S&S NerdChapter 12 free porn video

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The alarm said five thirty, and my body said I needed to pee. Jenny was still deep asleep, surprising me. After peeing for a few minutes, I made some coffee, took a shower, and shaved. The coffee was just done, so I poured some coffee for me and took a cup to Jenny.

It took a couple of kisses to wake her. "Oh, Sal, that was as good as it gets. That incident wore me out and I think my friend is here. I feel all squishy. Let me up, Honey, I'm afraid I'll stain your sheets."

Jenny went into the bathroom and I heard her say, "Oh damn." She came out in a few minutes and told me, "Yep, my friend is here for a couple of days, so I'm out of the game."

I made the suggestion, "You know, I've heard of couples who shower when it's your time and have some great sex. No muss as everything washes down the drain."

Jenny looked at me, "You're already showered. You would do that with me?"

"Come on, Sexy, let's see if it works."

Our loving was special. Jenny loved the loving and seemed to become more loving every minute. When we were drying off, she said, "I'm going to tell all of our women about that. They are going to be here every time they are bleeding. You, my man, are a wonder. Darn, you fuck so well and make me feel so good. Now I'm all happy even though I have to put up with the mess."

I told her, "The alternative isn't very nice unless you were pregnant. I could live with that." Jenny gave me a very nice kiss for saying that.

She told me she would see me on the patio in a few minutes. I grabbed my laptop and rode to the patio. I wasn't the first there to visit with Glenda and Steve, but almost. It is neat to be a part of the new day and watch everyone come in to start the day.

Dennis came over and told me, "The company that is supposed to put the racks and equipment up is a little embarrassed and will be sending about five guys today. We have their names and personal information, and are running them right now. If you want to check them out on your own you can do that too."

"That's okay, Dennis. It has to be something off the wall for the guy to try to get our stuff here and break in at home."

Steve asked, "Have you ever shot a handgun?"

"Oh yeah, I shoot a lot but haven't here yet."

"What kind of piece do you have, Sal?"

"Don't laugh, but I have two, a single and double action remakes of the real Colt forty five."

"Really? Can you hit anything with them?''

"Sure, I do quick draw competition and that includes shooting and hitting a small steel target at twenty-five feet."

"I'd like to see that," Steve mused, "Want to go target shooting this morning?"

"Sure, Steve, I'll let the men do their thing today and not bother anyone. When and where?"

"Eat breakfast, Sal, and we'll drive to a gun dealer who has a range. We'll go around seven forty-five. I'll bring a couple of pieces to see how you like to shoot them."

I asked Dennis, "Did you find many snooper devices?"

"We sure did, Sal. There were listening devices and some very sophisticated cameras throughout your office suite. We will do a scan at noon and another this evening. We want to be sure we keep our ideas to ourselves."

I went home after eating something and getting a smooch from a couple of the women I have adopted. Or maybe it's closer to say they've adopted me. I pulled out my belt and holster and checked to make sure the piece was serviceable. I got the pistols, the belt and holster, a box of rounds, and rolled them all up into a gym bag before going back to Steve's.

We left at seven forty-five and arrived at the gun dealer's at eight. You had to be buzzed in and we were soon in front of an older guy with a little bit of a belly. Steve said, "Arnie, this is Sal Feeny. He's working with me now, and I found out the guy shoots in quick draw tournaments. Can we use your range to watch him shoot?"

"Hell yeah, Steve, I have the rig for quick draw. I'll set it up. I have a tree with six plates on it and I can turn back as many as you want. Let's start with one and go from there."

I got my belt and holster out from the gym bag and strapped it on. I was about to use my loads when the store owner said, "Use reloads, I'm cheap on these, about twenty-five percent of what you paid for those and mine are all good. I guarantee them."

The guy was eager to watch me shoot as he said, "I'll push the bell and you draw and shoot the bottom plate. You'll need some warm up before you really show off."

I was set when the bell went off. I had a round on the metal plate and the gun back in the holster while Steve and Arnie were still thinking about me shooting.

Arnie exclaimed, "Holy Mother of God that is fast. You did that with a single action, didn't you?"

I nodded, "It was only one target."

Arnie asked, "Can you shoot multiples with a single action?"

"Sure, you have to learn how to do that. It's actually easier than with a double action."

I filled the one spent opening in the cylinder and stretched to be ready.

The bell went off and I fired six times, hitting all six plates. I would have been in last place if this had been a competition.

Steve said, "You fired so fast fanning that hammer that I couldn't tell how many rounds you shot. All of the plates are cocked, so I guess you hit all of them."

