DuetChapter 5
- 4 years ago
- 22
- 0
The sun was struggling to peek through the grey clouds, as Ellie strolled down the concrete path towards the bandstand. She was rather looking forward to spending some time with Hope - Michael too, if she was brutally honest. She could well understand what Lisa saw in him. Had seen, she mentally corrected herself. He was attractive in a gruff kind of way, but what did it for Ellie was the quiet way he spoke and acted.
Of course, this was just a friendship, nothing more. If it meant she also got to spend time with Hope, then she was happy. It pleased her to know she might be able to watch Hope grow up. If Lisa still were here, Ellie would have been the little girl's adoptive Aunt.
"You'll be the one taking her to the pub as soon as she's old enough!" Lisa laughed at the look of horror on Ellie's face.
"Oh come on! It's more likely that SHE'LL be showing ME how it's all done!" They both thought about the prospect that this baby Lisa was carrying might one day morph into a Britney Spears clone, and Lisa grimaced.
"Scary," Lisa said out loud. "I've changed my mind. Convent education it is."
"Good luck!" Ellie grinned.
It was still hard to come to terms with the realisation that Lisa would never see her little girl become a young woman, perhaps marry and have children of her own. Tears pricked Ellie's eyes at the unfairness of it all.
"Hey there!" Michael's voice interrupted her silent reverie and she realised he stood across her path with Hope in her pram.
"Sorry, I was miles away," Ellie apologised. "I was just thinking about—" She stopped abruptly. Now was not the time for such maudlin thoughts.
"That's okay," Michael said quietly. Ellie looked at him through damp lashes and had the uncanny sense that he knew exactly what she had been thinking about. It was most unsettling. She brushed the sensation to one side and determinedly pasted a neutral expression on her face.
They wandered over to the small café near the bandstand and sat down at one of the empty tables. It was a bright morning, and fairly cool. Most people had taken tables inside the cramped building, so the outside seating was pretty deserted. Despite her lingering sense of sadness, Ellie was glad she had made the effort to come. She felt positive for the first time in a while.
"Can I hold her?" she asked when Michael un-strapped Hope and lifted her out of the pram.
"Of course," he said. "I'll go and fetch the coffees."
Hope gazed up with huge blue eyes as she was lying in the curve of Ellie's arm. Small wisps of blonde hair curled in little ringlets and she resembled a tiny cherub, peaceful and angelic.
"Don't be fooled by that innocent demeanour," chuckled Michael as he returned, and placed a tray on their table. "She's never that sweet at three in the morning!"
"I can well imagine," Ellie giggled. "I have seven younger siblings. Connor, the third youngest, was born when I was eleven. He had the most awful colic and spent months screaming all night, every night. My parents were on the verge of divorce by the time he stopped all the crying. It was no fun." She pulled a face as she thought back to the horrific nights of no sleep.
"No, it's not much fun," said Michael with great understatement. "But it won't last forever."
"True," agreed Ellie. "But then you have teenage tantrums to look forward to instead," she added, recalling the conversation she'd had with Lisa.
"A convent education is the answer to that," said Michael.
"That's exactly what Lisa said!"
Michael looked shaken and Ellie wished she hadn't said it. It was painfully obvious he hadn't yet dealt with everything that had happened. "Sorry," she said gently. "I'm horribly tactless at times."
"No, it's okay." He leant forward and sipped his coffee. "I do need to talk about things," he said after a moment of silence. "It's difficult, you know?"
"I do know," Ellie replied.
They both looked away, lost in their own recollections of the woman who'd brought them together. Then Hope began to grizzle and the moment passed.
"I think somebody is ready for a feed," Michael said. "I'll just nip in and see if they can warm her bottle up."
Ellie watched him walk across towards the café and thought again how attractive he was. Once again, she reminded herself that he was off limits even if he and his wife were separated. The last thing either of them needed was any romantic complications to be added to this situation.
He came back out through the double doors and Ellie quickly looked down at Hope, conscious that she'd been staring. She hoped he hadn't noticed. Fortunately, Hope decided to start wailing the moment Michael sat down, and so his attention was diverted.
