Teddy's WorldChapter 25: Mama C. Thanksgiving And Deja Vu free porn video

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This morning when I got up, I found out a big shower means you may never shower alone again, not that this is a problem. We went over to Sandy’s house as we were doing a general cleanup and check on the house. The Cougar parade was impressive. A few of the neighbors came over to see what was going on when six identical cars arrived and parked in Sandy’s driveway and along the curbs in front of her house.

One neighbor made sure to let Sandy know she had a daughter who just turned eighteen when Sharon told her that all of the ladies worked for her Grandmother. Sadly, Sharon told her we were not taking any new applications at this time. After a few hours, we left and all agreed to meet at Studio 28 to see a few movies. Before going home to a very good dinner Carmanza put together, the woman didn’t lie she is a great cook, and it seems she had been asking my Grandmother and my Mom about cooking soul food also.

Starting with Carmanza the night games were fun, though I only came twice, I managed about half the group before I passed out. I was beginning to see that I was overmatched with all these ladies.

(MONDAY, MORNING.) Three weeks have passed, and since this is Thanksgiving week today is the second week of basketball practice for us guys. The girls won the City League Trophy, and were undefeated in the regular season. They had made their way into the playoffs, going on to win the Girls State Basketball Championship, with an undefeated perfect season.

Needless to say I felt the weight of the world on me to match the success of the girls’ team. On paper, we looked like we would be able to, but I intended to take it one game at a time. I wanted to be undefeated badly also, but truth be told as long as we bought home all the winning hardware that was the important part to me.

I shocked everyone by dressing in jeans and a sweater as the season was starting I didn’t need the suits as there was no way to keep them from getting wrinkled. Plus it was too many things to put back on after practice. Not to say I was done with suits altogether, I just wouldn’t be wearing them daily until basketball was all over.

I was having two identical black suits made for the Basketball team members, just like I had two identical black dresses made for the girls to wear on game day and had them dry cleaned to be ready for each game day. By having two dresses or suits means that there was no issue for not having a clean suit or dress for the person to wear in school and to the game.

I willingly made these purchases and would do so for the other teams if asked to do so. However, the simple ball gowns the girls had brought the intimidation factor even more as most saw them arrive in the playoffs looking like winners both outside as well as inside the locker room. We wanted that same magic following us to the State Championship also.

I went to lunch as Fallon was leaving to go to class as we didn’t have the same lunch. “We have a problem at home that mom, and I need to talk to you about it is urgent, can you come over after practice please,” Fallon asked.

“I will have Pam bring me over after dinner then.” I said. Fallon thanked me as she wiped the tears from her eyes, and went to class. Leaving me wondering what is going on at her house.

Pam brought me what I would have called a snack from Arby’s. I told her as much after thanking her for going to get it in the first place. She brought me some papers to see, just as a cover, as she wanted to know what really happened to Travis. “Pam, don’t ask because you were not there, therefore, you can’t truthfully know about it. Don’t be mad as I am protecting you. As I said Travis should be calling you soon about the property as I think we should buy it.” She wasn’t happy but knew in the grand scheme of things I was right.

Just like at our first practice Coach moved straight to the heart of the matter so there would be no question about it. “Listen before we get started today, there are thirty-five men still in here trying for fourteen spots, as we all know who will be the starting center. Yes we have a good chance of winning the State Championship, but any of you that have a chance to make the JV team need to head over that way now. As you are Sophomore’s right now you will be Junior’s next year and Teddy will really need you then. If you stay here you most likely won’t make it onto the Varsity team, and you may not get on the JV team at that point.

I spent most of my time shooting free throws as Coach used his other big men to weed out the bigger guys who were not polished basketball players. Furthermore, he ran plays to weed out the guards not up to snuff. His goal was to have a smaller faster team to match up with teams who had no answer for me and used smaller players, something he called ‘small ball’. He made it clear there would be teams where I would be on the bench more than on the floor. We all remembered that happening to Cathy and the girl’s team.

