S&S NerdChapter 15 free porn video

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It wasn't six yet, but I was bouncing around like a kid wanting to get into the pool. It took me less than ten minutes to shower and shave again. Out in the kitchen, I put coffee on before finding a note from Mom, "We stayed up very late with the other people who went to the show with us. Don't wake us up. Tiny gave us a cart, so don't worry about us."

There were a couple of damp towels on the back of the barstools. "I wonder what that's about?"

I was too excited to do much of anything, so I took my cart to the patio. I walked in as Steve came from the house. We poured some coffee and sat down after he turned the light on. We had not said a word yet, only taken a couple of sips when Glenda came, poured herself a mug, and came to sit with us. She gave each of us kiss on the top of our heads and sat next to Steve.

Glenda asked, "You seem excited this morning, Sal. What's going on?"

Steve was smiling and said, "If what I think I heard is any indication, I think Sal is going to be a dad."

Glenda laughed, "Which one of the lucky ladies is going to bless us with a baby?"

Steve answered once again, "I think he has his choice. I don't know which I would choose, Rita or Suki, but if you get kids from both of them, you'll be right in the swing of things around here."

Glenda said, "There are no secrets in a trailer park, Sal. If you have an all-night visitor, the neighborhood will know by eight the next morning, and that is late. Is that what has you excited?"

Now it was my turn to grin, "The new computer system completed its testing yesterday, in about a fourth of the time I anticipated, and is running faster than I could have ever expected. I want to get into my shop and begin seeing if it will do what Wes wants. I have some software we can begin using that I should be able to modify for what he wants. I'm really excited about this."

Steve told me, "Wait for the sandwiches and grab a couple before going over there. I'll come by at lunchtime to make sure you get out of there to eat. You might even need to exercise and get some sun to relax. Enjoy your new toy, Sal. And don't forget that your folks are still here!"

The bellhop from the hotel showed up at six thirty. I grabbed a couple of sandwiches and fixed myself a carry cup to take with me. At the shop, I had to go through the security stuff to get in, and then had to let the guard sift through my briefcase as I had my software in my sample case sized briefcase.

Once inside my room, I sat at the command console and began keying each processor to check its availability. That was too slow, so I gave a batch command and instantly received the "Everything is wonderful" symbol.

Now for the fun, I loaded my software that I had used for the wind tunnel tests for the Indy cars. I took the memory stick with the measurements and loaded it in and let it process. Thinking I would have time for a sandwich, I sat back and began eating. "Ding". The screen was filled with data. I hit the print button, and then began comparing the results from this computer to the results we received at Tech. They were identical, except this system had another decimal point. I wonder how that got there? Did I create that and the other computer couldn't carry out the extension, or was it a viewing or printer error?

I began going over the various measurements of the input data to see what I needed to modify. Most of the wind tunnel measurements should work with an aircraft, and if there was anything else, I could easily modify the program to give us an additional reading.

My mind wandered while sitting back, eating the second sandwich and enjoying my coffee. The Jaguar system at Oakridge only processes at a little less than two petaflops. This system with thirty-two processing units was working at or over a full petaflop. I'll have to modify my program to get a more definitive number. Who is going to believe S&S in Tampa, Florida, has that much horsepower. I think I'll not brag so I can do more contract processing. I should be able to pay back the cost for the equipment in a reasonable time period by selling time on it.

Wes and Sandy walked into the receptionist's office at the same time. I had the door propped open and yelled for them to come back. Wes immediately asked, "Sandy said this system is working at a petaflop. Can that be true?"

"Wes, I can only tell you what my test program came up with. I'll modify the program to give us an exact number in teraflops, but my program has been accurate on some really big systems."

Sandy grinned, "When are you going to begin teaching me more so I can work with you? Man oh man; can you imagine writing stuff for a machine that can work at a petaflop?

Wes handed me three big folders. "This is the data for each aircraft I want analyzed. You'll be a few days writing something to give me the data I want. I've included examples how I want the data to be formatted. Do you think you can begin working on the software today?"

I was flipping through the pages of information and asked, "Would it be easier if I set the software up to give the answers in this same order, or can it be more random?"

"If you make it exactly as this one is, I'll be able to compare it to the actual wind tunnel testing. That would be good."

I told the aviation whiz kid, "I'll begin working on this as soon as you guys have a look in the back and leave."

Wes told Sandy, "We don't need to look at shit that sits there and hums. Let's get out of here and let the professor do his thing."

Grenaline walked in as they walked out. She noted the door propped open and called out, "Want the door closed or are you trying to perv on me, Dr. Feeny?"

