Devlin's StoryChapter 19 free porn video

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Her lunch with Jeff didn't go at all like she thought it would. First, he was early while she was the one running behind. Second, he'd made an effort to clean up and look nice, reminding her of that cute puppy dog look he'd had in high school. And third, he seemed to understand their relationship was trembling on the brink.

Linkins was crowded, but Jeff had managed to find a quiet corner and motioned her over when she stopped in the middle of the room, looking for him. He was behind her in a flash, helping her with her coat, holding the chair for her, and generally looking anxious. He hadn't done this since that first dance they'd gone to back in high school.

"I know we haven't been seeing that much of each other," he said as he sat back down. "We've both been busy with school, and, well, my church has been trying to help me with my education."

"We've had a few lunch dates," she said.

"The last time we studied together was a few weeks ago, and--"

"Five weeks ago," she said. "five weeks and four days to be exact."

He looked uncomfortable. "You mean you know the exact day?"

"Girls remember these things."

"You know, I didn't get a chance to apologize for the behavior of my mother that night. She was way out of line and..."

He said more, but Devlin was remembering that Sunday evening. She'd gotten to Jeff's early, wanting to make him dinner and maybe tease him a bit. She'd taken a shower and put on one of his shirts; she loved how it smelled of him. She'd busied herself in the kitchen making dinner and checking out the window from time to time.

When she'd seen Jeff's parents drive up, with Jeff in the backseat, she' forgotten all about dinner. She grabbed her clothes and ran into the bathroom to change. When Jeff's mother found her she'd had the inspired idea to slop some ammonia in a bucket and had rubber gloves on while she scrubbed the toilet. She remembered how his mother had stared at her, and then her grudging nod at the ammonia, rubber gloves and brushes. A few days after that Jeff's sister began coming over to keep house.

Worse followed. She cooked dinner for everyone, and afterwards she and Jeff had settled down to study under the watchful eye of his parents. She wasn't sure Jeff's mother bought her story of coming over to study (and then go home); she'd brought her overnight case and had to sneak it out of the apartment when (hopefully) nobody was looking. Jeff and his father had escorted her back to the dorm--she'd waited an hour and then snuck back to get her overnight case from where she'd hidden it under the stairs.

In many ways it had been a thoroughly unpleasant evening. She could still feel his mother's eyes as they followed her around the kitchen. Maybe Sue and Danny were right, maybe he was a bit of a momma's boy. But he wasn't acting that way at the moment.

"... my life is my own, and she had no call to question you like that."

"Some mothers are like that," Devlin said. "They fell protective towards their children. Mothers are especially protective of their sons, while fathers protect their daughters with shotguns."

"You'd think it'd be the other way around," he said.

Devlin shrugged. "My mom's next door neighbor has two daughters. Their father said he remembered what he was like as a teenage boy and was determined to protect them from the boy he was."

"I find that... wouldn't the police..." He bit off what he'd been going to say. "Anyway, Devlin, she was way out of line doing that, and even if she never apologizes, I want to for her."

Devlin didn't know what to make of that. "Apology accepted, I guess," she said at last.

Jeff smiled. "Good, I'm glad. Look, I don't have a tutor on Thursday or Sunday nights any more. My grades are up where they want them. I thought we could start studying together again."

She blinked at him in surprise. This was a little too soon. "I, uh, I'll have to think about that," she said at last. "I have my Business Work Group on Thursdays. We get together in the library to work on our joint projects, so that wouldn't work out very well."

He looked disappointed. "I can see that," he said. "Would some other night work out?"

"I thought your church took up most of your evenings?"

"Well, it does, but I'm sort of excused from some of them as long as I keep my grades up." He gave her his goofy smile. "And anyway, I always thought I studied better with you than with the tutor."

"Then why did they bring in a tutor?"

"I think that was my mother's doing. The elders wanted reports from someone who had worked in the field; that was my math and chemistry tutor. I'm still seeing him," he added, "just not as often as before."

She wondered if Jeff's mother was spying on them. It could be that if she and Jeff got together again right away his mother would find a reason to have the tutor show up again. That sounded awfully paranoid, but it made just as much sense as anything else.