Arnie asked, "Do you want to shoot that double action? That is one nice Colt."

I went through a couple of cylinders with the double action, and the two of them didn't believe I was any slower with that gun than the other. When I was attempting to clean the two pieces, Steve pulled a couple of pieces from the gym bag he had carried in and asked, "How about seeing how you do with either of these?"

Steve handed me a Remington 1911.45 that looked to be in good shape. I put six rounds into the magazine and fired at the twenty five foot target. The gun was nice and everything was in the paint.

"Nice, Steve. Decent balance, good action; this is something my dad would like."

Steve was grinning, "Try this. Mercy says this one is sweet."

The one he handed me was a Sig Sauer 9mm. The gun looked close to new and the magazine was still a little stiff. I love 9mm autos, so I kept filling the magazine until there were fourteen rounds in it. Steve smiled at me and pointed at the targets.

Arnie said, "I'll put another next to it so you can alternate. See if you can do what Chuck does. Put four in the left mass, four in the left head, four in the right head, and four in the right mass. Oh, you can't do that. That's sixteen. Here, put a round in the chamber and another in the magazine and you can put three in the right mass.

"If you want me to time you, I can or you can just shoot."

I told Arnie I would just shoot.

This was a sweet piece. The mass shots are easy, as there is so much paint, but the head shots are tough. I moved from the left to the right and finished with the three in the right mass. The action locked back and I dropped the magazine. "This is nice, Steve. I think I like this better than the forty-five. The only time you'd ever use a piece like this would be if you had to. This one shoots straight."

Steve used the Remington and fired a couple of magazines. He was very accurate and put round after round into the paint. We cleaned the weapons, and Steve told Arnie, "Fit this guy with a comfortable shoulder rig. If something comes up, I want him armed. He's working on some sensitive stuff now, and I'd feel better if he can protect himself."

The harness Arnie fitted me with was super comfortable using web belts and some kind of web holster the gun slid in and out of as if it was oiled. I had only seen leather shoulder holsters before, so this was new to me. Steve had loaded the 9mm with regular rounds and handed it to me. "Wear that for a while until shit cools down. Do you have a sport coat to wear over it?"

It was my turn to laugh, "Of course. I've been a professor for a long while. I have multiple sport coats with leather elbows." We both laughed.

I offered to pay, but Arnie just indicated that he would put it on the bill. He told Steve, "Brandy and Kathy were in last Friday and were really into it. I think they went through two hundred rounds. They are getting good too."

Back at my place, Steve said, "Put a sport coat on and once you're in your office, you can hang all that stuff up. Wear that when you're out in the open. I'll feel a hell of lot better, unless you want to wear your six guns."

"This will be fine, Steve. Thanks for taking me shooting."

"We'll do it again, but next time I'll let you watch Chuck and Jan. Those two are awesome."

I put my six guns away on the top shelf of my closet. I was a little screwed up over the way someone could get into my place so easily.

At the R&D building, Jeff was sitting at the reception desk, reading physics text. He closed the book and said, "Nothing happening, Boss. There are a pile of guys back there, but I haven't been standing over their shoulder. Go see how much they have to do yet."

I looked into the server room and could see they were cleaning up. Two of the men were unpacking equipment and bolting it to the racks. Each stack had a keyboard and monitor, and the front of the room had another multi-monitor setup for working in the server room.

An older man came up to me, "Your battery back up system is in the back room and is set up and wired into your racks. We'll have your equipment up and linked by the end of the day. It will take us all day tomorrow to load all of the preliminary software and set up your drive arrays. We'll be able to run some tests the day after tomorrow. Is that okay?"

I told the man, "How about I help?"

"I don't think so, after what happened out here. We're going to make this the most perfect installation in our company's history. Sit back and relax or go play golf."

Back in my office, I turned machines on and began loading my special software. I loaded all of the protection parts, the watchdog that would call my cell twenty-four hours a day if there was an attempt, and my detective software that would not only trap someone attempting to break in or hack, but would instantly track the connection through up to thirty bridges. I could have an attempted hacker's IP address in seconds, and if I could access the provider fast enough have the name and address of who was trying to break in.

When lunchtime came, I went into the server room. "Let's lock up and go get lunch. Let me treat you guys today. I want to talk to you anyway."

The leader agreed and we sealed the place and took Jeff with us to the patio. Lunch was excellent, with roast beef, chicken, and turkey sandwiches. There were multiple kinds of cheeses and a delicious tomato soup.

While we were eating, I asked the leader, "Who's the best computer geek you have. I want someone to try some hacking for me."

The man rolled his eyes. "Man, I can't do something like that. The company pays me to keep people out, not to try to get in."

