Isle of Capri
- 3 years ago
- 25
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Minter now ached to spend, seeing the jubilance of the women at Thorpe’s humiliating disposal, and lusting for his own eternal humiliation to be ended, despite the carnal ecstasies of his enslavement. Many of the women gathered closely around, and leered at him as was led on all fours back up the slope to witness the grisly disposal of the cocooned male who’d provide them with a feast; they seemed to sense what his defeated mind was thinking, and their appetites for witnessing the spectacle of male execution grew stronger with each luridly erotic disposal. Bibi and Efra had to use their athleticism in keeping some of the more robust women from enveloping him as they pressed their glistening nakedness closer to him, warbling in a frenzied state of sexual arousal.
The physical presence of the two horsewomen, and the genuine affection that they held for Erica and the newcomer Shani, were the only elements that kept them at bay, but the intention was clear to see. Bibi sighed as at last the sweaty breasts and thighs eased away from her back as the distraction of the clay cocoon and its content diverted the attentions of the warbling horde, and she stated what was already patently obvious to Erica and Shani.
“The women ... they long to see your pet displayed on the gallows ... their lust for it will not subside.” Erica gave a wistful grin, aroused by the will of the women in their desire for macabre pleasures that she had been instrumental in nurturing their taste for. Minter’s anus tingled as she looked down on him with a teasingly pleased expression, unable to hide the appeal it held within her, and more than aware of his willingness to sate the desire of the women.
“He knows his time here may be short, and bears the guilt of being part of the crew of a slaver...” She smiled coyly as she pulled him back on his knees, to have him display a rigid erection that confirmed his pathetic lust to know the pleasure of the women on the gallows, then looked to Shani.
“ ... but he’s owned by Shani now ... only she can decide if and when the time is right.” Her broad smile at Minter radiated the warmth of her pleasure in the situation being out of her hands, and transmitted her delight in the result of the outcome going either way; his cock pulsed at his fate being decided by the lithe young woman who was the only reason he’d not been staked for execution immediately, and he’d seen her lust for the absolute humiliation of males mature with each execution; seeing to Thorpe’s castration as he quivered on the rope had taken her to a lusty sexual high that was recognised by all who saw it.
The nipples poked hard from the glossy globes of her nubile breasts as she looked to the pleasure of the island women, warbling with sexual anticipation as they faced the clay coffin hanging above the pure, knowing a white tyrant squirmed within it as he awaited their satisfaction; they were closer to her people than any European slave could ever be, and she was sorely keen to appease them, but the prolonged pleasures of having him humiliated so symbolically on her leash was also so pleasing ... She slipped a finger through her cunt, unable to resist as she too, anticipated with carnal excitement, the sordid ritual of the feast, then looked down upon the cowering male with equal sexual excitement at her power over him. Minter’s balls tingled at her haughty pride in teasing him further.
“To place the noose about his neck and see him displayed would gratify me much ... it remove any reminder of how I delivered here...” Efra and Bibi sneered and both indulged their slickly aroused cunts; they trusted no males, least of all those who came from another world, and would rejoice in whipping him to the gallows. Minter noted Erica’s satisfied smile at his automated thrusting of his erect cock to the air, stimulated by his masochistic desire, but knew the haughty girl had not finished with him yet, as she gave a gentle sigh on stroking her clitoris, then continued.
“ ... but it leave me with no slave to whip and show as mine to the women... “ She moved her perspiring body up to his face, and had him sniff at the lush arousal of her cunt, smiling wickedly as he eagerly sampled the scent from between her shapely brown thighs.
“He live till other white slaves arrive ... then I take much pleasure in leading him to gallows, and take another pet to watch, and know my whim.” She grinned spitefully as Minter sniffed hard at her sexual perfumes, oozing freely as her torment of him increased her excitement. She sighed again as his nose rubbed at her swollen clitoris, his need to spend taken to a peak by her teasing promise, confirming that he’d wear the hanging ceremony plug in earnest, but would be dominated exquisitely till that wondrous day dawned. She sneered down at him as she tugged him forward, anxious to enjoy the fate of the penultimate male, and smiled serenely at Efra and Bibi.
