Brookdale Ch 1 free porn video

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The community of Brookdale is unique in so far as the normal accepted patterns of behaviour do not apply. The town has been built up on the basis similar to that of Stepford (The Stepford Wives novel) but, whereas Stepford was very much an idea that was concealed from the outside world, Brookdale has evolved so that outsiders are also aware of the premise that applies to the community.

Brookdale is a town where, except for certain individuals, the majority of the women are openly subject to a regime dictated by the male population and are required to comply obediently with any instruction issued by men or, in some cases, of certain dominant females. The women of the town are under the strictest of control and are subject to physical punishment at the behest of any male.

The degree and nature of the control will be revealed as the tale progresses.

James Quentin had been in correspondence via an online relationship with a woman
called Becca Wilson for a period of time and, when she expressed the wish to explore her submissive nature in a real life situation, he suggested that they meet at Brookdale. Becca had agreed to the idea and he was now sat in a hotel bedroom a short distance from the community of Brookdale, his laptop on the table in front of him as he drafted out a set of instructions that he would shortly transmit to Becca, so that when he arrived in Brookdale, she would be ready to commence her real life experiences of submission to his dominant

The following details appeared upon the screen in front of him:


At noon tomorrow, you will meet me in the post office that I believe is situated on the Main Street in Brookdale. You will be dressed in a light coloured summer type dress with a full skirt and short sleeves, the dress will have a high collar and will fasten from hem to collar with buttons down the front. Your footwear will comprise white slip on shoes with a small heel. You will be naked under the dress, wearing no underwear of any sort. You will carry a small black holdall, which will contain several dresses, two/three skirts that can easily be
raised above your waist, your passport, the keys to your apartment and your car.

When I enter the post office, I will expect you to recognise me from the photo that I have sent you. You will immediately come over and, in a voice loud enough to be heard by any of the persons in the post office, I will expect you to confirm your request for training from me, using a form of words that will leave no doubt of your position.

Should you fail in any of these tasks, then I shall ignore you and simply end the relationship."

After closing the message and sending it to Becca Wilson, James set off for his
journey to Brookdale.

Becca Wilson stared at the email from James one last time before standing and going to her closet. It was one day away; she had already arranged to leave her job for an extended time. The route to Brookdale was planned, her passport was ready and sitting next to the small black case she had bought the day before. Becca had always been very thorough in whatever she did.

The next morning she set out. Inside the black case was now everything she had been instructed to bring. The small assortment of skirts and dresses were light fabric and full, they would lift even if she twirled let alone if they were lifted. Becca was rather proud of herself for her courage and it was this feeling that kept her moving. As she pulled into Brookdale she wore a thin cotton dress, pale violet with pastel flowers s**ttered across it. It buttoned neatly at her throat and fully down the front to the hem, which ended at mid calf. She had stood for a few minutes in front of the full-length mirror in her bedroom and admired her form before her departure. Her nipples had been hard from arousal and the darker tone of her nubs as well as areola was slightly visible through the fabric. She wore no bra or panties as instructed and the light breeze that brushed her legs from the open window of her old car was felt on her bare sex.

Arriving in Brookdale at 9.0am, James parked his car outside the real estate office that he had contacted earlier in the preceding week and collected the keys to a fully furnished property situated some five minutes walk from the Main Street. He sat in his car and again examined the details of the house. It was a two storey detached house with the normal ground floor layout of kitchen, utility room, lounge, dining area and a bathroom, whilst upstairs was an en-suite master bedroom and two small bedrooms.

Driving the short distance to the house, James parked his Mercedes in the garage and unlocked the front door. A quick inspection of the interior revealed that the accommodation was as described, and he carried in two suitcases from the trunk of his car to the master bedroom, before parking it in the garage. James unpacked the cases, and changed into a pair of black trousers and an open neck black shirt. He then decided to explore the full basement playroom area.

