S&S NerdChapter 21 free porn video

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I woke up being hugged by Jenny on one side and Grenaline on the other. I don't remember going to sleep with the daughter of one of my significant others, but they all change places sometimes during the night. Guys are clueless, and this is just another way that proves it.

I was looking into Jenny's eyes when I awoke. They were soft brown and looking at me as if in question. When I smiled, her eyes smiled and she softly kissed me. She said, "Gin came over here because she wanted to be close to us. Isn't that sweet?"

From behind me a voice said, "I don't know whether it's sweet or not, but I'm really horny and Sal might be the perfect cure."

Jenny sat up and said, "You know you want to save it for that special person in your future. Are you having a hormonal problem, Daughter?"

"Oh God, Mom, I'm so horny that I could rub off for an hour and it wouldn't help. I know it's my hormones, but I somehow keep thinking that Sal could fuck me into submission and all would be well."

I rolled to hold Grenaline and said, "Gin, you are a gift for any man, but you need to hold on a while and let it be the man who deserves you."

"But you deserve me, Sal. You love my mom; you help my brother, why not help me when I'm needy like right now?"

I softly kissed Gin and told her, "You and I are not going to be lovers like I am with your mom. We're going to be best friends forever, and someone each of us can go to for help and advice."

Grenaline exclaimed, "Damn, I know you're right, but I need something now, not later."

I did what I don't think I should have done. I held and kissed Gin while I slipped my fingers past the top of her panties, moving the gusset aside and with as much gentleness as I knew how to give, massaged her clit until she arched her back, and what do you know, the young Gin did exactly what Jenny does. She squirted almost across the room. Jenny pinched my butt to the point that I might have had a blood blister back there, but I did take care of Gin's problem.

Gin held my face to hers and kissed me. "Oh, Sal, you gave me exactly what I needed, when I needed it. I know why Mom loves you so much by the way you lovingly took care of me. It was so good."

The three of us were up, showered, and dressed, ready for me to go to the patio while they were going home to dress for the day, since they hadn't moved their clothes into our new place yet.

I wondered where the rest of the women were, since the new bed was for all of us, not for just Jenny and Grenaline.

I arrived at the patio just as Steve came from his house and turned the patio lights on, as usual. Also as usual, Glenda came into the patio through the side door. We three sat together with our coffee mugs and smiled at each other, celebrating another great day on this earth.

Steve said, "So, Sal, are you ready for your bonus day? We're actually celebrating this a little late as the first bonus day is supposed to be a year after you start. You're a little late, but all for good reason."

Tiny had come in and sat with us. He said, "Not many will have received the kind of bonus you will be getting, Sal. Your contribution to the company and all of its components is significant. All of us will be rewarded for your efforts."

How do you answer a comment like that?

The first of my ladies to come to me this morning was Rita, with our son, Deuce. I held the little critter for a few minutes before she took him into the living room to feed him. Suki came with our son, and held him to me. I held Trey in my hands and kissed his forehead while he seemed to smile at me. After a hug, Suki took him into the living room to feed him while she sat with Rita.

Glenda said, "Just like when Steve's and Chuck's were tiny. The Moms kept bringing them to him for kisses and hugs before they took them into the living room to feed them. This is history repeating itself."

My brother, Val, came onto the patio and went straight for the coffee mugs. He sat next to me after he had poured himself a cup. After a healthy gulp, he asked, "What do you think, Sal? Do you think I have what it takes to be a Deputy Marshal?"

I lovingly looked at my big brother, and said, "Val, I've always thought you could do anything you wanted to do. If you want to be a U.S. Deputy Marshal, you will be one of the best. Do it, Bro, and know that your little brother approves of everything you do."

Val looked at me with misty eyes, then reached out and hugged me to him. He looked at me for second before he said, "Sal, you are the most intelligent of us kids, but you have always been the most honest. If you think I have what it takes, I'll be the best damned U.S. Deputy Marshal there ever was."

Val left us to go do what he had scheduled shortly after that exclamation.

