Devlin's StoryChapter 20 free porn video

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"... it was like that guy at Emma's a couple of weeks ago," Devlin said. "You know, Henry." It was Saturday morning and they were sitting in Linkins having an early lunch.

"That bad?" Krissi murmured. "Yuck. I take it he was never like that before."

"He wouldn't even touch me down there." Devlin shook his head. "He used to love doing that. Now..." She shrugged. "And he kept badgering me to do it without a condom."

"Look at it from his perspective, Devlin. The one person you should be able to do it with without using a condom is your girlfriend."

"I was only using one because I don't know who he's been seeing."

Krissi looked surprised. "Do you think he's been seeing someone else? You really don't have any proof of that."

Devlin hunched forward, staring at her half-eaten sandwich. "No, I don't have any proof, but I don't know that he hasn't been having sex with someone else, either. I admit, given his church, that it's unlikely he is, but I don't know."

Krissi nodded. "It's funny," she said after a bit. "We're much more aware of our health than people in the straight world are." She laughed briefly. "And they think we're the ones who are at risk."

"Well, in a way we are. Look at all of the studies and reports."

"And how much of what we're hearing is from people who don't want anyone to have sex except to make babies."

Devlin nodded thoughtfully. "One of the girls on my floor is like that. She would have been at home with the Puritans. She doesn't get invited to the late night bull sessions any more, not since she cut loose at everyone whom she thought was having sex."

"Which was probably most of the girls on the floor."

"Most of us," Devlin nodded, "whether they've openly said they are or not. We all generally know who's doing what, though I think what's going on with Danny flies under the radar. People know about Jeff."

"Do they know about us?"

Devlin smiled and shook her head. "No, but that's something I want to talk about, but later. My roommate Connie summed it up best. This was, oh, about a month ago. Nicole was sitting in on one of the bull sessions and Connie went right after her. She said Nicole seemed deathly afraid that somebody, somewhere, was having fun. Said it right to her face, too. Nicole got all red and huffy and stomped off. She hasn't been invited back since."

"Does Connie know about you and Danny?"

"Sort of, well, she knows something is going on with someone other than Jeff, but that's all. She knows about Jeff, though. I really twisted her ear about him yesterday afternoon. She's been telling me to dump him."

"I've never met him, but I agree with her. I think that pretty much makes it unanimous."

Devlin nodded glumly. "You, Sue and Danny, Connie, and nearly every gal on my floor. I guess that's just about everybody."

"I mentioned this to my boyfriend," Krissi said, staring down at her sandwich.

"Boyfriend? When did you acquire a boyfriend?"

"You remember that guy I told you about, the one who first showed me a good time?"

Devlin nodded. "Yeah, I think you told me he was the second guy you were with."

"Well, I ran into him last Monday after my 1:30. Well, we got to talking; I think we talked most of the afternoon and a good part of the evening."

Devlin smiled. "So, did you drag him into bed and have your wicked ways with him?"

"Not exactly. We've done a lot of talking. I haven't gone to bed with him, but I think that's just a matter of time. He's working on a dual degree, Economics and Math, and we were amazed at how many things we have in common."

"You'll have to make sure he's safe before you hop in bed with him."

"I know, I know. Yesterday he got the full range of tests; he's clean and healthy. Like I said, once I got to talking with him he turned out to be a lot more interesting than any of the other guys I've met. His name's Steve, by the way."

"And he wants to go with us tonight?"

Krissi shook her head. "No, I haven't told him about Emma's. I'm not sure I'd want to take a guy to Emma's. That's not exactly where you'd want to take a date."

Devlin laughed. "That would be hoot, wouldn't it? Where did you go on your date, Devlin? It was so romantic. We went to dinner and then stopped by at Emma's where we had sex with everybody but each other."

Krissi had been sipping her coffee; she almost sprayed Devlin as she laughed. "God, that would be something, wouldn't it. If I ever wrote pornography I'd have to write that story. They can have casual sex with anybody but each other. Hah! Try figuring out how to make that plausible." She stopped laughing long enough to pull out a small notebook and make a few notes.

"You're not serious about that, are you?" Devlin asked.

"An idea is an idea." She finished writing and dropped her notebook in her purse. Her hand hovered over her purse for several seconds, and then she drew out a business envelope. "I did get this in the mail this morning." She passed it across to Devlin, looking down and obviously trying not to meet her eyes.