"Make coffee for me, Miss, and then you can shut the door so that I'm not distracted by your beauty."

Five minutes later, Grenaline came in with a mug of fresh coffee and collected the sandwich wrappers and empty coffee travel cup. As she twitched her cute ass walking out the door, she half turned, grinned, and winked at me. I love to be teased.

I loaded my software onto to my local work computer and began modifying the structure and output. There were a few measurements that I was going to have to research, but it shouldn't take a great deal of time to figure out how to come up with them. Aircraft use brakes differently than a race car, but it has things like acceleration, lift, down force, and surprisingly, I already had some turbine measurements that can apply to the jet aircraft.

Steve walked in the door and asked, "Ready for lunch? How's it going?"

"Lunch time already? I have at least this much more to be able to give Wes his first answers. Do you guys have a delivery service from one of the restaurants?"

"Come on, Sal, come to lunch. I won't make you go to the gym or pool, but I should. You need to take a little break. You'll be fresher, more alert, if you do. You'll actually get more done. Save your work and let's get out of here."

I followed Steve to the patio in anticipation of getting back to the shop as fast as possible. I sat at a place with a bowl of soup and began eating. Sandy sat across from me and asked, "Do you think you can get that first one done this week? It's already Wednesday, so you have like two and half days to get the program right."

Knowing Sandy didn't know the intensity with which I worked, I just agreed that I might be able to finish by then. He told me, "Wes and I made a bet. He said you couldn't even begin to be ready by a week from Friday, and I told him that you would have answers for him by a week from tomorrow, Thursday. It's only for a beer at Park Place, but I want to win."

"I'll do my best, Sandy."

Henry came in and sat with us. He was in a good mood, and got into an even better mood when Nancy came to sit with him. She was a big girl, but very luscious looking. Henry joked with her, "You were hot for the Feenys last night? Those two fit right in up there. I thought Tiny was going to have a stroke the way he went at her."

Nancy was glancing up at me, and softly said, "He was a pussy full, that's for sure. I think he sampled all of us and went back to his lady for one more."

I looked up, curious, "You're talking about Mom and Dad up at the hot tub last night, right?"

Henry smiled, and Nancy said, "Oh yeah, you need to come up. Your folks are something."

I wasn't embarrassed, for some reason. My only comment was, "They are an adventurous couple, that's for sure."

Holy smokes, Mom and Dad were up at the infamous hot tub with two, three, or four other couples, doing God knows what. My mom is a little crazy around the edges, but I thought Dad was Mr. Straight Arrow himself.

I looked at Nancy in all of her full sized glory, and thought that I might want to sample a little of that myself. Thinking of my mom, I realized she is still a very good looking Italian lady. Well, what I don't know won't hurt me, but the cat's out of that bag.

As I got up to leave, Steve tried one more time, "Come with us to the gym and get some sun. The exercise will make you feel good and help you concentrate."

I almost decided to go with them, and then said, "This is too good to stop today. I promise to go tomorrow, regardless of where I am with the program."

When I walked into the receptionist's area, Donna was sitting at the desk with an open chemistry book. She was looking up information on her computer while taking notes. She looked up at me, "Hi, Dr. Feeny, glad to hear you have your new toy working. Do you want some fresh coffee? I shut the old pot off and washed it."

"Coffee would be good, Donna. Please bring me some when it's ready."

My fingers were flying as I wrote line after line of code. I had an idea of what I wanted to extract and kept working towards it.

My usual was to write something that was entirely too big or too slow to be effective. I would then go back and modify the processes to speed things up and make the results I wanted more exact.

At three o'clock, I was sitting back sipping some fresh coffee that Donna had brought me. I was watching as the program ticked through the various processes. I was using my test data to check answers and watched as the program went from beginning to end; pumping out the answers I wanted to see.

I made a couple of copies of the program, and then loaded one up on the main system. Entering all of the input data took over an hour, but when it was done and checked for accuracy of input, I clicked on the "Go" button. I love "Go" buttons instead of the "enter" or "carriage return" strokes they represent.

I stretched and went to the restroom, in anticipation of the processing taking an hour or more. "Ding."

No way could the system already be done with the process. After zipping up, I used one of the bigger cups to get a glass of water and went into the shop to see what was up. I anticipated that an error had stopped the process, but the screen was showing the results profile.

I needed to check it out, so I printed out a hard copy and began checking it with the printed forms Wes had from the actual wind tunnel tests. There were a couple of answers out of order, and one garbled output, but I could tell what I did.

