Greetings To The New Brunette. free porn video

In April 2004 my husband announced that his 25 year old secretary was 6 months pregnant and he was leaving me and our two daughters to be with her. Apparently I’d become boring and had put on weight – no longer the slim nymphomaniac that he had married 21 years previously. To say that I was devastated would be somewhat of an understatement.
I thought that I’d been as good a mother and wife as I could be while also holding down a career as an accountant with a pretty large clothing company. I’d never refused sex and (even though I say so myself) was quite skilled at oral sex…at least he never complained. Obviously things had changed over the years; I had actually put on a little bit of extra weight – but so had he! Oddly enough sometimes I genuinely ‘wasn’t in the mood’ after a long hard day at work, driving for 40 minutes across town at rush-hour to make sure my family had a nice nutritious meal on the table by 7pm. MEN!
Somehow my daughters and I muddled through and in September 2005 Chloe joined her elder sister at University in London. Six weeks later my company merged with a large American consortium and I was made redundant with a very handsome settlement.
Without a care in the world I decided to spend some of my new found wealth on a three week holiday in the Caribbean with my youngest sister; where I subsequently had sex for the first time since my husband had left the matrimonial home. For some drunken reason it was with one of the hotel barmen who was as black as the Ace of Spades. It certainly hadn’t been planned as I had never even fantasised about having sex with a black man and in fairness I can remember very little about it because I was so drunk! I do remember being disappointed at the size of his Willy – smaller than my ex-husbands (boo-hoo) and it was all over very quickly. The upside was feeling sexually attractive and self-confident for the first time in two or three years.
On my return home there was a job offer waiting for me to become the Manager of a friends’ Advertising/Marketing Company called ‘The Icicle Works’. It was to start virtually as immediately as the current Manager was very pregnant and didn’t want to return to work.
It was a completely Alien world to me as I sat at my desk on the first Monday in my new office after spending 17 years in my last job.
“Hiya!” A very camp Asian boy greeted me. “I’m Nikki and I’m making coffee; would you like one?”
“Yes please.” I replied.
“How do you like it?” He asked as his eyes surveyed the pictures on my desk.
“Dark and strong please.”
“Just like the men in your life I presume?” He giggled and minced out of the room before I could reply.
A few minutes later he brought my drink to me and he offered to introduce me to the five girls that worked in the office.
They were an ‘interesting bunch’; all of them were in their early twenties and they had an assortment of dyed hair, exotic clothing and tattoos. Nikki was possibly the nearest to ‘normal’ and he was as camp as a row of tents! This was going to be an interesting job – if I could last to the end of the first week.
Make it I did and very enjoyable it was too. They were a great hard-working bunch of kids who all loved their jobs and proud of working for the ‘The Icicle Works’.
As we were having our afternoon coffee Nikki and Evangeline (one of the designers) regaled me with their elaborate plans for a hedonistic weekend. I just smiled; then Hannah the Liverpool Girl told us in graphic detail her own plans for wild sexual abandon with her new boyfriend who was on leave from the Army.
“What is the Delectable Melanie going to do with herself tonight?” Nikki giggled when he saw the amazed look on my face, “Sex and drugs and rock and roll too?”
“Takeaway curry and nice bottle of wine.” I thinly smiled and shrugged my shoulders. “Watching reality TV.”
“…God…NO!” Nikki gasped as he theatrically threw his head into his hands. “I must save you from yourself! You simply MUST come out with us.”
“I don’t think so!” I laughed out loud and dramatically shook my head and hands in his direction. “Anyway I’m old enough to be your mother….what would your friends think?”
“They’d love you and you’d love them.” He grinned; “A few of the boys have a thing for Yummy-Mummy’s!”
“What?” I enquired; never having heard that expression before.
“Yummy-Mummy’s are older women that young guys are attracted to.” Evangeline butted in. “Or they call them Milf’s.”
Again I shook my head.
They all looked at each other and sniggered at my ignorance daring someone to explain the term to me.
Nikki was close to exploding with laughter and blurted out, “Mothers I’d like to……FUCK!”
“Oh!” I gulped.
Tears of joy were running down Jill’s cheeks and the other four were in hysterics at my embarrassment now.
“Oh sweetie,” my gay friend giggled, “there is just sssooooo much that I have to teach you!”
We eventually went back to finishing the days work and went our separate ways at 5 o’clock.
As expected I watched TV alone on all three nights; having a takeaway curry on Friday, pizza on Saturday and Chinese on Sunday with a nice bottle of wine to wash them down. I called my sister on Saturday night and both daughters on Sunday. Apart from that the only human contact I had was in the Supermarket doing my weekly shopping.
