Drop OutChapter 3 free porn video

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SG remained at Toopermann's house for over a month. Her roommate and her classmates and teachers were told she had returned home for emotional reasons. It hadn't yet been determined if she would return to Marston, but if she did, it certainly wouldn't be this semester.

At the cottage, SG had become Regina's sex toy. When Toopermann was at work, the big woman made her wear a dog's collar and leash. When SG least expected it, she would jerk the leash and send her tumbling to the floor. Then she would pounce on her with surprising alacrity for someone so big and jam something, usually a food item, into the girl's rectum or vagina.

When she went shopping, she would tie SG's wrists behind her, slip the rope through her collar and tie it to a steel hook bolted into the ceiling of the broom closet just off the kitchen.

It was while she was in the closet that a revelation came to SG. She saw a bright cloud, and in the cloud was a female form more beautiful than any she had ever seen.

A voice came from the cloud. "Be strong, Supergirl. Be strong in spirit, and you will again be strong in body. Your weakness is your sexual craving, your lust to be humiliated. You have indulged it to your peril. If you are to live, if you are to have a life worth living, you must regain your dignity."

SG wept. She wanted to hear these words, yet she was afraid. Did she have the strength of character to pull herself out of his slough of degradation?

She heard the back door open and close, and Regina's heavy footsteps in the kitchen. Then there was the sound of packages being put on the pantry shelves. The refrigerator door opened and closed. Regina was putting away groceries.

Then the steps approached the closet. SG took a deep breath.

The door opened and light flooded in, momentarily blinding SG.

"Hello, dearie," said Regina. "Had a nice rest?"

She unhooked the rope from the hook and slipped her thumb under SG's collar. "Come along, then," she said, dragging her out of the closet.

As soon as Regina untied her wrists, SG struck. She punched the older woman in the belly, as hard as she could.

Regina gave her a look of rage and surprise, then crumpled to her knees.

"Party time's over, bitch," said SG. She grabbed a cantaloupe from the kitchen table and slammed it into Regina's face.

SG pulled off the collar and threw it across the room.

She wasn't sure what she would do with her new freedom, but she knew she'd need clothes and money. She found nearly $50 in Regina's purse. That was a good start.

Clothes were more difficult. All the stuff in Toopermann's and Regina's bedrooms was the wrong size -- and incredibly ugly. Finally, she found a grey trench coat in a closet. She'd just wear that over her nakedness.

As she walked back into the kitchen, Regina jumped her from behind and tried to plunge a carving knife into her belly. The blade cut through the trench coat but not her skin.

"That hurt," she said angrily. She flipped Regina over her shoulder, and the big woman landed with a resounding crash on the kitchen floor.

The good news was that, for all the damage that had been done to her emotionally, her body remained as resilient as ever. Still, the jab of the knife had hurt. Until a few weeks ago, she had never felt intense pain.

Or intense pleasure, for that matter.

She opened the front door and looked around. A retired professor she had seen around campus was walking his dog. He nodded to SG. She waved vaguely and waited until he had passed.

Where should she go? She knew she wanted to expose Toopermann and Regina for the sadists that they were, but that would almost surely involve blowing her cover. She also wanted to get even with Louie and his friends.

An opportunity to that came much sooner than she had expected. As she crossed the street that separated the cluster of faculty housing from the main campus, a Chevy convertible raced past. There was a screeching of brakes, and the car suddenly was in reverse. It stopped where she had just crossed.

Louie was driving. Three of his buddies were also in the car.

"Haven't seen you in a coon's age, Blondie," Louie called. He jumped out of the car and walked over to her, rubbing his hands together with anticipation. "Where you been keeping your lovely self?"

"Hi, Louie," SG said calmly.

His friends placed themselves around her, cutting off any possible escape.

"You remember Tom, here, and Buddy and Jim?" said Louie. "They certainly remember you. They helped fuck the hell out of you in the locker room."

"Yeah, I remember them," said SG. "But we're not in the locker room now. You wouldn't think of trying to fuck me here."