All of my women had spoken to me and given me hugs and kisses, and Cindy came by to give me a kiss afterward. She said, "You did it for us, Sal. Val is really hot to become a Deputy Marshal. Your friends Chuck and Lisa are influential enough to make sure Val gets the opening."

"Cindy, Val wouldn't have been considered if he didn't meet their expectations and requirements. These people don't do things that way."

Knowing Val's abilities, I called out to the airpark and asked the person on the desk, "This is Sal, and I want to schedule my brother's first introductory flight for later today. Can you fit him in around three or four?"

When they said three would be best, I knew I had to get to Chuck before then.

It didn't take long to get the correct number to get Chuck. There was the usual wait between barriers to get to him when I called.

"Chuck Johnson here."

"Hey, Chuck, this is Sal Feeny out at the park."

"How can I help you, Sal?"

"My brother has applied for a place with your organization, and I think he could be a more valuable member of your team if he was to learn to fly. How about teaching him to fly while he learns to be a Deputy Marshal?"

There was a long wait, but eventually Chuck's voice came back, "Great idea, Sal. I'll make sure he's on the training schedule as of Monday morning. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll see you later."

Wow! I sat back thinking that this would protect my brother from further military intervention. Little did I know! I had to call the airpark and ask them to cancel the three o'clock as Chuck would schedule later.

Now that was progress in the way I thought it should go. Val has always been a good learner and has always been aggressive in learning new ways of doing anything. Our youth told me that he would do well learning to control those huge aircraft.

Val taught me how to schmooze my ladies. He had experience with women who had just given birth and who had been left behind. That knowledge let me handle the emotions of the women who were watching their best friends nurse the babies they wished they had borne.

Between my sister and sister-in-law, I was able to give the new mothers sufficient attention, and the audience what they wanted to hear. The mothers were happy and the newborns were cooing as they ate.

My work had a new focus, since we had found the answers to thousands of questions, and proven those answers to most of them. Remaining were answers that had to do with how to consistently invade countries without alarming the techs who monitored enemy radar. The drones could fly in almost at ground level and never be known except by surface observers. We needed the larger, more destructive aircraft to be equally unseen, but more devastating to the enemy.

Our tests in the bombing areas became purer as we entered and re-entered the radar zones without detection. We expanded our testing to war zones, and although we were without ammunition and armament, we made pass after pass over their positions and saw them launch toward something that wasn't there. Our product was a success.

The most important part of the agreements was getting the government observers to agree that all of the tests were successful.

One of the former generals, who now worked for Boeing, made the supposition that the display could be rigged for S&S. His own people showed how that couldn't have happened, since they had real time photos of every second the flight was in progress.

Another Boeing rep suggested that the residual MPVs were rigged to delete problems with the target drones. He was instantly proven wrong. The discussion on that problem lasted less than thirty seconds.

The last and most ferocious attack came from Lockheed-Martin engineers who stated they had heard from our own engineers that we were able to manipulate the reported data to show our ability to target a specific location.

We requested a Lockheed-Martin tech to work with our engineers as we put an attack together on an area just outside our specified safety area. It could have been disastrous if the armament had been the original, but we were a couple of hundred yards from the impact area. When we watched the drone launch, everyone in the area held their breath as they realized how close this was, but the impact outside of our immediate area was a huge relief.

When all was over, Steve grinned at me and said, "Take them all back to where they can get out of here. We'll talk to them in future weeks."

Helicopters came in and took all of the observers back to our airfield to leave for their respective home offices. None were allowed to stay.

Steve told me, "Get everyone squared away and back home on the patio. We need to celebrate a little."

The men on site took each target apart and loaded it onto a semi-trailer. We leveled the area where the building had been that we targeted in order to show our distance accuracy. My men turned to me when all of the trucks had been loaded, and the leader said, "Okay, Boss, we did our part; we have a 206 that is ready to take us back. Fly us home, okay?"

As my men loaded up, I did a preflight and was quickly in the air. A lot of their friends and co-workers were at the airpark to meet us when we landed. It was a unique party for a bunch of nerds.