Using the work computer, I fixed the three items, and after backing my copies up, did the process again. "Ding." A printed report told me the exact information plus the couple of add on items I put in.

Four o'clock. I wonder if Wes is busy. I called. "Wes, if you're not busy you should come over to check out how far I've gotten. If you hurry, I can show you before Miller Time."

"I'll be right there, Sal. I was looking for a reason to get out of here."

I called Sandy in the other side of the complex, "Sandy, come over when you get a chance. I called Wes to have him come see where I'm at."

I opened the door to the reception area and handed Donna my cart keys. "Go to the patio and get a big bottle of Seven Up, Sprite, or Mountain Dew. Bring some of the bigger paper cups. Hurry, I want to get it in our fridge before Wes gets here."

While I was waiting, I entered the data for the second aircraft. I went through it twice to make sure it was correct and sat back.

Wes and Sandy came in the door at the same time. Wes was excited, "Do you think you'll make it by a week from Friday. If you do, I have to buy Sandy a beer. Show us what you have."

I showed Wes the screen with the data input and let him compare his data with what I had entered. I asked him, "Everything exact?"

Wes said, "Looks good. That's a long way for you to be already. When are you going to work on the processes?"

I pointed at the screen of the big monitor and clicked the "Go" button. I stood, stretched, picked up the phone, and asked Donna, "Pour four glasses for me and bring them in."


I used the mouse to direct the output to the printer and waited for the ten pages to come from the printer.

I handed Wes that report, and pulled up his report from the real wind tunnel tests. He didn't understand until I told him, "Compare the answers."

Sandy already knew what I had done and was shaking his head. Donna propped the door open and brought the first two cups in and came back with two more.

Wes was staring at the papers as he went through them a second time. I handed him the first test and let him gawk at that for a minute. I handed him a cup of soda, another one to Sandy, and one to Donna. I lifted my cup and said, "To our successful test of all flying objects."

Wes said, "It can't be. You can't already have done that. That's too fast. No one can write that program in a day."

"I didn't write it in a day, Wes. This is the program I made for some Indy race cars. I had to do some mods and changes, but I had already done all the work, literally weeks of work. Did you see the extra data I gave you?"

"I saw that and wondered where it came from." Wes was still shaking his head.

I handed him the last of the three aircraft he wanted tested and had him sit at the control console. "You do the entries and make sure they are correct. When you're done, double check your input."

Looking at my watch, I saw it was already after five. "Donna, you can leave. You don't have to stay."

"I want to see Wes be surprised again. All of us girls are envious of DeDe and Star; we get a thrill out of checking Wes out."

It took Wes another ten minutes to do the data input and check it. I directed him to click on the "Go" button, and when the "Ding" came, had him direct the output to the printer at the control console"

Wes went through the papers one at a time again, then looked up at me. "If I can get you the data on some jets, can you give me information on those engines?"

"Sure, I have some information about jet turbines, so give me your specs and how you want the results, and I'll begin working on it. I may not be as fast on the next one."

Wes was still holding the two sets of papers, "No sweat. You've just confirmed all of the wind tunnel tests without using a real wind tunnel. If you can come up with the program to test my jets in the next five or six months, I'll be in hog heaven."

Wes put the papers down and said, "Do what you have to do to close up shop. I have to buy this guy a beer. We'll see you on the patio."

Donna looked at me with a grin, "I'm following those two guys."

I did the backups and cleared the system of all data. I wanted to come in and test to see if the system had totally cleared itself the way I had directed. I had multiple memory sticks and a portable drive for backups. I didn't want to leave the program on the premises tonight, since if there is a bug or leak; the place could be an instant target. Just for fun, I put a blank memory stick in the safe and locked it. That should be a nice surprise.

I drove to the patio and walked in to applause. Wes was expounding on how I had slain the dragon in a day instead of two weeks. Mom and Dad were there and joined in the clapping. When I reached the bar, Steve handed me a Beefeater and very loudly said, "Our nerd is the best nerd in the whole country. Let's hear it for Doc Feeny, our special guy."

Everyone applauded one more time. I had to hold my hand up. "It's the equipment they gave me to work with. No one can fail with equipment like that. Thanks for the appreciation."

I was mobbed by my five ladies and their daughters. Grenaline told Donna, "You're so lucky to have been there when he showed Wes and Sandy his success. I hope he does that with me one of these days."

The mood on the patio was very festive. It seemed as if any success by anyone in the company was celebrated by everyone. It was as if I was the 'star of the day' or something like that. After supper, little Bonita was playing her violin as a fiddle, with Donny playing his steel guitar, and Marty playing his old acoustic. They were doing some real down home music. Mom and Dad were in love with the place.