"You're right about that," said Louie. "But I got this fine car here, and we can take you someplace secluded. You know you want more of what we've got." He grinned wickedly.

"Go fuck yourself," SG said softly.

"What'd you say?" asked Louie, with a puzzled frown.

One of his friends grabbed SG's arm from behind. She broke free and wheeled to face him.

"Fuck off," she hissed.

Now Louie did the grabbling. He locked his big left forearm across her throat, as he had in the malt shop, and he reached down and began roughly fondling her crotch.

"Hell, we'll warm you up and fuck you right here on your own campus, bitch. Ain't nobody going to touch me, cuz I'm fucking untouchable."

SG breathed deeply. A wave of sexual desire had swept across her, a desire to be raped and humiliated. She had to resist.

She reached down and took Louie's huge hand in both of hers.

"That's it, bitch, guide me in," he whispered.

Then his whisper turned into a scream of pain. SG had crushed his right hand with a grip as powerful as an industrial vise.

Louie pulled away and fell to the ground, holding his right wrist in his left hand and groaning in agony.

The others looked at him, startled and unsure what to do. Then one threw a wild, angry punch at SG. She deflected it with her left hand and hit him in the side with her right. He gasped and fell to his knees.

The other two jumped her and knocked her down. One sat on her chest and tried to press her arms to the ground. Her legs were spread, and the other kicked her hard in the crotch. The pain took her breath away.

That was the break they needed. In an instant, both were on their feet, stomping her defenseless body. She curled up on her side to protect herself, but that just exposed her kidneys to vicious kicks.

A crowd had gathered, and Marston girls and faculty members were screaming at the men to stop -- to no avail.

One of the men leaned down and pulled SG's now naked body off the ground. He held her while the other pounded her belly with his fists.

Louie had recovered enough to stagger over to them. His face was full of pain and rage.

"You broke my hand, bitch," he croaked. He held up his hand, now swollen and red. SG raised her head and tried to focus on him. She was seeing double, and she felt dizzy and nauseous.

Then someone broke out of the crowd and lunged toward the men. It was Estelle. She had just arrived and had seen her friend absorbing a terrible beating.

She tried to push Louie aside, but he grabbed her by the throat with his left hand and kneed her in the groin. She moaned and sank to her knees. Then he kicked her in the face, and she plunged backward to the ground, blood spurting from her mouth and nose.

SG struggled to free herself and help Estelle. But the man holding her tightened his grip, and the other began pounding her with renewed fury. Her head snapped back and forth from his punches. The crowd surged forward, and Marston women began pulling at the men, holding their arms and clawing at their faces.

Finally, sirens overwhelmed the cacophony of the crowd, and the police pushed in. A captain in charge took one look at the situation -- two women badly beaten and a crowd of witnesses -- and decided that he and his men could no longer protect Louie Ungtjur from the consequences of his thuggishness, uncles or no uncles.

An ambulance arrived just as Louie and his friends were being handcuffed. Louie begged them to be careful of his injured hand, but the captain took on the task personally and managed to be unusually rough. Louie screamed, cursed and, to his enormous shame, wept.

The ambulance crew moved Estelle gently onto a stretcher. SG insisted on walking, though she was wobbly and obviously dazed. The amazing thing, the ambulance crew and many in the crowd noticed, was that she hadn't shed a drop of blood, despite the terrible beating she had absorbed.


The meeting, organized via phone by Dean Toopermann and Oscar Ungtjur, was held that evening in the board room of the Lackanooka National Bank. The topic, of course, was what to do with "Sallie Gale."

Though Toopermann and Ungtjur had only a nodding acquaintance and didn't particularly like one another, they recognized that they shared an urgent need to get rid of this troublesome young woman. Louie's Uncle Smithson, the country commissioner, was there, too — along with the police chief, the local circuit court judge and an emissary from Metropolis who owned a paving firm in Lackanooka. The firm had several country contracts and was useful for laundering money generated by less reputable business operations in the big city.