I spent the first couple of hours on Monday morning listening to the young people delight each other with tales of hedonism beyond my wildest imaginings! They had all been drunk at least once, each one of them had had sex with virtual strangers – Nikki and one of the girls (Emma) had both been with different people on both Friday and Saturday nights – Nikki alluding to having gone home with two boys on Saturday! There was also a casual conversation about Cocaine and Ecstasy which really did shock me.
I tried to remain oblivious to the chatter but it was impossible – they were so blasé about their behaviour and I was fascinated; not least because I was a little bit concerned that my daughters may be behaving in the same manner in London.
It was a similar tale for the next few Fridays and Mondays with Nikki and Emma going clubbing a couple of nights during the week too. It was pretty evident that Nikki was a very popular guy and was welcomed in every bar and club in Town because he usually led a large exotic group of free spending young people. They put a lot of pressure on me each week to join them but I resisted although it became increasingly difficult to come up with excuses.
After a few more weeks I started joining them for a drink after work on a Friday night gradually staying out until about 10 when they would go to a Club. I thoroughly enjoyed myself as I was almost immediately adopted into the ‘coolest gang in town’. I even had my hair cut, styled and coloured by one of my new best friends. Prompting Nikki to announce ‘Greetings to the new brunette’ when I entered the office the following day.
A week or two later he flounced into my office and announced that a big client that we had been working for was finally opening his new restaurant on that Friday night and we had invites to the VIP party; then afterwards onto an exclusive Club in the centre of town and he wouldn’t allow me to say ‘no’.
I was instructed to wear my very very best glamourous ‘going out dress’ and put on some ‘special’ underwear – just in case. He was incorrigible but he did make me laugh.
When I inspected my wardrobe I couldn’t find anything that fitted the bill (honest!). I felt particularly dowdy because I hadn’t been anywhere worth dressing up for in nearly two years. Then the penny dropped! I scampered into my daughters’ bedroom and raided their wardrobe. After following a rigid diet of cigarettes, stress and red wine for just over a year I’d lost well over a stone in weight and could now fit into some of their nightclub gear. So with a bottle of wine at hand I played ‘dress up’ like a little girl for four hours on the Wednesday evening; finally settling on a black velvet dress with a revealing cleavage and a chiffon over-skirt that belonged to my eldest daughter and made me look like a Gothic Fairy Godmother. Remembering Nikki’s advice I wore a very sexy matching set of black underwear with red roses on and a very shiny pair of black hold up stockings.
I couldn’t remember the last time I had felt that good about myself as I got out of the taxi at the pub we’d agreed to meet in prior to going to the restaurant.
“You look absofuckinglutely wonderful!” Nikki screamed as he flounced across the room to greet me with a huge bearhug. The others were already at the bar with some of their exotic friends. I was so obviously the oldest person in the group as Emma handed me a large Bacardi and Coke I really felt like chasing my taxi down the street and fleeing.
Two drinks in fifteen minutes later I was giggling at the most obscene joke in the world and sharing my cigarettes with Nikki, a punk girl with pink hair, a Marilyn Monroe look a like, a 6 feet tall muscular skinhead and a girl wearing a red PVC dress.
The rest of the night was a hilarious drunken success and passed by in flash. Eventually I was crammed into the back of a taxi between Nikki and the big skinhead who both kept lifting my dress up to my waist so that the taxi-driver could get a good look at my stockings and knickers in his rear-view mirror. Even when we got out of the taxi at my home; Jamie the pretty skinhead lifted my dress up and give the driver one last flash from behind. I don’t know why but it seemed to be the most natural and funniest thing in the world, at the time.
Once inside the house I immediately disappeared into the kitchen for yet more drinks. As I opened the bottle of wine the boys were still giggling about the taxi drivers’ reaction to seeing my stocking tops and knickers.
“Do you think he had a camera phone?” Nikki chuckled.
“I bet he did.” James the skinhead teased as I handed him his glass. “And I bet he’ll have the pictures all over the internet by now!”
“What do you mean ‘on the internet’?” I drunkenly quizzed them.
They looked at each other conspiratorially.
“On the pervy voyeur sites.” Nikki grinned.
I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders as I didn’t know what he was talking about.
He swivelled his head and spotted my computer.
“Is that switched on?” He asked as he jumped up and began pressing the mouse making the machine blink into life.
Twenty clicks later and we were all looking at pictures of housewives in various states of undress.
Nikki was in his element now and James was goading him on as I just stared in drunken wonderment as picture after picture of women of all shapes and sizes appeared on screen. Some were in normal undies, others sexy lingerie and others absolutely naked. Each set of pictures were accompanied by messages from admirers. Regardless of the attractiveness of the woman involved (some were gorgeous and others were pig ugly) the comments were always complimentary.
When I finally expressed my astonishment he clicked onto another site then another to show me that ‘women of a certain age’ had their admirers and there were hundreds and thousands of sites like the first one dedicated to women just like me.
