Sauna Operation OverlordChapter 4
- 3 years ago
- 36
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Dick put in some long hours over the next few days. He was able to meet the deadline for planning the POW rescue and was able to spend a couple of days getting to know his new command. The platoon had been together since the first day of operations on Ixler, so they were comfortable working with each other. A big advantage that the commanders had with Saunan troops was that they all were volunteers, and nobody who wanted out of the Army was kept against his will. Furthermore, everybody wanted to be a grunt! All of the officers were jealous of the lower ranks because they were the ones who got the daily adrenaline rush by being shot at. Officers were officers only because they were well qualified and could be convinced that they could do some good with their rank.
The POW camp they wanted to hit was as primitive as one could imagine. The camp didn't even have a fence around it. The camp was "built" on an island in the middle of a swamp, so no fence was needed. Unfortunately for the detainees, the camp had virtually nothing else. Oh, there were some buildings, but they were reserved for the guards. The guards had barracks, mess facilities, showers, and latrines, but there was absolutely nothing done to take care of the POWs. There was no shelter, whatsoever, for the prisoners. Their latrine was nothing but a pit which the POWs had dug for themselves using their bare hands. Their cooking facilities were some open fires, but that wouldn't last long, because the loose firewood would be used up pretty soon. After that, their meals would consist of cold mush. Sleeping conditions were ridiculous, all POWs slept on the ground, catch as catch can.
Loosely, Dick's plan was for the humans to approach in rubber boats after dark, capture the camp from the guards, and pull the POWs out with additional boats. They assumed that the POWs would be in bad shape, possibly not even able to move on their own, so extra personnel would come in on the pickup boats to help get the detainees out. There was no worry about air cover, since the enemy didn't have any sort of air strike capability. Also, there was no enemy heavy artillery around, the worst the enemy could bring to bear were some light mortars. Were it not for Murphy's Law, this should be an easy operation.
The recon drones flown by intel had shown no enemy reinforcements in the area, so Dick had made no provision for reinforcements of his own. Actually, Dick's main worry was that some of his people would find a way to provoke a fire fight. Strict orders were given that only the rifle's stun setting would be used by the humans so that they would not injure the POWs. This camp was holding some very highly placed political prisoners along with military prisoners, so the humans wanted to make a propaganda point with a successful rescue of every one of the prisoners.
Dick had managed to get one ground-effect APC assigned to his operation. The armor was thick enough to counter the heaviest machine gun at the prison camp, so Dick was sending that in first. Besides, there was no way to sneak in with such a noisy contraption. The largest stun weapon available was mounted in the APC's turret, and this was supposed to take out most of the enemy troops.
The operation started at 2:00 AM. This was to give plenty of time for the human troops to arrive while there was no moonlight. All of the humans had the latest in night-vision wear, so the world looked to them like broad daylight; whereas, the native troops had to make do with their normal unaided vision.
The APC hit the shore with a rush toward the main barracks buildings. As soon as the vehicle stabilized on land, the woman in the turret started firing her stun gun at the barracks and any place else it looked like an enemy might be found. The stun ray worked through wooden or masonry walls, but not through metal. Therefore, anybody sheltering behind a bullet or splinter shield was safe from the stun ray as long as he kept his head down. Of course, in any species, there was always some nut who had to stick his head up to see the sights.
The stun ray was columnated into a very narrow beam, so that the energy would be concentrated to work immediately. This meant that the weapon had to be traversed just like any conventional machine gun, and was just as likely to shoot over or under the target as a conventional machine gun. Therefore, there was some skill and luck associated with using the stun ray properly, and, unfortunately, this particular gunner was lacking in both on this night. She had received all of the usual regular and advanced training afforded a stun ray gunner, but this was her first real military operation, and she was so excited that she had already pissed in her pants! She had been distracted by being shot at from a watch tower and had directed her fire to it to silence the shooters firing from that location. She was effective at that, but forgot to go back and finish hosing down the full extent of the barracks. Thus, about 40 enemy guards had missed being stunned.
Meanwhile, Dick's platoon had landed and started gathering up the prisoners for transport to safety. A couple of natives had been included in the APC crew and had dropped out of the vehicle when it hit land. These two men had bull horns and were shouting "RESCUE! RESCUE! RESCUE!" through them to tell the prisoners what was going on.
The situation looked to be well in hand, so Dick called in the extra boats and personnel to assist the prisoners in getting away. Their arrival coincided with the charge from the barracks by the un-stunned enemy soldiers. It was so dark that they couldn't see worth a damn, they just knew that they were under attack. They began to fire wildly in all directions, actually shooting some of their own people, but mainly being a deadly menace to the escaping prisoners.
The humans returned fire and dropped most of the remaining guards in the first few seconds of the melee. A few of the guards dropped to the ground and began shooting at what targets they could find. This required that the humans advance into the incoming fire to eliminate the last few enemy effectives. All of the humans wanted to be chosen for this task, it was just too much fun to miss. However, Dick quickly restored order and sent one squad in to deal with the shooters. The rest of the platoon was somewhat pissed off at Dick for not letting them go, too.
