KlutzChapter 22 free porn video

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Brian rolled over, looked at the clock, and groaned. It was almost 6:00 AM on Saturday morning and he felt like he hadn't slept at all. His usual methods of getting to sleep on a Friday night hadn't worked as well as they normally did. Beer with the guys at Jake's didn't take his mind off his worries. A little two on one with Sandra was a nice distraction but as soon as Pete, left Brian's thoughts started racing again. An extra helping of Sandra after Pete went home didn't help either. Brian couldn't sleep because he was worried.

Brian rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling wondering what he should do. Movement beside him evolved into the silky texture of Sandra's skin as she slid onto his shoulder. He was always amazed at how Sandra felt when she pressed herself against him. She was soft in all the right places and hard in all the right places. Sandra never failed to excite him in ways no other woman ever had. She had been a part of his life since their freshman year in high school. They had shared some pretty wild times together and it amazed Brian that she stuck with him. He had shared her with friends and casual acquaintances. Brian even gave her to the starting lineup for an opposing school's basketball team when he lost a bet with them and she still stuck with him.

Brian sighed and, moving his arm, pulled Sandra closer. Her head rested in the hollow of his shoulder and his arm pulled her against his side.

"What's the matter baby?" Sandra asked quietly. "You tossed and turned all night long. I don't think you slept at all."

Brian sighed again and said, "I don't think I slept either." He hesitated a moment and thought about the previous day before continuing. "Did you hear about the accident at the airport construction site yesterday?"

Sandra nodded against his shoulder before saying, "Yeah. I heard no one really got hurt but Bill Miller was still pretty mad."

"You've got that right," Brian said with a snort. "Maybe 'pretty mad' is an understatement. The police came by to talk to me yesterday too. Apparently someone told Miller and the Klutz that I was trying to sabotage their project."

Sandra quickly raised her head to look at him and asked, "They don't have any proof do they?"

"No, at least I don't think so," Brian said with another sigh. "I talked to one of the guys that are working on Miller's project last night. Miller gave them a big speech yesterday. Miller has freaking video security camera's set up. They have the guys setting up the accident on video and they turned it over to the police."

Brian shook his head and was silent for a moment before continuing. "The guys that set it up are gone. I paid them $2000 each for the job and another $1000 bonus to leave town. They headed down to south Texas so I don't think they will be a problem. There isn't any other proof to tie anything back to me. Someone could have heard us talking about it down at Jake's Place but that isn't proof."

Sandra was silent for a moment and laid her head back on Brian's chest. She absently stroked his chest hair as she thought for a moment. "So, there isn't anything to worry about. Right?" she asked.

Brian hesitated for a moment before saying, "Well, I did have another accident planned but the guy that was going to do it told me last night that he wouldn't go through with it. You know Jerry Blandish. Well, he said he can make more doing the job straight than what I could pay him." Brian snorted again before saying, "Jerry said he liked working for Miller. He said something about Miller Construction treated their people with respect and tried to do right by them. The guy actually said he appreciated working for a company that was just as concerned about correct pay and benefits for the crews as they were about quality of work. No company can stay in business working like that."

They were silent for a moment. Brian was starting to relax a little as Sandra continued stroking his chest.

"What else?" Sandra asked. She had known Brian for a long time and had been through a lot with him. Sandra probably knew Brian better than most wives knew their husbands because Brian never bothered to try to hide things from her. There were a lot of situations he had pulled her into that she didn't like but she always went along with them just because he asked. She loved him; it was as simple as that.

Sandra fell in love with Brian on their first date when she was a freshman. Sandra also knew that Brian didn't know that he loved her. She had tried everything in the book to wake him up to the fact that he loved her but nothing had worked so far. All she knew to do was stick with him and hope that someday he would come around. Sandra knew when Brian had more to say as sure as a mother knew when her child wasn't telling everything.