“Have the women know I’m at one with their urges ... and they’ll see him hang when time is right, as by my need for to have slave to enjoy ... he will soon hang for their pleasure though, that is certain.” Minter’s mind sank into a lushly masochistic resignation at now knowing he’d hang for certain, and Erica glowed with sexual satisfaction at the thought of him gracing the gallows she knew he viewed and desired with erotic awe. As Bibi and Efra’s communication to the women had their warbling rise to a deafening peak while they cast their eyes lustily upon the now condemned slave, his cock boned at knowing he’d be put to good use by many of them, anxious to enjoy his humiliation while they could, and would be teased and tormented with the sighting of any craft which was foolish enough to venture close to their shore.
Travis squirmed in his own sweat within his clay entombment, sucking wildly at the breathing tube as he was baked by the unrelenting sun. His discomfort from the heat was to be nothing in comparison with what he faced, and the reverberation of the high pitched warbling of his captors, at learning that Minter would also appease their sadistic desires at a later date, was audible within the rock hard clay in announcing his time had come. The sound, and what it would mean, increased his squirming with what little movement the cocoon allowed, stimulating his cock in the tube designed to prompt his humiliation, bringing it to a full erection as it slid back and forth in the tight orifice lubricated by his perspiration. His erection was influenced partly by fear, and partly through the. thoughts of submission he’d been taught to enjoy by the dark maidens who now warbled with delight at the prospect of seeing him baste in his own juices.
Minter was made aware of the women’s desire to have him contribute to the spectacle, by the knowing and mischievous smiles he received from Erica and the horsewomen, all now smugly content with Shani’s decision, and she standing in pompous righteousness as the horde of women showed their adoration of her whim. They grinned at her as Minter cowered on the leash, and three women bent and showed their plump and curvaceous cheeks to him, on wrestling a large stone from its position closer to the pyre than the rudimentary seating before it. Beneath the boulder was a neatly dug hole, and two more glistening beauties grinned wickedly at Minter as they arrived with a stout pole, which was slotted into the hole.
Shani smirked her approval as Erica took his leash and led him to it, the two women who’d brought the pole now eagerly showing him cords with which he’d be bound to it, receiving further enthusiastic warbling from the horde. He gasped as he was made to kneel with his back against it, facing the logs below the ominous clay oval, which would soon be blazing. His calves and arms were drawn back to straddle the pole, where his ankles and wrists were bound tightly, and Erica delighted in binding his leash to the pole, completing the task in keeping his head tight against it. She was as eager as the other women to fully enjoy her torment of him, now Shani had condemned his stay to a possibly very short one, and enthused with sexual relish about the position he now had.
“You’ll be given a real taste of what the male within the clay endures from here. This spot has been chosen through trial and error by the usage of many males in finding the perfect spot ... those tried closer, expired with the heat, those behind did not please the women with enough torment ... as you endure and sample the pleasures that the male within the clay is knowing, just be grateful that it’s the rope that’s been chosen for you.” She posed dominantly before him as he tested the bonds, her sneering smile more wicked than he’d seen her offer at any prior time as the two dusky women stroked his flesh, enjoying his helpless bondage.
As she strutted her shapely form back to join the others, one of the women stood before him facing the logs, bent, and to delirious warbling from her audience, spread her bulbous and sweaty cheeks, offering him the the seasoned delights of her pucker, and the invitingly slimy bulge of her cunt in profile, the sun glistening from her globes of brown flesh as she pulled them apart to have him sample her scents. The other woman played with his cock and balls, the combination of her stimulation and the whiff of the standing woman’s sexual odours, bringing him up to a stiff erection. The other woman squeezed his balls.
“You lick her arsehole now, in thanks ... then you lick mine.” She cackled wickedly as the standing woman slipped a finger into the moist slot of her cunt, and edged back to have him sniff at what he was not allowed to refuse, not that the fresh edge to his submission, induced by the confirmation that he was to appease the women’s lust for his execution, would have him deny the lush humiliation of servicing her eagerly. The other woman smiled as she enjoyed seeing the pink stiffness of his bell-end in her dusky fingers, as it dribbled pre-cum to them while he sniffed hard at the ripe aroma. Minter’s balls ached to spurt his mess as the acrid and spicy tangs that beckoned his taste, was enhanced further by the intensifying jeers and warbles from the women at his humiliation. The women held a fleshy cheek wide with her free hand, then let it go to envelope his lower face on feeling the warmth of his tongue.
