I am regular reader of ISS. I like to tell my story which happened when I am doing my college. I am from Chennai and this incident took place when I am 20. In the evening after I had finished my college, I was feeling bored so I thought of going for a movie for the 6 p.m. Show. The theatre was good, but quite isolated. There were very few patrons and more males then females. I went and sat in one of the last rows....
I would like to share my first experience in a xxx theatre. I was 22 at the time and like I've said before, wasn't the fat slob I am now! I had been to several video stores prior to this, and had loved the gloryholes! I read about this adult theatre online and went one saturday afternoon to check it out! It was a pretty rough looking place, older, dirty, it had private booths and six theatres. I decided to check out the two theatres in the basement as they were both showing gay movies. There...
Written by AlinaX and Sandy Monroe One Friday morning, mid-November, I was surprised to receive a call from Ben. With his new job in the City, I never usually heard from him during the day, and rarely saw him except at the weekends. “Hi Ali,” he said, sounding very anxious. “Are you free to talk?” I looked around, intrigued, a little worried, but there was no one in earshot. “Yes. What’s up?” He was silent for a few seconds, which only made me more nervous. “You remember the other night?”...
AnalOne Friday morning, mid-November, I was surprised to receive a call from Ben. With his new job in the City, I never usually heard from him during the day, and rarely saw him except at the weekends."Hi Ali," he said, sounding very anxious. "Are you free to talk?"I looked around, intrigued, a little worried, but there was no one in earshot. "Yes. What's up?"He was silent for a few seconds, which only made me more nervous. "You remember the other night?" he asked eventually."In the conference...
Since all my friends were having office...the day started off boring...nothing nice on tv after lunch i thought of going for a innovative multiplex....something that changed my day.....I was always curious about bi and gay sex...but never tried or for that matter never thought I would be trying it one day... Since it was a many were in theater.....i went and sat in middle went off...nd movie started...then one person came and sat beside...
Ana going again to an adult theatre I came back home from my office really very tired that evening, finding my lovely Ana dressed in a special sexy outfit that she only used when she wanted to be fucked wildly I let out a deep breath and told her I was not really in the mood for a night fuck session. She looked disappointed with my answer and asked me if I would dare to go with her to an adult theatre, where some available man could fuck her in my place. We dressed and headed to the nearer...
Ana going again to an adult theatreI came back home from my office really very tired that evening, finding my lovely Ana dressed in a special sexy outfit that she only used when she wanted to be fucked wildlyI let out a deep breath and told her I was not really in the mood for a night fuck session.She looked disappointed with my answer and asked me if I would dare to go with her to an adult theatre, where some available man could fuck her in my place. We dressed and headed to the nearer adult...
Erotic Theatre It was my first night as a temporary stand in as technical support for a theatre house. I was to maintain some lighting controls to the side of the stage. It was quite a formal occasion, so as it stood I had to wear a suit and to be honest felt quite smart.As I gazed across the side stage she caught my eyes, absolutely dazzling in a long dark dress with a split slightly revealing her thigh and wearing high heels, who is she? Is she part of the performance? Does she work here? I...
Hello ISS readers, I am Hardik from Surat. So here i am again here with my second story. Hope u have enjoyed “fun with lady in surat” story.So here is a real incident happened in 5 months ago. How I had fun with lady in theatre. For any lady who wants to chat with me, my yahoo I’d: So this happened some 5 months back. I live here in Surat with my family. I am in good fit shape. Not that muscle guy but good looking decent guy. Inside I am very naughty. Stroking my dick is my habbit. I am so...
Hi frnds i’m shravan.. This is my first story in iss. I’m from dindigul.. Plz mail me your fedbacks to : Will share you wit a real experience of mine… This is true story which happened in march 2015. I’m from dindigul age 22. The heroine of this story is jenifer age 21. V both are studying in a reputed college in dindgul.. Her structure is 30 size breasts and 32 size waist.. We were studying final year and as you know final semester is for projects and no staff really care if u come to coll or...
Hi all I am a fan of desi gang bang stories and I am follower of this website from 2004, there is not a single day without masturbating after reading story from this site. This all about my romantic day with my girl friend; a brief intro about me I am a little darker but looks attractive (my friends use to say) I am Kumar from Chennai working in an IT company in OMR road. This is about the day with my girlfriend in theatre which happened 3yrs back. She is Roopika (name not changed) she is an...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: June 27, 2011) Chapter 42 - Paramount Theatre Waking up for church the following morning was really hard. That was why I decided to stay in bed. Mom didn't like that decision, but at least she knew how tired I was. She was...
