The Devil's DiscipleChapter 11A: Friday February 11: Anne - Free At Last free porn video

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Nathaniel Bristoll pushed his way through the small gap between the side fence and the beaten up old Volvo in the driveway.

'Has he done anything since that business with the Braithwaite girl?'

'No little brother he hasn't. It's been almost three weeks since that experience and he's gone so far as changing the course of his jogging in an attempt to avoid her. Naturally the change was an attempt to avoid further temptation, and it may have succeeded if he hadn't been at work when a certain lady, who just happens to be a regular customer at his uncles garage where he works, just happened to call in.'

'Did you have anything to... ?'

'Not this time little brother, it was purely coincidence, and a timely one at that. Though even that may not have been enough if a young girl who was obviously her daughter hadn't been with her at the time. She really is rather pretty this girl, you know much as I hate the little bastard he certainly does know good stock when he sees it, as you'll find out presently.

'He was hooked as soon as he saw her. With her long impeccably groomed jet black hair, a complexion deeply tanned and blemish free and a figure so exquisite it made him forget his good intentions and make her his next target.

'Since that visit he'd managed to find out that her father left at nine in the morning and arrived home after eight at night, that her mother left home at around five in the afternoon and that the daughter went to university. Aside from that all he really knows about them is their name, Donovan, and where they live. Anything else about the family was difficult to find out without making his continual appearance in the girl's neighbourhood too obvious.

'Then it occurred to him about the phone as a way of finding out because her number would be on the computer, but he didn't go through with it at first because he was really sure he didn't want to do it and attempted to talk himself out of it. He even tried to tell himself that he couldn't talk to a girl over the phone, that he wouldn't know what to say.

'They say though that if you're desperate enough you'll find a way, and after a couple of days convincing himself they couldn't catch him over one phone call he was able, finally, to work up the courage. Then having made the decision he purposely picked a time when he knew both parents would be out and dialled the number. I'll even quote the conversation.

'He placed a thin piece of tissue over the mouthpiece and spoke slowly and succinctly. "Hello is this Mrs. Donovan?" That's how he started off. "No it isn't. may I ask who this is?" came the cultured response from the daughter.

'That impressed him, the silky-smooth voice seemed to ooze confidence and style. To him it seemed the perfect compliment to her looks and made him more certain than ever that she was involved in some kind of part-time modelling outside of her studies. The tone of her voice almost scared him off, but having got that far he persisted. "I'm ringing on behalf of a retail group and I wonder if you could spare me a few minutes of your valuable time to answer a few questions?" Was his next line as he tried to keep his voice calm and himself composed. "I might if you could furnish some details," said the daughter. "My employers are thinking of opening a video store in your area and they would like to find out a little about the sort of demand there's likely to be from people like yourself, Miss... er... Donovan," responded Bristoll. "Well I do have some studying to do but I guess I can spare a few minutes. I mean we certainly do need one in the area," was the girl's reply.

'He'd chosen well I have to admit that. The only video store was on the farthest side of town and any suggestion of one opening up a little closer was bound to bring a positive response. Five minutes into the conversation I sensed the inevitable. She had grown on him, delighted him with her well-spoken precise English and from that moment he was hooked.

'He's thinking about her now Winston, thinking about that smooth voice, as soothing as a cool breeze on a hot summer's day, and matching it to the figure he remembers so well. But he's well prepared, that's why he's up and about early looking for other likely targets, just in case this Donovan girl proves too difficult to manage.'

I still found this business hard to believe, found it hard to come to terms with the fact that I was watching Nathaniel Bristoll from the comfort of my own bed. Even harder to get used to was the knowledge that I would continue to hear every word that was said.

I watched Bristoll put a tape in his walkman and fasten the cover securely against the summer rain. Then he ran for a good fifteen minutes until he reached a football oval on the other end of town and a track around which he jogged until Anne, who was coming up behind him, began to run slightly faster in an endeavour to catch up with him. It was then that a thought suddenly occurred to me. 'I just realised this Bristoll lives around the corner from where Anne used to live, is it possible they could know each other by sight?'

'Absolutely out of the question, I guarantee it.'

"Do you mind if I join you? I hate running alone," said Anne holding out her hand as she jogged alongside.

"Nathaniel... er... Nathaniel Bristoll," he responded as he took her hand.

