S&S NerdChapter 23 free porn video

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Doc came for breakfast the morning after the confrontation with the drunk, telling everyone that he was there to take me to the DMV to get my motorcycle endorsement. It was while we were eating that DeDe came to me and asked, "Sal, we're short a right seat or first officer for a charter to Chicago and back. Could you help us out?"

I looked at Doc then back at DeDe, "What time is it scheduled for, and you know I don't have my Airline Transport Pilot ticket yet. It's coming in about three or four years, depending on my hours."

"You're fine for the co-pilot with your commercial license, and the flight will be leaving here at eleven. You still have time to go get your motorcycle thing done. Besides, you'll like this one as John is going to be the Captain."

"Okay, I'll be there for the preflight by ten."

Doc said, "How about that, from two wheels to jets all in the same day. You're pretty busy for being on vacation."

"DeDe knows that I don't have to be in my office, so is using me to make up for all of the free instruction I've had," I told Doc, as we sipped some coffee. "Steve and Chuck have a small fortune invested in me learning how to fly everything we have. Now they're talking about me learning to fly helicopters. I think that's going to be a lot more difficult. Time will tell, though."

Doc told me, "Well, I think we should be at the door when they open this morning so that we don't have to wait in a long line. Let's ride down there and get this done."

We rode our motorcycles to the DMV office, and were about third and fourth at the door. We had to wait fifteen minutes before they opened, but when they did, Doc presented the papers that he had given me the safety class and I handed them the certification from the written on-line test. All I had to do was pay the fee for the new driver's license with the endorsement, and that was expected.

When we walked out of the DMV, Doc shook my hand and told me, "I had a lot of fun teaching you, Sal. You'll be a good rider. Keep all the safety features I taught you in mind and ride safe. Go by the insurance office and show them your safety course stuff and endorsement. You'll get a reduction in premium on the bikes. I'm sure I'll be seeing you at Jonah's."

"Hey, Doc, you know you're always welcome out at our place. Bring your lady and come out. I think the guys and their ladies go riding most Friday nights, so come on out."

"Thanks, Sal; I have gone with them before and will again."

Doc put his helmet on and rode from the lot. I put mine on and rode to the insurance office. The clerk copied my information and told me I would soon be getting a refund.

Well, that was that. Now I needed to go home to change clothes and go flying.

We were flying a Gulfstream G-550 with six passengers and two hostesses. This flight had all of the appearances of being a show for someone. The passengers were going to be served a gourmet meal for lunch, even though the flight was only going to be around two and a half-hours long. We could have a headwind, of course, and we could have to hold before landing, but still a two-hour flight with a gourmet meal?

John met me and we went over the aircraft. The inside had just been refurbished with a very luxurious interior and a larger galley area. The seating was in a luxury configuration that reduced the seating from a max of twelve, to a more comfortable eight or ten. There was a lot of wasted space but hey, some people like luxury and are willing to pay for it.

John, the two hostesses, and I were standing at the stairway when the passengers showed up. There were four men and two women. We quickly had them seated and buckled up. The hostesses were serving drinks while I pulled the stairway up and shut the door.

I slid into the right seat and buckled up as John handed me the checklist. We smoothly went through everything and were soon taxiing toward the runway. As we held at the departure end of the runway, waiting for another aircraft to land, John said, "These people are going to be moving around to get at the tables after takeoff. Check the weather again to make sure we don't expect any turbulence."

The weather was good all the way, with a slight headwind at our assigned altitude. The jet stream was slipping south and lower, but there were no reported shears in it and it wasn't that fast. I did all of the co-pilot stuff and John did all of top guy flying. We both had switches to flip, knobs to turn, and buttons to push.

Awesome aromas began drifting into the cockpit fifteen minutes after takeoff. John said, "It's a good thing that the door is closed or we'd be going to raid that lunch."

I told him, "You know this is the first flight with hostesses that I've been on where we weren't offered or given coffee."

"You're right, Sal. Go get us some coffee. If they didn't make any, make it and don't let them complain that you're taking up room in the galley."

The two hostesses were working furiously to prepare the lunch. I noticed that both were very uncomfortable. When they looked at me with an almost pleading stare, I asked, "What's up, Girls? You don't look very much like the friendly skies today."

