The Girl Next Door 8230
- 2 years ago
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I awoke to an awesome sight and a fantastic feeling the next morning. Kelly was sucking on my hard cock and staring up at me with her smiling eyes. The first thing I normally do when I wake up is rush to the bathroom. It’s funny how quickly and completely she can take a guy’s mind off of something so mundane.
As soon as she saw that I’m awake she paused long enough to say, “I love you.”
My first thought was that I should stop her. But I realized that, for whatever reason, I don’t feel a pressing need to go to the bathroom. So I relaxed and let her work her magic. She’s getting pretty good at this and what makes it even more exciting is that she seems to be enjoying herself. It would have been a shame to interfere.
One of the most erotic sights in the world is watching a woman who loves you and loves pleasing you sucking your cock and clearly having a good time doing it. That enthusiasm makes all the difference. Kelly is clearly taking pleasure in what she’s doing.
I don’t know how long she’d been sucking on my cock before I awoke. I know I began to build to an orgasm in an amazingly short time from the moment my eyes opened and I realized what’s going on.
I warned her I was close, though I know it isn’t necessary by now. She knows me as well as I know her. She knows how close I am to an orgasm.
She only moaned in pleasure and worked that much faster until my cock exploded in her mouth. In the back of my mind there remained the nagging fear that my bladder is full and there might be a very embarrassing accident. But I worried for nothing.
Even after I came I still didn’t feel that urgent need to urinate which normally gets me out of bed as soon as my eyes open in the morning. Since there seemed to be no hurry I pulled her up beside me and kissed her passionately. After a moment I asked, “What got into you this morning?”
She smiled and said, “I woke up and there wasn’t much to do. It was too early to get up so I thought I’d pass some time. That’s a pacifier isn’t it?”
I laughed and said, “Why don’t you start handing replicas of one of those out to mothers and tell them that they’re just pacifiers?”
She grinned and replied, “Because they’d probably keep them for themselves. It’s such a beautiful pacifier.”
I decided to call it a draw. I rolled her over onto her back and began to kiss my way down her perfect body. I guess we should have been paying more attention to the time. I had stretched out between her legs and was just getting started eating her sweet pussy when there was a knock on the door.
I’m not certain if Kelly even heard it. I heard it but I wasn’t ready to stop what I was doing. The door opened and we heard Bev call out, “Is anyone home?”
Kelly responded, “Back here!”
We grinned at each other and I returned to what I was doing. Our bedroom door isn’t shut. There’s no need to close it since we’re all alone. Or at least we were up until a few seconds ago.
Bev came back and leaned against the wall beside our bed. I looked up without stopping what I’m doing. She grinned down at me and started undressing. As she slipped out of her clothes she said, “David went up to the office to pick up a newspaper. He’ll be along in a couple of minutes.”
She was quickly naked. She didn’t wait for an invitation. She stretched out beside Kelly and they began to kiss and caress each other’s tits while I continued my chores.
I can’t help but notice Bev’s sexy pussy isn’t far from my face. I couldn’t just ignore it. I’m sure you can understand that. I reached one hand over and eased two fingers into her moist opening and without missing a lick I began to lightly tease her clit with the pad of my thumb.
She must have enjoyed my meager efforts. She quickly began to catch up to Kelly. Kelly was nearing her orgasm when we heard another knock on the door. Bev tried to call out but it somehow turned into a moan instead.
Kelly chuckled and called out, “Come in. We’re in the back.”
There were some strange noises towards the front of the RV and then David was standing beside the bed chuckling. Kelly stopped kissing Bev long enough to invite him to join the party.
I heard the amusement in his voice when he replied, “That’s alright, darlin’. I’ll sit this one out. You can’t really appreciate how erotic this view is if you become a part of the artwork.”
I thought that was well put. Kelly smiled at him and turned her attention back to Bev. I guess I’m as good with my thumb as I am with my tongue because Bev and Kelly began to orgasm at nearly the same time. Either that or I was incidental to their pleasure. I choose to believe the former.