"Look, I can't make it tonight. Like I said, I have my study group, but we can see about Sundays, though this weekend doesn't work out. My, um, my Aunt Flo is, uh, is visiting."

"You're Aunt Flo?" He looked confused. "You've never mentioned an Aunt Flo before. Who's she?"

Devlin wanted to laugh. "It's a euphemism, Jeff. When a girl says her Aunt Flo is visiting it usually means she's having her period."

"Oh. Then why don't you just say so?"

That had to be the engineer in him talking; other girls in the dorm had talked about engineering students and their blunt approach to things... "It's a girl thing, okay? So if we did get together to study, that's all we would do, study."

He managed to hide most of his disappointment. That made her think he really was more interested in the sex they'd share afterwards, not the chance to study. A dozen thoughts tumbled through her head in an instant. She wanted to say something to him about that, like how she'd missed the sex, too, but she didn't. He was trying to get them back together, and that was something. She decided to see where this would lead.

"Maybe we could get together, you know, maybe at the library or something, and study."

"Sure, I'd like that." He glanced at his watch. "What are you doing this afternoon, after your classes, I mean?"

"Nothing too exciting, get something to eat and prepare for my study group."

"Would we, um, you know, could we get together and eat? I could meet you after your last class and we could go get something then."

"Um, sure, why not?"

"Good, I'll see you then. I've got to go, I've got my Statics class in 15 minutes." In the past they would have kissed. He didn't presume that much. Instead they shared a smile and he picked up his things and left.

Devlin watched him leave. She sat there stirring her coffee, thinking. Sue thought she should dump him. Danny thought she should dump him. Connie, the one time they'd talked about it, Connie thought she should dump him. If she talked to Krissi she had no doubt Krissi would say she should dump him. What were they seeing that she wasn't? She thought back on what Sue had said. That was the perspective of an older woman. Danny had a guy's perspective, and he didn't like Jeff or Jeff's church one bit.

She wondered how much of a real believer Jeff was. They'd never talked about faith or things like it. Danny was right: if she kept seeing Jeff she was going to have to learn to live with his church. Sue had said much the same thing, as had a couple of other girls on her dorm floor when she had mentioned him. She wasn't sure she wanted anything to do with his church.

There was always the chance she could wean him away from his church. She snorted. How many times had she read of a woman marrying a guy and setting out to change him, only to divorce him in the end because what he turned in to wasn't something she could live with? In other words she was stuck with Jeff the way he was.

She finished her coffee and headed back out into the weather. Jeff was trying to patch things up between them. She had to give him credit for that. She'd meet him halfway if she could, but she wouldn't compromise on his church. She could change, but only up to a point. The question was, could he change?

In the next week she learned that she and Krissi could have fun outside of the bedroom. They went ice skating, something that neither one of them was very good at. They laughed, they fell down a lot, they held each other up on the ice, and they laughed some more. The day after her period ended she and Danny had some fantastic sex; afterwards they were both too tired to move and the bed was an absolute mess. When she'd tried to pick up her clothes Danny had tackled her and they'd enjoyed themselves again on a blanket on the floor.

"Can you get it up again?" she asked when he finally recovered his breath.

"Not any time soon. How about you?"

"Silly man," she giggled, "I don't have to worry about getting anything up. Of course I'm going to have a hard time concentrating on anything the rest of the day, but right now I don't care about that."

"Well, you should, that's why you're here." He moved and his cock slipped out of her.

"Oh, I was hoping it wouldn't be leaving so soon."

"I don't know how many times I've heard you say that."

She shrugged. "Can I help it if I like the way it feels in there? I'll probably say it a dozen times more, at least, and..."

He put his finger against her lips. "I know, I know." He leaned forward and kissed her. "Today was great. The doctor told me Sue can go home tomorrow; she'll be an outpatient for a few months, and she has therapy. Then this morning I learned that I'm getting a promotion, and finally you give me such hot sex I can barely move. Right now my life is full."

"That's great about Sue. Will she ride in with you every day, or what?"

"Don't you want to hear about my promotion?"