Minter lapped at the savoury tangs and salty contours of her hot pucker, before willingly thrusting his younger deep into the welcoming warmth of her anus, his cock pulsing in need of being masturbated by the feminine hand that gripped it tightly as he openly shamed himself, but she knew how much he yearned for it, and took great pleasure in denying him. As he thrust his tongue in and out, the standing woman let out a passionate moan, and her flesh tensed and shuddered about his face as the audience applauded her orgasm. She sighed long and hard before moving away from him, allowing the women to mock his saliva covered face with an honest derision. She exchanged places with the other, and teased his denial further by raking her thumbnail across his bell, as he sampled the equally perfumed anus of her accomplice.
As she too, arched her back and squeezed his face with her bulbous cheeks in a glorious orgasm, the warbling of the women reached a crescendo as two more lithe beauties approached the logs with torches, while the sighing woman pulled away and the other released her teasing grip on his boning cock. Within the clay oval, Travis squirmed in a blend of fear and morbid anticipation as he pumped for air through the restrictive tube, the flesh of his lower torso slipping against the smooth clay, wet with perspiration, every movement automatically nursing his bell-end to stimulation within the lower tube. The dull recognition of the shrill warbling which he could detect the murmurings of through the clay, was then added to by vivid vibrations throughout the casket, as the two shapely maidens delighted in rapping the oval’s supports with the shafts of their torches, announcing that his time had come.
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FantasyThey married the following May in the Wesleyan Chapel that Gwen’s family attended, and they took over the one hotel in the area for the weekend. Tom, David’s brother, was Best Man and Siân, Gwen’s sister, the only Bridesmaid. Among the guests was Celia of course. Gwen had invited her after they had agreed it was only right since she was Gwen’s best friend, and David’s ex-partner. Gwen thoughtfully paired her off with Alex in the invitation. As usual, Celia made a big impression on the males...
"Ouch...." Kiara moaned as she felt tender around her left hind leg. Kiara walked up the promontory of Pride Rock and into the cave, where she was surprised to find her father Simba, taking a nap. "Kiara...." Simba awoke sensing the presence of his daughter as she walked inside the cave. "Hi daddy..." Kiara said. Simba then noticed the cut on one of her legs. "Hey, what happened to you?" Simba asked. "Oh, I'd rather not say..." Kiara started, with a vague feeling of...
I had a girlfriend who was quite bossy. She expected me to do anything and everything just on command. I told her that we needed to break up. She was really damaged by this. She said no. That she'd do anything for me. I told her she wouldn't. She'd never do anything for me. She said she would. I asked her if she would submit. She said yes. I told her to strip and get down on her knees. I told her to open her mouth. She opened her mouth and I let my cock in. I let her suck for a while. She...
BDSMIt was like a roller coaster ride in a nightmare with the deafening roar of rocket engines, nearly complete darkness and a lot of screaming. It only lasted for a few minutes, but it felt like an hour! As soon as the engines were cut off, the feeling of gravity was gone again. Sarah grabbed her tablet and tried to access the computer network, Kaito was almost pounding on the intercom button in a futile attempt to contact the pilot and Danielle was trying to calm Alice down. Maren seemed to be...
I went to one of our states many Correctional Facilities to visit my son in that state prison. I visit him about once a month on the first Saturday of the month. This time however when my son arrived in the visiting room he said hi to the inmate at the table next to me first then gave the girl sitting with him a light kiss on the cheek and said hello to the lady with them. After all of that he finally gave me a big hug and sat down. He then introduced me to the other inmate Juan, his...
Note: Sorry if it takes me a long time to type these stories up. One, I have so much written in notebooks, its just hard to find the time to type it up. Again I’m sorry for the wait, and I hope you like! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday Yesterday I had stayed home. My parents had insisted on it, and I was glad they did, because I was so not ready to go to school and meet every one’s gaze since they would know what had happened to me. I had finally finished answering...