This allowed Ellie a chance to remember why she was there — and it wasn't to make any more unsuitable attachments. She had had enough of those to last a lifetime. As nice as Michael seemed, it was worth remembering that he had hurt Lisa badly and been unfaithful to his wife in the process. That was hardly the kind of man she needed to fall for. Oh no she told herself firmly as she watched him patiently coax Hope to take milk from the bottle. She needed a man like that as much as she needed a hole in her shoe.
They chatted about mundane things whilst Hope finished her feed. Eventually, it was time to move and Michael strapped a grizzling baby back in her pram. "She's tired," he commented.
"She's not the only one," replied Ellie dryly, noting the grey circles beneath Michael's eyes.
He laughed. "Sleep is a luxury these days!"
"You know," said Ellie after a moment's thought, "I don't mind babysitting if you ever need a break?"
Michael looked surprised. "I'm sure you must have loads of better things to do in your spare time."
Ellie shrugged. "Not particularly. I don't go out that often. Besides, I'd like to see more of Hope — if you don't mind?"
"I thought you'd have men queuing up to take you out!" He grinned at her and Ellie felt a slow warm sensation creeping through her body.
"Hardly." She smiled self-deprecatingly and willed her cheeks not to flush.
"Well, I'm sure Hope would love to see more of you, so consider your offer likely to be taken up imminently. You'll have to give me your phone number and then I can ring you."
Ellie pulled a scrap of paper from her bag and jotted the number down before handing it to Michael. Their fingers briefly touched and she, once again, felt a sharp zing of attraction.
They said their goodbyes and Ellie walked away towards the south entrance of the park. She almost wished she hadn't offered to baby-sit. As much as she wanted to spend time with Hope, she had the feeling that her attraction to Michael was going to be dangerous.
But it was too late now. She could hardly revoke her offer, so the ball was firmly in his court.
Michael replaced the phone in its cradle and swore loudly. Hope was lying in her rocker chair nearby. Her eyes widened at the flood of foul language.
"Shut your ears, Hope," Michael told her. "Daddy's just mad, but not at you."
The baby cooed and waved her rattle at him, and he smiled, the tension fading somewhat. He was still left with a problem however. Tonight, he was meant to be wining and dining a potential client and his wife, who were currently over from Tokyo. It was an important evening. This client could be a vital asset to the company. Moreover, it had been implied that if he didn't win the contract, he might be sidelined very soon. He knew his job was in a precarious position; certain individuals were waiting, hopefully, for him to screw up big time. Therefore, he had no choice but to attend this dinner.
Unfortunately, his childminder had let him down. She had promised it was no problem to take Hope for a few hours. Nevertheless, she had rung up half an hour ago to apologetically explain that she had a viral stomach bug and was, therefore, in no position to baby-sit.
Now, he didn't know what the hell he was going to do. Shit, shit, shit. He thought quickly about whom else he could possibly ask; it was difficult, as most of his friends had pretty much written him off lately. Then, an image of Ellie popped into his head and he grabbed his mobile to retrieve the number he had programmed in.
"Hi, Ellie," he said in a rush when she answered her phone, "it's Michael here. Remember that babysitting you offered?"
She listened, as he explained the predicament he was in.
"Sure, no problem," she said. "Give me your address and I'll be straight over."
She was true to her word, duly arriving within half an hour with a small carrier bag in her hand. "Sorry, I couldn't resist when I saw this the other day," she explained sheepishly pulling out a pretty outfit for Hope.
Sitting down on the rug beside Hope, she looked around the spacious room curiously. It was tastefully decorated in beige tones, but it felt a little impersonal. She wasn't sure why exactly, but the lack of any family photos was strange.
"I shouldn't be too late," explained Michael, while trying unsuccessfully to fasten his gold cuff links in a hurry. He swore softly when they refused to close.
"Here, let me do it," said Ellie without thinking. She calmly fastened them for him and then straightened his tie.
He suddenly looked at her properly for the first time since she'd arrived at his house. Her dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she wore no make-up. She was dressed casually in scruffy jeans and a loose sweatshirt, yet she managed to look appealing to him.
With a start, Michael realised how pretty she was. Up until this moment, his only perception of her had been that she was Lisa's friend. Now, he began to see her as an attractive woman; it was unsettling.
"Is everything ok?" she asked curiously.
Belatedly, he realised he had been staring at her. He pulled back hurriedly. "Yeah, thanks," he said a bit gruffly. "Hell, I better go or I'm going to be late. Are you sure you'll be all right? Feeds are in the fridge and help yourself to anything you want."