However, this was not a c***dren's' playroom, but one fitted out in more exotic taste. The walls were lined with floor to ceiling closets, the mirror doors giving an impression of even greater size. The closets contained all manner of implements for use in the punishment and domination of a human being, including whips, leather crops, slim canes of willow, lengths of whalebone, wooden and leather paddles, dildos, cattle prods, enema and surgical instruments etc. Situated at strategic points in the ceiling and timber floor were short lengths
of chain ending in 'd' clips, the length being controlled by remote controlled hoists. In addition, there was a height adjustable timber sawhorse, with a padded leather top, a vertical square metal frame with metal rings secured at various points around the perimeter and a trolley type metal gynaecological table set against one of the walls. Also set against one wall was a steel barred cage, the size of which could be adjusted to suit any requirements by
simply moving the barred sections.

Off to the side of the basement was a fully tiled bathroom area containing a double shower unit, a large bathtub, a toilet cubicle and a bidet all in gleaming white enamel that sparkled in the light from the concealed lighting in the ceiling.

Depending upon one's viewpoint, it would be better described as a dungeon, rather than a playroom basement. A playroom for those of a dominant nature and a dungeon for one with a submissive outlook. ~ But this was to be explored later!! ~ James mused, as he walked out of the house and down the Main Street towards the post office. It was now just 5 minutes before noon and he wondered if Becca Wilson had kept her assignation.

Pulling up to a parking space in front of the post office, Becca sat and took deep breath. She was determined to do this. The emails exchanged had so far been extremely exciting for her and only cemented what she wanted in her mind. With the final exchange there had been a surge of excitement, eagerness to live out, what till now had been a fantasy. Exiting the car, she locked it up and placed the key chain, which held her apartment keys, into the black case and headed for the entrance of the post office.
Becca milled around inside the large foyer of the outlet, trying not to seem nervous. A quick scan had told her that James had not yet arrived. The words she intended to say were running around in her head so that she would not forget them. They were planned with the intention to please him, to ensure he would accept her and give her the training she desired.

As James opened the door of the post office, he heard the soft tinkle of a bell and saw that there were two male customers in their mid-twenties browsing through some magazines, and the woman post office clerk who looked to be in her early fifties was sat behind the metal grille.

The small bell over the door jingled and Becca turned quickly to look at who ever entered. Her heart beat quickly in her chest as she held the bag in front of her. The white slip on sandals she had chosen clicked loudly to her ears. Her long dark hair, loose, fell neatly back into place on her shoulders as her expectant crystal blue eyes fell to the figure at the door. ~ It's him . . . ~ She thought quickly and almost gasped.

James spotted Becca as she waited for him to acknowledge her presence, her excited state obvious to his eyes as the thin material of her lilac dress failed to adequately conceal the stiff nubs of her nipples. He saw the black bag clutched in her hands before her, as she stood with her back to a display stand of confectionery, looking towards the door. He saw the expectant expression, her hair framing her face as the look of recognition appeared in her sparkling blue eyes.

James's thin lips pursed into a smile in a manner reminiscent of the smile on the wolf as he greeted Red Riding Hood. ~ So my dear, you have kept to the arrangement and, from the looks of things, you are eager to commence ~. With a brief nod of his head, James waited for her to obey his instructions.

Her heart was beating hard in her chest as she saw the smile on his face. Becca stood a moment longer after his initial nod. She was steeling herself against the nervous flutters, to do as instructed. Her mouth felt dry and for a split second her thoughts went blank.

Determination won out over the first shock of seeing him standing there waiting for her to speak. James looked handsome and powerful, as he was dressed, the black shirt and pants adding to the feeling he emitted with the smile he had given her. Slowly, Becca stepped forward until she stood a foot or two from James.

"Good day Sir. I hope I please you with my appearance as you had instructed." It was off from what she had intended to say but the fact she had broken the silence kept her lips moving, gaining volume in hopes of pleasing him. Becca's cheeks were already flaming as she felt eyes on her. "I wish to serve you Sir, in hopes that you will train me to be one who pleases as you so desire. I am eager to learn in your possession and offer myself as humbly as possible for whatever you wish." Her eyes were wide, holding his gaze until she caught
herself and lowered it while keeping her head high. Becca was fighting to keep control of herself, her breasts felt as if they were swelling with every breath she took. She had not anticipated such arousal at uttering what had originally seemed like simple phrases, especially in front of others.