“Have you got a digital camera?” James asked.
I opened the drawer in front of him and handed my little Fuji to Nikki. Seconds later I was lifting my dress in stages until it was eventually up to my chest and he was taking photos of my stockings and transparent knickers.
A couple of minute’s later 6 pictures of me lifting my dress and showing my sexiest knickers were on the World Wide Web for everyone to see.
I gasped when I saw the last picture as my panties were pretty transparent and you could clearly see my pubes.
Before I could speak the first comments appeared alongside.
“Great legs.”
“Fucking lovely.”
“Show us your tits!”
“Shall we show them?” Nikki chortled as I stood open mouthed as the compliments kept appearing.
“It would be rude not to.” The skinhead grinned
Because the copious amount of alcohol I’d already drank had numbed my brain I smiled and began squeezing my tits together; then unzipped my dress on my colleagues instruction; slowly peeling the top down so each pose could be captured for posterity on camera until I actually unclipped my bra and let him take one picture of my 32c breasts and very very erect nipples.
I was amazed at his dexterity on the keypad and again my pictures appeared virtually seconds after him taking them.
Each photo was greeted with more and more comments; some flattering and some downright rude.
It was strangely liberating as I stood next to two gay men dressed in only my panties, stockings and high heals drinking wine.
As the last two photos appeared of me showing the world my tits there was a frenzy of comments. The three of us were nearly helpless with laughter as pictures of erect penises began appearing on screen as the men described how they were masturbating while looking at my pictures.
“Now take your knickers off.” A message flashed up.
Still laughing; the boys looked at me; daring me to do as I was being told by my cyber-admirer, with their eyes.
I coyly put my head on my shoulder and stroked my chin as I pretended to be considering this last outrageous act.
“Okay.” I whispered as I hooked my thumbs into the waistband.
A minute later six photos of me taking off my knickers were on the Web too.
My heart was thumping and my stomach churned as I gulped down more wine.
“Great ass babe.”
“I can smell your cunt.”
“I want to fuck that greasy cunt.”
“I want to fuck that cute ass.”
There were nearly 30 comments all just like that and just as crude.
Then the pictures of men masturbating appeared one after the other. I genuinely didn’t know that there were so many different shapes and sizes!
As the comments began to slow up and my new fans had moved onto someone else I drained my glass and teetered off to the bathroom with a huge grin on my middle-aged face; leaving the boys still giggling in the living-room.
As I sat on the toilet drifting in and out of sleep; my hands began subconsciously stroking my heaving breasts and stiff nipples then down into my pubes; tugging on my long dark curls until it began to hurt.
All I could think of was playing with my self – giving my cunny a good seeing to with the vibrater that I’d bought 6 or 7 years previously and had only ever used twice. I smiled as I wondered if the batteries would still be working.
When I’d finished I put on the bathrobe from the door and staggered back to say goodnight to my guests and send them packing.
I didn’t get to use my vibrater as I fell asleep the instant my head hit the pillow. The next I knew was when I heard my phone ringing downstairs at 10.15 in the morning.
I carefully got out of bed as my head was throbbing and my stomach churning. I wrapped myself into my big soft fluffy bathrobe and made my way to the lounge and listened to the message then I put the kettle then stood at the kitchen door and lit a cigarette. When I was a young woman at University an older admirer had once likened me to a sleek sports car; but when I sucked in my first drag I started coughing and spluttering like a 6 year old diesel transit van. It didn’t stop me and I kept puffing away as I sipped my first strong coffee of the day. As I admired my glorious garden memories of Friday night began filtering into my aching brain. I smiled at the memories of dancing and flirting in the Nightclub then a bolt of lightening hit me as images of my ‘modelling session’ entered my consciousness.
My eyes were like saucers when I moved the computer mouse and the screen flickered into life. I scrolled down ‘My Favourites’ and saw that the site I’d imagined actually existed. The adrenaline was pumping so hard through my veins as I clicked onto the homepage I felt like I might explode. There it was; ‘Melons’ the name the boys had conjured up for me. Terrified; I hovered the arrow over the name….then left-clicked.
My adrenaline level was on red-alert when I saw the first picture that we’d posted, then the second and third. A couple of people had posted comments between each one but by the time I got to the photos of me removing my knickers 12 people had left outrageously dirty, but flattering, comments. Even after I’d logged off another 5 people had left a series of sexy comments later in the night.
I re-read everything twice then staggered in a daze back into the kitchen to make another coffee.
“BEEP” My mobile sparked into life, “You have one message”.
‘Gr8 nite – how r u? Super tits btw!’ It was from Nikki.
‘We need to talk’ I messaged back.
‘2nite – c u @ 7 gr8 nite plnd.’ Came the immediate response.