"Let's get right to the point," said Ungtjur. "This Sallie Gale, or whatever her name is, has created a difficult situation. Miss Toopermann has been reluctant to discuss her reasons for wanting to eliminate this problem, and I respect her wishes to keep whatever it is that bothers her confidential. But let me be perfectly frank about myself. The young woman has injured my nephew Louie, physically, and has hurt his reputation. Louie is not a bad boy. Just a bit rambunctious."

"She ain't been good for my reputation and the reputation of my force either," said the police chief.

"And I don't relish having to deal with the charges and countercharges arising from this afternoon's fracas," said the judge. "If I don't dismiss the laughable assertion that Miss Gale and her friend initiated the assault on your nephew and his buddies, I can forget about re-election — no matter how much you and the bank invest in my campaign."

"I understand," said Ungtjur. "So we all have our reasons for wanting Miss Gale to disappear. The problem is, how do we go about it? The doctor in the emergency room says that the other girl, Estelle Baroque, suffered several broken bones and lost a few teeth, but our remarkable Miss Gale suffered no visible injuries. And X-rays showed no bone fractures. Yet Miss Gale was much more severely beaten." He paused, momentarily flustered. "Beaten as a result of her unprovoked attack on my nephew, of course."

"Of course," said Toopermann, with a wry smile. "I can't believe I find myself in the same camp as your nephew, Mr. Ungtjur, but war creates strange alliances, and this is war. Miss Gale is a formidable enemy. While she does not appear to have super powers at anywhere near the level of Superman, I believe she was telling the truth when she said she was sent here by him. And I believe we cannot do her serious and permanent harm by the usual means. I can testify that what would kill a normal girl -- or even a normal very strong man -- is not going to work for her."

"I think I know what will," said Silvio Mozzarella, the road contractor. He spoke quietly but with authority.

"Miss Gale, as you call her, was not exaggerating when she said she has superhuman powers," he continued. "We know her. We've had unfortunate dealings with her in Metropolis. And we know that Superman sent her here."

"To break up a minor drug ring?" Toopermann asked skeptically.

"To get her out of Metropolis," answered Mozzarella.


"She was getting a lot of attention in the newspapers," Mozzarella said with a shrug. "It makes sense that Superman was jealous. She's just a kid, but she was putting almost as many of my associates behind bars as he was. And she pulled off some pretty spectacular rescues, like saving an entire village full of people from that volcano in Nicaragua."

"An intriguing theory," said Toopermann. "Now, let me suggest another, based on my academic training in psychology and long years of watching interactions between men and women. I think Superman wanted to get this young woman far away from him because she presented a sexual temptation he found very difficult to resist. What I learned about Miss Gale during my evening of interrogation suggests that she is, quite simply, a nymphomaniac, with a predilection for situations in which she is powerless and vulnerable. I would not be surprised if she seduced Superman and was sent here as punishment."

"That's all well and good," said Ungtjur impatiently. "But I'm less interested in Superman and his motives than in how to get rid of this bitch. Pardon my French."

Toopermann chuckled. "You think I don't use such language myself, Mr. Ungtjur. Yes, she is a bitch. She roughed up my sister this morning, in my very own house. But excuse me. I believe we interrupted Mr. Mozzarella and his thoughts on how to eliminate this 'bitch' of a problem."

"Yes," said Mozzarella. "Well, eliminating her permanently — killing her — is beyond the capabilities of my organization, at least for the moment. But we know how to incapacitate her for a long, long while. And maybe while she's out of commission, we will develop the means of finishing her off — her and Superman."

"And what is this incapacitating agent?" asked Ungtjur.

"Kryptonite," answered Mozzarella.

Toopermann snorted derisively. "You sound like a comic book villain, Mr. Mozzarella. My area of expertise is psychology, not chemistry. But I've studied the physical sciences enough to know that krypton is an inert gas, and you cannot make a mineral out of something inert."

"Maybe you should stick to her area of expertise," Mozzarella said icily. "You are incorrect when you say krypton is inert. Three labs in America have found ways to coax it into combining with other elements. One of those labs is owned and operated by my business associates in Metropolis. And as for the efficacy of our kryptonite, let me simply point out that it has several times been used to foil and temporarily disable Superman."