"My names Susan Dixon."

For the purpose of the exercise my brother and I had decided that would be her name and that where necessary Morrie Dixon and his wife Julie would play the part of her parents.

They began running and as they did so I saw Bristoll hang back maybe a half a step so that he could check out her bottom in the tight navy blue shorts she was wearing. She knew of course that he would be checking her out as Colin had me forewarn her of that fact.

I checked her out at the same time Bristoll did. Her fresh tanned complexion was complimented by her perfectly groomed blonde hair tied in a ponytail. With her slightly flattened nose accentuated by the roundness of her cheeks and a beaming smile she was pretty enough to make any fellow look twice, especially someone like Bristoll, or so my brother and I hoped. Then again there was what she was wearing, those navy blue shorts and the matching top of her, as I had found out recently, beloved 'Navy Blues'. (Nickname of AFL [Australian Football League] team Carlton located in Melbourne).

Then I realised something extraordinary. With all of the men that had fucked Anne I was jealous of this perverted bastard getting his grubby paws on her. 'Is this really necessary?' I asked feeling slightly aggrieved. 'Isn't there another way?'

'Maybe, maybe not. But you'll never know. You'd do well to think about whether you'd even have a girlfriend to be jealous of if it wasn't for me.'

'Okay, okay, I get the fucking point!' I thought irritably. Then I turned my attention back to Bristoll. He was still looking Anne over, he still looked as though he was mentally undressing her. 'But you could at least tell me what he's thinking.'

'How simple life would be if he could have a girlfriend like her.'

'I know exactly what he means.' It occurred to me that Bristoll was attempting something like normal conversation, a task which, from what little I was able to gather from his behaviour on that Monday night almost three weeks ago, he would have found difficult at best, so I decided to concentrate on what he was saying to Anne.

Bristoll was attempting a smile while he spoke with a slow deliberation as he tried his very best to minimise the stammering his nervous disposition had created. "I think it's me that should be asking that question... er... Susan. I mean girl's like you just don't... What I mean is it... er... it should be me that asks you if you'd mind me running with you."

Anne smiled. She was playing her part beautifully. "Well Nathaniel, I seemed to remember that it was my idea." She looked down at what she was wearing and laughed. "Mum gets worried, she says that with Melbourne being the way it is these days and with all these gangs of boys around that I'm asking for trouble being dressed like this, that even though it's just showing off what Mother Nature generously bestowed on me I might be encouraging some horrible boys to, well you know... I mean you know what these nasty gangs have been doing to girls recently. What do you think?"

"I think she has a point, you never know who you're likely to meet these days."

"Oh you can talk Nathaniel, the way you were staring at my bottom." She tried to sound serious, began laughing and was soon helplessly out of control. All in all if I didn't know this was a deliberate act she would certainly have fooled me.

'You know Anne is really good, she has him hooked beautifully. Not that that was ever going to be a major problem. He simply can't help but fall for her, I mean you don't have to worry about his intentions, as far as Anne is concerned they're entirely honourable. In fact when it comes down to the business she'll probably have to act really well to make him do anything. It's not that he doesn't want to but he's afraid to in case he offends her. All in all little brother I'd say that things are going splendidly, the one thing we need to take place seems to be happening without my needing to interfere, and that's for Bristoll to fall in love with her.'

Anne took his hand as though it was the most natural thing in the world. "Nathaniel I need to tell you something."

"Would you PLEASE call me Nathan, my parents used to call me Nathaniel."

She stopped smiling momentarily. "You said 'used to', don't you see your parents... ?"

"They're dead!"

Anne's expression changed to one of sadness and regret as she covered her face with her hands. My brother was right she was a natural, her reaction was instantaneous to whatever he said. "Oh Nathan I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I don't know what to say."

He took her hands away and held them in his own. "Say nothing, it's all perfectly simple really. I hated them and they hated me!"

She moved a little closer. "Oh Nathan, surely you can't mean that."

"I mean every word Susan. I'm better off and so are they."

The bitterness of that last remark had a clear effect on Anne despite her vague knowledge of the story as I'd told it to her.

She remained silent as Bristoll looked at her. "Some day if we're still together I might tell you the whole story."