Back at the patio, Steve immediately handed me a tall glass that made me gasp as soon as I took a big drink. Steve smiled and told me, "That is the best Beefeaters can give."

Steve, Tiny, and Henry had me join them at a table a little later. Steve said, "I told you that your contribution to this project was worth a lot to our company, but I didn't discuss how much."

I smiled at Steve, as I was very happy with the deal I had so far.

"Sal, your work and persistence to go beyond what we think is normal, has brought us unimaginable profits, and areas of research. Your early work here will become the benchmark for the research we will do in the years to come."

"For this sale, we need to reward you for the extraordinary monetary benefit to S&S, CS&S, and Quality Wear, a bonus that in no way represents the magnitude of the benefit you have given your companies. Take this, Sal, take this as just a beginning reward for your productivity."

Steve handed me an envelope and said, "Open this later. This is just the beginning of your reward for the work you have done."

I shook hands with Steve and took the envelope. It seemed that he didn't want others to know what was inside, so I folded it in half and stuffed it in one of my back pockets. Steve smiled at me as I did that. He was a man that I also wanted to emulate as I grew in life.

When I sat down with my family, Marilyn immediately asked, "How much was it? Is it a lot?"

Suki was first to tell her, "You know that Sal is paid very nicely for what he does, so an extra fifty or a hundred would go a long way to reward him."

Jenny was right there and said, "But Sal solved a huge problem within their military bids. Since he was a part of the solution, you know Steve will reward him handsomely."

Rita told all of the others, "Let Sal tell us what the reward is. The value he places on it is what we need to feel is the reward."

I had heard that, turned to Rita, and winked at her. Not only was she a new mother to Deuce, but a very smart mother to my new son.

Marilyn's son sat next to me as he brought his plate full of food from the kitchen one morning. After taking a healthy forkful of food into his mouth and chewing it, he looked up to me slightly and asked, "Am I supposed to call you 'Dad' now?"

I was startled as this had been the first time Garth had spoken to me. "Garth, you can call me Sal if it would make you feel better, since I am somewhat of an interloper within your family."

The young man turned to me and said, "You have made my mom feel really good about herself and she is back to being the person that she used to be. I want to thank you for that, but I don't know what I should call you."

I looked at the boy and said, "Call me anything you feel is right. I would like it if we can be friends. I will help you with school work if you let me, but I'll also work with you to be whatever you want to be in the future."

Garth was smiling when he turned to me, "I know I'm too young, but can you teach me to fly? Jeff says I have to be sixteen, but why can't I learn before then? Will you teach me?"

Without knowing how his mother felt about small aircraft and flying, I told him, "You and me, Bro, we're going to do some fun flying. But I have to tell you that I'm not an instructor pilot yet, so I'll have to get Jeff to give you the flying lessons you need. Don't worry, Garth, I'll handle the cost. Your problem is to let your mother know and to get her permission for you to learn to fly."

Garth did a vanishing act and was dragging Marilyn to me within moments. "Mom, tell Sal that it's okay to teach me to fly. He's worried that you won't agree. Please, Mom, tell him its okay."

Marilyn hugged Garth to her and hugged my head. "If anyone should teach my Garth to fly, it should be you, Sal. He's already told me that you can't really do it, but Jeff can. Please, teach my son to fly the way Jeff has taught you. Garth has always been a good respectful kid and deserves to be rewarded for his good behavior. Teach him, Sal."

I spoke to Jeff a little later and he agreed to take Garth on as a student since I was going to sponsor him and pay for his flight time. Little did I know how much flight time Garth would want!

The next few days were filled with all of us attempting to bring the software to focus on the smallest of problems for any size aircraft. It later took us a month to come up with a good design for the hunting/camping aircraft that could land on a hard surface or water. This aircraft should be a winner all by itself, but would only appeal to a few.

One of the conventional aircraft that we were trying to get airborne was an air coupe that was meant to land on water, but constantly wanted to nose over in our computer analysis. Thank goodness we didn't attempt to fly it or build it to test. The tests were significant enough to convince us that a high wing aircraft might be best for water or ski landings.