"I stand corrected," Toopermann said apologetically.

"No hard feelings," said Mozzarella. "In fact, to show my good faith and my commitment to our project, I have brought with me six vials of krypton gas. Each of you will get one, and I'll hang on to the sixth. They will provide us with protection from Miss Gale until a special shipment of kryptonite arrives on Thursday."

"And when that shipment arrives, who will bell the cat, so to speak," asked Ungtjur.

"My men and I will handle that," said Mozzarella. "It would make our job easier, of course, if one of you has the opportunity to gas her first, if she shows up. But in any event, we'll find her. And then I'll switch hats from big-city gangster to respectable small-town road contractor."

The others looked puzzled, but Mozzarella just smiled mysteriously and handed out the vials of krypton gas.

Oscar Ungtjur gave his to his nephew. Louie was more likely than he to run into Sallie Gale, and after their last encounter, he'd need something for self-defense.

SG, meanwhile, had been released from the hospital and had moved back into the dorm. Miss McIllhenney, Marston's president, paid her a personal visit, to console her for the recent attack by the Lackanooka bullies — and also to inquire delicately about Sallie's whereabouts for the past few weeks.

SG thanked her for her interest but refused to explain her month-long absence. The right time would come to expose Toopermann and her sister, but for now silence was the best policy.

Julia, who hadn't seen SG and Estelle get beat up but who had heard several first-hand accounts, had some questions for SG, too. After Miss McIllhenney left, she said, "Sallie, I don't want to pry, but I've got to ask you something."

"Sure," said SG.

"How come you don't look beat up? I mean, Estelle is in the hospital with a broken jaw and a broken rib, and one eye swollen shut, and you look like you just won the Miss America pageant."

SG smiled. "Thanks for the compliment. There's an explanation, but I just can't get into it right now. I'm sorry. Everything will become clear in a few days, after Estelle gets out of the hospital." She didn't tell Julia, but she wanted Estelle there when she got even with Toopermann and Regina and forced everyone who lived in this town to see what a shabby place it was.

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Прелюдия. Играя в подающую большие надежды, до v0.2, "Newlife", (но к сожалению сейчас скатившуюся в "исправлена опечатка"), я никак не мог понять - почему вместо кнопки "Next week" не написано "Next day"? Почему мы играем по выходным, и неужели на неделе так всё тухло и рутинно что не стОит об этом упоминать? (ну, за редкими отстойными ивентами по работе). Вот и появилось желание заглянуть "behind scene" так сказать, узнать - что скрывает автор, заставляя нас проматывать семьдесят процентов...

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A little walkA little wank

Had a fun and risky afternoon. Went to a favourite parking spot where I was to meet up with another guy and put on a show for him. But he didn't turn up. So I sat in my car for a bit and stroking my cock -I was naked from the waist down-and then I drove back to another area and parked there. This is all around a rocky beach area and is popular wth walkers and wankers..lol...anyway, I had seen 2 girls that had gone for a little walk together and, in the hope of catching them doing something, I...

1 year ago
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Show off wife gets fucked

Ever since my wife got her new tattoo she has gone cock hungry. She came home from her tattoo appointment with new ink from her right thigh all the way to her right breast. It is sexy and now that she has it she loves showing it off. She bought a new bikini that goes very well the style of the tat. After she saw the effect she had on me when I see her in that bikini she always puts me in my chastity device when she is wearing it. She has no interest in ever allowing me to have sex with her now...

3 years ago
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TVMovie Time

Lingham woke up that morning horny as hell, despite the fucking he'd received using the Anima portal to access the Disney and X-men dimensions, but now a new idea was going around his head. What if he used the portal to access all the hot women in the m ovies and on television he'd always wanted to fuck? It might be worth a shot... After a few hours of setting up, he has it... the portal is hooked up to the big screen TV in the living room... so, where does he go? (Give it a sec, there's gonna...