I said, "Hang on a second. I want to get something."

I had not taken my laptop from the little trunk of the cart, so I opened it on the table and asked, "You work for the shipping company, right?"

"We work for the computer company that makes these things. We make 'em, ship 'em, and install them. Some of my guys are near genius."

"So, who created the software protection for your company network?"

The man smirked and said, "I did. Craig over there helped, and Ron tried his best to break in to test it. We have traps all over the place. No one gets through the hardware firewall and our router has a watchdog program."

"Okay, I was in your system yesterday. Let's see if you've done anything new since yesterday. Ron, Craig, come watch this to make sure I don't destroy any data on your system."

Craig snorted and sat next to me. The team leader was behind me as I began building bridges. Ron asked, "Can you give me some of those addresses? Holy shit, you're fast."

I went through their firewall and router with only six bridges so fast, that Craig asked, "Can you do that again slower. There's no way you can do that."

"Let me prove a point first." I highlighted the order from yesterday and did the same analysis to show the multiple hits the lady had done. "That's how I figured out who the inside person on this thing was. Let's see, Craig, let's look at your last performance report."

I went through each of the three who were interested, and the older guy, Charlie said, "Look at that, I didn't remember that I had that much vacation saved. Hell, look at the sick leave. Fifteen years and I haven't missed a day."

Ron watched me as I cleaned my tracks while backing out. I had left a note on each of their iPhones to confirm with them that I had been there.

"Now, I need someone to hack a couple of networks. I want someone to really bust their ass to try. Someone is always better at getting in than you are at keeping them out. I have to keep ahead of those who can try to get in."

Ron said, "I'll try, but I'm not in your league. My teacher at the tech school might be who you need. I'll call him and ask if he's interested in playing."

"Ron, tell him it isn't playing, I'm paying, or rather the company is paying for an outside consultant who will help me. Call him right now and I'll talk to him."

A minute later, I was talking to a guy who spoke in broken English. I explained what I wanted and was willing to pay a consulting fee, with a sizeable bonus if he could get in.

"Mr. Feeny, get the bonus ready, and I will leave you a note. What is your IP address at the company?"

"You're the hacker, you tell me. Just look up Salvatore Feeny when you're in the personnel files. Oh, don't be surprised if you get kicked out a few times until you figure out a go around. Don't worry about using bridges unless you want to. I can track you down even with bridges."

"You seem sure of yourself, Feeny; will you be angry when I break in? What should I do to let you know I was in?"

"Leave a note on my appointment calendar for when you will pick up your check."

"Good idea, Feeny, I need the money."

The man hung up and I knew he was on his way to try and hack me. I'd bet he was building a big bridge to try and stump me. As we were finishing our lunch, my phone buzzed. I pulled it out and told the guys, "My watchdog program says your man is in the false router program now. That's inside the fake firewall. We'll go back and watch how he does."

Back at the shop, all of the techs crowded around my desk. I built a few bridges to screw the intruder up, and then used my tracking software to hunt him down. The man wasn't too smart, as he was using a school computer with just off the shelf protection. I did a scan and found personnel records with his name. I did a cut and paste that would scroll across his screen, then added my screen eater that I made when I was eight.

"What do you think? Is he going to get mad if I eat his screen or mess with his head? He's still lost in the first series of traps. I might as well do him, so he'll get his hacker buddies to try to bust my personal server. This isn't the main system or the company system, only my own program for hacker protection."

I modified the scroll with my phone number with just Feeny on it. I hit enter and his keystrokes immediately stopped, then they were frantic as he was trying to block what he perceived as a vicious attack. He turned his PC off so I dropped out of his network. My cell phone rang.

"You can't do that. I have hardware and software firewall and the best watchdog program on the market. You went all the way through to personnel, and then loaded that sneaky program that had Ms. Pac man eating my screen. That can't be done."

"Mr. Patel, I'm sure you have many friends who are involved in what you and I just did. Offer them the challenge, and I will give you the reward and you can pass it around if you want. I want my system to be cracked."

"I will try, Feeny. Can you tell me? Was I in something that really wasn't there?"

"Good thinking, Patel, now go find a code breaker for me."

Ron said, "I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it. I hope he isn't mad at me in class. I have a long way to go to get to your level."

They went back to work and I went to work on a new program that would detect a hacking attempt and shut down the home provider. I was working on an auto-bridging unit that would instantly build a thirty party bridge, close down the providers, and leave a trace to the hacker for them to get mad at. I liked this, as it caused some grief without hardware damage. All hackers had hardware viruses, but I didn't like those.