Our first pontoon or float aircraft was sent up to the northwest so it could be tested between Friday Harbor and Seattle. Steve's friend, Dewey, welcomed the opportunity to see some of our experimentation take to the air around him. The fact that the aircraft flew from Florida to the outer islands of Washington State meant nothing, but that the aircraft was floating on the bay in Friday Harbor, ready to fly Dewey to Seattle, was all the proof he needed. This aircraft was designed with the help of Mark from the Costa Rican islands. Mark had designed and built one of the experimentals with pontoons, so all we had to do was use Mark's design.

CS&S was on the move, and had Dewey on board for testing what we needed. The plane was left with Dewey's pilot at the airport at Friday Harbor, and our pilot took a commercial flight home.

Another significant battle was brewing at home. My guys were constantly fighting with the Lockheed-Martin engineers to keep them from our source code. They protested enough that I was called in to settle a dispute between our men and the Lockheed-Martin team.

The Lockheed-Martin team's attorneys brought their document out that was supposed to be the terms of our agreement. Something didn't read right as I looked at the document.

I called our legal department and asked them to have a copy of our original agreement forwarded to us and to have someone come and act as counsel. I had a copy of our original agreement within seconds, and printed it with multiple copies.

While I was handing the copies of the printed document out, one of our legal counsels showed up. It was Mrs. Sandy Flowers, who was a very attractive addition to our meeting. I didn't know that she had completed her legal degree and passed the bar exam.

The Lockheed-Martin people were huddled over the document I had given them, and they turned to us with mean faces, "This is obviously your way of dodging your responsibility under the contract. There is something very wrong with the way this agreement is worded and we will take you to court on it. We want all of your source code this instant, all of your research data, and all of your tested materials as we agreed."

Mrs. Sandy Flowers smiled at the men and said, "If you can show me anywhere within our agreement where what you request is offered or agreed upon, we will remit. Otherwise, Gentlemen, you are not welcome on our grounds any longer."

Wow! That was strong language from a young attorney.

The attorneys for Lockheed-Martin huddled and one almost began to argue, but was held back by one of the others. They gathered their materials and left. The only other person with them was one of our security people escorting them off premise.

Mrs. Flowers said to all of us, and that included her husband, "That was the correct way to handle a dispute like that. Don't try to understand the legal mumbo jumbo; let us in legal unravel the language. You all did well."

Our Sandy was grinning as he watched his lovely wife leave the meeting.

On the patio later, Steve told me that he had heard all about the confrontation with Lockheed-Martin. He had already been on the phone with their CEO and was just as put off as we had been. Steve told me that it seemed as if Lockheed-Martin had promised more than our product could do, and was up against a deadline or they would lose a rather large research bonus. That was what Steve had been trying to prevent, so it seemed to be possible.

After that incident, I did notice that security felt tighter around our campus and out at the airpark. The R&D center now had people posted around the outside of the building. When I looked out onto the serene landscape, it now included a security guard wandering around the area.

There were enough men around the hangar where the drones were at the airpark, to give anyone the idea that it was not smart to get close. The hangar where the mystical military jet was being built was so heavily guarded that you didn't want to get close.

About that time Donny announced that he wanted to make the inaugural train expedition across Florida. My Mom, Dad, Grandmother, and Grandfather came here just for that special ride.

The train was made up of the engine, the tender with loads of water as well as coal, two Pullman cars, a dining car with kitchen, a luxury car, and trailing them all was a bright red caboose decked out in luxury that could have only been dreamed of during its real use.

Donny had his dad dressed in the traditional Conductor's uniform, complete with a visor. He outdid himself by examining each ticket before punching a hole in it. Everything was supposed to be as it was in the forties.

The huge steam engine was huffing and puffing in the lead, giving everyone the sense that we needed to board immediately.

Before the train began to move, the Conductor hollered "All aboard", the engineer sounded the shrill steam whistle with a loud blast, followed by the bell going off multiple times. All of the noises made the passengers more anxious and excited.