Meanwhile, the APC was making the rounds of the little island to insure that all of the POWs were rescued and there were no enemy soldiers left to make trouble. All of the POWs who could be found were guided into boats. As soon as a boat had a full load, it left. Someone was counting the people as they got on the boats, so they had an idea of how many had escaped so far. Damn! Murphy raised his head again when they found out that they had about 20 more POWs than they had expected.
Dick led the final sweep himself to make sure that there were no forgotten or missed POWs left on the island. If there were, they were doing a damned effective job of hiding from their rescuers. Dick put the overflow of prisoners in the rubber boats and the humans climbed on top of the APC for the ride back to base. There was universal agreement among the humans that Dick really knew how to throw a party!
Back at base camp, everybody, humans and locals alike, were checked by medicos to be sure there were no hidden injuries. Other than some bumps, bruises, and minor cuts and scrapes, there were no complaints on the medical front, so the whole operation was deemed a major success.
Dick was called into the colonel's office and thanked for a superlative job. The colonel promised to keep Dick in mind the next time they needed to run a special ops job. Dick had to admit that he was very pleased with himself and looked forward to the next opportunity.
The humans were making slow, but steady, progress against the king's forces; however, they were having to kill more of the locals than seemed reasonable as the fighting drew closer to the king's castle. The king's people had done a very good job of selling the idea that the humans were alien monsters that ate children at every meal and were trying to take over the sacred soil of Marmur. As a result, even though they were slaves and conscripts, the locals were fighting a very good fight.
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Introduction: My wife and I having sex in a (public) sauna Sauna Sex Day 1 We are on our way to the hotel where my wife will have a training course for work. I will join her during her time off to enjoy the hotel, the indoor swimming pool and sauna. We have a busy life and we should not miss the opportunity to relax together in a nice hotel with good facilities. When she booked the hotel my wife was already excited about the sauna. After a hour you feel relaxed, all dirty stuff has left your...
We are on our way to the hotel where my wife will have a training course for work. I will join her during her time off to enjoy the hotel, the indoor swimming pool and sauna. We have a busy life and we should not miss the opportunity to relax together in a nice hotel with good facilities. When she booked the hotel my wife was already excited about the sauna. After a hour you feel relaxed, all dirty stuff has left your body and you sleep well. First thing we do after arrival at the hotel is...
We are on our way to the hotel where my wife will have a training course for work. I will join her during her time off to enjoy the hotel, the indoor swimming pool and sauna. We have a busy life and we should not miss the opportunity to relax together in a nice hotel with good facilities. When she booked the hotel my wife was already excited about the sauna. After a hour you feel relaxed, all dirty stuff has left your body and you sleep well. First thing we do after arrival at the hotel is...
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I’ve been reading these stories for years now but after today’s events I simply have to start documenting my adventures at a local sauna and my exploration of gay sex. Having been a straight acting Bi-guy for my 44 years I recently decided to be a little more honest with my sexuality. I don’t pretend I’ve not had gay sex before it’s just that I’ve decided to make it more prominent and stop acting like it should be suppressed, today was one of those days. Up until now my couplings with other...
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I've been reading these stories for years now but after today's events Isimply have to start documenting my adventures at a local sauna and myexploration of gay sex.Having been a straight acting Bi-guy for my 44 years I recently decided tobe a little more honest with my sexuality. I don't pretend I've not hadgay sex before it's just that I've decided to make it more prominent andstop acting like it should be suppressed, today was one of those days. Upuntil now my couplings with other men had...
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Throughout my online chats and meets I’d always heard about saunas. How hot and horny they could be, but I’d never been, the thought made me nervous. I’d had offers, but I never wanted to go. That all changed one day during a meet. I had met with an older guy, he picked me up and drove us somewhere quiet and private and we had our fun. Taking me home, I was filled and covered in cum, he was satisfied too. We got chatting, he told me his first ever encounter was in a sauna dark room. To this...
First of all let me say that I'm bi-curious. I have a small one so I like to compare. During a business trip in Korea I went in a Sauna (without having previous experience). I found out that when you enter a (all men) Korean sauna you first have to pass by the common locker room and must undress completely . There are only small towels for customers that barely cover half ass. This fact was quite embarrassing. Inside there was a large common room with 4 pools, 4 saunas (all at different...
*** Prolog *** This one is from some time ago and pretty much one of my first sauna experiences. I've not been to saunas until my last twenties. I've been to spas and resorts quite often but always avoided sauna spaces as I assumed it would be awkward and also too hot and sweaty. This story happened about five years ago and me and my girlfriend (still the same today!) were on vacation at some spa resort in Austria. It was a super-stylish hotel that was attached to a huge family spa...
