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This work is copyright © 2003 by Drayman. You may download and retaina copy for your personal use as long as the author's by-line, email addressand this paragraph remain on the copy. Please do not post this story to anyweb site without permission from the author. All other rights reserved. Noalteration of the contents is permitted.

Drayman may be reached at [email protected]

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters or eventsherein is based on real people, either living or dead. It was produced forthe entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex.If you are not an adult, or if reading stories of a sexual nature upsets you,do not read any further! By reading further, you certify that you have accessed/requestedaccess to this material wilfully, and that you are an adult 21 years of ageor older. You also certify that to your knowledge, this material does not offendthe standards in your area, nor is it in violation of any of local, state,or federal law.


James smiled as he listened to the first suggestion ~ to see Becca twistingand writhing under the whip as he enjoyed his meal had a certain attractionthat was well worth considering. ~

James reached out and with the middle finger of his right hand he split Becca'slove lips and felt the slick wetness of her arousal. Lifting his finger toBecca's mouth, he instructed her to clean the juices of her cunt from his finger.

Becca saw his hand reaching towards her and knew she would not be able tohide any reaction, nor was she supposed to. Taking that thought, she moanedas her Master's finger ran teasingly along her wet folds, her legs tremblingmore than ever. He leaves her wanting as the patrons had, only it seemed worsethis time as it was her Master's hand. The hand was before her face suddenlyand Becca whimpered again before taking the finger between her lips obedientlyand suckling it. Her tongue ran gently over the digit before it was pulledfrom her mouth.

"So slut," James addressed the trembling Becca. "We have quite a few suggestionsto consider and, by the looks of you, you're obviously very excited at theprospect of any one of the proposals being implemented."

Stroking his chin with his fingers, James gave the impression that he wasdeep in thought. He enjoyed the fact that his fellow diners eagerly awaitedhis decision.

The candle suggestion and the using of Becca as a plate were appealing, butthese would create too much disruption, whilst the feeding on her knees hefelt was far to mild a diversion to his enjoyment of the meal.

James was coming to the conclusion that the idea of Becca being whipped bya third party whilst and in the process he enjoyed his dinner, would be a fittingpunishment for her failure to remain seated upon the slave seat. In addition,after the first session of pain had been inflicted on his slave, he decidedthat he would offer the opportunity of carrying out the remainder of Becca'spunishment to his fellow diners.

Requesting the maitre-de to approach his table, James ordered his meal andthen checked that he was willing to release his staff to carry out Becca'swhipping. On confirmation that this was perfectly acceptable, James proceededto make arrangements to have Becca whipped during his meal and the maitre-destood, his pen poised to note down James's instructions.

"Whilst I enjoy my starter, I wish her to be silenced with a ball gag andfixed so that she is facing the wall. She is to be given 12 strokes of a mediumleather paddle across her buttocks and 6 strokes to each of her upper thighs.For the main course, she is to receive 15 stripes of a small cat'o nine tailsacross her back, delivered by one of my fellow diners."

James paused and listened to the appreciative comments from his fellow dinersbefore he continued. "For desert, she will have her gag removed and, afterturning the slut to face her audience, I would like her to be belted acrossher belly with a razor strop receiving 25 strokes, this again to be completedusing the assistance of another diner. To accompany the cigars and liqueurs,I propose to whip my slut across those fine tits of hers so that they are welldecorated with at least 20 red welts of agony."

Becca whimpered as James spoke and closed her eyes. She wished desperatelyto leave the restaurant, to run and cover herself, but knew she no longer hadany choice in anything and must stay. She had signed her life over to her Master,she could not leave and if she panicked and attempted it, Becca could not evenfathom the type of punishment he might give her.

She stood obediently and, even as her humiliation doubled she knew she wasincredibly excited. One would never know she had even pondered running awayand the fact she had thought it, brought even more shame to her mind.

Becca was trying not to make any noise. She used that for focus, as anythingelse would have her running for the door. The punishment was to be harsh; herbackside would take longer to heal from this whipping on top of the painfulwelts that still glowed. The drug in her system would have its work cut outfor it before the meal was done. There was no longer any comfort that she wouldheal in a few hours.

The maitre-de left James's table, but quickly returned carrying a box containingthe instruments of Becca's forthcoming torture. He held the container and offeredthe contents for James's approval. In the manner of a bottle of wine beingtasted by a customer, James lifted each implement and examined it before Becca'sgaze, and he enjoyed the moment as a cat plays with a mouse.