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How my cuckolding began

I had read and enjoyed letters written to men’s magazines concerning guys who consented to and watched their wives having sex with other men, and although I found these confessions exciting, I never envisaged myself or my twenty-seven-year-old wife getting involved in such situations, as the thought of her with another man made me feel jealous.However, that was before we attended a party that was to change my views and awaken the cuckold in me. The party left both of us with very happy memories...

1 year ago
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Wonderfully Dirty

The first night I watched as he rubbed his hard-on while softly uttering 'Amanda...' (His girlfriend at the time) through clenched teeth. His red face contrasted with his cinnamon-brown hair and toned body. Without warning he thrust off his bed and sperm erupted from his cock and on to the wall. I watched as a second jet of semen fired off, and a third spurt flew until it eventually subsided to a trickle down his deflating cock. He looked at the wall where I heard say 'Shit' as he saw...

3 years ago
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Lokis Prank

Thor woke up when he heard the door to his chamber close how he didn't hear it open isn't important. it was a bright morning in Asgaurd and Thor got up, picked up Mjolinier(the hammer) and went to the dining hall. when he stood up he started to fall forwards. he looked down and saw he now had D-cups and he checked to see if he still had his modest 5' member but felt only a slightly wet curve Thor became enraged and yelled at the top of her lungs"LLLOOOOKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"

2 years ago
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Am I Beautiful

The bolt of thick, white semen struck the woman's face just above her right cheekbone. It split into two wet trails, one stinging wetly into her open eye, the other draping across the bridge of her pert nose. Just as she reacted, a second strong jet attacked the left side of her face from another erect phallus that was pointed ominously at her patrician features. It hit with a wet sound and foamed into a white cloud, covering the upper part of her left cheek and draining down across the side...

2 years ago
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My Journey 8211 The Second Teacher

Hi this is Harsha again, for those who doesn’t know about me, I am Sri harsha, 25 years of age. I was from a very traditional family, which gives values to relations and humanity. I was just like a poison drop in my milk pot family. still I do not regret, because its ‘her’ fault. In my last story, I have explained about how “Sreeja,” introduced me to the world of fantasies and my journey. the story happened in 2003, it is the time when Sreeja’s family completely shifted to other city, and I...

3 years ago
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Claudias ConditionChapter 9

Dan stirred to the feeling of something warm around his midsection. He opened his eyes to see Claudia dutifully sucking on his cock. He patted her head, letting her know he was awake. She continued pleasing Dan, not saying a word. Music started to play on her radio and Dan saw it was 7:30. Claudia reached over and shut off the radio alarm. “Good morning, sorry I fell asleep on you,” she smiled, lying up beside him. She leaned on her pillow admiring her man. She lightly combed her left...

3 years ago
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Chapter 51 - The Truth Revealed ~~~***~~~ With the help of Gabriella, Harry wore a two-piece black pinstripe suit and polished black shoes. Unfortunately his hair, which started out the morning better than normal, was now as disheveled as ever. The manager at Marley’s Men’s Shop had told him that a black handkerchief was a poor idea, but Harry thinking it appropriate for a funeral didn’t listen. Now, he understood why it was a poor idea. It was strange being fitted for a Muggle suit...

4 years ago
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Men Of Steel

He lay on the bed, pumping earnestly on his manhood. Naked and oblivious to the fact that he was being watched, Rick closed his eyes, his muscular body tense with anticipation of the approaching orgasm.  Linda took all of this in from her perch on the air conditioning unit just outside the bedroom window. Fascinated, she watched the heaving of his chest and lustfully admired his gorgeous cock. Linda knew from past experiences that Rick’s orgasm was imminent and she wasn’t disappointed. With a...

3 years ago
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New Shoes

I take you shopping to Meadow Hall to buy you a new pair of 6" High Heel, the ones that have a padlock attach to the ankle strap. It as been a good day, we found your shoes and you have behaved yourself all day, so when we get home I asked you to go upstairs' to our play room, where I instruct you to get completely undress and wait for me.When I get upstairs and enter the room I do not speak and I see that you are completely undressed naked, wearing nothing except your new high heels.I bend...

