HopeChapter 2 free porn video

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The sun was struggling to peek through the grey clouds, as Ellie strolled down the concrete path towards the bandstand. She was rather looking forward to spending some time with Hope - Michael too, if she was brutally honest. She could well understand what Lisa saw in him. Had seen, she mentally corrected herself. He was attractive in a gruff kind of way, but what did it for Ellie was the quiet way he spoke and acted.

Of course, this was just a friendship, nothing more. If it meant she also got to spend time with Hope, then she was happy. It pleased her to know she might be able to watch Hope grow up. If Lisa still were here, Ellie would have been the little girl's adoptive Aunt.

"You'll be the one taking her to the pub as soon as she's old enough!" Lisa laughed at the look of horror on Ellie's face.

"Oh come on! It's more likely that SHE'LL be showing ME how it's all done!" They both thought about the prospect that this baby Lisa was carrying might one day morph into a Britney Spears clone, and Lisa grimaced.

"Scary," Lisa said out loud. "I've changed my mind. Convent education it is."

"Good luck!" Ellie grinned.

It was still hard to come to terms with the realisation that Lisa would never see her little girl become a young woman, perhaps marry and have children of her own. Tears pricked Ellie's eyes at the unfairness of it all.

"Hey there!" Michael's voice interrupted her silent reverie and she realised he stood across her path with Hope in her pram.

"Sorry, I was miles away," Ellie apologised. "I was just thinking about—" She stopped abruptly. Now was not the time for such maudlin thoughts.

"That's okay," Michael said quietly. Ellie looked at him through damp lashes and had the uncanny sense that he knew exactly what she had been thinking about. It was most unsettling. She brushed the sensation to one side and determinedly pasted a neutral expression on her face.

They wandered over to the small café near the bandstand and sat down at one of the empty tables. It was a bright morning, and fairly cool. Most people had taken tables inside the cramped building, so the outside seating was pretty deserted. Despite her lingering sense of sadness, Ellie was glad she had made the effort to come. She felt positive for the first time in a while.

"Can I hold her?" she asked when Michael un-strapped Hope and lifted her out of the pram.

"Of course," he said. "I'll go and fetch the coffees."

Hope gazed up with huge blue eyes as she was lying in the curve of Ellie's arm. Small wisps of blonde hair curled in little ringlets and she resembled a tiny cherub, peaceful and angelic.

"Don't be fooled by that innocent demeanour," chuckled Michael as he returned, and placed a tray on their table. "She's never that sweet at three in the morning!"

"I can well imagine," Ellie giggled. "I have seven younger siblings. Connor, the third youngest, was born when I was eleven. He had the most awful colic and spent months screaming all night, every night. My parents were on the verge of divorce by the time he stopped all the crying. It was no fun." She pulled a face as she thought back to the horrific nights of no sleep.

"No, it's not much fun," said Michael with great understatement. "But it won't last forever."

"True," agreed Ellie. "But then you have teenage tantrums to look forward to instead," she added, recalling the conversation she'd had with Lisa.

"A convent education is the answer to that," said Michael.

"That's exactly what Lisa said!"

Michael looked shaken and Ellie wished she hadn't said it. It was painfully obvious he hadn't yet dealt with everything that had happened. "Sorry," she said gently. "I'm horribly tactless at times."

"No, it's okay." He leant forward and sipped his coffee. "I do need to talk about things," he said after a moment of silence. "It's difficult, you know?"

"I do know," Ellie replied.

They both looked away, lost in their own recollections of the woman who'd brought them together. Then Hope began to grizzle and the moment passed.

"I think somebody is ready for a feed," Michael said. "I'll just nip in and see if they can warm her bottle up."

Ellie watched him walk across towards the café and thought again how attractive he was. Once again, she reminded herself that he was off limits even if he and his wife were separated. The last thing either of them needed was any romantic complications to be added to this situation.

He came back out through the double doors and Ellie quickly looked down at Hope, conscious that she'd been staring. She hoped he hadn't noticed. Fortunately, Hope decided to start wailing the moment Michael sat down, and so his attention was diverted.