The older of the two said, "I know CS&S doesn't do this, but those assholes think we're some kind of sexual entertainment. I don't know who they are, but I think you need to be in there when we serve or one of those jerks is going to eat a steak knife."

"Get the food ready and let me tell John."

I advised John that we could have a potential criminal problem if the girls were attacked. He agreed and said he would contact the charter office to get some information on the passengers and direction as to how to deal with them.

When the coffee was done, I took a cup to John and told him I was going to sit in the cabin to make sure the girls were left alone. I was shocked when I went into the cabin area. Two of the men had one of the passenger women nearly stripped and leaning over the seat sucking on one guy, while the other was standing, fucking her.

One of the men sitting noticed me and asked, "Want some of this? We could trade for some of your hostesses' pussy."

I told him, "The hostesses are here to serve you food and drinks and to make sure you're safe. They are not entertainment."

The two men sitting looked at each other with a 'we'll see' look and went back to fondling the other girl and watching the show in front of them.

I turned when one of the hostesses poked my shoulder. She said, "The food's ready. Do you think you can get them to sit?"

I made the announcement; "Your luncheon is ready, so if you could finish up and take your seats, the hostesses will serve you. May I make the suggestion the young lady straighten her clothing."

Man, these people were not my style. The guys buckled up and zipped up, while the girl pulled her dress up to cover her top. She ran her hand up between her legs while she adjusted her skirt, and came out with a gooey hand. She licked it and offered it to the other girl who gave it a lick. I was about to direct her to the lavatory to wash her hands, but she just licked them off and used one of the drink napkins to dry her hands.

I told the girls to serve and watched as they did a good job of avoiding grabby hands. The meal went okay and fairly fast. The girls cleared the tables and offered coffee, but the passengers only wanted more booze. I told the hostesses to secure everything in the galley before serving drinks and to pour the coffee out, as we might be able to find some turbulence.

I picked John's cup up and gave it to the hostesses, telling them to tell us when they were buckled in.

When I got back in the right seat, I told John what I was thinking. While I searched for the inversion under the jet stream, John called to change our flight plan. We began lowering our altitude and John announced over the intercom, "Folks, we are approaching some severe turbulence and it would be a good idea to buckle up tight and hold on to whatever you may be drinking. Please remain seated and buckle up."

We found the shear all right. We bounced like a dribbling basketball for the last half-hour flying into Chicago. Fortunately, none of the passengers got sick, but they were all pale when we helped them off the aircraft. One of the men even thanked us for getting us there in one piece. John asked if we were to wait to fly them home and the man answered, "No, we'll stay a few days. We might just go back commercial. Thank you anyway."

No sweat off our backs, as we were going to be paid for the roundtrip anyway.

The two hostesses hugged John when the passengers were gone, and thanked him for getting them out of a jam. He said, "Don't thank me, thank Sal. He's the one who made the suggestion to find some rough skies. All I did was follow directions."

I received the attention of the two girls, as they said, "Maybe we could entertain you two in the cabin the way those guys wanted."

With a laugh, I said, "Considering my family at home, I think I'm well taken care of at this time." That got me another hug for being honest about my family status. The senior hostess said, "Come sit at the tables and we'll have our lunch before we go home. We shorted them enough food to feed us. It smells delicious."

John had left the Auxiliary Power Unit on, so the girls had power to make us some coffee that we enjoyed after the delicious meal. John used his cell phone to call home when we were done to tell the charter office that we were deadheading back.

John told me to get into the left seat so he could goof off on the way home. I knew better, but buckled up in the Captain's position. We were soon flying home at a high smooth altitude. The hostesses had time to clean everything up and put the dishes in the service carts. With the cabin and galley clean, John and the girls chatted in the cabin while I drove us home.

We checked in at the charter desk and I turned my jacket, shirt, and tie in. I was going to have to get more pants to keep in my locker. The charter service kept clean starched shirts, the jacket, and hat cleaned and in the locker. All I had to do was keep pants, socks, and shoes to be ready.

No one was home when I got there, so I went to the patio and found Steve playing with my boys. He and Mercy were on the floor with them, making noises and tickling them. I watched them, knowing how much they must have enjoyed all the babies they had. When I got down with them, Steve said, "Heard you flew a charter that turned out to be one for some of our local goons. According to DeDe, you were able to keep them quiet by finding some bad weather. Good thinking, Sal."