Summoning two waiters to James's table the maitre-de instructed them to escortBecca to where the waiting chains and manacles hung for the wall.

Becca trembled more as the waiters came forward and feared for a moment thatshe would cause a scene, but managed to keep from crying too loudly. Beccawas terrified and she knew she would not be able to get away. The two youngmen each took one of her arms and led her away before stripping her clothesmore completely from her flushed body. Becca was too nervous to put up anysort of resistance let alone fumble as her skirt and blouse, even her stockingsand garter belt were removed and her hair pulled up by a clip to leave herfeeling even more naked.

The waiters seemed to know precisely what they were doing and worked fast.The fair sized ball was held before her mouth and without even taking a momentto consider it; Becca opened her jaws and took it herself between her teeth.It was pushed in further and she groaned a complaint as the other waiter buckledit firmly in place.

Becca could feel every eye in the restaurant watching her be positioned.Soft comments were exchanged at the look of her naked form. She heard someonejoke over how sore her backside would be with the stripes already flaming onher cheeks. The reply from another patron chastised her indirectly for herpoor behaviour and requiring so much punishment. Another was kinder sayingshe must be new to her position and that firm control such as this would bea blessing for her.

Her legs were fairly spread and manacled tightly by one waiter while theother pulled her arms up and away, stretching her body into a living X againstthe wall. Becca pressed her forehead to the wall and cried softly in shame.Punishment was bad enough but to require punishment before the crowd was nearlytoo much for her to bear.

Becca was fixed to the manacles that hung from the wall, her wrist and anklebracelets were fixed so that she stood facing the wall, her arms pulled upand apart exposing the soft smoothness of her back. The jutting prominenceof her bottom cheeks was thrown into relief by the securing of her ankle ina widespread pose revealing to all present the soft fig of her sex.

The touch of the paddle startled her. Becca made a soft frightened noisein her throat as it was rubbed over her sore buttocks. Then it began. The pacewas slow initially but painful just the same.

The first six strokes were administered by one of the waiters whilst theother stood by the side to wait his turn. Each impact of the paddle pulleda muffled cry of agony from the bound slave. Her hips were knocked againstthe wall with every blow and her humiliation grew, as she knew it looked asif she were humping the wall.

James watched as the hard leather surface of the paddle smashed into thesoft yielding cheeks of Becca's bottom, raising six vivid red outlines of agonyover the upper part of her buttocks. On completion of his task, the waiterhanded the instrument to his colleague who, with similar precision proceededto slash the paddle across the lower cheeks of Becca's arse.

The upward direction of the strokes caused the jutting spheres to bounceand recoil on the impact of the leather paddle. The man had sufficient patienceto wait until Becca settled after each blow of the paddle, before he used thepaddle to smash into the reddening surface of her already badly marked bottomglobes.

The beating would have been extremely painful on unmarked flesh, but bearingin mind that Becca had already been caned earlier in the evening, the impactwas even greater. On completion of the allotted number of blows to her buttocks,the waiter handed the instrument to his fellow whip master. With barely a cursorysmoothing of the implement of torture down Becca's trembling thighs, the wickedleather was then brought swishing across her left thigh.

The experience of the waiter in administering corporal punishment was revealed,as he made sure that the last three inches impacted against the soft and ultratender surface of Becca's inner thigh, some three inches from her spread sexlips.

James sat enjoying his starter and watching the energetic actions of thetwo waiters as Becca was subjected to the beating he had prescribed. Afterthe waiter had placed another five red inflamed welts from knees to her cuntlips, he handed the paddle back to his fellow punishment master who proceededto lay another six vivid stripes of pain to Becca's right thigh, followingthe pattern set on the left thigh. Becca was then left with her buttocks andthighs glowing with the intense heat of her beating, whilst James finishedhis starter.

On completion of the beating a ripple of applause broke out in the restaurantas cries of 'Bravo' and 'Well Done' echoed in the ears of the waiters who hadacquitted themselves so well. No doubt that their tips from the clientele wouldshow an improvement as a result of the unexpected floor show.