I immediately rang him and nervously told him that I wouldn’t be going anywhere and might never be able to face the world again.
Nikki howled with laughter and told me that he’d checked the site too and was thrilled so many men fancied me. We chatted for a few minutes and he finally made me promise to join him and his friends for another night out that night.
I hardly left the computer all day checking and re-checking the posting until someone else came on line and I actually had a chat with ‘an admirer’. The buzz was amazing as we very quickly got into a ‘hot conversation’ about what he thought of my body and what he would do to me if we ever met.
Then someone else started posting and asking if I wanted to move to MSN but I didn’t know what he meant.
Before I knew where I was it was lunchtime and I was still only wearing my bathrobe. My headache had gone and had been replaced by an ache between my legs. I logged off and had a long luxurious bath. As I lay soaking in the hot bubbles my fingers kept sliding between my legs and I eventually gave into temptation and fingered my pussy and rubbed my clit until I had a long lovely orgasm….then another one…and another one.
I even checked out a few of the naughty websites the boys had recommended the previous night. I also posted my pictures on a different site and the comments were just as sexy but best of all the responses were immediate. When guys realised I was online and answering their questions they were flocking around my new page like flies.
They kept asking for more pictures and I was very very tempted; especially when they wanted pictures of me fingering my pussy or using my vibrater which I’d accidentally told someone I was using.
I must have cum 6 or 7 more times in the afternoon as I checked and re-checked the comments on my pictures and flicked around the other pages.
Eventually I had to log off and get ready for my night out with Nikki and his friends.
I showered then got dressed; I felt even naughtier as I clipped a pair of proper nude stockings to a white suspender belt that I’d only ever worn on a couple of occasions and never outside the house; but tonight was different; I genuinely felt like a new woman. I chose another one of my daughters dresses – a silver strappy thing; quite low cut and two inches above my knees.
Nikki had rung to say the taxi was on its way so I was waiting outside my door when it arrived. Nikki had two boys and two girls next to him when I got in. As I squashed between the two girls my dress immediately rode up my thighs revealing my suspenders. I blushed as I wriggled to preserve my modesty.
One of the boys couldn’t take his eyes off my legs, prompting Nikki to tell everyone that I was ‘such a tart and always dressed ready for action’; which was patently untrue but quite appropriate for tonight.
After a couple of drinks I finally found the courage to admit to Nikki what I’d done and been doing all day. He was shocked but gave me a great big hug to congratulate me on finding my new self.
Yet again the night flashed by in a drunken haze. I danced with a variety of young men who flirted outrageously with me and I lost count of the times my dress flew up showing my knickers and suspenders as I was hurled around the dance floor to the delight of the other clubbers. Two young men bluntly asked me to go outside and suck them off! As if! What kind of woman did they take me for?
In the last club we met up again with the tall skinhead James.
He bounded over and greeted me with a big sloppy kiss.
“Hiya Melons!” He grinned then whispered into my ear, “You’ve had a fun day haven’t you?”
“What do you mean?” I drunkenly giggled.
“I’m Starman; I’ve been chatting to you on both sites all day! Do you want to do it again tonight?” I playfully slapped him on the shoulder but didn’t say no.
An hour later I was in the back of a mini-cab between James and Nikki with my leg curled up across the skinheads lap and his fingers stroking my pussy through my thin panties as Nikki caressed my stocking clad legs. The driver had to swerve three times because he was too busy looking in his mirror.
“I’m going to take even sexier pictures tonight.” Nik whispered into my ear as he pulled my panties to one side and began fingering me.
Just as his fingers began stroking my fleshy folds I whispered; “But I thought….I thought….you”
Before I could finish my sentence his fingers were tickling my labia and vulva and spreading my petals.
“Gay?” The Asian youth smirked. “I’m a-sexual, bi-sexual, tri-sexual …anything you want to call me. I’ll fuck anything with a pulse!” A long thick finger suddenly eased its way into my already stretched cunny. Not knowing how to respond; I sat shivering with excitement, nearly forgetting to breathe as he explored my vagina like a gynaecologist with two then three fingers. I was soon rocking and rotating my hips in time to his internal administrations while James stroked my aching tits.
Just as the taxi slowly turned into my street Nik began whispering in my ear, “I want to see you fucking your cunt with your big dildo, then I’m going to make you suck my cock while I take pictures; then I’m going to fuck you rigid then post everything on the internet!”
It tipped me over the edge and I came with a jaw slackening orgasm as Nik’s thumb pressed on my clitty while he rotated three fat brown fingers in my sopping cunny.
Moments later I was inside my house and opening a bottle of wine as Nikki set up the camera while James put some music on.
As my dark skinned friend pointed my camera at me I began swaying to the music and subconsciously rubbing my tits and private parts through my dress.