It wasn’t until the three of us slowly separated and sat up that David said, “Connie decided she couldn’t stay. She said she’d come by later. I’ll be surprised if she does, though. When she looked back and saw the three of you she looked like she was going to stroke out!”
I guess that explains the commotion out front when David arrived.
He couldn’t keep a straight face when he explained that he met up with her on the way to the office to buy a newspaper and she asked if she could talk to Kelly and Bev for a minute.
He shrugged and said, “Sorry. I didn’t know.”
Bev and Kelly looked at each other and started laughing. Bev said, “She’s a big girl. I think she’ll get over it. And now she has something else to ask us about. This might be interesting.”
I think I’m the most embarrassed of the three of us. But even I found it hard to keep from laughing out loud as we imagined poor Connie’s consternation.
I glanced at the time and said, “Sorry. I didn’t realize how late it was. But to be fair, this is all Kelly’s fault.”
Kelly didn’t seem embarrassed at all. She grinned and started sliding out of bed. She said, “It isn’t my fault. They were two minutes early. You start coffee while I take a quick shower. Then you can take yours.”
I slipped on a pair of loose shorts and the three of us went out to the living area. While Kelly showered and got dressed I made coffee and got breakfast started. When she came out and relieved me I took a quick shower while she finished making breakfast.
The conversation became a little more serious than usual after breakfast. We sipped our coffee and started talking about the future. First the immediate future; where we plan to go from here and when we expected to leave.
I’ve been waiting for my forwarded mail to catch up to me before we can move on. For the moment the main thing on our minds is waiting anxiously for Kelly’s birth certificate to arrive so we can get married. After that we have no plans beyond making our way towards the west.
Kelly has never been out of the state of West Virginia. Not until I kidnapped her for my own nefarious purposes and whisked her away. Everything is new and different for her. Over the years I’ve managed to visit most of the states and some of Mexico and Canada. I still haven’t seen the nine uppermost states from Lake Michigan to the Pacific Coast. There’s a lot of beautiful country out there that I’d like to see before we settle down somewhere.
We decided to travel together for a while since they have no schedule or itinerary either and since we enjoy each other’s company so much.
With that decided, Bev began trying to pin us down on our final destination. She wants us to come and live near them in Savannah.
I like Savannah. And I have become very fond of our two new friends. I’m just not sure I want to live in that or any other city. It would be nice to live near enough to a city to visit. I enjoy a good symphony orchestra, a play now and then, and the opportunity to visit a museum from time to time.
I don’t have anything definite in mind when it comes to a final destination. But in the back of my mind I think I’ve been looking for the perfect small town. While I enjoy the mild winters of the Southeastern U.S., mainly because I can ride my Harley all year round, I think I’m leaning toward finding somewhere that offers the opportunity to enjoy a white Christmas, preferably a town where the electorate tends a little more toward Liberal Democrat.
Liberal and Democrat are dirty words in the South since the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. I think I’d like to try living somewhere my vote counts for a change. But as usual I started out keeping that view to myself. I don’t really know what I want to do with myself now that I’m starting out on my new life but it’s too early to close any doors by offending our new friends with my political beliefs.
David and Bev would have made good detectives. They realized there’s something I’m not saying and they kept digging until I felt compelled to say what was on my mind. We finally discussed my political views and I was mildly surprised to discover that both David and Bev think much the same way I do and are frustrated by Southern politics and the tendency of the average southerner to consistently vote against his own self interests. But their roots are deep in Savannah and David has pretty specific plans for the future there.
We tabled the discussion of a final destination for Kelly and me. We looked through the road atlas and made vague plans for a trip through Pennsylvania, Ohio, and up through the upper peninsula of Michigan where we all want to stop and spend some time exploring. We were just about to move outside with our last cup of coffee when there was a knock at the door.
Kelly went to the door and was really surprised to find Connie there. She invited her in and said, “I’m surprised to see you, Connie! I expected you and Chuck to be halfway across the state by now.”