"We'll be fine, won't we, Hope?" Ellie said soothingly. Hope gurgled as if agreeing with her. She kicked her chubby little legs about and Michael relaxed slightly.
The taxi beeped its horn outside. "Okay, I'm off now." He grabbed his jacket and house keys. "Ring me, if you have any problems." He was suddenly anxious to leave. Ellie made him nervous for some strange reason.
She, once again, assured him she would be fine and so he left, aware that if he didn't ask the taxi driver to put his foot down, he would probably miss the starter.
Ellie locked the door behind him. She wondered why Michael had looked at her funny when she fastened his cuff links. She shook her head, dismissing the errant thought as Hope began to cry. It was time to fetch a bottle of milk from the kitchen.
Michael walked in through his front door expecting to hear an all too familiar wailing. Instead, the house was silent but for the muted sound of the television in the living room. His head was slightly woolly from too much wine and he could feel a headache coming on rapidly.
Apart from eating and drinking too much, the evening hadn't gone too badly. The client had seemed receptive to his proposals and he felt fairly sure that at least some business might be heading their way soon. Time would tell. At this moment, he didn't give a toss in all honesty. He was beginning to think that there was far more to life than work.
After putting his shoes and coat away, he headed down the hall, towards the living room to see Ellie. For some reason, she had appeared in his thoughts with alarming regularity all evening and he still wasn't sure why. God knew he had enough on his plate without adding a relationship into the potent mix.
The room was in semi darkness when he walked in. The lamp in the corner had been switched on, but the only other light was from the television. Ellie was curled up on the sofa, her legs tucked beneath her in a cat-like fashion. Michael was about to say something, when he realised she was fast asleep.
She looked so young lying there with her hair spread out across the cushions - certainly nowhere near the thirty-something he knew she was. He bent down and gently shook her shoulder, catching a faint wisp of floral perfume. She stirred a little and opened her eyes blearily, looking slightly confused for a moment.
Then, she suddenly realised where she was. "Oh God, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep!" she apologised.
Her cheek was pink and creased where the edge of the cushion had left its mark. Michael felt his eyes drawn there, assailed by a sudden urge to rub the area with his thumb. He looked away quickly and examined what was playing on the television. "Have I missed anything interesting?" he asked politely, a slow throbbing headache beginning to bite right behind his temple.
"No, not really. Once Hope settled, I switched it on, but I guess I zonked out almost immediately!" She rubbed her eyes ruefully.
"Did she go down alright?" Hope seemed the safest subject to talk about while he was feeling this way.
Ellie stood. "She was great — didn't give me any bother."
Michael was amazed. "Really?" he said in disbelief.
"Really! I bathed her, fed her and then read some stories while she lay in her cot. She nodded off quite quickly."
"Maybe it's me then," he said, tiredness suddenly hitting him hard. It was horribly disheartening to hear that the baby who screamed the place down nightly had been an absolute angel for somebody else.
"Hey, don't be silly! Anyone can see you're doing a wonderful job in very difficult circumstances."
Michael raised one eyebrow sceptically. "You think?"
"Yes, I do think," she replied firmly.
Then why do I feel so fucking useless half of the time?
Ellie must have seen his dejected expression for she stepped close and gave him an impulsive hug, throwing her arms around his neck in sympathy. The gesture took Michael completely by surprise. Her slight body pressed against him and her hair tickled his nose for a few precious seconds.
Almost without his realising, his hands moved to hold her, but she jumped away abruptly with a stricken look. "I'm so sorry," she apologised, her cheeks flushing deep pink with embarrassment. "I shouldn't have done that."
Michael reached forward and grasped her arm. "Don't be sorry, I'm glad you did." He rubbed his temple, as he tried to find the right words through the fog that threatened to close his brain down for the night. "It's been a while since anybody hugged me," he admitted. He was aware that he sounded deeply tragic, but suddenly did not care all that much.
Ellie's face registered empathy and something else he couldn't fathom. He just hoped it wasn't pity — he couldn't cope with that at the moment.
"Me too," she admitted with a sad smile.
"I spent the last decade married to the ice queen — what's your excuse?" Michael found it difficult to believe that this lovely woman didn't have a boyfriend.