Coach cut seven guys that night; four had left to go back to the JV team, and two went to the freshman team where they belonged. After he thanked those who wouldn’t be making the team he let the rest of us know there were seven more going home soon, so be ready as by this time next week or shortly thereafter those would be excused as well. Just relax and play your game and let me worry about who would or wouldn’t be cut.

Pam came to get me; she had Nightwing, Windtalker, and Kelly with her, when we got to Sonja’s house, Fallon let us in. I saw a very pretty thirty something black woman sitting in Sonja’s dining room; she was introduced to me as Enid Wallace. “I asked Sonja to help me meet you as I want to ask you for your help with my son, his life is already ruined thanks to his dad I am told that he could go to this new ... er ... program something like a boot camp.” She said.

“It’s about all I can do for him as, he brought this on himself believing totally the bullshit his daddy has fed him all his life. I know money isn’t something you would take, what would it take to get you to go along with my son going to boot camp?” Enid wanted to know.

“What do you think you have to offer as we both know money is no incentive?” I asked. “Well I have nothing of value to you as I am on the verge of losing my house so money is not the answer I was really just hoping to appeal to your sense of mercy.” Enid sobbed.

“Why are you not asking for help concerning your husband?” I asked.

“That son of a bitch fucked up this situation too much to hope any help is coming for him; he got himself fired from his job thinking he was more than he was. He earned a quarter of a million dollars a year plus bonus’s, and takes it into his head to throw weight he doesn’t have up against the richest person in the state. True he didn’t know who you were then, but I told him the night before to let all this shit go. “Enid stated.

“I told him this couldn’t end well, and why would you put an innocent child in jail, his answer was because he beat up our son he wanted to make an example of you. And we all see how that worked out. Then I just found out he was after his son’s girlfriend, his own Goddaughter for sex.” Enid said.

“Teddy, I am asking you to do this for me as Enid is a close friend of mine, please,” Sonja asked.

“Sonja to be completely frank she has nothing but her body that she can really offer to me, but I bet I know a way for her to keep her house, but she would have to divorce Lyle Sr., and Lyle Jr. would be given an apartment he would have to maintain himself after the six-month prepaid lease ends, if he gets the boot camp option.” I said.

Enid’s face fell as she didn’t know if she could go through with what she was hearing. “Think about it Enid and talk to Sonja with whatever you decide to do.” I said. And with that we got up and left.

I was both tired and stressed out dealing with all of the different dramas of this day I just wanted to be alone to sleep which is what I did sleeping in one of the guest rooms.

(TUESDAY, MORNING.) Carmanza came to get me. “Wake up lover to get your day started.” I stumbled into the pitifully small bathroom compared to master bathroom took my shower. I found a pair of light blue pair of slacks, with a lighter blue shirt, with blue running gym shoes.

I showed Carmanza that I knew what to do with the breakfast she put in front of me. She did smile when I put up a fuss for more of her cooking which she just happened to have at the ready. She looked at the girls and said. “He eats more than all of you put together and doesn’t have an ounce of fat, which is against all the food rules.” Carmanza joked.

“Well I am not going to let your good cooking go to waste, so I see it as my job to show you that I know how to use a knife, and a fork, or spoon very well, and you can bet on that.” I said.

“Hush before I take a spoon to you.” Carmanza laughed. It was one of the few times we had seen her smile since we came back from Tennessee.

It was Cathy’s turn to drive me to school today in my truck, while others drove to school in different Cougars, which also changed daily so everyone’s Cougar got used.

This week would be a breeze as Thanksgiving was just days away and the teachers were letting us cruise this week. After practice, three more guys had the dreams of Varsity Basketball crushed so we knew four more would go before our final team would be set.

Susan picked me up from practice. I asked. “Where was Cathy?”