She smiled again and pulled him even closer, close enough to put her arms around him. "That's what my confession is." She looked up at him and broke into a huge grin. "I made the first move because, well, I might never have got to see you again and you were in front of me and couldn't see me and well... you know..."

'If she didn't have him before little brother she's certainly got him now. Even though his hopes just continue to build he's thinking that he couldn't be so lucky. That even after his parents, his aunt and uncle and all of the setbacks he's experienced in life he couldn't be so fortunate.'

"I don't know what to say," said Bristoll.

"Don't say anything, just run with me."

He didn't and he did! They ran two laps of the oval, exited and slowly jogged to the market where Anne had parked the van.

'This should be interesting Winston. Anne's practically told Bristoll that she wants to go out with him, but I doubt it'll make any difference, his lack of expertise with girls will prevent him from doing what most other fellows take for granted. You know if it's possible he's had even less success at asking girls out than you have little brother. Now while that's perfectly understandable where you're concerned little brother, it is something of an anomaly for someone with his looks and physique. Not that he's asked many mind you, I mean he's barely managed a half-decent conversation with more than a couple in his whole life.

'Just listen to this little brother, for someone like Bristoll asking this question scares the hell out of him. But then he's only asking because the thought of what will happen if he doesn't, and the thought of never seeing her again scares him even more.'

I listened curiously to how Bristoll asked the question. "I don't suppose that you would... that you could... ? I mean Susan would you go out with me?" He went a deep colour of red but from his point of view at least the question was asked.

"Of course I will, you silly... I mean I came on to you didn't I." Anne's reply was perfect, it had just the right amount of quiet strength in it.

True to the script, and after a couple of moments of hesitation, Anne moved towards him. "Come here!" Once Bristoll moved closer she took his hands and pulled him near enough so she could get her arms around him. "How about we go out Sunday night?"

He couldn't help but grin broadly, his expression radiating the excitement he was feeling. "No! Oh God no. You mean you'll... ? You mean we're... ?" He couldn't finish either statement he was so excited.

She gave him a peck on the lips. "Of course I will silly." Then she kissed him again. "Where do you want to meet? What do you want to do?"

"Well we could have dinner. Maybe we could then go to the pictures and afterwards maybe we could go to Madison's nightclub afterwards for a drink and maybe some dancing. I mean I'm not that much of a dancer but I would try." He stopped suddenly and looked at Anne his nerves returning. "Of course If you have something else you'd like to do..." He left the rest unsaid waiting to see if Anne would offer any suggestions of her own.

'You know the bastard's really enjoying himself little brother, enjoying the feeling of having Anne in his arms. He's resisting the temptation to move his hands the short distance down to her bottom even though he's dying to, especially after seeing her sexy bottom in those shorts she's wearing. Don't worry though, he has enough self-control not to do it, and anyway even if he did it maul Anne's bottom with his hands it would be a small price to pay for the long term benefits that'll come our way.'

Anne shook her head so Bristoll continued. "Of course I will pick you up from your door."

'You know little brother this sonofabitch will have me in tears in a minute. He's telling himself not to be a fool, that this maybe his last chance for a normal relationship.'

"That might be a trifle difficult Nathan unless you have your own transport," replied Anne, "so I'll have to meet you. Which restaurant did you have in mind?"

"Well I guess that depends on what sort of food you'd like. I was thinking of Kontiki's Steakhouse near the mall. One of the mechanics from the garage where I work mentioned taking his girlfriend there once. He said the food was fantastic. Of course if you'd..."

"No Nathan that sounds good to me. There's nothing I like better than a nice juicy medium-rare steak. As for the pictures, can we go and see 'Million Dollar Baby'? Please!" When Bristoll nodded Anne continued enthusiastically. "And Madison's sounds great, the atmosphere and the lighting means you can be a little bit naughty and get away with it."

I caught the expression on his face, his imagination was obviously leading him to places, to situations he clearly didn't want to voice out loud.

'Well of course it is Fred. Now I might not have any fondness for the bastard but I can understand his reactions to that last statement. And yes, he is thinking that Madison's would be the appropriate place to... er... shall we say take further inventory of her delightful physique.'

"Now as for meeting you Susan. I'll pick you up in a taxi from your front door and I will not take no for an answer because tomorrow night is special. I don't think there is any more to say."

"Except the time. I think six-thirty would give you time to meet my folks don't you?"