"Bad luck I guess." She shrugged. "There was somebody, but it didn't work out and, well, I haven't bothered looking since. Anyway, I'm talking rubbish. You must be shattered and I should get home."
"Sleep deprivation is a way of life."
Ellie grabbed her bag and coat. "Take advantage of the peace then!" She grinned and Michael felt relieved that the awkwardness of the previous few minutes appeared to have vanished.
"Thanks, you know, for tonight," Michael said as they stood on the threshold of his front door. Outside, the sky was clear; hundreds of twinkling stars were visible despite the glow from the street lamps.
"That's okay," Ellie said. "It was my pleasure. Anytime you need me, just holler."
"How about next Saturday night?" The words were out before Michael had a chance to think it through.
Ellie had turned to go, but she paused in response to Michael's invitation. "Do you have to work again?" she asked.
"No, I just wondered if you fancied coming over and having some tea with us?"
She hesitated. Michael thought for a horrible moment that he'd overstepped the mark, but, then, she smiled and he exhaled with relief.
"Sure," she said, "I'd love to!"
"Great! Is six o'clock okay? I know it's early, but I don't want to keep Hope up too late."
"No, that's fine, is there anything you need me to bring?"
"Absolutely nothing."
"Okay. I'll see you on Saturday." She disappeared down the drive towards her parked car. Michael watched until she had safely driven away. He couldn't help wondering what had prompted the invitation — it hadn't been his intention at all.
But, he reasoned, Hope liked Ellie and he sure as hell needed some adult company outside of the office. Ellie was fun to be around and there was nothing wrong with them becoming friends. He firmly dismissed any nagging doubts as to his motives and headed off to bed, hoping that he might grab a few uninterrupted hours of sleep, before Hope awoke again.
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I had just come out of the army after my national service and had travelled home on the bus from a night out with my c***dhood friend Derek.We lived in terraced housed with an entry inbetween.It was a dark night and we stood chatting in the entry about the old days and what we did to each other.We both knew that the interest was still there.Within minutes we had each others cock out and were playing with each other as we talked,we had to be very careful because even t ho' it was dark we were...
Monday, June 4, 2007 We all had breakfast together, in front of the TV to catch up with the latest breaking news. "Breaking" being the operative word, because things were being broken all around the world: store windows, marchers' heads, church attendance records, and every hope I had for people being sensible. The parents had already informed their workplaces that their going to work was going to be problematic for a while. Vanessa and Mom could do MAF's work from home. Vanessa had...
Hello guyss this is my first story. I’ll describe my story in Marathi language. Kahi chuki zhali tar maaf kara.Sarvat aadhi me tumhala maazhi didi mhanje aatyachi mulgi ticha introduction deto. Naav- Rasika Age- 20 Medium size stan (boobs)Full sliky smooth skin aani milky white body.Aata mazha intro deto Naav- sirish Age- 18Average body normal fair.Aata me mazhi story sangto. Mala porn baghaych bharpur ved aahe me naahi nahi mhanta dar divshi new new hd madhey porn download karun baghaycho....
Before you go ahead and judge me, before you get all prejudicial and call me the biggest slut in the world, I would really appreciate it if you could read my story with all the objectiveness you can muster, with an open mind, if you will. I want you to really cogitate on my story and try to see things from my point of view which is the single favour I will ask of you. Before I tell you my story, I would like to tell you about myself.I would go so far as to call myself a very attractive and sexy...
Straight SexI was standing in the hallway just outside of the vestibule where Liz and the crew from the radio station were taking pictures when my cell phone buzzed. I moved farther away and checked the display. It was Sarah Costello so I answered. "How's it going?" she asked. "OK," I replied. There was a moment of silence on the other end. "That's it?" Sarah asked. "OK?" "We spent the car ride over talking about when we knew each other," I replied. "The truth is, I don't know much more...
Hi friends, kese ho ye meri dusri story h . Jo ek real story h . Mera naam vedant h main delhi me rhat hu . Dikhne me kafi handsome hu . Apko story kesi lagi muje mail jarur krna meri email id h ab apko boor na krte hue story per aata hu. Last summer me hamara haridwar or rishikesh jane ka program bana family k sath bua ji bhi ghr aayi hui thi bua k ladke ki newly sadhi hui thi bua ki family bhi sath jana ka program ban gya . Sunday raat ko hum delhi se nikle maine mere friend se car xchnge...