This allowed Ellie a chance to remember why she was there — and it wasn't to make any more unsuitable attachments. She had had enough of those to last a lifetime. As nice as Michael seemed, it was worth remembering that he had hurt Lisa badly and been unfaithful to his wife in the process. That was hardly the kind of man she needed to fall for. Oh no she told herself firmly as she watched him patiently coax Hope to take milk from the bottle. She needed a man like that as much as she needed a hole in her shoe.

They chatted about mundane things whilst Hope finished her feed. Eventually, it was time to move and Michael strapped a grizzling baby back in her pram. "She's tired," he commented.

"She's not the only one," replied Ellie dryly, noting the grey circles beneath Michael's eyes.

He laughed. "Sleep is a luxury these days!"

"You know," said Ellie after a moment's thought, "I don't mind babysitting if you ever need a break?"

Michael looked surprised. "I'm sure you must have loads of better things to do in your spare time."

Ellie shrugged. "Not particularly. I don't go out that often. Besides, I'd like to see more of Hope — if you don't mind?"

"I thought you'd have men queuing up to take you out!" He grinned at her and Ellie felt a slow warm sensation creeping through her body.

"Hardly." She smiled self-deprecatingly and willed her cheeks not to flush.

"Well, I'm sure Hope would love to see more of you, so consider your offer likely to be taken up imminently. You'll have to give me your phone number and then I can ring you."

Ellie pulled a scrap of paper from her bag and jotted the number down before handing it to Michael. Their fingers briefly touched and she, once again, felt a sharp zing of attraction.

They said their goodbyes and Ellie walked away towards the south entrance of the park. She almost wished she hadn't offered to baby-sit. As much as she wanted to spend time with Hope, she had the feeling that her attraction to Michael was going to be dangerous.

But it was too late now. She could hardly revoke her offer, so the ball was firmly in his court.

Michael replaced the phone in its cradle and swore loudly. Hope was lying in her rocker chair nearby. Her eyes widened at the flood of foul language.

"Shut your ears, Hope," Michael told her. "Daddy's just mad, but not at you."

The baby cooed and waved her rattle at him, and he smiled, the tension fading somewhat. He was still left with a problem however. Tonight, he was meant to be wining and dining a potential client and his wife, who were currently over from Tokyo. It was an important evening. This client could be a vital asset to the company. Moreover, it had been implied that if he didn't win the contract, he might be sidelined very soon. He knew his job was in a precarious position; certain individuals were waiting, hopefully, for him to screw up big time. Therefore, he had no choice but to attend this dinner.

Unfortunately, his childminder had let him down. She had promised it was no problem to take Hope for a few hours. Nevertheless, she had rung up half an hour ago to apologetically explain that she had a viral stomach bug and was, therefore, in no position to baby-sit.

Now, he didn't know what the hell he was going to do. Shit, shit, shit. He thought quickly about whom else he could possibly ask; it was difficult, as most of his friends had pretty much written him off lately. Then, an image of Ellie popped into his head and he grabbed his mobile to retrieve the number he had programmed in.

"Hi, Ellie," he said in a rush when she answered her phone, "it's Michael here. Remember that babysitting you offered?"

She listened, as he explained the predicament he was in.

"Sure, no problem," she said. "Give me your address and I'll be straight over."

She was true to her word, duly arriving within half an hour with a small carrier bag in her hand. "Sorry, I couldn't resist when I saw this the other day," she explained sheepishly pulling out a pretty outfit for Hope.

Sitting down on the rug beside Hope, she looked around the spacious room curiously. It was tastefully decorated in beige tones, but it felt a little impersonal. She wasn't sure why exactly, but the lack of any family photos was strange.

"I shouldn't be too late," explained Michael, while trying unsuccessfully to fasten his gold cuff links in a hurry. He swore softly when they refused to close.

"Here, let me do it," said Ellie without thinking. She calmly fastened them for him and then straightened his tie.

He suddenly looked at her properly for the first time since she'd arrived at his house. Her dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she wore no make-up. She was dressed casually in scruffy jeans and a loose sweatshirt, yet she managed to look appealing to him.

With a start, Michael realised how pretty she was. Up until this moment, his only perception of her had been that she was Lisa's friend. Now, he began to see her as an attractive woman; it was unsettling.

"Is everything ok?" she asked curiously.

Belatedly, he realised he had been staring at her. He pulled back hurriedly. "Yeah, thanks," he said a bit gruffly. "Hell, I better go or I'm going to be late. Are you sure you'll be all right? Feeds are in the fridge and help yourself to anything you want."