Devlin opened it slowly, reading through the letter twice. "This is great, Krissi. She wants to see your whole book." She handed the letter back to Krissi, who dropped it in her purse.

"I know, which is why I'll have to take my laptop with me tonight. I want to go through my novel one more time before I send it off to her."

"You're not going to spend your time at Emma's writing, are you?" Devlin looked at her friend and started laughing. "Somehow that just doesn't seem like the thing to do at Emma's."

Krissi shook her head. "Of course not. I figured that since you're going to be seeing your mother tomorrow on our way home, I'd just find a restaurant or someplace that'll let me plug in and write while you're doing that. Maybe the library, if there's a library in Toluca."

"There wasn't the last time I looked."

"Did your mother say why she needed to see you?"

"No," Devlin said, shaking her head. "I suspect she might be considering selling the house. Since I moved down here she's been all alone in the place, and it doesn't really make sense for her to keep it. She probably wants to tell me she's putting the house in on the market or something."

"And you don't mind?" Krissi asked. "Some people do. You know, the family home and stuff like that."

"It's an awfully large house, far too much for one person. It'd only be logical for her to sell it."

"Anyway, that's between you and her. I'll just curl up with my laptop and write. When you're done come collect me."

"Sure. What time do you want to leave?"


"Yes... and no. I've been doing a lot of thinking this week, and, well, there are a few things I want some answers to."

"Answers?" Krissi studied Devlin's face. "Like what's... like between us?"

"That's a lot of it." Devlin picked at her sandwich. "I-I thought I had myself all figured out, and then we... well, the two of us..."

"I don't think you're a lesbian," Krissi said. "I know I'm not. I would have thought your daily with Danny would have told you."

"Krissi, he's like a habit. We've been doing this for more than five years, and a lot of it's the same. We get together, say hi and start undressing. Maybe we undress each other, but not always. And when we've gotten rid of our clothes we hop on the bed and get right to it. And when we've finished we rest a bit, and then do it again. If there's time, and these days there usually isn't, we'll do it again, but we only do that if we have all afternoon. Danny has a lot of endurance, but cumming three times in a couple of hours will wipe out most guys.

"But whether we do it a third time or not, after we're done he showers, dresses and goes back to his office. I'll put on enough clothes that I'm decent, and shower in the Women's Locker Room. Then it's back to class as if nothing happened, well, except I'll be in a better frame of mind for the rest of the day." She shrugged. "Nothing exciting in any of that."

"Sounds like it. You make it sound so mechanical and unromantic."

"In many ways it is. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of passion and heat, just no romance. We like each other, but it isn't love."

"Sort of like how I feel about the guys I meet at Emma's. I like them, but it isn't love."

"Precisely. And after, well, after the two of us, well..."

"I don't think you're a lesbian, if you're worried about it," Krissi said. "I have a very good friend who's a lesbian, and you're not anything like her."

"People are different."

"Not that different. I've seen Lisa around other women. It's like watching you around guys. There's that subconscious flirting that all straight women do around a guy; Lisa does that around women. Most women don't pick up on it, they just think she's being more, I don't know, more feminine than they are."

"And how did you figure this out?"

"It's the writer in me. You learn to take a step back and look. She was coming on to me, and I asked her about it. We sort of got to talking about that and a few other things."

"Have you been to bed with her?"

Krissi smiled, shaking her head. "Believe it or not, you're the only woman I've been to bed with. Somehow I'm just not comfortable with the whole idea of sex with another woman."

"Thanks a lot."

"Any time. You know, you and Lisa should meet. You're both bi-curious."

"Bi-curious? As in bi-sexual curious?"

Krissi nodded. "About a month ago Lisa asked me what it was like to be with a man." She shrugged. "How do I explain it to her? If you've had sex with a guy you know what it's like. If you haven't, you don't.

"Lisa told me that an affair between two women is such a hothouse emotional roller coaster--those were her words, not mine. I asked her about it, and told her I was asking as a writer, not somebody who wanted to experience it. She told me, and this is her view, that women, being emotional creatures, are more intense when they love each other, far more than what she's seen between a man and a woman."

"Do you think she's right?"