With her gaze still lowered she darted her eyes from side to side, witnessing the way she was being observed by the other people present. Becca stole a furtive glance up to the man she hoped to call Master. "It is my deepest desire to please you." she said, her voice softer than before but still seeming to echo loudly in her ears around the post office. She was looking for reward for her efforts and quickly looked back at the floor just in front of James's feet, a slight grin playing around her lips in anticipation.

On hearing Becca's words, James stood looking intently into her eyes and, in an even voice that gave no hint of the import of his words, he said in a voice able to be heard by the interested onlookers.

"I will now test whether the sentiments just expressed by your words, can be translated into a willingness to obey every instruction to the letter and without delay. Becca, I wish you to clasp your hands behind your neck, making sure that you thrust out your breasts so that all present in this store can see your nipples pressing out through the thin material of your dress. You will then repeat the request that you have just made, only this time you will say it whilst on your knees before me. In addition, I shall expect you to use the most graphic terminology of what you are offering, so that there is no doubt in your mind nor any listener's ears, that you are indeed begging to become my slave-in-training."

James stood waiting for Becca's reaction to his demand that she debase herself in front of complete strangers.

Becca stared at James as he gave her further instructions, her eyes widening slightly. At the same moment as she felt her embarrassment at just the idea grow, she felt her arousal move to a new level. She hesitated as her eyes once again darted around the post office. The looks she felt were obvious curiosity but Becca felt it was not exactly surprised curiosity.

Swallowing hard, Becca lowered her bag to the floor and straightened as she brought her hands to the back of her neck under her hair. Her eyes lowered as she brought herself carefully to her knees, closer to James's feet. Her lips parted slightly as she moved, her chest heaving, straining at the confines of her dress. The fabric rubbed at her nipples as they protruded eagerly through the light material. With her back arching, Becca pulled the words from her now dry throat.

"Sir, I kneel before you with the desire to do all that you want with me and my body . . . My need to be trained as a slave in your possession is strong. . ." It was hard for Becca to find graphic words to use but her eagerness to please him was already strong and pushed her on. "Every hole in my body waits to be yours, to be entered and taken, used for your pleasure alone. My throat craves to feel the circle of your collar. My back aches to be lashed for your enjoyment or to feel your just punishments." Becca's eyes stared intently at
the floor in front of James's feet. Her voice came strong, more so than she'd ever thought, especially with others watching.

Becca's hands remained tightly interlocked under her hair and she could feel the heat radiating from her skin there. Still not raising her eyes she spoke again, only softer this time. "I have much to learn, Sir. But I hope you will choose to accept my offer to serve you." Becca only waited then, eager to hear if she pleased him, again looking for some reward for her efforts.

James listened to Becca's litany of submissive desires from her kneeling position and, after smiling at the other patrons of the post office, he instructed her to rise.

"Your words expressing the wish to please me meet with my approval and I can see from your actions that you have an inherent wish to explore the side of your character that you have previously hidden from view." James's eyes travelled to where they viewed Becca's obvious excited state as evidenced by her erect nubs pressing against the thin fabric of her dress. ~ does she also display such arousal in that secret place between her legs? ~ he pondered.

"This may be a convenient opportunity for you to sign the contract that I have prepared for you and then you may request that it be witnessed by the these kind people." James said, as he removed the document from the pocket of his shirt.

He handed the contract to Becca and, as he did with a wry smile crossing his sallow features, he said. "Oh, you may as well read the contents out to our fellow customers and staff so that they are fully aware of what the nature of the conditions are that you are agreeing to. Make sure that you speak clearly and with sincerity."

The white sheets of paper contained the following words:


'I, Becca Wilson, who will henceforth in this document be referred to as slave, being of sound body and mind, do hereby submit my complete self to become a slave in the full care and control of James Quentin who henceforth in this document will be referred to as Master.

It is accepted that I will abide by the following conditions, that may be amended or altered at will by Master, in the full realisation that i will retain no rights to refuse any order or instruction from Master or anyone he appoints to act on his behalf.