"We'll be fine, won't we, Hope?" Ellie said soothingly. Hope gurgled as if agreeing with her. She kicked her chubby little legs about and Michael relaxed slightly.

The taxi beeped its horn outside. "Okay, I'm off now." He grabbed his jacket and house keys. "Ring me, if you have any problems." He was suddenly anxious to leave. Ellie made him nervous for some strange reason.

She, once again, assured him she would be fine and so he left, aware that if he didn't ask the taxi driver to put his foot down, he would probably miss the starter.

Ellie locked the door behind him. She wondered why Michael had looked at her funny when she fastened his cuff links. She shook her head, dismissing the errant thought as Hope began to cry. It was time to fetch a bottle of milk from the kitchen.

Michael walked in through his front door expecting to hear an all too familiar wailing. Instead, the house was silent but for the muted sound of the television in the living room. His head was slightly woolly from too much wine and he could feel a headache coming on rapidly.

Apart from eating and drinking too much, the evening hadn't gone too badly. The client had seemed receptive to his proposals and he felt fairly sure that at least some business might be heading their way soon. Time would tell. At this moment, he didn't give a toss in all honesty. He was beginning to think that there was far more to life than work.

After putting his shoes and coat away, he headed down the hall, towards the living room to see Ellie. For some reason, she had appeared in his thoughts with alarming regularity all evening and he still wasn't sure why. God knew he had enough on his plate without adding a relationship into the potent mix.

The room was in semi darkness when he walked in. The lamp in the corner had been switched on, but the only other light was from the television. Ellie was curled up on the sofa, her legs tucked beneath her in a cat-like fashion. Michael was about to say something, when he realised she was fast asleep.

She looked so young lying there with her hair spread out across the cushions - certainly nowhere near the thirty-something he knew she was. He bent down and gently shook her shoulder, catching a faint wisp of floral perfume. She stirred a little and opened her eyes blearily, looking slightly confused for a moment.

Then, she suddenly realised where she was. "Oh God, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep!" she apologised.

Her cheek was pink and creased where the edge of the cushion had left its mark. Michael felt his eyes drawn there, assailed by a sudden urge to rub the area with his thumb. He looked away quickly and examined what was playing on the television. "Have I missed anything interesting?" he asked politely, a slow throbbing headache beginning to bite right behind his temple.

"No, not really. Once Hope settled, I switched it on, but I guess I zonked out almost immediately!" She rubbed her eyes ruefully.

"Did she go down alright?" Hope seemed the safest subject to talk about while he was feeling this way.

Ellie stood. "She was great — didn't give me any bother."

Michael was amazed. "Really?" he said in disbelief.

"Really! I bathed her, fed her and then read some stories while she lay in her cot. She nodded off quite quickly."

"Maybe it's me then," he said, tiredness suddenly hitting him hard. It was horribly disheartening to hear that the baby who screamed the place down nightly had been an absolute angel for somebody else.

"Hey, don't be silly! Anyone can see you're doing a wonderful job in very difficult circumstances."

Michael raised one eyebrow sceptically. "You think?"

"Yes, I do think," she replied firmly.

Then why do I feel so fucking useless half of the time?

Ellie must have seen his dejected expression for she stepped close and gave him an impulsive hug, throwing her arms around his neck in sympathy. The gesture took Michael completely by surprise. Her slight body pressed against him and her hair tickled his nose for a few precious seconds.

Almost without his realising, his hands moved to hold her, but she jumped away abruptly with a stricken look. "I'm so sorry," she apologised, her cheeks flushing deep pink with embarrassment. "I shouldn't have done that."

Michael reached forward and grasped her arm. "Don't be sorry, I'm glad you did." He rubbed his temple, as he tried to find the right words through the fog that threatened to close his brain down for the night. "It's been a while since anybody hugged me," he admitted. He was aware that he sounded deeply tragic, but suddenly did not care all that much.

Ellie's face registered empathy and something else he couldn't fathom. He just hoped it wasn't pity — he couldn't cope with that at the moment.

"Me too," she admitted with a sad smile.

"I spent the last decade married to the ice queen — what's your excuse?" Michael found it difficult to believe that this lovely woman didn't have a boyfriend.