Before calling for his main course, James stood up and, as his fellow dinerswaited in silent anticipation, he said. "I recall a suggestion from one ofmy fellow diners that Becca be whipped and, as I do not wish the waiters tofeel that they must exert themselves unduly, may I offer the pleasure of stripingthis slave's back with a cat-o-nine tails to that gentleman."

A burst of applause broke out amongst the occupants of the many tables asthe man who had made the suggestion stood up from his table. James noted thathe was a man of some fifty summers, about 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighingapproximately 170lbs. His face was rather flushed and his eyes glinted witheager anticipation at his forthcoming treat, whilst his close-cropped greyhair and a small grey moustache gave him a military appearance.

He was in fact Greg Shunter, William's father and he had lived in Brookdalewith his wife, Nora for the past 15 years. During his residence in Brookdalehe had seen the town grow and prosper as a result of it's somewhat unusualresidents.

Greg and Nora took an active role in the life of the community and, at thattime, had several slave girls including Julie who, at that moment was beingsubject to the sadistic activities of his son, under their control who hadelected for a 1-year period in service instead of jail sentences for minoroffences such as jay walking. He was wearing a lightweight beige suit, whichbulged somewhat around his middle, and, as he quickly removed his jacket, theonlookers could see a slight paunch hanging over his leather belt.

"That is mighty generous of you." Greg addressed James. "It is always a pleasureto show these slaves that orders are orders, and have to be obeyed."

James offered him the leather cat-o-nine tails from the selection of instrumentsand he accompanied Greg to where Becca was tightly tethered awaiting the nextinstalment of her punishment.

Becca strained to look over her shoulder as she heard her Master addressingthe crowd. She didn't know how to react to the offer being given to anotherMaster to perform the whipping. The waiters had seemed to be doing a good enoughjob, in her opinion. But as the man spoke, she knew to be a bit more afraid.He did not seem to be the gentle sort from the way he spoke.

As Greg stood swishing the instrument of pain before him, James made thefollowing announcement.

"Greg here has kindly agreed to assist the employees of this establishmentwith the disciplining of my slave Becca. Please proceed and do not spare thedisobedient wretch!!"

She felt shame more keenly as James proclaimed her a 'disobedient wretch'.Becca cried softly and hid her face between the wall and her tautly raisedarms. Her jaw was beginning to ache from the large ball held tightly betweenher teeth. She continued to whimper. She was definitely reflecting on her faultsand wished desperately she could go back in time and remove the plea for mercyfrom the slave chair. This punishment was strong and her lesson was learned.

They were behind her exposed back now; she could faintly hear the swish ofthe cat as the men spoke again. The sound changed suddenly and Becca knew itwas on its way to her back. She tried not to tense her body.

"I'll take great pleasure in showing the young lady the error of her waysand she should reflect on her faults as the whip stripes her back." Greg responded.Raising the cat-o-nine tails above his broad shoulder, he slashed it down makingthe wicked leather strips spread evenly across the smooth white surface ofBecca's quivering back. Greg saw with delight the set of red stripes of agonythat had been etched across the soft smooth surface.

Painful red hued strips of fiery pain seemed to leap to the surface explodeon her skin, and Becca jolted, pressing to the wall as her body withed andtwisted. Her throat worked to make a noise, but her breath was simply not there,for it was forced from her by the sheer pain and torment that spread throughher naked body. The patrons were thrilled by the display, as she began to almostdance but without moving.

A second lash fell, contacting heavily against her straining back. Freshstripes criss-crossed the first welts of pain. Becca desperately tried to screamthrough the ball, but the gag muffled the sound. Greg continued the whippingof the recaltriant woman, enjoying every second of punishing her soft skin.Her screams again began to fade to soft shuddering groans, coming through thegag that kept her from disturbing the patrons too much.

James was able to observe the other patrons enjoying the sight of Becca beingpunished and he and the audience revelled in the pain demonstrated by the muffledsobs of Becca's screams, as the whip cut across her shoulders, vivid weltsof agony burning across the sensitive skin. Her body thrust forward againstthe straps, as her face pressed against the hard wall surface and was thenthrown back as pain cut across the surface of her skin. Her breath was drivenfrom her body as she tried to absorb the severe blows.

The cat' o nine tails sliced into her back again, and again Becca cried intothe gag, as the wicked agony of the pain etched deep into the muscles of herback. Again the whip swished through the air and smacked against the middleof her writhing back, and then another stripe of pain ripped into the poorwoman. There followed another blow, and another, each tore at the marble whiteskin of her twitching back, raising red stripes of pain across the soft, whiteskin of Becca's flesh each cutting deep lines of agony and torment.