Bristoll smiled and nodded his head. Anne gave him her — our — address and one final lingering kiss before she was in the van and off along Chesterfield Highway.

Same as The Devil's Disciple
Chapter 11A: Friday February 11: Anne - Free At Last Videos

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I must have fallen right to sleep. I had a wonderful dream about being caught sneaking through the boy's locker room naked. They laid me down on a bench and all the boys in that period's gym class got to fuck me. They all had magnificent big cocks and I climaxed over and over again as each boy came deep inside me. After they were all done with me they left me lying on the bench with gallons of cum oozing out of my thoroughly used pussy so the next class could take a turn at me. This went on...

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GreeniesChapter 11A

MPG Base, Eden July 24, 2146 The office of Major Frank Jorgenson overlooked the flight line. Down below, on the floor, ground crews were busy doing pre-flight inspections on a group of Mosquitoes that would soon be launched on a training mission. Up above, Jorgenson himself, commander of the 27th Attack squadron, was sitting behind his small desk, his Internet terminal showing a screen saver of vaguely pornographic images. Standing before the desk, dressed in his uniform shorts and T-shirt,...

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Sex Ed 1021Chapter 11A Cherry Picking Time Part 1

The days went by so fast and it was Wednesday morning already. I called the restaurant and asked if the had birthday cakes? She said yes and asked if I would like to make a reservation? I said yes, for 3 and gave her my name. Did my morning chores and took a shower. A long shower making sure the Woody was really clean. I did not want too be horny to night. Got dressed and went shopping for my "Guests". I stopped by the jewelry store at the mall and picked out two "Friendship rings" with...

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Mind Controlled Janice Pt 11a

There was an audience sat watching her; Brian, Ginger, Peter, about twenty five students from Springbank, neighbours Lucy, Yvonne and Andrea. Lucy was naked having already performed her strip on stage. Brian had made Janice, Andrea and Lucy lose their inhibitions, all while they were conscious of what they were doing, but unable to stop themselves, performing whatever Brian ordered. No act of perversions the women were forced to perform were taboo. Janice was his latest conquest due to mind...

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Lilith a Devils Revenge

Lilith had made it to her destination. The church where she had grown up. She walked up the stone steps that looked exactly the way she remembered them. It was around midnight when she knocked on the door. She struck a pose with one delicate hand on her hip, jutting the other hip out and leaned most of her little wieght on one of her long shapley legs.  A young student, wearing exactly what she wore, answered the door to see who it was. She gasped seeing the red skinned woman with black...

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Chatting with AnneMal

Chat Night Guest: Anne-Mal On Thursday September 16, 1999 6PM PST Edited by Julie Anne-Mal can be e-mailed at: [email protected] (*Julie) The log is now open. (Bashful) Is hubby going to be here Anne? Editor's note-See the ending to MAER. - Anne just left. (Anne-Mal) Anne? This is deja vu! + Anne-Phorcy has arrived. (Anne-Phorcy) (One too many Anne's!) ;) (Anne-Mal) There are never enough Anne's! (Bashful) Yes there are, some times one is too many! I loved...

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“Anne” Anne rested her elbows on the dinning room table, with her head resting in cupped hands, mother had been arguing for what seemed hours, these petty arguments were getting her down. It seemed that they started whenever she returned from college. Still it was all over now, she’d just the wait before university. Her parents could still be heard in the library, it seemed as if the argument would...

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Awkward Anne Chapter 3

Anne couldn't remember the dream she was having, other then it was one of the best of her life and had left her feeling warm and at peace. As she lay with her eyes closed and her head still resting on Kevin's chest, she took comfort in the feeling of his body pressed against hers and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Still, there was something in the back of her mind that felt a little off...something that wasn't quite right. Anne closed her eyes tighter and snuggled closer to her...

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Awkward Anne Chapter 3 reupload

Anne couldn't remember the dream she was having, other then it was one of the best of her life and had left her feeling warm and at peace. As she lay with her eyes closed and her head still resting on Kevin's chest, she took comfort in the feeling of his body pressed against hers and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Still, there was something in the back of her mind that felt a little off...something that wasn't quite right. Anne closed her eyes tighter and snuggled closer to her...