"Bad luck I guess." She shrugged. "There was somebody, but it didn't work out and, well, I haven't bothered looking since. Anyway, I'm talking rubbish. You must be shattered and I should get home."

"Sleep deprivation is a way of life."

Ellie grabbed her bag and coat. "Take advantage of the peace then!" She grinned and Michael felt relieved that the awkwardness of the previous few minutes appeared to have vanished.

"Thanks, you know, for tonight," Michael said as they stood on the threshold of his front door. Outside, the sky was clear; hundreds of twinkling stars were visible despite the glow from the street lamps.

"That's okay," Ellie said. "It was my pleasure. Anytime you need me, just holler."

"How about next Saturday night?" The words were out before Michael had a chance to think it through.

Ellie had turned to go, but she paused in response to Michael's invitation. "Do you have to work again?" she asked.

"No, I just wondered if you fancied coming over and having some tea with us?"

She hesitated. Michael thought for a horrible moment that he'd overstepped the mark, but, then, she smiled and he exhaled with relief.

"Sure," she said, "I'd love to!"

"Great! Is six o'clock okay? I know it's early, but I don't want to keep Hope up too late."

"No, that's fine, is there anything you need me to bring?"

"Absolutely nothing."

"Okay. I'll see you on Saturday." She disappeared down the drive towards her parked car. Michael watched until she had safely driven away. He couldn't help wondering what had prompted the invitation — it hadn't been his intention at all.

But, he reasoned, Hope liked Ellie and he sure as hell needed some adult company outside of the office. Ellie was fun to be around and there was nothing wrong with them becoming friends. He firmly dismissed any nagging doubts as to his motives and headed off to bed, hoping that he might grab a few uninterrupted hours of sleep, before Hope awoke again.

Ellie jumped off the bus and looked up at the leaden sky dubiously. Judging by the black clouds congregating right above her head, it was about to tip it down. Just marvellous when my car is in the garage for the millionth time this month, she thought crossly. Catching buses was all very well, but Michael's house was not on a main bus route. She knew he would have picked her up if she'd asked him, but she was much too proud to ask.

Same as Hope
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Eventually, though, even Energizer batteries run down. And our fun was to come to an end as well–at least temporarily. I wanted to make sure that Julie came before I did and luckily that was the way it worked out.I knew she was building to a tremendous orgasm–I felt her shudder and I heard her cries and moans as her orgasm came closer and closer. Like a thermometer reaching its limit, her orgasm climbed higher and higher until it crested."Ohhh ffuuuccckkk! I'm cuuummminggg! Ohhh, shhiiiitt!"...

2 years ago
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The Kinky Surprise

Katie stood beside her car in the parking lot of Fantasy World, the local adult superstore not too far from her apartment. It was part of a surprise for her roommate, Suzie.Suzie was a lesbian that Katie and her boyfriend, Anthony, had met in the local coffee shop. Suzie had approached the couple a few times to take their order and offer refills, and it had been Anthony who had told Katie to ask her to their place. He had known that Katie was curious about girls. Katie was thankful that Anthony...

2 years ago
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Meri Mallu Mummy Leela Part 8211 5

Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto.Kaise ho aaplog.Asha hai aap sabhi maje me honge. Abhi tak aapne pada hoga kaise meri mallu mummy leela aur mere dost suresh ne ek dusre ko seduce karna start kara tha.Agar ko mallu aunty mujhse baat karna chahti hai to mujhe mail kare ya phir koi mera dost meri mallu mummy ko chodna chahta hai to mujhe mail kar sakta hai. Ab story pe aate hai. Aaj suresh kuch planning karke aaya tha isliye usne bina underwear ke shorts pehan rakhe the. Jab me bathroom me...

2 years ago
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Patricia is fucking my brains out tonight pulling out all the stops her body soft but demanding I could barely keep up with her and that usually only means one thing she is going to ask me to do something I probably won't enjoy doing and this is compensation sex not that I am complaining mind you Patricia's compensation sex is always unbelievably hot and especially dirty she'll do things she normally doesn't ask for but knows that I like!... Tonight she wants to be tied up spanked and then ass...