3 years ago
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The morning wake up kissfor the girls

You are sleeping next to me as I start to wake up and look over at you, feeling horny at the sight of your sleeping body.   I move my hand over to you, moving slowly across your belly.   You look so sexy lying there on your back with your legs parted slightly under the thin sheet.   I slowly crawl under the covers, sliding down your leg smelling the scent of your body as I go.   I reach out and pull your t-shirt up to your hips, exposing your sexy love box to me.   I slowly start to kiss the...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Melanie Hicks Mommy Finds Johnny8217s Used Condom And He is in Trouble

I can not believe my Mom just goes snooping around in my room, I had just got home when my step-mom Melanie is sitting on the couch holding a used condom. She found it in my room, my parents had some suspicion that I was having sex but this just confirms it. I thought I was in deep trouble cause my Dad never liked me bringing girls over the house but to my surprise, Melanie was turned on by how big the condom was, she asked to see my dick to make sure it was from me. I can not believe I am...

2 years ago
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Angie Makes FriendsChapter 6

The sun shone in the window of the classroom. Angie dropped her English book on her desk and sat down noisily. Mr. Thornton stopped writing sentences on the blackboard and turned around to look. "Feeling frustrated today, Angie?" he asked, kindly. Every time Angie saw Mr. Thornton lately, he disturbed her. He turned her on and that bothered her. He was too good-looking to be just a high school English teacher. And he wasn't that much older than she--fresh out of collage. "It's too...

1 year ago
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AssParade Kelsi Monroe Kelsi8217s Juicy Ass

Kelsi Monroe is back with her juicy ass. She’s out by the pool shaking that shit all over the place. When Oliver Flynn comes through with his ginger cock she’s got her wet pussy ready to fuck. She sucks his cock and licks it up and down like a dick shaped lollipop. He fucks her outside then they take it inside where he gets inside her some more. She does a full split on his dick and her fat ass bounces on his genitals. She rides him like a wild ginger stallion. She works hard to...

2 years ago
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Fractured SoulsChapter 4 Vision of the Damned

“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” John said as we walked down the crowded and unfamiliar hallway the following Monday. “You want to go back to our school?” I said while my eyes gave a good looking brunette the once over. “No way,” John said, staring at a girl bending over to fish something out of the bottom of her locker. “Is it me? Or are the girls here better looking than at our school?” “A little of both, I think,” I said while mentally inquiring on the location of the girls’ locker...

2 years ago
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Mistress D v The Wannabees

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is...

1 year ago
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RocknRoll LifestyleChapter 10

When they arrived at the plane they could hear the electric tools of the work crew already installing the living room furniture. They carried the first load of packages into the meeting room and found Maggie there watching TV. "Hey Maggie, wanna give us a hand carrying some stuff in?" Cindy asked. "Sure." she replied, and between the five of them they got the rest in one more trip. "Stay here." Cindy said with a wink, and let herself into the living room to check the progress of the...

3 years ago
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Sex With Sexy Sister

Hello, indian sex stories dot net readers this “Avi” with my true story, you can contact me at ” “. I am avi 18years old from Hyderabad.I live with my parents and younger sister in apartments.Both my parents are job holders, they go to the job at 7 am & return almost at 9:30 pm. Chaitanya my sister is 18 years old with beautiful face & body structures of 30,26,32. She is very cute, especially her pussy would anyone can notice a perfect round bludge.She always wears sexy clothes & every boy in...

3 years ago
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A Feel For The Ice Ch 02

Anna tried not to think about Hayden and that amazing kiss in the days that followed. She tried to sleep, eat and go to work without wondering how far she would have let him go. Then of course, she tried to convince herself that she would have had enough presence of mind to tell him to stop. So far, none of it was working. Hayden was being the perfect guy, calling when he said he would and spending a lot of those phone calls talking to Riley, not Anna. She couldn’t fault him for that, not...

3 years ago
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The Nurse

I was sitting on the elevated examination table when the nurse came bustling in with my folder. "You're here today to follow up on your blood tests, right?" "Yes, that's right," I replied, sizing her up. She was a pretty woman in her early forties with short fat fingers and a well-rounded body. Not large tits but a good handful. Her waist was nearly the same size as her hips but I didn't mind. She had a quick smile and the look of someone who cared. "Okay, let's get your blood...