Brian sighed again and shook his head. He pulled Sandra tighter against his side and said, "I think I need to drop this whole idea of taking over Miller's project. It isn't just the police talking to me yesterday either. They don't have any proof so that really isn't a problem. I can always find someone else to take care of any future accidents too. Jerry isn't the only person I know on the site. The security cameras make it a lot harder but now that we know about them we might be able to get around them. Things are getting tighter though because Miller is bringing in more of his own people for crew leaders."

"What have you heard about them?" Sandra asked when Brian stopped talking.

"I really don't know much of anything about them. Some of the guys saw them at Paddy's last night and that's all I know. They said Miller had three new guys with him. One of them looked a lot like Miller so that was probably his brother. I heard his brother's family was coming up for the picnic today. Miller told his crew that he was bringing in a couple more guys to run the project during that little speech he gave yesterday so that would account for the other two. The word I got is that the other two are twins."

Sandra was silent for a moment before saying, "Well, I haven't been able to make a good run at Bill Miller but I can try that at the picnic today." She was silent for another moment before sliding her hand down to Brian's stomach and playfully saying, "I can try to take out your twins today too. I've never tried twins before. That sounds kinky."

Brian smiled as Sandra's strokes became something more than calming. "It never hurts to try," he said. "But if we don't make some headway today I think we need to drop the whole plan."

"OK," Sandra agreed as she stroked a little lower. "Now then, give me some ideas about what I could do with some twins," she purred.

Brian laughed and said, "You are sooo bad," just before he kissed her.

Bill had a habit of messing around in the kitchen when he had a lot to think about. The orderly process of cooking and cleaning in a kitchen seemed to help him order his thoughts. This morning certainly qualified as one of those times his thoughts needed ordering. Bill had a lot on his mind. At the easy end of the scale he had a multimillion dollar construction project that needed to be completed on time and on budget. At the hard end of the scale he had a fiancé and new family to figure out how to handle. Those two alone would be enough for anyone to juggle and keep a man awake at night. But when everything else was thrown on the scales; things got real scary. Attempted sabotage of the project was bad but he could handle that. He had often enough in the past. However, putting lives in danger to sabotage a project was a whole new ball game for Bill. Putting Susan's life in danger moved the whole equation to the hard end of the scale. Then, just to add spice to the boiling cauldron he could add Susan's efforts to not wait until their wedding night for certain extracurricular activities. Bill wasn't a saint. He was only human and as the saying goes, the flesh is weak.

He couldn't forget the Susan's daughters either. Bill had learned to love those girls as much as he loved their mother. They were as unique and special as their mother and he loved them so much it scared him. He wanted them to be safe and happy and to grow up with every advantage he could give them. He knew they had him wrapped around their fingers and he didn't care. He loved them and would do anything for them. They were also as unconsciously sexy as their mother. Any one of the three was so sexy they could turn on a brass statue and putting the three of them together could make a brass statue cry. Bill wasn't a pedophile; he didn't hang out in malls to watch the little teeny boppers. Bill's preference in women had always run to women that were more mature minded. If he compared his taste in women and relationships to rides at an amusement park it would be like comparing a roller coaster to a Ferris-wheel. Bill preferred the Ferris-wheel over the roller coaster because the ride lasted longer and he could enjoy it for a long time. Bill felt like he was on a Ferris-wheel running at the speed of a roller coaster. He didn't want to get off the ride but it sure was scary.

So, Bill had been up for a while. He had started the coffee. Waffle batter was mixed and ready to go in the refrigerator for later in the morning. He had sliced some strawberries and gently stirred them into some whipped crème for waffle topping. He would put the creamy confection in the refrigerator after it has set for a few moments to allow the sweet of the crème to permeate the strawberries. Once the flavors were intermingled the cold of the refrigerator would firm up the concoction so it looked as good on the waffles as it tasted. Bill's mind was a little more at ease because he had made some decisions. Of course there were some things that he had no control over, like decisions Susan may make. Trying to keep up with Susan's mind was like trying to walk on ice with greasy shoes.