3 years ago
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fraudsters punished 4 The old one sold

Chapter 13. The old one soldApril 10th1831‘It was the Wednesday after that event when Martha presented me with Henry Messenger’s calling card. When, as she had been taught, she asked his business here he’d stated it was Miss Harrington. Intrigued I asked her to show him into the drawing room. We had a glass of sherry and he again expressed his thanks for the previous Saturday evening. During our conversation I quietly moved to the door and suddenly opened it. Martha was at the keyhole. "Alice!"...

1 year ago
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Sauna Operation OverlordChapter 3

They had chosen a night without moonlight; their night-vision glasses provided all of the visual acuity they needed, even depth perception. The two transport helicopters had them in position before 1:00 AM, and they began their launch. Dick sent their best two jumpers out first to hit the landing zone and protect it for the rest of the troop as they landed. Of course, if they had to do any protecting at all, the whole operation was shot out the window. Secrecy was the number one priority...

3 years ago
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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 4

My little sister Princess came into my bedroom after our parents went to bed late one evening. That was quite unusual because we were being quite circumspect in our close relationship to avoid any family squabbles about the sinful nature of such an arrangement. In my defense, I would like to state that with six younger sisters, I had been most proper almost the entire time I was living at home with the exception of my weakness for Princess who knew exactly which button to push when it came...

3 years ago
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College Sexscapades

(episode 17)After I finished writing and posting, “The Ménage-A-Trois,” I began to reminisce about all of the great times my friends and I had my last 2 years of college living in that rental house that we had restored in exchange for free rent. It was perhaps the most memorable 2 year period ever for me. It began with that friends-with-benefits period that lasted a few months peaking out during Fall semester of 2006 of my Junior year at the University of Georgia.Chip and Vic, my two best...

College Sex
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My son married me

Hello! My name is Mrs. Sumathi. I am from South India and I migrated to Italy, a place of sexy wonders, two years back with my new husband Suresh. We have a beautiful daughter Pravesh who is 19 months old this month. The reason for writing my story is tell you my little secret. My new husband Suresh is infact my own son. He married me, his own mother, before bring me to US as his wife. How it all happened? Please read on! I was married to Suresh’s dad Saravanan when I was 18. Ours is an...

3 years ago
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Punishment with Anton volume 1

This story follows on from wife takes more black cock About a month passed from our night spent with Anton in the hotel and during that time myself and Hannah had had some of the best sex that we have ever had. She had become far more open about her sexuality and far more willing to try different experiences. It was a Wednesday night and we were sitting together watching TV when out of the blue Hannah said can we arrange to meet up with Anton this weekend? I was a bit shocked at first because...

1 year ago
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First Oral Experience With A Hot Milf

Main m.H mai ek city m rehta hu or ye story 2013 ki hai main us time 23 yr ka tha ek part time job karta tha or college, us time pg kar raha tha or ek naya room rent pe liya main apne friend k sath rehta tha or mere room k darvaze k samne hi ek window tha jaha se mujhe ek lady dikhti thi jo bahot sexy thi 1 month tak to chup kar dekhta tha Fir ek din notice kiya ki vo b mujhe ate jate dekhti hai fir pata nahi kew main b nazre milane laga or vo bhi, ek din chat m vo b thi or main apni chat p...

1 year ago
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Karen. I had recently started a new job, you all know how that can be, getting to know the way the company works and also getting to know your new colleagues. The blokes were all okay, but, the office staff would take longer to get to know. I mentioned to one of my workmates that I had my eye on one of the girls in particular. "What's the small blond like?" I asked during our break one day. The girl in question was quite petite, about 5 feet 2 inches tall, perfectly shaped legs, deep hazel...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 37

Dr. Alison Bowmann looked out over her students. She was feeling slightly foolish at the moment, and the reason was the girl sitting in the front row. Arianwen Whitestone was the most brilliant person Dr. Bowmann had ever met. She hadn't needed to take the final test: she'd aced every assignment, quiz, project and test she'd been given. She never missed a class, and quite frankly, Alison thought the girl was wasting her time at this school. She needed a real research team to work with,...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Keira Croft Wild Girl Keira Croft Fucking

Sexy hot Keira Croft is looking mighty naughty in her tight little denim shorts and her fishnet tights! She can not wait to strip down and show you that pussy as well as tease you with those cute little feet! She gets wild on Nathans hard cock sucking it like there is no tomorrow! This guy can not wait to fuck the hell out of this babe and she wants it all. There is no holding back as they twist and fuck in all the normal positions as well as some odd ones that leave this naughty babe just...