I set up a couple of scenarios and tested it. The software built the bridges and killed my server that was acting like a provider. It was almost instantaneous. There was the trace right back to my laptop operating off the mini-server. I might try that tonight, otherwise my cell phone would go nuts throughout the night.

Little Niki was at the reception desk, with an Advanced Algebra book open and some scratch paper. She had a calculator, and I loved that she was using her head instead of the machine.

"Have you had any trig yet?"

"Yes, Dr. Feeny, I had that last year. The teacher wasn't very good and I don't think I learned much."

"Did you learn how to use a slide rule?"

The little girl reached into her book bag and brought out a nice full sized slide rule in a leather case. She said, "He said this is too slow and not all that accurate. I've taught myself how to use it and it is accurate if you set it up correctly. He won't let me use it for tests, so I use this stupid calculator and my pencil."

I pulled my tiny slide rule from my pocket and said, "Come on, give me a square root number and I'll give you a whole." We played back and forth faster and faster for a couple of minutes until the little girl was giggling. "You're too much, Dr. Feeny. That's fun, isn't it? Can you imagine a teenage girl playing with a slide rule for fun?"

"Well, Niki, I did it younger than you, and as you could just see, I still do it. I use that silly thing all the time. From now on, you call me 'Sal' or I'll have to address you by Ms. Niki or something equally droll."

She giggled her tinkling laugh again. "Niki, look at your watch. Time flies when you're having fun. Let's go home."

My cell phone buzzed to let me know someone was attempting to get in. I told Niki, "Let me add something to a program real quick or my phone will drive me nuts."

I set the software up for a remote hardware shutdown, but only after they had been working within the doorway for thirty minutes. This would give them a break, as well as me. For fun, I put the screen eater in to drive them nuts. They would think a certain door tripped it, but it would be a timer. A lot of people were going to lose sleep over this tonight. I hoped they could break in.

Niki wanted to go home for a while before supper. She said she had some extra credit work she wanted to turn in tomorrow. I'll bet Suki is proud. I stopped by my place and had a couple of the calzones before going back up to the patio.

The patio looked as if there was a bunch of junior execs hobnobbing tonight. Several men were wearing sport coats. That told me Steve was taking the intrusion seriously. I really didn't need any bullshit, but I understood security. I thought it would be better to just hire more security guards and build a fence around the business park. If not the park, it could be done around the R&D buildings.

I had a beer, but didn't feel like drinking much, and when Rita snuggled up to me and said, "I'm supposed to be your date tonight, but Jenny says she really needs some TLC.

Jenny had joined Rita and me and told me. "I'm kind of off kilter with my period and everything that has been happening. I need your company tonight, and Rita is coming over later to visit with us."

I looked at Rita, hoping this wasn't the first of some ploys to interrupt another's time. Rita kissed me and told me, "I have to do something with the twins tonight anyway. I was going to drag you off to a Girl Scout event, so this works out well."

Jenny was almost hanging on me as I asked, "Want to do something other than just go home later?"

At her nod I continued, "I think I'm guessing right. How about asking Jeff if he would like to fly us somewhere for supper? If we get a Cessna, we can take Grenaline if she wants to go. I heard John and Jan say something about a great restaurant at the Daytona airport."

"You would trust my son to fly us?"

"If he's licensed, he's been trained by some good people. He's out getting more time every chance he gets. Don't you think he's a good pilot?"

Jenny almost looked ashamed, "He's asked me to go flying with him a dozen times, but I always put him off. I'll call him right now and I'll bet he's out at the airpark."

While she was dialing, I told Jenny, "Tell him I'll pay for the rental and fuel."

She laughed, "That will make his day and you his hero."

We drove our carts home and jumped in my pickup. Jenny directed me out to the airpark and I was remembering some landmarks this trip. Jeff had a shiny Cessna 172 in front of the charter office. I went inside to tell the night clerk that she should either charge my employee account or I could pay when we get back.

Jeff was about as happy as a guy could be. A beat up old Chevy Nova pulled up and Grenaline got out. She told her mom and brother, "Thanks for taking me with you. I love to fly with you, Jeff. When I get money, I'm going to learn how to fly."

Jenny and I sat in the back and enjoyed the flight to Daytona. It wasn't very far, but gave Jeff a little flight time. The meal was as advertised and that was very good. It was dark when we came out, and Grenaline asked Jeff, "Are you allowed to fly at night?"

Jeff bragged, "I sure can, and it's not only part of my regular lessons, but I have my instrument ticket now. Let's fly down to the Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport for some ice cream. The little snack shop doesn't close until ten. It has great ice cream."