One thing Bill could decide that he was pretty sure Susan would go along with was not waiting until their wedding night to make love. Bill had a few options on how to handle not waiting. He could just go along with Susan and invite her to sleep in the back bedroom. He didn't like that idea because it didn't make the occasion special. He could also just move the wedding date up. He didn't need to wait until after the project was over. Waiting was simply a convenience for Susan. Waiting gave Susan a chance to plan a big wedding and in Bill's mind, all women wanted a big wedding. Bill wouldn't mind getting married on Monday. He did decide that the first time they made love would be very special and that wasn't dependant on being married. It would be a memory both of them would cherish the rest of their lives. He would take her away to someplace special for a romantic weekend even if it wasn't sanctified by marriage. Maybe they could go to Hannagen Meadow or Greer; two of the most romantic spots in Arizona's White Mountains. Neither was so far away as to make travel a major production but both were romantic locations.

Bill was standing in front of the coffee pot deep in thought and pouring a cup of coffee while he considered taking a couple of days off. He would give Susan the choice of getting married by a Justice of the Peace on Monday or wait for the project completion. Either way he would take her away. He was anxious to move forward now that he decided it didn't matter if they waited until they got married. He could justify it. Both resort locations were pretty busy this time of year and it would be easier to get reservations during the week than on the weekends. He wondered if that was justification or rationalization.

Bill jumped when he felt a pair of arms slide around his waist from behind. "Damn," he muttered as he jumped at the unexpected touch and spilled about half of the coffee he had just poured down his front. Fortunately he had started wearing medical scrubs around the house after the incident of the girls seeing him in his boxers. The hot coffee burned slightly but wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been if he was only wearing his boxers.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Susan cried apologetically as she reached for the towel Bill had spread on the counter top in preparation for wet dishes. She knelt as she jerked the towel to wipe off the coffee that had splashed on Bill's t-shirt and scrubs. Coffee had soaked the scrubs from just below his waist band to the top of his thighs.

The plastic bowl with the strawberries and whipped crème was sitting on the other end of the towel. The bowl was launched at Bill when Susan jerked the towel off the counter to wipe off the coffee. Bill had a coffee pot in one hand and a half full coffee cup in the other. He tried to catch the large plastic bowl in the crook of his arm and almost made it. The pressure of his arm on one side of the slick bowl and his t-shirt on the other was like trying to grab a fresh oyster on a plate with oily fingers. All he accomplished was spilling the rest of the coffee in his cup and ejecting the bowl straight up. The bowl gracefully rotated in mid-air and true to all of Mr. Murphy's rules, came down upside down. One side of the bowl hit the waist band of Bill's scrubs. The other side of the bowl hit the top of Susan's head. About half of the mixture of sliced strawberries and whipped crème covered Bill from his waist to his knees and the rest provided a nice covering for Susan's head and face.

Susan sank to her knees in shock. Bill looked down in stunned silence.

"Kinky," Mandy said from the hallway.

Bill looked at Mandy, his expression still stunned. Mandy wasn't wearing her robe, again. Beth was looking around her to see what was so interesting. Bill looked back down and tried to visualize this scene the way the girls would see it. Their mother was kneeling in front of Bill with her head just below waist level. Both their mother and Bill were covered with a strawberry and whipped crème concoction.

"Bill, this is getting embarrassing," Beth complained. "You really need to do something about mom."

"Yeah," Mandy agreed. "You need to at least take her someplace private. If you two keep this up it might corrupt our poor tender minds."

Susan looked at her daughters for a moment. She looked back at the mess on Bill's scrubs. She purposefully reached out and scrapped a handful of whipped crème and strawberries off the front of his scrubs, right at crotch level, and licked it off her fingers.

Mandy and Beth's eyes grew huge when their mom licked the concoction off her fingers.