“She couldn’t come back to get you; something came up. When we walked in the door Cathy grabbed me sobbing. “Thank you, thank you baby, I love you so much.” I had no clue what had happened. “Thank you baby for going to get Mama C and moving her into this house,” Cathy gushed.

“I would love to take credit for that, but I wasn’t the one to make this happen; as you know, other things kept getting in the way of us getting to Tennessee to see her. So Pam made the suggestion to get her up here as soon as the new house was ready and move her in. I promised you we would go to meet her, as she had requested, but between Travis, and Kronis, plus getting this house and other matters, as well we never seemed to make the time to go south. So I brought the south to us.” I said.

Mama C was one hundred years of age, but looked like a well preserved seventy-five. She had lost most of the spring in her step, but she could still do most things for herself. Mama C still wanted to be independent but understood she wasn’t the young girl she used to be, and needed to both learn her new limits about moving around in the new much larger house. And stay with-in those limitations. Unbeknownst to Cathy, Mama C came into town yesterday, and stayed at our suite down there. Pam, Windtalker, Nightwing, and Susan all went to the Suite to supervise the nurses applying for the two positions we were hiring for.

The applicants had been pre-screened to get this far and would be paid well if they didn’t get the job. When we got to the final four, the other six were next door watching TV waiting until the end to pick up their exiting check. They were again asked if they would be offended knowing a large group of women were dating the same man.

One woman raised her hand. She was thanked, a check for $25 thousand dollars was made out to her, she signed a non-disclosure form, and she was led out and thanked again for her time. When she looked at the check and read it, she knew she had made a mistake opening her mouth. If we were willing to her pay twenty-five grand to send her on her way, the pay scale for the job had to be much better.

Susan went next door and asked another lady who was number five on the list, to come back into the suite and was asked the big question. Vanessa was the lady who was called back in; she asked, “Are we expected to have sex with him as well?” Others shook their heads as to say they wanted an answer to that question also.

“No, you are not; we don’t have sex out in the open, as there is a five-year-old girl, who is my Granddaughter living there too along with several other children also. Though all of the children are of aware of what is going on in the house.” Pam said.

“If you have prejudices, we need to know this now. You met with the patient and saw she is black, her Granddaughter, and her Great-Granddaughter will be living there as well. In fact, Cathy her Great-Granddaughter doesn’t know Mama C is here yet as Cathy has already been here for a few months. So as there is every color of the rainbow living in our home, and we are still fitting in with each other ourselves. Meaning that we are all finally living to together under one roof, plus other issues not important to any of you. However, if you don’t like any certain ethnic group no matter the reason, please speak up now.

“There is no room for prejudices in our home, and the man of the house is also black. Although we women run the house with a firm hand, he is our man and he does indeed have the last word. At first, I was going to hire just two of you, but all four of you may be the better fit. The four of you need to go elect a head nurse please; you can go into the next room to do this.

When they came back Mara, a lady of Puerto-Rican descent, said she would be responsible for the scheduling and such, but they preferred to work out among themselves the way the work was preformed. Vanessa was a Black woman; Monica was a White woman, but Suzy was of Japanese-American descent. Pam said she was ok with this. Living with us, you will both hear and see things you wouldn’t otherwise, we have no leaks, and we don’t want any. The last thing you should know the man of the house is nearly seven feet and very large at three-hundred pounds, but he is also only fourteen years old.

This last had Mara, Vanessa, Monica, and Suzy all picking their jaws off the floor as they could clearly see the women in this group of women were already grown women but living and having sex with a minor. This was something that was very surprising.

“While we are shocking you, there is more than one group of multi-generational women of the same families.” Pam told them.

“Lastly, Teddy is related to most of us as a distant cousin, but four of us are, in fact, his older sisters.” All were sitting down by now shaking their head.

Mara asked, “Was there anything else you want to try and shock us with?”

“No but you should know that Teddy is the richest and soon to be the most powerful man in the state, and at some point one of the most powerful men in the nation.” Pam continued.