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That pinup is my wife

My wife and I frequent car shows and cruise ins. It's the most fun I can have with my pants on. I enjoy looking at all the cool cars and I love showing my wife's body off as we walk around the shows. Her favorite outfit starts out with vintage style undergarments. With her small frame she really doesn't need a full corset but she likes the way it feels under her dresses. She always holds on to the foot board of the bed as I pull the lace of the corset causing her one hundred pound body to have...

1 year ago
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DoorToDoor SalesmanChapter 4

"I don't know when I'll be home," Doug said impatiently into the phone. "No, don't bother keeping dinner for me. I'll grab a bite at the canteen!" He listened patiently as Betty tried to question him further, but after a few moments, he interrupted her. "Look, I've got to go now. I'll see you as soon as I can!" He said goodbye, and with a sigh of relief, hung up the phone. He dreaded calling his wife these days, but at least it was better than facing her in person. He found...

3 years ago
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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 4

I drove home from Brenda's house in a state that I'd never found myself in before. Sated and satisfied. It seemed like my life had taken a giant leap forward, between my new truck, Audrey and Brenda. On the down side, I was feeling a little bad about Jimmy. Now that I had my own set of wheels, he was back to doing all of his own house chores again. That, and the fact that I was scoring better than he was, with his own girlfriend, it didn't look like Jimmy was doing very well. There...

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ReunionChapter 4

They slept peacefully entwined until late in the morning. He disentangled from her, pulled on his jeans and a sweatshirt, and went down to the kitchen. Shortly, he had a pot of coffee brewing and orange juice in a glass while he walked down to the mailbox to get the Los Angeles Times. The cool morning fog nestled in the tall trees and enfolded the shrubs on the hillside across the road. The slight breeze pushed and swirled the fog like the veils of an exotic belly dancer. Not as stimulating...

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Happy Birthday Gangbang

It was coming up to my birthday, the big four zero. Well, not exactly coming up to, it was still several months away. The thought depressed me. When you are young, you think of forty as old; past it, you wonder if someone that old even thinks about sex, let alone does it.In my case, I did, often, like twenty times a day for thinking about it, at least every night for either doing it or for using hands or toys to come. Once, I would try to do that in secret, hiding in the bathroom, or going...

Group Sex
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Having sex with my grandmother for the 1st time

I know none of you are going to believe me, but I have been dying to tell someone, and there's absolutely no way I could ever tell a soul in real life. I've fucked my own grandmother several times. Now if you'll bear with me, I'll share the story of how this came about with you. I have it all pre-typed, so it should go fairly quick.First some background. She is not horribly attractive, but I've never been horribly picky about looks. We were always really close. I must have spent more of my...

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A Week at the Cabin

When you own a cottage, particularly if it's a good cottage, you come to expect friends and family to invite themselves over from time to time. I have a pretty good cottage up on an island filled lake in Northern New York. It's got two bedrooms, a dock, a small beach, and a terrific view of the lake. It's hard to find, and kind of isolated, but I love it so much that I just can never seem to keep from bragging. So, from time to time, I give in to less than gentle hints, and let various people...

1 year ago
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A Day With My Neighbor Kathleen

I have been friends for several years with our neighbor, Kathleen. She's a widow, lives by herself and is about 75 years old. She will call me occasionally when she's having trouble with her computer which usually involves a forgotten user name or a password with her online bank accounts. I learned that it was best to keep a text file on my computer with that information so that when she calls, I get to be the hero and come to the rescue. I'm always pleased to help her because she is so...

4 years ago
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Soul Provider

Beware the lady with the cheshire cat grin because something's going to disappear! "Hurry up before all the good ones are gone!" Kassandra gave a final tug on the black dress she had just placed on her mannequin and stood back to admire her work. "Kassie, enough already, she looks like she's going to a funeral," Persephone giggled. "You spend waaaay too much time on your mannequin." "Yeah Kass, you'll just be changing it again tomorrow," exclaimed Appollonia. "We really need to...

3 years ago
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Lisas Confession Sessions Ch 1 Gwen my Babys

1. I was an athletic girl and loved running sports and gymnastics during P.E. at school. The sweat and hard breathing made me feel alive. I was always up for a game of tag-your-it, we actually called it “tagyourit.” I loved being chased around. I loved wearing flowing dresses in the summer. I hated pants so much that I would only wear them if it was cold. At that time, I also hated panties too. I would get into trouble when my mom found out I had no panties on. Once she had my daddy spank my...

