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BACKGROUND NOISE By Selena Pride "So why do I need a new terminal again?" Rob demanded. "Search me," said the CSO as he fiddled with plugs round the back. "Did you complain about the last one?" "The last one was fine," Rob said, "and this one looks identical." "Well, you shouldn't have any problems then," the CSO replied, straightening up. "There you go. Just power up for me, will you?" Rob pushed the power button, and the screen started its usual pre-Windows callisthenics. The CSO stood behind him and watched while he logged on and his desktop came up. "Seems okay," he said. "What's that humming?" "Probably the fan," the CSO said lightly. "Nothing to worry about. If you see smoke, give us a bell." Rob wouldn't have been surprised to see smoke, steam or leaping flames. The company was renowned for buying from the lowest bidder, and the Computer Support Officer was consequently kept pretty busy. In the circumstances, a little background noise was quite tolerable. Rob went ha ha and the CSO moved on to the next crisis. Which turned out to be Veronica. Rob peered over his cubicle wall and accidentally caught her looking in his direction. She stiffened and turned away to talk to the CSO, but not before he had seen the hurt and anger in her face. Well, too bad. Some people needed to learn to handle rejection a little better. It wasn't as if he had promised any kind of commitment. He never did that. That would have been a lie. Mr. Allison walked by, and Rob gave his attention to the screen. There were last month's figures to sort out and archive. The hum of the computer gradually receded into the background where it belonged, and before he knew it, it was one o'clock and Dave was tapping him on the shoulder. "Earth to Robert, are you receiving me?" "Sorry, mate," Rob said, coming back to himself with a bump. "Must have been concentrating." "Yeah, well, don't get too keen. Listen, you coming down to the Grapes?" "Um..." Rob thought a moment. "Not this time. Got things to do, you know. Tomorrow, eh?" "Tomorrow it is. See you then." "Cheers," Rob said absently. Somehow today he didn't fancy sitting in the dark smoky pub watching Dave and Mike and Chris daring each other to sink one more pint before going back to work. Fresh air sounded like a good idea. He grabbed his jacket and logged off, and groaned as he realised he had forgotten to save what he'd done. Now he would have to do the whole thing again after lunch. Outside, Rob turned towards the main shopping precinct. He hadn't checked out the computer game place for a few weeks, and he could pick up a burger or something and eat it on the way. The pre-Christmas rush was just beginning, and he wove his way through the crowds purposefully. Ahead he saw a familiar flash of bright red hair: Donna, damn it. He tried not to be noticed, but she saw him and turned deliberately to speak to her companion, a young black guy in a leather jacket. Rob felt embarrassed, and wondered why: he had dumped Donna months ago, and anyway it wasn't as if she was on her own. He shook his head and walked briskly on. Something caught his eye, and he turned to look. It was a shirt, or possibly a blouse or something, in a shop window. It was gold, shiny material, satin or something. He didn't really know about fabrics. He looked at it, trying to work out why it had drawn his attention. It looked soft and cool, there on the white faceless mannequin. The collar was wide and pointed, and there was a matching sort of tie thing loosely knotted round the neck. The dummy was also wearing trousers, or maybe they were slacks, in deep purple velvet, with wide flared bottoms. Rob stared at them for a moment, then shook himself and walked away. Half an hour later he was feeling much happier, with a double cheeseburger inside him and the latest World War II shoot-'em-up in his jacket pocket. He walked past the clothes shop with no more than a glance at the blouse and slacks, and relaxed. Even seeing Maggie across the road didn't dent his bonhomie. Anyway, she hadn't seen him. Chris and Dave gave him happy, unfocussed smiles as he walked into the office. One of them would probably be nodding off over the keyboard before the afternoon was out, and not from too much concentration either. Rob settled himself at his desk and logged on, and again the intrusive humming started up. This time, however, it didn't feel quite so irritating. Almost... friendly, somehow. He immersed himself in his work, and the afternoon flew by. On the way home he found himself stopping outside the clothes shop again. Something about that outfit was definitely catching his interest. They were nice colours, after all. Nothing wrong with liking purple and gold. It had never occurred to him to buy clothes for anything other than serviceability before, but when you got right down to it, there was no reason to stick to the hard-wearing stuff. It wasn't as if he couldn't afford to buy clothes as often as he wanted. And that was a nice gold. He wondered what