As we played, Steve commented, "I also heard you finished your motorcycle license endorsement. Go put some jeans on and we'll do a little run after supper. Hap said we were supposed to go over to a party in St. Pete, so make sure the women who want to go with you are ready and dressed for the rowdies. If you don't take your sidecar, other women can ride behind Sandy, Mandy, or Stormy. We always have an extra seat or two."

I changed into some jeans and pulled a heavy denim jacket from the closet. I was going to have to make a trip to the Salvation Army or Goodwill store to find a leather jacket. I seriously doubted that I would need leather pants or chaps since I didn't think I'd want to ride in the cold. A horse at five to ten miles an hour is one thing, but a motorcycle at over sixty is cold, brrrr.

I noticed a walkway from our steps back to a building behind the house when I went outside. Behind the house was what looked like a metal Quonset hut that was similar to Steve's. There were keys in the door, so I opened the big door and looked inside. The movement activated the overhead lights that showed a white interior and white floor with the S&S logo in the center. One wall had a workbench with electrical outlets all along the back. Wow, this was nice. I immediately pulled the motorcycle with sidecar back to the building and pushed it in backwards to make it easy to get out. I needed some cleaning materials, but other than that, this building was ready. I might want to get some tools so I could tighten all of those nuts that might work loose. I kept thinking of things until I decided that I would check with Steve to see what I needed.

I knew the twins had bicycles and Garth might have one too. I wonder where they are. They will have to get them and store them in the new shed.

I locked my new shop up, put a key on my key ring, and hung the rest of the keys on the pegs by the door where all the vehicle keys were kept. The ladies didn't use their cars that much, since they used carts most of the time. Even the gym and grocery store trips were done in carts, and usually together. I had seen the five women go over to the Quality Wear building together many mornings. We might have too many carts now that they lived together, as well as worked at the same location.

I found Steve at the bar when I went into the patio and walked over to him. "Thanks for the great shop shed, Steve. That place is incredible. The lights even came on automatically when I went in. What a great place to keep my motorcycles."

"Glad you like it, Sal. I wish there was more I could do for you, considering you've given us some gifts that keep on giving and will keep giving for a long while."

"You don't need to give me anything, Steve. You've been a great friend, in addition to being a great boss. I actually don't think of you as a boss, but as a leader. You lead all of us to be better and to make the companies better. One thing, though, I need some tools, oils, and cleaning things, and I could use some suggestions. I'll make a Walmart and auto parts store run tomorrow to pickup what I need. I need a couple of those oil pads you keep under your bikes too. The floor is sealed, but I would hate to get oil on that beautiful floor."

Steve laughed, "You should see how dirty they get the floors at work every day, but the floors are all cleaned up again when the day is done, waiting for us the next day. It's like your desk at work. You straighten it and have your work laid out each night. You're ready to go to work when you come in."

I was having a beer when I heard a bike roar up outside and stop. Chuck and Mercy came in dressed ready to ride. Another bike came up a few minutes later, and Hap walked in with his lady. It became a procession as Stormy came, followed by others.

As we were all eating wings, barbecued ribs, chicken, and some hot tenders, Tiny took the microphone and told everyone there. "We don't have a big gathering tonight, and we didn't plan one, but it's Friday and all of us are ready for the weekend. I want to announce that I'm heading out early in the morning to go fishing. As many, up to twenty, who want to come along are welcome. We'd have to get another boat after that. The other thing is that the air charter service passed a milestone this week, chartering our two hundred thousandth aircraft. We do cheat a little because we have rentals for instruction, but that is still one hell of a big number. Steve now wants to say something."

Steve took the microphone and began, "We made two more big deals for our drone and the new weapon system this week. I'm telling you this as the dollar amounts this week are almost double what they were when we sold to the first two big companies. You know how that was going to affect you as we blew the roof off out here. We're just going to gloat that the company just made a bunch of money and we had hardly any costs involved this time. Let's hear it for our R&D department that includes Sal's programmers."

Everyone applauded as I wondered how much the contracts must be for. If they did over a billion before, how much was this one going to be worth? That's incredible.