“Lift it up; just like last night.” Nikki directed me.
With a glass in one hand I slowly lifted the hem of my dress up until he could take photos of my stocking tops, suspenders and sexy white panties. Satisfied with my efforts he made me bend forward so he could take pictures of my bra encased tits and cleavage then he told me to turn around and touch my toes. It was a struggle but I managed; knowing that he was taking pictures of my legs and up my dress.
My head was spinning and my stomach churning with excitement as I fumbled with the zip at the back. I soon managed and my daughters’ dress fell to the floor. Without being asked I automatically removed my bra and panties.
“Now sit on the sofa.” His voice was soft but very authorative.
I did as I was told.
“Spread your legs and pull your cunt flaps apart.”
By now I was in a dream as I slid my hands between my legs and pulled my labia apart just like I’d seen other women do on the Internet earlier in the day. When I saw the photos later there was a white froth gathered at my vaginal opening.
“Now finger yourself.” Niks’ voice had become deeper and sexier the more he took charge of the situation.
I bit my lip as my first finger glided into my love hole; then a second and a third all on his instructions. I was soon grinding down onto my knuckles as I roughly groped my own tits and pulled on my nipples.
“Where’s your toy?” My photographer quietly asked.
“Upstairs…in the drawer next to me bed.” I purred at the thought of fucking myself for them; then posting the results on the Internet.
“Go get it.” He told the young skinhead who immediately ran upstairs.
Seconds later it was in my hand and vibrating against my soaking opening. Still with my eyes closed I let out an almighty sigh as I slid the 8 inches of buzzing cock-shaped plastic into my pussy.
As I fucked myself I began sliding around the leather sofa until I was soon lying on my back with an ankle draped over the back and the other pulled back to my chest in my quest to get the sex toy as deep inside my body as humanly possible. I couldn’t resist any longer and began flicking my clit. I don’t know how long it took but the orgasm was by far the longest, loudest and most intense that I’d ever had. It felt absolutely amazing as I lay in the afterglow, with my legs wide apart and cunt dripping onto the sofa after my bout of wanton exhibitionism.
The boys scurried off to the computer and began uploading their bounty. I must have drifted off to sleep because the next I knew was Nikki shaking me and saying, “Mel, you’ve got to see this – it’s amazing!”
Still virtually naked apart from my shoes, stockings and suspender belt I stumbled across the room and joined them.
They had posted 20 pictures on one site and 30 on another site….the responses were many and amazing. Guys were instantly posting pictures of themselves wanking onto my images and the comments nearly blew my mind as I regained my senses.
“I need a wee.” I giggled and staggered to the downstairs toilet.
When I eventually appeared back in the living room ready for more photography I was stunned to see the boys kissing passionately on my sofa. Nikkis’ jeans were around his ankles and James was wanking his big brown cock. I stood frozen with shock but was fascinated at the sight of the two men openly displaying their sexuality without a care in the world.
My work colleague broke their kiss and whispered something to his gay lover. The gorgeous skinhead smiled and began kissing his way down the brown boys’ hairless chest and flabby stomach until his head hovered above the circumcised cock. His long tongue slithered out and flashed across the velvety cockhead. Then with practiced ease he licked the long shaft and sucked the knob while alternating between squeezing the big bald scrotum and stroking the gnarly veins with his manicured white fingers.
I was transfixed as I stared in disbelief at the scene that was unfolding in my own living room.
“Come here.” Nikki whispered as he stared hypnotically into my eyes.
Without a thought I floated across the room until I was standing next to them.
Still with his fat knob in the other boys pretty mouth Nikki winked conspiratorially when his twinkling doe-eyes met mine.
With one hand stroking James’ bald head Nik began caressing my nylons with the other, first on the outside of my thighs and calf’s making me shudder and bite my bottom lip; then with a silent tap on the inside of my knee I spread my legs for him.
His fingers felt like butterflies as they fluttered up and down my nylon clad legs and along my tingling labia as the hairless white head bobbed up and down on his cock.
“Join him.” Nik whispered.
“What?” I asked as he woke me from my sexual trance.
“Both of you… suck my cock.”
Without a thought I dropped to my knees and began licking his hard shaft as James sucked the purple knob, then we changed positions with me sucking his fat cockhead and the pretty white boy filling his mouth with Nikki’s hairless balls making my workmate moan and groan with pleasure.
All the time in the background I could hear the soft clicking of my camera.
It was glorious having a cock in my mouth for the first time in years…especially a large exotic brown one.
Nik suddenly began to jerk; then just as his cock stiffened I pulled it out of my mouth and it erupted onto my chin and tits. James’ head soon darted up from the balls and he sweetly licked the warm cum from the tip then eased forward until he was licking the rest off my chin and tits making me shiver with excitement.