Bill threw back his head and roared with laughter. He set the coffee pot and cup down before reaching down for Susan. He picked her up and kissed her, crème, strawberries and all.

"You know what?" Bill asked the girls with a grin after he broke the kiss. Now his face was also smeared with the waffle topping mixture too and it gave his grin an oddly maniacal look. He didn't wait for the girls to answer. "You girls are right. I need to do something about your mom. I mean, look at her. The woman is out of control. And the ideas she comes up with!!! The only thing I know to do is to get her away from your poor tender minds for a few days and try to teach her some manners. She has got to learn to control herself. I'll make sure Ruth can spend a couple of days over here and your mom and I will take a couple of days off."

"Where are we going to go?" Susan asked breathlessly. Bill was still holding her and her feet dangled about six inches above the floor.

"I don't know yet," Bill said as he hugged her again. He grinned when he licked a blob of crème and strawberry slices that was sliding down her cheek. "I was thinking either Greer or Hannagen Meadow. Woman, we are going to have a romantic getaway. The only choice you get is if we get married at the Justice of the Peace before we go."

Susan squealed in excitement and wrapped her arms and legs around Bill in a hug followed by a searing kiss.

The strawberries and whipped crème smeared over their faces didn't seem to affect their kiss but someone knocking on the door did. Bill broke the kiss and called, "Come in."

The door opened and Linda took a step into the room before stopping. Jack ran into her back when she stopped suddenly.

"Oh my," Linda said with a bemused expression.

"Wow," Jack said with a big grin.

"We were just getting a bucket of water," Mandy said sarcastically.

"I don't know," Beth said thoughtfully. "I think we should leave them alone and see what they do next. It is pretty educational. I never would have thought about strawberries and whipped crème."

"Maybe you're right sis," Mandy agreed with a grin. "We should watch. I wonder if Jimmy likes strawberries."

Susan buried her face in Bill's neck in embarrassment. Her neck and the side of her face that could be seen turned almost as red as the strawberries, but she didn't release her hold on Bill.

"Hey Jack," Bill said laughing. His face was now covered by the strawberries and whipped crème too. "I'm taking Monday and Tuesday off; maybe Wednesday too. You can stay for a couple of extra days to play site manager or just let Tim run things."

Jack pushed around the still stationary Linda and said, "I don't know. Do I get a hot and cold running bookkeeper too?"

That brought Linda out of her musings and she punched Jack in the arm. "I'll give you a hot bookkeeper," she warned with a smile.

Jack rolled his eyes and said, "Promises, promises."

"Hey. Are we ready to go yet?" Tim called from outside the open door.

"I don't know," Jack said as he moved out of the doorway so Tim and Ruth could enter. "I think big bro just moved the wedding date up and is taking a couple of days off with Susan."

"What I actually said was that Susan and I were taking a few days off for a romantic getaway and she could decide if we got married first or not," Bill corrected.

"You won," Ruth squealed as she rushed forward to hug Susan.

Susan released Bill, dropped back to the floor, and turned to hug Ruth. Ruth skidded to a stop before she reached Susan and asked, "What the hell happened to you?"

Susan still had sliced strawberries in her hair, on her face, and covering her shoulders and night gown.

"Mom's getting kinky," Mandy answered for Susan.

"Does Junior like strawberries?" Beth asked Jack and Linda.

"Bill was being clumsy and spilled a bowl of strawberries and whipped crème," Susan explained to Ruth with a completely serious expression.

"What ... I ... You ... What do you mean I was being clumsy?" Bill sputtered.

They all burst out laughing.