it would feel like to touch, and went into the shop to find out. He emerged a few minutes later, big, colourful carrier bag in hand, kicking himself for being an idiot. There was no way he would ever wear this stuff. Still, if it put this stupid obsession to rest, it was worth it. And at least he now knew he was a size eighteen, tall fit. That might come in useful, some day. When he got back to his flat he took the blouse and slacks out of the bag and looked at them, running his fingers over the cool, smooth satin, the sensual caress of the velvet. It was no good. He was going to have to try them on. Quickly he stripped to his underpants and slipped the blouse over his head. It felt good. Buttoning it up was a little tricky for some reason, but he left the top three buttons undone and knotted the tie loosely as he had seen it on the mannequin. The trousers slid over his legs, catching a little on the coarse, wiry hair that covered them, and he felt an odd spasm of irritation, which faded as he stood up and moved about in his new clothes, trying to see how he looked in the two-inch-square mirror he used for shaving. He had never actually considered getting anything bigger, and he couldn't imagine at this point why not. Reluctantly he took off the gold blouse and the purple velvet trousers, folded them neatly and put them in the chest of drawers. There was no way he could ever wear them normally. It would just have to be a little private pleasure of his own. His old T-shirt and jeans felt itchy and uncomfortable, but he steeled himself and pulled them back on. No point in getting food on the good clothes, after all. The following day saw Rob at his desk bright and early. For some reason he had been almost keen to get to work today. The humming from the computer was actually almost comforting, which was good because everything else was driving him crazy. His clothes itched, especially where he had hair, he had cut himself twice shaving, and even the hair on his head was getting on his nerves. But, as he let himself sink into the quiet cocoon of the humming, all these distractions faded, and he even found himself getting ideas as to how to get round them. Somehow, even while part of his brain was concentrating on work, another part found it easy to think about other things. He had read about something like this in New Scientist. Maybe the hum included frequencies that aided concentration or theta waves or something. He almost missed lunchtime completely, and Chris had to say his name three times before he emerged. For some reason, the man seemed to think Bobbi wanted to go to the pub. Nothing was further from his mind, and he said so, which seemed to irritate Chris beyond all reason. Eventually Rob just left him standing there and stalked off. There was a beauty parlour down a little side street, run by a daughter of an old friend of his. He popped in on the way back to the clothes shop and booked a full wax and a facial. "This must seem a little strange," he said hesitantly. "Oh, no, we get quite a few men in here," the girl said. "Okay, that'll be tomorrow at ten-thirty, Mr Curtis." "Call me Bobbi," he said. He emerged humming a little tune, and walked on to the clothes shop, where he spent one of the happiest half hours he could remember. The place was full of beautiful things that called out to him, and nearly all of them were available in his size. He bought blouses, sleeveless tops, several pairs of slacks and three skirts, a dozen pairs of cotton panties, and six packs of three pairs of tights. Bobbi couldn't wait to get home to try them all on. Something told him that it might seem a little off if he tried them on in the shop, though he wasn't too clear on why. Actually, he wasn't too clear on anything just at the moment. His mind was basking in a warm fuzzy glow of contentment as one of the assistants packed his purchases into six or seven of the big, colourful bags, and the other took his plastic and put it through the wringer. "What colour is that?" he said, as she handed his card back. "I'm sorry?" "Your nails. The nail varnish. What colour is that?" "Rimmel Black Cherries. I get it from Boots, down the road." "Thank you," said Bobbi, smiling brilliantly, and walked out of the shop. He was halfway back to work before it occurred to him that, a, he hadn't actually had any lunch, and, b, he had just doubled the amount of clothing he owned. He just had time to pick up a roll from the bakery and gulp it down before he got back to his desk. He didn't want to waste any time away from the computer. He wanted to go back to the beauty parlour and beg them to take him on right now, he wanted to go home and dress up, and the only way he could quell these longings was to log on to the computer and lose himself in the work and the humming. It worked like a charm. As soon as the familiar noise began he found himself becoming deliciously calm and centred. He felt capable of anything, and the work just seemed to flow. In fact everything flowed, sweetly and smoothly, right through till