“Get your cock out and let her suck you off too.” Nikki panted as he patted his softening cock against my cheeks.
The pretty skinhead quickly unzipped his trousers and slid them down his thick thighs. I silently gasped when I saw his cock pop up. It was as long as Nikkis’ but not as thick and as hard as a rock. The boy eased onto the edge of the sofa and presented his dick to me. I leant forward and showered it with kisses before grabbing hold of it and pulled back his floppy foreskin. I swallowed as much of his young cock as possible and began furiously sucking it and stroking his bollocks as Nik took even more photographs.
Perhaps he was very excited or perhaps I really am a good cock-sucker but James was squirming very quickly and I knew he was going to cum. I took it out of my mouth and quickly rubbed the shaft until he shot his lovely stuff onto my heaving tits and chin just like Nikki had.
“Look at me!” Nik commanded.
I did as I was told and he fired off even more pictures of the pungent spunk running down my face and cleavage as I pressed my boobs together and without thinking actually licked some of it off. I’d only ever tasted cum once before; when I was at University, and hadn’t liked it….but this time….WOW!
Happy with the pictures he’d taken Nikki put the camera down and stood up making his big fat cock swing from side to side.
“Now get on all fours,” He told me with a huge grin on his face while he tugged at his cock making it grow even longer and thicker before my eyes.
Obviously I complied; making myself reasonably comfortable on the thick sheepskin rug in front of the fireplace.
“Okay cumslut,” Nik giggled as he pulled my bum cheeks apart and pressed his thick bell-end against my sticky slit, “What do you want now?”
“I don’t know?” I told him in an embarrassed whisper.
SLAP. His hand cracked against my fleshy cheek.
“Tell me…slut.” He slapped my arse again, “tell me what you want… now!” His fat cock was sending me delirious with desire as he teased me by running it along my cunny. “Tell me what you want.” Each request was punctuated with a hard slap across my buttocks. If my ex-husband had ever even thought of laying a finger on me in an aggressive manner I would have run for a solicitor but when my gay friend spanked me as I knelt in front of him in a most degrading manner…it turned me on so much I was actually dripping onto the rug!
“Put it in please.” I whispered.
“What did you say?” Nikki asked and spanked me again.
“Put it in please.” I said louder guessing what he really wanted me to say.
“Put your cock in...My cunt.” I gasped. Uttering the word was quite liberating so much so I couldn’t stop myself and let out a torrent of filth as his fat cock slid up my vagina with the greatest of ease.
“That’s it….fuck me….fuck my cunt hard with that big cock….harder than that….really fuck me!”
It was absolutely awesome as Nikki grabbed my hips and pulled me backwards onto his fat cock every time he pushed forward with a powerful thrust. I’d had a few lovers while at University and had thought I’d had a good sex life while I’d been married but Nik was fucking me like nothing I’d ever experienced in my life. This was…..fucking SEX!
My eyes were closed and I was struggling for breath when Nik told the skinhead to fuck my mouth and ‘roast the cumslut’. When I opened my eyes he was already kneeling on the rug waving his cock in front of my face. Just as I opened my mouth to speak he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back making my mouth gape open.
“That’s the way!” Nikki chuckled as he slapped my arse again while hammering his cock deep into my slit, “Fuck the slut’s mouth…..fill her fucking throat with your cock.”
Before I could respond his cock was filling my mouth and throat. The alcohol had obviously numbed my brain and lubricated my dormant libido because I was in sexual Heaven as my two young lovers tried to fuck my brains out while tugging on my hair and spanking my arse.
I’d fanaticised about being in this position many times over the years; sucking on a big cock while a second one fucked my cunny; but the reality was soooooo much better. I couldn’t actually move as Nikki pummelled my vagina with his hard cock while I hung my jaw open for Jamie to fuck my face and throat for all his worth as my large tits bounced and shook beneath me.
After being at every ones’ beck and call for all of my adult life – wife, mother, manager and confidante I was now laid absolutely bare as the two young men simply used me as their sexual plaything…and it was a wonderful feeling.
For a woman that has worked very hard to gain the respect of my family and peers I was revelling in being called dirty names as Nik fucked me and slapped my reddening arse cheeks – “cumslut, fuck-bucket, cocksucker, slack-cunt and old-spunker.”
I soon lost track of time as I concentrated on staying upright; but they must have lasted nearly 9 or 10 minutes until Jamie gasped; “I’m nearly there….I’m cumming again!”
“Let’s spray the slack cunt’s fucking face!” Nikki grunted as he unceremoniously pulled his cock out of my pussy and pushed me onto my back.
The next I knew was that they were both kneeling over me wanking on their rock hard cocks and Nikki was telling me to “open my fucking cumslut mouth.”