1) i will serve, obey and please James Quentin whom I will always address as Master.
2) i will always refer to myself, Becca Wilson as slave for I am nothing more than an object, an instrument to be used by my Master for his pleasures.
3) my body and mind is the property of my Master.
4) i must be specific in my speech.
5) i will thank my Master for the discipline and punishments i receive, specifying what i received and expressing the reason as to why i was given them.
6) my Master's desires must always be at the forefront of all my thoughts.
7) my eyes must be cast down in the presence of my Master.
8) my basic attire in private before my Master shall consist of only my collar
9) All clothing worn with permission of my Master will allow easy access to my pussy, ass and breasts. The clothing will emphasize my assets.
10) i must remove my clothing in a way that demonstrates my complete submission to my Master. - regardless of who may be present and despite where it is i am.
11) When i remove clothing from my body it must be folded neatly.
12) It will be my responsibility to carry out all normal chores including
cooking, washing, ironing and house cleaning.
13) i want my submission to my Master to feel natural and will work towards this end with a continued effort to enforce this growing feeling inside of me.
14) i will always be ready to please my Master.
15) i must never reach orgasm without explicit permission from my Master.
16) Failure to receive properly asked for or received permission and i will endure the punishment Master will put upon me
17) i will endure whatever pain my Master gives me when he disciplines or punishes me so i can become a better slave for Him.
18) i am allowed to suggest ways to further my training or use of me as long as i address my Master properly first.
19) i must always respond fully both physically and verbally to whatever my Master does with me. Expressions are important to Him.
20) If i am wearing a dress or skirt and no panties and i am going to sit down - i must sit on my bare skin - and do so gracefully whether i am in private or in public.
21) i must never tighten my body when it is being whipped, caned, cropped, slapped, paddled, belted, strapped, spanked, whipped, punished in any way or anally or vaginally used. My Master likes it when my flesh jiggles.

Signed .......................................
Becca Wilson



As James stood waiting for Becca to obey his instruction and commence reading the contract out to the gathered people, he ordered the girl to return to her knees.

"It will reinforce your feeling of submission to me if the requirements of the contract are read out, with your body in a position more in keeping with your new status in life."

~ This is how to commence a relationship with a new slave, first the verbal and mental displays of submission, and then move onto the physical and more obvious signs of her subjugation. ~

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Author's note: First, to new readers I want to acknowledge that part 1 of MAU: Infinite Crisis is poorly written. I can only ask you to power through it as the later parts do get better after the story is complete, I will go back and rewrite part 1. Secondly, I would like to apologise to all the readers who've been with this story so far. I had some things happen in my personal life that forced me to put the story on hold. while I can't promise that future instalements won't get...

3 years ago
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 592 Beti Ne Jaana Apni Maa Ka Chupa Roop

Narrated by Author Sarika ghutno pe chalti hui Rahul ke chehre ke paas gayi aur boli: Kya khana hai tumhe pahle? Rahul: Matlab? Sarika: Kya khaoge meri? Aage ya peeche? Rahul muskurata hua bola: Dono kyu nahi mom? Neeche Kavita inki baate sun uthi aur wapas Rahul ke lund ko apne muh mein lekar choosne lagi. Ab Bharti ko saaf dikh rahi thi ki uski maa kaise Rahul ke lund ko choos rahi thi. Tabhi aage dekhi to Sarika Rahul ke muh par chahad kar baith gayi aur apni choot aur gand...

1 year ago
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Wife Gets 3 Men

Emma (22) and John (24) have been married for just over eighteen months and have a one year old child. Before marriage there were a few encounters with other women. After marriage there was an encounter with a couple of John’s friends who were in a gay relationship. This was Emma’s first time with more than one man, she ended up with three! The night went great and everyone had an amazing experience and all vowed to do it again. One year after that party, this story begins. After spending a...

Wife Lovers
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SKIN DEEP Urban Legend Chapter Six First Date

SKIN DEEP - Urban Legend Chapter Six: First Date by Mark McDonald Journal> Journal Date 12/23/2081: 10:18 am. Journal> Voice dictation journal editor, open... Proceed. It was very cool in Gary's house, and my skin started to pimple up in goose flesh. I rubbed my arms as I walked in trying to rub off them off. "Wow, it's cold in here! Can you warm it up some?" "Sure, I'm sorry. Dad's a bit heavy; he likes it cooler than the rest of us. Go on into the living room...