1 year ago
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The Hidden Woman

My step-dad to be; unclipped my bra; let it fall to the ground and eased down my wet cottontails. He didn’t touch me. 'Well screw you, Stan;' I thought; 'aren’t I woman enough for you.' I was glad the altogether bit of the picnic was over. The heat was in the afternoon but more urgent was my need to get away from Stan. My soon to be new step dad Stanley was too much to watch, along with my mum Patricia. You know; the mature, rekindled, flirty, lovey dovey, doey eyed; nearly childishly playful...

2 years ago
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My Aunt Leah

“Jodi!”, she exclaimed as she hugged me. I hugged her back and could clearly feel her nipples against my chest. I had worn shorts and a tee shirt in case we started today and Leah was in shorts and a tank top with a bra, but it must not have been very substantial. She took me by the hand and led me into the garage. “I want to take all this stuff down from the shelves. Clean the shelves and paint the wall behind them and then I’ll go through all this stuff and put back what I want to keep...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Mia Trejsi Shoot Your Shot

Lovely Mia Trejsi is looking fine enough to fuck in a skimpy little mini skirt and a crop top that hugs her full titties. She has challenged Stanley Johnson to a game of pool that gives her plenty of opportunities to flash that ass at him. When Stanley leans in to help Mia line up her shot, she grinds her bottom right up into his dick. Feeling that it’s nice and hard, Mia abandons her game to move on to sexier pursuits. Pulling Stanley’s cock out to play with properly, Mia sinks to...

2 years ago
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Jennys Day at the Beach

Jenny was short and sweet, a true blonde with light blue eyes fringed with honey colored lashes, and dripping wet as she stepped out of the surf. She smiled as she looked down at the swell of her breasts glistening in the sunlight. Finally they filled her bikini top, and that meant a lot to a girl just turning thirteen. Her pointy pink tongue swiped impishly over her full, pouty upper lip. This was the first afternoon her parents left her alone at the beach all Summer, and naughty Jenny planned...

1 year ago
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the roommate put into place

I coudnt believe how cute he was , in slutty pink dress humping on his toy in front of sissy hypno and some guy stoking his bbc on the laptop he was caming on , moaning saying he wants daddy big cock the big black guy ''ohhhh daddy yes i would suck you all night ''''no i told you i never, you are the first to know it''''i only cam for you i never met a real man''''yes daddy omg yes u want to taste your big cock, i want to so bad''''yes , i like how big and black it is''''yes i like big black...

3 years ago
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Ballad of the SamuraiChapter 15

Stuart worked his way through the medical facility. Occasionally, he looked through a door, but he kept walking nonetheless until he reached a pair of airtight doors. He put on one of the suits hanging on the wall nearby—they where a bright yellow with a hazard sign in the front. Not very fashionable, but they were for his continued living inside. After putting the suit on, Stuart typed a code into the lock, and the door opened. On the other side, the moment the doors were closed, all the...

1 year ago
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My First Acting Job In A Desi Porn Film

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Hi. My name is Reeti Saxena, and this is my story about desi porn. If you have read , then you know me. I hope I don’t have to give details about myself again. Also, thank you for all the love you have shown me via emails and chats. It’s always fun talking to you guys. Let’s begin with the story. I was low on cash and needed a job that paid. By this point, I had worked as an extra in many Bollywood films. Still, nobody wanted me as an actress. I was...

4 years ago
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The Softening of Jessie Part 23

"Wow, you look so pretty Jessie!" Ashley exclaimed to her feminine friend. "Thanks. I've never worn makeup before...but I think its ok to," Jessie replied a little confused. "Sure it is sweetie. You never want to use too much though. Makeup is only there to enhance your natural beauty." Jessie nodded his head in agreement. What Ashley was saying made sense in an uncomfortable kind of way. "Let's do our nails," Ashley suggested. "I don't know. This isn't what I'm used to doing...

3 years ago
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Experimentation Vol 4

Looking at the two women Mistress was playing with, I was still feeling jealous, but the sensations running through my body were making that feeling far less noticeable as the minutes passed. Within five minutes, I don’t think I gave a damn about anything that went on, behind the counter; I was too focused on myself. Feeling both guilty and selfish, I led the girl around the counter and pushed her down next to Abigail. Straddling her face, I lifted her skirt and pulled her panties aside. ...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Macey Jade Macey Gets Freaky

Today we have the lovely Macey Jade here to meet Preston for the first time. She saw an ad online that we needed some new sexy girls for porn videos, and she felt like she fit the job description. We couldn’t agree more. Her big tits and nice ass speak for themselves. She shows off her amazing body and gives Preston an amazing blowjob. She rubs her tits all over his dick and then he fucks her like never before. He really likes this girl, teasing her with some soft and passionate strokes...