Connie smiled. She realized she’s being teased good naturedly. She said, “It crossed my mind. I just wanted to apologize. And I want you to know I won’t be sharing what I saw with anyone. I didn’t even tell Chuck. I wasn’t spying on you. I just wanted to ... I have some questions.”
She laughed softly and said, “My questions seem pretty silly now.”
It’s obvious she still has a lot of questions. I stood up and said to David, “Let’s go check the mail. I’m expecting something pretty important.”
David got up to join me. I said, “We’ll walk slow and take the long way around. Take your time.”
David and I walked slowly around the park before making our way to the office to check our mail. The first words out of our mouths when we closed the door to the RV behind us were spoken almost in unison.
“I’m glad to get out of there!”
Then he said, “I’m sorry about letting her in. I had no idea. I guess I should have, knowing Bev like I do.”
I laughed and said, “I’m not worried about it. Hell. It might do her some good. Shake her up a little. Look how much we’re enjoying this.”
There was another long pause before he said, “She’s sexy ... really nice tits ... but we talked about this. I don’t think I want to do the things the four of us have been doing with another couple. There may come a time. But right now, as much as this is going to make me sound like I have too much estrogen in my system, I think what the four of us have is pretty special. I don’t have any desire to widen the circle.”
I nodded my head and said, “I know how you feel. On the other hand, if the three of them want to play around a little or just Kelly and Connie, I don’t think I’d care about that as long as Kelly doesn’t decide to switch teams.”
Another thoughtful pause and David said, “Yeah. I suppose that would be alright.”
With that the conversation turned to important things. We started talking about motorcycles. David once owned a little 250cc Honda. He bought it when he started college. He wrecked it the second week and hasn’t been on a motorcycle since.
I rattled off a long list of the bikes I’ve owned and extolled the virtues of Harleys. To be fair, I’ve owned Hondas, Suzukis, a Kawasaki and a Triumph, too. And I loved them all. But nothing stirs your blood like a Harley. And I’m one of those weirdoes who believe in buying American if at all possible.
I haven’t owned a foreign car or motorcycle in more than ten years and don’t expect to ever own another. But there’s no denying that they make some very good products. Many of the foreign bikes are technologically superior to a Harley. But I don’t care.
We entered the office and I waited while David checked with the woman at the counter. She reached under the counter and pulled out a large Priority Mail box with a week’s worth of mail in it.
Then she reached back down and pulled up a slender, oversized, padded envelope with my mail in it. I wasn’t really expecting anything. I don’t get much mail. But I was hoping.
I opened it carefully and couldn’t keep the smile off my face when I spotted the sturdy 8X10 envelope addressed to Kelly from Jefferson County, the county seat that maintains the records for Harpers Ferry.
It arrived weeks before they told us to expect it. I was so excited my hands were shaking.
David was looking at me curiously. I grinned like crazy, held up the envelope and said, “There’s going to be a wedding.”
He looked like he was going to hug me for a second. But he came to his senses and simply said, “Congratulations! I wonder if it’s safe to go back and tell them.”
I looked at my watch. We’ve spent close to forty minutes walking around and then checking the mail. If that wasn’t long enough to satisfy Connie’s inquiring mind then she’s just going to have to make an appointment for another session.
I shrugged and said, “We can walk slowly. But I’m pretty sure Kelly is going to want to see this.”
We walked slowly back to the RV but we took a more direct route this time. I opened the door cautiously to find Kelly and Bev sitting alone at the table. We went in and joined them.
I placed the envelope on the table in front of Kelly but from the look on Bev’s face you’d think it was addressed to her and meant she could get married. It was hard to tell which of them was happier.
I poured a cup of coffee for me and David while Kelly opened the envelope. After assuring herself that it did, indeed, contain her birth certificate she smiled at me and said, “I got your ass now!”
I kissed her and said, “I’m not worried. I’ve already lined up a bellboy to perform the ceremony. Well, I couldn’t find a bellboy. But I have a desk clerk on retainer at Christy’s Motel.”
