KlutzChapter 24 free porn video

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Bill was sitting on the couch watching the Saturday night 10 PM news. He had an ice pack pressed against his cheek bone where Brian's fist had caught him. Susan was sitting on one side snuggled against Bill's arm that was holding the ice pack. Mandy was on the other side with Bill's arm around her. Beth was curled up on his lap with her head against Bill's chest. Tim and Ruth were sitting on bar stools watching the news expectantly too. They were all waiting for the commercial to finish. The teaser the station ran just before the commercial announced a rumble in Show Low City Park and all the high lights would be right after the break.

"Who would ever think something like that would make the news," Tim said in wonder.

"Hey," Susan protested. "In this town, if you get more than 20 people together on purpose its news. A fight at a big get together is major news."

"But, I don't want to be on the news," Bill complained. "I just wanted to come to town and build my building. Then I met you and the girls and I added getting married to my list of what I wanted to do. I didn't have getting on the news on any of my lists."

"I don't blame you," Tim said with a grin. "When people see how easy it was to punch you then everyone's going to want to try."

"He was just lucky," Bill groused.

"I missed the whole thing," Beth complained. "I wish I could have seen you knock him out."

"It looked almost like in the cartoons," Mandy embellished. "It looked like Brian had hinges on his heels. Brian just stood straight up after Bill hit him. Then he stayed stiff and fell back flat on the ground. I think he even bounced a little."

"Well, I was worried," Susan said. "I've seen Brian in fights and the only one I can say he really lost was to Penny. I don't think he was holding back because she was a girl either but that is what he said later."

Ruth chuckled before saying, "Actually, Penny was holding back. I talked to her after the fight. She said she had to really work to keep from hurting him. We had a big football game coming up on Friday night and Penny was worried the whole town would be mad at her if she did something that knocked the star player out of the game."

"I couldn't help being worried about him," Susan said as she hugged his arm. "I'm not taking any chances that something bad happens to him. I just found him."

"Why do you think Sandra reacted the way she did?" Ruth asked. "I thought the twins had pretty well taken her out. Then, after Bill puts Brian's lights out she acted like a mother bear protecting her cubs. I don't understand."

"I don't either," Susan said musingly. "They have been together for a long time. I guess you can't exactly call them a couple though. More like f ... ah." Susan stopped and looked at her daughters for a moment before continuing. "More like love buddies."

Mandy rolled her eyes and said, "Moooom, we know what you were going to say."

"I don't," Beth said as she sat up and looked back and forth between her mom and sister. "What were you going to say?"

Bill grunted as Beth sat up but Beth didn't react. "Small, sharp hip bones can cause havoc with a guy," he thought to himself.

"Nothing honey," Susan said. "It was just a thought that I couldn't think of how to say."

"In other words it was a nasty thought and you think I'm too young to hear it," Beth huffed. She crossed her arms, bounced once, and flopped back against Bill's chest.

Bill's grunt was accompanied by a whine this time.

"Of course you are too young to hear it," Mandy said from her lofty perch of 16 years. "We just put away your Barbie Dolls last year."

"What's wrong Bill?" Susan asked. "Do you need another ice pack?"

"No ice pack," Bill said in a tense voice. "Nothing's wrong."

"Mom," Beth complained turning towards Susan and bouncing in frustration. "Make Mandy quit picking on me and tell her that's not true."

Bill groaned, grabbed Beth's hips and pushed them down his legs. Then he grabbed her shoulders and pulled them back against his chest.

"Either of you stop it or both of you can just go to bed," Bill ordered, his voice strained. "Beth, if you don't sit still your mom's going to be real mad at you Tuesday night."

Beth's eyes got huge as she realized what she had been sitting on and what she had done. Mandy snickered but it was debatable if she was laughing at Beth's blush or Bill's predicament.

"Maybe I should sit on your lap," Susan purred as she snuggled tighter against Bill's arm.

"Beth, give the guy a break and you guys be quiet," Ruth ordered. "It's coming on."

The news logo faded from the screen to the face of the pretty reporter that Bill remembered seeing earlier in the day. A lot of people could be seen behind the reporter, including the twins on each side of Mary. Both of the twins had an arm around Mary and Mary's expression was one of terror and delight.

"Oh, we need a still of that picture," Ruth cooed. "We can tease Mary for years over that one."