"I figure you'd tell me about it eventually." She began tracing imaginary circles on his chest. "Sue didn't say a thing when I saw her this morning. What are you going to do about the kids? Will you bring them with you, or what?"

He began caressing her breasts, paying special attention to her nipples. "Sue is going to ride down with me every day. Mrs. Witherspoon will watch our kids. You remember her."

Devlin made a face despite the way Danny was making her feel. "How could I forget her? She kept showing up at the most inopportune times. I think she was convinced we were sleeping together."

"I wouldn't call what we were doing sleeping."

She reached down and grabbed his cock. It was covered with her juices and he'd already cum twice, but it responded as she stroked it. "No, you're right, we didn't get much sleeping done, unless you fell asleep exhausted, or I passed out from a strong climax."

She had had to learn to work around Mrs. Witherspoon. The woman would show up unexpectedly and start nosing around. More than once she had managed to appear demure and composed, even though Danny's jism was seeping out of her and her body was still reacting to her climax.

Danny pushed her over on her back and repositioned himself so his face was next to her pussy. He wet his finger and slowly stroked the foreskin of her clit. "Yeah, we were busy doing this, weren't we?"

Devlin kissed the head of his cock. Over the years she'd gotten used to what her juices tasted like. Today there was that combination of his jism and her juices. It was a heady mixture, one she was sure a proper lady wasn't supposed to taste. But at times like this she wasn't a 'proper lady'.

She lifted his cock and gently sucked his balls. She liked how they moved in their little sack when she caressed them with her tongue. She could never get enough of that part of a man's anatomy. Other girls in the dorm giggled and whisper about how 'big' a guy was. They might joke about feeling a guy with their hands, or feel a guy get a hard-on when they danced, but they totally ignored the other part of a guy's sexual equipment, his balls. They were what made the jism, and guys responded so well when you kissed and sucked them.

Finally she had to let them go. Danny might like getting his balls sucked, but he really liked it when she sucked his cock. While she'd been busy with his balls his cock had stiffened out to its usual respectable length. Now she kissed and licked her way up his length, feeling the taut expectancy of his masculinity.

When she reached the helmet-shaped head she smiled at him. "This looks nice and ready. I didn't think you could get it up again."

"Well, it surprised me." He slipped his finger in her. "You're that wonderful mixture of hot and wet."

Devlin lay back, opening her legs. "Put it in," she said, rubbing her clit.

Danny knelt between them, his cock jutting out eagerly. He rubbed it through the wet folds of her sex before guiding it to her entrance and pushing. He slid all the way home in one continuous fiery thrust.

"Ah," she murmured when he reached bottom, "this feels better already. I don't think I could ever get enough of it."

"You and me, both," Danny replied, his voice low. He shifted his weight, taking more of it on his hands. "Here we go." He drew back and thrust again.

She was already wound up from the first two times, so in the next few minutes she came twice. Both times it was the gasping, clutching him kind of orgasm that she loved. He finally stiffened, moved to short hard strokes, and groaned as he bathed her interior with his cum. Afterwards he relaxed against her looking absolutely wiped out.

"I'm not 18 years old and able to cum four or five times in one night," he finally got out.

"Could you really cum that many times when you were that age?" she asked. He had slumped across her, his head on her breasts. She stroked his forehead, brushing his sweat-soaked hair away from his face.

"I only did it that many times twice: the night Sue and I met, and the night she accepted my proposal." He laughed softly. "I couldn't get it up the next morning either time, and she was too sore to do anything, even if I could have."

"I'd say it sounded romantic," she chuckled, "but people insist girls aren't supposed to consider nights filled with non-stop sex to be 'romantic'."

"Yeah, and you know what I think of people like that."

"About the same as I do." She shifted slightly to get more comfortable.

"If you want I can get off. The floor has to be hard."

"Well, it is, but..."

He rolled off and settled in beside her, cradling her in his arms. "We can't spend long doing this." He pulled the blanket off the bed and arranged it around them.

"Even a few minutes is nice. So Sue is going to ride in with you every day."

"I'll drop her off at the hospital before heading in to work. Apparently her rehab work will take most of each day. The doctor told me that if she was too tired she would have to stay here in town, so I'll probably bring her here."