The vivid red welts of torture leapt up over the smooth white surface ofBecca's writhing back as James continued with his meal. As he considered therare nature of the steak on his plate, it reminded him of the state that Becca'sback would be in, on the completion of the 15 strokes of the cat 'o nine tails.

The whip drew back and this time the lashes cut into the soft flesh of Becca'sslim waist, leaving a ring of torment and pain around her body. Greg drew backhis arm again and let the whip find its mark as it again curled around herwaist, this time and the sharp ends of the leather cut deep into her abdomenlike the sting of a hundred scorpions. The other patrons in the restaurantapplauded Greg's skill in the use of the whip and James saw several of themclap their hands together at the artistry of the last blow.

Delighted at this opportunity to make use of his skill, Greg again sent thewhip slashing across the surface of Becca's back and watched with satisfactionas it cut into her armpit and slice into the side of her heaving breast globe.

Greg then moved to one side, and sent the whip slashing out with a backhandedmove, and it cut into Becca's ribs with its bite and striped her belly flesh.Greg then flashed the instrument of agony once more, and watched as the tipslice into the soft tissue of her other soft globe.

His next blows hit her back, and then Greg decided that he would again demonstratehis ability with the whip. As the sweat was coursing down Becca's naked flesh,Greg brought the whip around in a horizontal curve so that it swept aroundher ribs and the tip cut deeply into the nipple of her tit.

The whip again hit Becca's lower back and it coiled around her hip, the sharpleather strands snatching at her smooth skin leaving marks of pure agony inher flesh. Becca's muffled sobs were becoming even more piteous, as she beggedfor mercy into the gag. Again Greg visited the lash to her writhing torso tocut into her sensitive flesh once again and the audience was treated to thetorment of the poor woman as she attempted to absorb and control the sheertorture of her quivering body.

James observed, with mounting pleasure, the final blows to Becca's shudderingnakedness and, in the writhing and twisting of her naked body saw the piteousagony of a slave whose only reason for her existence was to demonstrate shewas a helpless female in severe and unrelenting pain. The sheer power of theemotion aroused in him a heady sensation of total control and supremacy inhis veins.

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I came out, dressed more normally: black slacks, holly green dress shirt, and a black tie with white snowflakes on it. Outside the door, stood our mystery woman. "Mr. Woodward, we've got to talk." The second I heard her mellow alto voice, I recognized her. It was Sister Theresa. Out of her habit and wimple, she looked like a completely different person. I hid my shock. "Certainly, Sister. Follow me." In addition to the ballroom, there were seven small rooms on the fifth floor. One is...

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Bs No Beatha

Jeremy Voss parted the bushes in front of him and pointed toward the tavern half a kilometer away. His friend looked at it, shook his head and retreated further into the thick brush lining the road. Jeremy followed, a frown creasing his brow. He looked down at his dark haired friend. "What's the matter, Scott? Don't we deserve a little rest and relaxation?" The shorter youth adjusted his beret and shrugged. "What if we get caught, Jer? You know how the Commandant feels about bothering...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Valentina Ricci Ania Kinski Cosplay Threesome

Valentina Ricci and Ania Kinski have decided to play dress-up today to bring your dirty cosplay fantasies to fruition. The black-haired sex goddesses are already dressed up as sexy wicked witches when Sam Bourne joins the Polish and Belgian bombshell for what is sure to be a kinky Saturday night. The busty babes have begun their naughty fun with some titty play, and while they fondle each other’s big tits we can’t help but find ourselves totally stiff. Join the threesome as things...

2 years ago
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Wills new home Part 6

Maggie quietly walked into the TV room and crouched down next to Will. Though Maggie wasn’t sexually attracted to Will, she couldn’t help but notice how much he had grown in the past month. He was sleeping shirtless, and she could see that he had developed muscle, his shoulders were broader, and he had a slight bit of arm and underarm hair. he had an adam’s apple now, but still had his boyish face. “Will, Will, Will-wake up” She said, quietly, shaking Will’s shoulder. “Wha-what?” Will asked,...