Rita snuggled up to me and said, "I'm not going riding with you tonight, but I want to tell you that I have a reward for you when you get home. I heard Steve arguing with the others about giving you a bonus, but the others thought you might disappear on them if they were to give you more. I spoke up and told them that you were more interested in everyone being successful, not just you. You're still going to get something, but I have no idea what Steve will do. You know you did well, though, don't you?"

As we stood there listening, Rita said, "Suki isn't going tonight either, but Marilyn is, and possibly Janet. I don't think Jenny is into motorcycles unless you take the sidecar."

"I'll learn to drive that thing, and next time, or during this next week, I'll start taking all of you for rides. I'm learning to ride, so just tell them to be patient."

"You're doing great, Sal. You've worked at learning and you're a good rider, according to Charlie. Just stay safe."

Charlie and Hank began getting people ready to ride after everyone had eaten. Charlie told me that the rides over the years had gone from just Steve and him, to now over twenty bikes and often more. It was inevitable that the riders would be revving their motors when all the bikes were running, listening to the pure Harley sound of the exhausts. When I brought my bike to the group, Marilyn, wearing a helmet climbed on behind me, and I saw Janet get on behind Sandy. The surprise was Jenny getting on behind Mandy just before we left.

I didn't want to ride in the pack and preferred to ride near the back, so I found a place that was good and moved along watching those ahead of me as I had been taught. Hap and Charlie were leading everyone, and Steve was back near me. While riding to Jonah's he was riding his fancy bike with the sexy images within the flames, with his sexy woman, Sue, behind him. In a loud voice, he told me, "We're only going to be here for a few minutes, so if you want a beer, share it with Marilyn. We have one more stop before we go to the party in St. Pete."

While Marilyn got us a beer to sip, Millie found me and we had a good time with her woman-handling me as if I was a toy. She kept telling me that her mother would love to play with a cute little Texan. If her mother was anything like Millie, I wanted to meet her. If for nothing else, she would become some fantasy material.

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Job Interview

"I nearly ran the last company I worked for! I've never been so insulted in my life! You'll hear from my lawyer!" The woman slammed the office door behind her, and glared at the others waiting in the foyer. "He's a sexist pervert! Get away while you still can!" She slammed the outside door and was gone. Everybody looked at each other. Three got up and left. Only four remained. Ms. Roberts didn't even think about leaving. She was desperate for a job, any job. This was her first...

3 years ago
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I Love My Cheating Husband

My husband cheats on me. And I love it. Now, most women would say, ‘what a horrible thing to do to the woman you love and that I should leave him’. But they don’t really understand. I’m ok with it. I don’t just accept it, I love it! When my husband and I are making love his attention is completely on me. Always attentive to my needs and desires and when we make love he ravishes me, completely. He always makes sure I cum at least three times if not more and eats pussy like it’s his last meal....

3 years ago
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Girls Night Out

Girl's Day Out By Brett Lynn with Brown Curiousity "Damn, I'm running late." Liyah looked at the time on her cell phone with a bit of disgust, then lifted her trucker cap and smoothed down her long, straight jet-black hair. Adjusting the hat and accompanying sunglasses to her comfort, she slipped her cell back in her purse and walked up the last step of the Astor Place train stop. She dressed casually, yet trendy as would befit both her looks and the neighborhood. Her baby t-shirt...

3 years ago
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Mick and Maggie Make a PornoChapter 6

As soon as I found out that Maggie was pregnant, I started yelling: "I know how this happened, but, the question is why it happened!?" Maggie started to open her mouth, and I interjected: "Maggie, shut the fuck up! Unless you have a cock in it, your mouth and your pussy are utterly fucking useless!" That was when Karen slapped me: "That fucking hurt, you slut!" After that, I gave her a backhanded slap that sent her flying across the room. After that, she was curled up in a ball...

4 years ago
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Seduction of a Friend2

John found it difficult to walk so fast, his hardened member contorted in his pants. He knew it showed to all who looked, but he didn't care; he just knew he needed to have her. Joe watched them walk past, his eyes following Sarah’s breasts heaving up and down. Joe saw the doors slowly closing and the last thing he could see was John pushing her up against the back wall of the elevator, his body pressing up against her. As soon as Sarah entered the elevator, John took control again; he knew...