4 years ago
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The Chain Link 1b

Ben went back out there, stopping dead in his tracks when he saw Gina standing completely naked. She smiled when she saw his surprise. “You convinced me,” she said.“Grand,” Ben said, sitting back down at the desk. “If you could just do a bit of posing, like before.”He needed the time. He was so close, and he could feel it, but he also knew that he could easily botch this. Gina was moving around the room, still no natural, but a little freer, surprisingly, occasionally jiggling her breasts, but...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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A Strangers Touch

It was a typical night in my house. After the kids went to bed, I tried to start some foreplay with my wife of fifteen years. But for the 1162nd day in a row, she said she had a headache and went to bed without so much as kissing me goodnight. I stayed up finishing my nightly ritual. Watch a war movie or two, surf some porn sites looking for new scenes, then spending some quality time with Mrs. Palmer and her five daughters. The only difference between tonight and the other nights was that the...

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Be Careful What You Wish For

I found this one on the web and it is pretty hot, but slightly disturbing.... Weak of heart take note!This is to let all of the husbands out there know that watching your wife have sex with another man is not all it's cracked up to be.My wife and I have been married to each other for almost 5 years now, I am 35 and she is 30. My wife was a virgin when we got married so she had never been with another person before. We had actually met at my brothers wedding, she was a bridesmaid, and I was my...

2 years ago
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Topped by a tranny tiny anal virgin

I was in college busy trying to get my degree like we are expected to now a days. I was working part time and other than that had a lot of free time. I was always horny. I jerked off almost any time I got free. One day I got tired of the alone action and wanted more fun. I always had a fantasy of being fucked so i decided to try and find someone to break my anal cherry. I wasnt very good with meeting people and trying to meet someone to do that to me was def hard to think of how to do. I turned...

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Helping the Homeless

Tom was walking home from school on a crisp autumn day. The sun shone through the bare trees, and a slight breeze carried cheerful bird chirps. Despite the happy atmosphere, Tom could not have been in a more sour mood. His English professor gave him a failing grade on a term paper, and a car had nearly hit him as it sped down the road, only slowing down to scream "watch where the fuck you're going." Being a broke college student, this was normal for Tom. His car had broken down three weeks...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 23

Life rolled along that winter. Brian made exceptional grades in school, my trust grew exponentially, and the four of us discovered ways to bond, love one another, and learn to trust and depend upon each other. It should have been a time of peace and harmony, but my soul was troubled – all the time. There was this ... something ... that kept nagging at the corners of my mind, demanding attention, but never coming sufficiently to the front of my head to get the attention it required. Some...

1 year ago
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AnalOverdose Jasmine Jae Big Tits British Slut Jasmin Jae Loves Anal

Jasmine Jae might be one of the biggest porn superstars of her generation, but she remains humble and down-to-earth. The beautiful British hottie in pink lingerie can’t hide her excitement for today’s scene. Despite performing in the industry for so long, it is her first time shooting for PervCity. Without any further delay, Jasmine begins teasing the camera by showing her tight asshole and pussy. As Jasmine flaunts her body, Michael Stefano enters the room. He immediately worships...

3 years ago
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Working away

I ADORE my job, I’m good at it, the pay is good and I get a very sexy car! The down side is that we have regular trips to see clients and, when they are in the UK it means we have a few days away but, when they are in Europe, we can be away for over two weeks at a time. Such a trip has just finished but I managed to have a little ‘bonus’ of the sexy kind this time. We’d been away for about a week when we landed in Hamburg and despite the fact that we were barely halfway...

2 years ago
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Valentines outdoor antics

I had bought some suction cup toys online along with a self bra & matching pantie set for my girlfriend & as I work away i had them in the car when I got back from site to show her. She was wearing a tank-top & a skirt with a bikini on underneath in case we decided to go swimming instead. For Valentines day we decided to go to the only drive in movies in the state, we went to see the new triple x 3 movie in my BMW coupe. Part way through I got her to take off her bikini top &...

4 years ago
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A very nice trip of commission in train P

https://it.xhamster.com/videos/metro-upskirt-01-3661810 https://it.xhamster.com/videos/metro-upskirt-02-3661831 very good these two videos also i have had a good situation like in these two videos in a nice commission trip by train with my sister. It was late summer, September, I remember, and there was a tepid weather, I'm very happy to take a trip with my sister for to can stay near to her :-P because it was from a bit of time that she makes at me very excited to the maximum, not that I...