3 years ago
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Rainy day

I am Asif, 18 residing at Mumbai. I want to share a secret story of my life. I have a best friend whose name is Akram. My story starts just from his house. It was a cold night when I was going to Akram’s house for some work, suddenly rain started and as I hadn’t an umbrella my clothes became wet until I reached his home. I rang the door bell two-three times but no response. I was shuddering due to cold so I knocked the door also. After two three minutes his sister Sundas opened the door and...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Chudai Dekhi Fir Kari

Mera nam pinku h aur mai allahabad ka rahne vala hu. Meri umar 25 saal h. Ye meri pahli story h, to mai aap logo ko bore na karte huye sidhe story par aata hu. Ye true story h. Yeh incident tab hua jab mai engineering ki taiyari karne kanpur gaya tha, us samay meri umar 18 saal thi. To mane 1 room rent pr liya vah room mere 1 dost ne dilaya tha. Vah room mere coaching se kaphi door tha, pr mughe jyada sahar k bare me malum nahi tha to mai vahi pr rahne laga. Us ghar me aunty uncle aur unaka I...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Sierra Nicole I Know You Stole My Panties Step Bro

My younger sister loves to start trouble in our family. Even when we were growing up, she was constantly causing drama by making up stories. I don’t know how she got away with most of the things she did!. She even through a party when our parents were out of town and blamed the whole thing on me!! Of course, since she’s the youngest, their vision is skewed by her innocent face. But I know the truth about our perfect little angel.. A couple buddies of mine mentioned they saw my...

2 years ago
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Stacie and Gillian By The Pool

                        When Gillian threw the door open, I was surprised to see that she was naked.    I knew we’d probably spend the day by the pool nude but she still took my breath away when I saw her first.             “Hey,” she said enthusiastically.   “Come on in.”   I followed her into the kitchen.   “I was just making some daiquiris.   I know it’s still a little early, but would you like one?”             I hesitated.   “I guess… I mean,...

3 years ago
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Der Monteur

Was für ein Morgen! Frau Bender kam wütend und laut schimpfend aus dem Badezimmer, während ihre Tochter verschlafen aus ihrem Zimmer blinzelte, ein wenig verschreckt über den Lärm am frühen morgen. „Was für eine Scheiße! Dieses verdammte Haus kostet mich noch den letzten Nerv!“ fluchte Frau Bender laut, während sie wild im Telefonbuch blätterte. „Was ist denn los Mutti?“ fragte die kleine Sandra. „Ach dieses blöde Klo ist wieder einmal verstopft, ausgerechnet heute. Du weist doch, dass ich...

3 years ago
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Knightly Encounter

The day of the jousting tournament started with bright sunshine and a warm gentle breeze. I was sitting along the side of my father, the Lord of the Manor. When suddenly my eyes caught sight of a knight, in shining armour, sitting astride a magnificent black horse. He came to where I was seated and held out his lance, I then proceeded to tie my kerchief to the end. Off he rode to the starting position. When my father dropped his kerchief to signal the start, the knight’s horse reared and...

2 years ago
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 28

Consciousness came slowly, on the installment plan, one sensation at a time. I groaned and opened my eyes to a room full of sunshine. Dancing clusters of sparkles and glowing dust motes drifted in the sunbeams filling my field of vision as I attempted to focus and give the optical center of my brain a chance to sort out the dazzling array of visual information. For several moments I stared at the ceiling and tried to remember where I was. Naked, sirene, and warm in bed with my partner next...

1 year ago
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For a friend

Introduction: Written for a friend, kinky-ish, first story woo They burst through the bedroom door, all tongue and hands over each other, losing clothes as they walked. Fucking hell, pet. The woman moaned. The man groaned softly, sucking on the womans neck until he was pushed onto the bed. She ran her hands along his arms until she had his wrists in her hands, pinning his arms above his head, feeling his throbbing cock press against her through thin fabric. Such a nice cock, Nate. She whispered...