4 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 7 Rhonda WilsonChapter 4

Rhonda didn’t know what to do. She was mortified, and embarrassed. She thought about just leaving, but it was her house, and she didn’t have anywhere else to go. She looked around. He was gone, but he was coming back. He’d said he would be right back. She had no idea what he’d do then, but she was quite sure it would embarrass her. Why had he told her not to worry and then bragged about what a great time she’d have when he got back? She didn’t understand men, or how to act around them. She...

1 year ago
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Saali Ki Mast Chudai

Hi, I’m Rahul bansal from Ludhiana. I’m 5’9″ tall and muscular by body. Mera penis size 7″ hai and mujhe sexy shaadishuda lerkiyon ko chodne mein bohat maaza aata hai. Meri shaadi ko 6 months ho chuke hai and meri wife bohat hi ziyada sexy hai but uski badi behan toh qayamat hai saala dil karta hai usko sabhi ke saaamne chod du but main aisa nahi kar sakta tha.. Pehle main aapko apni saali Manju ke baare mein batata hu uske boobs round and uski figure bohat hi jyada sexy koi bhi ek baar dekh le...

1 year ago
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Lets Make a Deal

"That's it, you little cocksucker," I said to my kneeling, 15-year old stepdaughter. She began to bob her head up and down on my shaft all the faster. She knew it would only be a few more minutes, and then she would be free of her duty, at least for now. "Oh yessss, that's a good girl!" Back before I changed the rules on her, she would probably have been finished by now. In those days, I had allowed her to use her hands to stroke my dick while she sucked on the end. However, I soon...

4 years ago
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Total Woman Industries 02

The shiny new concept automobiles were on display. String bikinied models draped the vehicles, their surgically rounded boobs and butts receiving more consideration than the sleekly rounded hoods and fenders supporting them. One such model draped machine was the TWI Electric Car. It was a concept vehicle with the manufacturing still being organized. It boasted affordable energy efficiency thanks to its space age metal alloys. Total Woman Industries had locked up an economical source of rare...

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A fugging good lay

How many joints, you tell me! You tell me!!! We'd smoked a weak one, but the next one, shit, that set the world spinning alright! Wesley said that he wanted to fuck the arse off my wife and she looked shyly at me. I drawled, 'why not! Kerry has had the hots for you for over a year man!' So I got behind Kerry, supporting on the bed, playing wit her tits till her nipples stood bolt hard! She opened up her cunt to show Wesley and he stuck it in her bare! No sheath man. He stuck that meat right up...

3 years ago
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Mujburi employee keee

Hello ISS reader hay may aap logo ka ak new romantic story likh raha hoi yah kahni mara papa ke factory ma kam kar rha employee ke hai. Hamri steel ke factory hai humari factory ma ram chand naam ka men hamuri company ma supervisor hai us ke abhi mirage hue ko 1year hua hai us ke biwi sunder hai or bhoot innocent hai Ram Chand ke Wife ka naam mallu hai dekhna ma fair colour nipple gol thoda motta or height 5.6” or age 30 saal hai. Ram chand factory ma acchi tarh kam kartha tha par kuch month...

2 years ago
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My Wife turned into a BBC Prostitute5th part

Over the next couple of months Jamal had sent on average 2-3 black men to our home to fuck my wife. She made the two hour drive to see him on average twice a week. So she was getting fucked by BBC’s at least five times a week. Needless to say the only way I got any action was cleaning up after she was used by a BBC. My wife started dressing really sexy and would come back from her visits with Jamal with sexy outfits. I can’t say that I objected to that. She was started working out more...

1 year ago
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My daughter becomes my pet

The silver balls shined as I picked them up. For a few years now I’ve been lusting over my mother, and right now I have her silver balls that came straight from her pussy. I played with them in my hands, feeling her juices and smelling the toxic aroma of her pussy. “ Slut up to your room!” My mother and her mistress were home. Quickly tossing the balls back into there place, I then ran out of the room and hid. When I knew for she they were in the room, I peaked out and was lucky to see the...

1 year ago
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I Fucked My Generations

“Part One” Note: this story is completely fictional. Hello readers zeeshan here again. I am telling you a story of sex with my lovable, cute and lovely aunty. Her name is Sidra. she is a tall, handsome, good looking lady with nice big boobs(four times bigger than her age (as I guess)), long hairs going far below her ass, athletic body, nicely shaped ass, and a nice photogenic face. it is not wrong if I say she is a complete artistic creation of a white marble. She is basically a shy lady 18...

