KateChapter 12 free porn video

"I really do like your Gran," said Andrew. "For her age she's bright as a button and is such fun."
"I love her dearly and I'm thrilled that you and she have become buddies. Um, Andrew, would it be all right if I rang Nigel a bit later and told him?"
"Of course it would, you silly." He kissed her gently. "I ought to tell my family too but that can wait a bit. You need to be the one to tell Nigel not Edwina."
"I'll wait till sevenish. They'll be involved in getting the kids to bed now."
"Good thinking and it gives us time to get a drink in our hands."
"What a thoughtful man you are. I'm coming with you."
They went through to the kitchen together where Katrina stood as close to him as she could as he poured the drinks. He kissed her nose as he handed her hers.
"Like a couple of magnets we are now," he smiled.
She smiled back. "In some ways this arm of mine is a good thing. It means we don't have to separate at all for the next few days."
They went back next door and sat down again. Katrina tucked her arm under his and snuggled against him.
"You won't be able to get at your drink," warned Andrew.
"Drat! Oh well, I've had a suck and it'll slow my consumption down." She paused and then looked shyly up at him. "Andrew darling, are we going to make love tonight?"
Andrew tightened his arm on hers and smiled gently. "I'd love to, my sweet, but I think not. I'm sure you're not on the pill and I'm not a condom carrier, added to which you did say at the outset 'slow and gentle'."
She gave a slight pout but then smiled at him. "You are a special man but I'll allow you to speed up a bit now."
He smiled back. "All the same I'd love you to sleep with me provided you promise not to clonk me on the head with that cast."
Her eyes twinkled. "Can't promise but I'll do my best."
"In that case I shall have to hold you very tight."
"Double goody because I shall enjoy that too."
He turned and took her in his arms. "I love you, my Katrina."
They kissed gently and then with growing intensity before easing off and just looking into each other's eyes.
"And I love you, my Andrew."
Her head went against his chest. "It's such a relief to be able to and to be able to tell you. I was in such a stew about Nigel and it was such a silly stew."
"But a very understandable one."
Her head came up again and she searched his eyes. "You really mean that, don't you?"
He nodded.
"Oh, my Andrew."
Her head went down again and she clung to him with her good arm.
A while later she surfaced again. "Right!" she said determinedly. "That's enough slushiness for the time being. Are you going to read to me?"
"No because almost as soon as I start it'll be time for you to ring Nigel."
"Golly! I'd quite forgotten. What an effect you have on me, Mr Whitehead."
They both laughed.
"What time does your crew come into the library?" Andrew asked.
"About half past eight."
"So you ought to ring about then and tell them your form."
She shook her head. They won't answer the phone before opening time at nine. It's the only time of the day we can get anything done without interruption. That and after closing time but I try to keep that to a minimum."
"Fine. I was just wondering what sort of time we ought to be up in the morning. No rush is the answer but would you like to try and find you an engagement ring?"
"Haven't you got to write up last Thursday's court case?"
"It won't take me long. I did a lot of it on Friday."
"In that case, yes please." Her eyes sparkled in anticipation.
He went to renew their drinks and she rang Nigel. It was not a long call and Nigel, as expected, was delighted.
Andrew rang his family who were also thrilled. His mother said she would get back to him about a lunch party for the entire family so that they could all meet Katrina.
Over a light supper following their big lunch Andrew became thoughtful. Katrina quickly noticed.
"What's on your mind, my one?" she asked.
"It's really no business of mine," he said diffidently, "but are you going to tell your parents about us?"
Katrina looked slightly taken aback. "It hadn't even entered my mind," she said quietly. "I haven't been in contact with them since I left them fifteen years ago. There was no need and no wish ever to do so."
Andrew nodded. "I thought you might say something like that and I understand completely. Let's drop it."
"No, my Andrew. If I know you as well as I think I do now, you think I ought to so we need to talk about it. You see it as a chance for reconciliation, don't you?"
He nodded. "On the other hand I don't want to stir up old grievances and, as I say, it's none of my business. Has Nigel ever been in contact with them do you know?"
She shook her head. "Not that I'm aware of. I think he feels the same as me."
"In that case, sweetheart, forget I ever mentioned it. The last thing I ever want is something to come between you two."
She smiled lovingly at him. "Same here which was why I was so stupid about letting myself fall in love with you even though I was aching to."
His hand reached for hers. "You solved that problem though, my Katrina, and reached the right answer by my reckoning."
"And mine! I'm so happy I hardly know whether I'm coming or going."
"Come," he said pushing back his chair.
She came round the corner of the table, sat on his knee and, pulling his head forward with her left hand, kissed him. It started gently and grew in intensity until they drew apart gasping. Her head dropped to his chest and she pulled herself tighter against him. He helped with both arms.

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