1 year ago
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Never the Same Ch 01

Up until meeting Danielle, my sex life had been pretty pedestrian. It wasn’t that I didn’t land my fair share of girls before her, I had a reasonably active dating and sex life, it was just that it was all so, well, normal. I am a fairly average guy, just shy of 6’ tall and while not particularly muscular, I am reasonably fit. I have brown eyes and brown hair which I keep cut fairly short, and am a decent-looking fellow. As part of a party game one time, my female friends all discussed it,...

2 years ago
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The Chair0

The Chair Chapter 1 Sharon and Nikki stumbled into Sharon’s front door. It was one in the morning. Both women were laughing, holding one another, assisting each other to Sharon’s couch, landing on it in a drunken stupor. The two friends enjoyed a night out, celebrating Nikki’s last day on her job with dinner and drinks. Luckily Sharon’s small home was within walking distance of the beachside tavern. “What a night,” Sharon rested her head on the back of her couch. “It’s...

1 year ago
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Boy Stud5

Now, at this moment I really wasn’t thinking so much about what Dad was saying. Knowing my whole life that my father worked in and around the family-court, dealing with many adoptions, and considering that I had nothing but a few photos of my mother, I’d always wondered if maybe my dad had adopted me. Although as he went on, I started paying more attention to him, rather than worry about my own origins. “Sometimes, I provide sperm when a husband is lacking, or if it’s the wife, I’ll provide...

2 years ago
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" Lanfen, all women are curious about the size of a guy's penis. Majority of women settle for a smaller penis and never get satisfaction. It took me years to learn the art of love making and use of my monster cock to satisfy a woman. Majority of women cannot handle my sexual prowess and sexual appetite for very long. Lanfen, you are a beautiful 37 year old divorced woman. You have been in a serious relationship with a man. Divorced and without sex for a very long time. Relax." I rub her...

1 year ago
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Lost Innocence

"I can't see anything!" Ann screamed in a feeble attempt to be heard above the howling wind. She tried vainly to scrape the snow from her brand new ski goggles, but new flakes instantly replaced the old. "Don't let go of my hand," shouted Kathy. "From the ski lift, I know I saw a cabin or something in this direction. Just don't let go or we might get separated." Last Friday had started just like any First Baptist Church mid-winter ski trip for the high school seniors in the youth...

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I knew her through the office of course, that and helping her manage and learn to use her computer in the facets of her new job. She was a quiet, slim, slightly mousey woman in her forties. Divorced and now slightly bitter, she was otherwise very ordinary. Not the sort of person you'd look at twice if you passed her in the mall. I was working on her computer’s intermittent connection to the network. We'd had new network cabling installed and while most of it was to a very high, extremely...

4 years ago
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Got a job

Having recently been made redundant, I have been frantically applying for jobs and attending interviews.One such interview was held one evening at a Hotel which is not unusual now days, but when I arrived I was surprised to find that I was to be interviewed by a very good looking lady in her mid forties by the name of Jenny.Jenny was staying over at the hotel and after a couple of drinks became very friendly, She really did look good in her smart business suit and knee length boots.She told me...

2 years ago
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Keeping the Womenfolk in Line Karens TaleChapter 14

Karen left Betty behind as they walked out of the tattoo parlor. “You are just going to leave mom with that weird guy, Ma’am?” Cheyenne asked politely. “Yes, Piggy fucks strange men all the time at home. I don’t see the problem?” Karen answered. Cheyenne and Savannah couldn’t think of a reason to complain. They were still adjusting to their new nipple shields. “I did want to offer you some constructive feedback,” Karen said as she walked the girls to the car. “You were obedient, and I am...

2 years ago
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Fighting your ex

You recently recieved a phone call from your ex girlfriend, Stacy. Things didn't end well between you two, so to finally quell the negative emotion and put your relationship in the past she challenged you to a fight. The rules were simple, fight until only one of you is left standing, then the winner can do whatever they want to the loser. The thought of getting to square off with Stacy made you excited. You pictured her long blonde hair, D-cup breast, round ass, and curvy figure. You figured...


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