“There are no servants in the house, we all do things ourselves. With basketball practice, games, and other things, Teddy is not home until late afternoon or evening. He is not a tyrant, or anything like that, he is approachable. Teddy’s parents live right down the street along with the mothers of Teddy and three of Teddy’s oldest sisters. We are trying to become one big happy family. So do you four think you can do the job, plus fit into this large group family setting,” Pam asked.

Four loud answers of yes were heard. Susan gave them both the non-disclosure and pre-nuptial agreement should they begin having sex with Teddy at any point during, or after their employment.

Susan went next door and handed out checks of fifty-thousand dollars, and thanked those ladies for their time and patience in this matter, as well as handing out the letters of recommendations. Susan let them know if any of the four chosen didn’t work out they would call these five nurses first. Those five nurses were shocked at the checks and the letters, but each made sure Susan knew to call them if we needed their services.

All four nurses were on hand with Mama C all five of them were looking at 6’ 6 ½” Cathy kissing 6’10 3/4” Teddy; none of them could believe they were looking at a fourteen-year-old teenager. By just the look of him Teddy appears to be a grown man. Cathy took Teddy by the hand and they walked over to meet Mama C, as well as the new nurses. Teddy took the time to look at all four nurses while trying not to drool.

Mama C looked nowhere the age Cathy said she was; I kissed the hand she offered me as we met each other for the first time, she was very soft spoken. “I sent you my baby, and she has nothing but nice words about you.” Mama C said.

We all sat down to Carmanza’s magic we called dinner as everything she cooked was going out to dinner each night. Mama C said to Cathy. “That chile ain’t scared of food at all, hell he acts like if he goes too slow it might get up and leave the table afore he does.” Mama C laughed as she said this.

“Mama C, Teddy has a big appetite and doesn’t mind showing he likes to eat.” After dinner, we all ended up in the TV room Shelly sat in my lap as usual, it seemed to her this was the best seat if it was available.

The night games that night started with Cathy, and although she was quiet, for the most part, everyone in the room knew when she got caught up in her orgasm. I made my way through about half the women in the room; it was time for me to give up the fight as I seemed to be out of bullets.

Same as Teddy's World
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Thanksgiving SpitRoast

My freshman year at college was an eye-opener, to say the least. It was the first year away from home at the University of Texas; I decided not to make the trip back home for the long Thanksgiving weekend. Instead, I was planning on enjoying the cafeteria's Thanksgiving buffet, which many of my upper class-men friends said was outstanding. I also had a paper due after the break that I had yet to get started on.Very few people at school know that I like dick. I'd enjoyed a couple of romances...

3 years ago
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Mama LoLo and Her Wanton SisterWhore take my BBC

Mama LoLo was only 55 and Belinda just turned 50 recently. But they both looked like they were in their early 40s since they both tried hard to stay in shape focusing especially on their big luscious asses by doing squats regularly. I quickly came out of my fog to ask where’s my Catherine. We are going out dancing later tonight. She’ll be back in an hour or so baby, because I needed some items from the store remarked Mama LoLo. Belinda and I are gonna take good care of you, until Catherine...

3 years ago
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Mama LoLo Gets My Big Black Cock Over for a Quickie2

Mama LoLo was prepared to seduce me with her intoxicating perfume which filled my nostrils, as she let me grope and massage her mature ass cheeks that was exposed from her short length sheer robe.Mama LoLo’s face was becoming Lust filled , as she arched her back and pushed her luscious bare ass back into my fingers and palm of my hand. Mama LoLo needed no more encouragement as the sexy seductive cougar opened her robe to expose her nude body to me , which caused my Big Black Cock to throb...