I was worn out early that night and told my five that I was on my way to bed. Jenny told me, "Leave your outside bedroom door open and I'll be there in a couple of minutes. I have to tell Grenaline something first."

Jenny's lovemaking was exciting and enthusiastic that night. I wore out fast and was asleep an hour after Jenny arrived. She woke me once for more attention during the night, and she was perched on my hips, moving up and down with her head back, mouth open, gasping for air, in the morning. Her body went into convulsions and she groaned rather loudly, causing me to loose a torrent of juices into her.

As we relaxed with her lying on my chest, Jenny said, "This is so nice. I don't think I could stand having that much loving every night, but once a week is perfect. I get a little horny between turns, but waiting and anticipating is good too. I have to get going, Lover, I'll see you on the patio."

Jenny slipped out the exterior bedroom door in her robe. I wonder if any of the neighbors were watching to report to the world that Jenny had visited the whole night.

After a night with Jenny in bed, I stripped the bedclothes and stuffed them into the washer. That lady was like fire hydrant on a hot day.

I was quickly dressed and ready to leave. Mom and Dad weren't up yet, so I figured they had worn themselves out the night before, doing whatever they had been doing. When I took off for the patio, I noticed the other cart wasn't there. I'm sure they will call to have someone come get them, but then it isn't all that far to walk from my place to the patio.

Steve was still happy for me this morning as I had some coffee with him, Glenda, Tiny, and Ruth. After having a couple of breakfast sandwiches, I was off to the shop.

When I brought the system up to check its status, it didn't want to do anything. It was totally stupid. No latent operating system. I loaded that portion and checked to make sure there wasn't any embedded information within the operating system and found it still pristine. Each test came out perfect, telling me the systems were all working the way they were intended.

I loaded up my turbine information so I could review what data it gave and what I might need. As I was looking through that, I found a couple of files that we had created when the Texas National Guard wanted us to test their various rocket propelled weapon systems. I had forgotten about that. The software was good enough that the Defense Department adopted it as benchmarks for all of the services. What they didn't do is to continue to use the software. They would run a single test, publish the single result, and go on to the next weapon. They didn't verify anything, so the software had to be suspect since it really wasn't verified at least once.

I called Steve, "Steve, this is Feeny, do you know any military people who I might be able to get some data from? I'm looking for weapons systems data. Not so much what they will do, but what the physical characteristics are when they are fired. I can calculate the destructive power and range, so that information can remain classified."

"I might be able to help." Steve said, sounding interested in what I was doing. "If I'm thinking right about what you are working on, I would think you are more interested in aircraft armament. Would some old unclassified information be a good place to start?"

"That would be good to use as benchmarks for newer armament. I also need a lot more information about turbines, as in jet engines."

"Why don't you go out to the airpark and get with Jimmy. Take him to lunch and pick his brain. He might be able to give you a lot of the information you want for engines. The other person who is a wealth of information and has many contacts is John. He knows just about every engine manufacturer and they all owe him favors of one kind or another."

"Sounds good, Steve. I'll put the information I have in some kind of order before going out to the airpark. I'm sure if I get out there, Wes will keep me there for the rest of the day working on one of his projects. He's a very consuming individual, isn't he?"

"Ha, ha, ha, Wes sure is," Steve laughed. "He will let you go if you tell him you have to work on something. He just likes to keep you around as long as possible if he doesn't think you have something else to do."

I categorized each of the files I had previously created into the various types of armament and weapons systems, and separated the five different turbines we had tested. What information I had was kindergarten stuff, and I needed more advanced data to evaluate jet turbines.

Sitting at my desk looking at what I had, I realized I needed advice from someone who knew what a fighter, fighter bomber, or bomber did and what type of armament it needed. I needed a pilot who had flown that type of aircraft and had been trained to use as many types of weapons as I could find.

I also needed a weapons engineer to be able to give me the critical data of size, weight, effects of firing, what type of carry mechanisms it would need etc., etc., etc. Man, I had a lot of etceteras going today.

The jet engines should be easy, because all of the manufacturers should be more than willing to give me data to work with so I could compute the thrust and effects the turbine would have on the aircraft.

My desk phone rang. "This is Sal Feeny."

"Hey, Sal, this is Wes. I heard you might come out to see me today. I have something better for you to do with your time. I've just dumped all of the design and engineering information of my small passenger jet to you in an e-mail. I've sent all of the information about the turbines and every other component on the aircraft. I want you to work this from the ground up or wing tip to wing tip."