six o'clock when the cleaners started to throw everyone out. Boots was just closing as he got there, and he hurled himself through the automatic door like someone leaping for safety: but the girl behind the Rimmel counter was very helpful, and he left with a carrier bag clinking with bottles and pens and little clamshell compacts of powder and eye shadow, and, of course, Black Cherries nail varnish. He smiled and hummed to himself all the way home, and the only thing that quenched his happiness was remembering that he still hadn't got a decent mirror. There was no way he could try on the makeup properly without at least a dressing table. In fact, the entire flat looked like... like... well, completely unfit for anyone to live in. The walls were drab, the furniture ridiculously spartan, and there was hardly a cushion in sight. He was going to have to take himself in hand. Nobody deserved to live like this. Well, the weekend was coming up, and he only had one appointment tomorrow. Time for a makeover. He spent the evening trying on his purchases, pairing up tops and bottoms, making outfits, and only went to bed when he couldn't stop yawning. He slept peacefully that night, and dreamt of humming, gentle dreamy humming that took him away and floated her on pink happy clouds to a place where you could be whatever you wanted to be. He woke up the following morning ravenously hungry and feeling very strange. It took him quite a while to remember that he had made an appointment to have all the hair removed from his body. He almost phoned up to cancel, but somehow he couldn't bring himself to do it. He arrived at the beauty parlour at ten-twenty, out of breath and flustered, in the gold and purple outfit under his old green anorak. Roxanne, the beautician, couldn't have been nicer. She calmed him down and admired his nail varnish, and showed him a couple of tips on how to do it without getting it all streaky or smudged. Then she took him through to a back room and made him lie down on a long table. It was all very pleasant, and he loved the sensation of being taken care of. The waxing itself was a lot less painful than he had thought, and the facial was absolute heaven. Roxanne even shaped his eyebrows for him while he was there. He admired the delicate, tapering arches, and immediately booked in for another wax and facial in six weeks' time. "We do electrolysis as well if you want something more permanent," she said. "Maybe later," Bobbi said. "What's colour therapy?" When Bobbi left the beauty parlour, he had six appointments booked over the next six weeks, everything from aromatherapy massage to a pedicure. He felt as though he was walking on air. For the first time in his life everything was right. Well, almost everything. His hair wasn't right, but only time would solve that. His flat wasn't right, but it was going to be. He needed some nice coats to go over his new clothes, too. And Roxanne had pointed out that his shoes were all wrong, he needed some nice shoes. And-- Flat first. He spent the rest of the day in furniture and do-it-yourself shops, choosing and comparing and pricing, and arranged delivery of everything he couldn't carry for Monday morning. His credit card was almost maxed out, and he made a note to get some cash from his savings on Monday and pay it off. The stuff was just sitting there, after all. He lugged the cans of paint and brushes back to his flat, moved the furniture, changed into some of his old drab clothes and started in on the decorating. It took a little longer than he intended, because he kept having to change. None of his old T-shirts and jeans seemed to be comfortable any more, and he hated wearing them, but he certainly wasn't going to wear anything nice to paint in. By the end of the job every item of male clothing he possessed was covered in paint splashes, and he decided to rip the whole lot up for dusters: the walls of the flat, however, were transformed, and so was the ceiling. The last thing he did before slipping, with a sigh of pure pleasure, into a lilac sleeveless top and black skirt, was to lug a lot of his old furniture downstairs and leave it clustered round his dustbin. He poured himself a glass of wine and toasted the bare, pastel pink walls. "To a new beginning, Bobbi girl," he said, and then caught himself. Bobbi girl? What on earth was he saying? He was saying his name, he answered himself. As for the "girl" part...well...actually, it felt kind of nice. Very nice, in fact. It felt right. "Bobbi boy" just didn't. Anyway, how else would you abbreviate Roberta? He finished his wine and went to bed, making sure the window was open to let out the paint fumes. Sunday was strange. He woke up feeling very odd. For some reason the clothes in his wardrobe didn't seem quite right. He had painted his flat pink, and he wasn't sure whether he liked pink. He had dumped half his furniture on the pavement, and he couldn't remember why. His nail varnish had chipped, and he couldn't decide whether he wanted to redo it or take it off completely. He