4 years ago
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Zulmi Mama Ke Jaal Me Faasi Sneha 8211 Part 1

Hello Indian sex stories readers, mera naam sneha hai, Ye meri pehle story hai agar acchi lage to email zaroor kijyega. Mai ek sadharan si middle class ladki hu with a average body. Ye us daur ki baat hai jab me 12 std me padti thi, Bas exam khatam hui thi aur summer vacations start hogaye they. Hamari financial condition kuch acchi nahi thi bas kaise kaise karke mere padhai ka kharch papa dete they. Naye kapde ya koi shauk kabhi mushkil se poore hue they mere. Hamesha ki tarha chutti ke liye...

1 year ago
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Noor Arora Weekend With Mama Part 8211 1

Hi Guys, Romy (I AM A GUY) back to bring you more episodes in the saga of our favorite slut Noor. I have received great feedback for Noor’s stories and hope you guys keep continuing the love. Please do not forget the story (give thumbs up) because that gives stories popular or editor choice status. Let’s go from Noor’s POV now. Hope people are pleasuring themselves to these stories. I have received primarily male feedback. Would love to hear from the women who read ISS as well. Hi D’s and P’s...

1 year ago
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Mamamami ka sex

Hi friends male/female. My friend told my about this web-side, I like v much. There r so many sexy stories r here. I get v excited to read sex stories, I like it. No w I tell u in hindi. Me Gujarat me rehta hu. Mai 24 male hu. Ye ghatna do sal pehle hui thi….Ye kahani mere mama-mami ke sex ki he jo maine apni ankhose dekha tha. Mere mama-mami ahmedabad me rahte he. Mere mama hame sa kam ke liya city se bahar rehte he. Mai mere mama ke ghar gaya huva tha. Usidin subah me mere mama bhi laute...

3 years ago
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Mama Ts Visiting and meeting her household

Mama T had made a happy man of a passing skinny white boy on a summer's night.... But what happens when a few nights later he decides to see if she is interested in going for it again?Many of you said the first part of the story was hot.... Put on your fireproof undies, grab some lube and enjoy part 2!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Walking down Euclid Avenue I saw that there was a light on in the front of the house where Mama T lived. My heart was pounding and I hoped that I was not being...

3 years ago
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Noor Arora Weekend With Mama Part 2

Hi guys,   Romy (I am a guy) back to bring you more episodes in the saga of our favorite slut noor. I have received great feedback for noor’s stories and hope you guys keep continuing the love. Please do not forget to like the story (give thumbs up) because that gives stories popular or editor choice status. Let’s go from noor’s pov now. Hope people are pleasuring themselves to these stories. I have received primarily male feedback. Would love to hear from the women who read iss as well. Going...

4 years ago
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Mama LoLo SexyCougar Her Daughter and Me

I met Mama LoLo for the first time on a summer evening about a year ago , when I brought her daughter Catherine home from our date. Upon entering the multi-level townhouse we came into the main foyer , where Catherine and I were immediately all over each other again. Totally intoxicated with each other we failed to notice the voyeur standing on the landing above us. Catherine was wearing a tight fitted red dress, which hugged her big round ass and her nice tits were pushed up and forward. I was...

4 years ago
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Murai Mama Ennai Thiruvizhavil Mudithaar

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en gramathil thiruvizhavin pozhuthu en mama ennai eppadi kaamam seithaar enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar indhu vayathu 22 aagugirathu, naan maduraiyil vasithu varugiren. Engal paati ooril varudathirku oru murai thiruvizha nadathuvaargal, apozhuthu naan en mamavai paarka engal sontha ooruku sendru irunthom. Naan siru vayathil irunthu en mamavai kathal seithu varugiren, enaku en mama endraal migavum pidikum. En manam eppozhuthu mamavaiye...

1 year ago
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Mama LoLo Her daughter and Me

Then all of the sudden the bright overhead foyer lights went on startling us and freezing our lustful actions. We spin towards the staircase I notice an older woman scowling as she stomps down the staircase into the foyer ending up right in front of us. Catherine yells out " Mama LoLo what the hell are you doing interrupting our goodnight kiss?" .. Catherine then turns to me saying "sorry about the interruption baby this is Mama LoLo we share the townhouse." "I am her mother young man"...