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My nextdoor nieghbour jacob Uncle pete makes a fuck visit

Anyways I live with my mum and stepdad.My stepdad has a son, Liam who is 17, but this story is'nt about them.. its about the 17 yr old boy that lives next door to me, Jacob, he is tall he has longish brown hair and has a hot,fit body and face.. I sometimes stare at him from my bedroom window at his 6 pack when he's around his pool,and play myself over him because he just gets me all hot and bothered and I use my vibrater so I orgasm. Luckily he is my stepbrothers friend. So lets get on...

2 years ago
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From Top to Bottom

I am bi, always have been. Most of my life I was a top. I attempted to bottom a few times, but the pain was too great. Still I felt that I was missing something. What was it about being a bottom that so many men love? Whatever it was, I wanted the experience and I knew I would have to suffer a little to get there. I would go out thinking that night would be the night that I bit the bullet, I would be ready, yet somehow, I would always end up on top. One evening I did hook up with a great...

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Lisa and I Part 1

Lisa and I worked together over a number of years. We had an on-off affair during that time which I will document in a series of postings. When Lisa first worked with me she’d been employed as an assistant to the project manager on a large project. She projected a bubbly and slightly dizzy blonde image but we clicked both professionally and personally and I knew there was a lot more to her than that. Often she would privately ask me very searching questions and show a level of appreciation...

1 year ago
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More Than a Meet Ch 01

Not long after joining a Bi-sexual site, I met a guy from my town and soon began chatting about what we wanted.I told him I had never been with a guy but very eager to find out if I would like it. He informed me he had been Bi for some time and willing to teach me.We chatted for a fair while when he suggested we could chat in person if I was willing to meet him. Somewhat unsure I agreed to meet just for a chat, nothing more which he was fine with. He introduced himself as Dave and I could come...

3 years ago
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Robin Hoods DaughterChapter 10

The small group of resistance fighters moved into the forest mounted on steeds provided by the good Lady Cordelia in a display of good will to their cause. They managed to cover most of the distance at a sharp trot but had to dismount and lead their horses when the undergrowth grew too dense for mounted progress. The knights took turns in clearing the way with their long swords and eventually they reached the fast-flowing river that marked the boundary of Rowena’s hidden realm. Those in the...

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The effect is hot and very sexual

I sat alone sipping tea in the lounge of the Sheraton hotel Karachi…He had finished early for the day and sat watching people, especially the women, go by in the hotel lobby…Rob had been surprised at first by how more liberal Pakistan seemed. The women did not walk around in black sheets or veils as he expected. The majority seemed content to be in a loose trouser and shirt suit known as Shalwar Kamiz. It had not taken Rob long to see that this outfit did not make the girls unattractive. Far...

2 years ago
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The fire

It was late as Mark walked home, he had planned to stay at his mates house overnight but his mate had been rushed to hospital, so he was now heading back home. As he rounded the corner into his street he saw the fire engines outside a house near his, the top of the house was all blackened and gutted by a fire, he hoped nobody had been hurt, he knew the family, 12 year old Mandy was a cheeky brat but liked her mum had died a few years ago so Mandy was brought up by her dad. Mark went into his...

4 years ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 38 Mina

I spotted the string of slaves marching down a parallel track about noon. They were on the dusty, fair-weather road while I stayed mostly in the shade. I tried three times to count them without getting very close and finally gave up and estimated twenty. They were roped together at the neck and had their hands tied before them. As far as I could tell from the trees, they were all women or young boys. Three of them were very light-skinned and one was surely white. They wore ragged dresses or...

3 years ago
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Caught Parking Ch 05

Epilogue The weeks following the return from their Hawaiian honeymoon were busy ones for Jim and Alex. Their nights were filled with loving sex, but the days were, at times, hectic. Alex’s college classes were scheduled to start in just two weeks and she still needed to complete the admissions process. Following that, they paid a visit to the university book store. Even with his substantial financial standing, Jim had forgotten just how much college books and materials could cost. When the...

4 years ago
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Me Mom the NFL

© Copyright -- All rights reserved. This story is old, I know there are mistakes in it. As I pump my twelve inch cock in and out of her, I look down to her face. Still filled with passion after all the times we have made love. Sometimes three or four times a day, I can never get enough of her. I have been top of this beautiful lady so many times in the past ten years. Each time I make love to her, it always feels like our first night together. It all started about ten years ago......