1 year ago
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Jack Alice and Me Alices chapter

100% fiction! I guess the best way to describe that month with mom would be to say we were like a couple on their honeymoon, in bed every chance we got. And I loved every minute of it, but I also wanted a cock in the worst way. For some reason we had a hell of a time finding a gynecologist who’d prescribe birth control pills for me. Finally after two whole weeks we found one, and I’m pretty sure the only reason she did was so she could play with my pussy. Then right after I started taking them...

2 years ago
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A Match for the el Maiens Ch 07

Please leave comments for me. Thank you! (Diolch.) ***** The seabirds cried above, Vadya sniffed the salt tang of the air and felt a stiff breeze in his hair. It was a cloudy day with occasional sudden shafts of sunlight making the choppy waves in the estuary sparkle. There were flags hanging out on Vadya’s caravel and the sailors raised a huzza! as his boat went by, he waved his hat to them and they waved spontaneously back. He saw his father on the quay, a broad greying soldier with a...

4 years ago
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El Yes Wed Like Some of ThatChapter 22

WEDNESDAY 4:30 P. M. CST White House Residence, Washington, DC When the door to the Residence opened the first thing Art noticed was the relaxed, yet determined look on The President's face. He motioned Art forward and said, "Art, I need you to have The Vice President come to the Oval office, please. After that, we'll need about thirty minutes undisturbed, thank you." "Yes, Mr. President and thank you, Sir," Art replied as he watched the firm stride of his boss headed for his...

3 years ago
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Color Bar

What a horrible place it was! Not at all the kind of place where Tizzy would have chosen to wait for her sister Edith. But she couldn't very well stand in the street. Certainly not in the twilight of this unfamiliar town under the gas lit street lamps. She'd only be asking to be arrested. And none of the other bars and hotels would have permitted a person of colour on their premises. But this hotel, the Breckinridge Inn, so close to the train station, had, according to Edith's letters, the...

2 years ago
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A Sex Journey

At that time I lived in Benaras. College was about 15 km away from my house and I used to go to college by bicycle. Since the exams were from 7 in the morning , so I did not want to take the risk , I decided that I jerk my uncle , my uncle as a way to know each other well and we are going to stay with. Mama also said yes. 5 kilometres from their home to barely had my college. Tannu uncle had two daughters and Mannu. Mannu Tannu still was small but had grown up and had to give college exams. Her...

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Wiz TV Mixing Magic

Wiz TV Mixing Magic Nervously Sherman waited for the start of his turn to compete in the run through the labyrinth. The show was still popular though it was not broadcasted live or on primetime anymore. They were just finishing with the previous run, which produced the winner, a rugged looking man and several buxom babes in various states of undress. Looking at those babes made him aroused, but Sherman quickly looked away, so he could focus on the task ahead. Sherman was not...

2 years ago
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Quiet Night Out FANTASY

It was mine and my wife’s first night out in 3 months since I was last back. We went out on our own since we thought we needed some quality time together.We had been arguing a lot the last time, but we both said we would change and this would be our fresh start...We just headed in to the town and got a little bite to eat before we started drinking. We went to the amber regent because we really liked it the last time. I hadn't seen what she was wearing before we went out because she had put her...

1 year ago
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Dexters RenaissanceChapter 9 Taking a Chance

That May picnic was the beginning of a series of dates that Michelle and I enjoyed. Sometimes to a movie or play, often for dinner, occasionally for a ballgame. It was on one of those dates that there was a distinct shift in our relationship. Until then, we had held hands, kissed lightly and generally behaved ourselves. I think we both could feel the pressure building. It changed after we had spent a pleasant evening at a local play. We were in her late model Lincoln and I was driving. In...

2 years ago
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Prom Ch 08 That Girl

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

3 years ago
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My Best Friends Girlfriend

It may have been the Summer of Love in 1967, but as a 16 year old boy at a single-sex school, it wasn't! The nearest I came to a sexual experience was swapping girlie mags with my mates – Girl Illustrated, Parade, Health and Efficiency and such like. These were turn-ons but frustratingly only showed breasts and nipples rather than anything “down below”, although the occasional small-format nudie book would display girls who had been air-brushed so they looked like dummies from a shop window...

2 years ago
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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 12 Take a Stand

June 1974 May had come and gone, and graduation, too. Jim stayed in town through it all. For one thing, he wanted to see Rich's parents one last time and help him load his gear into the trailer they'd rented to haul it all back to New Jersey. Rich was going to have two weeks at home before beginning his new job in Illinois. Another reason Jim stayed in his apartment was that he was waiting for the Douglas Company credit card to show up in the mail. He couldn't hope to make it to Central...

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