felt confused, anxious, and the only thing he knew that would stop the bad feelings was at work. It was while he was trying to think things through that he heard a thump on the doormat. Someone had put a padded bag through the letterbox. It couldn't be the postman, not on a Sunday. He picked it up and opened it carefully. Inside was a CD in a jewel case. Someone had written on it: "SOUND THERAPY." Rob was too disoriented to wonder why this should arrive just at that moment. He switched on his computer and put the disc into his CD-ROM slot. The CD player menu came up and he pressed START. Immediately all worry and fear was washed away by the blissful, blessed humming. He didn't even have to wonder who had put it on the disc, or why it was so soothing, or anything. He fell back on the bed and let it possess him utterly. The walls became perfect, exquisite, just the right shade of pink. The clothes in his wardrobe were exactly right. His old furniture was disgusting, and it was obviously past time to get rid of it. Everything had fallen into place, and everything was right. He got up only once, to set the repeat option on the CD player to "Forever." Then he surrendered himself again to the heavenly, delicious humming. Bobbi woke up, or so it seemed. The sky was pale outside. The humming was still going on. Bobbi shifted on the bed, squinting at the time. The clock said 7:34, MON. Bobbi got up, hesitated, and stopped the CD player. Strangely, it didn't seem as hard this time. Usually when the humming stopped it got hard, but this time it was a lot easier. Bobbi smiled and patted the computer on its screen, thinking that maybe what it needed was something like a soft toy. Maybe a dolphin. Dolphins were cool. Bobbi ate breakfast, then phoned in work and asked to speak to Mr. Allison. "Good morning, Shevco, Tony Allison speaking." "Hi, Mr. Allison, it's Bobbi Curtis." "Who?" "Bobbi. You know, I sit-" "Oh, Mr. Curtis. I apologise, I didn't quite recognise your voice." Bobbi kept from giggling by a supreme effort. "Mr. Curtis." The old coot's eyes must be getting worse. "Well, Mr. Allison, I was wondering if I could take this week as leave. You know I've got seventeen days to take and if I don't use them by the end of the month-" Allison hemmed and hawed about short notice, but Bobbi knew the deal was done. "Well, all right, but in future you must give at least fourteen days' notice." "Oh, I will, Mr. Allison, I promise," Bobbi said. "Thank you ever so. 'Bye." And right on cue, as the phone went down, the doorbell rang. Bobbi went to answer it, and watched as the men from the furniture shop lugged in flatpacks and boxes and the one or two items that came ready assembled. They looked at Bobbi oddly once or twice, but the tip seemed to satisfy them, and they went away happy. "Right," Bobbi said. "I know just what I need for this." She started the CD player, and as the humming filled her brain, she set to work. She prided herself on being a practical girl. The work went just as smoothly as the work in the office, and Bobbi quickly had the new furniture up and in place. As each of the remaining old things was replaced, it joined the others out by the bin. The kitchen needed ripping out and replacing too, but that was a job for the professionals. The doorbell rang just as she was tidying away the last of the cardboard boxes. She went to answer it. "Oh, hi, Veronica," she said. "Hello," Veronica said, "Bobbi." There was something almost tentative about the way she said it. Donna and Maggie were with her, and Bobbi felt weird for a moment. Then it went away. These were her girlfriends. She hadn't seen them for a while, because... because some guy had been mean to them all, one after the other, and... and Bobbi had been the one who had introduced them to him, thinking he was all right. That was it. That was why she had cut all her hair off, because she felt so bad about them being hurt. That was why she hadn't spoken to them for so long. "Do you forgive me?" Bobbi said in a small voice. "What for?" Veronica said, and Bobbi tried to explain, but halfway through her voice caught and then she couldn't stop sobbing. Veronica and the others stared at her for a moment, and then they all hugged her and she hugged back and they were all crying and laughing at the same time. "I wish I'd never seen that horrid man," Bobbi said brokenly. "Don't worry," Veronica said. "I don't think we'll be having any more trouble from him." Donna held up a bottle of Lambrusco, and Bobbi stood back so that they could all come in. It was while they were going ooh and aah at what she had done with the flat that Bobbi suddenly noticed the silence. "What happened to-" she began. "Oh," Veronica said, "I stopped the computer doing whatever it was doing. It plays CDs, right?" She held up the new Sugababes album. "I thought we might try this out." "Um, yes," Bobbi said. "That sounds good. I don't know what it was doing before." "Just sounded like background noise to me," Veronica said. "Yeah," Bobbi said. "Background noise." END