A few months before I met my current partner Edwin, this story occurred. So it must have been about 3 years ago now. It was an ugly, windy and very hot day. I was in a rotten mood to begin with cause me and my boyfriend had just broken up the night before cause he cheated on me. I was getting ready to meet my best girlfriend Eline at the theatre for a movie and some men-bashing afterwards at our favourite bar. I threw on a pink strappy sundress and didn't even bother with a bra cause it was...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I want to start out telling u I'm 22 years old. My name is jim im 5"9 brown hair brown eyes build. I work at a theatre i enjoy my job because of all the gorgeous girls that come thru the theatre and work there. This time i going to tell u about happened about 2 weeks ago at work. one of my co-workers name is heather shes the cutest little blong u wouls ever see included she wore glasses she stands about 4"5 and has id say 36c tits. Now getting back to...
EroticIt is said that in the old city of Prague there is a secret theatre. This theatre is known only to a very small number of people and has been the venue for a very special kind of entertainment for over two hundred years.Even the few who know the address would find it impossible to find. From outside, the place is as nondescript as all the other buildings in the quiet back-street. However at every performance all seats are filled.Once inside, visitors are stunned by the opulence of the interior....
BDSMLucy was rushing around backstage trying to get to each of the dancers to make sure that the microphones were switched on and were not tagging their clothes. Lucy was loving being back stage of the theatre. She had been an art college student for three years and was delighted to be working as a stage hand behind the scenes. She was quite used to working on the sound side of the theatre ensuring that all the performances worked seamlessly whilst at College. This was rather more over-awing she...
SpankingHey everyone. This is your Harish back again. Thank you all for the huge response to my previous stories. I am so happy that my story has satisfied your long rods and wet pussies. This is the third part of this series ‘Kiss of Love And Sex’. New readers, I request you to read the first two parts of the series to get a better understanding and description of my story. A quick re-introduction about myself, I am Harish (name changed) from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Age 24. Fair complexion. I go to...
Hi, excuse me for any mistakes as this is my first story. Talking about me I am 5’8, brown-skinned with an athletic body and a lot of stamina. I go regularly for a workout and have been doing boxing for 4-5 years. I am in college third year now and this story is from 2nd year. The heroine of this story is my then girlfriend Ria (name changed). She was very hot with fat at all the right places. She had a huge ass that I liked to grab tightly very much. Just thinking about grabbing that ass...
Maanvi and Rupali started to give him food every alternate month as he got stomach upset due to outside food for long and on one fine morning when she went there to give him morning Coffee on seeing his erect 9 Inch cock while he was asleep and she was lured into sucking it and then while bathing she fell in bathroom and Montu Kumar treated and helped her and then fucked her. They were facing problems to find a safe and secluded place for regular fucking afterwards so one day he fucked her in...
The story is by one of his friend Montu Kumar starts around the year-2011-12, around 7-8 years back from the present time. He become friend with me during a fashion show in Delhi.. Where he was the Event Planner for the company which has organised this fashion show.. He has narrated his story to me during our several meetings. This is a story about how he become a Sugar Daddy of Two families Maanvi and Rupali started to give him food every alternate month as he got stomach upset due to...
My mind was set alight with sexual possibilities when I was invited to spend a weekend at Charlotte's house. Her parents were away, and it was the first time anyone had been asked to her home. She had never been seen with a boy all through College, and the rumours that she was gay were rife. Now we had left College, and she was still without a boyfriend, and I began to believe all the gossip. She heard these opinions of her but never took the bait, she was completely non-plussed.That might...
LesbianSo, last night, being bored out of my wits and not in the mood for dealing with drunks, I decided to drive to my local Adult Theatre. Mind you, I am not shy, but cannot afford to get in trouble. So, I walked in and there were five or six males jacking off in both screening rooms. I sat down just to observe the dynamic, while a huge cock tight ass movie is playing. Men started spurting and mouths and holes fed. Bodies started tucking away their meat and leaving the theatre. I got up and stood...