4 years ago
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The Girl Next DoorChapter 3

I woke up horny again. Teaching Leanne was getting interesting! I stroked my hard cock gently, deciding to wake up Lisa for an early morning fuck before she went to work. It felt good to slide my cock into her wet and willing pussy, filling her with my cum, but part of me was still thinking about my young next door neighbour's tight little body. I couldn't wait until the afternoon! When Leanne skipped up my path right on 4.00 I couldn't help but notice the grin on her face - she was...

1 year ago
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Back Road BJ

The next time we met Bret and Fred my husband told them to meet us for a back road blow job. I was already naked when we pulled off the interstate and drove down a country road until we were 10 minutes from the road we turned at. We pulled over off the road a bit and parked so the Van was at a angle. After a few minutes I seen a truck coming down the road my heart was beating fast but the truck drove right by. Then I saw a truck and it pulled over in front of the Van. Bret and Fred got out and...

4 years ago
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Sex Encounter With Hot Bangladeshi Virgin Girl

I am Shaded, hot sex oriented person. Engineer by profession. My age is 25. I am not a pro but I have gone through some super adventurous sex in my life for which I think I am lucky. I like to meet women in Facebook or Skype and have hot conversation. Be passionate while reading the story as it is a slow pace real like hot story! Every bit of it is true. No more time wasting! straight to the story. Her name were Aisha, a beautiful young girl from the village. She was just 18 when this happened....

4 years ago
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Best Friend part 5

Sam came round on friday after checking i was dressed as i should be he took linda out, she told me to be ready for her when she got back as sam was telling her all about what was planed for me,about three hours later they came back linda looked a mess and went straight upstairs telling me to follow, sam looked at me and said see you tomorrow sweetie and gave me that evil grin as he put a bag in the hallway, i went up to linda who was in just her underwear kneeling on the bed, get under here i...

3 years ago
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The Dress Shop Part Three

CHAPTER SEVEN THE FIRST DAY After overhearing the conversation yesterday, I was more nervous than ever. Since the conversation, Beth hadn't even eluded to it. That morning, however, Beth seemed worried too. It was clear she knew that the placement at Amy's dress shop could lead to some big freelancing contracts down the line with her magazine. And a permanent job for me. I also think she thought her reputation was on the line. Beth was sitting on the sofa, fiddling with the hem of...

2 years ago
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Farm Hands

It was hard to wake up in the morning. Beyond the fact that she wasn't a morning person and didn't drink coffee, there was a silence to her surroundings that she wasn't used to. It had been years since she had worked the family farm and the physical stress was taking its toll. Yet, there it was, the alarm clock announcing to anyone in ear shot that it was time to get up and start the day.Sadly, she was the only one within earshot. The point was driven home even more poignantly after she...

Group Sex
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Private Bella Mur Roxy Sky Weekly Threesome

The delicious brunette Roxy Sky and the beautiful blonde Bella Mur are two of the sexiest teens around and these beauties have come to Private Specials, Young Nymphos 4 to keep up their awesome routine of a threesome a week. Today the lucky recipient is Vincent Vega who gets treated to a double sloppy blowjob before having the pleasure of taking turns fucking these absolute stunners on www.private.com. Watch and enjoy their phenomenal bodies in action as Roxy and Bella ride, grind and fuck the...

2 years ago
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Running into Coverage Ch 3

Oh holy hiatus. Firstly, life happens to us all and turns days into weeks and side-projects into—well, side-projects. As always, there is much gratitude to Estragon who looked over these pages which sat in my inbox for ages. Your edits and support means the absolute world. There is much to be said for a lady such as Hadley, but I will let the next chapters cover that. As always, your thoughts, comments and feedback is always appreciated. Enjoy M **** Over the next month, not a single day...

2 years ago
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A different kind of friend

This is a totally ficticious story. No real people involved. About 5 years ago I met a guy , and it brought back feelings that I had been hiding for years. He asked about the book I was reading(Anne McCaffery), and I said that it was a very interesting book. He introduced himself as Dave, and I told him I was Steve. As we talked, we found out that we had a lot in common. We agreed to meet a week later for coffee. We talked for over an hour about everything we watched, listened to, or...