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Time: Friday, August 8, 2019 9:21 PM GHT The last of the evening twilight had faded from the sky by the time Emily, Aggie, and Mark came to the Green Mall lounge, almost two hours after the meeting was supposed to start. After a quick link with Fatima, Mark waved his arm to make sure he had everyone’s attention. “We have a slide presentation,” he said simply. “Would you all please join us in the multimedia room?” A few minutes later, the entire crowd was gathered at the first-floor...

1 year ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 1 Going to Tychy

Sean and Lee were having their first real argument, and it was a dozy. Sean was adamant that Lee was not going to Tychy. Lee was equally adamant that she would be on that ship doing her job, just as he would be. The fact she was pregnant was irrelevant as far as Lee was concerned. They only planned to be gone for ten weeks. Sparky was also having an argument with Ross. She was adamant she was going with Sean and Lee. In Ross’s instance, he probably had more of a case because Sparky was due...

2 years ago
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Neat N Naked Dakota

Kit spent most of his time alone. He was a bit of a slob and was feeling very lonely. He was looking for someone to spend time with who would help him clean his house. About a week ago he heard a rumor about this service. He didn't believe the rumors but figured he'd at least call the number he was given to find out a little more about it. He picked up his phone and began dialing . . ."Neat n Naked... where our girls suck better than hoovers. How can we help you?" Came a deep throaty voice...

First Time
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An Ass Can Stretch for Miles

A visual voice mail alert rang through the dining room area. I had grabbed my phone from the charger and see the message I had missed. It was the little piece of shit, Charles, the slave. I had not heard from him in two years since my last encounter with him. Charles is 41 years old. He is an anti-social man with an asshole which can stretch for hours. He loves to be a cum slut and eats his own cum. I have trained Charles to be subservient to me, yet I was bored with him. I had sought out other...

2 years ago
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A Sense of Symmetry Pt 09

Anna and Sean spent the weekend fighting over their new toys. Dani and Jason spent it worrying. ‘Mommy, why you look so sad?’ Anna asked her. ‘I’m just thinking about some things that make me feel sad,’ Dani replied. Anna sat beside her. ‘I’m sad, too.’ ‘Why are you sad?’ Dani asked. ”Cause. Mommy, is Sean my brother now?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Will he still be my brother if he lives with his other mommy?’ ‘If you still want him to be, then yes, I think so.’ ‘Mommy?’ ‘What, Anna?’ ‘Why don’t Sean...

1 year ago
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Sexy stripper gives bachelor a night he hopes to r

At this point of the night, I barely felt the tequila as it sloshed past my lips and into the back of my throat. In my inebriated state, I felt on top of the world, invincible. My friends had made sure I was the king of the night with surprises like upgrading my Vegas hotel room to a suite a few floors up, renting a limo for dinner and stashing LED shot glasses around the room. Oh, and the strippers. The two beautiful , buxom, bodacious strippers that showed up in skintight, strapless dresses...

4 years ago
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My 78 yr old principal

There was this principal of mine who was a pervert. I never liked him at all as he was very old but strong enough and smart as it the classroom or extra tuitions that he used to offer to us students he always used to come and stand beside me and then keep his hands on my shoulder and then always trying to go down towards my big breast..though i was a teenager but my figure was awesome…you guys wont believe but my bra size at that time was 36d and had a nice arse as well…also i always...

3 years ago
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Second Time Lucky

Ramya is a neighboring aunt whom I have always admired and gorged upon. She is a hot bomb sitting silently in the form of a housewife. Gorgeous real gorgeous aunt was she. Thinking of her voluptuous body gives me a hard on even now. Am writing this after having really made it with her till full satisfaction. Yes I have made it with her before but that was more raunchy and more of a quick on in haste. This happened today, she was standing in her portico drying her long hair. She had this nice...