1 year ago
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Dreams Really Do Come True Ch 01

Author’s note: Ordinary guy going through a rough patch starts discovering the power of his dreams and makes his wildest desires become a reality. This is a work of fiction and any semblance to actual people or places is purely coincidental. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I walked through the depanneur door, trying to act nonchalant and casual, but as is so often the case, the more one tries acting cool, the less one actually ends up being. As it happens, I couldn’t keep my gaze straight and I inevitably...

3 years ago
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Bridal Suite

Bridal Suite by Sheila Anne Morgan "Oh...my...god!!! Is that really Danny?" Jill squealed as she watched the virtual makeover program morph Danny's handsome face into a replica of Princess Diana's face. "It could be," said Becki, Danny's girlfriend. "Do you think he'll go along with it?" asked Jill. "He will when he finds out the first prize is going to be ten thousand dollars." Becki had received an invitation to the annual Halloween masquerade party in the mail. She was...

1 year ago
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The White GhostChapter 6

At last, they had located the village they were looking for. Turtle had asked about buying the girl, but, to his surprise, the family who now had her wanted to keep her. The man wanted to raise her as a sex slave, and he was willing to invest the necessary time and effort into the project. He figured that he would only have to wait for four more years before she could be useful in that capacity. When he heard that, Ed was ready to rush into the village and attack the man without waiting. Joe...

4 years ago
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A Country Orgy

Well who would have thought that a quick walk through the forest would have led to this? Here I am sitting on my lounge watching my wife take on three men as a German tourist sucks my cock and her two friends lick cum out of their hard fucked cunts. What a strange yet wonderful world. I'd had a bastard of a day and had decided to take the two dogs for a trot down to the river. The sun was belting down and it wasn't long before I had a sweat up. In my shitty state before I left home I...

3 years ago
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Fetish Witch

Daisy was born into a family of witches. Contrary to most of her family member’s powers, however, her powers were limited to the very specific categories, albeit no less powerful. She could change anyone’s personal fetishes and sexual desires and adjust their potency accordingly. Nonetheless, she generally only used her powers to impose justice on people in cases where justice wasn’t being served.

Mind Control
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A Walk in the Woods

For Chris. I had been going through a rough patch. After more than three years in a relationship, I realized I was unsatisfied. As summer drew to its close, I made a vow that I would be happy again. I had been talking, quite flirtatiously, to a man that I worked with. He was a few years older than me and was in a similarly disappointing, long-term relationship. Neither of us were content with where we were in life. I had known him since the previous summer, we had talked on and off but it...

4 years ago
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The Harriss Part 2 the ThreatChapter 11

Stephany Harris It had been two weeks since we left my father at the Best Buy. Our money was running out. Sterling and I had been cooped up in that house and only went outside to cross the street to eat at Grandma Hattie’s. About a week after we arrived on the nights we ate at Hattie’s I began to go over early and help her cook dinner. It was something to keep me busy and I enjoyed being with the old black woman. I learned a lot about her, her family and how she cooked. One night just past...

1 year ago
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Teen Breeder

“Truth or dare?” “Okay, truth.” She said. “Have you ever let one of the guys touch your breasts?” “Mary-Jane! C’mon! You know I let Todd touch me all the time. He even got his hand into my panties once.” “NO!” “Yes! He just touched my hair though. Did David touch your titties when you two were going out?” “Yes. We were at the movies and he had his whole hand around my...

4 years ago
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Jessica Planning For Jamaica Story Three

Sunday morning I woke up around 8AM. I put on a robe and walked outside to pick up the morning newspaper. My neighbor Tricia was picking up her paper also and we gave each other a wave and a smile. Thoughts of what happened between us yesterday were still fresh in my mind. When she walked toward her house, I noticed she had a lot more sway to her ass than she normally would. I let out a soft wolf whistle to let her know I was looking and that I liked what I saw. She reached out for the door...