2 years ago
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Imagination 6

Imagination 6 Breathing was difficult. A short panting action was the easiest method simply because I could no longer take a deep breath. "This will give you plenty of practice for when you get to wear a corset. You have plenty to learn before you get to that stage but be under no illusions, your bra strap and belt will get no looser at any time and, as you progress, they will be taken in by several more notches" "I can't breathe properly now, Sister. Please loosen them of a...

3 years ago
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sometimes random fun does happen

I live in the northern part of England in a small town not much happens here but i guess theres a lot i don't know about. Anyway fun is limited here so i do most of my searching for it on social media or websites and as i am bi i can enjoy and explore more, but i do only like older men as i find that more erotic. anyway I have met a couple of men pre arranged but have never had it come my way accidentally until recently. I had a free afternoon with nothing planned or any ideas what to do so...

2 years ago
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A night of great sex

To regale my next tale I have to take you back a few years. Way back before I ever did escort work or starred in any porn film. Long before I ever indulged in gang bang activities or performing sexual acts in front of an audience.It’s incredibly easy to partake in good sex. It’s just as easy to find great sex, but to encounter incredible sex, that only comes around once in a blue moon. Each individual will have their own interpretation on incredible sex. Some will put it down to size, body,...

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Swathi 8211 Apartment Beauty

Hi everyone, I suggest you to imagine yourself as the alpha male (that’s me) of this story. Well I am Ragu, 22 years old residing in modern metropolis (Chennai). I am only son of my parents and we are living in 10th floor in an apartment. I am a football player so I have lot of stamina (really) and I always seeks to play rough and tough. We friends on my same apartment are having cricket club and plays cricket daily in the ground which is behind the apartment. Even though I am a football player...

1 year ago
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Editing Reailty Book 2 Chapter 15 Angelic Passion Unlocked

Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Fifteen: Angelic Passion Unlocked By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies I stared at the army of anime girls rushing at city hall. They were all armed with assault rifles, sleek, deadly weapons. They swept in from the right and the left, their gunshots cracking through the afternoon. The few people who were still lurking around city hall after my inauguration were fleeing into the building....

4 years ago
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Merry ExMas

A flip of a switch filled the yard with colored lights. Regina smiled while watching the spruce trees lining the sidewalk appear to spin. She didn't care that chasing lights were out of style — she liked them. Curtain lights, icicle lights, LEDs... The trend changed every year anyway.Turning around, she sighed. It was hard to get into the spirit in an empty house. The loss of her dad five years earlier had started it, followed by her mother the following year, and then the divorce. This year,...

3 years ago
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Beth and Tracey Chanpter 3 of 3 Part 2 of 2

I stayed for a while, just sipping some wine and talking to a few people. I decided to call it a night and when I flipped the lights in my room on, I was surprised to see the sheets move and a beauty woke up. Temple!"I hope you don't mind, I got off and was tired. I wasn't sure when you would be coming back."I started stripping off my clothes, looking at my little present. She didn't say a word. I am nowhere near as striking at Beth, but in my own way, I am attractive, at least that's...

2 years ago
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Morgans Organ Part 3

Shauna waits tables at a local restaurant.  I met her when I first moved to town.  She was still in high school then and worked part-time as a waitress.  Now twenty-three years old, she still looks eighteen-ish and is sweet as the girl next door.  She has very curly dirty blonde hair and big hazel eyes. She stands about five-foot-six-inches tall and weighs all of about a hundred pounds.  She is maybe an A-cup and she has an ass made for yoga pants.  Her skin is milky white with a smattering of...

3 years ago
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Dirty Horny Family

Huma presents a new hot story of a dirty family. Hope all my kinky readers will love it. I am 26 years old photographer, married to a sexbomb named Sarita who loves sex. I have been fucking her in all positions and at all places, like, bathroom, kitchen, in the lawn and soemtimes in bed too. I live with my mother Sunita who is a gorgeous looking woman of 46. She has a few male friends who used to be my dad’s friends before my dad died two years ago. My wife tells me she fucks them like a whore....