4 years ago
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Explode inside me

Part 1: I was alone all day watching tv. There was pretty much nothing for me to do. Getting up, I opened the window shades and the sun shined in. It looked like it would be a good day. I headed to my room and got dressed. I grabbed my phone, wallet, backpack and my gun and went to the front door. As I opened the door, I looked back and said "Today is going to be great".I walked outside feeling the weight in my stomach. The feeling you get when you are on a roller-coaster. I could feel the...

3 years ago
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Many years ago my daddy married this attractive blonde woman named Samantha she was cute had money and was really nice to me so I went to stay at her house for the weekend best choice ever I was 12 I wanted nice things and to be around nice people and she seemed ok to me one thing I didn't count on was she was married before and as a 12 year old wide eyed trusting c***d I didn't think much of it until I meet him Markuss a 14 year old who pissed me off he poked me annoyed me yelled screamed and...

1 year ago
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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 27

After dressing I walked out to take a piss. Later, when I found my spot, coffee appeared, and I started sipping and just enjoying the morning, but I got a notion I wouldn't be enjoying it long when I saw two women talking excitedly to Taachachi. My coffee mug and I headed that way. The gist of the story must have been finished by the time I reached them. I knew that it wasn't good news from the expression on Taachachi's face. "Dertot and Calmire have slipped away in the night, taking...

2 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 35 Failed

The Chief Eunuch broke the news to Maryam that the Emir now knew that she was not pregnant, but seemed undeterred by the news. He wanted to use all possible means to impregnate her. 'All possible means' sounded frightening, so she asked what means were being considered. Inwardly she remembered that for more than a year now a number of men had had free and unrestrained use of her body and she had not shown the slightest sign of becoming pregnant, even though a number of them had used the...

1 year ago
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Tushy Emily Willis Izzy Lush A Proper Good Bye

Kate and Jessica have a hot roommate, Jack. He’s been living with them for a year and they’ve often talked about how they wanted to fuck him. But him being in a relationship it became impossible. One day, he announces that he’ll be moving out of the country for a job. He also announces that his girlfriend will not be coming with him they’ve broken up. Kate and Jessica’s eyes light up and they look at each other. They rush to comfort him and one thing leads to...

4 years ago
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Forever Young

“What have I gotten myself into?” My palms were moist and my heart beat quickly. I knew what I was about to do was a mistake, but I sure didn’t have the brains to stop. Or rather, I had too much testosterone to make myself use my brains. “I actually told her my nickname, Fingers,” I thought with embarrassment. “What a fucking ass I am.” My college teammates had given me that nickname because of my really big hands and freakishly long fingers, which helped me snag passes that were behind me or...

Straight Sex
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Alternate universe

A parallel universe, also known as a parallel dimension, alternate universe or alternate reality, is a hypothetical self-contained plane of existence, co-existing with one's own. The sum of all potential parallel universes that constitute reality is often called a “multiverse". Uni Please Use the Variables (will be put up soon)

2 years ago
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Spiritual UnionChapter 9

I awoke to the sound of a cell phone ringing. That shook me for an instant. I didn't get reception here. Especially not the 1st floor down. It was quiet, but definitely there. I craned my neck to note the piles of clothes on the floor. One of them... It didn't seem right to immediately leap out of bed and hunt for it. Not with two beautiful women in bed with me. Two women I had just had... I had done it. A threesome. I'd dreamed about this for years, but every time I had tried before,...

4 years ago
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Annas Adventures Part 1

Anna tried to wipe the water running down her face off, but, it was no use. Her hands were soaked, her long copper hair was darkened and flattened with dripping water from the downpour.“This is bullshit.” She grumbled, her arms returning to the crossed state, just letting the rain come down. She had that sinking feeling that she was going to have to walk back today, her “friends” must have “forgotten” her. Again. All the cars were pulling out from the school lot, most of them packed with people...