Krissi shrugged. "The only guide I have is what happened between the two of us. It was, I don't know, supercharged. Whatever you felt I seemed to pick up and amplify and give back to you. Things spiraled out of control pretty quickly."

"It's made me think that we should stay out of the bedroom," Devlin said. She'd thought this for several days, and it was just as hard to say as she thought it would be.

"I think so, too," Krissi said. She glanced at the other tables, then her foot caressed the inside of Devlin's leg. "I love what happened, but I think we need to keep things separate. You're emotionally on edge because of Jeff, and I'm obviously in the market for an intimate friend, and I may have found him in Steve. I want to keep seeing you--"

"I do, too."

Krissi nodded. "But I think we need to limit the intimacy." She gave Devlin a lop-sided smile. "There, how's that? Is that what you wanted to talk about?"

"You just said it so much nicer than I did," Devlin said, smiling.

"Hey, what can I say, I'm good with words."

Devlin picked up her sandwich, then put it down. "I still want to find out for myself. There's this thing back in my head that needs to know."

Krissi resumed eating. "Emma's is just the place to find out that sort of thing."

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking. So, what time should I pick you up?"

Krissi looked at her watch. "It's 11:45 now, how about 4:30? It'll take at least an hour to get there, and we'll have to stop and pick up something for the buffet."

"Sounds like a plan," Devlin said as she resumed eating. She felt better than she had since the last time she and Danny had gotten together. She had been dreading how to tell Krissi that perhaps they shouldn't sleep together, and Krissi had agreed! And Krissi had known why, too. If that wasn't the best thing, she didn't know what was.

She walked to the Athletic Club practically humming to herself out of happiness. The weather had warmed up and the snow was melting, though the weather forecast was for another cold snap and more snow. But that didn't matter. The day seemed marvelous in just about every way she could imagine.

She openly knocked on Danny's door at the Athletic Club. Danny was there, but more important, so were Sue and the kids. In seconds she was dealing with two squirming little girls climbing all over her. Sue was in her wheelchair by the window while Danny was sitting at the desk next to her.

"All moved in?" she asked Sue as she balanced their youngest on her hip.

"Aunt Devlin, mommy's getting better." That was Diane, the oldest, who was tugging at Devlin's shirt.

Devlin gave Sue an apologetic smile and knelt to hug the little girl. "I know. Isn't that great?" She carefully put down the youngest, Anna, who promptly ran to Danny.

"So, all settled in?"

Sue nodded. "Pretty much. This was a great idea."

"I thought so. Danny has the room, you might as well use it."

"What are you two going to do about... ?"

"We'll think of something," Danny said. "I've been looking around."

"There's a pool an' all sorts of stuff," Diane said. "Have you seen it?"

"I'll be back in a few minutes," Devlin said, as Diane grabbed her hand and tugged it.

Thirty minutes later, after a tour of the pool, the sauna and the exercise machines, and especially after a stop in the cafeteria for a 'treat'--Devlin made sure to get something for Anna--they returned to the room. Anna was sitting on Danny's knee; her eyes lit up at the treat.

"Where are they staying?" Devlin asked as she deposited the two girls on the bed.

"Diane has school during the day," Sue said. "Anna is staying at a day care here in town."

"It gets a little complicated," Danny said. "We're still feeling our way with this."

"This is only for a couple of weeks," Sue added. "I spend most of my days at the rehab facility at the University Hospital. I'm wiggling all of my toes, now; we'll see how it progresses in the next two weeks." She smiled ruefully. "I've got more monitors taped to me while I'm exercising than I thought possible."

"You should see it," Danny said. "She's in this hospital gown, and she's got enough wires coming out of that robe that you'd think it was hair of something."

"They're monitoring everything." Sue stared at her foot, which was encased in a sock. Slowly the toes bent down and back up. "Goodness knows what'll happen when I start to walk."

"You'll probably trip on the wires," Danny said.

"Yeah, and then they'll play the video of me falling time after time, and somebody'll write a paper about it."

"You'll be famous." Danny chuckled and picked up Anna, who had scooted off the bed and come over with her arms up so she could be picked up. "You'll be in all of the medical journals."

"It'll be the most widely documented pratfall in history," Sue said. She looked at Devlin. "See what I put up with?"

"I think of it as better than the alternative."