From the time Kelly opened her birth certificate that morning things were a blur for about the next week. We applied for a marriage license in town. Keeping a leash on Bev was a constant struggle. She kept coming up with lavish plans for our wedding. There are only the four of us but she devised one intricate plan after another to make it into something more than the simple civil ceremony both Kelly and I want.
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Jamal, my brand new black bull, had arranged a new meeting.This time it would not be at his place, but at a filthy motel in the middle of nowhere. He was on his way to the airport that same night, to catch a flight to a distant city; he did not tell which one.Jamal said that hubby should be in the room as he fucked me.Victor drove me to the motel and we arrived a bit early. He sat down on chair at a corner and I stood on my stilettos close to the filthy bed. Soon my toned long legs tensed as...
Samantha Weatherly took another sip of her beer, she heard the man with the Chardonnay, a few empty seats down, sniffle. He wiped his nose on his sleeve, and hid his head in his folded arms. She heard him sob. 'So typical of a man not to be prepared, ' she thought. Sam reached into her pocket pulled out a travel packet of tissue and tossed it to the crying man. He looked up at Sam, nodded his thanks before blowing his nose and wiping his eyes. Looking back at the party, he began crying...
With three more hours of flight, Marie wondered if there was anything she could do to satisfy her desire to be as slutty as possible. She considered asking Peter if he wanted to join the mile high club, but the toilets were beside the galley, and the cabin crew had all gathered there, so it would not be possible to enter and leave the toilet without being seen. Instead, she lay back in her seat and closed her eyes, and let her mind wander back to the time that she had been at her most out of...
Just as Sam had done a few minutes earlier, Suzzie raised one foot twelve to fifteen inches up the bank and after testing her footing took Pat’s hand allowing him to pull her half a body length upwards. Suzzie was now standing there with her legs spread wide, just as Sam had been a little earlier, with her face almost level with Pat’s balls. His cock was poking straight out at her face as Suzzie wrapped one hand around Pat’s leg for support, and the other hand moved to take hold of his solid...
Group SexA week later a large ship pulled into the harbour with all the parts I asked Saudi Arabia to provide. When they went into storage I found each piece to be as good as I had demanded it to be. That night I called King Faysal and invited him to come to Japan to see his son fly the first section into orbit. We discussed many things including my telephone/computer system and how it would help his people. He would come and see for himself what could happen with most of his family. The prince's...
It was during a Wednesday nite supper this past April when Penny my wife of seven years, suddenly looked me straight in the eyes while calling me a GAY COCKSUCKER ! Instantly while I swollowed hard and quickly looked away from her, my worse dreaded fears in life had somehow just become reality! So as I sat there trembling with a bowed head, Penny told me all about the phone call she had gotten earlier that day from Mary! Yes the very same Mary who was the wife of my secret gay friend Robert and...
Hi am Rajesh, but I like being called Raji. I am 20 and a part time cross dresser. I look as a beautiful girl when I get dressed and apply some makeup. You can see my pics on my FB profile (Raji angel). Now coming to the story, the story started by some online chatting. When I was searching for some online friends I met this guy named pavan (name changed) he likes calling him (pavani). It all started this way he was my online friend at first we chatted normally. We introduced ourselves. He...
Gay MaleAncient Past -B.C. 250,000-Foundation of Atlantis: Atlantis gains prominence in perfected mind/body due to the birth of psionic adepts who develop the crystal, chemical, mental technology that avoided atomic and nuclear war to give the citizens the equivalent advanced technology a shown in science fiction and fantasy. -B.C. 240,900-Discovery of Ethereal Stones: Atlantis discovers the unique properties of the ore that responds to psionic energy as well as artificial intelligence...
"So?" Jason asked as he rolled up at the bottom of the drive on his mountain bike. Robert held up his phone, showing the message from his older brother with two specifically capitalized words in an otherwise innocuous message - care package. "Sweet. Let's roll." The pair set out on the gravel road, riding even deeper into the middle of nowhere. Living out in the country certainly had its disadvantages, but there were a few things that helped offset the boredom and inconvenience. One of...