1 year ago
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Sexy Real Sex Dolls! Do you laugh at the thought of owning a sex doll? Well, you shouldn’t, you ignorant mother fucker! We live in the Internet age, meaning all of that shit is fair game. Whether you are lonely as fuck and want to ship the woman or male of your dreams to your home or you think owning a doll that looks human is going to impress your friends, you need to know where to turn to. The place to turn to begins at SexyRealSexDolls.com and with one quick visit, I think you are going to...

Sex Doll Shops
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Let me tie you up

My loving husband had not fucked me during the last ten days.I was so fucking horny and decided to give him a surprise when he would come home back from his office.A while before his normal arriving time I lay naked on our marital bed, with my eyes blindfolded and some ropes ready to get my wrists and ankles tied to the bed posts.I had set a video camera on the near wardrobe, to record every minute…I touched myself until I got my pussy damp and then waited for Victor…Then I heard footsteps on...

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"Good afternoon, Terri, and how are you today," the man with the deep voice asked in a subdued tone?!? "I'm just fine, sir," she asked with her head bowed!?! "Are you ready for your session," he asked softly?!? "Yes, sir, I'm ready," she whispered!!! "Very good," he replied, "remove your clothing and assume the position!!!" Terri silently removed all of her clothing and quickly climbed upon a long narrow table, and while leaving her arms at her sides, she spread her legs and waited for her...

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Spizoo Abbie Maley Lily Glee Megan Marx 3 Young Sluts Sucking Cock

What do you do if you have three young beautiful sluts eager to suck your cock in three different ways? This is the dream of most men. Now you have Megan Marx, Abbie Maley, and Lily Glee in from of you ready and anxious for having your dick an give you a good blowjob, all they go over you and take your cock, while one takes your dick on her mouth the others suck your balls, they change her position time to time, one back other, sucking and licking your dick, sometimes they play a lesbian role...

4 years ago
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Bad girl is sent to stay with dads brother

I lay on my stomach, my elbows propped, my chin resting in my hands, as I gazed out over the beautiful, small, tree lined lake. I could feel the warm sun caressing my body, and it felt good. I giggled at the thought that this was the first time I had ever been totally naked outdoors, and at the realization that I was actually enjoying this enforced holiday, something I'd certainly never expected when it started.It was an enforced holiday because I guess you'd say I'd been something of a naughty...

1 year ago
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Brendas turn

After having just watched her mother's sister achieve a stunning climax with her new vibrator, Brenda's own pussy was engorged with blood and flushed wide open! "I really have a lot to learn," the young girl said in a shaky voice, "I-I hope that I can handle it all, I mean taking care of Freddy's pecker and all!!! Her mother chuckled a little before replying, "Oh, honey, don't worry, like we were both saying, you are going to get so attached to his cock that pretty much when ever you see it...

2 years ago
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Cougar Ranch

Dayton, Texas 1887 The orangish-red flames crackled inside the fireplace of the old ranch house that night. The ranch house was built for four people to live in, but only three lived in it at the moment. Everything inside was quiet, except the crackling of the fire and a man with a gray beard at the table. The man wasn't really old. He was only in his late fifties, but his wife was only in her late forties and his son was only ten. Both mother and son sat across from him at the table as he...

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Rashidha Chap13 The fantasy

So, Ever had a fantasy? A sexual one? Ever wanted to have sex in a different way? A different place? Well, I had one. It was 3 years ago. It was during the holidays of uni. I was at home, still being a slut. One Saturday while being fucked by my dad, I asked him if we could do my fantasy. I was in a doggy style position and his dick was in my ass. That was the thing for my family. Sex became a basic thing for us. We could have sex whenever we wanted. And we could be doing anything meanwhile....

2 years ago
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The Camwhore

Holly ran the wand of lip gloss over her lips. Twice. Looking into the mirror, she rubbed her lips together and screwed the cap back on. Freckles dotted her nose and dashed onto her youthful cheeks. Her make up was perfect. Shiny lips. Thick back eyeliner and mascara. Just the right amount of blush to make her skin look vibrant. Combing her fingers through her blonde streaked red hair, she smiled at her reflection. It was almost showtime. She walked out of the bathroom, adjusting her red...