There were a lot of changes to plans that morning. Bill would marry Susan and Tim would marry Ruth on Tuesday. That would give them Monday to make the plans and reservations. Jack, Linda and the boys would stay in Show Low to stay with the girls while the two couples were on their three day mini honeymoon. Jack would run the project with the help of the twins. They decided to announce the change in plans at the picnic and inform the town that the picnic was now officially the wedding reception, in advance of the wedding. There was some disagreement about the legality of having a wedding reception before the wedding. After all, people sometimes got cold feet and backed out of weddings. It was pointed out that a lot of people only went to weddings for the receptions and this way the guests wouldn't be cheated out of the party, even if someone did get cold feet. Plans were changed for the big honeymoon after the project was completed too. Bill insisted that Mandy and Beth be included in the reservations for Hawaii to the girls delight.

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As a boy I was slim and in some ways feminine looking. For example it used to annoy me when I went into a shop with the hood of my coat up because of the weather to be addressed as “hen” rather than “son” – these being terms used in the Glasgow area back then. I went to a co-educational school and had a great time with the girls I met there, all the way from my first day in “primary one” to the sixth form. I did have a fling with one of the PE teachers there brought on by too much to drink...

2 years ago
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Thats How I Want You

He was shocked. As much as he confessed not to be, I could tell what I had said had taken him aback. “You’re repulsed.” “No, no …” he stammered. I turned away from him. I just told him my deepest darkest secret and even though he attested to having “heard it all”, I knew my confession had him mentally spinning. And Nolan doesn’t suspect …” “No. He suspects nothing.” I sat up and grabbed the pillow next to me, clenching it in front of me like it was a shield and I was going into battle. “You...

4 years ago
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CindyChapter 11

Sunday morning. I woke up to a motion in the bed, it slowly dawning on me where I was. And the wet tugging at my groin reminded me who I was with. I extended a hand and stroked the tousled, sassy red hair. "Mmmmm" and then a pop as her lips came off my dick. "Good mornin' baby..." "Oh, gosh, Cindy," I said. "any morning that starts off with YOU is a great morning." Suck. "Do I make a good alarm clock?" "You are so BAD!" "An' this thing is MADE for me to suck..." She...

3 years ago
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A Family Reunion Chapt 2 Danville here we come

NOTE: Please read Chapter 1 if you have not already done so...otherwise, this story will not make as much sense...Thanks...and sorry for the delay...I had thought about it long and hard before I picked up the phone and called my cousin Nick back. If you recall, he had spoke to Marcy while I was out, about me being in his upcoming wedding. That would entail Marcy and I taking a trip out to Danville, Pennsylvania for a long weekend. That was not a real big deal as it was easy enough for me to get...

1 year ago
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Jane And Her Boss

Jane unpacked the last of the boxes and looked around. It wasn’t too bad for her first home. The rented one-bedroom apartment was sparsely furnished with the furniture from her room back home and some used pieces that she’d managed to pick up along the way. She felt so grown-up. 21 years old, her first job, and she was living in town, 2 hours’ drive from her parents’ house. Her life was truly going to begin now.She’d managed to get herself a job as an administrative assistant at a local mall...

4 years ago
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A Voyage of Discovery

Welcome - As always if you’d like a photo of Sharon in the nude, please send us a message. My wife Kim has many skills. She’s an accomplished organiser for an events firm, a wonder in the kitchen and she has that flirty manner that so many men, including myself, find so irresistible. What I have only just discovered though is that my wife isn’t as honest as I’d assumed, and her lying ways have changed my life forever. You may well be asking how it came to be that I knew nothing about my...

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The Mechanic reds revenge

I approach the burger van where Lynn works at lunchtime “I have something to show you if you’re interested Lynn” I ask her. “What is it” she asks looking puzzled. “Be at the same place as last time at 2.30pm and you will find out won’t you “I say with a grin. I meet her 2.30 pm outside the back workshop, over her shoulder was a brown bag, she looked around to make sure no one see’s then asked if we can go inside. I let her in then lock the big doors behind us and turn on the lights, in the...