3 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIInterlude 3

Author’s Note: This is from the Sophomore Year at the beginning of the Fall semester. Uncle John I look back and it’s hard to imagine that it’s been over a year since my nephew, David, came to spend the summer with me. When he arrived, he was a confused and angry young man. You might ask what teenager isn’t. I don’t know, but my sister-in-law may have been even more pissed than he was. My brother is a lucky man because he found Carol and they had two wonderful children. In many ways, I’m...

3 years ago
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Spanked BabysitterChapter 3

Vicki's whole body was jolted as Parker's hand slapped hard against her ass. She cried out, "Oh! Stop! Oh, what are you doing? Ouch! Stop it!" She tried to escape, but the blows began raining down. Pain shot through her body, from her sensitive ass, to her toes, to her brain. With each smack, she uncontrollably jerked in the man's lap. Her legs kicked out in involuntary reflex. Crying out, she moaned with the pain as each blow landed on her tender ass. She gripped the man's leg and...

1 year ago
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FilthyTaboo Syren De Mer Sneaky Stepmom Setup

When I (Brick Danger) started fucking my new stepsister Dixie Lynn, I had no idea what was in store for me. She was stroking my cock & talking dirty when Syren De Mer, her mom & my new stepmother barged in on us. I thought this is it, she caught me fucking her daughter – my stepsister! But her anger quickly turned to laughter as they heckled me. April fucking fools. Turns out they planned this & Syren is actually a freak who hasn’t done anal since college. Dixie got me...

3 years ago
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Lashes Chapter 11

Chapter eleven The week went by faster than I thought it would. I spent most of my time as Mark, but did make Cindy happy on Sunday when I showed up at her door as Amanda. "God Amanda, I was wondering where you had gone? I love Mark dearly, but you know how I feel about my girlfriend." "I know Cindy, but I have to spend time as Mark to find out how I really feel about what's happening to me. I like kicking back and being a boy once in a while." "What did you do?" "I watched...

2 years ago
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Sheila 23

----------------- Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6'7'') – Leader Serafima (dark red head) - support/medical Karina (blonde Hair) - Sharpshooter sniper Timur (Dark hair 5'2''} - computer/hacker expert Egor- Electronics expert - killed in a firefight Stas - Explosives expert - killed in a firefight Pibald group ------------ Evelyn (Auburn hair) - Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper Christine/Chris (blonde) - personal combat expert- Evelyn's daughter Trina (redhead) - Tall...

4 years ago
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Brazilian Teenager Part 2

This is a followup to the Brazilian teenage story I posted here recently.You may remember about some cock teasing by a group of teenage girls on the beach and then a little more intimate fun, by chance, in my apartment.Well, some time passed after the chance, but incredibly sexy, meeting with the girl. Giselle, as I found out her name, and there were no chance meetings. I even went to the beach as regularly as I could to try and accidentally see them, but no luck. They didn’t come back, so I...

1 year ago
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Winter in Sweden Part 8

Chapter 19 – An Unexpected Visit – Sunday19.1 ArrivalMasha and I live a few miles west of Cambridge in a three room flat on the third floor. Each of us has a large study bedroom with a desk and a large bed. We share a cosy living room with two little sofas, a table and a TV. Also, we share the kitchen that is large enough to have meals with six persons. Our bathroom is small with only a comfortable shower, a sink and our washing machine.One Sunday in June at 9.00 am our doorbell rings. I press...

3 years ago
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Wife Aur Sas Ki Chudai

Helllooo dosto kasie hai ap sab log. Sabko mera namskar. Meri pehli kahani jisme kaise mene apni sas aur wife ko ek sath choda uske bad me meri sas ne muje bataya ki wo apne bhai se chudti rahi hai to mene bhi kha mummy muje bhi ye dekhna hai aur unse milna chahata hoo. Me fir se sab logo ka parichay karva deta hoo. Mummy (sas) :- 48 age 42-38-44 Gudiya (wife) :- 27 age 30-28-32 Mama (amar) :- 45 age Mami (chameli) :- 43 age 38-34-40 Me (Ravi) : 29 age To dosto ab me apni kahani par ata hoo....