[Tennessee] It was mid July when Abe came to see me late one afternoon. We sat down on the front porch with a cool drink. Abe said, “Mister George, I haven’t told anyone this yet because I didn’t want to alarm anyone. I haven’t even talked to Angela and Claire. “We have some trouble coming from the west and we need to prepare for it. We’re going to have to fight to live up to our name. It’s our duty to protect those in our care.” I said, “Abe, do you know what kind of trouble?” “No, but...
Edwin takes the glass after a second when the bartender stopped pouring. Far from him was a woman with all black on. She has long brown hair nice huge tits and blue eyes. Edwin sees the older woman looking at him as he drunk his vodka. That's when he spotted her huge knockers and blushes slightly for a moment. The woman was staring at him and before he was about to something she got up and moved over to him. When she was two feet from him she responds with “hey is this set taken? No, it's...
Jamie came in as my parents were packing to be ready to go, and my brother was gone. I was still a bit pissed so I just sat there playing on the computer with my dirty blonde hair pulled back into a neat pony tail. Jamie smiled at me and said, “Don’t worry Lisa, we’ll have lots of fun. We can do anything you want.” I just shrugged without looking t her for more than a glance and said my goodbyes then went to my room. I changed into more comfortable clothes which were shorts and a tank...
Monday's school day was over. I gathered anything I needed to bring home. Bethany would meet Valerie and me at my car. Yesterday I bought a king-sized bed and had it same-day delivered. It was fun trying it out last night. Today I needed a nap so I planned to go home and literally sleep. Valerie waited for me but Candy also hung around after the other students left. Of course! How could I forget about Candy? She was the reason Valerie and Bethany lived with me now. She rightly should be...
"So, do you ever masturbate?" Emily asked me like she was asking me about the weather. "Oh my god, Emily!" I laughed. These late night convos were when we talked about anything and everything. "Yes, I do of course." I was super self conscious, but I knew I could be honest with her. "Doesn't everyone?" I added to reduce the sting of the confession. "I certainly do," she grinned as she answered. "Have you ever used a toy?" I couldn't believe where this was going, but I was starting to feel a...
“I’ll leave you girls to talk!” I said getting up and leaving the room. I can’t say that I was ecstatic about the girls getting together, but after the way that vicar had gone on that day, I had it figured that it was on the cards. Over the next couple of months Katie and Christine spent a lot of time together. It transpired that Christine had found another mug and her wedding was well into the planning stage. She even had the gall at one time to ask Katie if I would give her away, but in...
Hello and welcome to the second and final chapter of Swipe Right. Hopefully I didn’t keep you all waiting too long. I don’t plan on expanding this story further so this will be the last chapter. If feedback is good though, I’ll consider a spin off! My normal content warning is pretty much covered by the tags. There isn’t going to be any surprises in that regard. I hope you all enjoy and thank you so much for reading my work and giving me feedback. I was struck by how popular the first...
Malcolm had already spotted us from the hotel foyer and came out to greet us. He shook my hand but his eyes were fixed on Becky. He gave her a kiss on the cheek as he shook her hand. As we exchanged pleasantries I observed the two of them closely. Malcolm was the typical male, looking at her breasts first and then lowering his eyes to take in her waist and hips before venturing lower to her shapely legs below the short hem of her dress. His smile told me that he obviously enjoyed what he saw....
Having established their intentions, each turned to the older woman kneeling before them, her hands taped together behind her back, a strip of tape over her mouth. John reached down and ripped the tape from her mouth, smiling a sadistic smile when she screamed. "Well, Grandma, it's time to teach you a lesson", he said, his face filled with cruel joy. *** To understand the events that are about to occur, you must understand what came before. John and Mark had been raised by their...
It was almost time for my shift to end when Dick walked into the hotel and came up to me at the front desk. I was surprised to see him. He’d never stopped by my work before. He started making small talk in his low quiet voice and I nervously replied. Our trysts had been very hush-hush and his presence here made me squirm as my conscience turned a spotlight on my clandestine activities so all could see. I turned the conversation to a safe subject … cars, mine in particular. After I checked out...