The reporter said, "I'm Bridget Tillman and I'm at the Show Low City Park. Today's event was announced to celebrate the engagement of a local celebrity, Susan Pierce to Bill Miller the contractor that is building the new aviation center at the airport. We found out a few minutes ago that this is actually the wedding reception in advance of the wedding. The happy couple has moved their wedding date up from the end of the summer to next Tuesday."

"Why is she calling you a local celebrity mom?" Mandy asked.

"I think that just means that a lot of people know me honey," Susan answered.

"The reporter continued. "Today's happy event drew between 150 and 200 people but was marred by one bit of violence. An altercation occurred between the groom and a local contractor, Brian Blain."

The picture on the screen switched to a picture of Bill and Brian standing face to face about 18 inches apart. The camera looked like it was about 40 feet away and the picture was bouncing. It was clear the camera man was running towards the pair. Bill's mind flashed back to the image of the little camera man running into the park carrying the huge camera and he felt sorry for the cameraman. Sandra could clearly be seen behind Brian and she had a look of shock on her face. The picture dipped to show the grass in front of the camera man's feet as he tripped and almost went down. The camera rose and focused on the two men again just as Brian started to turn away from Bill. The camera was about 20 feet away from the men when Brian whirled and tried to punch Bill. Bill slapped the back of the fist coming towards his face and knocked it aside. He did the same to the next punch before sending his own left jab into Brian's nose. His right uppercut caused Brian to straighten, almost up on his toes. At the same time Bill's right fist connected with the point of Brian's chin, Brian's flailing right hand caught Bill flush on the cheek bone. Brian settled back on his heels and, staying straight, toppled backward. Brian did bounce when he landed on the grass.

The camera was about 10 feet away when Brian bounced and was able to pick up sound. Sandra pounced between Bill and the prone Brian with a screech.

"Why did you do that," Sandra screamed at Bill. "He just told me he loved me for the first time and you killed him," she screamed at Bill.

"I didn't kill him," Bill protested with his hands in front of him in a warding gesture. "He tried to hit me, twice, so I knocked him out."

Susan jumped between Bill and Sandra and yelled, "Bill just protected himself. So leave Bill alone and take your big 'bleep' over there and take care of him."

"What did they bleep out?" Beth asked.

"I said boobs," Susan said.

"Is boobs a bad word?" Beth asked.

"Hush," Ruth said. We're trying to listen.

"Probably in this market," Tim said in answer to Beth. "Now hush."

Sandra had whirled and rushed to Brian who was still on the ground, not moving. She managed to lift Brian's head and get it in her lap.

"Damn," Tim muttered. "If they were going to bleep something it should have been that little scene."

"You've got that right," Bill agreed. "Sandra running should only be in a porn movie. Not on the 10 o'clock news." He gasped when Susan's fist hit his side, right under the short ribs again.

Bill's face appeared on the screen with a microphone shoved near his mouth.

"Bill Miller. Right?" the reporter asked.

"Uh, yeah," Bill said with a distracted note as he explored his cheek bone where Brian had hit him.

"What was the altercation about?" the reporter asked.

"Oh, nothing much," Bill replied then he focused on what was being asked him. He seemed to just realize he was speaking to a news reporter and had a camera trained on his face. "I turned some information over to the police that seem to implicate Brian Blain in an attempt to sabotage the construction of a building I am working on. The police are investigating. I wanted him to know that I had turned the information I had over to the police and warned him that, if he was responsible, not to try anything else."

An image of the construction site filled half the screen with Bill's face on the other half.

"So you think Brian Blain, a local competitor for that construction job, is trying to sabotage the project. Is that right?" the reporter asked.

"The evidence seems to point that direction," Bill agreed on camera. "But nothing is proven at this point. The police have the evidence that I have and are investigating."

"What evidence did you turn over," the reporter asked. The picture of the construction site changed to a artists rendition of what the building should look like when it is completed.

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you what the evidence is," Bill said patiently. "It is an ongoing investigation and I can't tell you any more about it without jeopardizing the case."

"Are you going to press charges against Mr. Blain?" The reporter asked. "He clearly tried to hit you first."

"I think Mr. Blain has enough problems already," Bill said with a chuckle and nodding towards Brian. The camera swung to the still prone Brian with his head in Sandra's lap.

"Were you talking about being knocked out, the police, or Sandra?" Susan asked drily.

"He could be smothered to death like that," Tim chuckled referring to the way Sandra's double D's almost covering Brian's face. "They couldn't charge you for murder if he died from asphyxiation by being smothered by those things could they?"