1 year ago
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Glenn stepped into the darkened bar, pausing to let his eyes adjust to the low lighting. Two men stood up at the bar, talking and pulling on tall bottles of beer. The bored bartender was absentmindedly polishing and stacking glasses. Off to the side sat a couple, leaned in close, young. New and budding love surrounded them, they seemed oblivious to all around them as their hands and fingers brushed across the tiny table. Glenn ordered a glass of red wine, the bartender’s practiced hands were...

4 years ago
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Klaatu Barata NiktoChapter 6

It was fast becoming daylight and Klaatu didn't want to waste a moment. He didn't know if what he had in mind would work but it was better to try something than do nothing and watch Maya slowly die. He wrote a note and stuck it in an envelope. He turned to his mother who was still in a trance. "Mom, I want you take this envelope. Walk outside. You'll see a couple of black SUVs down the street a bit. Walk toward the vehicles while holding the envelope high above your head. If they start...

3 years ago
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Lesbian Act for girls

A incident with a girl next door has ignited the lust and crave in me for a women’s body. I was not a bisexual before, just few incidents when I was 18. I have always been crazy for sex right from my c***dhood when I use to see my parents mate and few times I had seen house maid’s making love with driver.For my introduction, I am poonam married and settled in Bangalore with a businessman. I am over satisfied with my sexual life, as my hubby sanjay satisfies me 2 or 3 times a week and he is just...

2 years ago
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Accidental Truth

Hi All, This is a story that would make your eyes pop out and question the credentials of the author. But its a true story and definitely has not originated out of any of my "Wild fantasies". I am a 28 yr old guy from Bangalore working in a BPO and belong to a quintessential orthodox brahmin family. I am 5ft 8inch tall,slim,clean shaven with a round ass.I have a vehicle and love riding.I do not smoke or drink and deifnitely no dope. 27yres of my life I have been a virgin untill this fateful...

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Create a Sexbot

MacroRobotics, the world leader in advance robotic and artificial intelligences technology. They are also famous for the infamous SexBot, biological robots that serve its master's wildest fantasies. And YOU find yourself standing in the back of one of MacroRobotics stores, alone, in their SexBot ordering booth, ready to select from their virtual catalog. But before you begin, you find that you need to input some personal data.

3 years ago
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Adjustments Author's Note: When I heard what Will Smith said about Jaden wearing skirts or doing other things it got me thinking. This story started to form. Jimmy turned toward the bathroom door and slowly opened it. He peered out into the hallway and listened. He knew he was alone in the house, his mom had gone off shopping trying to score some of the Black Friday deals and Dad had to work. She finally agreed to let him stay home by himself for the first time since there was...

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The Skate ParkLock Up

The Skate Park Lock UpOfficer Kelso rolled me into the jail about 300 AM. It was pretty quite due to the late hour. Booking went pretty quick. I didn't say much until the booking officer run his finger up my ass, and told me to cough. “Did ya like that “? was all I said to him. He handed me some orange stripes and told me to put them on. I shucked out of my street clothes, and slid into them, fixing my dick to hang low. He kinda looked at me and asked where were my shorts. I looked back at...

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How Does Your Garden GrowChapter 2

The pizza got a bit cold while David ravished Denise, but neither of them minded, nor Andrea when they emerged, both clothed, having taken a shower after the first round of sex, of course. From the satisfied look on her niece’s face, Andrea knew that her husband had done her proud, in fact. He had made it so pleasurable for Denise on her first time that she wouldn’t want to give it up ever. The possessive way that David patted Denise’s butt was telling as well, as he used to do that to Andrea...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Britney Amber Britney Always Ready For A Wild Time

Knockout babe Britney Amber is ready for a fucking good time with Cyrus King! She loves how you check her out as she spins around in her blue and white lingerie that really show off those beautiful large tits and those little panties of hers try their best to contain that hairy pussy! Britney uses her toy to masturbate until Cyrus comes in with his cock hard standing at attention begging to be sucked! Britney wraps her lips around it getting all sloppy on that cock before riding him hard!...