4 years ago
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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 17 Tinsel Town

When we got up, Nancy and I walked to the main house so I could say goodbye to everyone. We all had breakfast together, and they told me their plans for the day. Devin was taking them all horseback riding in the morning. In the afternoon, the guys were going to watch football bowl games. The girls were going to go to another movie. I caught a ride with Sandy to the airport, after Nancy gave me a kiss or three. It was a bittersweet ending to the vacation. I liked her a lot, but we were in...

2 years ago
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The ImamChapter 6

TARIQ RETURNS TO MECCA 17th of Jumaada al-awal 1417 (September 30, 1996) Tariq found himself coasting down a bare highway with his two bodyguards in the front cracking open pistachio nuts and drinking warm colas. He had fallen asleep on the plane from Lahore and moved in barren land between Jeddah and Mecca. He had missed both meals on the plane. The road was endless as he watched the car swallowing the blacktop. Every twenty minutes a service station passed with one or two cars idle in a...

2 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 34 Confusion and Clarity

I was at most semi-conscious, but I could hear whispering, and could feel bodies shifting around me. I felt like I was dreaming, but if so it was a strange dream. Something moved over my skin, sliding from my chest to my toes. My body registered it as sheets and blankets, but my eyes weren't open to be able to tell. A moment later, impulses from a thousand nerves began flooding my senses. It seemed that there was a tongue ... no, make that two tongues, working along the length of my cock....

3 years ago
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My GirlsChapter 19

Our lives slowly returned to normal over the next few weeks. Or as normal as we were ever likely to get. How normal could it be, knowing you were married to your twin sister? That you were going to adopt your sister as your daughter? You understand what I mean. Strangely enough, it did not seem to really bother any of us much. I guess Victoria was right — after 17 years of loving someone, it really didn't matter who it turned out that they really were. You still felt the same. I would be...

3 years ago
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The Quickisest Of Quick

Hi guys, I’m back, in Dhruv with a new one Yeah the story now, I have the bad luck of knowing neighbors who have hot daughters. Sneha is the typical ‘girl next door’ fantasy. She is 21, athletic, about 5’3″, shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, nice pair…. She’s living at home, working and going to the local college before she transfers to an out of Bangalore. I’m 23, athletic build, 5’10”,and athletic. I had rushed home for my brother’s bus to bring him home from preschool since my mom...

3 years ago
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Off the Bike Path

She made her way into the seat where she always sat. It was behind and a few over and given the nature of the desks in the room I couldn’t see her legs. That drove me even further of the edge and I had made a decision. It was a bit reckless, but I needed to. This girl’s name is Jocelyn. She’s 20 years old. She has short red hair and wears those glasses with the big frames that hipsters like to wear. Besides the maroon tights, she was wearing a white button up top with a gold pattern on...

4 years ago
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The Third Times the Charm

Hi Folks, this one is a bit different. I've been reading a lot more DG and Hermit lately and Barney-R's influence is in there too. So in this one I wanted to concentrate more on the family aspects of the story than on revenge or action. The next one is probably going to be a bit sci fi, so for those of you who hate sci fi, here's your life preserver. I also took a break before this one. School and injuries kept me busy. The next one will be finished much more quickly. SS06 I've always...

3 years ago
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my Le Petit Gateau and MissRach Dream

I woke this morning from an amazing dream with cum filled briefs, the spent cum matting my pubic hair and using my seed i began to stoke my already rigid cock to the memory of the dream I had just had about MissRach and Le Petit Gateau. My dream had evolved from selling ice-cream from an ice-cream van to old ladies and sexy nurses, before getting arrested by a traffic warden for not being dressed appropriately. I was only wearing socks and shoes and now, the cuffs around my wrists as i was...

1 year ago
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The college slut

This is a story about when i was 18 and at high school i was on the school football team so i had to keep pretty fit being the captain everybody relied on me to do well on the field, anyway i had noticed this girl watching me at practice i was told her name was Sarah and apparently she was a bit of a cock whore, i heard she had taken three guys on at once before, one in the mouth one in the pussy and one in her butt that's another story. This particular day she was wearing a low cut pink top...