3 years ago
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Lapte de mama 910

Lapte de mama (9). O femeie rasfatata.Autor: Desir Ardent(9.1) Romanta intre o mama si fiul sauDiana avea capul pe pieptul lui Doru si i-a soptit la ureche planul sau despre Costi, care il va ajuta sa se integreze mai bine in grup, sa nu devina invidios, etc, etc. Euforic fiind, chiar de 69 de ori euforic!, in urma terapiei sexuale primite de la Diana, Doru l-a acceptat imediat si a repetat scenariul ca sa probeze ca l-a inteles:- Deci eu imi fac de lucru in bucatarie si dupa ce treceti voi in...

2 years ago
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Bholi Namrata Ka Bhediya Mama

Hi, dosto mai pornasaxena fir apke liye ek sensual kahani lekar hazir hun. Mathki ke pani ko tube well ke niche se uthate huye namrata ke kameez par thoda pani lag gaya. Dur jhadiyo me chhipe huye kuchh ladke jo cheel ki nigaho se ye sab dekh rahe the, hasne lage. Insab se anjaan namrata apne mathki ko kamar pe rakh ke matak matak ke ghar ki orr chal di. Un ladko ne uska pichha kiya aur theek uske ghar me ghuste hi sab bhag gaye. Ye rojka tha, kandia nam ke odisha ke is chhote se gaon me rehti...

4 years ago
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Mama Ke Family Ki Chudai 8211 Part 13

Friends aap sab jante hai ke seema aur mai boht chudakkad hogaye the isliye chudayi ke liye hamesha tayyar rahte the.Lets come to the story. Uss raat hum charo chudayi karke boht thak gaye the mama ne kaha kal raat ko chudayi karte hai maine kaha han mama thik hai kyunke mai bhi thak gaya tha.Mami bhi boli han thik hai raat ke 3.00 baj gaye hai ghar me mahman bhi hai subah me uthna bhi padega.Lekin seema boli daddy meri gaand to aapke lund ka intezar karrahi hai daddy bole meri jaan mai kal...

1 year ago
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Mama ne bhanji ki choodi

Dear iss reader ab mai apko apne dost ki sister ki chudai kaise hui batne ja raha hu sath hi maine bhi baadmai uski chudai ki uski mami ke sath. Mere dost ka name rajan hai aur uski sis ka naam kamni hai bilkul naam ke jaise – kamine. Ye incident 2 months pahele ka hai jab march ke exam katam ho gai the, aur kamini ghar per hi rahati thi,mai ek din saturday ko mai rajan ke ghar gaya to mamini ne kaha ki bhai bahar gai hai parso takah jainge, uske chehere per chinta se najar ah rahi thi, mai...

3 years ago
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Mama ma iubeste

Inceputul meu cu mama... Salut! Numele meu eate Dragos,am 18ani si m-am decis sa va poveatesc cum am inceput sa fac sex cu mama mea. Mama mea ,o femeie frumoasa cu niate forme bine definite,un fund rotund si bombat si niste sani rotunzi si marisori. Mama m-a facut la o varsta frageda,avea 17 ani cand a ramas gravida cu mine,ceea ce imi da de gandit ca de tanara ii placea sexul. Locuim la tara,intr-un sat aproape de Timisoara.Tatal meu este plecat in Italia,eu fiind singur cu mama mea. Trebuie...

4 years ago
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O mama futacioasacu fiul

S-a intamplat intr-o zi de vara mai exact intr-o dimineata trezindu-ma pe la ora 10:30 si ca orice persoana(om)cand se trezeste dimineata se duce sa faca un dus asa ca m-am dus sa-mi fac un dus stand in dus mai mult de o ora mama vazand ca nu sunt in camera mea a inceput sa strige prin casa: -Carlos...Carlos...Carlos... -Da mama... -Esti la dus... -Da... -Bine... -Ce doresti... -Pai vreau sa-ti spun ca te astept in bucatarie sa bem cafeaua impreuna... -Da mama asteapta-ma acolo ca vin si eu...