Oral Sex
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The Au Pair

The Au Pair by RH Music Author's Note: Hey everybody. I just wanted to emphasize that this is story has no sex, kinky or otherwise. It's just a sweet TG novel. Enjoy. -RH Chapter 1 ------- - -occupied- Ken locked the door of the airplane toilet. The overhead light and ventilation fan automatically clicked on. For the first time in his young life, Ken was completely free. He had broken free of society and its arbitrary laws which he had studiously observed every minute...

2 years ago
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Brookdale Ch 1

BrookdaleThe community of Brookdale is unique in so far as the normal accepted patterns of behaviour do not apply. The town has been built up on the basis similar to that of Stepford (The Stepford Wives novel) but, whereas Stepford was very much an idea that was concealed from the outside world, Brookdale has evolved so that outsiders are also aware of the premise that applies to the community.Brookdale is a town where, except for certain individuals, the majority of the women are openly...

1 year ago
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Hot Chocolate Lover

Lexington, a colleague of one of my friends, was introduced to us all in the pub, and I got on well with him right from the start, despite me being a twenty-year old student and him being a good seven years older than me. That same evening we met I let him know that I was bisexual, just so he was clear, but thankfully although he seemed completely straight, which may have just been subconscious preconceptions on my part about a well built, shaved bald, over six foot tall black guy, he didn't...

4 years ago
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First Time Sucking Cock

This is an excerpt from "Her Husband the Whore" available now on Amazon [http://www.amazon.com/Her-Husband-Whore-T-J-Wright-ebook/dp/B00HZ2A3LC/ref=la_B009N63DG0_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1390386360&sr=1-3]II. ConfessionMy heart was beating so fast that I didn’t know how to calm it down, it felt like it would beat out of my chest and my stomach felt like it was on a spin cycle. My cock was harder than I could ever remember it and my mouth was watering like I was about to sit down to a...

2 years ago
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Fridagirl as never before

Everyone does it, but very few talk about it. I was fascinated by it so much so, with the help of my mother, who taught sex education, I read back on all the authorities who preached about it's effects, from Blindness, epilepsy, fainting spells, infertility, and stunted growth all the way to Dr. Kellogg, whose Corn Flakes were meant to curb the desire and the hypocritical President Clinton, who fired his surgeon general, Jocelyn Elders, all because she wanted to teach about the joys of...

4 years ago
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Raffling Off RobbieChapter 3

He waddled up between her legs, looking at the girls gathered around, now all naked except for his sister, and he put the tip of his dick right on the middle of the pink, plump slit between her legs and started pushing as she wiggled around under him. They were all rubbing their pussies watching Robbie lose his virginity, even his sister was taking some surreptitious rubs now and then. It was just so hot to watch. Then, most astonishing of all for Robbie was him both watching and feeling...

2 years ago
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Real Love Of Brother And Sisters

Hello to all IndianSexStories.net readers my name is monika n i m 19 years old . I am from Delhi meri family me m mere dad, mom, badi bahan (seema),chota bhai (naveen) .Mere dad job ki vajah se ghar se bahar he rhte he meri mom teacher h . Meri seema ( 20 age fig 34 28 36 ) 3rd year me h aur mera chota bhai naveen ( age 18 ) in 12 class aur m monika ( age 19 fig 36 28 34 ) now come to the story Mom roz ki tarah school gyi hui thi aur seema college me naveen ghar pe tha aur m college jane k...

4 years ago
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Sex Er Suru Class Room Theke

Hello bandhura, ami vishal from delhi, amar age ekhon 30 kintu ei story amar class xii th er,,,jadi kono housewife,widow baa kono meye secret sex interest rakhen tahole pl amake sudhu ekta mail korun at vishal0137777at the rate yahoo dot in ,,,ebar story te asha jak,,ami takhon class twelve pori date 19th november 2000 amarr janmodin chilo,,roz sakale ami 8 tai schoole jai kintu sedin 7.30 te gelam birthday bole,,,class e dhukei dekhi amar gf nisha ek bunch red rose niye dariye ache,ami classe...