The camera switched to a head shot of Susan and the reporter asked, "Did you hear what Mr. Miller said to Mr. Blain?"

"Oh Jenny," Susan said with disgust. "It's Bill and Brian. Remember? Bill said just what he said he said," Susan continued as she pushed past the microphone and camera to reach Bill. The camera followed her as Susan grabbed Bills shirt to pull him down so she could rub his cheek.

"Let me guess," Bill said with a snort. "You used to go to school with Jenny. Right?"

"Well, she was four years behind us," Susan replied. "She was a freshman when we were seniors. She got on the school paper when she was a freshman which was pretty unusual. In fact, she reported on the prom incident and the graduation incident."

Ruth nodded and said, "She even got an article in the paper about the incident with Roy, his broken leg, and the paint in his mustang."

"Yeah," Susan said with a little irritation in her voice. "It seems like she's been reporting on me all my life."

"I guess that really does make you a local celebrity," Mandy said with a grin.

"Shush," Ruth said. "We're trying to listen."

"Why do we have to shush and they don't," Beth muttered.

"Because we're taller," Susan said.

"No you're not," Beth muttered back.

One of the construction workers that attended the picnic was interviewed next.

"Can you tell us anything about any sabotage at the construction site?" the reporter asked.

"Only that Susan could have been killed," the construction worker replied. "Mr. Miller saved her but if it had been one of us we would have been killed or hurt bad."

"Is there any doubt it was sabotage or could it have been, ah, clumsiness?" the reporter asked.

"It was sabotage all right," The construction worker said vehemently. "There's no doubt about it. And Susan's our bookkeeper and she takes care of us better than we've ever been taken care of on a construction job. There's nothing clumsy about her." The man hesitated and continued in a quieter voice, "Uh, except maybe the fire last week, and uh, maybe a couple of other little things."

The picture switched to people throwing horse shoes at the park and the reporter's voice overlay the scene. "I talked to several of the construction workers today that didn't agree to an on camera interview," the reporter said. "All of them agree that someone was trying to sabotage their project. The most surprising thing from everyone that I talked to was the attitudes towards the construction project and Susan Pierce. Every employee that I talked to seemed to take personal ownership of this project and every one of them were almost rabid in their defense of their bookkeeper. I feel sorry for anyone that tries to hurt that lady. Let's try to get some more information about the altercation."

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Love to submit

I had a few girlfriends in HS but my real attraction has always been towards other guys. The first time I masturbated, I was thinking about my older sisters boyfriend. When I was 16 my sister confronted me about her missing panties, bras and other clothes. She was the first to know I liked guys and she kept my secret. My first time with a guy was when I was 19. I spent the night drinking some beers at a friends house and came home around 10pm with a very nice buzz. I was tired of thinking about...

3 years ago
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Mind control karke Chudhai ki Mazza lelo

Hi! Raj I.S.S. readers Bhaabhi / Aunty / Vidhava / Diversee / Bhua / Kakki ko bhi jaipur se 23 years, 5’ 8” height 8” Lavuda ke maalik ka pyar bhara pranaam sweekaar keejiyeaga == (E-mail no.09783522734). Thabhi mera ummar 18 saal ka tha, +2 kartha tha, hamara ghar aur Mummy’s ghar 5 minutes chalne ki te; raath par hamara padaayi udher hoathe te, udher Mummy ki yek bhehan teacher te, unki saadhi hu yi thi, hus. Military me te; school naghdhik karkke Yidhar reakhte. Hamara padaayi mei bhahuth...

1 year ago
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Hunger Part III

I wake to the humming sound of my phone vibrating on the wooden night stand next to my bed. Groggily, I reach for the offending appliance, resist throwing it against the wall and press the button to accept the unwelcome intrusion to my slumber. It is him. “Hi,” I mumble. “You woke me up.” “Poor baby,” he replies in a voice that I know means he is smiling at my expense. “Get up and Carpe Diem kiddo! I mean, it’s past noon already. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I’m on the plane and...

3 years ago
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MillpondChapter 7

The millpond lost much of its charm after the alarming events of that Sunday night. By the time all the teens had agreed on a single story, one that didn't include marijuana or strip spin the bottle, and after all their statements had been made to the real police, everyone hoped that life in this little part of rural America would return to normal. One nagging mystery remained, however. Who was that boy? Jason and Bubba pondered that mystery while bouncing along in Bubba's Chevy on the way...