Altered Fates: A Study In Childhood - By Innocent Guilt Hi, my name is Jeffery Smith. If you stumbled onto this little story of my life then I hope it helps save you from the fate I am in now. Well, lets go back to where it all started. It was my first days of college. I was a freshman at Undeclared Medical College. I was head strong, naive, stupid, and thought I could take on the world. I had just finished high school as top of my class with some off the wall theories in the...
Gillian had been my best friend almost since I had known her. When we met, I was dating her best friend, Diane. Diane had confided in me early on that she wanted to have sex with another woman. We were fortunate enough to achieve that goal, several times. I was luckyenough to be present every time.A few months after Diane had her first f/f experience, she began to talk about Gillian. She had just separated from her husband and was ready for some wild times. Diane had told her of some of our...
Love StoriesMarie cursed for the umpteenth time that day quietly to herself as she dragged the mop bucket in the bedroom of her mother."On a Saturday morning to clean the apartment instead of times really good sleep is anyway already a silly idea, but with such a big head like me it just makes it even more not fun"She cursed again that they still had two more cocktails last night of the cute guy in the bar can invite, even though they had actually already at 11 clock go want to be fit for their mother's...
I didn’t get to spend much more time with Jeff up to the Thanksgiving break. I chose to spend my free time educating myself on nutrition and exercise, particularly the way they affected coronary artery disease. Sitting around waiting to find out if Louis was going to survive and seeing him in his fragile state the next day left an indelible image in my mind. Each time I saw Jeff in his place a chill ran through me. Jeff was tired much of the time and I fantasized about drugging him to force...
ACT OF RESPECT Hail My King- My masculine, virile, absolute Master, You are full of strength and worthy of utmost respect. Here I pray to You, to pay my greatest, unconditional, everlasting homage to the Man who dwells in my heart and my mind at all times, who guides my every action, who inspires my every thought, who follows me in my every step. My eyes only see You when You allow me to cherish Your beauty, my ears only hear Your name full of majesty, my lips only...
COLORADO PASSION By Bruce Roberts CHAPTER ONE Grabbing an axe and shovel from the barn I walked the two hundred yards through patches of ankle-deep snow. When it’s this cold on the Colorado plains the snow forms a crust that cracks underfoot. The horses grazing on the exposed patch of grass heard the crunching of the snow, the creaking of the gate and looked in my direction and started drifting toward me. This is one of many aspect of ranch life that makes you feel like a cowboy...
The next day, I was working on the experiments I wanted to perform, when Bruce came up to see me. I didn’t notice him, until he spoke. “TJ, I think we have a problem.” “What problem?” I asked, looking up at him. “I don’t think we can change the past.” “Do you think fate will do something, to prevent us from being successful in our experiments, because she doesn’t like time travel?” “Either that, or we won’t be able to affect our own past.” “Have you seen the preliminary math I worked...
A shadow was visible against the wall, broad and tall. It was not too late at night but I had gone to bed early as I wasn't expecting company. My flat mates had a small gathering downstairs and I avoided them at all costs. I loved being the only girl in a house full of geeky guys. Not only because I had constant help with my work, but because there was no risk of booty calls or uncomfortable sexual tension. I always left my door open so that I knew when it was safe to go down and get some food...
Straight SexAnother story about the adventures and life of Rollie Chambers. Constructive comments and emails are more than welcome and appreciated. Detective First Grade Rollie Chambers stood to leave the small office. He'd just spent 40 minutes talking about his plans to resign from the St. Louis Police Department. "Are you sure this is what you want to do Rollie?" Captain Pete Mallory had asked. "You're too young to retire. You've got a good career started with the Department and could become...
This is my story about how I got into wearing panties. One day my wife and I were talking about a couple we knew and how they should come over for drinks. She was a little cutie and worked-out with me wife. Her husband was a good looking guy and just something about him I got me excited. They came over one night and had some drinks, we ended up playing poker. His wife out of the blue on one hand added a dare, a dare for my wife to kiss her if she lost. That hand my wife in fact lost and they...