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Mama Manaivi Ennai Kaamam Seithal

Hai friends, indru naan ungalidam pagira pogum kathai oru kudumba kathai enbathai pathivu seithu kolgiren. En sontha mama manaivi ennai eppadi usar seithu matter adithaal enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En kaama kathai ungal anaivarukum pidikum endra nambikai udan kathaiyai aarambikiren, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. En peyar Vicky vayathu 22 aagugirathu, intha vayathil naan kalluri kadaisi aandu padithu kondu irunthen. Eppozhuthum amma ennai paatiyai paarthu vitu vaa...

2 years ago
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Zulmi Mama Ke Jaal Me Faasi Sneha 8211 Part 2

Hello Readers mera naam sneha hai, sorry part 2 ke liye der lag gai – Toh Padhiye aage kya hua. Us raat mai dari sehmi si so gai, Mama Muskurate hue aapne kamre me chale gai. Mai bas sochti hui reh gai ki ye kyu hua. Dusre din subha hua hum naste pe beithe then toh mama mere paas hi baithe they unka ek haath plate me tha aur dusra meri Jangoh pe. Maine bohot try kiya ki use hatau par mama kuch sunne ke mood me nahi they shayad unhe kuch jyada chahiye tha jo mai samaj nahi paa rahi thi. Din bhar...

3 years ago
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SSBBW Mama and Baby nam

There was a time a while back when I needed a place to stay. Luckily, one of my long-time play friends was nice enough to let me stay with her for a while. She was divorced, with a daughter still living at home, and she wanted to have a man around the house. She worked as a caretaker at a senior facility. Her problem was that after work there was nobody at home to take care of her.She was a huge woman...immense. Olive-black skin. Dark fat rolls all along her waist. Chubby cheeks, thick calves,...

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Mama Ke Family Ki Chudai 8211 Part 12

Hi friends are you enjoying my story or not?Plz comment so lets come to the story. Mummy room me enter hui tab mai aur daddy totally nude the aur daddy mere boobs se khel rahe.Daddy ne mummy ko dekha to ek dum dar gaye aur uth khade hogaye.Unke mathe pe se pasina nikalne laga tha mummy ne mauke ka fayeda uthaya aur acting karne lagi ek gusse me seema ke daddy aap to boht kaminey nikle aap ko sharm nahi aayi apni beti ke sath aisa karne me Maine to aisa nahi kiya kabhi aapke sath itni nich...

2 years ago
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Thanksgiving To Get Her

Tags: teen group sex, voyeurism, mistaken identity, first time sex, virginity lost, cheating girlfriend. "So are you excited to see Aunt Sonja?" Stephanie, my older sister, whispered in my ear once we were almost done with the long drive as we sat in back seats of the car while Mom was chatting Dad's ear off as he drove. It'd been like forever since the fourth of July and I'd never had the chance to do more than an awkward goodbye handshake with the girl who had secretly taken my...

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Thanksgiving Treat with StepDaughters College Friend

Thanksgiving is always a special time in our house. My oldest daughter- who actually was my step-daughter by a prior marriage, had gone off to college and I was always happy when she took the time to call me, and ecstatic when she said she would be coming for Thanksgiving. Even though I wasn’t her biological father, she considered me a real dad and we were extremely close, even if I was divorced from her mother. The knock on the door startled me. It was the night before Thanksgiving and I...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Thanksgiving Thoughts

"Thanksgiving Thoughts" is a work of fiction. All characters are fictional. Any similarity to real people is coincidental. It is a copyrighted work of Caitlin Rose. It may be archived at any free site, as long as permission is received, and author credit is given. It may not be changed in any way without permission of the author. Thanksgiving Thoughts By Caitlin Rose, Nov. 23, 2000 Thanksgiving was always the same. The three of them would rise early and all would shower and...