“Hi,” I say while a smile forms on my face. We walk toward each other and hug. “What are you doing here?” she asks. I came to the city for work. A company hired me to do some consulting on one of their projects, I explain, and ask her why she’s here. “I live here now. Well, close to the city, about an hour’s drive away. You must be far off.” “I'm in a hotel, close by.” It was six in the evening and I had just finish work and was looking for a place to eat. I eagerly invite...
Don't get me wrong, there are lots of women who have demanding jobs, but we don't neglect our families. My daughter is legal age now and still gets loads of attention from her mum. I take her horse riding Mondays and Thursdays and we go to church together, she has just joined me in the choir. She gets top marks at school and is a great kid,.. no longer a virgin but no where near being a slut. Ironic that it should have been me that gave the talk. My husband is a skilled wood worker,...
For three weeks I watched seeds germinate in clear plastic bags meant to serve as portable greenhouses. I even built a cart to transport them onto the deck during the daylight hours and inside the house at night. The deck was the sunniest place where I also had easy access. Between the bamboo plants and the worm farm, I stayed just busy enough to avoid total boredom. Oh yes, Maurine also kept me occupied. The other members of my group were not nearly as fortunate. Lucinda and Gerome were...
Chapter Four: Losing control I woke up parched as the proverbial bone. Throwing the sheet back, I stumbled into the bathroom and used my hands to drink right from the tap until I’d slaked my thirst. Drinking causes dehydration – I should have remembered that last night. Last night? ‘Ohmigod…’ I said aloud. I did not throw myself at Keven. I did not take off all my clothes and beg him to have sex with me. He must think I’m the biggest slut ever and after that performance, I couldn’t say he was...
Jaye Summers walks into the massage parlor in pain. India Summer greets her and asks her how she may be of service. Jaye tells her that her ass is really sore from spending so much time on her bike and as she was biking past she saw the sign for the parlor and wondered if she could get a massage without any appointment. India tells her that she just got a cancellation and that she’ll be able to personally service her immediately. Jaye is thrilled. India asks Jaye to follow her to the...
xmoviesforyouName Game "Hey hon." "Hi Dad." "I just wanted to apologize for getting the name wrong. I just forgot." "It's okay, Dad. I know you're trying." "Thanks. By the way, where did 'Anne" come from?" "I just liked it. Better than 'Sunflower'." "Yeah, well, your mother wanted to give her daughter a hippy name." End
We headed back up to our suite. Once there, Pyx cleared the table and cleaned up the kitchen. I had Vonda help. When they were done cleaning, Vonda and Pyx walked to where I was sitting, in the recliner that was part of our entertainment center. They knelt at my feet. I waited a minute before I spoke. The two waited in silent anticipation. "Pyx, are you sure you want to be my slave?" Trembling, she nodded. "Yes, sir." "I sighed. "Very well. Both of you, go take off your clothes....
Will I Like It I think I might, in fact I do! After my first taste (no pun intended) , I thought I must try and resolve my doubts. I joined an internet chatroom, and got chatting to a young TV from the north of England. He asked me to call him my special little girl friend, we were just posting photos and messages to start. As time passed she asked if she could e-mail me, at first I was unsure (my wife used the computer). I set up another e-mail alias on the computer, and agreed to her...
Covid Christmas As with many others Philip and I decided what the hell lets enjoy what we can whilst we can so accordingly invited our 65-year-old parents for Christmas. We also had our 18 year old son, James at home and 21-year-old daughter, Fiona, so don’t see any risks. After the traditional Christmas dinner we retired to the lounge and our James went down the road to his friends. Sat on the settee Mom and Dad started to recall Christmas past when we enjoyed more than just presents, my...
First timeTags: outside sex, college sex, fuckingA bunch of horny college students go camping in the southern AppalachiansAfter the weekend on the lake my friends and I organized a camping and fishing trip in the north Georgia mountains. Chip and Brittany along with Vic and Kelli from our excursion on the lake came on the trip. My friends Katie with her so called “serious” boyfriend from back home, my life long friend and fraternity big brother, Nick, brought a hot girl named Tiffany, frat...