"True." She flexed her toes again. "Much better than the alternative."

Eventually the kids ran out of energy and went down for a nap. Devlin took her leave and went shopping for something for the buffet. She had mixed emotions about the coming night. Krissi had assured her that she didn't act like a lesbian, but how did a lesbian act? It wasn't like they walked around with their preferences tattooed on their foreheads. She figured, what with one thing and another, that she'd find a couple, take care of the guy, and then find out from the woman.

Seven hours later she squeezed her breasts together while a man thrust his cock between them. His name was Sam, her name was Rita, and Rita was fondling Sam's balls as he thrust.

"God, baby," Sam muttered, "so soft, so hot."

"Give it to her," Rita said. "Show her your spunk. Cum, damn it, cum."

"I'm trying."

Devlin stared in fascination as the head of his cock turned a darker shade of pink. The hole in the end seemed to expand, and then Sam was cumming, shooting gobs of white jism across her face and chest.

After several thrusts he slowed, pulling his cock back as he collapsed on the side of the bed. Rita dove down on Devlin's chest, licking up Sam's cum. She also took time to suck Devlin's nipples and squeeze her breasts.

Devlin dutifully mimicked the woman, squeezing her tanned breasts--the product of a week-long cruise in the Caribbean--and trying to caress her face. But there wasn't the turn-on and excitement she'd felt with Krissi. And as Rita's hungry tongue lapped up the last of Sam's jism she realized that there wasn't that sense of electricity she'd felt with Krissi and numerous men.

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Beth and I had just finished straightening our clothes when Anna came into the kitchen, carrying a basket filled with an array of toys and bottles of baby oil. I grinned sheepishly as she walked past, the whole time smirking wickedly. “So I see you’re making our guests feel at home, sweetie?” She started sarcastically, reaching down and zipping up my open fly. Before I could answer she handed me the basket to hold and turned to address the gathering. “Okay ladies and gentlemen, for the next...

3 years ago
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Introduced Into Lesbian Fun By My College Student Divya

Hi, this is priyanka, 26 years old, working with a reputed women college in Bangalore. I am good looking fair women and happily married. You can reach me on My husband introduced me into the world of porn after marriage and we really have a very healthy sex life. One of those clip was girl to girl clip which made me super excited and ignited me which my hubby noticed this and we started discussing about this in the following months. I am very lucky that my hubby understands me well and he kept...

4 years ago
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TMKOC Sonu Bhide ki mast jawani 8211 Part 2

Kahani ke pichle part mein aapne padha tha, ki Sonu ko college mein jaate hi chudai ki talab lag gayi thi. Fir woh ek ladke ke sath gayi, aur un dono ne car mein sex kiya. Sex karte dauraan woh ye nahi jaante the, ki un dono ki recording ho rahi thi. Ab ye recording kon kar raha tha woh aapko ab pata chalega. To chaliye shuru karte hai aage ki kahani. Thoda flashback mein chalte hai. Jab Sonu ghar se baahar aayi thi, aur Suraj usko lene aaya tha. Tab gaadi mein baithte waqt Tapu ne usko dekh...

3 years ago
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The Cuckolding of Neil Dodds Part 9

Claire smiled nervously as Neil approached their table. She didn’t know what to expect. Neil glanced at Karl and then looked back at her. “Hi darling,” she said as he reached them. “I was just taking lunch. Have you eaten?” Neil shook his head as he stood there impassively. “Let me get you a sandwich and a coffee,” she said to him. Karl stood up. “Let me get it,” he said. “I’m Karl, by the way.” Neil reached out for his outstretched hand and shook it. Claire quietly breathed a sigh of...

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From My Garage Roof

From My Garage Roof As I tucked my daughter Audrey into bed and said, “Goodnight” She asked, “Daddy, did you get my Frisbee off the garage roof?” I replied, “Not yet honey, but I will.” I kissed her forehead and then got out the ladder and climbed up on the garage roof. The Frisbee was not easy to find in the dark since it was the same color as the roof. As I looked around I noticed that I could see over the top of the ridge. The house behind ours that faced the other street...