1 year ago
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EdChapter 15

They had dinner. This was when Steve presented the Pizza coupons to Paul. Paul took each one and looked at it. A "Yaakk" was issued after each. He put them in his pants pocket. This was the way Ed and Sally had conditioned him. He was aware he wouldn't be having pizza every day. When he couldn't stand it longer he would give a coupon to his mother. She would call Ed and he would bring it home for the meal that evening. Ed called Penny that night and asked if she and Cindy could be...

3 years ago
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BrideChapter 27

Shopping with those two was a revelation, between us we had three shopping trolleys and we filled them all to overflowing, even then mum turned her charm on a lad and sent him for another one! I was the muggings who had to push two bloody trolleys round the place trailing after two very horny women dressed in identical denim shorts and tight pink vest tops, who giggled as they discussed in detail the merits of various cucumbers, bananas and anything else that even remotely resembled a...

2 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 15 Spice Racked

About a week later I needed to check the final arrangements for the All Spice collection with Harry. When I called him, Sarah answered. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised but I hadn't realised that she would be out of orientation that quickly. She set up the meeting efficiently. I could see that Harry hadn't only been interested in her for her physical attributes. When I got to Harry's office, I saw Sarah for the first time since she'd been cowering at Harry's feet after being...

2 years ago
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Model turns slut 13

Well it didn't take long. Barbara answered a few ads from an adult newspaper and found one to be rather interesting. She called regarding the ad to find out about this man John wanting a woman willing to participate in some kinky sex. He would pay $1000 for a night of her services provided Barbara met with his approval. Barbara accepted and arranged to meet him later tonight. Barbara wanted to look extra good this evening. She started right away preparing herself for another night of wild...

3 years ago
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The Tugboat Man in King Arthurs Court

My wife was born 13,000 years ago in a place called “New Atlantis.” Go ahead and say it, “Stop fucking with me!!” But it’s true. Believe me. I’ve met her folks. Maria’s 335 years old. But, Atlanteans live for thousands of years. So, my wife’s no crone. In fact, she has the freshest face and hardest body of any chiquita on the beach at Ipanema. She is also the hottest female in two, star-systems. Yes, I said “star systems.” Her people emigrated here from the beta planet of the star we call...

2 years ago
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Midnight in Montreal

For the life of me, I couldn’t read French. As we passed the street signs, they looked familiar. Stop signs were still red octagons even if they said, “Arret” {Stop}. At the time I was a bit tipsy and wasn’t sure why we decided to go to Montreal to get more booze in the middle of the night, but as it was my first journey outside of the country, I was determined to make it memorable. The border agents let the three of us through without incident, needing only our driver’s licenses in lieu of...

2 years ago
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Erotic Humiliating Wrestling

Although detractors see wrestling only as a pure fight, wrestling isn’t only that. Its also domination, the pleasure to be above everyone else. This story is about that, domination over the other fighter, male or female. But there will be another components on this story about wrestling: the erotism and humiliation that the fight will bring. The match will scale in hotness and erotism as surely neither of the participants will end with all their clothes on, and also in humiliation, since your...

3 years ago
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The story so far: Three British agents, in response to intelligence reports, are sent to Sydney to keep a watching brief over the Commonwealth Heads Of Government Meeting’s regional meeting. They have teamed up with local Journalist Russell French and his new girlfriend, Model Jenny Peters, to try to identify the bad guys. As Russell and Jenny’s relationship grows, a fishing expedition places the agents’ plans in jeopardy. 18 ‘All the bastard’s interested in is pushing drugs.’ Jerry had...

2 years ago
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Ambers Daddy and his need for me

Hill walking has always been something I have enjoyed since my p*****n years, in fact it is part of the Swedish lifestyle, skiing, swimming, to name a few others.One memorable moment was when I had a pee outdoors, again something that's very common and a great necessity, when the urge takes over.Most people, especially women, will nip behind a bush or disappear into the undergrowth, in case any males observing, take the wrong meaning of the girls intentions.I was out with my friends family in...

3 years ago
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Nanban Chithi Oru Kama Thevathai 8211 Part 1 Chithi Mulai Sappinen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en nanbanin chithi udan nadantha kamathai patri ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul sendru ulasamaaga irukalam, en peyar subash vayathu 27 aagugirathu. Enaku veetil thirumanam seithu vaika pen paarthukondu irukiraargal, athanaal naan entha penaiyum paarpathu pesuvathu kidaiyathu. Naan munbu oru pennai kathal seithu irukiren, aanal avalai kiss seivathu kati pidipathu pondru than seithu irukiren. Kuthiyil poolai vitu oopathu pondru elam...