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Helping the Homeless on Thanksgiving by Phoebe

I hate Thanksgiving. I live all alone and every year on Thanksgiving Day I work at a homeless shelter until I'm about ready to drop from exhaustion, then as I'm leaving the facility I pick one of the men, usually a younger type and invite him home. I hate Thanksgiving so much that fucking the brains out of some strange grubby homeless guy just seems right to me. My psychologist says that I have a "self loathing" issue and that may be so, but I don't really care what he says. It fills a...

3 years ago
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The Thanksgiving Encounter

Copyright© 2005 all rights reserved "Oh, we need another egg slicer too. I broke the old one." Debi turned down the appropriate aisle while I followed behind pushing our shopping cart. It was Thanksgiving Eve and we were grocery shopping for the the big dinner we were having the Friday after Thanksgiving. Since Ben and Kristin were having Thanksgiving dinner at her parent's house this year, we were having the kids over for our dinner the day after. Rather than fight the crowds earlier in...

2 years ago
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Bec2 ThanksgivingChapter 11 Thanksgiving at the Y

I sat backwards on the back seat of Dan’s car and watched our house get smaller as we drove away. Then we swung around a corner and our house disappeared completely. It seemed symbolic, somehow – watching my house disappear. Maybe I was watching the past disappearing behind me. My past, I mean. It represented a time when I thought all adults were like my parents – kind and loving, even if they occasionally made mistakes and sometimes did mean things. I spun around and sat properly on the...

4 years ago
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Mama Sunni En Kuuthiyil

Vanakam enathu peyar Sneha, vayathu 22 naan namakal gramathil vasikiren. Enathu veetil naan ore pen matum thaan udan piranthavargal yavarum illai athanal ennai petrorgal chellamaga valarpaargal. Enathu veetil ennai veru oru paiyanuku thirumanam seithu thara veetil mudivu eduthu irunthaargal aanal enathu siru vayathil irunthe en maama meethu aasaiyaaga irunthen. Enathu mama gramathil sotha thozil vaithu irukiraar avaruki vayathu 27 innum thirumanam aaga villai. Enathu paati siru vayathil...

4 years ago
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Cindys Diary Mama

October 5th  Diary, mmmm, I wish you were a real person and could see me just lying here with my sore and stretched open pussy ready for anyone to come in and use me in any way possible. But that isn’t going to happen. I’m going to do what Mama told me. What did she say? Well let me start from the beginning.  “Cindy, open up.” Mama demanded outside my door.I didn’t open it, diary. My heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Just like that old black guy from the...

3 years ago
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Mama Fucked Bhanji In Front Of Her Brother

This is true experience which I want to share with all of you guy. I have a family of four include mother father my elder sister and me. This is happen when my 10th board exams were over and I and my sister Minu visited our nana’s place. I was evidence of sexual experience at that time I was teenager and my elder sister was 18 years old. First I describe her she is good looking fair color with height of 5.6 and curve of 32 26 34. She has firm breasts after our exams we moved to our nana’s...

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Mama mea Irina

E o dimineata calduroasa de vara, iar eu cu mama mea Irina, ne pregatim pentru a merge pe plaja. Cu cateva zile in urma am hotarat impreauna cu cei doi tovarasi ai mei, Florin si Adi, ca vom merge Sambata la plaja, impreuna cu mama mea. Florin are 16 ani, iar Adi 15, e de-o seama cu mine. Dupa ce ne-am imbracat, am luat geanta cu prosoape si am coborat in parcare, la masina, acolo unde ce-i doi prieteni ne asteptau. Mi s-a parut ciudat felul in care amundoi imi priveau mama, mai ales Florin se...

4 years ago
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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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