2 years ago
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Bound and humiliated

My BF humiliated me at a pool party. He had lost at poker and would use me to pay off his gambling debt. He took me to what he said was a pool party. We like sex parties, where he watches me get gangbanged and humiliated. I wear a short skirt and no panties. I was the only female among seven guys. It didn't take long, for one of the guys to put his hands on my tits. Then two guys grabbed me, and my BF told me that I was he sweet little slut, who would soon get my pussy filled with a gallon of...

4 years ago
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sister in law catches me

My sister in law is 46 years old she is a size 14 to 16 with dyed mousy blonde hair cut in a bob to her shoulders and size 36b tits that droop slightly.I have always fancied her and imagined what she would look like naked does she shave her pubes? Does she let it all grow? Is she dirty in bed? What turns her on? And thankfully I now know. It all started a few months ago Jane was stopping at our house my wife went upto bed but Jane and me carried on...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Jessica Jewels 25021

Jessica Jewels is hanging out at her best friends house waiting for her to come home. Kyle, her friends brother comes in to see what she’s up to. Kyle is glad to see her, he needs her opinion on one of his classes he’s taking, literature and poetry. He was inspired to write a poem and wants to read it to Jessica for her thoughts. She doesn’t really know how to respond to what he wrote but doesn’t seem like she was really into it. Her question is “who is the poem...

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Cuckolded After An Out of Body Experience

My name is Kevin, and I returned to my hometown in the Portland area after graduating from the University of Oregon with a business degree. Then I took additional training to become a real estate agent in my father’s real estate company and found immediate success in the market. My two best friends from high school, Brad and Tom, also found good jobs in Portland, following their graduation from Lewis & Clark College.Brad, Tom, and I hit the bar scene pretty hard the first couple of years after...

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PterisChapter 9 Dependents

Two brothers ran the operations of the combination. While one brother managed the stable, ‘Young’ Bart ran the inn. The happy innkeeper watched the line slowly dwindle in front of the two healers seated in a corner of his common room. Their presence for the past week or so had increased his morning and midafternoon business by a significant factor. He was a savvy man, more so than his dead father, ‘Old’ Bart, had been on the farm. The increase in business was enough that he had offered the...

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Private Bella Rico Anya Krey English Class Gone Wild

Bella Rico and Anya Krey have come to Private Specials, Spanish Señoritas for an English class with teacher Sam Bourne, however, with the sexual tension so high, this is one language lesson that is about to get wild! Cock-sucking, pussy eating and good quality fucking is on the curriculum today as both sexy girls get hands on and taste each other’s pussies before the lucky Sam joins in for a double blowjob. Then watch the rest of the action on where Bella and Anya take turns...

4 years ago
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pleasurable stranger

“Okay hunny but what about your homework?” “I don’t have any mom, good night.” I walked up the stairs tiredly. I had a long day at school. A lot of class work, high school drama. Fights. And to top it off I didn’t get very much sleep last night. I don’t know why but I had the strangest dream last night. A dream I never thought id have at this age. The first wet dream I ever had. A dream about a man coming into my room and rubbing my legs and groping my breasts. It felt so good and...

2 years ago
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SF Special Forces or Special FemalesChapter 2

February 1999 We were in the Amazonian-Triangle which is made up of Santa Rosa, Peru; Leticia, Columbia; Tabatinga, Brazil. Our base of operation was in Tabatinga with a cover story of being a survey team for colleges wanting to send students down to do research and studies of the Amazon. Wanting to establish customs and travel visas in all three countries. There were a couple of colleges that did want to send students to study the Amazon and anything we did as our cover would be helpful to...

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A Country Orgypart 1

Well who would have thought that a quick walk through the forest would have led to this? Here I am sitting on my lounge watching my wife take on three men as a German tourist sucks my cock and her two friends lick cum out of their hard fucked cunts. What a strange yet wonderful world. I’d had a bastard of a day and had decided to take the two dogs for a trot down to the river. The sun was belting down and it wasn’t long before I had a sweat up. In my shitty state before I left home I neglected...

Group Sex
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Three is a Good Crowd in the Neighborhood

Megan sat on a bench at the park reading a book. The sun was shining and a gentle breeze rustled the trees. The birds were chirping.         Megan felt someone staring at her but when she looked up there was no one there. After some time passed Megan collected her belongings and left the park for home.         Home was just a few blocks away. She stopped of at the local bistro for pastries. Again she felt someone staring at her but when she looked there was no one there. She tried to ignore...