1 year ago
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Working Late

The cold bitterness of winter’s breath tickled the window panes of Nat’s office as she worked late on some reports in her downtown office. She sat there, not wanting to be doing these reports but also not eager to go home either to a snoring husband in front of the TV, and as if she wished for it, her cell chimed that an email arrived. She checked it and saw it was from Jay, a ‘friend’ she had met online who she sometime played with outside of home. His message read, ‘Look out your window, I’m...

1 year ago
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basildon market toilets

the other day i decided to go into town.my intentions was to go and get some cards for a birthday and i wanted to buy myself some new holdups stockings and panties.i started off by going into a shop and finding some lovely stockings with a blue ribbon on the top of them.then i thought id go to the market and find some nice panties.walking round the market i got the urge to go for a wee.so i made for the public toilets.as i walked into them i saw that several of the cubicles where empty.i...

3 years ago
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We agreed not to tell anyone how we met. Who was going to tell, anyway? We were married. Each of us seemed mismatched sexually with our spouses, desiring far more intimacy than the one at home. It was craigslist. Dawn’s ad caught my eye and brought us into contact, but it was her fun and erotic emails that grabbed my attention. Dawn: "I miss kissing. Would you take me to dinner and kiss me?" Me: "On a first date? Only if you eat all your vegetables. lol." The first time we met we had dinner...

Straight Sex
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The Sampson Syndrome Part 4

Sampson Syndrome IV Following Doctor's Orders He had to be careful not to snag the delicate fabric on his rough skin. Just as Sandi had figured, he walked very easily in both heels. Johnny admitted that having gotten used to wearing one heel and the cast had prepared him for this moment. Sandi spotted a nail salon as she was leaving the office building. She suggested that they stop there and have a pedicure. Johnny immediately balked at the suggestion. "We can wait until we...

2 years ago
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Love to watch her

Ever since I was about 7 or 8 years old I was excessively curious about my penis. I touched it all the time. later on when I was 11 or 12 my sister caught me, said she'd been watching me you a couple years. At first, I was totally embarrassed. I got over that pretty quick. I had changed my mind and decided it was really hot. She told me that she saw me squirt my cum all over myself and on anything with a surface. My sister and I used to have sex a couple times a week. We thought it was...

1 year ago
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Ashley Wants to Be a Cum Slut Part III

Part III – Ashley wants to be a cum slut. In the third and last part of this story, Ashley gets what she wants, to be a cum slut for a group of men. ********************************************** Having placed their “slut wife” ad on a website, Jack and Ashley went on about their lives. Checking in a couple of days later, Ashley was jolted when she saw the response to the ad. “Jack, come here and look at this. My God, we’ve got 25 responses to our ad already!” “I’m not surprised,” said Jack....

Group Sex
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Drunk Mom

This is a true story that one of my readers sent me and I simply fleshed it out according to his descriptions. At twenty years old I was still living with my parents as I was going to college in town. My parents were very caring and supportive and suggested that I stay home until I finish college so that I don’t get into debt while going to school. It worked very well. The events of this story started one weekend when we had a wedding to attend. It was for the son of one of my parents’...

2 years ago
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OMG Im a Bimbo Slut Part 8

I have had fun and just been overwhelmed with the responses! It was made my love every moment of writing this and I hope you enjoy reading this part too. Please do leave a review if you do! :) Stay safe as always! Sara xoxo OMG! I'm a Bimbo Slut - Part 8! Outside the hotel room, Lacey heard the bathroom door slam and started to get excited believing the little sissy had taken Reggie up on the offer. She had left some blusher and lip gloss for it to use and almost...

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Sisters an evil friend and pantyhose tf part 2

Martin was alone for many hours, sometimes someone would come in, take something or put it away, and he would be alone again. He wondered if he'd done well without speaking to Marlene, only she could hear him. Now for Monica, he will be just a pair of tights like the others in a drawer.Monica returned after work, ate dinner with her sisters and mother. She took a quick shower and went to the wardrobe. She began to look through clothes in the closet.This one will be perfect, she said and took...

3 years ago
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Real Family Sex Part 8211 2

Oru NAL na ennoda 3rd Akka vani veetuku pona nanum avalum friends madhri ellathaium pesuvom sex pathi kuda share pannipom annaiku adhe pola pesumbodhu ava keta ennadi un husband epdi okkurarunu na nallatha okurarunu sonna apram un husband epdinu keta , okkave matrandi enaku ippo age 41 enna 25 varushama okkuraru. Enna othu othu salichu pocha masam oru murai okkurarudi En kuthiku varam rendu murai othale pathadhu masam oru muraina epdidi neeye sollu? Rev: sari apram ennadha pandranu ippo. Vani:...