Hi readers, this is Deepali (name changed). I am 22 from Mumbai. A bit about my figure – my boobs size is 32B, waist 28 and the size of my ass makes every man crazy. I got matched with a guy on tinder and decided to go for a movie. Initially, we made it clear we were not looking to hookup. We met the next day, smoked pot and went for the movie. We booked the centre seats. The theatre was empty. We sat holding hands. I could see he slowly spread his legs and touching mine. After 45 minutes, he...
The free movie passes where 'burning a hole in my wife's pocket' so to speak. She couldn't wait to use them, every day she would pester me to take her. I was wanting to leave a little break from her last orgy at the book shop but after a week I relented and we went at 7 in the evening. I had phoned to check what time they opened and closed but they didn't, they were open 24 hours a day.When we arrived at the theatre, my wife said "Would you be cross if I went in alone?" "What...?" I said,...
My older lover, Jeff had educated me in many ways in his world of sexual deviance. But one memory that lingres in my mind is the following.I was old enough to have sex at s*******n but not old enough to visit an adult sex shop. Jeff told me to just stay with him & be quite as he took me into the adult shop just a few blocks from the city cente.He held my hand as we looked through the endless display of erotic dvd'd, sex toys lotions & clothes, the shop was so tasetful, colourful &...
She was driving, alone at last. The boy had been left in grandma's care, leaving her with the whole night to herself. But, what to do? Going home and doing housework was not her idea of a night off. Going to a bar or nightclub was not something she liked to do alone. So, she took a drive. Past the park, with the twenty-something parents playing with their young children. Past the skating rink, with all the pre-teens hanging out in front, acting as cool as they knew how to be. Past the beach,...
She'd been looking forward to tonight for a week, it was the start of her holiday and she was kicking it off with a trip to a west end show. She knew her husband wasn't keen on theatre but was touched he was so willing to go. Smiling to herself as she hooked each of the 44hooks down the back of her new black satin and lace basque, she couldn't help but picture his face at the end of the evening. Rolling her nude smooth top stockings up her long tanned legs, being sure to stretch the silk and...
The Toy She walked up to him crop held tight in her sweating palm, the latex squeaking as it rubbed between her thighs. He was unable to move sealed as he was in the latex sleep sack which hung from a hook in the sealing. He moaned as he heard her approach but the sound was stunted by the ring gag that was stuffed with cloth preventing him from drooling down the sleep sack. She unzipped the pouch containing his cock and slipped a cock ring down his hard shaft to make sure that he did not...
I was sitting alone in the theatre in the darkest part watching the previews when I saw a man walk up the stairs. All I could see was a man’s silhouette, an outline of your beautiful body. I kept staring as you worked your way towards me. The theatre was practically empty but you still kept coming towards me. As you sat down next to me I could smell the sweet aroma of your perfume. It was my boyfriend Joe. We look at each other and without saying a word we kiss. Tentative at first then more...
EroticAs I entered the washroom, both stalls we in use as were both urinals. I waited patiently feeling the urge to piss grow to the point I was sure I would piss my pants. Finally one man zipped up and moved from the urinal. I approached the urinal just as the other man was leaving. It's amazing how you never seem to be able to take your dick out fast enough, when you need to piss so badly. It didn't help that I had a full blown hard on. I had to undo not only my zipper but the button of my...
Hello Everyone, I am Suraj from Mumbai, i m 25 years old. I have a athletic body and do gyming regularly and She my ex girlfriend is so sexy and have a excellent figure with all her curves always tempting, she always shows a lot of cleavage and likes to wear shorts her vital stats is 36-28-36. It was the time when we were in college she sat ahead of me and i always had a good view of her cleavage from behind since our desks were arranged in such a manner. Once on a rose day i gave her a yellow...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
As the flew back Catherine and Rebecka had their heads together whispering. Whatever Catherin was saying Rebecka kept shaking her head no. He watched as the maid finally gave in with a sigh. Jake wondered what it was about. He landed in the same place as before, and he and the marines assist the women out of the launch. As he was escorting the two up the front steps, Rebecka asked, “So Jake, do you plan on sleeping on the lady or are you going back to your ship?” Jake missed the next step....