I lay motionless with my mouth open as wide as possible until Jamie orgasmed and his spunk splashed across my face quickly followed by Nikki’s. Both boys were giggling as they squeezed the last drops into my mouth.
“Stay like that!” Nik told me as he leant over to pick up the camera.
“Put your tongue out.” He commanded me as he took more dirty photos. “Now you can swallow it.” He sniggered after a minute or so as their spunk felt like a warm runny oyster sliding down my throat.
The boys soon admired their handy-work on the computer and began uploading some of the photos to the websites that Nikki had previously posted my stockings pictures on as I drifted in and out of a drunken sleep on the soft rug.
Eventually I achingly staggered to my feet and made my way to the bathroom leaving them to their own devices on the computer.
I should have been disgusted with myself when I saw my spunk covered reflection in the mirror but it would have took the juice from 10 lemons to wipe the smile off my middle-aged face.
After cleaning myself up I staggered to bed leaving Nikki and Jamie to their own devices.
The next thing I remember from that night was being awoken from a deep sleep by some loud grunts, groans and squeals from the adjoining bedroom as Nikki noisily buggered his young white lover at about 6 o’clock in the morning in my eldest daughter’s bed. I fell asleep again and woke at 9.30.
The boys were already sitting in the kitchen when I made my appearance. James who was only wearing his jeans; avoided eye contact and looked embarrassed when I said, “Good morning.”
Nikki on the other hand was as arrogant and cocky as ever as he sat at the table wearing only his underpants.
“How is Miss Melons this morning?” He grinned as I took a cigarette out of the packet, “Did you enjoy yourself last night?”
I shrugged my shoulders and lit the cigarette. I had enjoyed everything we’d done especially being photographed at the same time and he knew it; but I wasn’t sure if I could or should admit to how much I’d enjoyed myself.
“You’ll piss yourself when you see some of the comments on the message boards!”
“I’ll have my breakfast first if you don’t mind.” I coughed as I dragged on the cigarette.
The boys fidgeted impatiently as I ate some toast and drank my coffee. Eventually Nik couldn’t wait any longer and he coaxed me into looking at the pictures on the internet by tugging my sleeve making my gown fall off my shoulder and exposing one of my boobs.
Still with my big boob hanging out; the three of us scurried into the living room and opened up my page on the first website. I was dumbfounded as Nik scrolled down the photos that he had posted. The first few were of me showing my knickers and stockings then the next lot were of me masturbating with my sex toy. I’d been so drunk and horny I hadn’t realised how ‘intimate’ the pictures were going to be. Nik had got very very close with the camera and you could see every follicle of my pubic hairs and the toy actually glistened as it slid in and out of my pussy. In the last couple of pictures my clitty was clearly poking out of its hood as I frantically rubbed it!
The atmosphere crackled like Greek electricity as Nik and James flicked between posts reading out loud the comments men had been leaving about me. Without realising it my robe was now hanging loose and Nikki started stroking the back of my legs until his fingers were between my bum cheeks and teasing my labia apart. Even with my stinking hangover the dirty pictures on the computer were turning me on as much as the previous night when they had been taken.
Subconsciously I spread my feet for easier access. As his finger tip slid inside I looked down and wasn’t surprised to see that both guys were sporting huge hard-ons…..again. They were now looking at the pictures of me sucking their cocks and them cumming on my tits and face. The comments were absolutely disgusting…..but that just made me even hornier. My right hand was soon stroking James’ cock through his jeans and I pressed my tits against Nikki’s face for him to lick and suckle. I wasn’t disappointed. Between typing replies and reviewing the photos on the post he fingered my cunny as he licked and sucked my nipples at the same time as I fondled James stiffy.
It didn’t take long for Nik to pull his pants down and invite me to suck his cock. I couldn’t resist. In seconds I was on my knees and his fat cock was filling my mouth again as James pulled my gown off as he knelt beside me squeezing my tender tits. Nikki kept reading the comments out to us as I licked and sucked his magnificent brown cock. I didn’t leave James out as I gently wanked his cock at the same time.
After 5 or 6 minutes Nikki told me to sit on his cock. The guy was insatiable! He’d cum on me twice between 2 and 3 am then had fucked his boyfriend at about 6 am; now he was as randy as ever at 11 o’clock.
Without a care in the world I straddled him facing the screen; on the computer chair. His cock felt even bigger than last night as it glided up my soaking cunny. I love getting fucked from behind but this was the first time I’d ever done it sitting down…..the feeling was breath-taking as it completely filled my cavity. Nikki still controlled the mouse – flicking from post to post as I bounced up and down on his wonderful cock while I tugged on the skinheads stiffy. It felt incredibly depraved as we carried on in this manner for over 15 minutes while looking at my pornographic images on the computer screen.