3 years ago
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not a day goes by since we met do i not thing about him,his touch,his taste and his smell.It excites me just hearing his voice,seeing his text.He only has to suggest that he wants me to be ready for him with no knickers on and i get wet between my legs,hes put my legs in places they havent been in ages,i feel like a teenager again when he looks at me as he thrusts his stiff cock in me.My eyes stay open now for longer as know he really loves what he sees,he makes me feel so beautiful and so...

3 years ago
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Wife Takes Charge Forever

Wife Takes Charge Forever! by PuppyGirl ? The story you are about to hear is true. The names have been changed to protect my Mistress, lol. My name use to be plain ole Stan, but it has now been changed to Alana, as my Mistress prefers this and it better suits my so called "new status". Please allow me to explain what happened to me and to advise any guys out there that enjoy Femdom and feminization to be very careful it you ask your wife to participate. I have learned the hard way that just...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 33 Seeing Double

Chapter Thirty-Three – Seeing Double Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmff, exhib, hp, grope, inc, magic, mc, spank, voy It had been a very troubling and trying week for Hermione and Ginny; after losing the Spellbook of Desires and getting into a near dual with Hermione, Ginny refused to say a word to one of her best friends. Both girls gave each other the cold...

1 year ago
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Naked at the Truck StopChapter 2

I was not sure who was standing over us but I knew someone was. I thought with my luck it was probably the local Eutaw Sheriff checking in after the cashier made the phone call to them. “RORY?” I said in shock – I did not expect her of all people to walk in considering she knew what I was doing and was completely naked herself. She had pulled her dark hair back into a pony tail of sorts and was looking down at us and shaking her head. The cashier didn’t seem all that phased other than his...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Kay Lovely 07032022

Kay is in a dilemma, her very small husband is in jail for fraud and the bigger men are picking on him. She gets a panicked phone call from him in Jail that some guys found the picture of her she had sent him. They demanded he introduce them to her on their next conjugal visit or they will keep beating him up daily. She loves her husband so much she is willing to do whatever is necessary to keep him safe. On the day of her visit she is so nervous as her husband escorts her to the conjugal...

2 years ago
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One look

As the group of girls and women left their city hotel there was plenty of boisterous and bawdy behaviour and comment amongst them. ‘Where to first then ladies?’ asked the young blond bride to be. ‘How about some food, some shopping and then a few drinks?’ came a call from one of the group. ‘What about some drinks and some shopping, I’d like to buy something to wear for going out tonight to the night-club’ called another. ‘Yeah, me too’ shouted Elaine, who at 47 years old was not the...

3 years ago
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"I said stand up straight, nigger." She wears a plain brown sleeveless burlap dress. It almost looks like a potato sack with holes cut out for the arms and head. She stands tall and dark, with full hips and chest, and a rounded face with a flat nose. Her curly black hair has been cut short, so the shape of her head stands out. She speaks no English. The dress scratches and chafes, so she tries not to move. "I said stand up straight, nigger." He puts one hand on her back, and another...

2 years ago
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Guilty As Charged

GUILTY, I will never forget that word. The judge looked at me and said she found me guilty on all counts. Sentencing will be in one week. It all started with a boring day. I was at the mall and looking at the girls. I decided to take a few pictures, nothing that would hurt anyone and I saw this real cute girl about 13. She had on one of those plaid school skirts and she was going up the escalator. I decided to try to take some of her pictures. She was walking with what I...

2 years ago
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Who Am I Now

He was thinking about that rickety set of wooden stairs going up the side of the house. Rickety house. Rickety love. Then the train banked at speed and Bill listed sideways into a much bigger, dark-skinned man sitting a space away. The man hardly budged. Bill was sure he was the only one in the entire car who swayed as far as the train. He mumbled a garbled apology and righted himself again, thumbing his glasses back at the top of his nose. The man nodded without looking. Diagonally across the...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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The Bet Chapters 16 and 17

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 16 (Sunday - week 3) Fitful dreams cause fitful sleep. And consequently, fitful sleep causes fitful dreams. He was inflicted by both. After starting to relearn to hold back all day, the three baby bottles of Mel's special tea that he drank before he fell asleep re-stimulated his system... a system that was already trying to relearn how to sleep through it all. He tried to wake up to hold back each time, but it was simply too difficult. He...

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