2 years ago
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Account of an Aussie Orgy

Last year, pre-covid of course, one of my members reached out to me asking me if I’d like to attend a gathering that he has regularly with a bunch of guys at his place (he mentioned a beautiful pool). The group of guys are are ‘speedo friendly’ and he thought I would fit in. Yes, it is a regular Speedo Pool Party / Orgy. It is only a couple of hours from my house but I couldn’t make it (I was in Colorado at Kip’s place having my share of Speedo Hottub Parties / Orgies). I asked the host, ‘K’,...

4 years ago
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Birth of the Ringtaker 4 Its a family thing

"He FINALLY PROPOSED TO ME! I AM OFFICIALLY OUT OF HERE SOON"! More pages about planning the wedding. I was getting bored and tired of looking. My blood ran cold when I got to page #207... ========== I didn't understand what I was reading so I turned back several pages. Here's what I read: Monday 09/15/80 We got back from our honeymoon last night. I wish Tom and I could have taken more time. The wedding was fabulous, the honeymoon was awful. First...

4 years ago
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Tired of Being the Nice GuyChapter 21

Friday - Day 21 I woke up as Becky straddled me. I could feel her warm pussy on my stomach as her skirt rode up, and I also felt a mouth working on my cock. "I hope you don't mind sir, but I had Chrissy give your morning blowjob today so that I could talk to you," Becky said, and she kissed me very gently on my lips. "I wanted to thank you for giving me this life, sir. I wanted you to know that I have been happy since you decided to let me try and be your slave. Do you realize that this...

4 years ago
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First time cock in the ass and facial

So here it is at last. Having always been straight and I really do love the feel of a woman and a nice juicy hot pussy, but I have always enjoyed having my ass played with and as you can see from my uploads I love having my ass fucked a lot. Up until recently though this involved only me fucking myself or girlfriends rimming, fingering or using toys to fuck me. But I had been thinking lately that it was about time I found out what it was like to feel a real cock fucking me, cumming in my ass...

3 years ago
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Gods of Sin

Comments are appreciated and answered. Have fun! I am in the process of redoing the old artwork (I mean, they are a few years old), so if you have already read the story, please check out the image gallery if you want to see them. "Are the preparations complete?" "Yes mother." "Hmpf. We'll see about that." The tall beauty of a woman stepped towards the ritual area with slow, graceful strides. She wore a long elegant dress, intricate and rich with detail; yet it was cut in such a way to be...

4 years ago
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First Taste of Cum PT2 Gay

A couple of days had passed since I cleaned up Bob's cum off his body. I thought about it a lot during the coming days but neither one of us spoke of it. I think both of us were a little embarrassed but ready to do something again. Just to see and hear him stroking that long, magnificent cock as I rimmed his asshole and then slurped up his thick warm mess was very erotic not to mention a great way to pay my rent. On that Thursday, I came home from class and Bob's girlfriend Brenda was at our...

2 years ago
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CherryPimps Jesse Pony Tommy Has Been Training For Jesse

Jesse Pony is tired of telling Tommy that her pussy needs to get fucked! He insists that he is saving himself for marriage because waiting for sex is very important to him. But Jesse suspects more is going on! She tries to look around the house to see if he is hiding an engagement ring somewhere but finds something else instead! BUSTED! He was hiding a fake pussy toy named Linda in his bowling bag this whole time! He was fucking a pussy alright… but it wasn’t Jesse’s!...

2 years ago
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HeadacheChapter 4 The Good Lawyer

Sunday was interesting. Virginia and I experimented with my new powers. We found out I could make contact with her within a five mile radius and if in contact could stay connected until she was about 10 miles from me, then I would lose the connection. After a morning nap to sleep off the effects of the headache we ate lunch. I then worked with the pencil and was able to lift it two feet above the table but had a tremendous headache, which made my eyes light sensitive so I went back to bed and...

1 year ago
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I am Cumming for you

As I sit here my thoughts of you fill my head. The pictures you sent arouse and make me wet. I want you so bad and want to play and imagine you watching . Brace yourself.......... I slowly untie my black halter top letting it expose my huge breasts. My nipples so hard and tan. I then undo my jeans letting them drop to the floor. I rub my hand over my panties and can feel they are wet for you. I rub my finger from my clit to my ass through the black lace. I am so hot and want to play and cum. I...