“Turn around.” Nikki grunted as I ground myself onto his big fat cock.
I slowly peeled my cunny off his dark meat then turned to face him, waiting for his instructions.
“Sit on it and fuck me.” He cheekily grinned. “Make me cum inside your dirty cunt.” I was only too happy to oblige.
His cock felt utterly amazing as I impaled myself on it for a second time. I squashed my big titties against his face and fucked and bucked until we both came at the same time; me with a screaming orgasm. My cunny felt stretched beyond belief and his cum was running out as I slowly ground myself against his pelvis like the actresses on the internet.
As I rested against him he whispered in my ear, “What about him? You’re not going to leave him out are you?”
“MMMmmm…I guess not.” I had no intention of letting a second hard cock go without and turned to see James standing beside us with his cock sticking in the air.
“Have you ever had it up your bum before?” Nik whispered as I climbed off him.
I shuddered and shook my head.
“Let’s put that right then.” Nikki grinned and pointed at my sofa. “Get on your knees on there.”
My brain felt like cotton wool and I couldn’t think straight for a few moments.
I’d seen plenty of pictures and videos of women doing anal on the internet over the last couple of weeks and had genuinely wondered what it felt like…but to actually do it, left me cold.
I meekly obliged and positioned myself on the sofa facing away from them, legs apart and cunt dripping with spunk.
Without a word both boys began caressing my legs, arse and sopping cunny. Each scooping Nikki’s cum out and smearing it across my arsehole and occasionally poking a finger inside which made me squirm. It felt deliciously uncomfortable as their fingers took it in turns to poke my bum and I was soon rolling my hips to try and tempt them deeper inside.
“I think she’s ready.” Nikki chuckled as I began squeezing my tits and flicking my clitty.
“Oh God,” I sighed as I pressed my face against a cushion and rested my shoulder on the back of my leather sofa.
The young skinhead pushed one hand underneath me and firmly gripped my tummy then he nudged his bell-end against my arse hole. My whole body stiffened as his knob pressed against the taught opening.
Nikki sat beside me and began stroking my hair. “Just relax babes,” he whispered, “it’ll sting at first…but that’s the fun part, then it’ll get easier.”
“Uuuggghhhh.” Jamie grunted as he struggled to ease my anus open.
“Just relax.” Nikki kept whispering as he continued stroking my hair then squeezing my tits.
Jamie’s cockhead was just beginning to stretch my bum hole when Nikki grabbed my shoulders and hissed, “Just fucking do it!”
With that Jamie pushed forwards forcing his cock deep into my arse.
“AaaaaaAAAGGGGHHHHHH you bbbbaaassstttaarrrdds!” I screamed through clenched teeth as my arse felt like it was being ripped in two.
The lad immediately pulled back leaving my stretched cavity suddenly feeling very empty; then WHOOSH he plunged his cock back inside openin up even more of my bowels. The pain was so sharp I had to bite the cushion and I could feel tears running down my cheeks but…but… the adrenalin rush was making my head spin and it felt bloody marvellous. The harder he fucked my bum the better it felt. It really was painful at first but it was a mouth-watering pain and I very quickly acclimatised to it. So much so I began fumbling with Nikki’s long soft cock until it began to swell in my hand and I was soon sucking it at the same time that his friend was buggering me.
“That’s good isn’t it?” Nikki asked as I filled my mouth with his brown cock, “I knew you were a slut the first day I set eyes on you and would like cocks up your arse.”
I nodded my head and carried on sucking his yummy cock as Jamie grunted and groaned behind me.
It took him a few minutes to cum again but when he did Jamie’s cock was like a fucking piston banging in and out of my arse until he filled it with a load of lovely spunk.
My legs were shaking as his cock slid out a lot easier than it had gone in. My arsehole was stinging and sore and my bowels felt bruised and battered; but the last time I’d felt this happy and sexually satisfied was probably on my honeymoon!
After regaining my breath Nikki told me to make them a coffee. I dutifully obliged; walking to the kitchen naked with their spunk still running out of my cunt and arse and down my thighs. I made no attempt to cover my body as I wandered around the open plan kitchen not caring a jot if any of my neighbours could see me.
The past couple of years have been a whirlwind of wild sexual shenanigans – I’ve had numerous threesomes with both men and women; several girly encounters and I’ve lost count of the number of cocks I’ve sucked and fucked.
My job has been wonderful – Nikki and I agreed to keep our work and sexual/social life separate and secret. I am now a regular on the local club scene and can be found 3 or 4 nights a week in a funky pub or club usually with at least one young man (or woman) on my arm. I now have my own website that costs £10 a month to join and I have hundreds of members. I update it every week with solo pictures or me and my young lovers.
If I get a good response to this story I have so many more tales to tell. -->

- 27.03.2022
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