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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 4 Saturday in the Park 25 or 6 to 4

NIS Day 2 – Morning - Medway High School 8:07pm, Tuesday, October 30, 1979 In the disrobing area outside the main office, I smiled when I saw that Jennifer, Paul, Teresa, and Greg had simply worn their bathrobes over their naked bodies for our early NIS disrobing session. I later found out that all four of them got together at the end of yesterday, and decided they’d go to a restroom and strip from their clothes in semi-private. Jason Duffy and I allowed Sammy and Tempe to strip off their...

2 years ago
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I had come to the beach all by myself which I must admit is a little pathetic but at that moment is just what I needed. Anyways, there was barely anyone there so I just laid out my towel and spread out across it. I took in the smell of the ocean and the sound of the waves crashing. It was hot and I could feel the sun on my body which is one of my favorite feelings. Since I was all alone, I decided to do something I had always wanted to try, tan naked. So I nonchalantly slipped off the top of...

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Ben and Ryan have a stoned encounter

It was a hot summer day. Ryan and I had both been hanging out with our girlfriends when we all decided it would be a great idea to get high that night. Ryan proceeded to call our marijuana dealer and organise a delivery whilst I entertained myself with talking to the girls. Whilst talking to the girls, I couldn’t help but glance at Ryan out of the corner of my eye. I was a closeted bisexual, and still am ‘til this day. I had always had a thing for Ryan. But who could blame me? He was so...

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Our liberating holiday Part 3

After rubbing each other to orgasm during our shower, Alice dressed and disappeared off to the shop to get some supplies for lunch, we had decided to have a lazy day in our room. I slipped on a gauzy see through tunic, no point in anything else as it was so private here and went out on the balcony to sit and read. I heard a knock on the door and presumed Alice had forgotten her key card, so I wandered through to the door and opened it, turning away saying, ‘That shopping didn’t take you...

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Cock Detoured

LIXX – His Cock DetouredBeing a sensualist, Sir preferred playing among bisexual couples, especially those with submisive and fetishist kinks. However, rarely there would be a single man who appealed to Sir's tastes and by whom Sir permited himself to be pleasured.And Sir naturally appealed to a lowly dogg like Bendix. If the younger Bendix – upon seeing the look in Sir's eyes – had had a tail it would have been stiff and wagging. As it was, his ballsack tightened and he felt his cock...

2 years ago
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At the gym

I'd been going to the gym for about two months. After having done my workout I'd had a shower and was getting dressed, as I had all my clothes on I was just putting my shirt on when Adam came in to the locker room, we made short talk, football, weather etc. As I put my arms through my shirt he came close to me and said "You married?", I replied that I was.As I was lacing up my boots he came from out of the shower and with just a towel around him he stood a couple of feet away. I noticed how...

4 years ago
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An Outbreak of Violence

I gave up looking for a place in the car park and stopped on the verge. The rain had turned the grass to mud. At least it wasn't dog shit flaking off my shoes as I dragged my hangover round the office looking for somewhere to plug in my laptop. "Marion! You're late this morning. What are you doing out here among the workers?" Phil loomed over me, his immaculate image of pinstripe suit and silk tie marred by thinning hair combed across an expanse of pink scalp. "Hi, Phil. The bastards...

3 years ago
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little sister in law

My wife and i had been happily maried for two years. I never pictured cheating on her or anything of that nature until this one event. My wife has a 17 years old sister and my friends trust me she has the best ass around. It's the apple shaped type and it is to die for. Everytime she used to come over in her tight cut off jeans i loved her presence lol.So i started getting hot ideeas as she got more and more fuckable. She always acted so inocent and never took any discusions in to the sex...

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Mylfed Chloe Temple Carmen Valentina Trying Out Some Tribbing

For some reason, MILF Carmen Valentina has taken a major interest in her daughters best friend, Chloe Temples, sex life. She thinks thinks Chloe has been sneaking in some secret snatch licking sessions with her girl! So, when she finally confronts the sexy blonde babe, she is not surprised to hear her deny all possibility of her being into the same sex. But the sensual MILF tells Chloe not to knock it until she tries it! Chloe is shocked, up until Carmen swirls her tongue around her pink clit,...

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PenthouseGold McKenzie Lee Makes an Irresistable Offer

Naughty real estate agent McKenzie Lee shows client Jay Romero a property and gives him an offer that he just can’t refuse, namely to break in his new couch fucking her. The busty seductress unleashes her mouthwating melons to entice the stud into titty play and wraps her pouty lips around his hard cock for one of her topnotch professional blowjobs. Watch the horny Penthouse MILF work his monster dick with her soaking wet shaved pussy, getting fucked from behind until he busts a messy...