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In Her Own Words

Three months after Robin and I first married I had to go overseas for a year. Before we were married we had lived together for about six months before that. To say the least, those nine months had been sexually torrid! At the time that we got married, Robin was a really attractive girl with a very pretty face and a great body with long shapely legs and small but perfect pert breasts. We had met within weeks of her coming off a bad marriage so I was a little tentative about getting involved. I...

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One morning I awoke, and found myself a woman. It all began at 6:30 AM on October 1, 2001. My alarm went off, and I went to hit the snooze button to catch a few more minutes of sleep. "Damn," I thought as my arm hit the night stand, rather than the clock. "The clock's always in the same place. How did it move?" I went to climb out of bed, and go to the bathroom. "Hmmm, why does it seem like the bed got higher? I must be losing it." I went into the bathroom, and turned on the...

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Sex With My Reader In A Theme Park

Hey readers, this is Nayeem with yet another sexual experience. This is my 10th story. Thank you for sending your feedback and suggestions. I had a good time with some ladies who texted me. My new sexual encounter is also with one of them. After my last story, I had received many emails from ladies who wanted to maintain secret sexting and relationship. I love sexting and having sex and one night stands with strangers. If any woman/girl wants to get along with me you could reach me at And...

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The AccidentChapter 11

“Mom has it, David.” Grace said. “I am surprised that you asked. I wasn’t expecting it.” “How about my tux?” I said. “Any banned or prohibitive colors or styles?” “Mom has that taken care of.” “What about size? Will it fit?” I paused... “Scratch that. Mom knows my size.” She did. On the forenoon of the auspicious day, I was sent to the barber. Shorn ... I walked home, showered ... twice (Mom found imperfections.) That embarrassing situation over, I went to my room. I found a Azul...

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Stud MakerChapter 10 Stud Breaker

The major watched Iris crossing the yard, her braided flaxen hair swinging in step, as she headed for the stable. How sexy her swaying butt looked in jodhpurs, as she strode, thwacking the crop against the side of her riding-boot. He imagined whacking her ass with it; as he use too when spanking her. She entered her domain; the stable he'd constructed for her 15th birthday. Lovejoy whinnied in anticipation of what was in store. At the sight of his mistress with crop in hand, he pawed the...

4 years ago
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To Hell and Back Book One SurvivalCH 29 Into the Fire

Logan found the servant’s entrance Amber had directed him too and staggered out into the warm night air of the courtyard with the bucket of meat she had managed to acquire from the kitchen. He made no attempt at stealth. The guards at the first gatehouse watched, amused, as Logan staggered and mumbled his way closer. “Where you going?” one of them asked. “Check on m’ beast.” Logan slurred. “He’s fine,” the guard replied. “Go on back inside ... sir.” Logan looked at the man. “You ever seen...

1 year ago
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My First Blowjob Part II

Well after my first blowjob I gave Tyrone at least two or three blowjobs a day and he finally had intercourse with me and it was like innercourse! I tried to relax and let it happen the way you are supposed to the first time but he acted like I have been having sex for a long time! He had me deepthroat him and then he pulled out of my mouth and told me to get on all fours! He grabbed my hips firmly with both of his big strong hands and put that big head of his cock at the entrance of my vagina...

Group Sex
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Lexi and I PART 2

I went to bed that night completley and unterlly confused. I had grown up with Lexi, I had been there when she lost her first tooth, and when she broke her leg. I had been close with her brothers since we were close to the same age. But here I was raising my neices in my house including Lexi. Who just gave me the best blow job in the history of blow jobs. When I awoke the next morning to Ashley climbing all over me expressing her need for ceral I was quickly to snap back to reality...

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Part 10 Just like mom

Most women I have ever dealed with, in all walks of life, in every marital status, profession, of every age, with all kinds of different lifestyles, have confessed to being whores at least at some point in their lives. I don't mean for money, I mean being someone's toy, being abused. Most women knew they were just being used, being abused, and kept coming back for more. Sometimes for love, sometimes money, at times religion, sometimes experimentation, and sometimes just as victims. Truth...

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