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HandsOnHardcore Emily Mayers Her Threesome Wishes Granted

Young Russian sex artist Emily Mayers’ debut performance on Hands On Hardcore is one that will definitely leave you with a mess on your hands after watching the all-natural cutie in double penetration action. This orgasmic MMF threesome scene really showcases the many talents of this up and coming glamour model. Concurrent anal sex and pussy fucking is what this babe likes, and we never deny a girl of her dirty pleasures at DDF. See her absolutely railed by the two gents before they leave...

4 years ago
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Mom Accidentally Took Girlfriend8217s Sex Tablets

Let me get straight in the sex story. I am Raj studying in college. I am 5 feet 11 inches with nice athletic body build, fair and handsome with an 8-inch cock. My mom is 40, although she doesn’t look like 40, with a very curvaceous body. Her figure is 36-26-36. She is a working woman at a very high post in a corporate office. She is quite modern and earns well. She is a widow as my dad died a long time ago. Since then, she has taken good care of me by fulfilling all my wishes. I never had any...

3 years ago
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An Easter Present for Hubby

“Easter Present for Hubby” A letter from Abigail to her best friend, Danni. Abigail is married to a sailor, has no children, and frequently lives alone waiting for him to return home. Danni is married and has one son, Peter, aged 17. “Dear Danni, Danni my love, I told you I had an idea for an Easter Bunny costume to wear for Freddy when he comes home on leave at Easter. Well, here is how our dear friend Samantha helped me create something.   I’ll save it ‘til he’s been at home...

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JenniferChapter 4 A New Parent

"Hi, Zack, do you have a few minutes to talk?" Frank asked his boss. Zack was a partner, and a pretty good boss, although he was as driven as anybody in the firm. "Sure, Frank, come over," said Zack, pointing to a guest chair in his office. "How are you getting on? And how is Jennifer doing?" Zack had attended Angela's funeral, and had told Frank to take as much time as he needed before returning to work. "That's actually what I wanted to discuss. Jennifer gets home at about two...

4 years ago
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A Chemistry Experiment

“Right everyone, please read through pages 187 to 215 for next Tuesday, and I’d like you to have some ideas for a hypothesis we can develop and test based on that material,” I called out as my students hastily cleaned up their lab areas and returned goggles to the sterilization cabinet. “Oh, and have a nice weekend!” I supplement my (pathetic) public school pay by teaching an elemental chemistry lab course at the local community college two nights per week. I love the fact that it gives me a...

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Rebecca Do My Bidding CH6

The next day in the office absolutely sucked for me. I could not get my head away from the thought of Rebecca riding down the interstate with a beer can up her pussy and her having an orgasm every five or ten minutes. The boner I sported all morning was really driving me crazy and relief had to come soon. By ten o’clock I had decided to make a short day of it. A twelve o’clock departure was definitely in the crosshairs, but a little motivation was also a necessity. The phone call to my...

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Steve and KemonChapter 10

I awaken the next morning way before sunup and head out to take a leak. I go back in and shake Sarbun and remind her that we need to get going. Nella is looking at me. I whisper that we are going out to hunt and that they should stay in the tent and sleep a while longer. We gather our bows and paraphernalia and head out. The wind is blowing from us straight to where I figure the goats will be. I head us off sharply to the left so they can't smell us. Since there is no food for the goats at...

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Love her lessons

We were only once together for a long hot weekend. She took me in my ass with her strap-on. My very first time! I was only able to come, when she allowed me.Dirty domination. Never dreamt of that. Ever since, I dream of dominating Her.Hope her tight ass is still virgin. I make love to my wife like in the days we married. Give in to all her kinky wishes, as She taught me. Licking my wife´s sexy slit, I can´t help dreaming of the torturous teen. Wish to meat Her again.Roles reversed this time. I...

4 years ago
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Back to Black with Mr Kain Chapter 1

This is a work of fiction… I twiddled my thumbs in anticipation of my next lesson. It was with Mr. Kain, all round love god. He was gorgeous with a capital ‘G’. BERRINNG The bell rang and I leapt out of my seat and sprinted towards the door. My name is Daisy Young and I am 18 years old, just about to finish college and go off to university. I have long silvery blonde hair which is usually tied back in a loose bun. I have 34D breasts which suit my athletic frame. A voice interrupted my...

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