1 year ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 32 Annes Thanksgiving

I drove home on Wednesday afternoon; cut my history class. The weather was cold, gray, but no snow yet. It was good to come home. Mom was making supper in a t-shirt when I came in the door. I hugged her and hugged her and rubbed her ass. Frank and Ralph were there, too. And Dad. It felt so good to hug him again. We all talked thirteen to the dozen through supper and a long time after. Frank told us about his work at school, his engineering drawings and such. Ralph showed me his latest...

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Darmanian The Becoming Anne

The following story is written from different points of view of the various characters. To find out what happened to a different character check out their story on my profile (when written). IntroductionJohn is a 52 year old man living in Newcastle in the UK. He resides with his wife of 12 years, Anne 43 years old, her daughter Saria who has just turned 18, and his son Daniel who is 19. They belong to a little known religion called Darmanian which has a few churches around the country, although...

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Awkward Anne Chpater 2

Anne's large, brown eyes creaked open, blinking through the early morning sun that was shining unpleasantly into her face. She groaned, arched herself into a languid, feline stretch and began untangling herself from her twisted bed sheets. The flowing, overlarge Batman shirt had ridden up past her waist, exposing her small, bare ass to the new day. The shorts she had been wearing the previous night were drying on the closet doorknob next to her plaid pajama pants; she smiled devilishly...

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Anne Makes the Grade Chapter 3

“Ok. Start from the beginning,” Jessica said as they walked to school. “It’d take too long. I won’t get half – way through before we get there.” “Come ON. Please.” “Jess, COME on. Do you really want to spend the day in damp panties?” “Fine. I’ll just take them off.” She handed Anne her books and started to lift her skirt. “What are you DOING ? Stop. Someone will see.” “Don’t worry I’ll put them back on when we get there.” Her skirt rose high enough for a hint of panty to be visible. She...

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Awkward Anne

Anne was just about to cum when she heard the basement door creak open. With quick, calm motions practiced over years of concealing similar close calls; she removed her hand from her worn, plaid pajama pants and casually placed it on her thigh in order to discreetly wipe away the glistening wetness that was coating her fingers. The dark, glossy marks camouflaged well with the fabric's pattern and were no more noticeable then any of the other myriad stains that preceded it. Thankfully...

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7 Mrs Wild Anne Big Jugs

Anne was putting her bag together for her overnight stay that she had arranged with Jason. She smiled at the thought, as that was how they first started their affair, around eighteen months ago.She thought back to that time.*Eighteen months agoAnne had been married to Neil for a few years following a tough divorce; in fact, Neil had been married before too.Paula was Anne’s best friend, and they grew closer following Paula’s divorce, which was just as tough and involved two teenage children as...

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Anne 1824

                     Anne     Melting snow mixed with her  tears, as Thomas said hislast words to Anne.  "My dear, you are in the best possible hands. For as long as you live, my bank will send money for yourmaintenance.  You will be well cared for.  The Aston Asylum isone of the finest and most progressive in all of Britain.  Dr. Astonis both a doctor of divinity and a physician, a noted alienist whoassures me you will have the best treatments known to medicalscience.  Good bye, now.  Most...

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Anne and Sandy

Anne and Sandy By Karen Flynn [email protected] I was 16 almost 17 years old and I was on top of the world. I had my own apartment and a beautiful 19-year-old girl friend. I had just finished my after-school job and it was Friday evening. Anne was on her way over she had called me at work and told me she had a surprise for me. I couldn't wait because Anne's surprises tended to be quite erotic in nature. When she arrived she was wearing a short little black dress that showed off...

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8 Mrs Wild Anne Hotel Meat

Anne checked into the hotel. She and Jason hadn’t stayed here for a few months now, but it was a nice hotel, cheap and in a good location.Jason couldn’t sleep over, but they would still get a few hours together. In a way Anne felt lucky, as her company was paying for this hotel. She had a training session in the morning, and the venue was deemed to be too far away.Jason had told Paula he was late back as he was meeting up with some old friends.This was how they had been for eighteen months now,...

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8 Mrs Wild Anne Hotel Meet

Anne checked into the hotel. She and Jason hadn’t stayed here for a few months now, but it was a nice hotel, cheap and in a good location.Jason couldn’t sleep over, but they would still get a few hours together. In a way Anne felt lucky, as her company was paying for this hotel. She had a training session in the morning, and the venue was deemed to be too far away.Jason had told Paula he was late back as he was meeting up with some old friends.This was how they had been for eighteen months now,...