4 years ago
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Got Lucky With Newly Wed Hot Punjabi Boss

I was very disappointed… My hot hunky boss, Sandeep, was getting married….disappointed because now I would never be able to lay my hands on his hot body. My boss is a very handsome 30 year old guy, I must describe his delightful body. He has a cute face and always has a stubble with a seductively sweet smile. He has an athletic built with very broad shoulders. He has moderate hair on his body and is very stylish. He resembles Ayushmann Khurrana a lot. Since Childhood, I was aware of my...

Gay Male
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Coming home early Nicoles story

Author’s note: This is actually part 2 of the series. Please read ‘Coming Home Early’ to get a little more background. As always, voting and comments are greatly appreciated. This is a different type of story for me, and would like to hear what others think. Thanks. ——– Matt got out of the shower and started to dry off with his mind racing. Nicole wouldn’t tell him the rest of the story from when his boss had stopped over yesterday. Did she tell her of a promotion? A raise? That would really...

1 year ago
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Another Bar Fucking Story

I overheard One saying how much of a stud he was to these three females he had with him. Now H and I had seen this guy earlier in the gym so we were not impressed with his BS. H, G, Cheif, and I are pretty well hung. H and G are dark skinned dudes and Cheif is a Comanche. I'm just a white guy with a big dick. They all looked at me and I said, "What? Am I the only one who can talk to these guys?" H, who has a doctorate, said, "You be de white dude. And dis is a white bar." "H, you are a racist....

Group Sex
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Sasural Mai 3 Mardo Ki Randi Bahu 8211 Part II

Hello friends meri pechli story mai maine aapko bataya tha ki kaise shaadi ke baad mujhe apne sasural mai 3 mardo ki randi banaya last night mera sasur meri chut dikhai kar chuka the aur aage ki story mai aapko apne sasural ke pehle din aur suhagraat ki chudai ke baare mai batungi. Agle din jab subah mai apne pati ke paas nangi soo rahi thi to usne neend mai hi mere boobs masal ke mujhe uthaya aur bola ki mera lund chus ke utha mujhe mai waise hi uska lund apne muh mai liya aur dhere dhere...

3 years ago
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Dating App Yoga Adventure

I wish I remembered her name, it started with a "J" or an "H" or a "G", either way it was as exotic as she. A dark skinned beauty I met on one of those silly phone dating apps when I was in mood for such things. We got matched early in the morning, with the sun barely above the horizon when I was out doing my side-gig and had some spare time. In her pictures she had dark eyes, a slim face with an inviting smirk, and head shaved so close she was almost bald. I don't remember who...

2 years ago
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do you want to keep your job

jane had so much fun playing with the guys she decided to try the same with 2 of her feamle employees 'look i'm sorry ladies but i just cannot afford to keep you both on one of you has to go''please no please i really need this job my husband just got laid off please' says julie'this is my 1st job it took ages for me to get this job theres just not much about please let me stay' begs emma'i'm sorry but i can't keep both of you' jane says'please i'll do anything ' julie says'anything really ?'...

2 years ago
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Hyderabadi Wild Master

Hello, friends. Your night rider is back with a new encounter which happened some time back. First, let me introduce myself to new readers. Myself night rider (night rider for babes). And I belong to Hyderabad.Any unsatisfied ladies or girls from Hyderabad want to have a secret relationship can contact me. I am reachable at and I am just a mail away from you babes. So without any further late. Let us jump into the main episode. For my earlier posts. I got so many applauds. Many mails saying...

2 years ago
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Me My Petite Tenant

Hello Guys, I am going to tell you of my sexual journey with my neighbor/tenant. Her name was Pushpa, she moved into the house right next to ours a few years ago. The first few months of her family moving in was quiet, I don’t remember seeing her at all. As the months went by her son Krish used to come home often to play with our kids. A little bit about my family – I am married to a woman for 12 years now and we have two sons. We have four very spacious portions of two independent houses built...

4 years ago
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Naked on Summer Vacation Sissy Summer SchoolChapter 12

When I returned to my Aunt’s duplex for lunch, I was still high on what fun we had. I knocked on the door because I didn’t think it was okay for me just to walk inside. My Aunt came to the door and said I could come in without knocking, even though Buddy and Lewis always did. They were standing next to me when I knocked. “Thank you, Ma’am,” I said as I started to undress at the door. “So about this little game you played,” My Aunt picked up the pom-poms in the box I had been carrying and...