"Before long it'll be down to only part of a day. What'll you do then?"

"We'll figure it out when we get there."

They lay there for a few minutes more. Devlin felt content to be held. Her life was getting complicated. She had spent the night before with Krissi--the girls in the dorm thought that she and Jeff had gotten back together, but she wasn't going to tell them the truth. She and Jeff were still getting back together, she was just taking it slowly.

"Something bothering you?" Danny asked. "Suddenly you tensed up."

"Nothing I'm not learning to handle." She reached up behind them and found her watch. "That can't be right."

"What?" He squinted, trying to see the face of the watch.

"You have about 15 minutes to get cleaned up and get back to work."

"I've... what?" He sat up and grabbed his own watch. "Jesus, you're right." He gave her a quick kiss and scrambled up, trying to find his clothes.

"Get in the shower," she said. "I'll lay your clothes out on the bed."

He gave her a grateful smile and headed for the bathroom. She took her time, finding his clothes and laying them out properly for him. When she was done she folded up the blankets they'd been using and stored them in the closet. She really should wash them. She didn't have any way to take them with her this afternoon so she made a mental note to come over after class to get them.

She opened the door to the bathroom just a crack. "All set, better hurry."

"Want to use it?" he asked as he got out.

She shook her head. "I'll get a shower downstairs. I'm not supposed to be doing anything in my room that would require a shower."

"Well, technically speaking, we're not supposed to be doing anything in this room that would require a shower, either." He dried himself hastily and headed for the bed and his clothes.

"Friday?" Danny asked as he pulled on his pants.

"Um, maybe. I'll let you know. I have some tests on Friday afternoon." She gathered up her things and paused at the doorway between their rooms. "I'll call you Friday morning."

"Let's not," he said after a moment. "I'll make it up to you on Monday."

She nodded and closed the door between their rooms. She tested the door to make sure it was locked, and put the door handle in a pocket in her purse. The room was cold, and she rubbed her arms briskly as she headed for the bathroom. She wouldn't shower, but she could do some other things to clean up, something the maid who cleaned these rooms would find perfectly normal.

She threw on just her slacks, blouse and boots, enough to be decent, and took the stairs to the Women's Locker Room.

After a soothing shower she was half-dressed when Sgt. O'Connor sat down next to her. "So how long have you been sleeping with Daniel Mitchell?" she asked in a low voice. "And does his wife know?"

"I beg your pardon?" Devlin tried to hold her shock in check. "What are you talking about?"

"I wouldn't be much of a detective if I didn't know what you two are doing upstairs three times a week."

Devlin took a quick glance around. They were alone, but that was probably only because they were in the locker room. The officials from the Athletic Club were probably waiting just outside the Locker Room.

"Look," Sgt. O'Connor said, "I don't personally care what you two are doing. You're both of legal age, so what you're doing isn't illegal in the eyes of the city. And as far as I can tell you aren't charging him for what you're doing, which would make it my business. I'm just here to satisfy my curiosity."

Devlin decided to tell as much of the truth as she felt she could get away with--she'd just leave out how long she and Danny had been doing this.

"His wife knows," she said. "In fact she approves of it."

"She... what? Approves of it?" Sgt. O'Connor looked surprised.

"She's the one who suggested it."

"She... no," Sgt. O'Connor said, glancing down the aisle, "she didn't."

"You can ask her. She's over at University Hospital right now." She glanced at her watch. "It's Visiting Hours right now and I'm on the list to see her, so we could go over there together and ask her."

Sgt. O'Connor looked at her and shook her head slightly. "This isn't what I expected. I thought... no, it really doesn't matter what I thought, not now." She gestured at the doors to the Locker room. "Why don't you finish getting dressed and we can talk about this in a little more privacy."

"So I'm not under arrest?"

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He Shouldnt have teased his Sister final part

He shouldnt have teased his sister by Jasmine Monica Richard a considers his live and how he will life from that point. And he resolves himself to solving what happened, and proving himself innocent. Part two Final Richard sat alone on his bed in the darkened cell long into the night. There was little chance of any sleep after what the fifteen year old boy had just endured. Most boys may have been totally destroyed by the suddenness of the change forced upon their them. This one...