Trina laughed as she threw another handful of the overly-buttered mess at him. “That’s what you fucking get!” “But it’s true!” “Fairies are not stupid!” “Yes they are!” “They’re gonna kick your ass if you keep talking shit!” A frustrated banging on the adjacent wall, from the room where Trina’s mom slept, brought their playful argument down to low giggles. “You witches are fucking crazy,” Justin said softly, smiling as he shook his head. “That was a stupid truth question,” Trina hissed...
He told me to walk along the pathway and not turn round, I knew he was behind as I could hear his footsteps and as I was getting over a stile I felt his finger go inside me,the feeling was so good I stayed there hoping he would carry on but I was to be disappointed as he said to go on. Once again I was out walking with my dog Bruno,we walked the same route twice a day and this was our evening walk and we were a bit later than normal. There was no people about which is normal for night time...
Exhibitionism(This is a story that I saw in an incest magazine circa 1995) I remember the first time I did it with my mom as clearly as if it were only yesterday, instead of forty years ago. I had come home from a swim meet to find my mom in tears in her bedroom. When I asked what was wrong, she had handed me a teary-wet telegram. It had said my dad was dead. Killed in Korea. It must have arrived just after I left for school because Mom was still in her nightgown. I had sat on the edge of her bed, too...
Despite a night of exhaustive emissions of his seed, Veen erected healthily as the evidence of it upon the glistening latex was viewed with mocking delight by the women, Arna receiving a thorough spanking across Candia’s knees, in lieu of her wanton lust in allowing it to happen; the girl’s tears flowing as the dominant woman’s firm hand had her soft cheeks brought to a rosy Glow with sadistic pleasure. “There’s a price to pay for every pleasure my sweet, and you’ve many pleasures to come...
"Manny" was actually Herman Fredrick Herring, a fact that he gave up immediately when he was in the pod. "Manny" didn't have all the information that Hank Dalton desired. "Manny"--or Herman, as he prefered when he wasn't working--was expendable and was told only what the job required. Inside the pod Manny was made to believe that he was the only survivor of a raid gone wrong. "It was a trap!" Herman told his nameless boss. "They gunned us down. I managed to escape. If any of the...
She opened the parcel and held out her present. A gorgeous black lacy pair of knickers. “they’re gorgeous!” she says hugging her boyfriend Tom. She had truly been spoilt for her birthday. New makeup, new jewellery, perfume and now these. “They’re naughty knickers” Tom says winking “wear them tonight and you’ll see” 7pm rolls around and Lisa goes into her room to get changed. On her bed lies a final present and a note that reads ‘don’t forget the new knickers’ she opens it to find a stunning...
Hi friends, this is prakash here from Mumbai. I am 22 years old. I am going to narrate about my first sex that I experienced when I was 19 years old with my neighborhood aunty. Her name is Kavya. Kavya aunty and her family are our neighbors from my childhood. Her family consists of herself, her husband and her daughter .Her daughter is now married and does not live with them now. Her husband is a businessman and always busy in work. First let me tell something about Kavya aunty. She is a woman...
IncestMonday we studied together. He made sure we actually studied. I don’t think he did any studying before he came because he brought such a big stack of books in his book bag that it looked like he was carrying them to build up his muscles rather than to prepare for his courses. ‘Why all the books? That’s gotta be at least twice as many books as I have for all my courses.’ ‘I’m taking a heavy load.’ ‘How heavy?’ ‘I’d say about fifty pounds.’ I rolled my eyes. I was waiting for the cigar and...
Dick put in some long hours over the next few days. He was able to meet the deadline for planning the POW rescue and was able to spend a couple of days getting to know his new command. The platoon had been together since the first day of operations on Ixler, so they were comfortable working with each other. A big advantage that the commanders had with Saunan troops was that they all were volunteers, and nobody who wanted out of the Army was kept against his will. Furthermore, everybody wanted...
Rachael admired herself in the mirror. She loved dressing up for JD - finding sexy lingerie, revealing dresses, skirts so short she didn't even have to bend over. Today was new for her. She found an adult clothing shop among the trendy U Street boutiques and they carried non-piercing jewelry. She bought a matching set of nipple rings and a clit clip. Sparkly purple beads now squeezed her nipples delightfully making them strain against her light silk shirt. They were clearly visible. She...