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After my previous visit to Northwich Sauna a few months ago I booked Wednesday off work to make another visit on TV/TS day. I had arrange to meet up with a TV called Julie in there in advance, so headed off quite early to spend a good few hours there.I paid up and striped off, taking my towel with me. As I usual do I walk round the upstairs area to see what action is happening. Plenty of guys walking around or sat down watching porn. The porn room had a couple of guys in there.The large...
Sauna Special Service of a kindMy name is Yaki, a shemale in Tai Chung, Taiwan. One Saturday afternoon, I dress in my usual lady costumes and go to the sauna palour on Daya Road with my three CD friends.This sauna palour is really gorgeous. It occupies three floors with over 20,000 ft in area. In their usual manner the waiters greet us at the reception area in unison and lead us to the changing area. We have been here a few times before. This place does not preclude entrance of...
This happened when i worked on an oil platform in the North Sea. It was a Norwegian rig, and one of the perks was that it had a sauna for staff to use, quite big too, could get 10 in there easy, split level. Made the mistake of wearing a towel when i went in first time, to see 7 of the Norwegian lads sitting there naked! They laughed n called me "shy english"!!! So i lost the towel to be more at ease with them. Soon had a bit of a semi on, all the sweaty bodies n cocks on show, but i wasnt the...
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My name is Yaki, a shemale in Tai Chung, Taiwan. One Saturday afternoon, I dress in my usual lady costumes and go to the sauna parlor on Daya Road with my three CD friends. This sauna parlor is really gorgeous. It occupies three floors with over 20,000 ft in area. In their usual manner, the waiters greet us at the reception area in unison and lead us to the changing area. We have been here a few times before. This place does not preclude entrance of cross-dressers, so I often come here to enjoy...
My name is Yaki, a shemale in Tai Chung, Taiwan. One Saturday afternoon, I dress in my usual lady costumes and go to the sauna parlor on Daya Road with my three CD friends. This sauna parlor is really gorgeous. It occupies three floors with over 20,000 ft in area. In their usual manner, the waiters greet us at the reception area in unison and lead us to the changing area. We have been here a few times before. This place does not preclude entrance of cross-dressers, so I often come here to enjoy...
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My name is Yaki, a shemale in Tai Chung, Taiwan. One Saturday afternoon, I dress in my usual lady costumes and go to the sauna palour on Daya Road with my three CD friends. This sauna palour is really gorgeous. It occupies three floors with over 20,000 ft in area. In their usual manner the waiters greet us at the reception area in unison and lead us to the changing area. We have been here a few times before. This place does not preclude entrance of cross-dressers, so I often come here to enjoy...
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Sister’s Eye Operation Beverly was only fifteen when she got corrective eye surgery. She had been wearing thick Coke bottle glasses for a few years and she hated it. The operation took place in a big city a few hours away and the doctor told her that it would be six to eight weeks before he could remove the bandages and then a few more weeks before she could function normally. Dad was not in the picture and hadn’t been for a few years. Mom was a struggling executive at a big company...
This is part 1 of a story in my new mini-verse. I hope you like it. It's only the beginning - this threatens to get out of hand as I've been writing. (Kind of like riding a tiger - hard to get off, but you know you don't really have control.) Many thanks to Jezzie Stewart for helpful comments and editing, and also to Ellie for the same. Couldn't have gotten it this far, or in this state, without their help. ElrodW ********************** Operation Rescue: ...
"OPERATION THETA" By Aladdin All featured characters originally appearing in Malibu Comics are the property of Marvel Comics, Inc. The poetic quotes beginning each chapter are by Rudyard Kipling. "I have eaten your bread and salt. I have drunk your water and wine. The deaths ye died I have watched beside, And the lives ye led were mine." Chapter 1 THE FACE IN THE FRAME "This corn popper is designed to pop popcorn without the use of oil. If oil is used, it could...
Operation Rescue: The New Co-Ed Chapter 8 - The Big Day A young man gets in trouble and loses his scholarship. It looks like his dream of college to escape a poor future is doomed - until he sees an ad recruiting 'surrogates'. The spring semester has started, and it's now time for Tommi to fulfill the contract. [email protected] ********************************************************************** The buzz of the alarm clock sounded excessively loud that morning. Tommi...
[Based very loosely on the TV character played by Piper Perabo] Annie had heard of cocks this size but had never seen one. It was certainly the biggest she'd ever had to suck. And by far the largest thing, flesh or fake, ever put in her ass. She sighed, musing about the things she did for her country... Annie Walker dressed to kill, if only figuratively. Even her casual clothes showed her keen fashion sense. But she didn't need to flaunt her figure. It would take a sack to disguise the...
Uncle Sam Wants You!: Operation Transbelt By Keri R. Steve was caught in rush hour traffic. As he impatiently sat and waited for the queue of cars to creep forward, he flipped on the radio to catch the news. His ears couldn't believe what he heard. "Our top story of the day: Congress enacts the highly controversial Bill 495. It's provisions include sexual reassignment of select males, between the ages of 18 and 30, to offset the nation's 15% population drop as a result of...