Erotic Fiction
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A Formal Spanking

It's been a long time coming, and you know it.  The anticipation is killing you, partly because you’ve never been spanked and partly because you know that it will hurt...a lot.You and I made an arrangement for me to help with some things that you wanted to work on, guidelines to be followed, actions to be adhered to strictly.  But now you find yourself waiting nervously at the kitchen island for my knock at the door. You completed getting ready as I instructed.  Freshly showered, shaved...

4 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 4 Song of DesireChapter 6 Hot Mage Menage

Acolyte Sophia – Lor-Khev, The Magery of Thosi Jathibiyya’s hands grasped my naked hips, swaying them from side-to-side. Her breasts pressed into my back, her nipples hard points that caressed my skin. My body moved under Jathibiyya’s direction. Chaun’s music wasn’t playing right now, but my body still boiled from the lust of his song even after the danger of the attack. Why had the changeling infected us with lust? To get Angela alone? “That’s it,” Jathibiyya purred, her fingers lightly...

4 years ago
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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk part 3

The deep blue Summer sky stretched to the far horizon without a cloud in sight as we made our way along the boardwalk enjoying the soft swoosh of each gentle wave as it broke upon the shoreline. It was Sunday morning. The day after the day before. Mom had her arm through mine as she lifted her face to the Sun, closed her eyes, and let the sea breeze blow away the cares of the day.Yesterday had been quite the day by the time it had ended.  I glanced down at my Mother wondering what she was...

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My First Everything

Dreams do come true I was a freshman in college, and I had the opportunity to do an internship that would change my life. Not only did I have the time of my life, but I also had my first sexual/gay experience. I shared the apartment with seven other guys. Everything in this story is 100% true. The names have been changed for obvious reasons, and all the boys mentioned have girlfriends.. I’ll give you an idea of what I’m like, 5’11, in okay shape, not too skinny or too fat. I have brown hair...

2 years ago
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This is A TURE STORY! I was ridding as fast as I could I was going to be late for dinner. One block to go down the hill a hard left and I was in the yard. My babysitter standing on the back porch your late again. Tell me something I don’t know! I dash in the house and before I can say hello to my mom she tells me no more bike for the rest of the week if you can’t be on time when it's your turn stay around the house until you learn to be ok? Yes Mam Dam (I think to myself) Mom I have to...

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Mating and Death

I'd told the chauffeur I was emigrating to New Zealand to be with my daughter, and just wanted a last drive around town, to take a farewell look at some streets where I'd been happy during my long London career.The last part, at least, was true. The first part was not. My daughter did indeed live in Auckland, but there was a good reason why I would not be able to join her there. Little thing called brain-cancer. Not long now...I was prepared to find the Chalmers Street launderette bulldozed...

3 years ago
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Swedish Fish Part 1

I liked winter break. There were a lot fewer students on campus, and as a grad student, that meant I could get a lot more work done. My friend Graham and I were both biochemistry majors and the quiet month meant we could both focus on our projects. We shared an apartment off campus but we rarely saw each other these days. So it wasn't unusual for me to hear Graham stagger in at 3 AM. I just rolled over and went back to sleep. What was unusual was the note and little brown bag he...

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Noises from the bedroom next to mine

I lived with my parents in a small 3 bed roomed house. I had my own room which was next to my parents room. My mom was 38 when this happened and I was an inexperienced teen.We had all just had dinner and were watching telly together as we did most nights but, unaware to me, this was no ordinary night. I went to bed at about 10ish to listen to some music. I put my headphones on, while I read a book. I must've dozed off as I woke I still had my headphones on. It was late and I assumed everyone...

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Sex With Horny Indian Sex Stories Reader In Chennai

Hai guys this is Ladesh(name changed) from Chennai.I am a good-looking guy of height 5’11 and weight 75 kg with gym toned body.I am 21 yrs old studying in a reputed university. Please forgive me for grammatical errors. Let me come to the sex story. After posting my previous sex stories about my friend’s sister and making her pregnant because her husband is infertile, I got a mail from girl angel (name changed) she send text saying hi and I replied back hi. The next day she send me a mail...