Hi everyone. This is Steve. I am from vadodara , Gujarat. This is my first story so I would like to narret few things about me. I am 22 years old and studying in MBBS. As its my last year , I will be a doctor soon . I regularly visit gym so I have athletic body and pretty attractive look. I would not say my dick is 8-9 inches but it is of good length of 6.5 inches . you can give me feedback on my id so without wasting much time i will move straight away to the story. This happened about 15...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestWell i dont know how to pen down my thoughts, but i know the right time has come.I have been an avid reader and also have included online erotic stories in my readings from a long time. To begin with, I am an average Indian/IT guy and am putting up in Mumbai while working for an MNC at a good position. My age is 26 yrs.The story i am about to narrate is an incident that happened with me about one month ago.I started dating this girl a year back and we were going through thick of the times. We...
Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
A Job in the TheatreChapter 20 -- Gary becomes Gayla"Be a dear and get that bag from the car," Paula winked."Sure," Billy said stuffing his erection back inside his leather pants. He stood, and for just a moment,was right next to Gary, almost touching. Gary could feel the heat waffling off of Billy. He looked soobscene with that erection dominating his leather pants. You could see it a mile away. Gary couldnever go outside looking like that. Billy could care less.Billy looked Gary in the eye,...
We stand by the window looking out to the road, where the early evening shadows stretch across the garden. It's been a fabulously warm summer's day, and we are rounding the day off with a trip to the theatre with four of our friends."There they are!" my wife proclaims, as the large 7-seater SUV pulls up by the side of the road outside our house.The trip into town is a half hour drive through twisty country roads and with the flickering of the trees and the restricted view from the back tier...
Cheating“Hey Mac,” A loud voice diverted the attention of Mac. He turned around and saw Sudip in the corner waiving his hand to him. He responded lifting his hand up and walked towards him. Sudip was with a beautiful lady. He introduced her to Mac. “Mac, She is my wife Vidya and Vidya he is my dear friend Mac.” Vidya saw Mac with the most gorgeous smile that is found in Bengali Women. Mac found her really beautiful. Height around 5’2”, Wheatish Complexion, a Big forehead decorated with a round Red...
The small room at the back of the Dame Helen Mirren Theatre was providing Valerie Haste with much more useful evidence than she had found at the Dean Street hostel. There was a pair of handcuffs, one end locked to a heating pipe and obviously waiting for the guest who was going to be brought here. Valerie peered at the cuffs, there was a possibility of fingerprints on the shiny metal. It was next to a soiled mattress with a single coarse blanket folded up on it. There were bottles of water...
Suzette At The Theater My name is Suzette and this is another of my real life adventures. I am a TGirl from the West Coast and I hope you enjoy this story as much as I had in reality. I had been wanting to go to an Adult Movie Theater in my area that had a reputation for on site sexual activity for a long time. Since I am not the shy type I thought I would give it a try. I placed an ad for a driver and escort to the theater as I didn't want to go alone. I has never been to...
Hi guys. I am Harish, 25 male, 5 ft 8 in tall from Hyderabad. I am going to narrate an incident which happened a couple of years back. After completing my engineering from a reputed college in Hyderabad, I shifted to USA (i.e; United States Of Ameerpet!). I took a room with my B.Tech friends and started attending interviews as well as talking java and C language coaching. Every day I was waiting at the big bazaar near Ameerpet for my friends who used to pick up me to the institute. This was a...
it has been a while for my husband to do anything sexy i think he has run out of new things to try so please give us new things to try....Well we went back to the porn movie but there was only three other people there so we sat in the middle of the theatre with no one around us as the lights went out and the movie started we were there by ourself my husband put his hand on my boobs that was when i felt someone touch my head ohhhhhh it made me go all wet as i knew that we were not alone....He...
Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 38: Dream Theatre Holly and I were just getting back into the ‘swing’ of things, when I got an e-mail from our old friend in the porn industry Jerry Spencer. I don’t know if you have heard about this, but there was an AIDS scare in the porn industry. It seems someone tested positive and so the whole industry is shut down so that everyone can get tested. This is a terrible situation that has many worried people awaiting important life threatening...
i decided to meet up with a couple of friends from xham at a nearby adult theatre. i pulled up and went in to browse around since they hadn't arrived yet. i got in and immediately my eyes were drawn to the dildo and fleshlight shelf on the wall. just walking over to them and seeing glimpses of porn everywhere started to get me horny. looking at a couple of fleshlights, my cock was growing fast, when both of my buddies strolled in together. we greeted, and immediately JC was eager to go back to...