4 years ago
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My Wife Keeps our Sex Life Hot

This story is about a part of our lives when we had few cares and were in a situation we could take advantage of. That short period in between college and reality. I've never described Nikki so here goes. She was 5'8", at this time (about 1980), she was nice and soft without being fat, probably about one hundred forty pounds. She had long black hair and brown eyes. D-cup boobs that stood up proudly and nice round hips. The easiest description would be Christina Hendricks with long black hair...

Wife Lovers
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Fucked The Aphrodisiac UP Housewife

Hi readers. I’m Sarfaraz Khan a 23 year old male from South India, single. I love making love to hot girls and aunties. I believe in not forcing yourself on a woman. Sex should always be consensual and I create a situation where the female herself gives in to me. This is about my neighbor. Let’s call her ‘Janaki’. She was from the state of UP, came and settled in my locality as her husband was working in some small firm. They were not much educated but not very poor like the typical migrant...

2 years ago
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I Couldnt Believe That Happened Part 4

Just the realization of what I'd done not once, not twice, but three different times with one of my step-daughter's friends should have made me realize I'd been lucky and fortunate. Fortunate enough to get away with things that most guys my age would only fantasize about. I guess in reality, I was either stupid, my hormones had gotten the best of me, or I simply couldn't get enough of that dripping wet, soaking, tight pussy that I'd been able to experience over a two day period.Honestly, Tammy...

4 years ago
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My Life Pt 4 The Big Game

Part 4 out of ? I woke up to the movement of my sister climbing over me. I grabbed her and rolled over her so i was on top of her, and gave her a passionate kiss. "hey there big boy" she said "hey sexy" i replied "i am planning on doing something today that may make you a little jealous" i said "what are you going to do" she asked puzzled at my statement "you will know it when you see it" i said "Ok" she said as she got up to get a shower for the day It...

1 year ago
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Seducing Muslim Friend8217s Sexy Wife 8211 Part 4

Thank you for all your feedback, please read the previous parts for continuity. I’ll try to post the following parts as soon as possible. This is the final part of how we both ended up fucking. So it’ll be a long one. And after this, I’ll elaborately give you the sexual endeavors that we did and tried. My Muslim friend’s wife Aaesha was about to suck my cock with her beautiful lips and I wanted to enjoy that, but not in the dark. But she did not allow me to turn on the lights in the living...

3 years ago
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Thoughts Sensations and EmotionsChapter 15

A week went by, and then another. I painted during the day, finishing both Serenity and Rage, but other successful attempts to capture emotions on canvas eluded me. I'd come close with Indifference, but in the end, scraped the canvas clean and resized it, using a neutral polyvinyl acetate, rather than gesso. The cute girl at the art store told me gesso was all right for acrylic paints but recommended the PVA sizing for oils. Jason, the morning person, called me every morning on his way to...

1 year ago
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Lara a Weekend to Remember

Lara was 28 and it had been four years since her life was changed forever. She had just finished her master's degree at the young age of 24 when the most dramatic thing happened to her. Even four years later, the event was still in her everyday thinking. Lara was brought up very protected and in a family that loved her dearly. She was a very beautiful young woman who was lucky enough to possess a body that left a permanent impression in every man's head. She was sexy by all standards and two...

3 years ago
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Marathi Kaamwali 8211 Part 1

Maza nav parth. Mi punyat rahto. Amchya ghari ek kaam wali bai hoti..Ticha nava hota kalpana. Hi goshta tevhachi ahe jevha mi 12 vit hoto-4 varshanpurvi. Kalpana chi age tevha 28-29 asel.Tila ek 10 varsha chi mulgi hoti.Ticha navra tila sodun gela hota.Tila to ajibat avdaycha nahi…Khup maraycha..Mhanun sodun gela te barach kela asa ti mhanaychi. Ti amchya gharat javalpas sakali 8 te sandhyakali 6:30 paryant asaychi.Divas bhar kahi na kahi tari kaam karat asaychi.Tila pagar pan changla det hoti...