3 years ago
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Oh Cum On

Warning: As you could probably tell, this story is going to have a lot of cum in it. I'm honestly a little worried I'm gonna run out of ways to say cum. So just be warned, food, drinks, clothing, everything and anything is fair play, as long as cum is involved. Also as a quick question to all the other writers out there, have you guys ever gonna back and jerked off to your own writing, I personally can never get off to my own. Just a fun little question I had, feel free to comment :) Life was...

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TRESChapter 2

I'd greased my body with sunscreen and was lying out by the pool improving my tan when the patio door opened. Jenny and a friend of hers named Peggy Black walked out and sat at the patio table. An umbrella offered them some shade. "That swimming suit is obscene, Sandy," Jenny commented, looking as if she'd just chomped down on spoiled food. I was wearing a new bikini. It was sexy but certainly not obscene. With a grin, I rose to my feet and struck a pose; you know the kind, with one...

2 years ago
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Aunty seduced me

I am regular reader of stories at ISS. I love to read the sexual experiences given by people over there. Today I want to share a real life incident of my life which happened to me ten years back when I was 24 year old virgin chap. I always used to fantasize having sex with women elder to me, especially aunties and used to end with masturbating until this happened. My father who was in the Army was posted to Bhopal and we used to live in service quarters. As usual we had lots of family friends....

2 years ago
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DesiderataChapter 3

To Isobel's surprise Gerry took the initiative on the visit to meet Larry. She had thought that as a barrister's client it would have been her responsibility. He rang her the following Monday. "Isobel, it's Gerry. My hockey starts at two-thirty on Saturday week. I don't like to have a big meal or alcohol before a match so that if you do decide to come on up to Marlborough with me it'll be a skimpy lunch for me and I shall be champing at the bit to get on." Isobel was amused. He was...

2 years ago
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The Price Was Chocolate

Brenda was frantic; she had just received news that the institution that housed her daughter for the last twelve years was closing. The reasons given were either 'financial' or 'the institutions were a violation of the rights of the inhabitants'. It would be more in their interests to be with their families, so the 'good doers' of society said. "Families", Brenda screamed. "The family had almost been destroyed when Belinda was home. From the age of ten she had totally gone off the...

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Getting fondled in crowd

Me and my sister had gone to watch the fire work at Chowpaty in Mumbai. There was a huge crowd of may be few thousand all gathered to watch the fun. Me and my friend Ruby were young teens full of energy. Both of us had nice big boobs and anyone looking at us would keep watching at our boobs for a while as the boobs were all soft and full with nice nipples protruding out from under the blouse. The crowd which came to watch the fire work was huge and we both got surrounded by lots of young boys....

3 years ago
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Alpha Male a Continuation StoryChapter 11 Friday Afternoon

Carol had arranged for me to meet the head of IT this afternoon. Apart from Reggie, I’d never had to deal with IT and so was a little nervous about going into this meeting not quite knowing what I already had or what I might need. Given Carol and Ling seemed to have a clue about the basics of such matters, I thought it prudent to take them along with me so they could explain what we were trying to achieve and then what we might require for the future,. The three of us headed back to the main...

5 years ago
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jims wanking gets him in trouble part 5

'jim come in here please you have a couple of visitors ' amamnda calls jim comes into the kitchen to find his aunt jen and her husband darryl'hi jim' jen smiles'uh hi aunt jen uncle darryl' jim replies'so what brings you 2 round here today ? ' amanda asks'well i thught i would get jim a nice treat and asked darryl to wear a condom to fuck me so i could get a load of his spunk , but he wanted to know why so i told him whats been going on ' jen smiles ' he didn't believe me so i thought i would...

2 years ago
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First Time Fucking My Hot Mom

I am Praveen from southern part of Kerala. I am 22 year old guy with 6.2 inches ht and 73 kg weight. I would like to tell you a story of mine with my mother. Her name is Shooba. She is 48 year old housewife. She had a sexy fig of 38c-32-42. She has deep oval shaped navels which make her sexier in sari. She wears her sari below her navel. She wears nighty at home. My father is working abroad and comes home once in a week. It was 2 years ago first I had sex with her.One day I came home from...