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The Change in AnneChapter 2

While they were having coffee, Anne had another request for her friend: “Gavin, I was wondering, since we’ve got to wait several weeks for my passport, do you think that you could help me brighten up my place like yours? It’s pretty much how it was when James and I moved in, and although we talked about it we never got around to changing any of the décor.” “Well, I’ve never tried hanging wallpaper, but I’ve had a fair bit of experience with paintbrushes and rollers ... so, sure, when do you...

2 years ago
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Tim Learns To Share His Wife Anne

It’s the 1970’s. Tim and Anne were dating in high school. Anne was so cute and beautiful. The boys also pursued her. She would meet the boys over in a ditch by the railroad tracks acrossed from the school at lunch time. The k**s would smoke cigarettes passing them around. Anne would let the boys rub her nipples or finger fuck her. Eventually she would get so stimulated she would do blowjobs. Anne loved the attention, the sexual stimulations and cocks.After graduation from high school, Anne and...

4 years ago
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Educating AnneChapter 3

Anne looked in astonishment through the open door at the huge room beyond. It was so big, she could not see the far wall. Low-ceilinged, hung with silks and lanterns, a pall of smoke was shifting lazily around, propelled by massive slow-moving ceiling fans. And the room was packed. There were no tables or chairs. Everyone was standing, or sitting in little groups on brightly-coloured rugs. All along the right-hand wall stretched a bar counter, where the crowds were five or six deep, and a...

1 year ago
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James Is Stunned How Anne Has More Lovers

James knew and agreed in writing when he married Anne .It's the 1970's. "Sexual freedom" "Women's Lib." He signed an agreement to share her with other men. She has an overactive libido. She had sex with boys in grade school and high school, and college. Recently while he was gone for a few days, he learned that Anne and her friend Carol had fucked a lot of guys. James and Anne have been married 2 years. They dated in college. Both are in their early twenties. Anne was always honest with James...

3 years ago
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Educating Anne Ch 5

Kate and Anne walked leisurely down the surprisingly busy main street. For a small island town, Vicerona had a busy, cosmopolitan feel to it. They had dined very well at a seafood restaurant, and had even tracked down a cyber-café, where they had both managed to e-mail home. Throughout dinner, Anne had continued to be intrigued by Anne’s remark about wanting her to meet someone, but hadn’t pressed her for further explanation. It was while they were having their post-meal liqueurs that Anne...

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Educating Anne Ch 6

The man tipped the bottle sharply and the wine flooded into Anne’s mouth. As it hit the back of her throat, she choked, and coughed, and the wine spilled over her chin and down on to her shirt. She grabbed the neck of the bottle and pulled it away from her mouth – but the big man held it tipped downwards and watched as it slowly emptied its contents over Anne’s white shirt. The red stain spread across the girl’s chest, turning the shirt transparent, and outlining, first, the shape of her...

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My life with Anne Part 1

The first time Anne and I met the attraction between us was instant. We were both in a meeting a work. She was wearing a grey pants suit, white blouse and low shoes and grey socks. I was quite taken by her; she was about my height and not that much in the way of curves or breasts for that matter and had a vaguely masculine look about her. When I first saw her I was so aroused by her, I was quite surprised at the degree of that arousal, I also reckoned that she was a lesbian and that she...

4 years ago
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Sally Anne was Naughty

Number 22 of a series of individual stories. Sally Anne was Naughty by SONIA e-mail [email protected] Please send comments!!! Chapter 1 - The Invitation My wonderful wife Sally Anne and I have had various adventures when I have dressed in lingerie or fully as a woman. I always let Sally Anne dictate how and when I dressed up. We were extremely happily married although Sally Anne has some slight lesbian interests. She generally satisfied these needs by dressing me...

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Anne And George Go Camping In France

Anne and George were an ordinary middle-aged couple who had reached the stage in their lives when they had the time and freedom to indulge themselves for the first time since the earliest years of their courtship. Over their thirty years of married ,life they had concentrated on building a stable and loving home for their three children and had sacrificed their own freedom of action to provide them with the best possible start in life. However, now that their children had left home, they...


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