3 years ago
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Beauty and the Plug

“Now, I can’t wait to take a shower,” I thought to myself. I had just finished mowing my yard and the hot Georgia sun was blazing down. I had started about 9 am on this Saturday morning and had completed the front and back yard some three hours later. Altogether I had nearly three acres of yard to mow and once again thought maybe it was finally time to get a riding mower. Or hire someone to mow like most of my neighbors did. It’s not that I couldn’t afford to buy a mower or hire someone, but...

3 years ago
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My First Boyfriend Part Five

Things had pretty much gotten back to normal after our wildweekend a week or so before. My boyfriend Steve and I had our unofficial “honeymoon” where I had dressed in a wedding dress and we made love. I had been out dressed as a girl for the first time and had gone to a party where I sucked off a bunch of guys for money. Steve and I had taken two of those guys home with us and they all banged me all night until their dicks wouldn’t get hard and then had started putting other stuff up my butt. I...

4 years ago
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Old Friend Reunion

It was late October last year when I had a work trip planned to Orlando. While I was in Florida I decided to call my old high school buddy TJ who lived in Daytona. I called him up and he said he would love to have me over the weekend I was going to be down. When I finished up in Orlando I drove over to TJ's late Friday. When I arrived we greeted each other he introduced me to his wife Pam and we went out to dinner. The next morning I was up early and had went for a walk around the...

2 years ago
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Atm Ki Line Ne Dilayi Choot

Hiii friends…M from rounak…Age 24 from delhi… Ye story ek married lady ki hai…Kaise atm ki line ki wajah se usko impress kar k pataya Aur uski fucking kari…   So nov k month me paise nikalne k liye main atm line pe khada tha…Line kafi lambi thi.. But mera no 15 logo k bad tha…To aise hi timepass karne k liye idher udher main dekh raha tha.. Suddenly line me piche khadi ek bhabi ko dekha…Dekhne me aachi thi..Name-neha (changed) Height 5.5 ki hogi,age-32 Size-36-30-34 h…Usko dekhte hi mera lund...

3 years ago
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Sex ProcurerChapter 9

I wanted something different, anyway. After awhile you get tired of all the goodie-goodie girls. You've prostituted the bitches to that point where you know the score on every one of them. You know their bullshit backward and forward. You know they lie, and that they're not worth a good damn in hell. You want something else to work on. Something to spice life a bit. So I started prowling again. I drove here and there, eyeing the quail, figuring what they were worth, making a bet with...

3 years ago
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Second Date

‘WHAT?!’ Natalie screeched, ‘What do you mean you aren’t going?’ ‘I’m just too exhausted for the bar scene tonight,’ Carly replied sheepishly, ‘Steve and I are going to stay in and watch movies until we pass out.’ ‘Ugh, seriously,’ Natalie replied impatiently, ‘I’m all dressed and ready. I wish you’d have called sooner.’ ‘I know, I’m sorry kiddo,’ Carly said, ‘I’m sure you and Lisa will have a perfectly good time without me.’ ‘That’s the bitch of it,’ Natalie complained, ‘Lisa bailed too.’ ...

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Paying For Her Husbands Debts

It was raining outside as Ashley examined herself in the mirror, giddy with excitement. The sound of the rain and roar of the thunder had always soothed her. She was 21-years-old with long natural red hair that fell half way down her back. She had piercing blue eyes and light freckles over her nose. She didn’t think anyone would mistake her for a super model as she only stood 5 feet 4 inches tall, but she liked what she saw, and knew she could turn some heads. The extra time she’d been spending...

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Mums The Word

I can’t recall exactly when it first happened. When I had those initial feelings of lust for my mother. My first memories of feeling stirred up were watching her get dressed in front of me. She would put her panties and bra and the rest of her clothes on her naked body, oblivious to me being in the room. Nothing escaped me. Not her perky tits or her luscious shaved pussy, her long flowing red hair and her long slender legs. My Ma was quite the package and I wanted to get the chance to open...

4 years ago
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parking booth

I am parking downtown montreal for the last 2 yearsSince i started University it has been a recurrent tought , i should stop coming in car and use the public transport the parking cost killing my finianceWas it my prayer being exausted or just coincidence all I remember is how easy he had me in his cabin after his 3rd weeks of workwe had been smoking cigarette together only 3 times as i get back to my car later than usual , mostly after hockey nights with university friendsHe was divorced 53 a...