4 years ago
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First Anon Sex m2m

I dont know what came over one but I agreed to it.   As the door open I laid blind folded and naked face down on my bed with three pillows under my waist.   The door shut and the next thing I heard were foot steps coming into my bedroom. All kinds of things raced though my head as my stranger got closer.    Hmmm he groaned as he saw my naked male body in front of him.     I heard the belt being undone and him stepping out of his pants.   Then I two firm hands spread my cheeks.  I could feel his...

2 years ago
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Sexy Secretary Slave Search 12

Coming on command ten times for lovely Lea, pretty Petra directs a sexy shootingLovely Lea looks all the time at you granddad, said pretty Petra. Looks like she longs for your long cockEver penetrated her in testing her as your sexy secretary slave? It seems she really craves for a fuck!As a young woman craving for women you can read her eyes well love. Take over dear, wish us good luck!Laugh my ass off, ol' man. Do you mean you want me to operate the cameras while you make love to her?Of...

4 years ago
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the real me part three

Just then the phone rang and mom handed to me it was Mike he said that he couldn't belive it was me he seen at the store.I told him yes it was,then asked if he wanted to still be friends.He asked well you going to dress like that always now?I said well do you like the new real me,he said well I love the new you.Mike told me how he got hard thinking about me that way.Well what your mom say i asked. He said it was up to us what we wanted to do.I asked did your mom say anything to you about her...

3 years ago
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TMKOC Sonu Bhide ki mast jawani 8211 Part 4

Pichle parts mein aapne padha ki Tapu ne Sonu ki chudai ki video record kar li. Fir usne usko blackmail karke choda, aur usse 10000 rupay maange. Paison ka arrangement karne ke liye jab Sonu Suraj ke paas gayi, to usne paison ke badle mein Sonu se uski gaand chudwane ko kaha. Sonu ke paas koi option nahi thi, to usne Suraj se apni gaand chudwayi. Ab aage ki kahani- Chudai ke end mein Suraj ne apna maal Sonu ki gaand mein hi nikaal diya. Fir woh Sonu ke paas let gaya. Usne Sonu se poocha-...

1 year ago
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While the content of this site is not that weird, I still think that is one of the weirder sites I have visited so far. I understand now that this site is made for the phone users who enjoy browsing for pornographic content on their phones, but that was not the first thing I thought about when I opened this place… probably because I visited this site on my PC before I did on my phone.I think that it was quite obvious that the site is meant for your phone, or other similar...

Free Porn Tube Sites
2 years ago
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Wild College GirlsChapter 3 Sarahs Revenge

Our Sunday was a sex-festival, filled with cum, fisting and large toys once again. These girls were sex maniacs, couldn't get enough. And since I was like that too, we got along just great. Finally the time came when we headed out to the farm, eager to see what Jeremy had built for the girls. When we arrived, I noticed Jessica had fallen asleep. I tried to wake her but she wouldn't come to. Sarah then informed me that she had slipped a little something into her drink to make sure this...

4 years ago
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Teasing for Tips

I like my job. I am paid well, and enjoy the people I work with (most of the time) and I can't beat the fringe benefits. This is quite a bit to say for an erotic dancer. But it is all true. One of the benefits is the occasional audience member I meet. Sometimes they are fun-loving people, gentle, polite and appreciative of my work.Remeber that guys. On one afternoon, I arrived at work after a particularly great weekend. So my spirits were very high. I was wearing my favorite dance costume. I...

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The ExhibitionistChapter 4

My disguise consisted mostly of a change of clothes into something a bit more flamboyant. The belt around my waist was covered with silver conchos and I had red ribbons tied around my legs just above my knees. This seemed to fit with the attire of the local tough guys, and I did not shave that day. All in all, it seemed to be an adequate departure to keep me from being labeled a Gringo without a second glance. I started visiting cantinas to try to get a line on The Tarantula and maybe...

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Taming the Cougar Part 3 Freedom in Submission

I woke alone in bed with the smell of coffee wafting into the room. I started to rise when Pam walked into the room, carrying a tray with two cups of coffee and croissants.“Back in bed, you gorgeous hunk of man,” she said, smiling at me. “We’re having breakfast in bed this morning, and you are part of the meal.”“Now what did I do to deserve this? All that beauty and to gild the cherry, domesticity?”“How do you take your coffee?”“Black as sin. Though thinking about it, I think this morning I...


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