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Mausi Ko Choda Unke Hi Ghar Par

Hi friends, maine bahot sex stories padhi hai lekin ye meri first story hai. Main desikahani ko thanks bolna chahunga kyunki stories padh kr hi mujhe meri mausi ko chodne ka idea mila aur main success bhi hua. To ab m story par aata hu. Ye story kuchh hi din pehle ki hai. Meri age 20 years hai, main thoda slim hu pr handsome bhi hu.. Ek gf ko patake choda bhi tha lekin badi aurat ko chodne ka kabhi bhi mauka nhi mila.. Meri mausi mere ghar se tnode hi door rehti hai. Main aksar vanha jaaya krta...

1 year ago
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Summer Days

In the twentieth year of my age, I started to notice my mother as a woman. Apart from being a lovely mother, her forty-year-old figure had the slenderness and curves that any woman would die for. As much as they tried, the business suits and conservative dresses she used to wear could not hide her fine chest, slender waist, round, tight behind or her shapely legs. Her pretty face and black hair ware for all to see, me included. I was back from the university for the summer break with nothing...

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Dragon Clans Bk 01 Pt 10

The dappled afternoon light was distinctive outside the car window as Valerie drove down the tree-shrouded lane towards Nogardshire. The light, she noticed it as it was diffuse, not the gray light of the so often leaden sky. This light glowed with the luminous texture of a pearl caught by the sunlight. Michael Dane, the name danced across her thoughts, never far from the surface, never far from her own growing desire. Looking up at the sky, that ethereal glow, Michael came to the forefront...

3 years ago
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Surprise from My Girlfriend

Chapter 1 I had just gotten off work one night when my girlfriend gave me a treat. She had just moved into a new apartment with me and I could tell the move had put her in a good mood. I work nights and had just finished a twelve hour shift, getting home around 7:20am and I was exhausted. I slowly made my way through the house into our new bedroom, quickly appreciating how it had merged as she moved in her things. My love for all things nerd somehow mixing with her need for organization and...

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BlacksOnBlondes Candice Dare Fourth Appearance

Candice has a nosy neighbor. He’s a real peeping tom. Well, one day he had a buddy peeping in on her. Hard to blame them though, she was outdoors doing her yoga…in tight yoga pants! That’s gonna attract every perv for miles…like moths to a flame. The thing is, Candice likes the attention. In fact she invites them inside to get a little more “familiar”. These guys can’t take their eyes off her camel toe! Her puffy pussy just stretching through those yoga...

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Culture Shock Ch 12

After booting up the Internet and logging on to Messenger, Elaine was notified of two new messages in her email box. She knew one was from herself. She’d emailed a whole host of links she’d unearthed after Googling the names ‘Gloria Brame’ and ‘Jay Wiseman’ on the library’s computer earlier in the day. They were the authors that had set Gary on his path. Between classes she’d had a bit of spare time and the library seemed to be the logical and safest place to go. At the time she hadn’t been...

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Helping Hand

Disclaimer: Nobody can lay claim to the Dark Side of the force. This is a speculative 'alternate history' fan fiction based on the Star Wars stories and as such I make no attempt to take credit for these characters or in any way profit from the telling of their stories.Returning to her quarters after her regular morning workout, Mara Jade strips off her exercise clothes and steps into the shower. She sets the controls for a hard, hot spray of water and runs her fingers through her hair as she...

3 years ago
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Fooling Around 101 Version BravoChapter 5

I said that nothing new happened over the next three months. What that means is that there was no escalation of our activities. She did not pull back from me or anything, but she was busy at school, and I had some projects that needed extra time to get done, so I spent a little less time at their house. I knew things were okay between us, because she still gave me long, passionate kisses in the hallway, or if we were in some part of the house alone. So I was pretty sure that, if getting my...

1 year ago
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She Lost A Bet

She Lost A Bet It was a very worm summer day. It was the kind of day when you cannot take enough clothes off. Our house is usually cool throughout the day because of the shade trees and the constant breeze. That however was not what it was like that day. There was no breeze and the sun was overhead heating the house like an oven. I was wearing my tight swim trunks and my sister Alice was in her skimpiest bikini. She had really matured over the winter and she was looking amazing. Her...

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