2 years ago
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Getting Mixed up with Mary Part 2

Just a quick recap of part one Mary was our 40 something neighbor and my mothers best friend . I was sent over to Mary's to clean out the gutters what i saw through the open window was Mary stark naked masturbating putting on quite a show for me.Now on to part 2 as always comments are more than welcome as it helps me as a writer. I still had the vivid picture of Mary spread eagle on the bed thrusting the vibrator in and out of her wet pussy.Every time it popped in my mind my cock would become...

2 years ago
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Biwi aur saali

YEH SACCHI GHATNA HAI baat 12 saal pahele ki hai mera naam Raj aur meri biwi ka naam Sunita hai Main apne ghar se alag dusre shaher mein naukri karta hun. Meri shaadi ke ek do saal bad ek baar mujhe training ke liye kuch mahine ke liye bahar jaana pada us time meri saali jis ka naam Rita hai meri biwi ke paas rahene ayii. Jab mein waapis aya, us din shaam ko ek ladka jis ka naam Ravi hai ghar aya use meri saali ka BF karke interduce kiya. Do saal baad unki shaadi ho gayi. Woh ladka engineer tha...

1 year ago
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Wife takes on best friend

My best mate Steve has been separated from his ex for 2 years now and after 18 years marriage is really struggling with the loneliness and no family life. My wife Jen and I have tried to keep Steve involved with social activities but it is different without a partner.Last Friday all of my k**s were out for the weekend and Jen and I decided to hit the Casino in Melbourne which is a rare treat for us, so we called the hotel, got a room, packed an overnight bag and headed into town. I gave Steve a...

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First Creampie and Snowball PT2

“Are you sure you want to do this?”, Bob asked as Sue finished rinsing the breakfast dishes. “You bet,” Sue said, “it isn’t often that a woman gets a chance like this.” “Okay,” Bob said, “I’ll be home about 5:00 and we’ll see what happens.” He came over to her and kissed her on the lips, feeling their warmth and softness, aching with love for her. Bob looked into her eyes, and admired the beauty of her face. “I love you more than you can imagine,” he said, “not many women would tolerate my...

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Female Plumbing Problems

Chris was not having a good day. He had gone into work tired, looking forward to the weekend. Before he had finished even his first cup of coffee, a trouble ticket had come across his desk. The end user had labeled it "minor," but end users never knew how big a problem was. This one turned out to be a doozy. It had been a scaling issue, a flaw in the basic architecture that was introduced long before Chris ever saw the product, but his problem now. The solution he'd implemented was no...

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Lucky Lisas Lesson

She was a little fire cracker so of course she yelled back them. She called them queers and told them they had tiny dicks. Just then the car screeched to a halt and backed up. They Jumped out and grabbed her and put her in the back seat between two of them. The held her tight so she couldn't move and they blared music so loud no one could hear her screams. She knew 3 of the boys but the one driving was someone new, he looked older. Jordan the only black boy that went to their school was...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 106 Landsmeet

It was a long walk across the city to the Landsmeet, and we'd had to get up way too early. I cursed the lack of technology again. I miss cars. And traffic lights. Who'd ever have thought I'd miss traffic lights? Denerim could definitely use them, with people, wagons, carriages, and beasts of burden everywhere, as there were. While we could have taken a carriage, given the crowded, narrow streets of Denerim, it wouldn't have been much faster. I was used to the walking – spending months on...

3 years ago
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Widow Aunty

I am a regular reader of indian sex stories and after a lot of thinking i am telling u my real story.our family used to live in delhi from 13 years. This is the story when i was 21 years old .vaise to main bahut hi sharmila ladka hun par jab bhi apni pados wali aunty ko dekhta hun mere rom rom me current dod padta hai .aab main aapko apne aunty ke bare main batata hun woh 40 saal ki honge aur unka figure 43-32-40 hoga .she is a.widow of an army officer. Woh uncle ki 2 biwi thi. 1 biwi unse...