3 years ago
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Summer Holiday Education pt7

I awoke in the morning to find myself lying in a spoons position behind my sis Mary. My nose nuzzled into her rich auburn hair, my chest against her back, my groin pressed in against her buttocks my stirring cock laying in the crease of her ass, the tops of my legs curved with the backs of hers, my feet a shadow of hers, we probably looked like Siamese twins welded together.   The smell of Mary’s clean hair and the soft feel of her skin was such a turn on, my cock now...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Judy Jolie 23109

Mike always thought his sister had a little fling going on with her personal trainer, Judy Jolie. But when she comes over to the house to hang out with his sister, Mike discovers that they’re actually just friends…AND she’s super hot! It’s oh-so convenient that Mike’s sister has to run off to help their grandma real quick, and that Judy has never ever seen a record played on a record player. She’s in luck, collecting records is Mike’s greatest hobby! He throws down some vinyl for her, and...

3 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 9 Expecting

-- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2005, FINALS WEEK -- "Dawn Evans?" came the confused voice on the other end of the line. "Yes. She's part of the ranch hand program," I replied. "Dawn ... Dawn ... Uhh ... Wait, you said Evans, right? We have a Marie Evans." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but explained patiently, "'Marie' is her middle name." The sounds of pages flipping were audible over the phone, and presently the guy who'd picked up the main telephone line returned. "Here...

4 years ago
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Asian Hotel Bi sex

Hotel Indochine française – Room 54I spent 6 months on a writing assignment in a bustling south east Asian capital staying at small boutique French colonial hotel. My comfortable room, located on a quiet third floor, was very secluded with a lounge, ensuite, a small study, a cool inner bed room, and a shady verandah, under a giant Tamarind tree over looking a sweeping view of the massive river, an esplanade and bustling street below. Next door was a service room stored with linen, fresh towels,...

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Best Friends ForeverChapter 8

Russell and I gave each other a look, with him nodding his head and breaking into a smile. A couple more green ideas occurred, taking almost thirty minutes to discuss. “Any more Ideas, Ricky?” Mr. Brin asked. I hesitated, but Rebecca squeezed my hand again. “Actually, Mr. Brin – I do. It’s regarding Chrome.” “Go ahead.” “I have never used it, but I don’t like the name, Chrome. It’s too suited for men, it’s like you are saying, ‘Ladies, find another browser called Pretty or Lacey.’” Mr....

1 year ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 85 Friends in High Places Friends Needing Help

Mark I admit to a moderate degree of over-confidence as Cindy and I strode into the large conference room, followed by my financial colleagues from Worthington Industries. We were identified as WI on the ‘Big Board, ‘ the trading exchange that only the best stocks appeared on. I would be in control of this situation from the get-go. My goal was to have every financial analyst in the earnings report meeting walk away at the end of the day believing that Worthington Industries was one of the...

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The Weekend0

Friday-Alex. My parents were out of town for the weekend, three days of pure freedom and bliss. Everyone expects you to run a big ass party when you are home alone for the weekend, but let’s face it, sometimes chilling home alone is even better. It was a warm June weekend, sunny, not a cloud in sight. I was laying in my bed, looking out of the window and planning the day ahead. It was a perfect day to use the backyard pool; swim, get tanned and relax. I thought about it for a minute. Maybe...

4 years ago
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Misplaced In Space An Untold Story From The Logs Of The Jupiter 2

This story came to me just before the current poll. My thanks to the mighty Eric for his encouragement, and several excellent dialogue suggestions! Misplaced In Space: An Untold Story From The Logs Of The Jupiter 2 As told by the 'other' stowaway, Caleb Jones, whom they never found... Last week, the crew of the Jupiter 2 went on an exploratory adventure in search of food to replenish their kitchen's meager resources. When they returned to the intergalactic vessel they now...

3 years ago
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Sophie Becomes a Movie Star 2

Heres part 2 of Little Sophies story. Again I absolutely do NOT condone child abuse of any kind and anyone who gets off on it is a sick bastard. ,) Enjoy! I stared at her for a moment, not saying anything. She looked at me with those beautiful eyes, searching in mine for something. Compassion, mercy, hope. None of which she would find. With my eyes still glued on her, I unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down a little. I watched her every movement, anticipating her reactions. She glanced...

2 years ago
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Her Buring Desire

Every art classroom I've ever been in smells the same: the pungent, intoxicating aroma of tempera and acrylic paints; the dry, woody perfume of construction paper; the acrid bite of paint thinner combined with old-building staples like dust and black mold. Mr. Thompson's room is no different, though I can recognize the distinct scent of coffee wafting out from his office where he reclines in his creaky, ragged desk chair, scribbling grades into a tattered binder. I long to be back there with...

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