3 years ago
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Paladin Simulator

Press Start Game, or this game will make no sense at all! You can skip through to chapter 6 if you are here for the gameplay and not the story “Our noble order dwindles in number by the year. The better of us die martyrs, granted grace through bloodshed. The lesser of us succumb to vice’s call, and fall from the light. My dearest, your training is complete now, but promise me this - promise me that when you pass on to the next realm, you will do so having left this one a better place.” Your...

2 years ago
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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 7 Lets Go

This situation reminded me of my first visit to Sin 4. I did not know where I was, brought here against my will. Abducted, stripped of everything I owned. I was once again bare feet, had several blisters and burn wounds. My hair was a mess, at least In didn’t have to go pee. Darn it thinking about it, made realize I actually did. I was still running across that landing field, not knowing where I was going, but I knew I still stuck out like a sore thumb, being the only pin skinned human. The...

2 years ago
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A Good ServantChapter 23

Cory knew what fear felt like. He remembered the way the hot iron had branded his flesh, the searing pain. As he could still recall being asked the same questions by the Trainers about Xavier’s disappearance, over and over again. But this, this was a new kind of fear, sister to despair, deep and wide, threatening to swallow him whole, down to the last fiber of his being. He leaned against the metal wall of the long corridor, breathing hard, and taking in the image of the lifeless clothes on...

2 years ago
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My favorite Sex Toy

I was out for a drive and decided to see him. His only purpose in my life was to serve one role and one role only. He did that so well I was beginning to feel more for him than the slippery lust he produces in me at the thought of his big cock fucking me. I told him when I first saw his profile on lushstories. 'I don't believe that is you. But I like the pics. They make me hot.' After a while we went from online messaging to texting. Or better, sexting. Using pics and messages. Sometimes...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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A New World Part 12

Dinner with my parents went much better than I expected. Mom had several questions for Riley, but didn’t interrogate her as I had feared she would. Dad seemed to really like her, especially her legs and ass, I caught him giving her more than one long lingering look. Though there was one awkwardly intense moment, when Mom mentioned attending a party at Kate’s. I choked and nearly spit half chewed roast beef across the table. Riley squeezed my thigh reassuringly as I glanced from my mother to my...

Group Sex
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Supermarket Encounter

It was another boring visit to the supermarket, my wife having sent me to get a few things as she was "busy". They say it is a good place to meet the opposite sex, particularly at night, but this had never ever looked like happening to me.As I walked down the frozen food aisle I saw this rather mature lady in front of me, well I say mature but this was simply because I am still relatively young, she was leaning over the freezers and I noticed that as she did so her top was lifting at the waist,...

Quickie Sex
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In Tiffany and Amys bedroom

This was turning out to be a weird night. Now, all of the sudden, some mysterious woman comes in the bedroom, and asked Amy who I am. "This is Tonya, you remember. I told you, about her," Amy replied."The one, you fucked in the sauna?" The woman asked."Yes, that one," Amy replied.The woman came towards us, and got down on her knees. I immediately wondered if, Amy had been cheating, with me. Then the woman, put her hand out."I'm Tiffany, and you are?" Tiffany asked.Tiffany? That name sounded...

3 years ago
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The hot lady at the office

I’m Jim and I’ve had an office job at a company for about 4 years now. I’m 36 and over the years, young ladies in their 20s have come and gone. The ladies that have worked there have mostly been temps that work there for a few months and never return. I never got the opportunity to be with one of them. They have been with someone or just not interested in someone who is in their 30s, but I’m successful financially anyway. My love life was way down, but about a year ago now, they hired a nice...

3 years ago
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A Cloak Of LiesChapter 4

"Laclede's Landing?" It was more of a statement than a question. "Remember when we used to come here..." Camille stopped, not wanting to dredge up those memories of happier times. "Yeah, I remember," he smiled, a wistful light dancing in his eyes. "I loved to dance with you." She felt the heated blush that suffused her skin at the way his arms used to hold her close, their bodies swaying to the soft bluesy sounds of the bands that played in that other life. When they'd danced...

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