2 years ago
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The ContractChapter 3

As we drove home from the doctor's office that day John began to question me. I could tell he was very suspicious of Samantha's sudden and fortuitous arrival. "So... you never mentioned Samantha before. If she was such a friend, why not?" "It was a long time ago John. After college we were so busy with our lives, and by then Samantha was going to college on her own. It never came up, and we kind of went our separate ways. I thought of her often. You had friends in college I never knew...

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Sals lover

Brrrrb. Brrrrrb. Sal picked up the wall phone on the second ring and tucked it under her chin. "Hello." Her hands were covered in flour and a stray lock of hair got pushed back with her wrist. "I know what you did last summer." The heavily disguised voice announced through the earpiece. "Josh! Hi how are you? Where are you?" Her pleasure at hearing his voice was evident in the immediate flush to her cheeks and breathlessness he always caused. "Hi-ya Sal; I'm downtown and around for...

1 year ago
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I fucked my sister in law

I'm 20 years old and i've been going out with my girlfriend for 14 months. Things are cool, but since the first day I met her younger sister Caroline, I have had a dream of having sex with her. Caroline is 18 years old and has the body of a godess. She has long brown hair, and a nice ass, not too big but not too small. Anyways, 2 weeks ago, I arrived at my girlfriend's house at 1:00 p.m. after school, but she doesn't finish school until 5:00 p.m. so I made myself at home until suddenly her...

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Between My Aunt8217s Thighs

Often we assume things and decide that there is no opportunity, even when doors are left open. Something similar happened recently but my erect penis corrected the situation.About three months back I attended a wedding of a relative of mine. The ceremony was in a temple and as usual a big crowd was there. After the ceremony people were coming out to the lunch hall and my eyes were busy looking at all the beautiful women there. Many were in the traditional Kerala Sarees, which I like most. I...

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My goodbye to Alex

I had not seen or spoken to Alex for weeks as our brief affair had come to an end. On impulse I sent him a text to say I was not far away if he fancied a coffee and a catch up. As I drove towards his house I glanced at my phone every few seconds to see if he would reply. I really wanted to see him, I was feeling incredibly horny and could already feel my pussy getting wet at the thought of him. ‘Sure,’ the text came back. Ten minutes later I pulled up on his drive, he was standing at his door...

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Its just for fun

I remember in high school taking Photography class. It was an easy A and the teacher was pretty cool. We learned how to develop our own photos in the school darkroom and we were encouraged to go out and shoot "Artistic" photos, some of which would appear in the High School yearbook. Well, I, for one, wanted to shoot some "Artistic" nudes! There was this girl in the class, Doreen, and we were kinda pals, sitting next to each other in class and making fun of some of the other students...

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Lost in the Woods Ch 02

Lost in the Woods Ch. 2 © 2011 All Rights Reserved Willow woke the next morning and was disoriented by the blue-gray ceiling. Then Ivy snored and Willow looked over at her friend, wrapped in her sleeping bag, and remembered. The park. Earth Day. Lost in the woods. No, she hadn’t been lost, she corrected herself. She’d been less than a hundred feet away from a dozen people and could have called for help. When she’d stepped out of the portable bathroom, she’d been stunned to find herself alone....

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Taylor Takes Ballet Part 9

Part 9 To say that I was addicted to the image I saw in the mirror would not be an overstatement. Standing there in my white tights, lavender panties, and pink and black bra - I turned in every direction to see how I looked from every angle. I was amazed at the feminine shape before me! "OK, Heidi Klum," said Rebecca, teasing me. "That's enough vogueing! I have some outfits for you to try on." With that, Tiffany led me across the room to a velvet couch, it was a very fancy...

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