3 years ago
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Loving it Rough

Jane likes to take her time while having sex but on occasion she also likes to go fast. Her favorite way to have sex is rough. She can’t control herself when she gets it rough. Her boyfriend even likes to give her everything she asks for. He loves to give it to her fast and rough. Tonight she wants it everywhere and every way. Jane confronts her boyfriend and tells him just what she wants and his eyes go wide as she goes into every detail with enthusiasm in her voice. He shakes his head in...

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Grannys House

My granny was in her mid sixties and lived on a huge ranch. Her and gramps raised horses. When I was young we would always go and spend a month with granny on the ranch. We had ggot out of that habit for several years, but now I was going to stay the summer with granny and gramps. Being in my mid teens and racing thru puberty I really wanted to stat home and hang by the pool. The was very beautiful and they set me up my own room. Granny is and always had been a very pretty lady. She maybe...

4 years ago
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The school trip part 2 day 3night3

"haha and you didn't believe me!" he replied "well not really but rachel is the sluttiest girl in the grade so you never know." "it was awesome dude you should hook up with someone before we leave. Maybe Hannah or Taylor they both are nuts about you" I laughed "haha dude you know I don't want any relationships at the moment and besides you know that I realized I love jesse." "yeah dude" he laughed "you should just grow a pair and ask her before zach does. After all he's tall...

3 years ago
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Ellie and Chris meet again

Ellie Stanton stood transfixed, her cell-phone loose in her shaking hand. Chris was coming. The gorgeous young man she had yearned for, ever since their last, their only, meeting, three months earlier. All too brief, those orgasmic minutes, but at eleven a.m. Ellie could be holding the superbly endowed Chris once more.His deep tones on the cell-phone told her that his new job had him in the area and could he call in for a coffee. He had thrilled her with his farewell comment, “See you then,...

3 years ago
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After work surprise

I came home from work one afternoon and there were two cars in my driveway. One I knew, and it belonged to a lady (who I’ll call Dixie) we have known for almost 20 years. The other car I hadn’t seen before. When I walked in I immediately heard sounds coming from our bed room. I slowly walked up and peeked in the door. Man was I surprised at what I saw. My wife was on the bed with her legs spread and Dixie was bent over with her head between my wife’s legs obviously eating her pussy very...

1 year ago
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Abercrombie Love

Introduction: My second story, hope you like it!! Since my last story got relatively positive reviews I have decided to write another one. It is also a true story. Enjoy!! Now that I had been introduced into the world of sex, I was unstoppable. I fucked Alex nonstop for the next two months, not caring what people thought of it. I had sex in his car, my school,his bathroom,almost everyone I could sneak a quick fuck in. Eventually I got bored of just his dick, and I started sleeping with other...

1 year ago
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Alternate Fantasy XXX Revised Version

Author's Note: This is a revised version of the first "Alternate Fantasy". I decided to redo it because I wasn't satisfied with how the first version turned out. Hopefully it will turn out better this time. She could hear them laughing. They were laughing at her struggles made pitiful by the ropes that held her. Her hands were restrained, as were her legs. For her, it definitely wasn't a good night. After quarelling with her boyfriend in a luxury restaurant, she walked out and down an nearly...

4 years ago
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Our Trip to Alburqurque

Introduction: My wife and I are playing in New Mexico Our Trip to Alburqurque Janet and I checked into a classy hotel in Albuquerque, it was our spring fling in early February. I watched television while she took a leisurely bath and began to apply her make up for her evening out. She had shaved her pussy while in the bathtub and she looked adorable in her black thong. I wanted to take her as she sat in front of the mirror curling her shoulder length blonde hair. I loved her mascara that way...

2 years ago
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Pehla pyaar bhara sex anubhav

Hai Dosto, mai kafi samay se iss ki story read kar raha hu, lekin kabhi himmat nahi hui apni story likhne ki. Aaj mai free baitha tha toh socha try karta hu. Dosto ye meri life ki real story hai. Aapko ye jaankar aascharya hoga ki maine apni life mai sex shaadi ke baad hi kiya tha. Ab mai aapko aapni aap biti sunata hu. Aaj se 12 saal pehele meri shaadi ek bahut bade gharane ki ladki se ho gayee. Us ladki mai jo khas baat thi woh sirf yahi ki woh bade gharane ki hai iske alawa kuch nahi....

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