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Your Lesbian Slave Life

You’re taking a walk in the park with your sweet boyfriend, Noah. You’re smiling and flirting like crazy. He’s super sweet and as you guys are holding hands, you get a strange feeling. Suddenly, someone hits you on the back of your head! You crumple to the ground and see Noah’s face in disbelief. It’s the last thing you see before submitting to darkness... -start of writer notes, feel free to skip- This is my first story, so please allow me some slack! I love BDSM shit, especially slavery...

1 year ago
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Revenge Inc at Golden GrottoChapter 18

"Ree," Kedra whispered with a note of horror in her voice as she still lay huddled on the floor of the elevator with the Foole, "you giggled while blowing away those four men outside the elevator doors and actually laughed when you cleared the hallways on each side! Then you laughed some more while shooting the wounded, blowing their entire faces off with that shotgun! It's just not natural ... not human!" The look Kedra gave me strongly suggested that she was staring into the face of...

2 years ago
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The HealerChapter 2

I had been warned many times by Grandad Tivey that ‘basic’ was designed to break you down then build you up into something Ground Force could use. That started from the very second the shuttle touched down with a fully armoured Monitor ordering us off with various threats and imprecations and made us stand at attention, still holding our travel bags, to the side of the landing pad in a bit of a downpour. We were then left to stew as the Monitor ignored us to chat to the pilot. The one attempt...

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Teachers PestChapter 3 Flashing DC

The hotel restaurant was the perfect venue for Dave and Tiffany to end their first day in Washington. The waiter had seated them and poured glasses of ice water. Dave squinted at the menu. "Figured out what you want?" Tiffany asked. "Well, I'm a meat and potatoes sort of guy," he replied. Tiffany nearly choked on her water. "You could have fooled me," she laughed, "I seem to recall you being a whipped cream and raw bacon sort of guy..." Dave's thoughts drifted back to their...

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Emily Extract

*Authors Note: This a second extract from my novel, the first extract follows Billy a male student, this second sample follows my experiences with a second student Emily. More to follow, please leave feedback! Upon listening to Sophia say those magical words, I found myself almost in a trance when agreeing to tutor Emily, Sophia’s barely 18 year old mathematics prodigy. My mind was racing, why did she use those words? She could not of meant... no surly not. We had finished that summer afternoon...

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General SidChapter 26

There was a chill in the autumn air that night. Sid, Fred, Gregor, Dracos, Sebeson, Connor, and Barson were seated around the campfire; each staring into the fire. The smoke from the fire would occasionally blow in Barson's direction and his eyes kept tearing up. It was time to discuss the events of the day and to plan for the future. Gregor said, "Thanks for your warning about Jameson." "What happened there?" Sid asked. "Jameson wasn't going to attack until he knew which way the...

1 year ago
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Private Cherry Candle Horny in the Storm

In Private Specials, Alpine Lovers, Cherry Candle is hiking in the mountains with her boyfriend when a sudden storm hits and forces her to find shelter, but lucky for them, a secluded cabin is not too far away, and they know the perfect way to pass the time! There’s no better way to warm-up from the cold than sex, and that’s exactly what Cherry does with her man, Dave Candle, who gets a taste of her sweet pussy before getting treated to a hot deepthroat blowjob and a sexy, intimate fuck that...

2 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa Futas Wild DayChapter 2 Futarsquos First Nurse

April 17th, 2047 “Two nurses?” Adelia Tash asked me, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaning closer to me. That did such interesting things to her breasts pressing at her blouse. “That must have been such an exciting time.” “Oh, it was,” I said. “I just wish the past me had been relaxed enough to really appreciate what was happening.” A chuckle ran through the studio audience watching the celebration of my life as the world’s first futa. When I grew a cock almost thirty years ago, it...

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The Next Level

Disclaimer: this story still needs work. It's tightly based up one of the many escapades of a happily married girlfriend of mine. She'd kill me if she knew I was sharing--names not changed because she has not innocence! Things got out of hand before a second thought could chance its way through Meisha’s mind. Instead of pumping the brakes, she decided to drop it a few gears. Once off the clutch, she slammed the gas pedal into the floor.Andre stood over Meisha, his hands on his hips, sweat...

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