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Masters IslandChapter 16

There was a faint brine scent in the breeze, which rustled the overhead palms in a whispery clicking manner. In the mottled shade below I sat upright on our homemade wood stool. Jennifer was using a palm-sized shard of plane fuselage to shave the stubble from my cheeks and neck. She had an uncanny knack of bringing an incredibly sharp edge to this crude razor. She could maintain this with a practiced swiping against the volcanic pumice she kept dangling on a low-slung belt about her bare...

1 year ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 13

I made a decision on my way back to the fast food location, along with my other plans, which I had revised now. I would command Edda to join us, though she would still get to sleep with Miles, Yessenia, and Corazon, probably with Ted and Damon, too. I would also find out if Ted or Damon were married. If they weren’t, they were to wed Yessenia and Corazon, so that the girls could find it easier to stay in the country. I hated the existing immigration laws, too, and I fully intended to reform...

3 years ago
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My New Business

Six months after my sixteenth birthday I hit probably the most important milestone in a teenager’s life, “I PASSED MY DRIVER'S TEST!” I was so excited and couldn’t wait to claim my independence from my parents, and drive the open road with my friends.My parents had set the pattern to give me everything I ever wanted, since the time I was a little princess. Therefore, I totally expected them to buy me the car I wanted. I was in shock when they told me, if I wanted a car, I would have to pay for...

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Another Springtime Ch 09

Chapter 9-1: A Most Delightful Honeymoon Adventure Well, it was not OK! It was not OK with me, and the matter rankled until I confronted it again to set it aright. Of course, the word itself is technically neutral, etc. Right. Nevertheless, for each person the emotional loading that goes with it will be different. For me, and this is just one man’s perspective, the word carries too much… well, too much… the fellows will know what I mean, even if they do not agree. This loading overshadowed...

1 year ago
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Aubrey swallowed the lump in his throat as his wrists grew sore from his restraints-being handcuffed to the headboard of the bed, naturally he grew stiff. Speaking of stiff... he peered down, under the frilly black miniskirt of his maid outfit was a visible bump, straining against the panties that constricted it, said lingerie was clinging to his soft pale skin. He bit a plump bottom lip and sighed, blowing a scarlet lock of hair away from his face. If only his bastard of a boyfriend would get...

3 years ago
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Doing The Right ThingChapter 2 Getting Involved

All that happened two years ago and just before the Holidays. Here I was again, alone for the holidays. My son and older daughter both live about a hundred miles away now. I told them that I might come up for a day or two during the holidays. Mandy was a senior in college and said she was going with friends to England during the holiday season. It was a trip offered by the college. She had asked me about it months ago. She was worried about me being alone. I tried to explain to my kids that I...

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Pass Hone Ke Lie Gaand Marwai

College ke andar mujhe mere do tuition teacher bahlate the. 18 saal ki chut kise pasand nahi hoti hai. Wo kisi na kisi bahane mujhe bulate “Rani ye kar lo,Rani wo kar lo.”Aur maje se meri chut lete the dono harami. Meri once in a fortnight  chudai hoti thi dono se.  Issi tah ek din Mukesh sir ne mere ko pocha ki mei 4 – 5 dono ke liye un ke sath college board members se milne  ja sakti hun kya.  Maine ghar  me meri maa se pooch kar un ko bata diya  ki mei ja sakti hun. . Vo mere ko Board...

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MyMilfBoss Sarah Vandella Irresistible Cougar Boss Sarah Vandella Stalks Employee

Jake is in the middle of finishing up his TPS reports when he’s approached by his gorgeous blond boss, Sarah Vandella. She’s always had a thing for her young male employees and asks him to get a file from the bottom drawer just so she can steal a glance. Then , she grabs his butt and makes him jump in surprise. Backing him against the file cabinets, she coerces him until he finally relents and lets her suck on his big dick. Then, she unbuttons her blouse and titty-fucks his johnson...

2 years ago
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sants never came but we did many times

It was Christmas Eve around 12.15 I was sitting at the computer I could him snoring in bed upstairs I clicked on a young black guy good looking large cock nice profile we had messaged a few times no meet. Suddenly I had a PM he asked if I was horny as he was very horny, I was 15 minutes down the road. I explained the old man was in bed, but he would not mind if he caught us at it and would probably watch he was not sure but would come to see. I thought I need to look hot it was Christmas red...

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